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Breitbart Intel > Intel from FBI/CIA/Army/RAND/Heritage Foundation?

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Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 41

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Apparently, letting others write his speeches and manage his social media for 2 days results in super crazy bursts. It's almost like he wants to cry or self-destruct or yell or something.

I dunno guys/gals/autists...this is some level 9 redpill shit. To accept this, I need to be redpilled pretty much on logic itself. Like, I need someone to prove to me that 2+2=5 and that what goes up doesn't come down.

As a tax paying American who actually goes outside and has friends, I'm experiencing shame-sadness-confusion-anger.

So Obama is secretly running the U.S.? But I thought Make America Gr-? CIA/Pentagon/LEO is bad now? So trust the media that just praises the President? Only if he's Republican? But then Lindsay Graham/John McCain are good? But, they're critical of the Prez....but.....but....


I'm losing the strength to engage in 2nd grade checkers with you trumpfags online. I get no joy from online Beer Summits with you autists anymore, cause I know you'll just defend his obvious mental illness/insecurity/WEAKNESS with stolen memes, just so you can tell your mom you're busy with your """ebay business."""

*shrugs* I just don't understand how people can genuinely like him apart from it being ironic or contrarian/cool in some way. What happened since Wednesday?
You really believe high level fuckery in not going down constantly in Washington???
Trump is unveiling it in real time on social media.
Wtf are you having difficulty understanding here OP?
Is he in charge or not?

If yes, well, isn't this a pretty pathetic display of insecurity?

If no, well, then what the fuck did we vote him in for? Why didn't he write a new political manifesto or seize a military base instead of running for prez, being elected, and then complaining that he's cucked due to the "powers that be"?
do yourself a favor and fuck off.
You're only legitimizing my points.

If you're really conservative, you know what he did was stupid and wrong. You know this.
How dare you make a thread that is critical to our based god emperor in any way!?!?!?
was it autism?
His kid is autistic prolly.
If they rip down Trump, the CIA who has a long history of overthrowing legitimate governments, Trump will be replaced by the next Hitler.
Someone should ask Trump if his kid ever got vaccinated. I think his answer to that would confirm some suspicions I have.
Imagine how you'd feel about Obama if he complained about Bush wiretapping him and sabotaging him on social media at 3 am.

Now you know lol
There will also be a second holocaust, and Israel will evaporate, if Trump is ripped down. Rolling your eyes? Just like you did when I was certain Trump would easily win, and you gave him a 1% chance? I said there would be a civil war 2 years ago.
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Maybe hitler would be more likeable actually
honestly, wouldn't you just prefer pence? pence has way more likability than trump, and he could probably get more done instead of trying to fight everyone and picking fights with nobodies on social media at 3am
No. You didn't like Trump from the beginning so you don't like his tweets. We liked Trump from the beginning so we like his tweets. It also helped him win. It's not going away. We didn't vote for him for your enjoyment, actually quite the opposite.
>being this autistic
I would love to see this happen, because Israel would fight back by unleashing its nukes. Jews and Muslims in a fight to the death, with no survivors on either side. Next, we need to figure out a way for the niggers and pajeets to kill each other off.
what did he do that was wrong exactly?

I know this is bait, but I'm bored and tired and trying to stay awake here
I like the majority of college grads and people of higher education (doctors, lawyers, engineers, surveyors, accountants, entrepreneurs, slumlords, white-collar scammers, FINANCIAL ADVISORS) didn't like him, not necesarliy because of his views, but because of his erratic personality.

His tweets are so juvenile and childish, and you're just choosing to ignore that cause you can't deal with reality. If Trump acted during his entire presidency the way he acted on Wednesday, I'd be on board with him.

You can't even seriously dispute what I'm saying because deep down you, at the very least, find my point of view legitimate.
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Get out and stay out, you are not welcome.

It's called talking directly to the people -
Your post makes no sense. Are you doing ok?
As a civilian, nothing. As a President, well, he's not a leader, he's terribly insecure, and he's picking fights with other celebrities over nothing instead of trying to create new jobs.

There are so many fucking problems, and he holds the highest elected position in the U.S., and he's dicking around and fighting like a little kid at 3 am.

I mean I could write tons more, but first, tell me what he's done right so far?
Go make another "you're not a zombie, tell us one thing you dislike about Trump" thread you laughable fucking disaster of a person. Every mean thing your father ever said is true.
Two words: deep state.
He is in charge but leftists are obstructing, and have been, his presidency by every means possible including illegal ones.

I'd like you to attack Trump on policies not retarded smear campaigns and spastic fits by biased journalists, thanks for stopping shitting this place up, retard.
lol thanx for the creative shitpost. I'll save and deploy that one later. you are only slightly a fag.
so deep state > trump?
you're not even american or from a real country. your support/dislike of trump means nothing.
>I'll save and deploy that one later.
Not if you can't drown out those dark thoughts tonight. This could be the day it ends anon, you can stop all of this and it only takes googling "how to make noose". There's a light at the end of this tunnel and we both know how close it is.
> didn't like him, not necesarliy because of his views, but because of his erratic personality

Then you're a child yourself. I give not even a shred of credence to your view if its based purely on emotion like that.
I mean you might have a point if he wasn't literally doing everything his supporters voted him in for. Hell, I fucking voted for his shitposting. He's an energetic guy, only sleeps 3-4 hours a day, and he has more than enough time to accomplish everything he wants to do while shit talk on twitter. His twitter spats aren't even particularly egregious, and for the most part the only people who are complaining are those who wanted something to complain about.

