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what's the worst place to live in Texas?

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what's the worst place to live in Texas?
Anywhere that isn't a star on that map. And even then it isn't very good.
lufkin or beaumont

The out of state faggots have really poisoned the well.
Any town on the southern border.
The border towns.
Austin....or Denton
West Texas is shit simply because of the dust storms. I lived in midland for 2 years and it drove me crazy so I went back to Dallas.
the mexican barrio

t. DEA brother in law
All of Texas is a disaster in terms of the people. This is the state that sends Ted Cruz to washington. Texas needs to be wiped off the map.
San Antonio and El Paso
Houston and Austin
Hey thanks for the mention there in your northern-most river.
Detroit, obviously
Dallas fucking blows
Houston or Austin.
This guy does bars

Dallas, Houston, and Austin.
What sucks about it?
>tfw live north of Dallas
It's stunning how fast it goes to shit once you pass south over the city limit.

Seguin and San Marcos are trash commie breeding grounds
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Wtf is this even?
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The trouble with Brownsville is that it's full of browns!
Tfw Midland Bro

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Rough guide
>tfw going to Big Bend next month
Feels good, man
Austin. California wants it's Liberal haven back.
Go fuck yourself !!! Texas is better than whatever bullshit state your from !!!! there are shitty places to live in any state, including texas. but texas as a whole is better than any state in the us buddy.
you lived in denton? i use to live there i live in fort worth now
It's different but it's not bad. It's better here than in bumfuck nowhere.
El Paso
>have qt flaky on-again-off-again mexican gf from college
>"my parents are letting me run the restaurant back home, i'm only staying with you if you go down to brownsville with me"

Is it really that bad there? Should I get browned
I am from Missouri, which is embarassing in it's own ways, but Texas is by far and away the worst, most hateful, and white-trashiest state in America. Again, the simple fact that evil people in Texas send Cruz to the Senate is proof enough that Texas needs to be nuked into oblivion.
I will add to this..never, ever, ever trust anyone with a southern accent, especially a Texas accent.
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>what's the worst place to live in Texas?

you guessed it, the browns make the place bad
>bumfuck nowhere

Those are the best places to live and this will be the case more and more as the demographics change.
>a town literally named after its disease, almost as a warning to visitors

kek america is truly a magical place
>send Cruz to the Senate

Nothing wrong with cruz in the senate or the supreme court.
Cruz in the Supreme Court is a total nightmare and reason to leave this shitty country for good.
Midland fag here. Plz send help.
Midland fag here. where r u bruder
I'd have to say the worst place to live in Texas would be the slums of Houston.
Texas is pretty much a colony of Mexico by now
>tfw you live in Brownsville.
It's alright place but I'm a bit of a homebody so take that with a grain of salt
I want to say austin because the Californians are ruining it. But realistically the worst places are Laredo, and everywhere around Midland and Odessa. West Texas is an absolute shithole.
If you really like the girl (which it sounds like you do) then yeah sure.

RGV is super unique, I wouldn't mind living there for a year or two desu. You won't get cartel'd.
From Laredo, your brother in law is going to die
Your liberal ass clearly needs to leave.

Meh I think San Angelo and Abilene are ok.
>panhandle all red
Kek, okay. Save for one or two shit towns, it's not the worst spot in Texas.
I live in the valley
Almost 80% vote for hillary in my county
"In poverty" :/
They are, I'm just really hate midland/odessa
you know any whore's named Andrea?
Fuck you Texas and fuck you Lone Star beer.

that became reality

A lot of people will try to blame the "Arkansas Side" of Texarkana, but no. ALL of Texarkana is shit.

