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>Destroyed the Roman (Byzantines) Empire singlehandedly >Buried

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Thread replies: 361
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>Destroyed the Roman (Byzantines) Empire singlehandedly
>Buried crusaders alive
>Only non european power that whites and defeated enormous Shia+Catholic coalitions without help
>Only non white country that enslaved wh*tes for centuries
>Even after the demise of a great empire, unlike other people, Turks refused slavery and fought bravely against wh*te christian invaders and won
>Only country that makes people from Pacific to Atlantic butthurt
>Only country that removes christians efficiently
>Majority of non Turks hate Turkey, but cant do anything about it other than crying
>Unlike Germany, it openly denies so called genocides
>Neither European nor Asian nor Middle Eastern, Turkey just stands there to buttblast everyone
Just accept Turkish supremacy, white subhumans, this will ease your butthurt
Ha bu arada poldeki ekşici çopurlar tiradda ağlamayın bu bir olda tiradıdır.
Kosovo brother here ready for ottoman caliphate inshallah
Are you ready to genocide white european christian subhumans in the name of Allah?
>great empire
Yeah, I don't consider anything less than what the French had as an Empire. We changed the game nigguh, get good.
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>taking pride in all these sins
Truly a Whore of Babylon.
Try it roach, we will put you in the fucking ground. Can't even control your Kurdish terrorists! Just wait until NATO disappears, Russia is going to be in Constantinople in 3 days.
Kebab strong.Remove Serbs
It's Istanbul now you white scum. We massacred thousands of Crusaders and Gr**ks and renamed Constantinople to Istanbul
I'd love to massacre hundreds of you to say the city's name correctly.
I agree 100%
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Ankara is a beautiful city, you Turks are lucky.
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We need a modern day Vlad.
We beheaded Vlad and conquered his country.
Why do you need a modern day Vlad?
>>118789711 To bruda oblizes mi muda
You and the conscripted "army" that villagers defeated within hours? Truly t*rkey is a world power the West should cower before.
>when your country only exists because of the benevolence of French and British foreign policy
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Just to see your people on sticks again.
dont blow yourself up yet mustafa
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The French and the British invaded Turkey once
We kicked them out.
But you didn't do any of that, the ottomans did
Plus you guys got cucked in ww1 because you got rid of your skilled European workers in exchange for hiring unskilled Turks that couldn't support an industrial economy

You didn't do shit, sand nigger.

I met Turks and other sand-apes while I was in the US Army, you guys are a fucking joke. Literally no different from Iranians, Afghanis, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians... I'm just saying that I'm very lucky and blessed to not live in a nation like yours.
>Is now ruled and being destroyed by our spy
Just remeber which vasal helped you in most off your wars against other countries and the crusades
Turk roach.
Self hater
Yeah, but we dismantled your empire and shared it between us. The only reason why you even had an empire is because we allowed it. That's all.
> a people who genetically are muts of Semites and Europeans but LARP as Asians

your people are literally hipster weeaboos

Pick one roach.

You are pissed because you will never be white.
You will never be European.
You will never be a civilised people.
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then explain losing this then mehmet?
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Oh look. The turkish army is here already.
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> a people who genetically are muts of Semites and Europeans but LARP as Asians
Really? I didn't know that. Please tell me about my genetics.
Americans are the worst. At least most of them are not white but still they're subhuman. That's because of their shit religion i guess.
Remove kebab.

May the Russians re-take rightful Orthodox clay of Constantinople in righteous vengeance.
Not gonna happen buddy
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>when you're the master of the Mediterranean but your country's best idea for a navy is paying off pirates
>when a superior and more ambitious Egyptian nearly splits your country in half but the British come to save you
>when your country spends a century on the verge of economic collapse but you get saved by European loans
>When the greatest Turk to ever live wasn't a Turk
>when you masturbate over repelling a half hearted international police action after WW1 and ignore how you got btfo in every engagement with a European power for a century prior
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Why do u have to put them with us u silly burger?

Turkey was lucky as shit always at the right place at the right time

>Ottomans defeated Byzantines only after Crusaders and others weakened them
>narrowly avoided judgement from WW1
>ran to NATO for help after they pissed off Russians

Only reason you guys are still here is because you're a nice site to put our nukes and missile defenses.
They already re-took Crimea.