As for what he's done right, here's a full article which you could have gotten in 30 seconds of googling.

You're a retard, the american system makes it so that it's very easy to obstruct a president, it was done legally to Obama by the reps but since the dems are minority and don't have any power they use smear campaign by biased journalists, “intelligence community” members and partial judges.

It's ok when dems do it though.
dude i legit don't know if you're trolling me or helping me acquire more shitposts

Stop spamming and consolidate your replies you reddit shit, and read the fucking sticky about fallacies, idiot.
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The people you care about, what few there are, are you obligated to keep going just for them? You don't owe them a damn thing, just kick out that chair and go to forever-sleep like you've always secretly dreamed in your hidden places you thought nobody could see or hear.
I saw, I heard.
You could probably walk in an oil-boom town in North Dakota, and find 10 homeless/crazy guys and 10 well to do guys, all with the same economic/political views trump has. I'm going to avoid the crazy guys cause they're fucking crazy.
>His tweets are so juvenile and childish, and you're just choosing to ignore that cause you can't deal with reality. If Trump acted during his entire presidency the way he acted on Wednesday, I'd be on board with him.

Well then "I can't deal with reality," because I like his tweets. They at least show a human behind the cold facade of script reading political fuck-heads that we've seen for the past 100+ years. That alone is enough for me to enjoy them, it's just a bonus that they're so entertaining. I much prefer this over some political drone spouting nothing but perfectly censored, pre-approved, politically correct fake humanitarian garbage.

>You can't even seriously dispute what I'm saying because deep down you, at the very least, find my point of view legitimate.

I just disputed what you're saying and I don't find your viewpoint "legitimate," I actually find it petty.
keep going. Are you jewing me or are you for rears
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Just as predicted.
>But I thought Make America Gr-?

you ok buddy? ask brock to have a stock of tylenols on the hq
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>So Obama is secretly running the U.S.? But I thought Make America Gr-? CIA/Pentagon/LEO is bad now? So trust the media that just praises the President? Only if he's Republican? But then Lindsay Graham/John McCain are good? But, they're critical of the Prez....but.....but....

1. open /pol/
2. drink the poison kool-aid
3. shut your brain off
4. ?????
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It could all be done in a few moments, no more tomorrows, no more shitty days, no more desperately fighting off the uneasy feeling that not only don't you matter, but that you don't even matter to the people who pretend you do.
You do realize that the Guardian was one who found out about those 4 FISA warrants. Same people responsible for Snowden (when they are not bait clicking their leftist crap).

Not our fault your domestic media is too corrupt.
Shill harder.
>They at least show a human behind the cold facade of script reading political fuck-heads that we've seen for the past 100+ years

Why not just let anybody be prez then.

I dunno man. Watching the language you use as a politician is very important. Although it seems edgy to be blunt, I mean, you can't just shitpost every weekend on twitter and expect to have people let you run the country.

Instead of being honest with how much he dislikes/hates people/stories, why isn't he honest about why there hasn't been a new travel banned rolled out? Why isn't he honest about his 180 with being open to a plan to citizenshpi for illegal immigrants? Why isn't he open with his healthcare repeal plan, where he's saying one thing that republicans in congress are saying another? WHERE IS HIS ISIS PLAN?
What did he do wrong again other that prove Obama is a criminal?
But bush didn't because he isn't a filthy communist
Fuck Obama. Muslim nigger lover.
The Intel came from a senator you worthless nigger
This post is filled with such strange expressions. It's almost like it was written by a computer.
send me links/info to make it easier on me.

I'll be honest--your suicide encouragement is nigger tier.
You sound upset he found out Obama is a filthy communist traitor
He is claiming Obama wiretapped him before the elctions, when Barack was in charge.

Why do you say this is Breitbart intel? If he can present proof, than the fact Breitbart reported it is irrelevant.

Now if he can't sustain his claims......that will be embarassing. In the future. Not now. In the future.
If Obama was a communist, why is 4chan allowed to exist? Why are we still here? Why is the dow 21K?
I thought Trump does all his tweeting when he's taking a dump in the morning. That's what I've heard anyway.
Obrigado Joao.

Un brasileno inteligente, por fin!

Is this a copypasta?

Because if it's not, it's going to be.

*le shrugs*
You've either not dug deep enough, or you're shilling.

If you've dug deep enough, you should be SCARED right now. I am concerned about the timing of these tweets. I can't help but worry that he went public with what has been known for MONTHS because there is a threat to his well being or people who are close to him.

My prayers are with Trump, his own, and those who are putting their necks out for him.
>I'll be honest
You wouldn't start now, you don't really even see value in truth. It's all relative, even life.
End it and let your mother breath easy, she worries about your well-being and a definitive end would hurt but not nearly as much as watching you linger on in this way, unsure whether your shit will ever get itself together.
(spoiler: it won't)
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>If you're really conservative
so he's takin 5 dumps at 3 am? damn...that gut must be beat harder than he beats himself when he sees his daughter on tv
i love you.
You sound schizophrenic.
Your extended family knew and understood you'd go nowhere in life long ago, that's why they act the way they do at every family function you attend.
You make them all weaker as a unit.
his tweeting is obnoxious but he's as radical a leader as we'll get. I'm still with him. Wish he would fuck around on twitter less and fit 4 HIIT workouts a week into his schedule

>Why not just let anybody be prez then.
Because it takes someone of intellect to do the job. You're already of the opinion that Trump doesn't have that intellect; I disagree.

