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Jared Kushner is literally running the entire Administration

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Jared Kushner is literally running the entire Administration.


Trump has completely lost control of the White House.
all of our secrets are literally accessible to israel right now.

>Netanyahu saying he knew Kushner since he was a kid

i don't know how the fuck this isn't alarming in the modern age. people would lose their fucking shit if ANY other nation's leader said that of someone so deeply involved with our affairs.
What qualifications does this fucker have?
He's a Jew whose dad lobbied with the right politicians.
he has the evil jew eyes. Kek.
he's a chosen. did you never see the Omen trilogy?
Wait he has a personal relationship with Netanyahu too? We are so fucked.
In 2003, Kushner graduated cum laude from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts degree[20][21] in government.[22]
In 2007, Kushner graduated from New York University where he earned a J.D. and an M.B.A.;[25]

So basically, he has an MBA and literally 0 (zero) experience in politics, diplomacy, or international affairs.
>Right wing
The Kushner family have historically been HUUUUUGE supporters of the Democrat party. Also supporters of Bibi's party in Israel.
>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is so close with Jared Kushner's family that he once
>'There is no greater supporter of the Jewish people and the Jewish state than President
slept in Kushner's childhood bedroom

Fuck. If Putin said this everybody would lose their shit.
yep, Netanyahu said during the joint press conference with Trump that he knew Kushner since "he was just little." this whole Syrian thing, it's a much bigger deal than people are saying, because Kushner is clearly a zionist, and he's going to push Trump in that direction to do what's good for them in the middle east.

and we all know that Trump, for all his good qualities, DOES legitimately like good goy trinkets from the tribe.
No, not right wing. His father donated to the Clintons.
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And with Rupert Murdoch, who with Jacob Rothschild has invested in Genie Energy, which has access to the Golan Heights in Syria.


and has job because he's fucking president's daughter.

This is just too much.

Should be called the Kikehouse, amirite?
Here's a slice from Kushner's lawyer's wiki
>Gorelick represented Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of Donald Trump, as he considered a possible role in the White House. She had advised Kushner, who has sprawling financial interests in a multi-billion-dollar global real estate empire, on how he might comply with federal ethics and anti-nepotism laws. She has argued that although officials leading federal agencies are barred from hiring relatives, the White House is not an agency and thus exempt.[18] Gorelick argued that if Kushner forgoes a White House salary, he would not be bound by federal nepotism rules.[19] Though Kushner has no experience in government or public policy, Trump directed that during his Presidential transition all foreign-policy matters be relayed through Kushner. Kushner participated in meetings between Trump and foreign heads of state while continuing to run the Kushner Companies.[20]

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>hey man, what's your major?
I knew we had a problem when my media-slurping mom said she thought that he and Ivanka made a nice respectable couple. She dislikes Trump.
>Ever trusting a Choosenite

Jews only do something if it benefits themselves or other Jews, never for Goyim.
he has a job because he's a jew
he fucks the president's daughter because he's a jew
>Genie Energy's strategy board

>Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE
Chairman of the J. Rothschild group of companies and of RIT Capital Partners plc. Chairman of Five Arrows Limited. Lord Rothschold is a noted philanthropist and Chairman of the Rothschild Foundation.

>Richard Cheney
46th Vice President of the United States. Vice President Cheney also served as President and CEO of Halliburton Company and U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.

>Rupert Murdoch
Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest diversified media companies. News Corporation’s holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company, the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six continents.
>all foreign-policy matters be relayed through Kushner
>Kushner participated in meetings between Trump and foreign heads of state
Even Russia donated to the Clintons.
Daddies money and nepotism. He's the new Trudeau in that regard.
It almost seems like Trump is making an effort in grooming him into becoming a politician.
So did he, personally, as well as other faggot democrats. Trump is garbage. We made a mistake.
Well the election was a fun LARP, lads. Pretending not to be blackpilled about the entire farce gave me some good times.
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Just anudda coincidence goyim!
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the kikery gets more and more extensive. is there any movement to get rid of him yet?
i suspect there's going to be a huge corruption scandal that comes out at some point, involving Jew Kushner, his global real estate empire, and Israel.

all the ingredients are there, and Trump maybe actually is just a fucking idiot if he can't see that.