Short sail to Holy Constantinople.

Islam and Roaches will be crushed in Europe too.
Constantinople will be white again, in your lifetime.

Islam will no longer exist, and Turkey will be wiped off the map.

You mention the massacre of Crusaders.... Hundreds of years ago?!

We are slaughtering your Muslim brothers and sisters TODAY! By the thousands. Even by pushing a few buttons, we are able to slaughter your brothers and sisters from the skies.

Gib oil moneys
Oh, roach, this is going to tilt you to the heavens. I'm jewish, and I recently dated a turkish girl. Didn't dare eat it, but the produce was tight.

I'll visit Turkey, when it's part of Greater Israel.
Whatever you say.It is really that simple to get rid of millions of people without them fighting back.
Ataturk would have had you executed.

You shame his memory and legacy.

kek kek kek epic short and sweet
How manny people do you know who are secretly gay??
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My digits speak for themselves.
I second this. I watched while laughing openly at you literal retards trying to practice room-clearing and basic squad movements when we had to train you idiots in Afghanistan.... since you weren't smart or skilled enough to go out on real missions without getting fucked up by goatfucking villagers. Eventually we gave up on you retards. Was a good laugh though. Don't know who would kill you faster, the enemy or yourselves. Your military couldn't even beat millennial pacifists in a fight these days. Can't wait til you're gone. Also.... your last coup was fake and gay.
Fuck off. Trump won't do shit.
Europe and Russia have killed millions of "people" before.

Its not our first rodeo.
Was meant for this
>Really? I didn't know that. Please tell me about my genetics.
> tfw you triggered the most ((((alpha)))) nation in the world with one post
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the 10th crusade is already underway Turkish cockroaches

the day of the RAID will come soon
Iran will destroy you
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I will never forgive the UK and France for stopping Russia from wiping this miserable and unholy nation off the face of the earth for good.

Oh what could have been...
Those haplogroups are indeed shiny. I am sure those haplogroups obviously didn't exist in where we came from.
Try harder pls you wh*te chr*stian subhuman.
our people would fuck a sink if it had a vagina. No gays in here Novak.

Gib army and destroy iran plz
Honestly, I fucking hate Turkey. Fucking shit country, buys isis oil, fuck around in Europe, fucking retard leader. Among top 5 list of worst country’s Turkey and Saudi Arabia, would both rank in the top 5 list
you're all the same to me. Very rare that I trust someone from the middle east, usually they have gone Kafir and are no longer brainwashed.

Plus, I don't trust people who dislike dogs. That's one of the ways I gauge people. The entire middle east hates dogs.
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It is when you blow them up from the sky or run them down in tanks and outfitted in gear that's like 3-4 decades more advanced than they have. The Gulf war proved that shit pretty hard.
And we don't like people who worship a fucking cross.
We will stick that infidel symbol up your ass in your holiest places within 20 years.
>We beheaded Vlad
No you didn't. You killed Vlad The Grandfather. It's like saying I could beat Mike Tyson in a fight but I'm too chickenshit to do it so I wait while he's high on heroin or some shit. Vlad got betrayed by wannabe allies and locked in prison for 10 years. Then they later released him but the damage had already been done and he died in combat a year later.

Once again Turkroaches take the credit for someone else's work.
When I went few years back for my summer vecation to Egypt and Tunisia and everyone said there that the Saudis are the biggest secret faggots from all Arabs so that's what I'm asking
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Look at you. Still thinking in religions like they fucking matter anything anymore.
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How are you going to do that when every single middle eastern country is at like 1970s-1980s tech in terms of military equipment and the USA has the most advanced military in the world? Doesn't seem very smart of you.
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>When you and your Italian bros plan a party and it goes extremely well
>USA has the most advanced military in the world
You tried to invade Afghanistan, failed.
Muslims are superior to your shitty army. Besides your army can't win wars. Even against rice farmers lel
Well, will Allah heal your skull after it has been turned into mush by US Bombs? Did not think so.
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inb4 Kurds sneak a nuke in Shitstanbul and all of Turkey falls into Chaos. Gets divided amongst Muslim tribes and some other regional warlocks.

