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/ceg/ - China Escalator General

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Thread replies: 109
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>be chinese
>get butchered by escalators

When are they going to learn ?

Chine escalator general I guess...
Escalator accidents happen everywhere you dumb frog
not in america
not in France

(we've got car accident but it something else)
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Not even in most countries poorer than China.
> Take the last year alone. You don’t have a proper cold-storage chain to send vaccines? Well, stick some ice in the parcels and put them in the post. Chabuduo, and children cough to death. Why take the sludge to a disposal site? Just pile it up here, where everyone else has been putting it. Chabuduo, and 91 people are crushed by a landslide in Guangdong. Separate out the dangerous materials? What does it matter, just stick that nitrate over there. Chabuduo, and a fireball goes up in Tianjin, north China’s chief port, incinerating 173 people.
> ‘There’s a Tianjin-level explosion every month,’ a staff member at a national-level work-safety programme told me, asking for anonymity. ‘But mostly they happen in places that nobody cares about.’ Careless disasters are buried all the time; when a chemical plant exploded in Tangshan in March 2014, a friend there told me of the management’s relief after the Malaysia Airlines flight 370 went missing the next day, swallowing up all other news and making sure nobody but them noticed, save for 13 widows.
Do you think making fun of China Escalator makes you edgy and cool?
Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to make fun of China Escalator anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realize that you're a fucking dickhead innocent people died. And you fuckers think this tradegy is funny!? People died deluded reject neckbeard.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realization that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a basement dwelling permavirgin faggot with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on /pol/ making fun of China Escalator. I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. You are nothing. You will never be something. End your life right now, you fucking lardass social rejects.
Honestly Chinese escalator videos have made me scared to stand on any escalator not made by Thyssenkrupp
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Nice proxy.

Btw, I went to China last year for a field trip in the countryside. I was amazed by the difference bewteen Beijing and what happens only 100 km west.

>mfw guides told us to not eat in big cities because you cook with gutter oil

You're really a souless people with no self respect for allowing such thing to take place. Communism fits you perfectly.
I think the toxic smog that covers your nation like a fuzzy blanket is making you irritable, Chao. You should go get some fresh air in one of your ghost cities before they get filled up with more countryside peasants that will pollute the air with the scent of deep fried dog testicles and sidewalk shits.
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This is legit the best thread in the catalog right now. I'm loving this

Fuck chyna and fuck your escalators. This wouldn't happen in America because we have safety standards. Your so overpopulated the escalators are probably designed that way to eat one of you every now and then.
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> toxic smog

SINK THE CHINKS >>118541161
>This wouldn't happen in America because we have safety standards.
This thread is actually the embodiement of anti-globalization.

You understand that we cannot have a free trade agreement with in terme of food with US and Canada right ?
ITT westerners try to disuade the chinks from industrializing using the Trump-debunked "muh environment" meme.
Of course if you talk about it elsewhere your post will be deleted and banned. 10/10 chink logic.

>innocent people died
Sorry but can you point where? All I see are souless chinks.
> chink logic
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Yo so I just watched the video. This isn't even the worst one. There's a liveleak video of a mother holding her baby riding up the escalator and when she steps off at the top, the floor just gives and she throws her baby to some bystander as she's eaten in the cogs of the machine.

Fucking brutal. Someone post the webm.
What's up with chyna and shitty escalators?

I want this guy to have talks at every uni and college through the USA starting with the highest chink populated ones.
Fuck these slanty eyed zipperheads, fuck em all.
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> Someone post the webm

> What's up with chyna and shitty escalators?
>build fast
>build quality
choose one
Why do chinese girls like black guys so much? Can any chink here explain
Are you implying our food isn't safe?

You're not better than us Pierre
it's hong kong
all the escalators are overclocked for whatever reason
no surprise something gave way
"Grade 1=Highest Quality"

Water above grade 4 should not touch human skin.

Scientific Idiots.
t. Mosanto
Is this some of that witty Malaysian shit-posting I've heard so much about?
Did she died?