>Melania's apparent admiration for Michelle Obama isn't the only indication that some members of Trump's family view both the current president and the current Democratic nominee favorably. (Trump, of course, has his own history of being friendly with Democrats.)

>Per OpenSecrets.org, the following members of Trump's immediate family have donated the following amounts to Hillary Clinton and PACs associated with her:

Melania Trump: $6,100
Donald Trump Jr.: $6,100
Ivanka Trump: $4,400
Jared Kushner (Ivanka Trump's husband): $10,000

>While those four individuals have also given to Republican figures, that's a total of $26,600 for Hillary, given as late as 2007. There's also the matter of the newspaper Jared Kushner owns, the New York Observer, having endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 over John McCain, praising the then-Illinois senator's commitment to "the power of ideas, ethics and decency."

>Kushner also has his own long history of Democratic giving, in addition to the Hillary donation noted above, to figures such as senators and former senators Cory Booker, Joe Lieberman, Chuck Schumer, Jon Corzine, and Bob Menendez. (Kushner is even listed as having given $1,000 to then–New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg in 1992, when he would have been 11 years old.) The Observer's endorsements have since tilted right—it went for Mitt Romney in 2012 and this year was a no-brainer—but Kushner gave $20,000 to two Democratic groups as recently as 2014.
At least it's 4d chess.
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>Trump has completely lost control of the White House.

Thanks for the news, dood.
Besides a twitter hashtag, nothing thus far.

Trump is fully aware of he corruption, and he is actively playing a part of it.
>Trusting a billionaire in (((real estate))) boomer from New York
As a Jew, I approve.
the only thing i'm afraid of is conservatives being lulled into another sleep for eight years, diligently supporting everything Trump does, just like they did Bush.

right now our interests may overlap with HillShills, but i rather the Trump base alert themselves to the stench of bullshit being wrought by Kushner and other Jews in the administration, than blindly accept everything he does.
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>trump listens to a soros shill
>attacks Assad
I am getting tired of seeing his face. Why is Trump's family involved so much?
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>modern orthodox
he fucked invanka
His dad paid his way into Harvard
>“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former official at The Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey, told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not.”
I distinctly remember /pol/ saying trump wasn't a Jewish pawn.
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So, people who are the president:
>the entire pentagon
>Ronald Reagen's ghost
>other VIPs as confirmed by Mark Cernovich's anonymous sources.
people who are aren't the president:
Who else am I missing
He thought democrats cared about their Zionist shit. Clinton's are good at taking Jew gold.
the difference is that Trump thinks very highly of Kushner, and Kushner is the father of his grandchildren and fucking his daughter. and what Kushner wants isn't necessarily opposed by what Trump wants.

Kushner is an actual threat.
Funny isn't it.
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Barron and Pence
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You knew about his kike kids from day one /pol/. Yet you keep shilling for him. Only person to blame is yourself.
You wut m8?
>jews getting caught for corruption
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Kushner is a smug faggot who thought he could surpass Bannon, but fucked up in a way that can't be undone. Healthcare laws can be rewritten, legislature takes time we're fine with that, but a fucking missile strike? We arn't accepting that shit

Goldman Sachs
Fake quote.
I still think trump is baiting foreign actors such as the jews into giving him a cassius belli

the only significant tngs I see there are the criminal justice system and the revamp of the federal government. even then, that's FAR from the most significant task. cutting the budget, even if you eliminated 100% of it, would still only reduce expenditure by around 20%. the majority of the budget is 'unreformable' a because it is called 'spending' not 'the budget' and isn't being tackled by kushner.

by far the most important task is the purging of obama loyalists from ALL federal agencies, ending immigration, and making sure a democrat can never get elected again. those are the things bannon is still in charge of
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Seriously, he has Soros/Rothschild eyes.

shut.. the fuck.. up..

who is your master? why do you post this shit?