Can't wait, enjoy your Erdocaliphate while it lasts ;)
We kept a seat in the EU warm for you
When's the last time Turkey accomplished anything of notable relevance?
This thread is great.
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We finished what we set out to do, and we would have eventually won in vietnam. We didn't even have a real reason to be there so we left. Your muslim warriors wont be superior when they get ran over by an Abrams or blown the fuck up by a drone strike Mehmet.
Dude u gotta understand that those guys hate us because we are filthy rich and they r not. All we do when we go there is party and fuck everything that walks. I mean eevery woman there wishes she could marry a Saudi guy for the riches. I went to Sharm Alsheik 3 years ago and fucked as many whores as I could , and everytime I hang out with the guys they treat like i'm the boss for the moneyz and the women make this hints and shit. And the best part is that I'm fuck ugly . They hate the surbs though.

+ Is Novak treated like a god in ur home ?

So you fuck goats and relatives.
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Do you even exist?
>tfw that burger can't even name one city from Turkey so he googled Turkey's capital before posting
We dont worship a cross.

We worship God and his Son.

Even in Islam, it is Jesus whom will return to defeat the wicked.

Your pedophile, rapist, torturer, thief illiterate Muhammed is dead and never to return.

May he burn in Hell forever for his sins.
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can repeat
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What the hell is going on in that webm?
Great history indeed, Sadly orthodox incest filled islam has been degenerating your country for decades.

The Ottomans were a free, open society. Turkey now is literally 1 family now :)
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Why didn't you take Vienna then?
>Destroyed the Roman (Byzantines) Empire singlehandedly
Kek who are the Sassanids, Bulgars, Slavs, Arabs, Normans, Crusaders? Not to mention all the civil wars
>You tried to invade Afghanistan, failed.

Wow we failed? I never knew the Taliban was still the government of Afghanistan.
You can't even take Grozny back from Chechens.
Chechens bully Russians every day and you cucks can do nothing about it KEK
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You will burn in hell fire for the betrayel of muslim population. Spend your riches on sportscars and whores while your brothers suffer in hunger. Allah will make Saudia Arabia and all its its wahabi scum choke on their greed and vanity in this life and the next.
I don't believe in that crap either. Jesus and Muhammad and Allah can all go fuck themselves.
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the father of your nation is disappointed in you. You failed your forebearers completly and utterly without having been forced to. It's sad to see how degenerates like you throw away everything you have been handled
Nice fake quote here Christian German DOG :DDDDDD
We will anally rape you in Rome, Jerusalem and your cities
Chechnya is still part of Russia, fyi.

How are you doing with Kurds?
Dying and losing daily?
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Why has there been so much WE WUZ roachposting lately?
raping kids and goats has always been a job turks did well i admit it.
Why are there so many American subhumans? You're even considered as subhuman by other white subhumans which is really interesting.
"We will anally rape you in Rome, Jerusalem and your cities"

You seem to have a tribal mindset, "we" "your"

Wouldn't expect much more from a Turk though. I'd like to know what YOU (not the collective "you" as in Turkey, I mean you as a PERSON) do on a day to day basis. Do you have a career in Turkey? Or do you just pray on your rug all day? Please, share with us the daily life of an average Turk.
animals like you can't read fine print, it seems. Very well. You are not responsible for your low birth, inferior genes and your descent from barbarous horse-people. Hatred and destruction is all that your kind ever managed to muster.
Why would we need to know any other of your cities?
They're irrelevant, your GDP is lower than ours even with 4 times the population.
You live in an Islamist third-world country with an average IQ of Harambe that accomplishes nothing.

You. Do. Not. Matter.
Serious question, don't you see that uncle Erdo is degenerating your country?
Ataturk set them free, but Turks gonna Turk.
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>Muslim says he'll rape people
Jokes write themselves
Muh Dick
>Why would we need to know any other of your cities?
Because we liberated them from white christian pork eater subhumans.
>claims to be European country
>is Turkey

You're just the middle east that moved.
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It there is a any country on this earth that is damned to hell, it is Saudia Arabia first and foremost. The most despicable cruel and evil humans. You should be afraid Wahabi. Because you know Allah will take vengeance for your country's and its people avarice. Allah will teach you Wahhabi the lesson in this life or the next.

You could not enter Heaven with all the riches of the world.
And now they've turned to shit because of brown Muslim Children-raping subhumans.

