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Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 86

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If the West hadn't meddled in the region they'd be just like us. It's our fault they gave into fringe elements.
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Here is a highly educated doctor, clearly someone that western civilization needs.
what did ayaz say to piss them off?
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Bacon is delicious
If there is one thing muzzies get right, it's their policy towards gays and enemies
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Who needs to be hung?
Twitter won't censor this but they'll ban you for calling someone Jewish.
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He tipped his fedora at Mohammed.
Who is ayz niazalami?
What did (s)he do?
Why do atheist liberals def this stupid ideology?
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"Uploading blasphemous content on social media"
What are these peaceful moderate Muslims talking about?
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Ok but who is he and what blasphemous content did he do?
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Is anyone actually gonna post what he said?
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He posted atheist/agnostic content on WhatsApp, apparently.


>During the last hearing of the case regarding blasphemous pages on social media, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddqui remarked that if the sacrilegious content cannot be blocked then there is no need for the websites to be allowed to function in Pakistan.

>“It will not make any difference if selfies and pictures of food are not shared with others,” Justice Siddiqui said.

>“We will decide in the next court hearing if social media should be banned in Pakistan or not."
Fuck no, I don't want to hang.
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Islam can't take criticism. What's new?

Is the fatwa on Salman Rushdie still active?
Make sure you report all these for promoting violence :)

I'm sure they will be swiftly removed...
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Hardly. They only began to act Western because the Colonial Powers forced them to. With the decline of Western Power, they are simply just reverting back to their natural state.
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I remember these tweets the next time some SJW talks about "Islamophobia".
>Muh moderate Mooslims
Also, Twitter isn't taking this shit down? Doesn't this violate their use policy? They haven't caught the fucking hashtag, saying "kill this person immediately?" The fuck are their moderators doing?
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But conservatives have lower IQ!
Two buttons.jpg
Its nice to hear about fedora tipping at momets instead of christians for once, too bad he's going to get fucked, guess we know why they don't now.
who is gay asian izami
who is ayaz nizami?
Start reporting them.
/pol/ should become a prophet or whatever that guy is. Spread lots of blasphemy and cause loads of butthurt. We'll be mining more salt than we did the week following the election
>Whoever curses the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
They don't only liberals do atheists have always found Islam abhorrent.
So what exactly this did guy do? I'm sure it's nothing and they're just being stupid per usual.
what you need is quick rundown my dude
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>hurt feelings of many
This can't be real
Hang all blamshepers!!
He *tipped headscarf*
Man twitter is fucked up...why in the hell do I see 4chan as tame in comparison?
I read it as blaspheming. He got me.
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>he thinks rules get enforced equally under social justice
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>London gets attacked by jihadist
>Liberals continue to call Islam a religion of peace
>banning social media in the name of their religion
what a bunch of fucking retards
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What did he mean by this?
This seems like a right wing false flag account imo. Those tweets are just to good to be true.
Fuck no. Hit them all with blasphemous content and try to rile them into getting bombed and handed over to India.
They've been killing each other for years before the West came in.
>atheist/humanist paki vs muslim pakis
i don't really have a dog in this fight
I wish I had the money to watch the hanging
What's funny is that most Christians on this board would probably wanna do the same to fedoras
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Thank god no one is making fake arab accounts and making it worse
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Jesus,how brutal is life there to publicly advocate death to "infidels". And isn't it against twitter policies?
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Go look yourself, this is all happening right now.

Those evil right wingers sure have lots of Muslim accounts to falseflag with!!
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Ayaz Nizami is a Pakistani Atheist ex Muslim, he was arrested with others for using a dutch proxy to post "Blasphemous material" on Pakistani social media.

Pakistan is now considering banning social media outright to stem online blasphemy.
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Are the Twitterers amonst us flooding the hashtag with blasphemous Islam memes?
at least they aren't saying anything pro-white

It's okay to call for hangings.
I know a lot of atheist that def Islam. It's weird.
This is all the muzz on their own. Their culture. They take speaking out against Islam very freaking seriously. This guy Nazami or whatever, we never heard of it.

They don't have some kind of flagging system that immediately brings words like "kill, hang, shoot, bomb" etc? There's no moderator somewhere that hasn't seen this shit and was like "gee wiz Leonard, this is promoting violence and we should permaban these people?