.... fuck, he kinda does
There was a post on David Icke forum in 2007 saying Kushner was the leader of the secret puppet cabal and would assume leadership through a puppet regime after the next President (Obama).

It's an interesting read, especially since Kushner was not a well known public figure at that point.

wake the fuck up already, people

Donald J Trump married all of children off to Jews for fuck sake, and even Tiff is dating one, and you know Barron will marry one as well.

>Ivanka converted to Kikery and rejects Jesus as her Lord & Savior
at least the Heroin supply is ensured

Fucker looks like Snacks.
>There was a post on David Icke forum in 2007 saying Kushner was the leader of the secret puppet cabal and would assume leadership through a puppet regime after the next President (Obama).

This is spooky.
this thread was unpruned

classy jew mod covering his tracks
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>kushner is trump's china liason
>shareblue has connections to china
>kushner not liking right-wing reaction to his push for a strike in syria
>tries to use reverse psychology /pol/ into defending him by claiming all anti-kushner people were shareblue
its over. not even goofing, everyone got played like a damn fiddle.
The Exulted one
the real president
>Vladdoff Putler
>the entire pentagon
>Andrew Jacksons poltergeist
people who are NOT the president
I took an ambien which made writhe that much harder to post
OP here. This thread was deleted on Page 1, and after I posted about it in >>120110155
it was mysteriously un-deleted
>muh CHYNA

(((Frank Gaffney))) pls go

>Trump's son-in-law (((Jared Kushner))), the publisher of the New York Observer and someone who is very much aligned with the right-wing Likud Party of Israel, has become the de facto chair of the Trump transition team where national security matters are involved. Already booted from the transition team by Kushner have been New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; Global Impact, Inc. CEO Matthew Freedman, a national security adviser to Christie; and Mike Rogers, the former House Intelligence Committee chairman. They were replaced by neocons, such as (((Frank Gaffney))), the head of the Center for Security Policy (CSP) and a major cheerleader for the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and the U.S.-instigated themed revolutions in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.

Oy vey what a coincidence dat dis Jewish politician supported all those US wars against enemies of Israel.

>Although Trump said he looks forward to restoring good relations with Russia after a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in February 2015, Gaffney, ever the war-mongering neocon, wrote the following on his CSP website: We must not only deter Vladimir Putin’s thuggery. We must also counter his Chinese allies and enablers.

Holocaust 2.0 W H E N
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Can you see the contempt in his eyes?
i'm starting to find weird stuff on kushner

Kushner told Forbes that the reports that he was involved in Christie's dismissal were false: “Six months ago Governor Christie and I decided this election was much bigger than any differences we may have had in the past, and we worked very well together. The media has speculated on a lot of different things, and since I don't talk to the press, they go as they go, but I was not behind pushing out him or his people.”[66]

>"6 months ago"

According to Vanity Fair, under Kushner, the "Observer has lost virtually all of its cultural currency among New York’s elite, but the paper is now profitable and reporting traffic growth ... [it] boasts 6 million unique visitors per month, up from 1.3 million in January 2013".[43]

>boasts 6 million unique visitors per month

>Kushner Companies purchased the office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in 2007, for a then-record price of $1.8 billion, most of it borrowed.

>building 666

he uses the number 6 when giving vague, false lies. it's really odd
6 is an integral number in the kabblah.
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Kushner also equals 33 in pythagorean numerology
what is an integral number? I have avoided most of this satanic jew shit in the past, so enlighten me
muh 6 trillion

of course he does.
his wife's dad is a billionaire

textbook definition of cronyism
This is honestly kind of scary

Holy shit this is Damian from The Omen tier
>Originally Posted by babablacksheep (Post 676083)
>Hello, I am from The Illuminati. I know who the head of the whole thing is. The entire thing was taken over by a young kid who is only 26 or 27.

