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We either end (((Kushner))), or he ends us. It's time to meme him out of there. He is the biggest threat to American Nationalism. Dig up everything you can find on him and monitor all news related to (((Kushner))).
(((Stephen Miller))) the rabid jewish war hawk has signed up for the US Army to lead the charge into Zion.
>BREAKING: (((Stephen Miller))) the rabid jewish war hawk has signed up for the US Army to lead the charge into Zion.
I sperged out in this thread about Kushner, shall I repost here?
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...Anonymous (ID: 6Jtl0dWq)
04/07/17(Fri)09:18:45 No.119974626
public executions of (((Jared and Stephen))) in Times Square NYC soon
Just reveled on Infowars Kushner is bringing in Rhamn Emmanuels liberal brother to the admin

Kid needs to go straight to hell
Jared's father, Charles:

>In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[8] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[9] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with Kushner, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[10] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[11][12][13][14] Kushner was sentenced to two years in prison[11] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[15][16] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey to complete his sentence.[15][16][17] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[18]

>As a result of his convictions, Kushner was disbarred from practicing law in New Jersey,[19] New York,[20] and Pennsylvania.[21]
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More about him.
>Before 2016, Kushner was a donor to the Democratic Party.[9] He serves on the boards of Touro College, Stern College for Women, Rabbinical College of America and the United Jewish Communities.[23] Kushner has donated to Harvard University, Stern College, the St. Barnabas Medical Center, and United Cerebral Palsy.[23] He contributed to the funding of two schools, Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy and Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, in Livingston, New Jersey and named them after his parents.[1][23][24]

>In August 2015, Kushner donated $100,000 to Donald Trump's Make America Great Again PAC, a super PAC supporting Trump's 2016 campaign for the presidency.[25] Kushner and his wife also hosted a reception for Trump at their Jersey Shore seaside mansion in Long Branch.[26]
someone need to go there
Jared Kushner owns the New York Observer and the majority of Times Square Building
It would be great to get rid of this kike but the truth is we have aboslutely nothing on him, he is a complete stranger and outsider, we can't meme him

My digits will confirm
>Jared Kushner had been a life-long Democrat and had made major donations to its candidates for years before reportedly undergoing an "ideological conversion" and supporting the 2015–16 Trump campaign.[49][50][51][52] Kushner has had no prior involvement in campaign politics or in government before his father-in-law, Trump's, campaign.[53]
>From the outset of the presidential campaign of his father-in-law Donald Trump, Kushner was the architect of Trump's digital, online and social media campaigns, enlisting talent from Silicon Valley to run a 100-person social-media team dubbed "Project Alamo".[8] Kushner has also helped as a speechwriter and was tasked with working to establish a plan for Trump's White House transition team should he be elected.[54] He was for a time seen as Trump's de facto campaign manager, succeeding Corey Lewandowski, who was fired in part on Kushner's recommendation in June 2016.[55] He has been intimately involved with campaign strategy, coordinating Trump's visit in late August to Mexico and he was believed to be responsible for the choice of Mike Pence as Trump's running mate.[8][56] Kushner's "sprawling digital fundraising database and social media campaign" has been described as "the locus of his father-in-law’s presidential bid".[57]
>"Jared understood the online world in a way the traditional media folks didn't. He managed to assemble a presidential campaign on a shoestring using new technology and won. That's a big deal. Remember all those articles about how they had no money, no people, organizational structure? Well, they won, and Jared ran it."[6] Peter Thiel said "If Trump was the CEO, Jared was effectively the chief operating officer.”[6]
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Give up, it's over.
>Kushner was an influential factor behind the firing of New Jersey governor Chris Christie as head of the transition team, as well as the dismissal from the Donald Trump transition team of anyone connected to Christie.[63][64] A source familiar with the Trump campaign explained that “Jared doesn’t like Christie. He’s always held [the prosecution of his father, Charles Kushner] against Christie.”[65] Kushner told Forbes that the reports that he was involved in Christie's dismissal were false: “Six months ago Governor Christie and I decided this election was much bigger than any differences we may have had in the past, and we worked very well together. The media has speculated on a lot of different things, and since I don't talk to the press, they go as they go, but I was not behind pushing out him or his people.”[66]
>In January 2017, Kushner was named a Senior White House Advisor to President Trump. Kushner's appointment was questioned on the basis of a 1967 anti-nepotism law.[67] On January 20, 2017 the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion stating "the President may appoint relatives to his immediate staff of advisors."[68][69] Kushner was sworn in on January 22, 2017.[70]

>Trump put Kushner in charge of brokering peace in Israeli–Palestinian conflict as well as making deals with foreign countries, although in what way he is in charge is unclear.[71][72][73] Furthermore, after Donald Trump became President-elect, Kushner and his wife met with Japanese Prime Minister and other Japanese officials while his wife was conducting a licensing deal between her namesake clothing brand and a Japanese government-owned company.[74] His wife sat in on a meeting between her father, then President-elect Donald Trump and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.[75] In February 2017, his wife Ivanka Trump was a surprise attendee at the Chinese Embassy’s New Year’s party.[76] In late March 2017 he was also given the new role of leading the "White House Office of American Innovation".[77][78]
not today maybe tomorrow
Kushner Companies, Ltd

>The company has received multiple loans from Israel’s Bank Hapoalim.[7]
Kushner wants to play Kissinger. He's strangling out Bannon and his supporters. It's an internal coup.

>"Ivanka Trump is all powerful," a source familiar with the inner workings of the White House told NBC News.

>"We should have excellence in government," Kushner told The Washington Post, which broke the story on Sunday. "The government should be run like a great American company."

>Ivanka and Jared have transformed themselves into a Washington "power couple" and they are using their clout and charm to push their own socially liberal but fiscally conservative agendas.

> Last month, Ivanka and Jared reportedly helped kill a proposed executive order that would have rolled back Obama administration protections for the LGBTQ community — protections that cultural conservatives like Pence very much oppose.

>Neither of them are Republicans. She is an independent and called Chelsea Clinton a friend. He is a Democrat whose dad, Charles, was a bigtime donor to the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign.

> Jared, 36, is the eldest son of a Jersey-based real estate tycoon who was prosecuted in 2004 by then-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie for making illegal campaign contributions — and for retaliating against his brother-in-law by hiring a prostitute to seduce him. Charles Kushner wound up serving 14 months in a federal prison camp.

>When Charles Kushner got out, the family business decamped for Manhattan where young Jared found a foothold in the media scrum by buying the influential weekly newspaper, The New York Observer, and soon became fast friends with the likes of
>FOX News mogul Rupert Murdoch.

We're through the looking glass here, people.

Two billionaire New York City developers bidding to build a new headquarters for the FBI — maybe the largest government development since the CIA moved to Langley in Northern Virginia in 1961 — have deep ties with President-elect Donald Trump, whose victory injects new intrigue into the jockeying for the more than $2 billion project.