To be fair they aren't entirely wrong. Their government is notorious for not giving a single fuck about their own people, they just want to make tons of money and that's it (Ironic because of their basis in communism). That and they are likely to violently suppress any protest.
where the fuck did u hear that? If a Chinese grandparent being seeing with black grandson the whole neighborhood is gonna laugh at them.
dog bless china,russia, and brazil. they always give the best rekt videos.
Well that escalated quickly
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Can you both do something like that pls ?
isn't it obvious
also checked
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stop trying to force shit you faggot
Is this not the same way we all go. Up the imaginary escalator, while the cogwheel gobbels our soul away?
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but I want to see them fight some more
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I only have these:
Have you ever seen the inner workings of an escalator?
If you had this wouldn't be a question. There is no room for a human body in the inner workings of an escalator, so something has got to give, and between the escalator and a chingching womanlet guess who's going to win everytime.
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plz post more videos/pics of qts dying
Its my fetish
The escalator?

Does the escalator win?


If the set of circumstances were the same would the victor in question be the elevator??
Does anyone get reprimanded in a meaningful way because of this? Does any company get sued out of existence?
A general for faulty and lethal escalators.
What will {{{they}}} think of next?
>That's why the leaks are happening

March 2nd Evelyn Farkas went on national TV and admitted to "getting as much out there as possible". How did we miss this? She had this info and knows where it went.


Praise Kek for more assault escalators.
the big companies in china are in bed with government

There are times when there is punishment, like forced "suicide". Sometimes not. Really depends on connections.
Actually a disguised thread about the danger of globalization, free-market and lack control in foreign importation products regulation.
Why were there women waiting at the top?
Because they knew it was broken
it was under repair, they didn't bother to close it at the bottom. That's why the panel was loose.
While you're doing this, muslim hordes are raping your country, jean pierre. Get to fucking work, cause this time we won't come to help.
U avin a giggle, M8?
You don'T honestly still believe that is what you were doing right?
It has been over 70 years burgerclap, educate yourself. The very last bottom of the list reason you entered WW2 was to "help".
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Today is a day off when I remember how much superior France is compared to these yellow apes

The Chinese are literally just the Eastern Jews. Google Jewish immigration to China. Funnily enough it started around the time China went to shit, destroyed it's own religion and begun mass communism.
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>Going to Hong Kong this summer
>Wonder if the horrible engineering applies there as well since it's fairly different from the rest of China
>google "rate of mechanical failures hong kong"
>get list of organ donor rates and ways to donate organs
I need to point something out to you and you are not going to like it... No one but the Chinese have any respect for China and we make fun of you all the time.

Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and the Republic of China are cool... But you disgusting Mainlander scum? No one on this planet likes you.
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Just when I thought I'd seen just about every bad thing about China on pol

Pierre makes a "Chinese escalator general" thread.

I tip my beret hoh he hoh he hoh

Is there a special tash force in China to deal with this ?
China has no appreciation for maintenance, engineering standards, and quality control. Its some kind of contempt caused by communism and overpopulation, but what exactly is unknown to me.
>People died deluded reject neckbeard
>Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realization that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a basement dwelling permavirgin faggot with a non-existant social life.
>posting edgy fucking comments on /pol/ making fun of China Escalator.

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This is for you
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chinese humour
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It actually makes sense. H2O is pure water, but water is also one hell of a solvent, capable of creating nasty as fuck chemical solutions.
This way they can expand the scale
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I already know about that channel, but thanks.
In return, please take this:

Moreover, this based Indo anon did wonderfully in pic related.

