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List of Red-pills for you newfags

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Thread replies: 175
Thread images: 62

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>Holocaust is a hoax
>We have been fighting the globalists since the days of jesus - and they are all satanic jews
>Jesus was a rough stern bad ass kicking jew ass
>Magick is real + Christianity is the way to go
>The Globalists plan is to wipe out the white race - and in 50 years all major white nations will be black
>Niggers got smaller brainsize, 80 out of 82 niglets fail self awareness test
>Most refugees arent refugees, they are economic migrants
>The earth is hollow and the nazis has been there
>Only conservative values can build successfull nations and a happy populace
>Europa and Islam has been at war for 2000 years
>The Devil will appear this year
Proof of the devil
Its a slow read but read it
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Instructions for the wehrmacht on how to get into Agarta Hollow earth
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Modern map matching their description
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Magic is real proof
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Pic 2
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The arc of Noah- Dated to 7000 years old through c14
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Niggers failing self awareness test
Someone bump this shit
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More proof for Christianity - The Levithian
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Niggers with smaller Brainsize
We need more bumps lets get this thread going
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The demopraphic shift
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Noahs ark
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Settle down kids and wait in
Red pill me on the rapture. Is it a Jesuit lie?
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The fuck is a rapture anon
Go read the book of Revelations, You will find all answers there
I grew up in a pentecostal church and they think Christians will ascend before tribulation. Probably bullshit.

What English translation would you recommend? I've only read NIV all the way through when I was younger.
Redpill me on cultural Marxism
What's their end game?
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The King James version
It has to do with their satanic doctrine of making the world degenerate, something in that direction, best way to ensure that is to destroy the white man
Why do Marxists want to destroy the white race? Don't they realize that would stagnate social and technological development?
Also bump
Needs more jpg
Was the new testament designed to neuter Christianity and make it more passive?
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Devil proof beter HD.jpg
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Thanks, I'll pray for your white women.
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>80 out of 82 niglets fail self awareness test

Niggers make up their religion, also.

NATION OF ISLAM (ie Black Muslim) niggers think that niggers INVENTED WHITE PEOPLE in a laboratory.

But that whites rebelled against our much more intelligent masters.

There are literally millions of niggers walking the streets of America who believe that nonsense.
Nope - To bring us new teachings, The Revelations book is very informative, aswell as Jesus Sacrifice really changes everything

See it used to be that we all followed some kind of Karma, Jews Buddhists, But with Jesus sacrifise your karma debt can be restored
Op here changed name due to an error with my other topic, Go have a look
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KJV is the only version where they used "Trump" instead of "Trumpet" for verse 16 of this passage
Somehow you faggots always forget to include modernization. I know a ton of mudslimes who aren't even religious.
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Begone shill the Majority of Muslims are degenerates that support Sharia

62% of canadian muslims support Sharia law

>>119467515 pic from
WTF is this??
The CIA released docs recently - 16 million, these docs revealed alot including their scientific report on Telekinesis and Astral projecting - Both of which are hinted at existing in the bible so it would come as no surprise
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Can Christians RV or is satanic?
The prophet John who wrote the revelations went into the astral world - so it would seem that Astral projecting is not satanic, as for the rest of Magics except healing, I would yes
Good stuff OP... sending some of this stuff to other Christians I know.
>christianity is real
>go to /x/
>lots of non-christian paranormal
Literally any other spirituality is better than christianity if you wanna deal in magic

If you want magic-LITE then you go with christianity and meme magic.
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>ridges are proof of a dragon thing
Don't get spooped by this pic anon
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>pictures of stars
these coordinates don't show anything on the nasa site now
to control more easily a dumbed down diverse population with no culture and no history. their jew books told them yaweh would only save them once the earth was at peace and the white man and arabs are their last threat. lurk moar you fucking faggot
This day will be an amazing day. Shadilay, brother.
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read >>119467515

It's quite hard to se the actuall skeleton leaf, but once you spot it theres no doubt

The skeleton has symmetri and an organic growth (it grows the further up you go) and nowhere else have i seen anything similair
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I got your proof right here.
Besides the last one, this is 100% correct
I don't get it, what am I looking at? A spine?
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a close up on the ribs for you blind>>119469996
jesus in toast tier

noah had no more trees becäuse they died from the flood , guess from what he made his houses from ?
I know a wasp without a stinger
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>>Europa and Islam has been at war for 2000 years
>islam is roughly 1400 years old

Pick one.
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Why in the fuck did you have throw Hollow Earth into that glorious list!?
There are that many Native Americans?