One, Steven Roth, served as an economic adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign and co-owns a building with him in Manhattan. Another, Larry Silverstein, has been referred to by Trump as a “friend of mine.”

Roth and Silverstein have both known Trump for more than 30 years. They have been rivals on some projects and cheerleaders on others.


Roth is founder and chairman of Vornado Realty Trust, which acquired a mutual stake with Trump in a 2 million-square-foot Manhattan building in 2007 and has partnered in multiple commercial properties with Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Is that real? If so, that's too much I'm out.
One of Jared Kushner's biggest business partners, Steven Roth,

>Roth was a major donor to Eliot Spitzer's 2006 New York gubernatorial campaign.[9]

>He served as one of the top economic advisers to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign in 2016[10] and was included in a March 2017 White House meeting on the Trump Administration infrastructure plan.[11] [12]
End of dump.

So yeah, basically, Trump's campaign had been ran by rich Jewish Democrats from the very start, and you should not have been surprised that is got ZOG'D. What happened in Syria should not have been to a surprise to anyone once they understand who Trump is connected to.
The best part of this was Bannon spelling his name as ((Kushner))
Alex Jones saying Kushner bringing in neocons and pushing out Bannon's people!
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He put the kike in parenthesis?
Yeah, here's another point, thanks Patel for posting it: Kushner has explicit ties to George Soros. The same man Trump heavily criticised during his campaign.
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...Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the publisher of the New York Observer and someone who is aligned with the Likud Party of Israel...

He's now bringing in liberal Rham Emmanuel's brother

>Get this bitch out!
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So Trump will kick out "real" Republicans like Christie and Bannon out, but he will allow in the likes of Democrat supporting Kushner and Democrat Emanuel (who is very liberal)'s brother. Really makes you think...

Get this traitorous kike out of the white house already, him and his whore wife have no right to be there.

look at the evil eye he's giving Bannon literally whilst the strikes are going on, says it all.
Look at the seat Bannon is given - at the back, away from the table, by the door. Says it all.
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Kushner and Ivanka are traitors to this country and movement.

Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.


This video says Kushner has gotten more right-wing in recent years
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It's always the FUCKING JEWS

fucks sake. the more i look at it the angrier i get.
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How do we get him out /pol/?
Well, needless to remind of you the seat that Kushner has.
Anyone ITT who calls Kushner a globalst will be reported to TYT for antisemitism

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Bannin was /ourguy/ all along. He knew they killed Andrew and went in there to clean house but the swamp got to Donald.
Dunno but he wrote that article going on about how his grandparents were almost gassed but barely managed to escape in some heroic act. I really doubt he cares about anything but Jews and money.

Want to know what he said to Trump about his political fan base? Something along the lines of "You could make a fuck ton of money off this by starting your own network." He sees us as cattle.
>Larry Silverstein
Lucky Larry? The same jew who owns/owned the WTC?
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kushner goes to the middle east and then a day later there is a gas attack and we are involved in syria

99.999% chance jared the jew set up some zog op
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Spicer looking defeated at the back.

The kikes win again.
kikebart wasn't some kind of savior either though

probably just another jewish faction
what a fucking kike dweeb
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I'm telling you guys he's the Antichrist.
>Never mind our tricks, goy. Just look at how beautiful Ivanka is
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Does Mr. Kushner International have an Israeli passport?
All of Donalds children are pretty ugly desu, apart from Barron.
Kushner needs to GO
>social media
it was the Russian Kush that reached out to nerd virgins and exploited and manipulated 4chan for his own political interests
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Really makes you think
Russians subverted US their democracy.

(((Russia))) is codeword for Jews. Kushner is Russian Jewish

Russians meddling in US elecctions include:Kristol, Sanders, Schumer, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Kush and most of the neocons and democrats. so yes, technically Russians did meddle in this election and every other election since the Armand Hammer
It was in front of us all along, we chose not to listen. There is no 5d chess. It's just him being a bumbling demented narcisst who happens to be a celebrity. The kikes run the show
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>Not understanding who's really in charge

You guys are pathetic. Trump has played you all from the beginning. The 2016 election was the Southern Strategy all over again and you fell for it. /pol/ will return to a board where social outcasts complain about Jews all day. Nothing has changed.
Fuck Kushner, Bannon is ourguy. We must meme This kike rat out of Trumps White House
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with jews you loose. I knew Trump having a Jew in the family would go wrong.
Goldmansachs scum
why you goy toys sooooo cullable?
Kek is speaking to us...
>Goldman Sachs
Cadre was founded in 2014 by CEO Ryan Williams, who previously built a real estate business and worked at Blackstone and Goldman Sachs.[6] He started the company with Thrive Capital founder Josh Kushner, and General Catalyst, which together invested $18 million in a 2015 fundraising round.[7] That round also included a $250 million backstop liquidity commitment from an unnamed family office.[1]

Founder Ryan Williams, Jared Kushner, Joshua Kushner

freudian slip, rabbi?
Russian-Uzbeki Jew Lev Leviev an associate of Putin Connected to Trump and His Advisors

Russian Jew Boris Epshteyn Connected to Trump and His Advisors

Russian presidential candidate Dianne Feinstein Connected to Clintons and Obama
>from Saint Petersburg, Russia, were of the Russian Orthodox faith

Russian Marc Mezvinsky son in law of Hillary Clinton
son of Edward Mezvinsky, who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams

Russian Monica Lewinsky meddled in Clinton's Presidency

Russian David (Lifshitz) Lauren relative of Pres. George Bush

Russian senator Chuck Schumer affiliated with Obama and Clintons

Russian senator Bernie Sanders and Presidential candidate

Russian William Kristol affiliated with Bush

Russian Michael Chertoff affiliated with Bush

Russian-Polish Mark Zuckerberg potential presidential candidate and affiliated with Obama and Clintons

Russian Jacob Javitz conspired the destruction of US with open borders, immigration, and multiculturalism
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Can't say him being a shill for Soros and Emmanuel is surprising
After graduating from Harvard, [Josh] Kushner started his career in the Private Equity Group at Goldman Sachs, in the Merchant Banking Division,[14] but left after a short stint to found Thrive Capital in 2009, his private equity and venture capital firm that focuses on media and internet investments.[15][16]
>Merchant Banking

Oy vey
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>Let all fight for Kushner /pol/!
Bump. Fucker is a traitor and Ivanka is a duck-lipped traitor along with him. Never trust a woman that gets cosmetic surgery.
(((KUSHNER))) is an existential threat to MAGA.
He needs to go.