Lol GB was never an empire, just an island state with colonies
I just leave this here

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>Turkish intellectuals

As degenerate as we have become in the West, the Saudis really take the cake on that.
>As degenerate as we have become in the West
Whites have always been subhuman.
lmaooo keep believing what you want man we fucked them niggaz and owned them for centuries so fuck off
I can kind of respect the turks, iranians, and israelies.

The turks because of the ottoman empire, the iranians because they've been fucking off america for 30 years and are still about, and the israelies because they're in the middle of a whole bunch of arabs that want to fuck them up and they don't even give a shit.
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Roaches can life eating toothpaste, except their supremacy! You are a smelly Turk and nothing else.
Why can't we just put our differences aside and wipe out the ones who have been deliberately fanning the flames between the west and Islam? tbqh the entire middle east would be better off under the Ottoman Empire
>One could argue and describe the Turks as a mix people of Mongols, Greeks/Anatolians and other Levantine/Semitic minorities.
To finish things up, one has to add the last ingredient of this devil's mixture: Islam.

The end product is right after Saudi-Arabia the probably most degenerate nation on earth.
The average IQ is even lower than Greece, Mongolia, etc.

For our Greek Brothers:
Ζητώ η ελευθερία! 25th of March, Remember that Kebab removal kek
and apparently so fucking broke you even have to copy and paste the same fucking boring thread cause you dont have Money for new ones.
But what do I expect from a cuck Manlet race that got BTFOd by Austrians Polish and half of the Balkans

>Beeing all proud about Turkey
>Next month crazy Islamist see blasphemy on pol
>Erdogan puts you two to jail :)
I hope the time comes to put that to the test.

Turkey is Christian clay.

The fire rises.
That was what we needed, a Šiptar.
Akmed: What should we name our country?
Muhammad: What was that bird we fucked last night?
Akmed: Oh right!

And that is how Turkey was named.
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>we allowed it
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>modern day achievements
>sell kebabs
>literal cockroaches
>solid 67 IQ
>worship pedofile
There is nothing to respect in the Ottomans.
lmao yea thats why no one came back to invade the lands for like 400 years faggot
avoided judgement? we fought againist brits french and greeks and they all fucked off
drop the burger and read some history book
>being autistic but too stupid to play with puzzles.

I feel sorry for that Turkroach
Keep pissing off Europe and Russia.

If you think the US will defend you, you are in for a surprise.
youtube Köksal Baba

he's your average Turk
>>Destroyed the Roman (Byzantines) Empire singlehandedly

lol except for the fact that he was sacked by Venice first.
>What is Battle of Manzikert
Crusaders saved Byzantines from Turks.
It's even funnier when this is literally the result if inbreeding :)
We're literally occupying their country and there is no force around that can kick us out. Keep dreaming in your shit skin power meme.
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great answer my guy owned me
Kurds. Muhuhuhuhuhu
what do you mean?
All of this damage control
and you represent europe? lmao stick to fishing you faggot this is over you
Basically you stinky Steppeniggas ruined all the land and made Constantinople to a goat brothel.

The sane Byzantine intellectuals went to Italy and made their contributions to the Renaissance.

When you cavepeople hit the modern ages it was clear you were inferior to whites and beside your genocides got rekt and finally put back into place by Balkans, Greeks and Western powers.
America would fuckTurkey harder than your
baba fucks you
Why would you allow people to dismantle your "Empire", other than being utterly defeated?
let me tell you something 'singlehandedly' you fucking clown, zerg rushing allover the fucking place you didn't do much, and the fact you think you did just shows you're stilla kebab, on a stick
kurds didnt do shit for us and they would never do
why is no one posting ilay? it's literally the only reason i come on these roach threads
yaman oltacıymışsın delikanlı her gün yemlemekten sıkılmadın mı avrupalı ve ekşici cuckları
they didnt allow shit nigger ottoman empire lasted for 600 years and just like any other empire it couldnt keep up with the times and has fallen
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PKK Roaches.
Turkey was great a time long gone. Most turks from today are degenerate, fat idiots which bark allday long making a fool out themselves because of all that islam dickssucking.
Islam destroyed everything that made turkey once great.
Islam was even the reason that you turned on your own military and lynched your own sons.