It's a shit-town, with infrastructure that started failing only 5 years after being implemented because of crooked contract deals.
I am not liberal.. more centrist. But I hate that Cruz only serves himself and purposely tries to prevent anything from getting done in washington. He is only in it for himself. Texans know this and keep electing him so that he can destroy our country. No one likes Cruz, and in fact everyone hates him, except for Texas retards that are full of hate themselves.
i honetsly dont know where you were in texas that literally everyone was hateful to you. its actually not like that at all. i will say this however; all of texas has pride for their state. which is why i stood up for it and said go fuck yourself. im not trying to be rude, i love my state. if you love yours, tell me to go fuck myself; i dont see anything wrong with that. but texas, as a whole, is a very friendly state. i am sorry you had a bad experience.
Can you show us on the doll where the Texas touched you?
Anywhere on the coast. Or near Louisiana. West Texas is boring as shit though. East Texas is hillbilly as fuck.

Austin area and Dallas area are the only worthwhile places.
If you like wearing peoples skin.
Seriously no matter how "redpilled" you are some of those towns look like they're from the Texas chainsaw massacre, not an appealing place to live.
Why? I lived in SA for a year and it was cool

actually lived in Live oak but still I visited some of the neighborhoods and walked all around downtown at all hours of night or day and the only regrettable thing to happen to me was a fag propositioned me with cocaine on the Alamo Plaza.
Surprised to not see lubbock yet. I've been at texas tech for a few years now. I guess its not the worst but its pretty meh. Obviously plenty of mexicans
>dissing Texas
Yeah ok, I hear it everyday

>dissing Lone Star
Whoa wtf man
texasfag here
if you live outside of the triangle (houston-san antonio-dallas) then you are pretty much fucked
literally anywhere in texas
Where are the qt3.14 white, Texas country girls at? Austin?
East = No
West = No
Border with Mex = No
The Gulfcoast is fun, central is ok if you stay outta Austin, and Dallas and Houston can be pretty based if you know where not to go.
>West Texas is boring as shit though.
It's boring.
It's hot.
It's constantly windy.
It never rains.
There's dust everywhere.

Fuck this place.
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Yeah, its a smelly, hypocritical, backwards piece of the south.

It's sad because there is so much potential there, but no one remotely is interested in it.
Also, there are no sidewalks, there are residential zones zoned dangerously close to heavy use rails.
The niggers are either violent or gayer than three dollar bills, and there is probably the biggest homeless ratio in the state there.
Some of the rural areas are alright though, not counting scary ass Fouke.
i lived on Spice Ln. for a few months

>West Texas is boring as shit though

When you grow up you will in fact appreciate how "boring" it is.
Dont come to the RGV here in Texas
dude the panhandle sucks ass
Also am I a meme yet
I'd be more worried about the on-again-off-again and demanding you move part rather than the Mexican part of that query. You're setting yourself up for disappointment, but not the way you're thinking.

To be fair, I've never lived in Brownsville, just visited a few times.
In Amarillo myself, windy and flat. Lots of redpilled people I work with, lots of Christians.
All of it. I would live rather in South Sudan than Texas.
We've got the 2nd largest canyon in the states I believe, next to the Grand Canyon
Port arthur. Trust me
"A 2000 Texas A&M study stated that of the residents of Cameron County, 43% do not have basic literacy skills"

At least it is a step up from Africa
>43% do not have basic literacy skills

Latrineos going to latrine.
Sure bud. You enjoy your oil fields and Mexicans that can't speak English. And meth. And vast hideous flatlands.
TXK isn't bad. But then I've lived here most of my life aside from a 10y stint in HOU.
Wrong you must be a rich suburbanite who listens to rap and wants a black friend
Austin Fags
Dallas Mexicans niggers and fags
Houston shit ton of niggers
They need to invest a shitload more in their airport. That's about the only way they're going to get more traffic for expansion.
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Austin here. My hometown. Born in 86.

How do we save Austin from the liberal locusts?
Then you're retarded
Austin. It needs a wall around it to contain the filth.


>Have to drive everywhere

The commutes here between places can take from 45 minutes to a couple hours between 2pm - 8pm and the entire city is a cultureless shithole of small bands of minorities.

I left the midwest a couple years ago looking for some opportunity down here and honestly I can say this is the shittiest city I've ever been in. Moving in less than 3 months and I can't wait, this place is honestly terrible.