>Originally Posted by babablacksheep (Post 676130)
>Pish pish they keep deleting my posts.
>My computer is hacked as it is and I am under hyper-surveillance.
damn it feels good to be #1


he's also rich as fuck himself. As someone said earlier, this Trump family nepotism sort of made sense in the "transitional" stage, but these niggers are in charge of policy now.
>Originally Posted by babablacksheep (Post 676151)
>OK my head is getting really woozy and I am not sure what the fuck is going on now, but I am able to say this:

>In Project Blue Beam, The Trump girl from the photo is the one they have chosen to be the New Mother Goddess. She is to be like the Mother of the Prophesied Messiah, like a mix between a modern day Queen Semiramis meets the Holy Mother Mary.

>The Trump Family themselves however is not really behind this. She was selected by The Illuminati, of which Donald Trump is NOT a member, nor are any of the rest of her family.

He's got he of those little hats. It's like instant expert.
why does no one fucking care about this

his uncle was a part of the globalist cult who threw the investigation into JFK under the rug

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>Genie Oil and Gas (GOGAS) explore conventional oil in the Golan Heights through Afek Oil and Gas

banging trumps daughter and inheriting his daddys real estate empire.

his dad was such a criminal that chris fucking christie threw him in jail
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/pol/ needs Kushner-centric images tying him to Genie Energy's expansion in Syria, via Murdoch friendship. And Rothschild and Cheney should obviously be included.

Genie Energy would trend like wildfire among normies and liberals too. Anything tied to Cheney, huge.
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According to Eric Schmidt, "Jared Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election, Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources."[6] Eric Schmidt said, "Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didn't. He managed to assemble a presidential campaign on a shoestring using new technology and won. That's a big deal. Remember all those articles about how they had no money, no people, organizational structure? Well, they won, and Jared ran it."[6] Peter Thiel said "If Trump was the CEO, Jared was effectively the chief operating officer.”[6]

>It was no accident that when Bill Clinton was president, he made several appearances at Kushner functions in Florham Park. So had former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And so, especially, had Governor James McGreevey, who, more than any of the others, was a political creature built of his will and cash. Kushner, 50, was also a towering figure in the Jewish community, building schools, helping synagogues, and contributing freely to a broad variety of causes both here and in Israel.
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Kikes always cut their own throats.

Kushner is an enemy of our state now. Enjoy the show.
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not so fast
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Anyone else got suddenly so sleepy? Let's all go to sleep. Nap will help to get rid of all the stress.
Pity liberals aren't as convinced by memes as you.
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You have to be joking
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>Kushner habitually uses '6'

Usually, this would be /x/-tier, but super good find m8. Keep digging. Clearly intentional.

Kushner has either been positioned as a literal shadow force behind Trump by the media, or he believes he is, and works with media to project. Either way, his ascent was obnoxiously quick and high profile this last couple weeks.

The #FireKushner thing exploded, Trump's camp cannot ignore it. Also, the NYT yesterday reported that Trump disapproved of Kushner's publicized role in Iraq.

Tbqh, I have a highly eerie feeling about this social climber. If Trump keeps him around at this level there will be a revolt. I could see Bannon defecting.

Consider how many on /pol/ now trust Bannon's word more than Trump's rn, and Bannon hasn't said a gd thing. Spidey senses.
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Look how much leftists are defending Jared
idk who she is but she looks kinda jewy
what the fuck
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OP, keep up the effort and pressure on Kushner. We're in for a rocky 48 hours. TPTB in US and Israel certainly must be shook about thousands of Trump supporters asking for Kushner's head today.

We're essentially driving a wedge between Trump and his family. But it seems premeditated, desu. This was no slip up in optics. Trump sat Kushner next to the wife of China's pres for chrissakes.