The majority of turks from today are almost as worst as uneducated arabic subhumans.
Living in complete ignorance and denying under a religion that has literally nothing to do with the culture and roots of turkey.
If you Netherlands will economically sanction Turkey, they'll loose 21% of their GDP, together with the total crash of tourism equals the end of your economy.
Selling Döner won't keep you afloat :)

Pretty funny you saying that since your sole purpose is to export cheap oil to US and rest of Western world
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hmmmmm, and turkey has ne need to give reparations? no obligation to take in and feed and house the white man he once pillaged and destroyed , as you said singlehandedly.
Bugün ekşici cuck gelmedi niyeyse tirada :DDDDDDDDDD
Roach exterminator MK 2 Female Type.
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day of the spray soon
>manlet turk fighting without his fifty cousins
This .webm can't be real
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>Getting a chance at a decent life in the US
>Waste it to go on balkan jihad
that's my auntie kek
>greeks lmao
they couldnt have done shit if it wasnt for brits who gave them money
btw 400 years to take back constantinople just to lose it back again in like 5 years of war againist turkish farmers?? lmao turks own you eurocucks


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>meanwhile in Turkey

And the inbreds still support Erdogan, kek
The whole world is laughing at you :)
im with you on this one
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Simple, my monkey friend. Two simple words, that will certainly trigger any turks instinctual fear. WINGED HUSSARS.
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>mfw women and kikes, the people mudslimes hate the most, are the only reason they get to invade our countries
Give her my number
we only let them live cuz those monkeys are not worthy enough for glorious turkish dick
you guys are prob kurds so i dont even care what you faggots say we fuck you niggas any day anywhere
Why don't you guys get rid of Erdogan?
This same turkroach makes this same thread daily
this wasnt even %1 of the army you faggot
stick to watching gay porn
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Let them live LOLOLOLOLOL
You are so afraid of them that you let Syria and Russia put up a buffer zone to keep them off of you in Syria.
Erdogan would send Turks to a gulag just for reading your post
and youre a kurd i believe
keep living under different flags monkey youll never be free
Yes, I do represent Europe.

Im also a sub-lieutenant.
olm pkk sizin ananizi sikiyor resmen her hafta turk asker sehit oluyor bir turlu akillanip tuketemediniz
beceriksiz beyinsizler sizi
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Your national sport is literal faggotry kekkekekekekekekekeek

Btw all Turks here are now mad as fuck because we told you to fuck off, serves you right for being a dumb roach
cuz we cant he got like 30 m supporters and all the media here

We stopped you once, faggots
Afaik your state economy and industry is a dead turkey body put on crack and electroshocks by German, Dutch and other glorious Western masterrace investors
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Türk olduğun konusunda ciddi şüphelerim var. Ne biçim yazıyorsun sen amk, Fars artığı mısın kripto-Yahudi misin?
they are the ones who gave up clay to put up a buffer zone between us :DDD

>give up ur land
>call urself brave

choose one k*rd :DD
I'm Dutch, lineage all the way back to pre medieval times. Nothing against Turks, but last decades your country has turned into a huge incest pool. You were great once, Islamist like Erdo destroy your country now.

You turned into the incest version of WE WUZZ KINGZZ
that will neverrr happen fag keep dreaming
>Turk roach triggered.
Listen my nigga, I have no beef with you turks, in fact, lots of ethnic turks integrated really well down here and they're as argies as the sons of italians and spaniards.

But really, if you're actually not baiting here, think about this.

>tho many in /pol/ joke about Brazil, if they insulted you in a way only war could settle the thing, what could you actually do?

I mean, not only you don't have the capabilities to transport any troops down here, but you'll have to face about 300K Hues.

You have 0 power projection towards anything that's not your immediate neighbor.

Where did I hear this one before? Oh right, it's something nig-
thats true but why are you rooting for kurds tho believe me they are worse than turks
>Owned by women
>Glorious Turk army
Pick one.
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first result of typing in "turkish Soldier" in google

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it ain't over yet cucaracha, in the end you will die and we will piss on your skulls take everything back and kill you all, and it will splendid
Honestly, you have my sympathy! The normal thinking Turks are the true victims here. Let's hope he'll die soon, and goodluck with the referendum.
How can we Dutch people help you to make the 70% pro-erdo Turks here in NL stop voting?
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and here is second result
what's this meme?