We need weaponised autism ASAP
Here's a quick rundown. Very quick read for a basic gestalt.
In college (Harvard), Kushner was a member of the Fly club. Noteworthy members include,

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Jay Rockefeller
Jay Roosevelt
Tony Lake
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr
we must meme anger into kushner to where he slaps Ivanka, only way Trump will oust him
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Infowar posted a story about Kushner ties to Likud

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Hopefully John Miller leaks some incriminating evidence against Kushner soon.
kush's ploy was to feign a populist into the white house to stop republicans. now that all populist policies failed (as planned) kush is revealing his trew liberacci self.

this was all kush's project. he is the defacto president. ump did all this for the lulz and butthurt
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So what's his role? What did he do?
Are you people legitimately retarded ?

I love Alex but infowars is a trash website, nothing they have ever reported on was revealed to be true.
Where do you stand on it?
i would still titty fuck lee ann
>According to the Center For Responsive Politics, since 1992 Kushner has made over $100,000 in political contributions — some 45 — to various causes and candidates — including the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer
>Kushner’s four children gave almost $300,000, some even before they were old enough to vote. On a single day in March last year, Kushner’s contribution network gave $237,000 to the state Democratic Committee…
>Kushner’s four children have given to the same causes as their father. His son Jared, a 21-year-old college student, is listed as making more than two dozen contributions totaling $82,000. Jared’s 17-year-old brother, Joshua, gave $44,000, while 19-year-old Nicole gave $67,000. On Nov. 1, 2000, Nicole and Joshua each wrote checks to the state Democratic Party – for $30,000 and $20,000.
>Kushner’s mother, Rae, is listed as contributing $72,000. Kushner’s brother-in-law and business partner, Richard Stadtmauer, and five members of Stadtmauer’s family have given $199,200 since 1997 to various Democrats and the aborted U.S. Senate campaign of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. That total included $80,000 to McGreevey or to political committees that benefited him.
>On March 25 of [2001], the Democratic State Committee made this haul: two checks for $37,000 each from Kushner and his mother; $17,000 from Jared Kushner; $27,000 from his elder sister, Dara; and $27,000 from brother Murray – even though he generally aims his donations at Republicans. Five other Kushner partners and their family members also kicked in checks, to push the total take to $237,000.

But after all that, he has just "changed his mind" and become Republican. Sure...

You're lying if you say Ivanka isn't hot
what the fuck
Trump has also donated hundreds of thousands to democrats.

god damn you are stupid.

Jared is among the smartest people in Trump's cabinet, and perhaps in the country
So does this explain why the FBI and deep state have been loathe to align with Trump?

Did they know all along that the Trump team would end up betraying the will of the people that put them there?
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We called it from the start /pol/ ((Kushner)) is the one who will lead us into WW3

>Melania's apparent admiration for Michelle Obama isn't the only indication that some members of Trump's family view both the current president and the current Democratic nominee favorably. (Trump, of course, has his own history of being friendly with Democrats.)

>Per OpenSecrets.org, the following members of Trump's immediate family have donated the following amounts to Hillary Clinton and PACs associated with her:

Melania Trump: $6,100
Donald Trump Jr.: $6,100
Ivanka Trump: $4,400
Jared Kushner (Ivanka Trump's husband): $10,000

>While those four individuals have also given to Republican figures, that's a total of $26,600 for Hillary, given as late as 2007. There's also the matter of the newspaper Jared Kushner owns, the New York Observer, having endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 over John McCain, praising the then-Illinois senator's commitment to "the power of ideas, ethics and decency."

>Kushner also has his own long history of Democratic giving, in addition to the Hillary donation noted above, to figures such as senators and former senators Cory Booker, Joe Lieberman, Chuck Schumer, Jon Corzine, and Bob Menendez. (Kushner is even listed as having given $1,000 to then–New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg in 1992, when he would have been 11 years old.) The Observer's endorsements have since tilted right—it went for Mitt Romney in 2012 and this year was a no-brainer—but Kushner gave $20,000 to two Democratic groups as recently as 2014.

>sheep led to the cull
the talmud is alwys right. goys will never learn.

with jews you win

>Republican primary front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday explained why he gave a quarter of a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation before he ran for president.

>“I did give to the Clinton Foundation. What I didn’t know is they’d be using it for private aircraft and things like that,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.”

>“The Clinton Foundation was helping with Haiti and with lots of other things, and I thought it was going to do some good work, so it didn’t make any difference to me,” he added.

>The real estate mogul also pointed to his business interests in cultivating support among politicians from each party.

>“Again, I was a businessman, and it was my obligation to get along with everybody, including the Clintons, including Democrats and liberals and Republicans and conservatives,” he said. “As a businessman, I had an obligation to do that.”
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The hate against Kushner is mainly driven by envy

A hedge fund job, a billionaire heiress wife, beautiful kids, a hot body, and now a powerful new job with a massive promotion

He's simply very successful. Truly an alpha male, in every sense of the word.
you mean
Follow talmud and you're misled. You err and will be judged.
You're not going to "end" him without impeaching Trump. He's Trump's family and the husband of his favorite person in the world. They can't be separated, you will see this in time and realize you need to get rid of both or neither.
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>pic related

yes ty im a tard
Nice try rabbi. Trump fired his own brother, knows Ivanka is a woman like any other and suffers from their mental weakness, and will have no problem using Kushner and throwing him in the trash (oven) when he's used him. Trump has been his own man his whole life he's not going to end his legacy on a down note.
hes a kike democrat and hes going to ruin everything
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when did kushner marry Barron?
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Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
jared abd ivanka are liabilities. they have to go.
nuoh my god
Who's Rex looking at?
Steve Pieczenik on Alex Jones show talking about Jared and his 666 5th Ave building going bankrupt and shitting on him tune in! infowars.com/show
>calls me rabbi while shilling for Trump
Point to literally one single time Trump has gone against Israel or the Jews. One time at all. Show me one time he has criticized Israel. You can't, he's a fucking zionist and you're getting played hard. There's no evidence for anything you said, it's just a fiction you're creating in your mind to rationalize voting for him, even though he's a zionist surrounded by Jews.

Wake the fuck up and smell the rocket fuel, Trump's talk of "fixing America first" or "not getting involved in the Middle East" was always just that, talk. He ALWAYS contradicted himself in that he simultaneously claimed to support not intervening in the Middle East, yet also claimed to want to bomb the shit out of ISIS, while also shilling for Israel at every opportunity. No one knew what he really believed, and through this strike (and firing Bannon) he's revealed his true ideology: an interventionist pro-Israel hawk. He has no reason to "throw Kushner in the trash" because they believe in the same fucking things.
In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[8] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[9] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with Kushner, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[10] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.
The charges stemmed from an investigation into donations made to then-New Jersey governor Jim McGreevy's campaign. In a lurid twist, Charles Kushner had apparently hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law and videotape the interaction because Kushner believed the man was cooperating with federal authorities. The federal prosecutor in charge of the case was none other than Chris Christie, which is where things really get interesting. Despite having supported President-elect throughout the campaign, Christie has not been named to a cabinet position in Trump's administration, a slight some see as revenge for his role in prosecuting Jared's father.

