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Well done, faggots. MAGA!

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Thread replies: 329
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Well done, faggots. MAGA!
Well done MAGAs insinuates there was an alternative. Donald is still better than Hillary and Barrack.
You are a shit shill.
Democrats would never support this kind of corporatist legislation.
>duurrdurrr I already picked sides. Now I blindly accept getting fucked in the ass because politics is football
> being a single isse voter when your country is being polluted by third worlders.

another anon explained this well, obama wrote a bunch of bills before his term ended so trump would have to overturn them and look like a bad guy in a 4chan screencapped dime a dozen internet news outlet. im not pro trump but nobody paints the full picture.
>getting worked up over rules that were NEVER in effect
>Democrats would never support this kind of corporatist legislation.
Shit bait desu
bush did the same shit to obongo, trump is gonna do the same shit if a democrat gets elected after him

it's part of the game, anon
>again this bullshit
Stop defending the Facebook monopoly, lad
Keep sucking that Trump cock
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>implying the internet was private

Companies have been collecting all manner of data on your internet and computing habits since the dawn of always-on internet technology and before. Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter have become the tech giants they are by gathering your data and monetizing it — and those corporations have never had a greater friend in the White House than Barack Hussein Obama. Trump is simply allowing a small extension for what was already a massively lucrative business.

Here's a pro tip, kid. Don't ever count on a government to take care of you. Lrn2independent. Also, if you really think multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations care specifically about little old you and what you do on the internet, get yourself a VPN and stop whining like the victim you have been brainwashed into thinking you are.
Spoiler Alert: You never had any privacy and your ISP was collecting that data for the government anyway.
>Onegro makes a law to take on on december that would have signified that Google and Facebook had a monpoly on targeted online advertesing
>Trump stops it
>ISP's can't sell every bit of info easily and that info should be in an anonymous bulk (suposedly)
>Trump is demeed bad for that
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What is this face trying to convey?
Go back to >>>/r/eddit
>t. shitlib
>Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter have become the tech giants they are by gathering your data and monetizing it
This is actually why Ajit Pai was against this rule: it would prevent ISPs from selling metadata but did nothing about edge providers who can gather similar amounts of data, essentially being government favoritism.

>Jokes on you I don't use facebook or google
Better stay away from all sties with a "like" or "share" button. I don't even need to mention captcha because nobody uses a site that has that.
>The bill removes protections that were approved by the FCC in the final days of the Obama administration but had not yet gone into effect.
torrentfreak.com /president-trump-signs-internet-privacy-repeal-into-law-170404/

>were approved
>but not into effect

this changes EVERYTHING
>he still believes that internet privacy actually existed
You had two ass fuckers running for the presidency. Only one would be elected. Yes, I chose from the two main parties because all others never stood a chance. You can remain an idealist, but at some point you realize the world in which you live continues with its course despite your beliefs.
>the bill signed by obama didn't do shit
>this bill removes something that was never in effect

really makes you think
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President Trump Farts in Elevator before Female Intern Boards

Washington D.C. - At 11 am today it was reported that Donald Trump farted before exiting an elevator that a female intern proceeded to use.

"I felt personally targeted by the President's behavior. This is just another incident in the list of his systemic discrimination against women in the work place." the intern told a Washington Post reporter today.

The Washington Post is still awaiting comment from the Trump administration on this targeted harassment.
>He fart because he is human
>systemic discrimination against women
Democratic governor Rachael Goldbergenblattsteinowitz has demanded the Department of Justice open a full investigation into possible interference or collusion from the Russian government in coordinating the incident.
Listen faggot if you don't support Trump unconditionally you are a paid shill CTR cuck liberal gay muslim tranny cuck shill

Liberals should be banned from /g/, you don't deserve to post on this free speech website cuck, this isn't the place to get triggered at opinions you don't like

MAGA out
>we never had internet privacy, that's why it's ok for republicans to repeal what little privacy regulations we had xd
Trumpcucks need to get the fuck out
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$0.05 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
doesn't count when they do it. also this is owned territory already.
sucks when you don't know who is shilling or who is honest, or both. would prefer gfx shilling than this shit 2bh
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Ausfag here, so glad we dont have to deal with this idiot
Tinpot dictators always start wars to deflect from their domestic failures. You'll probably be caught up in it.
read it again fegit
and i want my 5cents
fuck off

the FACT IS murican internet is the same as it was with obongo and as it would have been with clitton
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>advocate for Trump
>helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

Apparently you are unaware of the fact that Obama doubled the national debt by borrowing money and dumping the bill on the middle class, creating more new US millionaires and billionaires in his eight years than any president in US history and growing the spread between the wealthiest 1% and the middle class larger than it has ever been in US history. That's right, Obama rigged it so that he stole money out of the pockets of the middle class and arranged it so that the money would pass first through the pockets of the most wealthy people in the US. Indeed, the wealthiest 1% individuals and corporations have never had a better friend in the White House than Barack Hussein Obama.
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
>m-maybe if I repeat the shill talking points enough people won't think I'm a shill
youre not very good at this are you?
>when i have no factual argument and am too stupid to respond
Who wants to argue with a shill? You get paid (pennies but still) for this, there's no similar reward in it for me.