Seriously, twitter mods have their thumbs up their asses. Fucking ISIS has been known to use Twitter.
Seems like a false flag would edit out the account names to prevent checking post history and whatnot.
If so, you fuckers are getting lazy. Your grandchildren will have to fight the next crusade at this rate.
Meme smarter, not harder.
>perfect grammar
>perfect spelling
>live in Pakistan....

Keep up the good work anon. Just don't get caught, otherwise lefties will start blaming every single crazy Muslim tweet on right wing false flaggers
Being shitposted with fedora memes is the only think I would advocate.
Assholes with not scruples.
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>Leave religion of peace and speak out against it
>1.6b people want you dead
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Explain why it's trending then.
It's Muslims living in the west making these tweets. Pakistani social media is in native language.
>Pakistan is now considering banning social media

Lets push this. Everyone make fake Muslim accounts saying we agree with Ayaz
But the moderates!
They only moderately want you dead.
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>If there is one thing muzzies get right, it's their policy towards gays and enemies

Depends on whether or not you value your soul. You still can't choose God like you couldn't choose God 20,000 years ago....

>Pakistan is now considering banning social media outright
Three or so years ago, I would have found that to be a stupid "solution" to a non-problem
today, I find this to be the most fitting solution to a tangentially-related problem
Only White social media is moderated to Jewish norms
Muslim social media is moderated to Muslim norms
>hurt feelings

You can't make this up.
This is what a westernized, well integrated Muslim looks like
Lel. I'm an evil right winger. Just seemed like there English was to good in those tweets, im not questioning the fact that Muslims are nutters and get off Mohammed murder porn.
Does this mean Canada is bringing back the death penalty?
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wtf Prince Alwaleed loves jews now
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Majority of the users calling for hanging are speaking in Urdu.
can we dox these bastards living in the west ?
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>arrested for blasphemy
what did he do?
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Fedoraposting in Pakistan
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I still don't know wff this nigger did
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What did he specifically do? Say mohammed wasn't a real prophet? Say god isn't real?
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Who the fuck is Ayaz Nizami?
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Fucking muzzies are shit.
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Please /pol/ join me in spamming blasphamy at these tollerant followers of the religion of peace. Kek wills it.
Travel ban NOW.
you got any more of them tmp_?

Probably one of these tweets.
i am already but you all can help. send them these:

>188 replies and 30 images omitted. Click here to view.

>not a single person explaining what the fuck is going on

stop doing this
Yes, and the reward has increased recently.
we should support this, to show the liberals this is how muslims always react.
Read the fucking thread retard
>being a tripfag
please stop doing this
Because its easier to be violent than kind.
Post replies good sir, I'm sure they will be the absolute pinnacle of tolerance. Religion of peace and shieeet
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[peaces internally]
Don't expect to get spoonfed. All you need to do is google his name.
Who? Did I miss something?
name fag
>not filtering tripfags and namefags on-sight
i have a .txt file of 446 tripfags and and 623 namefags that i add to my filter whenever i clear my cookies. the list just grew by one. i should start a pastebin or something
Man who used to be a muslim but became atheist used twitter to post remarks that may have directly or indirectly defiled the name of Muhammad.
>name fag
>begging to be spoonfed
welcome to 4chins anon
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>Not being liberal
crusades when? I want to murder muslims.
Isn't it illegal to post shit like this?
>vroooooom.... Here comes the airplane anon, open wide
Because they think appeasing violent people and treating them like children will tame them. We can see how that's been working out with blacks in the US and with Muslims in Europe.
>majority of libtards are not atheist

Please, tell me more anon.
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Some liberal atheist snark ought to stop this childishness
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Damn... I can only hope isl*mists fail dragging Turkey into some shit like this.

You know you are hopeless about future when you side with libertarians to fight back isl*mists.
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Not bad
>“It will not make any difference if selfies and pictures of food are not shared with others,” Justice Siddiqui said.

Not bad at all.
>one shitskin race removes itself from the Internet
please yes
Islamists exist wherever there is islam. No more Islam, no more Islamists.
So... why exactly does twitter allow this to trend? Like, conservative opinions aren't okay but literally calling for murder of a public figure is okay when Muslims do it? Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened?
I was just thinking this. Literally asking for someone to be hung because they said or did something they didn't like.
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Post screens of their reactions of the muhamed pics. Pretty please anon?
Isis has a twitter has it not?
>filterfags don't see the posts and therefore cannot report them to the mods
You are complicit in their crimes because of your weakness. Nut up.