Charles Kushner took a plea agreement and was sentenced to two years in federal prison at a military base in Montgomery, Alabama (he was paroled after one). He was also ordered to pay a $40,000 fine. Jared remained close to his father after the conviction, flying on weekends to visit him. The New York Times reports that for years, Jared carried a wallet that his father had made for him in prison. "He was the best son to his father in jail, the best son to his mother, who suffered terribly, and he was a father to his siblings," Charles told New York magazine. "I speak with my father about everything in my life," Jared said.

When his father was convicted, Jared, then 24, stepped in to run the Kushner Companies; his father continues to be involved in the business. "He knows a ton about real estate," says Jared.

Kushner IS the antichrist
This can't be real, right?
But then again, he's almost there. So I assume he'll be tweeting in a week or two.
>lets dox the presidents advisor
great thinking retards
that army dudes name is WORK
what a god
kek'd bump
In 2005, Jared's father Charles Kushner was convicted of 18 counts of tax evasion, making illegal campaign contributions, and witness tampering.

>Forgot the header, derp
>Jared is the great deceiver
>Jared was FBI anon
>Jared was every legit leak
>Jared toyed with us just enough to make his father in law win
Trump threw everything in on populism and it payed off. From what I've read, Kushner is all but allergic to the populism rhetoric. I doubt he designed Trump's campaign. Kushner is there because rich jews are always around money and power waiting to take advantage of it.
Bump. If US-hating Jews help the US have measured victories to benefit Kushner, we must be sure to take the wins while degrading Kushner's reputation.
bumping for team Bannon
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Thanks Trump!
digits confirm the suspicion
Isn't Kushner's dad like a friend with Bibi, and wasn't Jared educated by Bibi, I've read that somewhere.
He used to own the NY Observer mag which was somewhat anti-Trump
In an email, he used the ((())) and called him a globalist cuck.
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nothing personnel kid
Well as if anyone didn't know. The Führer's work must be completed. That means EVERY. LAST. ONE.
You're not wrong but your solution of impeaching Trump isn't a solution. Do you think another Clinton would have been better? Sell me on a real solution.
fucking this
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We need our best looking anon to go to DC to seduce Ivanka and lure her into an affair so you can go public with it and cause their divorce which will force Trump to kick him out of the WH.
Agreed. We need to get him >>>/out/. Ivanka's bad too, but that will be harder since she's the president's daughter.

I'm also worried about Bannon. Jared's going balls out attacking him.
Emanuel is literally Mossad (their father was)
Jared has to go.
I don't think we should go after duck-lipped Ivanka either, we need to split Kushner off from Trump and Ivanka like chaff from wheat.
Checked for quad trips.
All I'm saying is you should be suspicious of success. Like Elon Musk. Really look into just HOW successful he was and how quickly and his batting average.

Literally everything in America comes back to baseball. Keep an eye on everything Kushner is given to handle and keep an eye on his "batting average." Remember, a .333 hitter in baseball is in the fucking hall of fame. A .400 hitter is the greatest of all time.

Just watch. If you start to see things start to swirl around every thing Kushner touches...Stop and think.
It's really not driven by envy. He had all those things before he started pushing for neocon Israel-centered policies and no one "hated" him then. He's showing his true colors now, the Jew always does in the end.
Why do we need facts?

Lets just make shit up? Use the fake news angle to our advantage. It doesnt have to be true. It just has to influence people.

>Kushner has ties to podesta and has regularly attended spirit cooking dinners
In order to defeat The Jew, one must become The Jew.

Netanyahu has long been a friend of the Kushners, and particularly Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, a major donor to pro-Israel and Jewish causes. One time, Kantor reports – she doesn’t specify when – Jared gave up his bed and moved to the basement so Netanyahu could spend the night at their home in Livingston, New Jersey.

A flagpole at the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, named for Jared’s grandfather, is dedicated to the memory of Alisa Flatow, an alumna who was murdered by terrorists.

Jared stopped wearing his kippah when he attended Harvard. The Times reported that Kushner maintained other Orthodox observances at the university – JTA has reported his closeness to the university’s Chabad House – but the head-covering was gone.

Jared Kushner has bonded with two ambassadors: Ron Dermer of Israel, according to the Times, and Yousef Al Otaiba of the United Arab Emirates, according to the Times and another profile in Politico.

Trump has tasked Kushner with brokering a Middle East deal, and his friendship with Oitaba jibes with Netanyahu’s agenda of making peace from the “outside in” — i.e., forging ties first with Sunni Arab states, growing closer to Israel because of a shared apprehension of Iran. Kushner also secretly talked Israel with Haim Saban during the campaign, Politico reported. Kushner has long admired the Israeli-American entertainment mogul and backer of all things Hillary Clinton. It’s not clear why Kushner was reaching out to Saban — it didn’t diminish Saban’s support for Trump’s rival.

Kushner has also met with Henry Kissinger, who as secretary of state in the 1970s laid the groundwork for Israel-Egypt peace. Kissinger left the meeting with little clarity about Kushner’s actual role.

I knew when Paypal came back after being shut down for a year or two (remember that?) it'd be huge because it obviously made (((deals))). Same kind of thing.
>a zionist shill is the president
>clearly removing this president isn't a solution, we need something else
The liberals already want to impeach him. There are rabid liberal hordes trying to remove him from office and as unpalatable as they are, they can be useful. If the Russia investigation turns up literally anything at all, it can be used against him. Moderate or isolationist Republicans could be moved to concur with Democrats on starting impeachment proceedings, thanks to Trump not only alienating half his voter base but picking a fight with the Freedom Caucus.

It is a realistic solution at this point. When it was just the liberals it was never going to happen, but if enough right wing people get in on it there can be a real popular movement to impeach.

We just need to spread the information about his ties to Russia, or play it up even if it doesn't exist, expose as much criminal activity as possible, and meme it as hard as we can. That's all anyone can do short of physically removing him from office, and I don't endorse doing that by the way, nor am I calling for such an action.
You've got some points, but to be fair, Trump did oppose the Jews many times throughout his campaign. Building the wall, stopping Muslim immigration to America, deporting illegals, "I will not pander to Israel" during AIPAC speech, putting Bannon as his closest council, etc. Those were all things the Jews in America pushed against vehemently.

Yeah, I agree that Trump is a mega-Zionist, his children are ALL dating kikes, etc. But I don't think you can compare bombing the shit out of ISIS to bombing the shit out of Syria, Libya or Iraq. ISIS is literally just a loosely organized terror sect that's become prominent enough to destabilize a nation state -- that's completely different from bombing actual governments and ousting presidents. Everyone are on-board with killing ISIS. Ousting Assad is ENTIRELY different.