Austin is fucking done.

North Austin is a fucking indian colony at this point and the rest of it is an colony of mexico.
Houston is gross
T- houstonian
I wish the crime wasn't what it is here. I'd like a small city less traffic and crime, but oh well. My job is here.
Corpus also sucks, but surrounding corpus ain't bad. Galveston is 100% garbage
>the entire city is a cultureless

Describe culture.
It all depends on the area, but ghetto areas are quickly expanding.

I get hassled by sketchy "Hey, I just need some gas and here's the long bullshit backstory to prove it" fucks at the mall all of the time.

Summerhill and the other side of Richmond are pretty nice though, I guess.
Waco is the clear answer. There's literally nothing there.

I live in Northwest Austin. I don't mind the Asians.
Midland/Odessa don't go there it is full of muslims
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Inner-city Houston. Nig migration after Katrina made it worse.
The only reason Waco exists is because of the commerce stops on the way to the coast or the border.

Well there is also Rapelor
Haha. I live between Lufkin and Beaumont in a small town called Kirbyville. It's deplorable central out here. Place is a damn shithole.
why does it say fuck pork. texans love pork
Killeen/Ft. Hood. 2nd Place is Austin.
Source: I've lived in both.
Serious question though.. why do Texans elect Ted Cruz? He just causes problems for both parties in washington. He is only in it for himself and himself only, exactly the kind of politician we don't need in washington. Please don't give me anything about his nutcase religious views. When I hear his views in that area I assume he is 100% nuts and not even remotely connected to reality.
Ask the /k/ommrade that made it. I always understood it that Texas BBQ prefers brisket.
The Indians and muzzles are alright, we ignore each other and avoid each other.
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Because Texas is full of deplorable rednecks.

source? I'm a Hillary voter living in southeast Texas.
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> I'm a Hillary voter living in southeast Texas.
Same reason the US elected Trump. Ignorant tards that live in the space between everybody get to vote too.
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because no one here can tell a cuban from a mexican. Not even mexicans.
I go there to buy drugs.
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Well now, what have we here? Look at the buzzwords!
Faggots, faggots everywhere

Odessa is the greatest city on earth. Full of red blooded men doin manly things.


Also we got the hottest hookers.
they voted for him because his religious views
I am a Hillary voter in Missouri, my well-educated and wise friend. It sucks we lost, but at least we can watch the utterly disasterous implosion that will be the Trump presidency. In my few visits to Texas, I met people that were full of sinful pride and arrogance, thinking they live in the best state, when it is largely (but not 100%) a state of deplorable white nationalists and other types of racists and intolerant types.
FEMA set me up there after Rita, over by that Arkansas side wal mart, you know what part of town i'm talking about. Didn't exactly leave the best taste in my mouth when twice niggers broke my door down at 8 and 10 in the morning (one of them stole quartz crystals out of my aquarium, wtf?) - and the other one ended up getting stabbed by my brother.

Honestly, the "christian" community isn't so bad there - but even they went off to shreveport to gamble on the weekends lol.

Yeah, there was a time when the region was considered the music capitol of the south - its too bad their bureaucracy and crime couldn't keep the right people around through the years.
everyone prefer brisket over pork, can still wrap your old steaks in bacon when the meat turning bad
I used to think all truckers were greasy old white methheads but I've been seeing a lot of cute fit black guys driving and I sort of get the appeal now.
If this is true then I lost the last 2% of respect I had for Texas voters. Yee hawww
stahp, you don't want all the yuppy yank faggots coming to odessa. Tell them it is a shithole ;)
No dumbass, trucks not 18wheelers
Yeah I'm pretty weak for that girl, it sucks but it is what it is

>tfw i get cucked by narcos and a sad corrido plays in the background
well ain't that a pretty hick machine.
Ever go see Dr Hatten dentist, that office is full of fine womens
Arkansas-side walmart is so bad that they set a fucking curfew.