>I dunno man. Watching the language you use as a politician is very important. Although it seems edgy to be blunt, I mean, you can't just shitpost every weekend on twitter and expect to have people let you run the country.
Why not? He seems to be running the country right now, and he's shitposting on twitter. Seems like he's doing exactly what you said couldn't be done.

>Instead of being honest with how much he dislikes/hates people/stories, why isn't he honest about why there hasn't been a new travel banned rolled out? Why isn't he honest about his 180 with being open to a plan to citizenshpi for illegal immigrants? Why isn't he open with his healthcare repeal plan, where he's saying one thing that republicans in congress are saying another? WHERE IS HIS ISIS PLAN?
I'm not Trump so I don't know what he's thinking, and neither do you. I just enjoy the tweets for the reasons I stated in my original post. Seems like he hates how ridiculously corrupt and backwards our political structure is, that's a good thing in my book.
Is this OP an elaborate "not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here"?
>I need someone to prove to me that 2+2=5 and that what goes up doesn't come down.

the bible is an ancient propagandist military manual centered around a hallucinogenic experience

>tfw I said 5 years ago that by 2030 Muslims would be forming enclaves in Western Europe and committing large scale violence just as they had in Eastern Europe

>tfw way ahead of schedule, under budget

>tfw I thought the U.S. would fracture along racial lines (hispanic/white) by 2050

>tfw it's going to rip itself apart way sooner than expected

I can't wait to see commies hanging from lamp posts.
Dude, I've seen kindergardners fingerpaint better suicide encouragement letters than this banter you're forcing me to read.

Why did he win the educated and wealthy vote for him then and not vote for Hillary?
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you sound a tad buttmad, Billy Ray. You no likey free speech?
Kill yourself faggot. I hope everyone you love dies slowly and painfully

He's made people I hate extremely mad and set some global precedents that needed to be set so the rest of us could re-engage in behaviors we've had to suppress for too long.

He's also helped with some geo-political moves that will pay out for us in the long run. Or at least put us in a better position.
Ok, i see your point.

My point is, if people are so " Yay, trump is being radically honest!! Fuck you system"

I'm like

"Why not just be 100% radically honest?"

> Oh wait, its cause he's just being self-selective and letting us in on things on thing at a time. Like a politi-

Suck a dick you commie troll, this logc could be applied inversely 5 times over. Trump has officially BTFO Obongo.
Off yourself, shill.
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>forcing me to read
So stop reading, you loveless embarrassment to your weak sniveling parents. Nobody's holding your eyelids open, you do this for free.
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>But then Lindsay Graham/John McCain are good?

Your entire OP makes you look like a fucking dumbass.
This reads like a 14 wrote it who was trying WAYYYYY to hard to troll or be funny or something
Dude he's like talked down to your leader just in the hopes of benefiting ours.

Why so cucked?
Jokes on you, OP has no real loved-ones, just people who pretend to care, people who he pretends to love back, but really everybody involved feels uncomfortable faking it.
>I'm losing the strength to engage in 2nd grade checkers with you trumpfags online. I get no joy from online Beer Summits with you autists anymore

Should we all shed a tear for the burdens you've taken on and the sacrifices you've made?

>Like, I need someone to prove to me that 2+2=5 and that what goes up doesn't come down.

Google "transgender" + Democrats and be prepared to have your mind blown.
It took like 15 minutes to beat you.

Remember this.
This is wrecked.. the ctr and shills has made it even worse.m cusbifnu dont hive mind with thebstormfags and shitoosting teens youre a shill libtard.. there is no room for disliking trumo here without being a hillary supporter.. no one allows it.. its black and white.. you are notnallowed be to logical.. yes trump is a joke and a disappointment.. but ill ne a ctr shill leaf now for saying it... pol has become shills for trump.. they dont care what he does anymore.. he coukd literally soend the next 8 years doing everything obama did and none of these faggots would cares.. butbit doesnt matter... these ppl have veey little influences on reality.. they just laro like they do
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...Who do you think "our" leader is?

Pic related (again).
She won the popular vote
fuking shill

and lost the election
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She won the California (state with most illegals)

Trump won the American vote.
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>haha I beat you, now let me whine about shillary some more, because I am a winner and not at all drifting through this sham of a life without direction or purpose just like my waste of a father
Shit OP, I'll just tuck that tail of mine then I suppose, golly.

Well OP is a girl, presumably a college drop out, so that shouldn't come as a surprise.
Nothing wrong with what he's doing and obama needs to go to prison.

You're retarded.

He's a great man and the best president we've had for a very long time.

Why do you need to hear everything from the fake news? You do know they flat out lie to you, right? You do know that they are controlled by the CIA and the CIA are not good guys, right? You do know Hillary sold our nuclear secrets to Russia, don't you? You realize now that the entire democrat party, and much of the republican establishment too, are traitors that are getting into office just to sell away our nation's laws, resources, and secrets, don't you?

Pull your head out of your ass faggot. The traitors are all on your side. You can tell because they always throw your own accusations right back at you. I don't understand how faggots like you fall for it. It's kindergarten tier.