Just know that I'm eyeing the Kush catalog as well. /pol/ caused a giant ripple today, I just hope mods and Hiro don't interfere now.
Of course the filthy kikes defend this.
Is Jared some modification of Rasputin? He took so much power just because he's married to Ivanka. Trump even said Ivanka made him realize he must bomb Syria because of the dead baby pictures.
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I thought it was Milo for a moment
Being a kike
Anyone wanna put Jared's face over the kike?
>implying kush wasnt the mastermind
>implying kush wasnt the leaker
>implying kush didnt sabotage cockblock all of trumps populist orders
>implying kush isnt the (((Russian))
goys are sooo cullable

kush's ploy was to feign a populist into the white house to stop republicans. now that all populist policies failed (as planned) kush is revealing his trew liberacci self.

this was all kush's project. he is the defacto president. gump did all this for the lulz and butthurt

it was the Russian Kush that reached out to nerd virgins and exploited and manipulated 4chan for his own political interests
Roger stone reported that Kushner was leaking to MSNBC and helped out Flynn and is going after Bannon now

Flynn and Bannon are the red pills. Kushner is the blue pill.

We have to protect Bannon
>implying electing literally Satan wasn't worth the dank memes
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>Kushner family
>pic related
>they apparently have ties to the rabbi(s) who wrote 'The King's Torah'
>book is filled with awful gentile hatred, so much so that it's semi-taboo in Israel, and caused a scandal
What the actual fuck

sounds like he has a kushy job
>senior adviser

it's over, now it's Make Israel Great Again
>OK my head is getting really woozy and I am not sure what the fuck is going on now, but I am able to say this:
>In Project Blue Beam, The Trump girl from the photo is the one they have chosen to be the New Mother Goddess. She is to be like the Mother of the Prophesied Messiah, like a mix between a modern day Queen Semiramis meets the Holy Mother Mary.
>The Trump Family themselves however is not really behind this. She was selected by The Illuminati, of which Donald Trump is NOT a member, nor are any of the rest of her family.
Ivanka confirmed for New Mother Goddess.
What does that mean?
It's making more sense why the kikes are attacking us again for going after this kike. We found the nerve.
They probably ditched this plan when they saw Trump was going to run for President
>Globalist Kushner in secret dealing with China

Xi Jinping defends globalization

>Report claims China is using Kushner, not State Dept., to influence Trump
>China learns how to get Trump's ear: Through Jared Kushner
>Jared Kushner family firm and Chinese company end talks over NYC real estate
Ah shit I found something here...

>Kushner’s impact can be seen in the centrist tilt of Trump’s economic team, which is heavy on Goldman Sachs guys. For secretary of State, he preferred Mitt Romney and, later, Rex Tillerson over bomb-throwers like John Bolton and Rudy Giuliani. At the same time, he has been an internal supporter of Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart chairman, now Trump’s polarizing senior counselor. “For a guy who was a progressive,” Bannon says, “he really gets this grassroots populist movement in a huge way.”

Apparently Kushner supported Bannon in the beginning because he was good for the Trump movement, the voters, the grassroots people. Now that they have power, they don't need him anymore.

NOTE: Bannon was there to help get votes, nothing else. They don't need him anymore, now Kushner is pushing to dump him. Shit...Bannon was a tool all long.

jesus christ

>le Kush is Jewish puppet master

Okay, but explain why #FireKushner trended all day, if he's a nimble navigator. That's an awful lot of effort for him, if America wakes up to his motives inside of four months.

Disagree? What's the inside baseball on Kushner in Israel? And on Ivanka?
Kush is hated by the Holocaust Builders?masons

this "elite group" escaped europe after ww2 to establish an empire in US. they sought to not repeat the flamboyant mistake of spitting down on the goys as they did in europe, their new tactic was to keep their secret empire on the d-lo.

