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Firs time voting soon, redpill me on the parties

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Firs time voting soon, redpill me on the parties
Whats happening on kiwi land?

New president,prime minister, chancellor?
NZ first end of story
They all suck ass.
They are all pretty shit but NZF will cause the most liberal asshurt.
NZ First or bust
we are electing a new Grand wizard soon

this will be the first election since our last arch-mage quit, needless to say its pretty exciting
Unfortunately National is the only reasonable choice.

Labour and greens will drag the country to Trudeau-like levels.

Winston is not the guy we need, he's way past his prime and NZ First is all about him

Opportunities party presents some ok views but mixes it with bullshit like universal basic income.

At least National will continue to push capitalist policies while slowly whittling away the remnants of the social welfare state. The best thing that could possibly happen would be a complete landslide in their favour, which would give them the poitical capital to push further to the right.
Wizard of New Zealand is a lifetime appointment, you fool.
vote for Black Collars party
The Opportunities Party?
fuck of jew
nz first mate
>NOT having officially appointed wizards

lol, are other countries even trying?

seriously though, NZ first or else you're a cuck

Exactly right.
ACT has the best policy, NZFirst to keep chinks out, National to keep Labor out.
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Fuck off centrist nigger.
>seriously though, NZ first or else you're a cuck

im telling daddy Britain on you
Nat voter here.
Used to despise Winston but I'm actually gonna do it.
If we can get him to 20% it's gonna be a can of laughs.
Imagine him working with lab/greens.
Immigration is my biggest concern and even though Winston uses it to garner votes like clockwork, we gotta do it to send a message.
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Apart from NZ first orbiting around Primetime Peters, what are their actual policies?
It's not about being a centrist you fool. National is a right wing party at their core. They are slowly moving this country to the right, step by step.

Dunno where you live, but Auckland is experiencing a boom right now, and we can thank the policies of the John Key led government for it. Bill English is much further to the right than Key. Key was good for the time, he's built a strong base of support for National. Now is the time for English to come in with a major lurch to the right.

Immigration is my only issue and it's Peters biggest issue
I live in Auckland the only boom going on is Asians buying up New Zealand. /pol/is a racist board for white males to discuss right wing politics not for you to shill your centrist, socially liberal, economically liberal political partie.
Immigration is his only issue. The other policies range from "common sense classical liberalism" through to some pretty strange socialist positions.
I heard Saruman the White is pretty cool.
Key was a huge fucking lefty. Now he's gone another term will see Nat go further right.
I'm not sure they will pull it off though.
We're probably going to have an ugly coalition of leftist factions with Winston smack dab in the middle.
He still has a grudge with National right?
Winston has a grudge with everybody.
>forcing a bunch of subhumans in to slavery because they are too stupid and violent to do anything else


>hanging out with people of all different races even though they are inferior to you in every way and you have to do all the work but you still treat them as equals

Gandalf is a cuck, Sarumen is /ourguy/
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I'm voting Labour. Under National net migration into the country has become ridiculous. I'm sick of Poojets and Gooks coming here to "study". Anyone who says migration is a only lefty thing is retarded.

Voting for Winston is pointless cos he's just going to form a coalition with National, and it will be more of the same shit. Nationals whole economy success story is a load of bullshit propped up by mass immigration. If immigration slows or reverses the housing bubble is going to pop and a lot of people are going to be fucked.
Labour are the more centered face of the Greens.
Greens are advocates for open borders.
Andrew Little is also on record calling Key's refugee intake "pitiful"
Labour are feminists, a gaggle of gays, cultural marxists and all academics who have never held a proper job. Throw in a few old union hacks to boot. They are all busy fighting each other and accusing each other of not being left enough.
Careful what you vote for.
Go to the Standard.org and read the vile crap if you can stand it.
These are all party members.
>Dunno where you live, but Auckland is experiencing a boom

What? There are drug addicts fucking everywhere, nobody can afford housing, and unemployment is rampant. National is a joke of a "right wing party" and Key's policies are only driving the knife deeper.
Putting away most personal views, what ideals could make up a party that NZ agreed on? I'm thinking of doing economics, international relations etc in uni and it's all interesting
That kike Key turned this city into goddamn China. Never again. I don't give a fuck if his party is right wing when under his watch the streets became flooded with Zhang and Pajeets.You should be thinking in terms of "nationalist" and "globalist". Left-right paradigm is done, m8. Winnie or bust.
It's booming for the baby boomers who are retiring and selling their properties to the cashed up Asians that National are importing.
Boomers fucking love Key, he made them all millionaires.
No Blinglish is giving them all a BJ by promising not to raise the retirement age until they have all passed through the system.
>Andrew Little is also on record calling Key's refugee intake "pitiful"

NZs refugee intake in 2016 was 1,000 people per year.