But yes, it does seem like Trump has utterly fucked up now and I've lost so much faith in him.
>We need our best looking anon to go
Sure buddy, it was all about the looks for her. >>119975384
This kike, he really exposed himself.
Emanuel's father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born[9] pediatrician at Michael Reese Hospital[10] who was once a member of the Irgun, a Jewish paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine.[11]

was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah (Hebrew: "Defense", הגנה). When the group broke from the Haganah it became known as the Haganah Bet (Hebrew: literally "Defense 'B' " or "Second Defense", הגנה ב), or alternatively as haHaganah haLeumit (ההגנה הלאומית) or Hama'amad (המעמד).[1] Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defense Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. The Irgun is also referred to as Etzel (אצ"ל), an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL.


ZOG puppet conman FAGGOT
sauce pls.
Hard to believe this
Ameribros is it true that Bannon's position is at risk?
can't we figure out his email and spam him. you gotta do something directly to him, not just to redpill the masses
Thank you for this
"Donald Trump 'considering firing Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus':

He's already been removed from the National Security Council. He no longer really has a position.
You didn't provide a better alternative to Trump being president I notice. Do so or fuck off nigger.
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Faaaaaaaakest news
This is what has been tasked to JK, so far:

- Middle East Peace:Trump tasked him with resolving the decades-long conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, dubbing it the "toughest deal in the world to make," and saying that if JK can't help broker peace "no one can." Trump's son-in-law also met with the Iraqi prime minister this week to discuss the country's war with ISIS.

- Govt reform/Opioid crisis: Late last month, the WH announced that Kushner would head up the WH Office of American Innovation. Partnering with Elon Musk, Tim Cook, and Bill Gates, the office's goal is to examine areas where the private sector could improve government using data and tech. JK told WaPo he aimed to use the office to modernize the VA, solve the opiod crisis, and develop ideas for Trump's upcoming infrastructure proposal.

- CJ reform: JK met with the chairman of the SJC last week to discuss stalled bipartisan criminal justice reform efforts.

- Liaison to Mexico: When asked if Tillerson would be meeting with Mexican FS Luis Videgaray while he was in town last month, a spokesperson for the state department seemed unaware the top Mexican diplomat was in town. Videgaray instead met with JK, who has served as an intermediary between the president and Mexico, aiming to build trust despite Trump's unpopularity in Mexico due to his inflammatory immigration rhetoric.

- Liaison to China: JK is seen as the driving force between Xi's upcoming state visit at Trump's Mar-a-Lago. The NYT reported that JK has worked behind the scenes to mend fences with the Chinese after Trump broke precedent by appearing to waffle on the so-called "One-China" policy towards Taiwan. The first-son-in-law has also sat in on key meetings regarding North Korea.

- Liaison to the Muslim community: BuzzFeed reported that JK met with a group of Muslim activists and business leaders just before Trump's inauguration to discuss the incoming president's relationship with the Muslim community.
What I don't get is why Kushner was sitting at the table during the Syrian bombing, whereas Bannon sat in the back behind the table...

Kushner barely has an official position, Bannon is the fucking senior council.
Fucking faggot
>They know places like 4chan are the harbingers of culture. The "creators," for lack of a batter word. The origins of original ideas.

Except now 4Chan is turning virulently anti-Kushner. It was always there as a pebble in the shoe, but it was ignored. In the coming days the chans will begin to go into an anti-Kushner rage.

So if your theory were true, he would be destroyed by this new wave of sentiment originating from the "harbingers," the "creators."

But it won't. Because you're wrong.

It isn't Jared and never was. Jared is just one piece of the anti-Christ puzzle. A puzzle that Trump aligned himself with long ago.

Bannon is not part of it so of course he will be puked put of the emerging machine. He is incompatible with the anti-Christ.

But 4Chan was always a subverted board. None of you understand the spiritual element of this war, which is why you are doomed to lose.
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>Do it Trump attack Assad
This is to all to sell Jared Kushner - Super Jew.
Fucking Assad supporters, I swear. Supporting a Muslim over God Emperor Trump himself.

Bannon was good while he lasted. Now time for him to step aside and let the President handle it, he is a businessman, not a politician, he knows how to get things done.

Come to /r/the_donald if you are tired of all the anti Trump posts on /pol/. We eagerly await more based pedes.

You Nazis are on the wrong side of history, again. How dare you threaten God Emperor Trump's son-in-law.
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>Assad is weak, do it now, attack him
get the fuck out of here
The "better alternative" is the only alternative, impeach him and let Pence succeed until another election can occur. If Pence is also found guilty in some way then Ryan will be president. None of those are great options but at the very least the administration will be paralyzed and impotent for a while as scandal unfolds and the transfer of power happens.

There's not much else of an alternative other than some kind of coup, but that creates more problems than it solves and isn't realistic. So pick your poison. You can also choose to sit on your hands and whine about there being no solution, I guess?
Hands in his pockets tells all. Faggot indeed.
>Come to /r/the_donald if you are tired of all the anti Trump posts on /pol/
Yes please. Can you just leave already.
>he is a businessman, not a politician
This is government, not a real estate deal
Get Ivanka and Jared the fuck out of the White House
you've been running a multi-millennia dysgenics campaign to continually kill the best of us. we're the mentally retarded leftovers of this selective breeding process
Fuck off traitor Russian. YOu were supposed to work with us against the globalists and cucks and now you betrayed us.

Trump will not forgive you for this.
assad is an alawite you dipshit
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Kikevanka looks like Kaiji. Disgusting.
Correction: I'm Slovenian. You know like your God_empress Melania.
yeah, nah. he's not throwing his daughter's husband under the bus. trump cucked out, that's the bottom line.
What is an alawite and why should I care? Fucking 4chan scum turning on the POTUS like that.

why are you idiots assuming that donald would be able to ascend without a purge of internal factions?

every person of influence has a choice of which channels to use to contact trump through. he's drawing them out into the open by forcing them to make choices, whilst donald himself is not making any. this "bombing" if a feignt to draw the enemy to action.
Whelp, your digits confirm there must be a way to out this rat jew. Trump should set him up with a prostitute and record just like his kike father did to his brother in law.
Yea you're a fucking faggot, thinking Pence or Ryan would somehow paralyze jack shit. They're both neocons which work very well with neolibs. Again fuck yourself nigger, I'd rather try to split Kushner off of Trump and pressure him to MAGA than anything with Pence/Ryan.
I've just noticed something.

Look at the shape of Kushner's head; it's quite like a negroids. Compare this with the others' heads, who's heads don't have a protruding back.