Go shill on /r/le_donald or some shit faggot, you're too obvious
um... either the cia has gone rouge which I wouldn't be shocked by, or the cia lead by obama decided to spy on you so hard they backdoored your tvs to act as microphones.

democrats and republicans are largely the same, republicans are just up front about it.
>when you try to shill for a billionaire authority figure on a contrarian imageboard but someone calls you out so you get buttblasted about it and start lashing out
>stop having different opinions ;_;
No, thanks, marxist.
they are just up front about what was already happening, shit sucked but no one really benefited from the legislation.
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
>t. google shill
At least you're learning to being subtle!
>t. google shill.
$0.0005 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
One rupee has been depossited into your account, Mr Poointelookaresh.
Thanks, and don't be evil.
The madder you get, the happier I am
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middle class, like everyone, was doing great until your boy ronnie fucked it all up.

but but obama's to blame
national debt has nothing at all to do with consecutive multiple warfighting or bailing out big business
absolutely not anyone but obama's fault

>he had the full support of the bicameral parliament the whole time!

blame blackie. only blackie. not the whole bunch of them. those multiterm elected representatives who haven't done anything for anyone but themselves and their buddies, for years have nothing to do with the problems. its just that black bastard.
One rupee has been deposited into your account, Mr Poointelookaresh.
Thanks, and don't be evil.
kill yourself back to /s4s/
There is something suspicious in all this thing.
When the mainstream media went so concerned about online privacy?
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
>be a shill
>run out of ideas and get called out
>point the finger to name the "shill"
absolutely jewish
>shill confirmed

>all this projecting
He is making America great again. We're in debt. We need all the money we can get.

Feels good man.
because trump
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for helping to Make Republicans Rich Again

- Nimble America
Thanks for the (you)
I voted Trump and I don't mind what he's doing. Gotta get rid of that 19Trillion in debt. Gotta bring back jobs. I couldn't give two shits about what he signs as long as that happens.
Well, I'm against corporations monopolizing the open internet in general. When you can, try to use other services.
B-but libruls are giving handouts to people who need medical aid!
Who cares, they didn't win, Donald should be held to account for his actions, regardless of how shitty his competition was
> Gotta get rid of that 19Trillion in debt. Gotta bring back jobs.
Doubt he can bring back jobs and pay 19 trillions in four years at the same time. Printing 19trlns will drive inflation to the skies, Americans will be poorer than before.
> I couldn't give two shits about what he signs as long as that happens
If you're going to give a shit only in 2020, then it will be too late.
It will always be obama's fault!
When trump sells american health to corporations and prints enough money to make zimbabwe envious, it will be obama's fault for... something.
Q: this anon has been shitposting these threads on /v/, /int/, /g/ and /pol/

Why has he not been banned?
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Atta boy Donald. MAGA!! Anti-fa, communists, and Sharecucks BTFO once again.
Stop responding to yourself, faggot
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>Being fine with everyone getting plowed in the ass because it will make the other team mad.
>he watches cp
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>/g/ supports destroying privacy because a billionaire said so
These really are the end of times
This will stimulate private American VPN providers, it will stimulate businesses, and making it public, it will finally motivate people to shield themselves from what the ISPs and the government have been doing for the past decade and a half.
>Trusting a US VPN for anything, ever.
Always welcome in the Netherlands, senpai. We've got bandwidth falling out of our asses when we cough.

>Believing the right to use a VPN isn't going to be next on the chopping block.
>Believing the red team won't cheer themselves sick while it happens.
Brown people are scary and want to hurt you. Anything that upsets the other team is A+++, would destroy country again.
>the rise of protection scam offers is so great, muh free market did it again

It will only stimulate your prostate gland, retard.
>private American VPN providers

Nobody smart would use any American service.
So this... is how Drumpftards responds to their own tactics

If you are just using a VPN to hide what you are doing from your ISP it's fine.

If you are using a VPN thinking it will hide what you are doing from the NSA/Other large government entity ... your doing it wrong regardless of the supposed hosting country.
>so this... is how libtards respond to their own tactics

Shillary and to a lesser extent Obama are shitty status quo, wheras trump is a flaming garbage dump.
>Hurr durr he had to do it

He looks evil and he literally killed the internet.
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>who needs privacy haha
Yup, the end times are near.
reminds me of that recent speech where he kept going on about how surprising it was that he got 270 electoral votes. get over yourself. the election happened months ago. start taking responsibility for shit.
If you blame the voters by saying "well done faggots", you're going to get replies talking about the election
>he signs a bill that the house passed
>the bill is now his fault

I guess democracy really is that easy.
If he DIDN'T sign it he'd be going against the will of the people as represented by the house.
>all these paid CTR shills
You never had Internet privacy, Burgerstani.
He wasn't exactly elected by the will of the people (he was ~3 million votes shy of that), so it's not like that principle matters much. He should be vetoing or signing legislation according to what's defensible by the Constitution and what he thinks is right. If the will of the people is overwhelming, the Senate will override his veto.