The world and ita history is a lot older than 2000 years. Stop researching Tales of the Desert Jew and read the history of your people before they were slaughtered by Christians
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>says Christianity is "the way to go"
>is protestant
Thanks, interesting. This is in Antarctica?
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well its not really hollow earth, more like a great cavern system underneath the antartica
There is allso more documentations about the nazis down there

A Famous one is operation Highjump were the Us military laid retreat after their ships had been damaged in the antartica(southpole) Ofcourse you can read alot more about it here


Here's the satanic jews proof
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Jesus wasn't a Jew, this is a lie made up by Jews.

There happens to be alot of truth and proof for christianity mr varg

they obviously removed it then, i can link threads (not now) where they all go in to the coords individually and see the same phenomena
RCC has been fucked up since Peter denied Christ before the church was even built. God has been breaking down that unholy organization since day 1. The future of the Christina Church is catholic free.
Just travelling around the world is a major red-pill.

Go see the red-haired and blue eyed statues of the Viracochas on Easter Island, compare their architecture with the Incas in South-America. Realize that the sea didn't divide us, but connect us. I know what kind of "evidence" our history is made of; christian monks and smithsonian "scientists" with confirmation bias.

is this a picture for ants?

The Bible is inclusive of The Old Testament, a jewish text. Who knows what history of our people the Romans and Franks destroyed following their dead kike on a stick religion
God fucking damnit Here>>119467515
..nasa removed what?

Is there a trick for opening up these big pics so they are readable?
click it newfag
>Implying you can be Christian and go against what Jesus said.

You know that you're a heretic. You deal with the fact that there are two catholic churches. The temporal and the nontemporal.

i doubt the book of revelations was written with 2017 of the year that people on 4chin would look up some sky-thing with many filters on

what was the point of waterloo? the famines? the plague that killed 1/3 of europe? just for this moment?
Keep this thread open for now and let it update, when it is archived or at a later time, use the DownloadThemAll! extension to get all of them with ease.
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I used to think swedes could speak proper english
you *must*
>lebanese tech support
>And she brought forth a man child

Yeee boi
In the gospel Satan took Jesus on a high mountain and offered all the kingdoms before him for his soul, (all the earth)
meaning that we are living in hell, and these great tragedies are satans doing
In the bible - book of revelations this child was either the christ or antichrist, and he will appear 3.5 years or right after this happening - can't remember
hollow?!?! The devil???

here are the coords that I got to work

13 47 37.0, -8 49' 50.5"
Oh yea the minus before the 8 is important
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yes - its happening
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> holocaust was real, there is too much evidence to be refuted by a few retards and their fallacies
> since the dawn of man, various kings priests and potentates have dreamed of global dominion, but it has not all been the same guys
> magic is NOT real, and christianity is a just another dogmatic eastern death cult
> globalists HOPE to eliminate "whiteness" due to retarded self hating postmodernist marxist brainwashing, but they suck at everything, including genocide.
> ALL refugees are economic migrants.
> the earth is NOT hollow and the nazis couldnt even manage to wipe out the jews, so any claims of their acheivments are dubious at best
> at various points in history "conservative" values have been Radical, Progressive, Heretical and Blasphemous. stop being a retard.
> islam hasnt existed but for 1200 years you dimwit.
> there is no "devil", so his appearance would be a miracle of epic proportions, which would confirm the faith of every religious believer on the planet and convert most of the agnostics and atheists, thus defeating this putative "devils" schemes. your god of evil must be a retard.