Is this natural of jews?
Uh, no, she is a based American, she came in LEGALLY. Fuck off.
You're delusional, but you'll see soon enough. You can't "split" two sides of the same coin.
It's no use. This is global kikery, the worst kind. The only thing that would work is his death.
If Trump fails the USA continues to be used as a global bully by neocon globalists and nuclear war is our shared destiny. I would have voted for Rand Paul but the USA is already so far gone Trump is the best we could hope for. Honestly I think our course was set by the baby boomer generation.
You really should highlight that part about Chris Christie.

Jared was the reason why Christie was kicked off Trump's transition team and why he's got no place in his cabinet. He hated Krispy Kreme Chrisie because of the fact that he went after his father, and so he dug his claws into Trump to manipulate him.

Not that I'm supporting Christie, but it really illustrates the power that (((Kushner))) has over Trump.
>It was in front of us all along, we chose not to listen. There is no 5d chess. It's just him being a bumbling demented narcisst who happens to be a celebrity. The kikes run the show


Fucking HAZZARS!

Brate srbine ne daj da nas zavade, valjda je sad jasno kome moramo jebat mater!!!
>hey guys let's participate in one of the media's divide and conquer campaigns!
fucking idiots.
>Bannon leaves
>everything falls apart
Gotta get Bannon back immediately
Christie does work with Trump on that Drug commision thing though, so he is not fully out of the picture.
harness muh energy niggyers
Kek nice try shareblue. While he may be a Jew and fucking with trumps shit, I still think trump knows what he is doing. You faggots are trying to turn our weaponized autism on us.
He didn't leave yet.
I agree, I feel like that point should by highlighted. I think something else was said about that in another infoslice I posted ITT.
Why are people turning on Miller as well? Or are they shills? He might be a jew but he's even more /ourguy/ than Bannon
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Destroying the Jew is what /pol/ is for.
Weaponized autists get in here. The white race is at stake.
Sorry, sweetheart, but you're the one who is wrong and doesn't understand the spiritual element.

If Kushner is able to accomplish even half the shit he's tasked with, there's nothing the "chans" will be able to do about it. Nothing. Dude, if he brokers peace, any type of peace, in the middle east between the Israelis and the Palestinians, he'll be given the Nobel Prize and locked in for President. If he adds any of the rest of it, you can kiss it goodbye.

He was going to be pushed up into this one way or the other. All I'm doing is describing the changing tactics. The records aren't written in stone. They're the myriad of possibilities where every and all scenarios are possible. The trick is figuring out which is being played ahead of time.

And when I say "accomplished" that means that he is given help by (((them))) behind the scenes to make it seem like he did it. He's just the good looking face while the wizards work behind the curtain.
Nah. By virtue of people already calling him that alone it makes me doubt his demonic credentials.

Do you honestly believe ol' Jared is going to say he's God? Get a grip.
Those are shills, yea. But something is fishy about Kushner, even Israeli jews say he isn't kosher.
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All you need to know about Kushner
God I fucking hate him so much. Soulless Jew eyes.
heh im sure that mysterious jewish guy that lurks in the back of every conference and important meeting is actually based and not trying to fuck us
also please ignore he is friends with netanyahu thanks

>Avi Berkowitz was an undergrad at Queens College when he met Jared Kushner during a game of pick-up basketball at a Passover celebration in Phoenix, Arizona.

>Kushner, then a young real-estate mogul from New Jersey, took a liking to Berkowitz, who, like Kushner, was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home in the New York City suburbs.

>At the time, neither could have predicted that a few years later, Kushner, now a senior adviser to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, would be one of the most powerful people in the country and Berkowitz his right-hand man.

>Berkowitz, 28, is in many ways Kushner's protégé, following him to Kushner Companies, then to Trump's campaign, and now to the West Wing. Both Ivy League-educated lawyers, they have matching dispositions and similar worldviews influenced by their Jewish schooling and deep ties to Israel, according to several of Berkowitz's friends who spoke with Business Insider. Berkowitz reflects a larger trend in a White House staffed by friends and family of a president who prizes loyalty and de-prioritizes political experience.

>Through a White House representative, Berkowitz declined to be interviewed for this story.
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That flag...
This is the worst shill thread I ever seen
Keep it up Shareblue faggots
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somebody add the mexican from chloe.jpeg
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Just the fact that she bangs a scheming jew rat like that makes her unattractive.
Bannon must win. bump
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The only thing the past 48 hours has done to me is solidify my burning hatred for these snake in the grass kikes

RWDS when
>he sees us as cattle
What do you think goyim actually means? All zionists see non believers as cattle.
Vote Tulsi in 2020
Not much to get, it's nepotism and jewish influence.
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The richest Anon then. Preferably a Jew.
We really need a #draftjared campaign going
>Berkowitz was not known for harboring particularly strong political beliefs before he joined Trump's campaign. A friend of Berkowitz's who met him in Israel and later roomed with him at Harvard Law School told Business Insider that the two rarely had explicitly political discussions.

>"I'm not sure how much mindfulness I paid to his political stances," said the former roommate, who requested anonymity because of the political nature of Berkowitz's new role. "I'm sure we did have conversations that would expose me to his views on political issues, and I just never sort of formulated or thought about his overall political views."

>Berkowitz didn't join any of the law school's conservative student organizations or journals. Instead, he spent his free time working as a teaching assistant in several undergraduate government classes, including, notably, the Road to the White House.

>But during Berkowitz's second year at Harvard, the law school became embroiled in politically charged controversy. Tensions came to a head after the school woke up on a November morning in 2015 to find slivers of black tape over the framed portraits of every black tenured law professor.

>Student activists, largely minorities, began a monthslong occupation of the law school's student center in February 2016, demanding, among other things, the school replace its shield, which depicted the coat of arms of Isaac Royall Jr., a slave owner and early Harvard benefactor. The law school retired its shield in March 2016.
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That kike-fucking whore can only be attractive to Dumb American. That's because the Dumb Americans had his beauty standards imposed by Kikes.

Also, Dumb Americans happily go to Kikes so they can mutilate their bodies, put silicone in their tits, ass, lips, take ribs out etc.

The amount of degeneracy instilled into every Dumb American is truly fascinating. World's most retarded nation, filth ridden, sludge of a dumbass nation.
>In the spring of 2016, around the time Kushner asked Berkowitz to join Trump's campaign, Berkowitz began writing about campus issues for the New York Observer, the weekly newspaper Kushner bought in 2006.

>Berkowitz didn't take a strong position on the vandalism or the removal of the school shield, but he suggested in an op-ed that labeling the black-tape incident a hate crime, as many did, was an overreaction — a testament to the left's exaggerated political correctness. He also accused liberal student activists of stifling dissent, censoring conservatives on campus.

>Berkowitz's opinions surprised some who knew him, including Colin Ross, a Harvard classmate who told Business Insider that Berkowitz's writing, and his decision to join Trump's campaign, came "kind of out of nowhere."