>owned your women
>glorious Turk army

pick two
lmao owned me my guy youre hilarous and funny and smart kurdbro
fuck off my face kurd
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Got forced to convert to islam by a bunch of sand nigers
I am not rooting for the kurds? What makes you think that?
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reminder that these aren't real """"turks"""" they're arab and kurdish rape babies. real turks belong to turkistan.
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we are better shitposters than you now leaf, you become weak
No, we should start arming them so they can tear you to pieces from the inside.

Makes both of you weaker so we finally eradicate roaches once and for all.

>we will piss on your skulls

ok nikos
time for bed
No, we will continue to fuck you in the face.

Glad you are at least admitting the female ownage of your troops.
cancel their turkish citizenship lmao
i seriously dont know i wish there was a way but whatever you do its just gonna make things worse here probably
It's not rape If you are fucking wives and daughters of wh*te bois
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>Roach calling Americans subhumans
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probably cancelling their dutch citizenship would be more effective since they clearly don't want to live under erdogan
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>getting BTFO by Kurdish rebeles
>shitty country since 1922

Everytime I hear a Turk speak their language I feel like punching them in the fucking face. Their language irritates me to no end
Whats similar about Kurds and soap?
Both make Turks run like Hell.
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lmao last time i checked your people were arrested in womans dress.
fucking fag keep redpilling americucks stay off this place
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Lol roaches think they aren't spiraling into Civil war and the Stone age.
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>your GDP is lower than ours even with 4 times the population.
Topkek. Roachland BTFO
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Kill yourself turk roach it took you nearly 1 and half millennium to take Constantinople and by the turn of the century it will taken back for Christendom.

Keep buying our outdated junk btw
Well to you roaches its probably fucking alien technology.

this is true lmao
Ελα ρε ψτη σε χαλασε
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Malta is based senpai

You've all got to checkout the quotes:
Anti-Turkish sentiment is the purest form of European unity feeling x)
Goodluck friends, I'd happily do a Turk-swap between the Netherlands and Turkey. All inbreds go suck erdos dick, all sane Turks are welcome to take their place here in NL :)
Your glory days are long gone kebab, now you can't even deal with simple rebellion, the Kurd's. And have to create fake coups just to keep you all in under leash.
you commented on the post about kurds man i dont know
No that was the ISIS filth that they were beating while Papa Roach and his brood hid in cellars and sodomized each other.
A lot of what you say is true, OP. You are remarkably resilient and can be a real pest.

Truly, cockroaches
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Should I vote evet or hayir
there is almost no difference betweem them since k*rds will become soap soon
but then they would come here and vote for erdo again so no good for us
Turks are the eternal enemy of Europe and Russia.

Never forget this.
If so that will be the first soap your kind ever touched.
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zglorious turks.jpg
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Glorious Turkish army defending itself against old People and women armed with a White flag
vote evet like a good goy. he is the chosen one.
yea sure like your people never do that
do you really want me to post images here fag?

Did even one single roach leave your county to live in Erdowahn's Roachland?
I'm an Arab , can I become turk

reminder to all turkbros to vote evet or get your fucking heads cut off
yarrak kafa erdo dokunmuyo sizinkilere istediği zaman kullanabilmek için yoksa aponun yakalandığı zamanları ne çabuk unuttun
they would see how shitty living under erdogan is once they come here to turkey, even if they don't it doesn't matter. I prefer them living under same conditions as us than them living in europe and voting erdogan.
t. Welfare rat who lost in Iraq
fisherman likes to talk big seriously we would fuck you up easily stay out of this
>doesn't even have dentistry in his country
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I'd gladly let Bulgaria become a satellite state to Russia or USA if they help us erradicate Turkish filth from our Lands and annex Constantinople.
Send these roaches back to Anatolia.
So you are basically proud because you are the violent retard of the class?

What a fucking acomplishment.
>The average IQ is even lower than Greece, Mongolia, etc.

What do you expect from a nation of cousin-fuckers?
we have always hated french
same here man i hope they get deported soon
make a mixture of ammonionnitrate and fuel oil, then shake it to complete the turkification process
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>Send these roaches back to Anatolia.
but we are already in anatolia.
>slavshit education
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stfu roach, you all will be dead by 2020

Turkish-American here.