The Kushner family is part of a New Jersey phenomenon known as the Holocaust builders. In the post–World War II wave of survivors who came to America was a small group of men who settled in northern New Jersey and became extraordinarily successful builders and real-estate developers. In addition to the Kushners, there are the Wilfs, the Rosens, and the Zuckerman and Pantirer families. (Zuckerman and Pantirer were saved by Oskar Schindler, and everything they build has a street or a building named for Schindler.)

The families operate like clans, with sons and daughters and sons-in-law and grandkids all working in the business. They are active in communal Jewish life, and outside of the occasional mention in one of the Jewish newspapers, they work very hard to fly under the radar.

Kushner’s high profile was always an irritant to the other families. He has been referred to as the Dapper Don of the Holocaust builders. Not only did he have the silver hair, impeccably tailored suits, and the swagger, but like John Gotti, he brought far more attention to his community than any of the others were comfortable with. “In

To those of you wondering who Trump is really going to support it seems:

>Above all, he and Trump share a clannish outlook on life, business, and politics. Trump prizes loyalty, especially when it flows upward, and no defender has been more steadfast during his turbulent struggle than Kushner. Neither forgets when he’s been wronged. They both appear to enjoy the metallic taste of payback, although of the two, Trump may be the more forgiving.

>Kaplan told friends that Kushner’s favorite book was The Count of Monte Cristo, the story of a wronged man who escapes prison, becomes rich, and uses his wealth to stealthily visit vengeance upon his unsuspecting enemies.

uhhhh red flag guys
Most Jews have those beady eyes.
he is part of a long line of potential messiahs to bring about the Culling and establishment of post-apocalyptic Messianic age. some other messianics: sabbatai tsvi, jacob frank, leviev, kissinger soros, weiner, spitzer...
I can't even tell if this shit is a meme or legit anymore.
why are jews so evil
go on...
If you're really Jewish is it ordinary for a convert to get a name that sounds like your husbands? Kushner: Yoel Chaim, Ivanka: Yael. It so weird.
go undercover to any orthodox/hasidic shul, yeshiva and you hear is spewing of jihad-tier goy-hatred. brainwashing of naive jews to enslave and spit on goys. you can even tape these lectures and discussions to expose the anti-human reality.
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Lol nigga we tried to tell you
I don't think I've seen that flag here before.
I was literally saying this the other day
I'm not even religious but I think he's the anti christ too
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Lmao dude didn't you want to see it all burned down? You didn't think it would look like this, though, right?

>appoints cabinet members that literally want to destroy their dept.
>watches tv, repeats it like a fucking ventriloquist dummy.

My god, m8. My god.
is literally satan worse than literally hitler?
its not part of tradition. it just part of having a superego.

also, Jared actually is a Jewish name, so why the fuck he needs other names like Yoel Chaim is bizarre as fuck.

its seems like the supegotists flaunt by having redundant Jewish names
It's Ash from the Pokémon, bitch got so much cash like Pablo he decided to make a country.
"we" ? um no, /pol/ has been worshipping trump since he announced. The only choice out of all of them was Rand, Trump was always a "not hillary" vote. And now, after this latest betrayal, pol is filled with chesscucks.
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It all comes together, Kushner is the globalist plant. That's why shareblue is shilling for him. Kushner wanted the Syria strikes to happen. They are trying to divide us, but we have a COMMON ENEMY.
Trump was the only one pushing implicitly pro-white policies during the primaries, everyone else was cucking. He was /ourguy/, or at least that's the way it looked back then.
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its not like you Druids are any different. ritual sacrifice and suffering is part of our shared traditions.

Tesla wanted to change all this, but you wouldnt listen.
>Trump was the only one pushing implicitly pro-white policies
No he wasn't. He spent much of his time apologizing for his base being so "racist" and days after being elected started licking boot after a couple jew graves got vandalized or something. Pro white my ass, look I was on board as well because if nothing else, I can overlook the military bloat and the support of torturing shitskins on the battlefield if we got the jobs back and got immigration under control. It's done dude. He's on board with the same strategy theyve been pursuing since the collapse of the Soviet Union. No mystery why those same people all the sudden are flipping to his side.
These people were talking about trump being president before obama even assumed office. What the fuck
I always ribbed those Icke people too. Really makes me think now.
That is fucked up
First Jewish president by the back door.
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Israelfag above helpfully shares that...