>Ross said that while it was difficult to avoid developing opinions about campus politics, the majority of students attempted to stay out of what was often a contentious debate.

>"I think both sides had the impression that they were kind of under fire," he said. "There was no one who was casually speaking out on those things."

>But Jonathan Gartner, a former president of the Jewish Law Students Association, said he didn't think of Berkowitz as ideological.

>"He was pragmatic about what his political views were," Gartner told Business Insider. "He was the type of person who was able to see other people's sides, who was able to have a thought-out discussion."

>Like Kushner, who is known for his calm, understated demeanor in a volatile and often impolite political climate, Berkowitz isn't easily provoked.

>"He's the definition of calm, cool, and collected," Rabbi Johnny Ouzzan, who lived and studied with Berkowitz at a religious school in Israel, told Business Insider. "He doesn't really express frustration, even if he has reason to."
Considering how massive their propaganda isand how stupid all the goys have become, its a pretty good description.
Let's get Stephen Miller to primary trump in 2020
Digits confirm. Jews = Niggers
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Miller has an affair with Ivanka. This is how we can win!
>While he's an outspoken free-speech advocate when the speech fits his politics, Berkowitz was quick to condemn that which offended him personally, including when a fellow law student asked Tzipi Livni, the former Israeli foreign minister, why she was "so smelly" at a Harvard-sponsored discussion on Israeli-Palestinian relations in April 2016.

>In an open letter, leaders of the Jewish Law Students Association called the question blatantly anti-Semitic."

>The student apologized, claiming his goal was to call attention to Livni's complicity in alleged war crimes against Palestinians. He said he did not realize the word "smelly" had anti-Semitic connotations.

>Berkowitz responded in an Observer op-ed, saying that "recent anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses has emboldened students to conflate protest with hate speech."

>In July, Kushner wrote his own Observer op-ed concerning allegations of anti-Semitism. This time, it was Trump who was being accused of promoting anti-Jewish sentiment after he tweeted an image of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, surrounded by cash and a six-sided star emblazoned with "most corrupt candidate ever!"

>Trump's son-in-law defended him against what he characterized as an overreaction by the "speech police." He said Trump's staunch support of Israel disproved the claim that he was anti-Semitic.

>"If even the slightest infraction against what the speech police have deemed correct speech is instantly shouted down with taunts of 'racist' then what is left to condemn the actual racists?" Kushner wrote.
Look at this. Some guy in 2008 on David Icke's forum claims that Jared Kushner is the head of the illuminati. In 2008 !!! He was no one in 2008. Yet someone knew. I'm really scared right now.
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I am religious:
>be me
>one day Trump talks about how this guy Kushner can help bring peace in the middle east.
>my ears prick up: Jewish guy promising to bring peace = What Catholics Say About Antichrist.
>then I see other people twig onto him, but for different reasons unfamiliar to me at the time: rfid chips and the 666 thing.
>wonder if I'm going psychotic.

Read The Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson, then watch and see. There's free download pdfs of it out there somewhere that don't require using some shitty download, use your google fu.
>Berkowitz and Kushner have similar approaches to Israel. Both men have deep ties to the country.

>Kushner's family has donated millions of dollars to Israeli institutions, including schools and hospitals, some located in settlements, and has a longstanding relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

>Growing up, Kushner attended Jewish schools and was taught to "protect Israel, remember the genocide, and assure the survival of the Jewish people," The New York Times reported recently. The report cited people close to him who said Kushner's Judaism and support of Israel were inextricably intertwined.

>While Kushner's political stances are often not well understood, his approach to Israel has remained consistent and central to his politics. He is widely credited with shaping Trump's policy toward Israel, and the president has assigned him the monumental task of brokering peace between Israel and Palestine.

>Israel and Judaism have played similarly central roles in Berkowitz's life. His family is also tied to powerful Jewish leaders. Berkowitz's cousin, Howard Friedman, was the first Orthodox president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the most influential pro-Israel lobbying group in the US.

>Growing up in Lawrence, Long Island, an affluent, largely Jewish town 45 minutes from Manhattan, Berkowitz was educated at a local Orthodox day school. After high school, he spent two years studying religious texts at Yeshiva Kol Torah in Jerusalem, a prestigious Israeli Orthodox seminary. Berkowitz came back to the US in 2009 to attend Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, where he started his undergrad studies before transferring to Queens College.

>In Israel, Berkowitz was taught to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in religious terms, a worldview that Ouzzan said "definitely" informed Berkowitz's politics.
he owns the fucking 666 building in new york
hehe, this meme is funny to me because I am 40 years old and remember what Star Trek TOS was
>there's nothing the "chans" will be able to do about it
If your reading comprehension were above a third grade level, you would have understood that this is what I was saying.

>he'll be given the Nobel Prize
I got a science fair trophy once. It wasn't for being a good goy or pushing loxism but I'm still proud of it.

Your post is not a response to anything I wrote.

No surprising, since pol is in reality 99.9% trash.
>Of the West Bank and other Palestinian territories, Ouzzan said, "These are lands that religious Jews believe were part of the whole of Israel that was given to the Jewish people, starting with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob going back to the times of the Bible.

>"There's a lot of emotional connection that we as a people feel for those lands," he added.

>For many American Orthodox Jews, US policy toward Israel heavily influences their political allegiances. Ouzzan said many in the Orthodox community turned to Trump for relief from years of tense relations between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu.

>"Many people just didn't feel like Obama had Israel's back," Ouzzan said. "The way he put demands on Israel, the Iran deal, the request to cease settlement construction."
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have you guys seen this?

fucking pathetic
>After graduating from law school in June, Berkowitz put his legal career on hold again — this time deferring an offer for an associate position at a white-shoe law firm — after Kushner asked him to join the campaign full-time.

>As the campaign's assistant director of data analytics, Berkowitz ran "Trump Tower Live," the campaign's pre- and post-presidential-debate talk show that became a nightly Facebook Live discussion in the weeks leading up to the election.

>The broadcast was a low-tech production in the style of a cable news talk show, featuring campaign aides and Trump surrogates discussing the issues of the day. Like Trump's Twitter account, the live show was designed to bring the campaign's talking points straight to voters, "bypassing the left-wing media," Boris Epshteyn, a cohost and former Trump aide, told viewers.

>According to Berkowitz, the show was meant to reach a younger demographic that consumes news almost entirely on social media and nonlegacy news sites.

>"Younger people don't watch CNN. They just don't," Berkowitz told The Times in October. "This is how they get information. This is the best way to bring it to them. And we're happy to do that."