I can't think of any single walmart with a curfew.
North side of town is the only good area. Even some of that area of 1960s-era homes is going to shit.

There's still an island of whites over in the Highland Park area that haven't been Rhodesia'd yet.

There're been ghetto nigs here since the beginning of time, but it's funny the Hispanics are starting to push some of them out too.

I'm not that friendly when I'm out in town. Somebody approaches me and I tell them right off I got nothing for them and to go ask somebody else. Plant your feet and subtly turn sideways and they'll fuck right off.

A-side a shit until you get out of the city limits. Almost nothing good happens over there. Sorry you had to live in that.

Even then, it looks like Uncle Ruckus's White Heaven compared to Shreveport.
But you left California because you ruined it with shitskins and your shitty communist policies.
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Oh wait Chile =/= Texas
You shut your whore mouth about Denton
Your assessments were spot on my good friend. Texans do think it is the best stage despite being far from it. They are the alt-right white nationalist types. You see a lot of confederate flags where I live. Do you think we have any chance of turning Missouri blue in 2020? I am holding out hope that Texas can turn because Trump really is that bad. I'm hoping these people will wake up and realize their mistake.
Enjoy you kia, i hear the newer models even have tampon dispensers
Donald is going to airlift chile and drop it in the Gulf of Mexico to connect to texas
And chile will pay for it
My gf lives there. She always complains about the illegals and spics there and how they leech off the welfare. From what she described it sounds like an absolute shithole.
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Chile gets honorary texan status just because of your fine taste in flags. Youll need to rename your country to Chilli for cultural reasons..
live in Laredo. its an absolute Mexican shit hole

There is no chance this meth-infested, white trash haven of Missouri will ever go blue. They vote Republican here because most here are dirt poor but they think if they think the gays and pro-choicers are out to get them and need to be stopped.
is that how you make texas chilli
Why don't you go fuck yourself, you liberal ass pansy.
I don't know what we Texans did to get your panties in a knot, but you bitching online about "boo hoo muh cruz" and "waahhh why isn't everyone a faggot like me" makes it clear you're nothing but a little bitch upset that the Greatest State in the usa doesn't agree with your fagot liberal ass.
And no, don't pull that "I'm a centerist" bullshit you did earlier. Your a liberal in an independents clothing, butthurt as any dem would be. But bitch and moan all you damn well please, at the end of the day Texas will still be the greatest state in the union with the best BBQ, Cruz will still be in the sentate you'll still be numale faggot.

t. Texas anon abroad
the funny thing is I actually do drive a Kia. I love it.
-Everything that's "nice" is made of plastic, full of soulless, try-hard bullshit
-Privatized and overpriced toll roads are the only way to get places (Houston usually has a freeway that runs parallel)
-The urban sprawl is similar to Houston in size, but not omnidirectional. You basically have suburb after suburb going north until you hit Oklahoma. Unlike the other cities in Texas, this makes urban rejuvenation that much harder, so have fun living in Frisco and claiming Dallas.
-Food is shit for a major city. All chain stores, or overhyped bs. No real chinatown or authentic ethnic centers for food either.
There better be some sea bass in that.
I've never even been to based California. I've lived in Texas my entire life.
Texas chilli never has any beans tho
This, but honestly east Texas in general. Ask me how I know.
no just some BP gulf oil spill for lubrication
You sound like exactly the kind of hateful white trash that dominates in Texas. Who cares about your country hick BBQ. Yeee freakin' hawww. Cruz will eventually lose..and sooner than many think. I would be embarassed if I were you to admit you are from Texas.
Lufkin sucks, but Tyler is great
How do you know?
too many niggers
cities that give sanctuary to criminal undocumented immigrants
Austin if youre a conservative
Austin if youre not
I don't particularly care for Cruz, but that man got my eternal respect when he earned the Cruz Missile nickname filibustering the Dems over post-Sandy Hoax gun legislation.
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>people saying Houston
Okay, where are you really from?
Odessa is a total shithole, ugly as fuck and niggers and beaners killing each other daily
Lake Jackson
If you aren't just trolling for (you)s. I would recommend never going to texas, as it stands the only reason liberals arent being gunned down in droves is the fact that its illegal for the time being.