you really are incredibly stupid
I can't believe the UN built their building to look like the tower of Babel and somehow didn't expect their empire to be scattered to the four winds.
Melanin is linked with aggression in several species, including Homo sapiens:


Time preference is linked to race across cultural and political boundaries:



Whites are under-represented in serial murder, and always have been:


Whites are also under-represented in "mass shootings," AKA "spree killings"

http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/mass-shootings-map (63% of mass-shooters from 1983 to 2013 are "White")

http://www.censusscope.org/us/chart_race.html (64% of US "Non-hispanic White" - 2010)

http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-02.pdf (78% of US "Non-hispanic White" - 1980)

Blacks are shot at a disproportionately low rate compared to both their rate of violent crime and the rate at which they shoot cops:


Police in training simulations hesitate to shoot Blacks longest, nearly 50% longer than they hesitate to shoot Whites:


While self-reporting indicates that Whites and Blacks use drugs at similar rates, testing of self-reporters indicates that Blacks lie about their drug use at higher rates. Hospitalization statistics also support the claim that Blacks use drugs, and more dangerous drugs, at a greater frequency than Whites:


dont reply to shills the american above this dude>>119473717
yeah its pretty fucking important
>magic is NOT real
Magic is real. The aristocracy practice it
This true?
>Swede not recognizing Jormungandr

Top kek
can someone post that image of the American Mexican border where the us is super high tech space age style and Mexico is rural and feudal? Asking for a friend
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Yet Canada is still less fucked then Sweden your just mad we can go out in the streets without being raped by refuges
Based swede haven't seen you in a while
yep im still here - seems shareblu called assistance
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Eternal life / Immortality Red pill

Simply put, we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, but after we die, the bible talks about a second death which is described as a lake of fire (Hell). But, since God loves us, He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, he was buried, and rose again to life three days later. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

>The Bible Way to Heaven
Right add me on Kik if you want to keep contact
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Elaborate on "magick" please. I'm not sure how a study of precognitive ability would constitute magick being real, however. I'm intrigued, so do tell me more kind sir.
> claims magic is real
> posting on Bhutanese Flower Arraigning Board instead of building a tower of dark sorcery and conjuring a harem of succubi
> called a liar for his claims of "majick"
> still insists it's real instead of hitting me with 3 Magic Missiles or a Melfs Minute Meteors
> again insists "Majick" is real
> i still havent taken my 3d4 +3 damage.
> maybe i made my saving throw...
Well if you read all the documents inc >>119464732
They document making an experiment where men were put into rooms and through astral projecting they were able to determine what was in the box in the next room, and allso they made a telekinesis experiment where they were able to make symbols inside this box

Then they go on trying to understand what force this was done with & so on (not electricity)
and what the conjurers were doing - half concious.
Theres more on this m9, i have seen people fish up anothger 30 docs

aswell as we got the elite practising it as we saw in the leaked podesta emails, and in churches there are many healings made by the holy spirit to those in need

so yea theres alot on that subject
I can't read it too fuzzy
Found the Jew, guys!
Perfekt. Tack
Science isn't real, if it were you could kill me with a laser gun.

Magic doesn't work like that dumbass.

Does anyone have a higher quality version of this image? It's too blurry to read on my screen.
You fucking dickheads.
We can't read either of those.

Do you have any info on stargates?
>Politics make up less than 1/2 of being redpilled
>Your opinions do not make you redpilled no matter what they are
>Repeating opinions from an enlightened person does not make you redpilled
>Someone agreeing with you doesn't make them BASED
>99% of you, like progressives, use the colonial model of "race" which is a useless social construct
>Stop caring about politics and start building credibility as an individual, if you do not have beauty/skill/knowledge/health you will not be treated with respect, you must conquer yourself before conquering others
>Read ethics, philosophy, and theology before jumping into LE REDPILL POLITICS
>Jaded racism, sexism, and white nationalism are cancer
>Europa and Islam has been at war for 2000 years
Islam dates from 7th century.
Only cern


I like you. Have a good life
>use the colonial model of "race" which is a useless social construct

hahahahaha, top bantz. Seriously though. No one in the biological field thinks that race is a social construct. Only those with barista degrees.