>Berkowitz worked closely with Right Side Broadcasting Network, a conservative media startup that helped him with the logistics of livestreaming Trump rallies and, after the election, Trump's "thank you" tour events.
>Officially a special assistant to the president and assistant to the senior adviser, Berkowitz is Kushner's right-hand man in the White House. Hope Hicks, a White House spokeswoman, told Business Insider that Berkowitz's role was primarily administrative and involved assisting Kushner with daily logistics like getting coffee or coordinating meetings.

>But Berkowitz has been a part of some of the most high-profile moments of Kushner's time on the transition team and in the White House. According to a report last week in The Times, Kushner sent Berkowitz to meet with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, in December. Kislyak talked with Berkowitz about arranging a meeting with Sergey Gorkov, the head of a Russian state-owned bank that was under sanctions imposed by the Obama administration. Berkowitz's meeting and Kushner's subsequent sit-down with Gorkov had been unreported.

>The Senate Intelligence Committee is planning to question Kushner about his communications with Russian officials as part of its broader investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether Trump's associates had colluded with Russia.

>Earlier this year, Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned when it became clear he had discussed sanctions with Kislyak and misrepresented those conversations to Vice President Mike Pence.

>In March, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from overseeing Russia-related investigations after reports surfaced that said Sessions met with Kislyak during the campaign — meetings he did not disclose to Congress.
That subversive globalist KIKE has to go!!!
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>While Berkowitz's friends aren't surprised by his success, they're not all supportive of his decision to work for Trump.

>Berkowitz's Harvard roommate said he didn't have a strong reaction to the news that his friend had joined the campaign. "I wasn't disappointed. I wasn't proud," he said.

>Ouzzan, who last saw Berkowitz at a mutual friend's wedding in Brooklyn before the election, said he was enthusiastic about the opportunity Berkowitz had.

>"At that time, no one really thought that Trump had a chance," Ouzzan said. "A lot of people were like, 'OK, that's nice, good luck, Avrahmi.'

>"Now that he became president, if that means Avi gets a chance to explore his talents and go somewhere in the administration, for us, as his friends, that's very exciting."
Only this time, don't go in packing heat like the sperg at Comet Pizza. It was funny and pleasing to Kek, but ultimately hurt our message.
Thread is being slid by fucking spiderman. Will have another up soon.
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I'll look into it now, thanks Britbro. I agree, Kushner certainly does have potential to be THE anti-Christ.
So go back to stormfront, faggot.
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/pol/estine is infected with shi'ite trolls and their fellow travellers.
Post tiny jew penis
I know Josh

He also started an insurance company called Oscar that is going to go up in flames if Obamacare goes away
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Wow, Shareblue. This is your slide tactic now?
He cannot be drafted. Over 25 and no prior military training
This is the guy who paid ungodly amounts of money just to get a 666 address in manhattan. He's actually paid far more than the property was worth.

That should tell you something right there.
As much as jews breed with goyim they can never hide those sunken jew eyes.
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You're right it is definitely highly suspicious.

>Meet Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the 30-year-old Jewish Trump Aide at the Heart of the Wiretapping Scandal
Close to Bannon and Kushner, Ezra Cohen-Watnick is known for holding hawkish views on Iran and is said to be one of the White House sources who leaked information to Nunes.

original broken link http://www.ha aretz.com/us-news/1.780795
So perhaps that will tie into Trump new healthcare plan. Keep the business ties, repackage it, keep it almost the same,off it goes, Kushners keep their money.
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I've always wanted to visit your country. It looks amazing and I hate the soulless lack of community spirit in America. How hard is immigration?
Fucking hell. Him having all this influence is not good. We didn't elect this type of person. I get that there aren't enough Trumpians to fill cabinet and advisor positions, but this guy is the opposite of what Trump ran on.
Unfortunately. I hate the post modern world.
Yes do it autists! FLY!

Save this administration before we get boots on the ground.


No (((war)))
No arguments. Just stale buzzphrases and old memes. You are pathetic.
It is also directly across from the Rockefeller Centre, fwiw.
Well I think it's the same as for any other EU country. That means, because a special deal between EU and US, it's pretty easy to get here.
Getting citizenship is kind of harder. You need to learn Slovenian, enough to pass a test, which also encompasses our history and stuff. Once you do that, you get the citizenship and can live normally. You can also live as an ex-pat, but I think it's a bit harder, meaning you need to deal with bureaucracy ever so often.
>Ezra Cohen-Watnick
When Flynn was appointed to lead the National Security Council, he hired Cohen-Watnick to work with him there. But Flynn served as national security adviser for less than a month before being asked to leave following revelations that he had maintained ties with Russia during the campaign.
Flynn’s successor, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, sought to remove Cohen-Watnick from the team, following input from the CIA director who pointed to problems intelligence officers had when dealing with Cohen-Watnick. Questions were raised about his ability to carry out the position of senior NSC director for intelligence programs, who oversees ties with intelligence agencies and vets information that should reach the president’s desk.
But Cohen-Watnick was spared when Trump personally intervened, reportedly after top White House aides Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner stepped in. Cohen-Watnick still serves as senior director at the NSC.
Cohen-Watnick is known for holdin

/pol/estine is all wrong, Bannon-Kushner divide is fake news
I love this twitter account
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I am good with languages. I speak 3 fluently and am passable in a 4th. I'm not white though. Would Slovenians hate me? I'm a half breed. I look Greek or Italian.
Never been there. Tell me more about it.
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You want spooky? How about literal Revelations-tier Antichrist spooky?



Ctrl+F Kushner
Maybe Kushner looks like a (((pedophile))).
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Nah, we're pretty accepting.
There's some mild xenophobia here, but nothing serious.
The same company that built the 666 building was the company that built the twin towers. Tishman Realty & Construction Company.
make a new thread faggots
this shit is important
We're going to have to fight it out in the end. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. (((They))) will never let us go that easily.
Fuck off (((kuckshner)))
Come on, you know that scrawny schlomo is a beta in bed, she is probably dreaming of being fucked by a real alpha
Maybe wel meet irl by chance. I'm hoping to come out to the Adriatic countries this summer as a tourist.

A lovely place free of jews. Kek. If only there were such a place.
Wouldn't you put the vest under the jacket but over the shirt???

Who puts any kind of vest over a blazer lol coulda looked so cool blazer with Teflon under but instead looks like the kid in middle school who was always sick wearing his football gear for the first time lol
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Miller seems pretty alpha, and he's a Jew so it works even better.
Maybe. Also I think you'll have a great trip, because Adriatic is incredibly beautiful.
Oh, and also the John Hancock Centre and Madison Square Garden.
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Yea, a jew doing something against jewish interests, that'll work.
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Shills will not be tolerated. You even managed to spell 'general' wrong.
Sorry my "r" key is sticky. Would you rather just sit in this thread and let it die, you colossal cum guzzler?
>one post by this ID
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H-hey Ivanka. *breathes heavily* D-d-do you want s-some tendies? *silently flatulates*
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