We absolutely hate your guts and would like nothing more than to cap your ass and drape your carcass over a barbed wire fence to ward off others of your ilk.

Just letting you know.
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He's based.

It's always fags from Dallas.
Grew up there. East Texas is a complete shithole, for the most part.

Houston sucks, dude.
debton anon meet-up at Jupiter house?
houston is too big to say it sucks
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San Hambonio
Way too many to count :)

Katy's pretty great if you don't mind the commute.
>Cruz will eventually lose..and sooner than many think. I would be embarassed if I were you to admit you are from Texas.
Should I prefer to be some litteraly kia driving faggot like you, who claims to not takes a position and be a """""""""""""""""""""centrist""""""""""""""""""""" despite adopting the rhetoric of any common leftist, while getting upset about other people's states and telling them "no, don't be proud of where you come from," all the while wanting big daddy government to fuck him in the ass as he bitches and moans on the internet.

Because of that's what you consider better, you can go fuck yourself. I'm going to reamin a proud Texan, who wants to be left the fuck alone by faggots like you and the authoritian state you let happen. I'm not going to stop being proud of Texas because some fag online told me not to, and frankly it's hilarious how you got so butthurt you went into this thread just to bitch and moan.
I have a friend in Dallas and I visit from time to time, but I don't like the people there too much because a lot of them are religious nutcases, and they are also very close-minded and intolerant in their views. I was just never impressed, and any time I hear a texas accent I assume the person I am talking to is not very bright.
Houston wasn't too bad until Katrina. Nigs have been running wild here ever since. Liberal sanctuary city bullshit.
Fucking Lubbock man, that place is seriously a post-apocalyptic desert wasteland. I was there once and it reminded me of the time I was in a sandstorm on Tattoine.
5th Ward?
Me too. When you headed there?
you mean all of west texas
Eh, fair point. I wouldn't want to live there, though.
Why are all Texans stupid?
>tfw moved to Jew york from denton so can't meet up with my /pol/ bros
The panhandle is OK but worse.
Ayy a Texas thread.
Thoughts on CStat?
>no one says Fort Worth
I guess I'll move to Fort Worth
There's so much to do for everyone down there. To get through "Houston" takes 2 hours on 45 from the Woodlands to the port. It is smelly and hot tho.
>I have a friend in Dallas and I visit from time to time, but I don't like the people there too much because a lot of them are religious nutcases, and they are also very close-minded and intolerant in their views
>he thinks people in dallas are close minded

Anon, you're have absolutely no idea what "close minded" really is. You'll be hard pressed to find close minded in a city in fucking Texas. What the hell did they say that got you so upset? That they want illegals gone?

Because we've been living in peace with latinos like the Tejanos since before your bumfuck state was even part of America. For Christ sake we fought along side them to gain independence. We have had no problems with diversity since our earliest days.

Just because we don't like leaches on society gone doesn't make us "intolerant," it means that we like people who contribute, and want those who don't gone.
fun when you are in college. An 2 hour away from any big city tho. It's an island of population in bum fuck nowhere.
Fort worth is just knock off Dallas, anyone who says otherwise is from Fort Worth
ha! Ft worth is much more based. Military base, Dept. of Treasury prints money, tons of suburbs and churches.

Dallas is more big city and liberal.
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Poorfag detected.

Dallas is awesome if you can afford it.
I think the humidity and the blacks will always keep me away from Houston. But also it's just too damn big for me as well.
Dallas is Austin Jr. and only getting worse.

Ft. Worth is still gud.
>Dallas is more big city and liberal.
Only because of all the blacks in south dallas.
Avoid that (and why wouldn't you? South Dallas is a fucking shithole) and it's fine.