>“It will not make any difference if selfies and pictures of food are not shared with others,” Justice Siddiqui said.
Fucking based. We need more people who think like this in the west.

Fill in the middle


Jesus fucking christ. One day I'll learn few words of Arabic and go to some marketplace in Middle-East and yell "Hey Ahmed, you're a fag!" in Arabic.

In theory over 90% of the people at the marketplace should attack me. The rest are Muhammed Muhammad Mohammeds.
is that like a one-night stand with your ewe

That's what I'm saying. It must be great to be a twitter mod, because apparently you sit in front of a computer screen all day with your fingers up your ass and allow

>spike lee to incite mob violence against some poor bastards home (in a case of mistaken identity, looking for zimmerman) in revenge for Trayvon
>ISIS to post propaganda and recruit new soldiers
>people to post threats against the president
>people to call for the execution of someone who criticised a religion
Consistent atheist dont defend religions
Take for example christopher hitchens, one of his 'last' mesages whas that Islam whas the next bigest threat to our current world
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Whew! This makes me glad to live in the free, civilized west!

Oh no wait! We actually are destroying all of our freedoms, of which we Germans never had many in the first place, to bend over for this stone age death cult and get conquered by it.
Can someone tell me whats going on right now?
That's why I hope for a Civil War. They are winning slowly, Our only hope is to kill them all quickly. Same goes for Europe, death squads are necessary at this point.
Commencing blasphemy dump inshallah
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What's this about? The impression I'm getting is that muslims want to behead someone over something silly, like always.
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What are these muslims so possed about for real
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Who and what?
Zombie movies have been preparing us for this.
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Scotland Yard's ganna kick your door down dude.
Is "Religion of Peace" Trump's new name?
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>Terrorists only kill people, blasphemy hurts feelings

No wonder liberals like Muslims so much, they're clearly on the same page.
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I see nothing wrong with this... if only we could get the leafs to do the same.
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Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.
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At last I truly see!...
Who is Hanga Yaznizami? Is he one of those pedophile cartoon animators?
i was only joking, i for one love our new overlords.
what did he say in the first place?
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>pic related?
It's how everyone except Christian Europeans think, and why we invented the modern world and they didn't.
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how progressive
Which isn't to say Christian Europeans don't think that way too sometimes, but we have more willingness to look critically in the mirror and not take things too seriously. I mean Dante depicted the pope being sodomized in Hell, imagine a Muslim writing that today about some popular imam, or a Chinese person writing that about the Communists.
This fish would just be good enough for Yehova!
Sometimes i feel bad for being a dirty Mexican but holy shit I'm so happy we don't have Muslims over here.
>Socially conservative
>sounds like a liberal

Really changes my oil
Not so sure about that, it seems to be overlooked if it is man boy sex. Check out the video described below. I watched it on YT yesterday. It's an eye opener on so many levels.
>Filmmaker and author Ben Anderson went to Afghanistan in 2007 and stayed for six years. 'This Is What Winning Looks Like' is his disturbing documentary about the ineptitude, drug abuse, sexual misconduct, and corruption of the Afghan security forces.
Can't provide link as on an old phone.
>A terrorist can kill many but a blasphemous hurt feelings of millions

Kek, mudshits are dumber than blacks
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Hanging an ex-Muslim atheist for speaking against their religion
Wait a second boys, should we do an undercover op pretending to be muslims that abandoned religion of peace and stir up all the wasps we can? I mean considering bill m103 in my country bans islamaphobia, we may need to use a vanguard to protect ourselves from outright calling it's bullshit. Not that they aren't doing it already, but if we can get the popular opinion on our side, (((their))) agenda might get a wrench thrown into it's plans
This too. Doesn't work. Gotta cull a dog gone bad
Islam must die.
pass it on to his employer
Do you really want him to get promoted that much?
Remember the Islamic definition of slander is different from our own
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that's why that pic of the girl was so iconic. It captures how moderates turn a blind eye.
We need to delete Islam.
he is troll

this not = https://youtu.be/zFaPtWJ_BgE
>be atheist
>be allowed to live

pick one.