>he is part of a long line of potential messiahs to bring about the Culling and establishment of post-apocalyptic Messianic age. some other messianics: sabbatai tsvi, jacob frank, leviev, kissinger soros, weiner, spitzer...


Burgerfag above chips in that...

>Kaplan told friends that Jared Kushner’s favorite book was The Count of Monte Cristo, the story of a wronged man who escapes prison, becomes rich, and uses his wealth to stealthily visit vengeance upon his unsuspecting enemies

Ummm, /pol/acks, c-check out what this anon wrote about Kushner in ****2008**** on the David Icke Forums...

>Originally Posted by babablacksheep (Post 676213)
>I think that the current head of the Illuminati is against global population culling actually and does not want anyone to die and is trying to suppress anyone who does.
>I know that one of the high level guys under The Head is Henry Kissinger who did a lot of that stuff but The New Head who is the young kid [Jared Kushner] is out to overpower guys like Kissinger to prevent anyone from dying because he like thinks he is Batman or something

>"the New Head thinks he's Batman"
>too /x/-tier?

So that's three different unrelated confirmations that Kushner has a messianic complex; he owns 666 5th Avenue; he is a strict Orthodox Jew; all of his photos post-election have a Michael Corleone x nu-male Bruce Wayne subtext
no shit. they are in contact with reptilians
Kike blood seems to be enough.
I know it's been 4 hours and you're probably touching your dick but that literally describes Trump
There's basically no archaeological evidence to support the idea that the Celts engaged in human sacrifice. That one is all you Chaim. Well you and people that would become the Mexicans.
im spooked
How do you know it's legit? If it's his forum he can fake dates.
why are you telling us this
Both him and his wife Kikevanka should be gassed. Bunch of liberal shysters.
for the you's probably

even the romans engaged in human sacrifice from time to time. stop being retarded.
This deserves its own thread
You're right, he's unqualified for the job.

Basically, we shouldn't let this man have access to the nuclear codes.
Kushnir - Kushner: In Ukrainian the surname means "furrier", as does the Ashkenazi Jewish name (redirects to fur clothing)

Wolf in sheep's clothing?
Show me the proofs. I do want archaeological evidence too, not Roman sources saying those nasty barbarians were totally doing some sick shit in the woods.
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>2008 David Icke Forum about Jared Kushner being New Head of Illuminati

Can anyone paste what the forum says after page one, in the above link? Can't access the other three pages without a user/pass.

Worth noting, NY Mag ran this Illuminati headline about Kushner right before Syria strike: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/alex-jones-is-starting-to-think-kushner-is-illuminati.html
shills btfo
fuck off back to discord and suck more sasquatch cock
he made his quota of child sacrifices
What qualifications does Trump have?

If his dick is big enough for Ivanka, he's good enough to run America!
a jew chimped out on me the other day for having a germany keychain. i think he must have thought i was a white supremacist, but its amusing because i am literally a Jew myself lel. nigger chimped since i had a tourist item you could get at the airport in Frankfurt
bog bodies. many of them appear to have been killed in ritual sacrifice.

as for the romans, sometimes they buried vestal virgins alive. rare.
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I can't believe that I ever doubted these guys. Um... What if even Reptilians isr eal?

anyone have an old account for that forum to screencap the posts (and make a new thread here)?