Though he's right on the looks of dallas. A lot of the new stuff is pretty ugly. Being over here in Europe makes me wish that the parts of dallas they're trying to build up past the trinity would adopt some of the renisance and medival European designs, it'd be fucking beautiful.
I grew up poor in the midwest and suddenly became wealthy last year, so now I finally have the chance to escape. I just want a nice place with a lot of land to grow a giant organic garden in that won't die every winter, while also being somewhat close to a real city. It seems like you can get a really nice mansion-esque place in Fort Worth for 3 million USD or less.
Lets do this anon!
im sure you live dick in your mouth too

Border towns, Port Arthur (because of niggers), any big city such as Austin, Houston, and San Antonio.
>suddenly became wealthy last year
What happened?

I lived there most of my life, currently living in the Spring/Woodlands area. It's a shithole where you need to learn Spanish to get any type of job and a MASSIVE amount of illegals. Pretty sure ICE and go there and they'd be able to deport half of the population.


Lots of illegals and anchor babies that love Mexico more than the US that vote democrat. Drugs are slowing becoming a bigger issue by the day as well and the comps are massively incompetent while their juvie system is overfilled because of terrible parents.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Southern California, maybe, but not Texas, not even close, with the sole exception of San Antonio.
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Steers. Queers. Alex Jones.
Why would this state be an option for residency?
The Mexicans here are based though. They vote red and own guns, much better than the liberal/literal faggots in Austin.
I'll have you know that men loving men is an intrinsic, sacred part of cowboy culture and suggesting that a proud Texan would ever willingly fuck a woman for a purpose other than procreation is a horrible insult.

For reference see the documentary "brokeback mountain".
I can't answer without doxing myself, but what I created never should have succeeded as much as it did. I think God made it happen as some kind of joke, or he chose me for something.
What is the best area to live in Fort Worth?

The only major city in Texas that isn't completely cucked, and still has a large white population, is Fort Worth.

> t.Dallasfag
no but I put my dick in a black woman's butt once. Was fun as I recall.
haha .. I am just trolling. I am a (you) harvester.. I don't really have an opinion on TX.. I am sure it is a nice place.
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As a kid I wanted to live in Texas so I can wear cowboy hat and bots, but I grow out of it later. Still want to get hat but I can't wear it anywhere I live without looking like complete idiot.
Texas is in the USA so anywhere is bad
Why is Big Spring a star on that map? It's not even close to a large town.
East Dallas is by far the worst place to live in Texas.
The culture revolves around food and sports. That's it. There is absolutely nothing to do here besides try out different ethnic foods or fall back on your favorite tex-mex place with stronk ass margaritas. There's concerts, comedy clubs, caste system bar scenes, shitty sports, and fun things for kids to do. People are nice, crime is high thanks to nogs and spics, it's flat, it's hot, it's ugly, it's home. I know people who have been gang raped in their home, the daughter raped too during a home invasion, held up and mugged in a parking lot, and my car was stolen. If you come here you better get a gun and learn to shoot to kill.
>where their isnt grass
everywhere from El Paso to San Angelo is open desert. grass starts growing around the X in Texas
/pol/ is texan.
thier state is bigger then germany,france,uk,any cuck country. you magnificent faggots. dont let hispanics win your state,schools,streets,jobs.

The border with Mexico.

Or Texarkana.

White rock lake fag here. I can concur, sort of. East of white rock is pretty awful.
All of tk is shit, but Arkansas side is fucking horrible.
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just saying because i live here lulz
oh well the world famous PT lives here so that's kinda idk bleh
How is Georgetown? One anon said it was conservative, but my family member told me otherwise.