No, Vietnam flag isn't rare.
Nice proxy, LARPer....

hmm, i'd say no.
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Put me in the screenshot.
stupid gay music so unnecessary
No, they simple declare forfeiture and reopen under a new name to avoid lawsuits or something like that. An Anonymous could clarify, please?
>All I see are souless chinks
funny thing for you to say, taco. And you probably just witnessed a mother saving her sweet little child while being killed by that monster machine. Can you imagine how hard it was for a child to see his mom passing away like this? This is not batman the fucking comic book, and you, the brown-skinned creature, has no soul, you can't even be considered a subhuman.
Let's look at your comments, calling me a proxy and then labelled me having "chink logic", guess what you sub-100 IQ internet troll couldn't even spell "soulless" right.
All your faggot of a country ever had was drug dealers and rapists. Can I think of something made in your country? NO, the only thing you are good at making is your shitty cocaine and we beat you at those too. Yeah that good ol' china white you fucking lowlives could never afford with your single-digit-paying """construction""" job. I hope the president of the United States build their wall 100 feet high, that's right, I want that wall to be seen from outer space like the Great Wall of China too. Just fucking kill yourself now, you living on the earth is a waste of human resources.
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fuck off dog eater
What does it say? I don't speak Canadian.
Something like "I stealed rice, I won't do it again" according to the news site
In this video they rode the escalator before the woman and that is when it started malfunctioning, but they didnt do anything to prevent the tragedy and just stood there
idk, you guys dont have feelings, i dont think he thought anything
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This is the impotent rage that comes part and parcel with having a micropenis, people
Chinese are scum.
Prove me wrong, oh wait nobody can.
why didn't they hit the emergency stop button RIGHT THERE its' white.

FUCK. women, get all emotional and forget to act. As you fucking die a horrible shitty death.
They need to be told what to do, even in times like this.
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Maybe if you and your people were focused on making better infrastructure with planed better safety, instead rushing your constructions, your people wouldn't be pointed and mocked constantly.

Take it rather as a criticism for your terrible country with horrible management on building infrastructure.
Communism made you a souless people.
>another china thread
someone post that webm of a chink eating a live frog pls.

Apparently the Chinks have a lot of trouble stealing the designs of things with a lot of small moving parts. That is why these escalators are always munching people up and why you've never seen something like a car or plane made in China.
USA please just nuke china out of existence, please!
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LOL like I care, you're acting like I have feelings
You act like it would have had a different outcome if those two women had been men. You're right, they would have ignored the kid being handed to them and nonchalantly footed him into the hole as well, no need to pay damages to dead people.
Seconded. The value of human life is grossly low in muhhhh middle kingdom. It's a fucking shit hole where the people have almost no individuality and are obsessed with money, superficial status and vapid bull shit. The adults are also weirdly infantalized.
i NEVER heard anything bad about escalators. The most occured situation is that they are broken. Never heard anything that it drove down at full speed. Never heard that someone got in the mechanics never.
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stfu shit like that never happens here.
Just saw a video where your countrymen drove over a kid several times noone cared. Ugly chink faced faggot cunt
>appeal to approval of parents
>the most Chinese failed attempt at insults ever
Yup all shit chinks are soulless dickheads.
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then why you even care if we laugh about you and your countryman you filthy chinko faced shit eating superfaggot
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>you're acting like I have feelings
Another thing that I've learned about chinese is how they boast about their maturity and how unemotional/rational they can be to treat important answers or discuss grown person things.

While in fact they are just as easily triggered as child and pretend to have raffined tastes on things they don't really understand. Funny, it's like watching a toddler dressed in a business suit with a glace of apple juice pretending it to be whisky who get mad the second he gets denied a candy.

Both cringy and pathetic.
wow chong, calm down
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>what happened at the mall?
>i de-escalated the situation
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>monster machine
is this its actual chinese name? my god stop producing them. anything china make burst into flames or just eat you alive. GET THE FUCK OUT MY EARTH AND GIVE BACK TURKESTAN

So fucking infantile.

>mr. Chan, we have a rat problem down in receiving
>let's send the fuckers a message!

Rats are disgusting vermin. But I feel bad for the little guy.
idk I've never talked to chinks my whole life and larping session is over guys
larps are beneath chinks senpai
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