This is all specified in the Constitution. It would actually be the least controversial thing that's happened lately if he vetoed a bill and it was overridden. Every president as far back as Nixon has had at least one veto overridden.


He overturned a law that essentially did nothing.
I'm not sure what part of 'The House of Representatives' isn't representative of the will of the people.

Trump was shown a bill, with the context of 'here's what came out of the house today, sign it for it to come into effect please' and then he signed it and got back to work.

Regardless, like >>119618927
says, the law the house overturned was garbage anyway
ITT we are /pol/
Not an argument. Contribute or GTFO.
I have Swedish VPN subscription for the moment, but you make a good argument.
>I never farted I don't fart
He could also not have signed it
Dude, America has been letting third worlders in since the 1800s. They get shit for a generation or two then they assimilate.
>I'm not sure what part of 'The House of Representatives' isn't representative of the will of the people.
the fact that many districts are gerrymandered, the fact that incumbents often win just because of name recognition, the fact that elections choose people, rather than policies, which means that the elected officials can (and in many cases, like this one, do) go off the rails

don't act stupid just to back up this shit. the veto power isn't some unicorn shit. the president exercises it at his discretion on the merit of what's right. it can be overturned if the representatives are in overwhelming consensus on the subject, but since they're obviously not, this wouldn't happen.

stop trying to give trump political cover. he signed the bill into law. he could have not. he should have not. he wasn't coerced or forced into it or anything like that.
White 3rd worlders not shitskin turd worlders. Huge difference
lol okay
It repeals some shit that had been in place for a couple of months. Fuck off hillshill.
the rules were clarifications on guidelines that were designed for telecoms. the clarifications made it clear that ISPs couldn't sell customer browsing data. before the clarification, it was ambiguous, but a reasonable interpretation could kind of go either way. the passage of this law means that they're pulling back on the interpretation that selling data is disallowed, suggesting very strongly that they wanted to make more room for the legal interpretation that it's okay.

if you don't understand this from reading, do yourself a favor and comment less.
Hahaha all the butthurt Bernie Bros and hillbots. It's nonstop salt. You fucking lost, you've already heard the arguments, you keep making this thread. I hope Trump kills all neets and cucks.
trump wouldn't kill neets and cucks. that's a big part of his base
Don't delude yourself dipshit. The only immigrants worth having are those who come here that bring useful skills and are going to bust their ass to contribute and assimilate. Muslims do not do this, spics do not do this, niggers do not do this.

Dumb kike, can you read? All I mentioned was how long this shit had existed. I don't care what it did, it's irrelevant and repealing it isn't the end of the world like you losers who got btfo by a reality tv star with bad hair want to claim it is.
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>Implying there were privacy protections in the first place
Newfags out. If you're not behind eleven proxies you deserve to be tracked.
i'm not saying it's the end of the world, but it's measurably bad. this isn't just some trivial procedural shit.
No, it's literally nothing. Just flavor of the week story to shit on Trump and defend Google.
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Why do leftists want White people to vote against their own self interest?
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>not hating your own race
Leftypol is pathetic
>defend Google.
i'm not defending google. not sure how you leapt to that conclusion, but i'm not going to meet you half way and chase this red herring with you
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for posting generic shill image #1503945

- Nimble America
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Why are you dodging the question?
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Why don't Democrats care about white people?
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for posting generic shill image #1503946

- Nimble America
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for posting generic shill image #1503947

- Nimble America
poor milkman's son :(
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for posting generic shill image #1503948

- Nimble America
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#resist comrades
$0.02 has been deposited in your account, thank you for helping to advocate for Mr. Trump online and thank you for posting generic shill image #1503949