>what did we vote him in for

For border security and to negotiate with business to create American jobs.

That's it. That's why Trump was elected, not so we could see the light of God through him like a stained glass window, or for us to believe everything he says.
Maybe she'll show us her ugly shitty tits before throwing herself off the dorm's roof.

>.T R I G G E R E D



You'll get over it, so long as the depression doesn't win tonight.
>or for us to believe everything he says.

>"we never took him seriously"

1 year from now
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Yeah, you are triggered.

This entire thread is hilarious with your misinformation.


Don't forget the polls were actually correct (by virtue of only being 2-3% incorrect) if you choose to view the election in a manner that doesn't represent reality, i.e., the popular vote.

Anyway, tips for future shilling - Your approach doesn't work on 4chan. It definitely won't work on reddit.

It might have worked on The Blaze or some other Cuckservative locale, but that's kind of pointless, since...well...their already cucks and already on the Anti-Trump Train.

You don't really understand the problem you're engaging with.

For instance, see this post;


>Why so cucked?

We don't have any sincerity. So trying to judo memes back on us won't work, since we never took them as seriously as their intended targets in the first place.

>Dude he's like talked down to your leader just in the hopes of benefiting ours.

Ask yourself how many people on /pol/ would care if Putin talked down to Obama?

If you're answer is higher than none, then it would explain why you would think any Australian on here would be rattled by your comment.
you're barking up the wrong tree and asking all of the wrong questions because you don't understand the community to which you are speaking

>4h ago = 6:41AM

calishill detected, i hope your life is destroyed in a massive earthquake

I assure you the middle and upper class are not Liberal groups.

Do you know the difference between facts and opinions?
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Did she give up on her thread and leave it?
I want to tell her to kill herself more.

Case in point;


Appropriating a meme doesn't work if you simply repeat it back.

There has to be a context in which it will work.

Otherwise you're just Millhousing.

Fake News appropriation works because the MSM really are liars.

Triggering in this context doesn't even make sense.

You may as well have Baneposted.
Next thing you know he will be tweeting out the nuclear codes. This man has lost it.
>Obama gets caught acting like a nigger
>Hurrr Drumf doesn't write his own speech
> Obama dindu nuffin
>8 years of dick sucking wasn't enough

I suppose it doesn't count if you vote somebody into an office so they can do a job you want them to do?

I don't think they split it up by communities. They just have a list of talking points and then hit all communities at once.

Which is why the shills leave these bizarre talking points like;

>If you were a real Christian, you'd -

>If you were a real Republican, you'd -

>If you cared about the truth instead of blind support, you'd -

Like, I figure most of OP's text is designed for reddit (at worst) or Breitbart comment sections, and then if they have any spare time they just spam the leftovers here.

Sucks how little they care about us tbqh.
Here is the thing.
Obama isn't some secret Shadow Boss secretly running the world from the shadows, he was a dumbass that bought the Trump=Putin puppet narrative, or at least believed it was worth looking into and decided to illegally wiretap him, something that if Hillary had won, would never come to light.

What I don't get is why he decided to air this shit out on twitter, if there is an investigation going, then let it roll. But there isn't, then why even mention it?

>They still think we care whether Trump is honest or not

Do they? Or is this just one of us LARPING again?
OP, come back long enough to post your shitty mismatched breasts, I'm sorry I told you to kys thirteen times sequentially.
Now post those half-sagged giant-nipped embarrassments you wear on your chest, at least for posterity before you paint the parking lot with your oversize self from your posting position atop your multi-story dorm.
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I'm still here. I just ignore the autists.

Keep going. Hey maybe I am a chick. Would that make you feel better about yourself--talking to a girl online?

To discredit Obama, who is currently spending a lot of money to discredit Trump.

P.R. war.
MGTOW detected
Oh good, I thought you'd given up on this thread the way your parents gave up on any expectations they once harbored for you.

Not if it's the sort of girl who shills for David Brock in the early hours of the morning.

No one can masturbate to that.

Not that you'd care, because you'd have a 50% chance of being an obese cat lady who hates men, or a 50% chance of being a dyke.
That would be hilarious. I can already see the trumpfags infesting 4chan with damage control

How is it insecure to remark on your opponents' dishonesty? Especially when you are actually doing that yourself right now. I suppose that would mean the DNC are weak leaders too, for all their accusations and lack of results.


If digits it will use Snowflake next.
The truth is that he's not doing the job you want him to do. He's doing the job you force-fed yourself to make up and believe last week.
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But you seem upset?

>because you'd have a 50% chance of being an obese cat lady who hates men, or a 50% chance of being a dyke
You're at least 200% accurate with both descriptions.
How's Reddit nowadays?
haha...that one made me laugh.

God you are so fucking desperate its pathetic. Keep taking cues from Mad Men.
Shariablue out in full force this AM

also sage
What the.. why would he... I don't even?

I think this is the first time I can't convince myself of Trump still playing 5D chess. Why would he admit to this? He stands to gain nothing and to lose a lot. Can anyone explain this to me? What's his benefit going public on this?

He's basically saying that by October the FBI had enough evidence to convince a FISC tribunal, a fucking court (!), to sign off on a wiretap on the motherfucking presidential candidate's (!) personal (!) phone! Holy shit, can you image what kind of evidence a court would demand to grant this? He's basically admitting that there is (or at least was) very strong evidence that he himself was in personal contact with foreign agents to the detriment of the USA. Why would he ever say this?