>Jaded racism, sexism, and white nationalism are cancer

Jaded? Anything but that. It's actually your ilk that are cancer.
> magic doesnt work

fixed that for you.

just because i dont have a laser gun, that doesnt refute science, but magic missile is a lvl 1 spell, surely you can cast a lvl 1 spell right?


not even just a little bit?

i may not have a laser gun, but i have a lot of slug throwers that can get the job done until my tech lab levels up to lasers and gauss rifles

science works, magic doesnt.
if magic worked, it would be called a science.
I'll assume you're on your phone. Open in new tab. Still small, change it from m.jpg to .jpg or. png depending on if it is a jpg or png.
>proof of Christianity
>posts something from Torah
its in the old testament, there was a poem about it
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Is the SuperKEKB just as spooky?
God and his angels walk amongst us... shitposts amongst us. They recreated the frog plague for US 2016 election.
> leviathan isnt from the torah, its from the old testament
whew lad.
just literally, whew...
> theres a poem about it

read the book of Job
it's not a fucking poem.
fucking sweden, every goddamned time.
Dont reply to shills
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never heard of it
Pic related to this >>119467515
DO reply to retards!

demonstrating how absolutely wrong you are helps prevent your cancer from spreading to other gullible fools.
get out
> jeses was a badass


christians in my area are giant pussies; make jesus out to be a giant fag

redpill me on the jeebs
I've heard it's a bigger cern located in Japan, but I'm sure.
*not sure
>Christianity is thw way to go
>literally the biggest bluepill the jews ever made whites swallow.
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ladda ned (1).jpg
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> image prophesying doom on sept 23 2017
> "prophecy" crafted from disjointed, out of context passages from the king james version, old and new testament, written thousands of years apart
> literally zero explanation for how these disparate verses become a unified prohecy
> lots of speculative numerology and dubious astrological bullshit
> strongly doubt your astro-physics and stellar cartography is up to snuff either

and into the trash it goes.
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you read>>119470639
That's creepy as fuck
What is your opinion on CeRn
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>The political option against jewish rule is a jew.

Controlled Opposition BC-edition

well played tulip farmer, well played.
Its trying to gain some sort of satanic power - We see the backers of CERN are satanists and they allso have satanic rituals down there, you can se some of them here

What that power is though, i wouldnt know

Tulip farmer read this - the pic >>119470639
You se Jesus wasen't a jew, he is everything they hate, and above you will se proof of Christianity
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does this mean the anti christ is just being born or has been born and will soon arrive?
The antichrist will walk among us shortly after the dragon encounters the woman, he will allready be fully grown - and he will pretend to be christ and he will trick many into recieving his mark. The child of the woman however, i cant remember what role he was
My theory is cern will lead to nothing but will be used as a hand wave for all the people left behind in the rapture.
Thats pretty much why its being built and why globalists (satanists) are so involved.
>Rapture? No, thats stupid, cern did this!
Giant science magic hand wave.

Oh i see the child is Jesus, and after 3.5 years he will take back earth
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God is the absolute nothingness.
man im in a school house and i think they set on the alarm - as the day is over, how the fuck im i getting out of here lol
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All I see is a shitty boat that doesn't match the Biblical dimensions and doesn't have any indication of being "Noah".

You act like the Black Sea forming means the whole world was flooded by a jew god.
cya dudes wish me luck - add me on kik
hey now faggot read this
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> the dragon encounters the woman
That happened already. Rome's symbol was the red dragon, on all their shields. They built a temple on the holiest site of kikery that had a woman (Venus) and Jupiter pulling his four horses as was the tradition.

Revelations = ancient Zionist propaganda (in every sense of the word Zionist)
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>batshit crazy interpretations of random info
You have a Semitic mental virus making you interpret giant fish as biblical prophecy. You're got in a loop.

Leviathan doesn't even mean fish
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Meme magic isn't evil.
Thread posts: 175
Thread images: 62

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