- Nimble America
>muh two ass fuckers maymay
>both parties suck!!! XD

Yeah I was a kid too
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I wonder where this "guy" is coming from....
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Can the SJW try a little harder?
t. paid shill in a panic because he's been found out
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you voted for him, now lay in the bed you made for yourself
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God, leftists are so alpha...
>claims not to be a paid shill
>actively shills in favor of a politician
relaly makes u ponder
>breitbart as a source
lol okay
>breitbart is bad because don't blog about White privilege and the struggle of BLM!
Why are SJWs so pathetic ?
Yeah we need sources from prestigious outlets like Huffington Post. Or prehaps you prefer CNN or all the other MSM outlets that we're proven to have colluded against the American people to help interfere with the US election?
>He thinks Replubcian polices actually help the white folk in america.
>anyone who doesn't suck off my orange emperor is a SJW!
kill yourself mouthbreathing newfag tard, go to reddit where you came from you retarded mongoloid mouthbreaing ugly virgin dicksucking faggot
Yes, because openly funding BLM, refusing to help poor white communities (why was there no white scholarship programs set up under obama?) is really helping White people out
Swearing doesn't make you sound any less stupid, leftypol
What's the matter? Are you triggered by me telling you to kill yourself you retarded waste of sperm? Do you want a safe space where nobody will insult you for being the infantile moron you are? Plant your forehead ontop of a train track stat.
>everyone who doesn't agree with trump is an SJW Liberal cuck
Spotted the drump supporter.
>confined space shared by several people
To be fair farting in an elevator is a pretty shitty thing to do, we have rooms with windows for that, sure, it happens, but it's shitty.
>I'm an infantile moron for not supporting a party that wants to get rid of white people
Why are leftists so stupid?
You're an infantile moron for unconditionally supporting an orange conman like the little servile cuck that you are.

Impale your face on a long spike now.
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>I'm a fuck for not hating my own race
Right, why should I vote fit a party that wants to destroy the white working class?
Go donate your life savings to Trump you retarded cuck bootlicking worm.
>he thinks republicans give a fuck about the white working class
my sides

The "conflicted forgiveness" thing is everywhere and it's one of the most fascinating human stories. Families of victims saying murderers shouldn't be executed; people on opposing sides of wars having reunions. That kind of thing.

The largest single influence on all of Western culture, Christianity, is itself a forgiveness story - the Son of God comes to a bunch of sinners and tells us to help tax collectors and foreigners, we torture and kill Him, and He forgives us anyway.

And yet somehow right-wingers are fundamentally incapable of ever empathizing with this. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>people still arguing over races as if genetics had more influence than culture
I thought /g/ was more scientific inclined than this.
>this thread
is there any doubt anymore that the_donald tourists are absolute cancer?
lol okay chill out
Why should white people vote against their own self interest by voting for a party that wants to "shut White people down"


Shareblue shills are worse
>I for this party because they gave give me a punching bag for all of my problem.

No wonder you don't care that GOP are enriching themselves at your expense.
Go away cuck, nobody is buying into your orange-billionaire-worshiping-cult these days, go suck off Dear Leader elsewhere
Obama was never an alternative unless he decided to lock up the white house
opinion discarded
I don't get it. People that criticize this regulation say that it wasn't in effect till next year. Nobody hears arguing that we were protected. We're just saying that if the regulation were to go into place we would be protected but now we have no relief coming now or in the future.
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Why do you SJWs claim to care about the white working class when you want to import millions of "" refugees ""?

This, I'm #withher now
Go suck off your orange billionaire bull elsewhere you fucking loser, this isn't the board for you, you belong on reddit.
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Why are SJWs so ignorant?
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I know you're new here and just came from /r/le_donald but fox news is a joke and always has been, pic related
>fox news
Uh, so you guys do quote news by "fake news" media when it fits your agenda, who would have thought...
Should internet be forbidden for underage teenagers?
take a look at this retard
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This, drumphypoopoo needs to go!

I seriously can't believe I wasn't #withher until now!
wowow haha xd looks like hillary was personally shilling on /g/ this whole time lol!

wtf im going to donate my savings to trump now, #MAGA!!!!!
>or the cia lead by obama decided to spy on you so hard they backdoored your tvs to act as microphones.
Kellyanne, pls.

Microwaves aren't secret cameras designed to spy on Trump.

>your from reddit because you don't support CNN
You Retards vote for Kleptocrats that literally steal money from the middle class.
>with her
They both suck, Anon, with all do respect, America just went with the one easier to mock
Can't stump the Trump.

Can't con the Don.
>if you don't believe fox news you must believe CNN
how simple are you?
To be honest, Trumpkin only believes there are three options: Fox, CNN and MSNBC.

Source: https://gop.com/mainstream-media-accountability-survey/

That """"survey"""" is leading as fuck.
Can't ryme for a dime.
Then why don't you SJWs stand up for the white middle and lower class in response?
obviously less dense than you SJWs
Kill yourself retard.
I guess no one wants to explain why repealing this would be alright. In my eyes it's like somebody punching you in the face but then promising to stop in a year. Then someone comes along and says it's okay to keep punching you.
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Then why did literally ZERO democratics vote in favor of it?
t. nigger
>its not trustworthy because they don't agree with me
Alex joke fox news fake news amirite XD
Not your safespace, leftypol
>Norwegian documentary

I'm Norwegian and I've never seen this documentary. Where is it?