So necessary.
>If his dick is big enough for Ivanka, he's good enough to run America!
Right, but we were talking about Kushner
someone make a thread on the icke forum
You mean a handful in Britain have been speculated as having been ritually sacrificed but they also could have simply been executed for crimes or murdered.
yes, essentially. they are thought to be very old, much older than "classical" celts fighting the romans. I'm not an expert on them, but people who are experts in that field DO speculate that they were ritually sacrificed. Deny it all you want, but these discussions are taking place amongst people in those fields.
right kiddo. it's all part of a jewish plot to tarnish the reputation of celtic heritage!

human sacrifice is not uncommon in the ancient world. not uncommon at all. almost everyone did it, yes even the ancient peoples of europe.
Those discussion will likely go on forever because it's essentially impossible to conclusively determine if someone having their head cut off is being executed for a crime or ritually sacrificed barring the presence of other pieces of physical evidence that were clearly not present or some kind of corroborating account.
wew lad
This one deserves a (you).

Thanks for the reply. I'm familiar with the Sabbatean-Frankists, whom many Jews point to as the freaky/scary outliers.

So, what happens now to Kushner's plan, because yesterday's #FireKushner backlash was arguably the most explosive negative reaction ever from Trump's base...?

I don't foresee the alt-right or antiwar left cozying up to Kushner; he lacks a gift for populist speaking. Indeed, he too brashly and eagerly cultivated an air of mystery and untouchable arrogance, so he got blamed for Syria.
Which name are we supposed to be looking at here?
Fuck right off. /pol/ ran the campaign.

Hopefully someone has an account. Registration is disabled.
Why is this thread being buried?
Because its real
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Why are kikes so disgusting and control freaks?
You mean Bannon? Get your shit together Anon.
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There are pro-kushner shills flooding this board, we need to keep digging on Kushner. You know somethings fucked when people are defending a globalist kike.
Holy shit...
He's king kike
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You wanted a smart, ruthless businessman in the White House. Now you have dozens of (((((them))))).

When will rural America realize it may, possibly, potentially, have been duped by a New York liberal trust fund baby?
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Holy fuck he does to.
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his soros funded start-up is called 'cadre'. cadre, in the political context is defined as "a politically controlled appointment to an institution in order to circumvent the state and bring control to the party".
>circumvent the state and bring control to the party
>circumvent the state

for fucks sake, (((they))) don't even try to hide it.
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Why would they need to hide it at this point? The goyim are literal farm animals. They exist to be raped abused and killed for the pleasure and profit of Gods Chosen.
>enjoy the metallic taste of payback
this is evidenced by him btfo christie for jailing his dad. bannon is done for
Trump knows the best people, folks. The best people.
people were blind to this shit from the beginning. muh memes trumped reality for some morons here. rand was failed
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If this shit is really going on, Bannon better be the one to tell us. If Trump axes Bannon, or plays the wrong move, Kikebart is going to have a LOT more material to report on
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These threads are getting slid so hard. Just take a look at the quality of the catalogue right now. It's absolute dogshit.
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you've had about 3 other different chans and boards fall, aswell as redditors looking for a new hugbox

This shit is almost as worse than /pol/harbor
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Being Trump's son in law.

Kushner is the reason why Chris Christie all of a sudden disappeared from Trump's team. Christie threw has father in prison.

It's blatant nepotism and you lemmings fucking believed that Trump would "drain the swamp". Trump is so corrupt he makes Hillary fucking Clinton look open and transparent by comparison.
trump is really jwed up to his ass
>implying the fat fuck krispy kreme wasn't a piece of shit muh 9/11 neocon anyways.
nevermind the literal soros and rothschild drones like mnuchin
Just keep pushing the #FireKushner guys, we need his head on a silver platter, this is vital to help make America great again.

The parasites have their eyes and ears on the pulse of our most sensitive national interests.
Sadly, yes.
>6 million unique visitors per month
Muh 6 gorillion
>kiked this hard
i knew trump was a fat old cuck but he was still better than (((hillary))). now i feel like i might as well not have voted at all.
Kushner is the anti-Rasputin.

Rasputin was murdered by Britain because he was pushing for peace between Russia and Germany.
Being the Antichrist is a pretty good item on his resume.
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This is going to be a busy weekend - we're going to need to be VERY vocal in every possible place about the evil that is Kushner.
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