/pol/ is not le reddit freedom libertarian cock sucking fag forum. I don't give a fuck about how Pakistanis run their society as long as they stay out of mine.
It's called interventionism.
coffe break

got me. like you good stuff? https://youtu.be/zFaPtWJ_BgE
He isn't a public figure, just some irrelevant dude shitposting on social media. Leftism is about witch hunting every last dissident of what's currently Moral Holiness in terms of religion and ideology.

Athiests will defend this

Turk anon was the attempted coup last year not an opportunity for civil war? Do you think it was faked? Surpressed?

I was hoping for small victory for secularism that day. Hope all works out for your country.
Ah, looks like you've found the loophole in your laws. Just don't get caught being sarcastic, leaf.
Fucking priceless
herlp herlp, teh blamsheping
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>defiling delicious bacon by touching it with a quran

>hurt feefee>lost human lives

And they wonder why they are such a shithole.
can someone give me a quick fun down on these muslims?

>call us terrorist or extremist...

Well then. Who are we to deny him his right to self identify as a war criminal?


Fredd was ahead of his time.
>/pol/ enrages the population of pakistan so much that islamists take over pakistani nuclear weapons and fire it america and europe
>muh feewings
worst fucking timeline
Spam the hash tag with pictures of the Muslim girls are sluts thread?
Holy fuck someone this retarded exists.
They can torture and kill their own degenerate citizen if they want to. They can use some mob justice.
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Imagine a full out Christian vs Muslim war
Wait until you get older, and realize that atheism is not an actual philosophy.
>why do atheist liberals etc.

this is some sort of mania of yours. nothing like this happens. atheists cannot make peace with muslims no matter what. this is in contrast to christians who are importing muslims to europe right now and who would simply fold and go dhimmi as soon as the going gets tough.

Then the fucking slut gets away with saying

>I was distressed too!

Muslims are a fucking disease. Why is europe being retarded on purpose? Immigration is fine, but when your people started to get raped, beaten, killed and terrorized by the immigrants in question, shit has to stop.

Remember when an invasion was when people forced their way into a town, city, country, then proceeded to rape and pillage, taking all the hard work of the citizens? Isn't that exactly what's going on?
what exactly did he say?
majority of libtards are contrarians. if the right went full metal atheist, libtards would join religious orders in droves. I thought pol decyphered them a long time ago.
Ask Trudeau what he thinks of this

Why don't we hijack this hashtag with even more anti-Islam pics?

The cartoon pic with the pig fucking a Muslim would be a good place to start

Any replies yet???
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What's a maloon?
Nah. This works a lot better if it's left completely unadulterated.
idk what's an ayaz nizami?

Anyway, anyone whose twitter handle -in english- is osama is already on a watchlist.
>implying this isn't all r_thedonald falseflagging as usual
Yeah, remember last week when half the country called for the government to crucify some atheist who insulted jesus online, oh wait, that never fucking happened because we're not filthy fucking sand niggers.

My biggest problem with the sand assholes is that even the most moderate and western ones still think it's okay to kill someone for insulting their pedo prophet, they can't even understand free speech, this is why I fucking despise them and wished they stayed in their disgusting backwards countries. They can't fucking assimilate to western culture, they have no place here, and also fuck the liberals who defend them.
Is this about Trump?
I want to post these on twitter but i legit fear getting tracked and killed. Mudslimes are crazy enough to do it. They sure love their pedophile prophet. Mohammed sucks pig dick and eats bacon.

Sounds like he's some sort of boogeyman to the muzzles
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We're in the news boys

So Paki Muslims want to kill some Paki atheist? Could not give less of a shit.
It never ceases to amaze me how Liberals don't understand what Islam is.

This is what it is.

They're just so used to the bullshit in the west where you're "culturally Muslim" or "culturally Jewish" but still celebrate Christmas and don't participate in organized religion they're dull to what it means when somebody ACTUALLY FOLLOWS THE RELIGION. They're fucked up to the point where they think TRUE Islam is when you basically follow Islam in a way that's nowhere near what Islam actually is because true Islam is pro-lgbt and feminist.
Yeah he pisses them off, huh. Anything that muzzies hate is good in my book.
everyone with a throwaway twitter account needs to @ these fucks with anti muslim shit, like shitting on a quran. mohammed sucking a cock, etc.
he had sheep on his mind
why dont we set up a /pol/ squad to find these faggots and report them to relevant authorities
>no tolerance

>Islam is peaceful and tolerant

do liberals fucking ever come down from their highs?
Watch leftists support this and make hanging for insulting koran official law in the west.
That was fast. All those images are from this thread too.
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wew lad
We really need more people like this to take care of our parents and grandparents.
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>The kikes did this
Imagine the surprise

Must be a dangerous man, teaching about concepts like human rights, freedom of speech, and soap...

because most of them live in pakistan and approve of what they say.