Aren't those the weird muslim Eurabia conspiracy tards that claimed that the Swedish city that said no to Christmas lighting because it was a fire hazard was somehow evidence that Swedish government was somehow being cucked by Syrian immigrants, or something?
>breitbart is bad because they aren't SJW
why do leftists only want news they agree with?
>Alex joke fox news fake news amirite XD
I don't understand why you're responding to me? Did you mean to respond to someone else?
>"technology" thread
>so uh, Trump uses a smarphone

>not your safespace
You're the one crying that you're being told to kill yourself for supporting a retarded orange president

kys dude
I didn't say anything remotely like that, I said what documentary is this.
hillary would have done the exact same thing
t. trumpcuck
It's technology because it's about repealing a regulation on ISPs.
Det er fra en dokumentarserie på NRK, Har ikke sett den selv.

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Why is an SJW survey trustworthy, but a government survey trustworthy isn't?
Why does leftypol want a safespace?
How do Trump's balls taste cuck?
>Åtte unge mennesker har dokumentert sine psykiske utfordringer, gjennom egne videodagboker.

Hvilken episode er det snakk om her?
Breitbart is bad because they drive a political view supporting their views forward instead of just reporting news, supposedly just like the """leftist""" MSM.

If you amerifaggots seriously think you only have two options on the vote (democrats and republicans), you have no one else but yourself to blame when there's a second civil war or some shit.
It stopped being as soon as it started.
Another anon was full of shit.

1. The president doesn't write bills, congress does
2. This wasn't a bill at all, this was a set of new rules proposed and passed by the FCC

If you want to blame someone, blame Tom Wheeler, the head of the FCC. He was even a former lobbyist for the cable industry, so it's not as if it was obvious this guy would turn on them when Obama appointed him: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/26/technology/chief-who-sharpened-fccs-teeth-faces-final-hurdles.html

>When President Obama picked Tom Wheeler, a former cable and wireless lobbyist, to head the Federal Communications Commission in 2013, AT&T celebrated the pick as “inspired” and the cable industry said it was “exceptional.”
if you think there's going to be a second civil war over this then you're retarded. and it's practically unlikely for a third party to attract any meaningful influence in our system. we're fully aware that other governments have more political parties, but if you think you have any idea how to inject a third party into the discourse and get it a real foothold in our current political climate with all the context preventing it (like, for just one example, gerrymandering), then you're claiming to have an insight that literally no expert in politics or poli sci claims to have.
Episode 6 ser det ut som. Det er jo utvilsomt mye psykiatri involvert her.

Han har også skrevet på NRK Ytring.
Yeah dude creating jobs totally doesn't help whites, considering more whites are in the work force than any other race in the USA. Lazy shitskins.
>Why is an SJW survey trustworthy, but a government survey trustworthy isn't?
That wasn't the point in my post at all, retard. The point was that there are only three options, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. I don't know about you, but I actually get most of my news from other sources.

>government survey
It's not a government survey, it's a "GOP survey" if anything. It was first hosted on donaldjtrump.com before he was instated, and now on gop.com.

If you look at the questions, they are leading as fuck.


Examples include:
>On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing Republicans?
>Were you aware that a poll was released revealing that a majority of Americans actually supported President Trump's temporary restriction executive order?
>Do you believe that contrary to what the media says, raising taxes does not create jobs?
>Do you believe that the media has been far too quick to spread false stories about our movement?

If you cannot see how these questions are loaded, no matter what your actual opinion is and even if you actually agree, then you are genuinely retarded. It is possible to agree and still see the bias.
CNN was driven by their political beliefs when they handed the debate questions to Hillary
Motherfucker spics and whites are the ones building current America. Get your ass out of your bubble.
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build wall :---DDDDD
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I'm not claiming that I have the expertise to get a third party as a realistic contender to the current political machine you have in power, as I haven't spent a day in Amurrican politics.

That being said, looking at american politics from the outside, it does really look like the choice between parties is pretty much null.

No matter who you choose, he's still gonna take orders from the people who have the money to give orders/ask for favors.

Handler jo mer om at han er flau over å ha folelser og foler seg svak, enn at han foler skam over å ha fått noen sendt ut av landet.

Han sier jo rett ut også dette:

>Tårene kom det oyeblikket jeg satte meg inn i bilen. Jeg kjente en lettelse og glede for at han skulle vekk for alltid.
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>we must have bloated government agencies costing billions making sure our feelings arent hurt by ISPs even though the governmen collects every single piece of data on us forever and making ISPs spend billions following arbitrary rules

no thanks. how about democrats being funded by Comcast MSNBC just stop giving them a monopoly so we can choose a better ISP
Its okay when the Democrats do it, apparently

Why do drumpftards feel the need to eat everything he shat out?
I didn't know Blacks, Mexicans and Chinese were white back then.
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/g/ pedophiles animefags on suicide watch!
t. butthurt brownskin