I wish the Byzantines had sent some Orthodox missionaries to Central Asia, nipped the whole sordid affair in the bud.
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su an bati destek veriyor pkk'ya ondan sandigin kadar kolay olmaz artik. dagdan kovalasaniz sehirlerde kendilerini patlatirlar. sen hala istemedikleri icin bitirmiyorlar saniyorsun top kek
>stay out of this


Once you stay the fk out of Europe and return rightful Christian clay.
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The minister KEK

On the night when shit went down a lot of them left the country for couple of weeks

50% of Turks at my college went back to Turkey so they can *rest for a while*
Winged Hussars
We fucked the Soviets.

We can fuck you roaches too.
How's life as a cuck
I also wouldn't mind if we hang all of the politics in our National Assembly and all of the party leaders for the past 27 years.
Only as a gesture of what is to come for future lying commie stealing faggots who dare even think of stealing from the people.
>mfw Bulgaria becomes Switzerland of the Balkans in less than 10 years if this happens.
I'm coming to your country right now to buy your sister for 300 dollars and am going to start a cultural movement to get our mcdonalds workers to come on sex tourism trips to impregnate your women
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>and annex Constantinople.
>Send these roaches back to Anatolia.
What did you not understand you dirty monkey? Or do you prefer to be massacred, instead of relocated? Your choice tbqh.
Enjoy being 2nd class degenerate while you keep waiting :)
they where murdered by religion of peace.

the middle east was forced to accept islam via violence.

all of it is righttful christian clay.
ee bitmeseniz ne olcak siz hergün 1-2 biz de her operasyon 30-40 ne farkı var aq ülke hala bizim size yine bakan yok

wake up Cenk
It's fine he can go to your shit hole commie country and have the red carpet rolled out for him
Only flesh you can buy in Bulgaria is that of a gypsy filth. Be my guest, and don't forget to take their families with you to the states while you are at it.
Poles are based as well

>Vienna 1683
The only turk worth living on this planet is based Anzu~
lmfao, you're nothing and you'll always be nothing.
We could fuck your whole world in a day.
>Destroyed the Roman (Byzantines) Empire singlehandedly

Wrong, the 4th Crusade pretty much completely fucked over the Byzantines (they never made a full recovery from it) Turks merely pulled off the finishing blow.
I mean are you aware that the average minimum wage worker here makes more money than most men in your nation by about double

You cannot even compete with the American lower class. You're fucked if they decide to come fuck your slut women
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damn that's beautiful.
lmao who the fuck you think you are talking like this. you prob think you look so cool or something well you dont faggot get off 4chan go to 9fag or some other shitsite
Uh your women are all whores though. Christians trying to emulate Western promiscuity like a bunch of monkeys lol
The white Janissaries brought you success. The turks destroyed the empire.

first of all, you are an arab as you said, so you will neeeeever be a real American
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>ülke hala bizim
have you seen birth rates among demographics in turkey? kurds will overtake you in a couple decades
ulke sizin degil siz oyle saniyorsunuz
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>red carpet
Mannerheim and Ataturk where contemporaries.

My ancestors are smiling on me, can you say the same?
We had a president named Barack Hussein Obama

I'm currently going to a mcdonalds to tell the workers there about your women
olta yerine olda yazmamın nedeni google translateden çevirmesinler diye.
Two dick taps on your chin for your boy Wilders getting the L
we are not soviets and this is not 1940
how far you have came after that war in military perspective and how far we have come faggot we would destroy you in months
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>Uh your women are all whores though.
Nice generalisation, roach. Tell me more about your "in"experience with women.
implying you are not flipping burgers, if even that. but we all know you are a NEET cuck living at your mom's bedroom :^)
Fuckin love you guys

Your betrayal won't be forgotten
You left your allies when they really needed you and you paid the price
hahahahahaaha keep dreaming mudslime
Lol you talk like a nigger. Wilders is a dumb as fuck, barely double the IQ of an average Turk. Sup par for Dutch standards
i kinda feel bad for those lads maybe they were innocent recruits
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white turks.jpg
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White Turks are best Turks
Are you so naive that you think Europe and Russia cant crush you like the roach you are?