Basically anything east of downtown Dallas along I-30 all the way to forney. Balch springs, pleasant grove, and the fair park area being the worst.
I never thought about Ted as a supreme court judge
We should meme this into reality if only for the mass level but hurt and liberal self deportation

My cousin is a Dallas firefighter stationed in pleasant grove. He said they arrived at a shooting before police got there, were working on the nig that had been shot when another nig walked up and asked if the shot nig was going to make it, they didn't respond, so the nig reached over one of the firefighters shoulder and put two more in the nig on the ground. Animals.
Unless you own a huge piece of land and lots of money so you can do anything you want.
Of course you could do that close to civilization if you were rich
Tip of the shitsberg. Cops in wilco are literal feral pigs, don't go there.
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seriously, i was in houston during superbowl weekend but i was there for UFC that saturday (because fuck that globalist friendly NFL shill fest) and me and my friend decide to hit the Galleria just for shit and giggles before downtown to the toyota center.
My god the amount of Niggers there "just to be seen" was astronomical to my surprise I didn't see too many white/black combos so that was a relief.
But right out of Neiman Marcus the fucking nation of Islam was out there with a microphone spouting retard nonsense from the Quran, yea it was scary
Lived in Austin 20 years. Decided it sucked with the traffic and libs. Currently outside San Antonio in canyon lake. Love it
Because he is the TrueConservativeâ„¢
Hell yeah, I'm down for this. What times are you guys available?
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Cowboy negros?

All US refugees are there.
Arlen is pig town tho.....
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at least it ain't wichita falls
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Fuck Mcmanerbury
could be houston
Oh shit, I didn't know there were any other /pol/acks in Tyler

t. shitskin cuck
>not counting scary ass Fouke.

What are you, some kind of faggot? Bet you never even went to Jonesfest.
welfare needs to be completely disposed of as a concept
Yes, I hate this fucking place. Decent fishing though. Niggers like to pretend its the 5th Ward so if you're white, you better carry.
Fuck off Austinfag. Go back to California.

>per capita

>rest of the nation combined

more highschool dropouts too, I'd wager.
san antonian here

finally getting out next year, Maine here I come
I'm in Dallas. I've been all over the state and I like it here the most.

Houston is trashy as fuck. Nasty, nigger tier, and it stinks 24/7.
Austin might as well be California. Highest homeless population in the state by far.
San Antonio has even more beaners than everywhere else in TX. Spic central.
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I'm a tranny, but if I have to fear for my life when traveling through those places how are they any better than bumfuck nowhere in the Middle East?
I go to Dallas for my doctor and when I first went there I was so fucking surprised at how many black people there were, it was like the city was 90% black. It seems like an alright city but Austin is a lot less dangerous.
anybody in the galleria area?
Gotta be north of Dallas. Anywhere south of 635 is inner city land of "urban people".
People like you need to fuck off out of Texas, same as much of that cancerous shithole Austin and their hobo statue.
Me and my dad stopped at ihop coming from Austin and it was like the Congo. It was honestly pretty cool.
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I was born in Texas
I'm gon die in Texas
(Unless they pass a bathroom bill, then I'm gone)
>I'm gon die in Texas

That'd be fine, you ain't got no place living here though you degenerate faggot.
what's a better place to live?
Woah that's really fucking rude. You're free to be a moron and eat shit in your dumbfuck town, it makes no difference to me.
For some mentally ill fuck up? Damned if I know or care.

>Woah that's really fucking rude.

I don't think you should allowed to live here, you think I give any bit of a damn about being called rude?

Typical libshit from Austin.
And I don't care what you think because you're a mutant with half a brain.
In the basement. Of the Alamo.

San Antonio. It's filthy, ugly, full of fat beaners and unattractive women, and the few whites that are there are repulsive, low IQ losers.
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>you're a mutant with half a brain.
Richardson, TX reporting
Probably because there's fuck all on i20 besides it and Abilene between Dallas and midland. I live in big spring and it's as bad as midland Odessa but without the very few benefits they have. I can't communicate with over half the people I work with because Spanish and there's nothing to do besides drink yourself to death by 40 because who wants to live here any longer than that.>>116653152
Dallas or Houston because of the climate. Otherwise Brownsville.
Lived in Texas all my life. South of Houston is full of redneck conservative hillbillies
The hill country west of san Antonio is heavenly tho. When SHTF I'm literally running for the hills
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where muh lubbock bros at
What? How is Dallas good if you have money? You mean if you grew up with money and all your friends hang out and eat in highland park every day or what?