Long after my people are dead we'll still be regarded as the best race ever. Eat shit.
Look I fucking hate Trump, but this Anon is right about Obama just being a tool for the rich. Neither party really cares about the average person, they care about staying rich. Fuck them all. Every politician/person in power deserves their head on a pike.
>Long after my people are dead we'll still be regarded as the best race ever.
>still piggybacking off the success of others
No one will give a shit about you.
No one is defending CNN. But defending Breitbart is just as bad.
>But defending Breitbart is just as bad.
no it isnt. breitbart isnt an intelligence agency operation taking orders from a central location or receiving government funding like cnn. i can respect actual independent left wing journalists, such as wikileaks.
>Everyone on 4cchan is a loser because I am
it's fair to say that your choices between the two parties are not as stark as they could be, but this is literally basic market economic theory. they both tend to edge toward the midpoint of what they perceive as the voting body. that's largely older (generally conservative) people. young people don't vote that much. lots of institutional reasons generally lead minorities not to vote that much. etc...

but they still carve out their unique stances. even the most cynical perspective could only — i think — argue that both parties' candidates would just take cues from whoever's paying them, but the people paying them only have partial overlap. the NRA isn't a big fan of the dems. planned parenthood doesn't generally lend its support to GOP candidates.

the fact that elected officials pay attention to these organizations is just due to the fact that they're organized largely to get attention. whether that takes the form of bribes or contributions or free dinners or whatever else is just an outcome of whatever laws are in place. if advocacy groups couldn't offer to benefit representatives in any way, they'd just find other ways to get attention (like harassing senators on their ways to and from work). they would still fundamentally make it their business to make sure representatives paid attention to them, and they would inherently be better at it than arbitrary individual people are.

given the amount of resources that are invested in affecting policy in the US government (and especially contrasted with how little is invested in influencing policy in other countries), i can't fathom how an outsider with no experience in american politics can claim to have any sense of how to fix this.
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Are you that same Vietnam veteran homeless guy I talked to at the bank complaining about spics and the VA? lmao
double fucking kek

A bunch of anarchistic "hacktivists" with no journalistic education or experience at all.

They don't even pretend to be journalists, they simply dump collected data.
It's 4chan, not 4cchan, you fucking moron. Or did you stutter while typing that?
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>breitbart isnt an intelligence agency operation taking orders from a central location or receiving government funding like cnn.
>4 CCs of Han
Sounds pretty right for a forum for discussing Chinese cartoons.
In America a realistic third party is actually harmful, because (1) you wont win and (2) the party that is most similar to yours will also lose.
That sounds hilarious.
>we must have bloated government agencies costing billions making sure "terrorists" can be tracked even though all shooters somehow manage to bypass the system
>with no journalistic education or experience at all.
>implying you need professor goldberg's crash course in afro-gender journalism to be a journalist
and this is why you fall for garbage intellugence agency blogs like cnn and wahingtonpost
we wouldnt need them if leftists stopped importing terrorists just because they all instantly go on welfare and vote left
>gets insecure when education is mentioned
Found the uneducated pleb with an inferiority complex.

But seriously... They don't even pretend or claim to be journalists. I know Assange thinks he is though, but Wikileaks isn't Assange.
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>there are only right wing and left wing (aka "wrong wing" amirite xxDDDDD) news
Was busy walking to my office and typing one handed on my phone.

>Brown loser laughs
>phone poster
My stereotypes are being confirmed for every post, kek
>can't even spell Washington nor Intelligence
>in the age of spell checkers on browsers

These right-wingers are truly something else.
if every dumb nigger in the country can get a college education, it doesn't really hold very much prestige at all now does it smart guy
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>terrorists in USA are a real problem
>it is worth sacrificing freedom to stop them
>oh and libruls are at fault
The "best" part was people actually hoping their hero would veto it.
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>if every dumb nigger in the country can get a college education, it doesn't really hold very much prestige at all now does it smart guy

But I never claimed that a college degree holds any form of inherent prestige......

Although, you thinking it does and projecting your view onto me, just proves my point about you having an inferiority complex.
>Trump supporters wanting more government oversight

Lmao @ the fact trump is targeting unions which many white working class folks rely on

Trump doesnt give a fuck about of you. He's just a figure head to make /pol/tards wet.
I'm not sure if anyone seriously expected that. Maybe the most delusional trumpfags
>if every dumb nigger in the country can get a college education, it doesn't really hold very much prestige at all now does it smart guy
And what does it say about you that you are unable to get one?
>Maybe the most delusional trumpfags
Also known as /pol/
>terrorists arent a problem just because blacks who vote democrat kill way more people
>so we must bring in muslims who kill people and vote democrat because they only kill a few less than black democrats
yeah, unions are an institution that actually does help the white working class but good luck convincing these retarded trumpcucks that