Sure, he's lashing out against Obama - but for what point? He's already won. He's in charge now, Obongo is history! And he's 3 years away from the next campaign. I just don't get it.

The only upside is that no-one in their right mind can now accuse him of being a straight-up Russian plant, because no Russian agent would ever admit to what he just admitted.

Can anyone shed some light on what his thought process might be? I'm seriously at a loss here...
The last person to fuck you regretted it enough to not come back around.

I voted for Trump for border security, job creation, and to destroy the idea that the United States government is the officiator of a global plan to destroy borders in a confused attempt to stop conflict.
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>Keep taking cues from Mad Men.

I don't get it.

BTW love austria. I like their funny dresses/clothes.
I shouldn't feel good about this post, but I do.
The red just marks fields of cows and corn

Maybe it's getting to a point where the onslaught of attacks on him and his administration is forcing his hand. If everything that is being plastered everywhere is how he and his whole cabinet are Russian surrogates, perhaps it's time for him to start unleashing hell in return before it's too late.
Kill yourself OP
Google brian oodesta arrested for cp

We have a shareblue i sder but breaking news is

The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.





Previous Threads:
>>>115155757 #
>>>115103715 #
>>>115113666 #

Obama did this just days before he left office, making it easier for intel communities to share info with one another.

C'mon, isn't somebody going to ask me how I know? ;)
>As a tax paying American who actually >goes outside and has friends

You almost had me

As per the Snowden leaks, FISA courts are rubber stamps. They don't care about evidence.

Plus it's the feds hate /ourguy/, which is fair enough.

>can you image what kind of evidence a court would demand to grant this?

None, if it's Obama and the NSA.

>Can anyone shed some light on what his thought process might be? I'm seriously at a loss here...


>Be Trump
>Be taking a shit
>Be mad that Obama and his cadre of corrupt government officials tapped your phones to try and secure some half decent opposition research with which to smear you with
>Tweet angrily about it instead of bitching in private

It's pretty normal.
spill the beans yo
He's just a wild and crazy guy.
Guns blazing cowboy billionaire
Gotta luv him
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Is it because the OP reads like a tumblr post?
Because you post like you have a bleeding vagina and everybody can see it, your posting I mean not your condemned playground of a crotch.
merci pirata
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Sorry, but YOU are the one here who is acting insecure and starts to cry over everything ebil Drumpf says.

Grow up already and stop being this triggered!

If Obama tapped Trumps phone, Trump has every right to complain about that and to think about the consequences for Obama.

Are you crying because you fear that your holy Obama will get locked up?
Why are you so butthurt?
we voted him in to do the things he said he would

he is trying to do those things

the occupying force that has controlled both parties for years is for the first time having to deal with a president who isnt in their pocket

as a result they are using every single legal and socially justifiable means at their disposal to prevent trump from doing things that are not compatible with their own goals

he is in charge but the system itself puts many people in charge of varying things and accountability and legal precedents. so all the occupying globalists in these positions of power are all doing as much as they can to stop him from the inside

at the same time, globalist forces that control media and propaganda are in full force to justify the actions to an ignorant populace so they think its acceptable, appropriate or even necessary.

you are one of those people clearly. reject the propaganda and recognize the battle between your president and a foreign occupying force with beliefs incompatible to our own

wake up
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>BTW love austria. I like their funny dresses/clothes.
Fuck off.

Criticizing Obama, regardless of the confirmation of his corruption is racist.

Just like it was sexist to criticize Hillary, despite the revelations of her corruption.

Hopefully they put up a Manlet next time so we can officially get Pro-Height speech labeled as hate speech on dating websites.
We just need Trump to put the Neo-Liberals in their place, THATS IT. Standing behind him on all the goofy shit he says is just your autism acting up.
I liked the other austrian guy. You're sort of...a lesser version


prove it eurocuck
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Just wait until we break off WW III, then you'll get to wear them too!

>FISA courts are rubber stamps. They don't care about evidence.

Fair enough, but do they care about self-preservation? By October they had about a 48% chance of the guy they're approving a warrant against becoming the next POTUS.

If the warrant is genuine, then Trump wouldn't admit to it.
And if the warrant was bullshit then literally heads would start rolling. He has literally access to every single file of the federal government. He could easily determine who was involved, who gave the orders - hell, he even has the authority to declassify any federal document and go public with evidence!

But even given that he's taking a shit and venting - this is making him look *so* bad! Surely he can't be that stupid, he's a cunning businessman and the motherfucking president!

>socially justifiable

They crossed those lines a long time ago.

Are you sure? While there are a lot of good people that post here, there are quite a few obsessive crazies with a lot of time on their hands. More time than you even.

I don't see why you and your ilk keep coming here, you're going to get burned. Who exactly are you going to try and convince? Why do you continue to waste your time trying to subvert when you could be doing more meaningful and productive things?
you mean everyone in his goldman-sachs cabinet?

Man, OP talks reddity as fuck.
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Did you complain about Obama too?

If you compare Trump to previous presidents, it's kind of obvious that he is one of the few ones who actually tries to keep his promises.

There is no president who managed to fullfill all of his campaign promises... but Trump is on a very good way.