That is fuck all. If you look at the graph you will see that over 60,000 people immigrated to NZ in 2015. Would you rather 1,000 carefully selected refugees who are desperate to work and are willing to do the shittiest jobs or 60,000 zipperheads with rich families back home who can't work for shit.

>Labour are feminists, a gaggle of gays, cultural marxists and all academics who have never held a proper job.

I'm a libertarian, I don't care.
>whittling away the remnants of the social welfare state.
Literally the first government in 50 years to raise the dole
>some pretty strange socialist positions.
he's a classical muldoonist in ideology mate
National Party = destroying our country by letting hordes of chinks / nigs in. selling off your assets to their mates. Letting jobs go overseas
ACT = fucking your sister is OK, National lapdogs
Maori Party = Like National but gives things to their iwi, instead of rich pricks
Labour = like National but get money from unions instead of rich pricks. So they'll fuck you over slightly less. won't sell off our shit
Greens = anti-science hippy fucks. smoke weed lamo 420 amiright?
United Future = some cunt who hates people who have fun
NZ First = emperor god Winston. will stop the horde of chinks. Will keep jobs in the country. Will make NZ great again
>= emperor god Winston. will stop the horde of chinks. Will keep jobs in the country. Will make NZ great again
however he will bankrupt us over the pension though but at least less gooks
As a Libertarian you should be worried about a party that will increase the size of government and introduce "protection" laws to protect their favorite minority of the week from evil hate speech.
Vote for the one that's going to ruin your country the fastest
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On the Fence tells me I align with ACT. I don't know shit all about NZ parties though
on that con needs to be further up and act further down
Who's worse?

The Gooks, The Indians, or The Coconuts?
>That is fuck all. If you look at the graph you will see that over 60,000 people immigrated to NZ in 2015. Would you rather 1,000 carefully selected refugees who are desperate to work and are willing to do the shittiest jobs or 60,000 zipperheads with rich families back home who can't work for shit.

You've hit the nail on the head. (((Bill English))) is wants to let in 20k shitty Filipinos to meet the construction shortage because he capped the number of builders we can train per year. They'll get paid 3c an hour and drive down the builders wage. They'll build our houses with paper walls that will fall down in two years
>a party that will increase the size of government
I don't care about the size of government

>introduce "protection" laws to protect their favorite minority of the week from evil hate speech.
coconuts are pretty chill but they cost us economically. a few are ok.

Indians fucking stink, have no skills, and try to rape people in night clubs.

Gooks are pretty decent but stick together like shit on a blanket. When they gather in too high numbers they just become little china.

Gooks and coconuts are ok in low numbers. Indians can fuck off.
>voting anything but NZ first
i wonder if the conservative party will run again this year, dreamy colins 2018.
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Everyone's shit, bomb parliament instead.

pic related: captcha hates the NZ political climate too
Honestly think we should just annex coconuts. Offset most of the cost by the huge EEZ we would have and increase our influence in the pacific.
NZ First...vote for Winnie The Pooh!
None of them belong in our society that our ancestors worked hard and fought wars to create...they can all fuck right off. Maori belong here if we like it or not.
Nz1st easy choice, unless you want to cuck nz more?
The Internet Party.

They are coming back, they'll still be shit though, but keep an eye out for them.
New Zealand for New Zlealaners!
Legalise marijuana party has my vote.
This is what party politicians ask themselves all the time. If it was clear cut we would have it already.

Do economics, at least the first year papers.
Throw your vote away. They won't legalize it anytime soon.
votes NZ1st and that will be put to referendum. Don't just vote for 'muh weed bruh'
I miss McGillicuddy Serious.
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>won't sell off our shit
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>muh assets
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yeah m8 NZ1st all the way, nationalism the way to ought to be. New Zealand for New Zealander's.
Rogernomics was the worst thing to happen to this country. Only labour seemed to learn from it though
I am currently applying for NZ Citizenship. Which party is immigrant friendly?
fuck off we're full.
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All of them.
Fuck off, we're full
Full? You have more sheeps than men over there.
our sheep are more human than you chinks
There's enough slanty eyed rice munchers here already, we don't want any more.
>our sheep are more human
No wonder the flock mentality I observed there
Fuck off, we're full
May I ask what you plan to do with yourself in NZ?
Okay Zergling.
regardless of what lib scum you hung out with, we're full.
democracy is cancer. you'll just vote for stuff you want which will make the government bigger and fuck the economy. A completely broken system.
Your democracy is broken because you struggle to have a pm last a full term.
The NZ government had an advertisement https://www.newzealandnow.govt.nz/why-choose-nz/compare-new-zealand/singapore

I am a software engineer out of university for a year. Want to migrate because I am sick of living in a cramped house and an overpopulated city.

every democracy is cancer. The concept itself is flawed ie millions of people with no economic or political sense voting for gibs.