they are brainwashed
>make /pol/tards wet
When you say wet, do you mean golden shower wet or precum wet?
>Maybe the most delusional trumpfags
This thread alone should clear any doubt about that. Trumpfags would eat horseshit in a heartbeat if Trump told them it would make them rich.
More importantly is it really a bad thing if more of the population receives an education? Why do we want stupid people voting again?
>which many white working class folks are forced to join

fixed that for ya champ
Literally more people have been killed by toddlers with handguns than muslim terrorists on American soil.
higher wages and better working conditions

wow i sure would hate to be forced to join that xd
>More importantly is it really a bad thing if more of the population receives professor goldbergs intro to genderbender afro-marxism? Why do we want unindoctrinated people voting again?
>libruls are bringing terrorists to vote democrat!!!
This is what knuckle-dragging literal retards actually believe.
And we aren't banning handguns or toddlers** anytime soon, yet we are banning muslims from entering the country...

Really makes you think.

** hell, people even want to cut down on abortions, so they want even more (potentially deadly) toddlers around
I think the more accurate statement is that Trumpfags would let Trump shit in their mouth if they thought a liberal would have to smell it

>"take that libcucks!"
>libruls are bringing terrorists to vote democrat!!!
so why are they important them into every western country? are you saying its far more sinister and they want to genocide the native population in these countries instead?
>>libruls are bringing terrorists to vote democrat and kill republican voters!!!
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I can't wait for this thread to die.
>And we aren't banning handguns or toddlers** anytime soon, yet we are banning muslims from entering the country...
you cant have civilization without toddlers or handguns. but you can have civilization without muslims.
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>white genocide
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only 35 more posts until autosage anon...
Dude you are so triggered you can't even type right. Go take a lap and come back

Dude, just do basic spell checking already.

>important instead of importing
>intellugence agency instead of intelligence
>wahingtonpost instead of washington post

Why do you want uninformed and uneducated people voting?
i just woke up and im replying quickly laying in bed. go cry about it cuck :)
Have a mildly related video:

I thought you were in your office
>Why do you want uninformed and uneducated people voting?
i dont. which is why i would prefer voters werent (((college educated))) which is a total pyramid scheme for marxists and nothing more.
> native to America
This is what /pol/ actually believes.

Now don't get me wrong, the DNC is dirty as hell and corrupt but the GOP is definetely a winner for the morons category.
>you cant have civilization without [...] handguns
Western civilisation and democracy was invented before the handgun though.

Hell, the Roman empire, by many considered the pinnacle of western civilisation, lasted twice as long as America has been around
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I am very surprised that the retarded Trumpfag is a phoneposter.
Weren't you in your office printing out money?
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All leftists should be executed. They are traitors to the state
You just said you were in office.

>STEM education is a total pyramid scheme for marxists
You know you are posting on a board where 80-90% are either currently in college/university or have a college/university degree, right?
>college education, i.e. the gateway to a high-paying white collar career is a pyramid scheme
this is what high-school dropout Trumpcucks ACTUALLY BELIEVE

hope you're good at pressure welding cause that's the only way you'll ever make >100k
>Western civilisation and democracy was invented before the handgun though.
they had their equivalent of the handgun

>You just said you were in office.

you got the wrong person
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>I was only pretending to be in the office silly
Get a load of this fag.
>the d-democrats are holy cows! i swear!
>they had their equivalent of the handgun
Uh, and what would that be?

I don't think second amendment advocates would agree with you on that one, desu senpai.

>you got the wrong person
You type the same style, you have the same retarded spelling mistakes. I'm pretty sure you're the same guy.
>too dumb to get into college
>too lazy to spell right
>votes trump and posts /pol/ spam on /g/
>unironically posts praise kek memes and breitbart """news""" articles

Phoneposter stereotype confirmed.
but im on a laptop and i have a degree

this desu
>important them
It's "importing them"
>to genocide
Genocide is a noun, not a verb.
>native population
Whites aren't indigenous to the North American continent though... Native American literally means Indians, not white people.
>trying to save face instead of just ignoring the post on an anonymous image board

Looks like the guy who called inferiority complex was right.
In my experience the people who are out there doing productive shit and actually contributing to society, the ones who have a right to say "we are the master race", they never waste their time posting or discussing it. It's always the lowlifes who have done fuckall with their lives and are grasping at the closest thing to success.
you're so cute!
i love you!
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>Native American literally means Indians, not white people.
Nice education you got there. Native American literally means native to America. It is a euphemism incorrectly used to refer to the people indigenous to the North American continent. But by definition, Native American refers to the people who established America, therefore Europeans. And even if it didn't, archaeological evidence shows stone age Europeans were the first to land on the continent. way before the Asian migration. You lose by both your incorrect college Marxist definition or mine.
>breitbart is bad
>but mother Jones is fine
This is what SJWs actually believe
>In my experience
>implying you have any experience aside from masturbating to cartoons on your placebo pill linux OS on a chinkpad while spending hours configuring basic programs to do basic tasks
If you think any VPN provider is safe from the governments of the world then you are retarded.