Compare this to Obama. Obama wasn't even able to close a prison. He betrayed his voters.

>Fair enough, but do they care about self-preservation? By October they had about a 48% chance of the guy they're approving a warrant against becoming the next POTUS.

Why do you think "Le Deep State" is in full panic mode right now?

Why do you think the DHS is leaking left and right, with former NSA intelligence officers claiming their still-working compatriots instructions are to "send him to jail for the next 20 years"?

1. They didn't believe he would win.

2. They will do whatever they can to mitigate the damage (to their interests) from his win.

>Heads would start rolling

Who is going to do the chopping? Trump clearly can't get a handle on his own party and the intelligence communities.

>He has literally access to every single file of the federal government. He could easily determine who was involved, who gave the orders

Tell that to Nixon and Kennedy.

Meanwhile, everyone on 4chan knows this, and those that aren't on 4chan don't care. They'll believe whatever Trump tells them to believe...so what's the point of your shilling?

This is why Democrats keep losing - The shilling and slandering just doesn't sell as well as promises of life improvement.
To be fair, Trump had also already given up on central campaign promises before even taking office (lock her up, drain the swamp). They're both not exactly model presidents. But Trump's trying harder than Obongo, I'll give you that.
>prove it eurocuck
Prove that Russia hacked the election.
Prove that GoldenShowerGate is real.
Your buddys are constantly crying about everything, and now that there is the possibility that your holy Obama gets locked up, you sperg out and start to cry.

>I liked the other austrian guy
>he kind of supports my opinion, so i immediately like him and want to make love with him
Wow.... what a cuck... you are really insecure.
I don't get it. Trump is the president. If he knows something he can arrest Obama. Just tweetig bullshit and then tweeting more about Arnold's TV ratings makes him look weak as fuck. Sad!
This isn't pol

Sage the slides, report and hide

Speaking of Obama, remember when he was elected to push for equality and to solve the problem of our race relations, and then he said impoverished citizens destroying their own communities was progressive, and race relations are now worse than before him?

I don't really understand it either.

We've had the FBI and Scotland Yard with their noses deep in our shit.

We've had every shade of shill imaginable.

Yet we still get one's like OP who don't even bother to spend 5 minutes lurking to understand what is an effective troll and what isn't.

Unless that's the ruse - Pretending to be a lazy shill.

A disheartening exercise;

>:( they don't even care about us enough to even pretend to shill/slide our forum properly

>I should just kill myself already

Ok i'm going off.
The banter on this thread is autistic tier.

Go complain to the men in your office and figure out why they're marginally better at this than you are.
If you're a man yourself, go complain to the other men in your office and figure out why they're marginally better at this than you are.

Isn't it interesting how the people who say Trump is a Nazi also call him a fool for not incarcerating his political opponents?
He's not having difficulty with anything.

He's a Shareblue shill.
>Ok i'm going off.
Lunch break, huh little lady?
We'll still be here after you've inhaled that entire pizza, you gigantic loveless cowardly turd.
>They didn't believe he would win.
Do you think there's only Democrats on the FISC? Then we truly have bigger problems than the FBI going after a presidential candidate.

>Who is going to do the chopping?
Orders are orders and the POTUS is the chief in command. Who was going to do the chopping on the immigration order? Seems like CBP did a swell job of enforcing it until the courts stepped in. So why is the FBI and "le deep state" supposedly all anti-Trump while other enforcement agencies have clearly shown very pro-Trump tendencies?

>what's the point of your shilling?
I don't get what you're accusing me of. I want to understand what the president of the most powerful country on the planet thought when he wrote those tweets, so I ask on a forum with a lot of people who care about politics. Where does the shilling and where do the US democracts come into play?
How do you know that he won't lock her up?

And Drain the swamp? The whole establishment is crying right now and is desperately trying to fight against Trump, so they really fear him.

He is just a few months in the office now, you can't just claim that he will not fullfill this promis.

But Obama… we all know that he was full of shit and a dirty liar.
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Has Trump offered any proof Obama ordered him illegally wiretapped?

If he's pulling this out of his ass nobodies ever going to take him seriously again.
You think this looks presidential or even sane? The whole world is reading his fucking tweets.

>How do you do, fellow conservatives?
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>The President can just arrest somebody

...we wish.
President appoints FBI, CIA, prosecutors. He can arrest IF there is a reason! But his next tweet about Arnold's TV ratings makes me think he's just insane.
>OP is shame-eating in the woman's restroom right now refusing to re-open her phone and this thread
Seriously why are some of us not out at Shareblue's office just laughing at them all day from the parking lot?
>So why is the FBI and "le deep state" supposedly all anti-Trump while other enforcement agencies have clearly shown very pro-Trump tendencies?
> i i i found one agencie who is actually doing what Trump tells them to do! This is the prove that not one single agency is Anti-Trump!
You remember their "russia hacked our election" report?
You know, the one where they had not one single legit prove? They literally said that RT had some film about OccupyWallStreet one day before election, and that this is the ulrimate prove that Russian Hackers manipulated the election.

>I don't get what you're accusing me of.
Your arguments are pretty weak and completely based on pure assumptions. So it is a legit question why someone like you would write for the Anti-Trump shills here.
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>Do you think there's only Democrats on the FISC

You think it's only Democrats who want Donald Trump out of the white house?

>Then we truly have bigger problems than the FBI going after a presidential candidate.