Do you think the US will protect an islamic shithole like you?
Janissaries were not even allowed to marry
Why are balkaniggers so delusional?
Besides, Ataturk and that girl are Yörük.
Sorry man but you should have accepted Islam if you wanted chaste women. Now you're just chattel for Big Western Dicks that can take your women from you at will

But hey, at least you're "white and european" right?
for my part i definitely can but im not sure about yours
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i am of superior alevi descent you fucking degenerate get on my fucking level
The moral of the story is to never trust H*ngarians.
Three more dick taps on the mouth for your boy Wilders getting shit on
Dude in NL mudslime girls are the slutties of all :) I regularly have 3 or more in my bed at the same time
are you that stupid to think that europe or russia have the balls to do that?

More like Chechnia is the modern version of the Golden Horde - russians pay tribute to it or they get jihaded.

The guy who won (Mark Rutte since I bet you don't even know that you filthy 40% Amerifat) was already our PM and Geert was actually a party member of his party before splitting

He's like George Bush while Geert is like Trump, both are Republicans but with different ways of ruling

Only thing Rutte fucked up was putting GroenLinks in his coalition

Lmao is that why you backstabbing fifth column cowards all ran away to Europe
WTF i don't understand your niggerish mumbling? Can you speak English?
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m8 anzu is used trash rn she binged on that nip duck too much, the new roach queen is ilay hanim
Two more dick taps on the nose for your boy Wilders getting obliterated
>who the fuck you think you are talking like this
Ty for more than 310 replies, white subhumans
They where allowed to marry after service.
Wilders party gained a third more seats, is now the second party.

Lol Islamic delusionallism in action :)
How's your tundra shit hole where it's freezing in summer
You think Ataturk would approve of you and Turkey today?
are you a normie ? what is that post? go to 9gag faggot this isnt for you
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Wouldnt be the first time.

And we would rather join together to crush an islamic shithole like Turkey than fight each other again.
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So, are all mudshits like you in such denial or it's normal for you people to live in your fantasies :^) ?
Dont worry tho, I wouldn't want to live in my reality also if i was a greasy, smelly, monkey looking muslishit like you too :))
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>get massacred by roaches
>run away to europe
>influence based white lads to fuck turkey
>no eu access
>get shafted left and right
>get educated in yuroland and have nice future
>laugh at roaches on 4chan

we simply played the long con lad
would approve me but definitely not turkey fishermanbro you dont even know me
efso rp hojem
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What did your country do to contribute pissing of the turks this week ?
This fucking Kurd acting like a Turk and retarded burgers falling for it ...
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Leave my waifu alone you son of a bitch k*rd go fuck your donkey
>autistically screech about conquering europe any day now
>can't even handle a bunch of kurd asspickers in bumfuck nowhere
lmao ataturk is spinning in his grave
bari sen düşme beyite üç nokta-chan
What event(s) are you referring to?
ask your whore mother :DDDDDDDDDDDD
you win burger-sama, my shitposting is not even close to your level
>When the greatest Turk to ever live wasn't a Turk

Please look up his ancestors, his dad is Anatolian and his mum (I believe) is of Bulgarian ancestry.

Then tell me what is your definition of an ethnic Turkishman?

My definition is someone who has ancestors from the Balkans, Anatolia, Greece etc.

That's where Ataturk's history is from, and most Turkishmans are. Don't shart in mart again Americunt.
you're a wonderful prime example of your degenerate species kek

Love this bait, you've got my respect getting the euro/pol/fags all together and digesting the shitstorm and the realisation of how shitty you're nation has become.

gif dis men a shish kebab truphy
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10/10 fake information, my amerishart friend
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R.I.P., Gabe
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>tfw fucking turkish prostitutes is my fetish
it's literally the only reason i go to istanbul every year
i hang ocalan's picture on the wall and fuck her while staring into his eyes
>you dont even know me


You are a roach and spit on the legacy of Ataturk whom set you free.

What else do I need to know?
Pretty good actually. The cold a good detergent for sandniggers like you.
Boycott buying kebab.

EU Turks btfo within a week.

Its that simple.

They can gtfo and sell that trash meat back in Turkey instead.
You fucking Cockaroaches should be blown off the fucking earth! Dirty Fucking Turks!

Haven't eaten kebab or supported other third-world immigrant owned small businesses in two years. Also haven't had diarrhea for two years -- coincidences.
I'm working on setting up a bacon kebap production line. Checkmate Islam, your main source of income gone :)
Thread posts: 361
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