You use it to hide from copyright holders and their respective "torrent infiltrating companies" and to encrypt your local traffic so that your ISP can't look at what you are doing.

Hiding from the government is never going to work with the amount of backdoors they have into our systems. It might work hiding from the police though, but not the alphabet agencies of your respective countries (who wouldn't waste such backdoors on your retard ass).

PIA is perfectly fine as long as there is no reason for the government to want to nail your ass (meaning, don't be a pedo fuck or a terrorist).
Caught me ;)
Why do leftists support black supremacism?
why do alt right support orange supremacy?
>Native American refers to the people who established America
Except America refers to two continents, and not a nation.

>And even if it didn't, archaeological evidence shows stone age Europeans were the first to land on the continent. way before the Asian migration.
I see this meme being posted on far-right forums all the time, and it's based on Heinrich Himmler's far-fetched theory that Atlantis was actually real and in North America and some white super-race moved there while the rest of the world was stuck in the stone ages.

Late iron age North Europeans (aka "vikings") are arguably the first Europeans to travel to North America, but their excavated settlements clearly show signs that they traded and frequently interacted with the natives.
give me a VPN provider located in netherlands then.

Setting up my own is not acceptable since that would be extremely easy to trace back to me. I want a logless one.
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>alt right is bad
>BLM is okay
SJWs are pathetic
What the hell is a mother jones, and where did I say anything remotely close to that in my post?

>greentexting random stuff
>thinks he has a point
This is what butthurt Trump supporters look like.
>BLM is bad
>alt right is okay
alt rights are pathetic
Oh my God this is so embarassing.
>Except America refers to two continents, and not a nation.
Cool irrelevant factoid, except both were established by Europeans anyway.
>I see this meme being posted on far-right forums all the time, and it's based on Heinrich Himmler's far-fetched theory that Atlantis was actually real and in North America
No, it's based on archaeological evidence.
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>Oh my God this is so embarassing.
T. Male feminist, black supremacist, and proud stepfather
Why do /pol/ see in terms of binary. You don't have to suck off BLM to oppose an orange baboon with a cheap wig.

The fact you all see any criticism of trump as a threat or sjwism is pathetic.
>the telegraph
You might as well be citing CNN at this point.

The referenced theory is heavily disputed and has some major shortcomings though:

>Few if any archaeologists—or, for that matter, geneticists, linguists, or physical anthropologists—take seriously the idea of a Solutrean colonization of America.
Because the only argument they have is
>but hillary is crooked, fox news said so
Hmm more like 18 year old 2nd year student who graduated high school at 16 and has a better grasp of history than any trumptard spouting "alternative news".

I'm not male or remotely in support of feminism and I'm neither black or a stepfather. But keep grasping.
here is your reason >>119619148
he actually believes this is a good argument in favor of hillary lol

except he doesnt actually, hes just an SJW blm dick sucking cuck who repeats what his masters tell him to repeat
>uses Wikipedia as a source
>when left wing organizations have been openly editing articles to fit their agenda for years
The fact that your even replying just confirms that your are an SJW
>>uses Wikipedia as a source
No, I use it as a reference tool

>when left wing organizations have been openly editing articles to fit their agenda for years
That may be so, but the history of the article and Wikipedia's rules regarding secondary sources still apply. See the references section.

Also, it certainly trumps this link:
This is obviously Standford's and Bradley's attempt to promote their own book.

Note also that the article leaves out any details and essentially is just "two stanford professors say columbus didn't discover america after all", which essentially is common knowledge in this day and age.
It's deliberate, he pretends everyone who is against him is for discrimination against whites and it makes him look like he's fighting discrimination which makes people sympathetic to his cause. It's a recruitment method basically. It makes people question whether he's really the bad guy and sows doubt among people.
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Why do people act like this already didn't happen?
MAGA!!!! fuck the rest!
>not being an SJW makes your a bad guy
>being pro white makes your bad guy
Leftists are insane
The difference is that now the state says that it is okay.
/thread Get these shareblue niggers out of here.
But I am a single issue voter: my single issue is to restrict immigration.
>it changes nothing! my cheeto emperor can do nothing wrong!
>it's a 300 post thread gets moved to /pol/ episode
Personally I want more immigrants. They are the best :)
Now maybe you idiots, myself included, will realize there was never a choice. They were all selected, all of the same bloodline, all Jew shills, all traitors, this one just spouted Nationalist rhetoric. His handlers' actions show his words meant nothing.

You can't vote your way to freedom, you have to kill for it. We won't free ourselves from the Jew World Order with words, only by violent revolution will we ever be free. Fanaticism doesn't mean diplomacy, it means to stand up and fight. No one is a National Völkisch Socialist if they are not planning on a violent overthrow of the system, a violent retaliation for their crimes, a violent means as judge, jury, and executioner, by your own doing, to ensure justice is served.
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