Gee, you don't say.

Jesus fuck you lazy cunt - This shill angle would have worked maybe a year ago. Now you just look retarded.

>I don't get what you're accusing me of.

Shilling. I said it right there.

>I want to understand what the president of the most powerful country on the planet thought when he wrote those tweets

The tweets are self explanatory.

>so I ask on a forum with a lot of people who care about politics.

...and then finish posts with this;

>this is making him look *so* bad! Surely he can't be that stupid, he's a cunning businessman and the motherfucking president!

Anyway, welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay. Pic related.
Why the fuck did that retarded fucking faggot have to post about Arnold Schwarzenegger at the end? Like holy fucking shit dude are you fucking braindead
Jesus Christ

1. No takes him seriously.

2. They have the FISA requests.

>He can arrest IF there is a reason

Sure he can. Just like he can issue a perfectly legal executive order to temporarily halt migration from specified countries of origin (as Obama and Jimmy Carter before him had done).

Look how well that turned out.
>picking fights with nobodies on social media at 3am

Thats the second time you repeated that you talking points shill faggot.

It would detract from valuable shitposting time.

Plus no one wants to be near David Brock. You know he'd fake picking a fight with you just so he could dry hump you on the car park asphalt.
Hey he's either retarded or trying to protect his life for implying he would prosecute Obama, desu
Hope it's the latter

Because he can. No amount of crying is going to stop that.
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>why did we vote for him
>we vote for him

fuck off, shill fuck.
The president has the power to arrest somebody indefinitely without trial
thanks Obama :^)
They don't call him King nigger for nothing
>The tweets are self explanatory.
The shill doesn't get this, and he never will.

He just has to find something bad about Trump. For him, there is no possibility that Trump just wrote that, because thats actually what he thinks. If he can't find something bad, he will just interpret it differently and do something like:
> but if A, than B, and because C, he wouldn't have tweeted D, and so B would be true…
>ywn pound that silvery melon into the pavement while impotent shills watch from the offices above
I made myself sad now
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> but but, why did he tweet that?!
> i i i cant see the reason!
> he he he is ebil!!!!!
Come on, keep crying :)

I know that you are a piece of shit shilling for the enemies of America
>How do you know that he won't lock her up?
Because he sad so several times after election night?

>The whole establishment is crying right now and is desperately trying to fight against Trump, so they really fear him.
How many billionaires and Goldman Sachs managers are in his government again? He is part of the establishment and he put all his rich chums on influential positions. Not exactly what I'd call a proper draining of the swamp fuelled by nepotism and greed.

>But Obama… we all know that he was full of shit and a dirty liar.
That we can agree on. But I don't think Trump has much on Obongo on the front of being full of shit...

>You remember their "russia hacked our election" report?
You remember the FBI director bringing up Clinton's e-mails out of the blue just a few days before the election because of "new evidence"? It's almost as if the FBI is acting as non-partisan law-enforcement...

That aside, how is your argument any better than mine? You also only cite a single agency that fits your stereotype and extrapolate from there. Still haven't heard any evidence from you why all the others are supposedly 100% anti-Trump.

>You think it's only Democrats who want Donald Trump out of the white house?
Not? He's the best thing to happen to the Republican party in a long time. Brought them a bunch of fresh blood and passionate voters.

And yeah, given that I've been here for a decade, it truly seems like it's going to be forever...

Except that didn't happen.

Obama DID engage in criminal behavior, thats the reality.

Now you know., LOL
>implying he would prosecute Obama

more likely Obama will cut a deal, thats probably what this is about, a way to announce the deal Obama made with Trump in exchange for amnesty
Rest easy knowing she has yet to come out of the broom closet she has her mid-day cry in. In a few minutes this thread will get remade and we'll get to do it all over again.
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>Obama DID engage in criminal activity?

Where's the proof? There's 10 threads autistically screeching this yet 0 proof in any of them.

>I like the majority of college grads and people of higher education (doctors, lawyers, engineers, surveyors, accountants, entrepreneurs, slumlords, white-collar scammers, FINANCIAL ADVISORS) didn't like him, not necesarliy because of his views, but because of his erratic personality. His tweets are so juvenile and childish, and you're just choosing to ignore that cause you can't deal with reality.

These very same people who hummed along happily during the the past quarter century or illegal wars, globalisim, mass 3rd world illegal immigration, sept 11th, gov spying, the collapse of the middle class, the financial crisis... The list goes on and one.

Do you think that saying this is how the "educated people" are behaving will have any effect on what the people here believe shill? Thats all the media did during trumps entire campaign. Mock him and talk about how smart they were and Hillary was. They lost.

And now they are paying people to come to an independent message board and sow division and distract us with scripted talking points.
>Where's the proof?
Is thousands of drone strikes on civilians on foreign territory not enough? How about drone striking that US national? Do literal war crimes and extrajudicial killings not account for anything anymore?

Who cares about a phone tap warrant. He's guilty as fuck on way worse crimes.
>Because he sad so several times after election night?
Just like he said that he won't repeal Obamacare, according to CNN.
And what was the first thing he did? Right, he signed an Executive Order to repeal Obamacare.

>How many billionaires and Goldman Sachs managers are in his government again?
And still.... the whole establishment is crying.
The whole media is going insane and the majority of Oligarchs like the Bush family and billionaires like Soros are shilling against Trump.