Governments need your money to pay for stuff but you need the government to fuck off to make money.
that's because (National) i.e the globalist party is in charge. Make no mistake we the people don't want you here. Stay in your own country and empower it.
>move to Auckland
>go outside, check your GPS to make sure you aren't still in chink land
theyre literally all the same
>go outside, check your GPS to make sure you aren't still in chink land
That's weird because one of the reasons I am moving is because my country is now full of immigrants from China and India
It's the same here. There are billions of the cunts you know.
Just curious, are the immigrants Chinese from Mainland China or Chinese from Malaysia / Singapore. There is a huge difference in culture between these two groups.
dont come here, seriously move to europe. aus, or some shit
lmao you will just live crowded in Auckland like the rest of the Asian immigrants. Our Government wants your money and nothing else and the population will resent you being here.
I don't know...I don't talk to them.
Wow, that sucks. What happened to all the communities/villages on those sprawling green hills? Or are those a marketing campaign?
there are no jobs there. duh
as said before actually kiwis will resent you. You are not kiwi and neither will your mixed races kids be.
You should look after you own country, leave ours alone... by Christ any kiwi reading this I hope you're voting NZ1st. It's about civi values now.
Those all have 3 hour commutes to the city centre for work where you sit in your car on the motorway not moving and can't take a train because the government doesn't know what those are.
>software engineer
>sick of living in a cramped house and an overpopulated city

If you're looking at Auckland (surely the easiest city to find that kind of work in), I should warn you that it's way overpopulated. The housing is probably less cramped, but most rentals are damp shitholes.
There are sprawling green hills everywhere but 1/3rd of the population lives in 1 big city...Auckland.
And expensive as fuck for housing thanks to the asians buying up everything at inflated prices.
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>should I move to NZ?
I should become a farmer lol
Yes, the public transport bit discourages me.
Being a farmer sucks dick alot of the time. Google Scabby Mouth if you don't believe me although thankfully there is a good market for Cattle these days.
Vote for Kim Jong Un
If it's anything like here in Australia, it'll mostly be Chinese mainlanders, with a decent number of Taiwanese and Koreans.
I understand. I read about Auckland and to be honest it is bad. The entire city has these ethnic pockets/ghettos which are mostly new Asian immigrants. As someone who is westernized and who prefers integration to segregation, I absolutely hate these areas.
>National wants open boarders

>NZF are a borderline-socialist boomer-pandering meme, but at least they hate foreigners, right?

>Greens are retarded hippies

>Everybody else are irrelevant

Labour is the only non-extremist party that wants to limit immigration. I don't give a fuck about gay people, so why shouldn't I vote for them?
Vote join Australia party
ITT: horis, chinks, pajeets, coconuts trying to fit in
/pol/ has the lowest percentage of whites out of any board
Who'd want your politicians running shit? You can't even keep a PM in office for a full term without replacing them.
You don't you want borders?
NZ1st has a nationally socialist ring to it.
Labour want you to pay for Tyrone's kids.
Labour wants you to pay capital gains.
Labour wants you to import more 3rd worlder
Labour wants you to accept your white guilt.

Nz1st or bust. It's easy m8, either you vote for NZ or you vote for globalism. Vote to protect our land, our country, our values.
and hey while we're at it... who here has contacted their MPs??
I've sent this to the greens but as expected no reply.
Hey there Brian,

I have a question that's been bugging me a bit recently and I hope you can help explain your party's reasoning behind wanting to double our refugee quota.

The new quota to go into effect next year will increase to 1000 with a cost of $100M, now while that money in my opinion would be better spent on shoeless and hungry kiwi kids or kiwi's living in cars I'll stick to talking about refugees. So this will cost the tax payer $100,000 per refugee, however; when housing them in neighboring countries of their homeland we could help far more refugees for the same cost (and isn't that the whole point?). -- Here's an article by the independent on the topic:

So if it's true that the money we spend could help far more refugees nearer their homeland then why aren't we doing that?

I look forward to hearing your reply."

do something kiwis1 even if it's as minor as I have, just something guys
>not having the Australia please annex us Party

Bunch of poofters on that island of yours
Kiwi-Niggers (aka Maoris) are the worst subhuman filth you will ever encounter.
The even funnier thing is that NZ culture worships these lower-than-abo level pieces of shit.
Wow, just learnt something new.
First I thought maybe Radagast. But then I looked at his green policies and for a strong industry and economy New Zealand needs Saruman!
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