This has to be the bedrock for hitting rock bottom.
traps are gay
Uncle Chang got his start on 4chan he's probably in this thread or has someone here
That's true.
>this guy hurt our feelings
I can kinda see why libtards and feminists stand with islam now
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Religion of peace
Liberals don't care, Leftists do. It's a small step from Communism to Islamism.
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absolutely haram
>post twittershit on /pol/
>post muslim twittershit on /pol/

No. You are the ones that needs to be hanged and draged in the streets you fucking retards.

If you can read this, leave right now and kill yourself. Do it.
Guilty dat nigga is guilty !
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If we had the moral conviction and fortitude we could just glass the middle east and be done with it.
Literally who
Why isn't everyone reposting blasphemy pics to that twitter hashtag

They aren't chimping out enough yet
And the ones that live in the west get a pass from twatter and the media for being muslims.
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You mean Christian and Sikh and Atheist and Buddhist and Zoroastrian and Jew vs. Muslim
You're hot show me your dick
>your life ends where my feeling begin

Top kek
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Fucking mudslimes
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Not coming to the Muzzies' defence here, but if we hanged apostates, 80% of our problems would disappear.

I don't fault the Muslims for defending their religion so savagely. Imagine being a Mudshit and liking at the West. Our religion is dead, our culture is dying and the kikes literally run everything.

The Muslims are RIGHT to fight Marxism like this, they're just also retarded 80-IQ garbage pickers. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
christcucks are just like muslims (except they have no testis) we all know this. that's why we always argue if you have a problem with muslims you should definitely have a problems with christ cucks
>& his followers
That seems harsh, even for them.

It's hilarious when people believe muslims became radicalized after western interventions, truth being they've been doing this shit for 1400 years.
As muslim he needs to be hanged and all you fucking pieces of shit that posted those pphotos of the prophets and pigs will die in hell for eternity believe me
These people are the brown equivalent of drumpturds.
They won't listen to reason and think they're right because muh brown culture and brown genocide.
You know it's true.
Kys cunt
I'm a Paki and even I think these retards calling for his hanging because muh feelings need to be gassed.
women should be allowed to drive
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>paki's are inbred
I think it's accepted wisdom even in the West that women should never be allowed to drive
We are peaceful unlike you racist. You claim you want us out but in reality if we werr out you still find something to cry about, look at your reaction lol, all those tears keep crying
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You know how to fix this problem
>Calls for hanging someone for typing words on a screen

And you can't really laugh at anyone's reaction when you are the retard crying about muh hurt feelings. Cunts like you are the reason Pakis like me are laughed at, even though we became intellectually advanced decades ago. We somehow get judged at the level of retards like you and the paki Twitter cunts.
Stop replying to the shill, retard
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>stem online blasphemy.

oh my
where did you get this from? i tried searching for it on several search engine and couldnt find it. I did find two articles about it, not with as descriptive a heading however
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>Killing people is ok if you dont hurt their feelings
normies will magically not see this, even if we put it right in front of their faces, it does not matter to them because "muh religion of PEACE"
you really gotta wonder what motivates the left. It doesn't seem to be aversion to violence in any way
what's wrong with libertarians do you mean liberals ?
what is this about?
>Kimmo Alm
How old is this?
Is that fuck still alive?

>According to FIA sources the arrested, Ayaz Nizami alias Abdul Waheed and Rana Nauman, have admitted to having contacts in Holland, USA, UK and Canada from where they got financial and technical assistance.

The suspects were using a Dutch SIM for uploading blasphemous content on WhatsApp. Cyber Crime Circle Islamabad has registered an FIR under section 7/17.

Both the suspects used to upload blasphemous content on various, reports claim.

The crackdown has been launched on strict instructions of Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar.

Furthermore, Islamabad High Court (IHC) judge, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddique has also issued orders to take immediate action against social media blasphemers.

During the last hearing of the case regarding blasphemous pages on social media, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddqui remarked that if the sacrilegious content cannot be blocked then there is no need for the websites to be allowed to function in Pakistan.

>hurt feelings of many
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