>But I don't think Trump has much on Obongo on the front of being full of shit...
> i don't think
> think
> your opinion
this is not your personal blog, where you post your feelings. We want reasons and legit arguments here.

> You remember the FBI director bringing up Clinton's e-mails out of the blue
> out of the blue
He had to do this because they found new Mails on the PC of Humas husband. If Huma wouldn't have had some personal problems with her husband, this whole thing would have never happened.
And are you really implying that the FBI was activly working against Clinton?

>Still haven't heard any evidence from you why all the others are supposedly 100% anti-Trump
You do know that this stupid report without a single prove was written by multiple agencies?

Damn, you really don't know what you are talking about.

>Not? He's the best thing to happen to the Republican party in a long time.
Don't you know about the Anti-Trump movement inside the Republicans? Don't you know that the whole GoldenShowerGate was based on some report of some Republican guy who spend millions in his campaign against Trump?
Don't you know that the whole Bush family is shilling against Trump?
Well, we know for a fact he used DOJ slush to fund liberal groups that protested Donald Trump rallies.
>Trump put billionaires in!
What did you expect, dumbasss?

>FBI as non-partisan law enforcement
Yeah, that's why they said: "She engaged in criminal behavior, but we're not going to prosecute her."

>Best thing to happen to Republican party
For the rank and file, sure. For the intelligentsia and the leadership, no no no no no.
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>we know for a fact
>>>115208385 (OP)
>Your post makes no sense. Are you doing ok?

Lots of things. Maybe if you weren't such a tool you'd know.

For example, he wrote an EO requirement to eliminate 2 prior regulations for every new regulations.

I like that. You don't, that's why you are a tool

He was firing back at Arnold who had fired at him earlier. How is this 'insane and unexplainable'? Seriously it's kooky the way you pretend not to understand things as if it were an argument.
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>Not? He's the best thing to happen to the Republican party in a long time. Brought them a bunch of fresh blood and passionate voters.


Anyway, you're boring and lazy, so enjoy this instead;

>OP never posted her ugly tits so I could tell her they looked like fried eggs nailed to a wall
why must we chase away the people we love

This thread.

Criminal levels shitposting.

Obama made a lot of plans before he left office.

Trumps election was a rejection of the direction that Obama had taken the country.

Obama is not "running the gov" faggot, but did he funnel billions of dollars into organizations that are actively protesting the president? Is the corporate media not engaged in a constant war to discredit everything Trumps does? Nobody here gives a fuck about John McCain he's a neocon with a jewish leash around his fucking neck. Fuck him.
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>Instead of being honest with how much he dislikes/hates people/stories, why isn't he honest about why there hasn't been a new travel banned rolled out? Why isn't he honest about his 180 with being open to a plan to citizenshpi for illegal immigrants? Why isn't he open with his healthcare repeal plan, where he's saying one thing that republicans in congress are saying another? WHERE IS HIS ISIS PLAN?

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the dems have put in a stay behind force like operation gladio in DOJ and intelligence community

I'm sure is treason but the conservatives are such fucking faggots they will do nothing and Trump is just concerned about his dumb daughters shoe brand and making his real estate more profitable

we are getting more government spending
more taxes
obamacare is replaced with obamacare

shouldve voted for Rand
he's black and a democrat, those things don't matter. you know it was progressives that got US into WWI and WWII, but those were good things of course.

as for the wiretap, it seems illegal but is it really? president has the authority to FISA wiretap somebody on pretty broad grounds it seems, but if it's a political opponent that seems really sketchy, or at least the exact kind of abuse people warned about with FISA.
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Holy fuck you are obvious u fucking shill
>record scratch

Woah Woah Woah. I like Trump as much as the next blind shill on this website. But you don't insult Ahnuld.
> you can't just shitpost every weekend on twitter and expect to have people let you run the country.

On the contrary, you can do that and get elected president. Your party's attitude of 'this can't be happening!' is what cost them the election.

>She won the popular vote

This shill is dug in for the long thread.





Dems are pawns for the gulf states

Uhuru movement i kenya and BLM

Get on it

>Posting that Hillary won the popular vote

>Posting articles from Salon

Get the fuck out here bitch.
It's good to know that, if nothing comes of this, at least Trump has the authority to wiretap all Democrat politicians and nobody can say anything.
She did, like half an hour ago. Likely made another thread after returning from her lunch-break. Hope she chokes.
>Mommy, mommy Obama won't stop tapping my phones
Cry baby!
So glad I don't live in Romania.
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kys shill
making judgements based upon peoples actions and personality is childish yo im a 15 yo pleez dont rape me pedotrump autists
psychologist reporting in. completely sane thoughts move along moron
hey thieving trump jews that read this site for ideas:

>build the fucking wall
>create jobs and business

no kikebart. no deep state.

that's it. no false flags or kikes get slayed.
to anyone that isn't a jew in trumps admin:

>you have jewish rat moles and kikebart leakers all around you taking shekels
He sure as fuck wasn't in charge before January 20, 2017, which is what 90% of this shit is about.

The other 10% is about deep state shitstains squealing "muh Russia" as loudly and as often as they can before they get frog marched out of their fucking holes.
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This is some high level shilling right here
Take notes, boys. This is what we're up against.

you type like a woman
He is outing Obama as a deep state CIA operative.
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