I live in a luxury high rise close to Clyde warren park and I still fuckin hate it
Houston here but I visit family in Tyler for most holidays. Always thought it was a shitty little town with nothing to do since we've always stayed on the south side. Had to sleep in a hotel once and picked up a Tyler brochure with intent to troll my brother. There's actually some cool looking stuff and a college on the north side as opposed to the retirement communities and Walmart that I'd been experiencing on the south side for the past decade
It sucks because it's a gorgeous area of the state (hilly, good weather, etc)
Also sent Ron Paul in
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anywhere the blue is.
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how is Denton bad? I been there and there are niggers and mescians but it's not as bad as Dallas or south side funky Town
Austin. Faggotry, femenists, hipsters, and homeless.
>commiefornia detected
Houston, Killeen, anywhere within 25miles of the border

t. knower
Stay north of 1 10 and east of I 45.
What is the absolute best city in Texas
The Gulf coast. The heat and humidity are unbearable. The desert is nice thought.
They have Internet in Kerbyvill?
>what's the worst place to live: Texas
fixed it for you
How is the Eagle Mountain area of Fort Worth?
I would wager the Sunnyside neighborhood of Houston. I don't know what the ghetto areas of the other big cities are but I doubt they are worse than that.

Fuck Scott St.
Orla. Shitty mancamp shitty wifi no cell phone service no trees literally desert
We should do a meet up I'll bring the special /k/ brownies.
Fuck you east is the best part.

Fewer Mexicans, more Dixie, conservative white Christians, not full of ego maniac rich fucks, far enough from big cities to avoid their plague but close enough to visit Houston/dfw/nola whenever you fancy

Also the kkk still alive there

Vidor til I die.
Aransas Pass
Vidor is a shit hole full of dope nazis and subhuman trash.
Yeah, it's been picking up in recent years with development. the lack of stuff to do in town never really bothered me since theres some great outdoor stuff not far from town and Dallas is only a little over an hour away
>Born and Raised in Houston
>Moved to Dallas a year ago
>Visited Austin a few times for job interviews

People think Dallas and Austin are by default better than Houston because they have less blacks there. What they don't consider is that Austin is filled with the worst type of Whites (self hating liberals) and Dallas has transplants from all over the country bringing all their worst traits. I like Dallas for the money and Austin for the scenery but Houston is fun overall and cheaper to live in.
Fuck yeah man, I've had more fun there than the Grand Canyon. I really need to plan another trip soon
Hardly a mention of corpus Christi. 5 times a year some accident happens and you can't drink the water.
I think you described all the reason why I want to go back to Houston so badly.
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>you can't drink the water
why the fuck would you?
Utopia, TX
Every cab driver I had in Victoria when I've visited tell me how shitty it is there. Except for one who commented on how the city is growing because they are getting more chain restaurants lol
does her last name start with c?
i live in south side funky town shieeet.
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You'll be fine, lots of white people are coming down here. I don't know about Brownsville though but Harlingen is a pretty good place. If you've never been here get ready for the biggest culture shock you'll ever experience in the U.S., its closer to living in Mexico than regular America.
How is south padre island? would it be a good investment to buy property there?

1) Hearne
2) Mart
3) Angleton

And that's just working the hwy 6 corridor. Lots of shit holes in Texas, kids.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!
You ever leave the Valley and go to a different state to the East?
San Antonio
Corpus Christi
El Paso

If you really need to live in a big city, go with Ft. Worth. Its a good mix of hipster fags and good conservative folk. I really enjoyed living there, I would go back if I had to. I live in Tyler now and its a great place to raise kids.
Nigga, the RGV is a great place to live if you got smart kids. STISD is one of the top schools, the crime rate is lower than Niggerville, and Mexican Food is good.
Also I should mention because your white, people are racist as hell down here. My dad has gotten fired from jobs just for being white.
did you live in the TCU/Paschal area?
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literally spics and a few peppered in whites , don't stay for more than a week
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