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The Classroom of 2017

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 87

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First up: Australia.

What happened?
I went shopping to buy the new Zelda game today and barely saw any white people during my whole time in the shopping centre.
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Those are some ugly kids.
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The classroom of Canada
How do Norwegian women feel about tall, athletic Australian men?
>playing video games in 2017

Should have stayed in your basement you useless piece of shit.
They don't like Asians, if that's what you're asking.
lel that Turkish kid in the back already has a shadow stash.
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what's with all the hand gestures?
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b-b-but m-my highschool history teacher told me National Socialism is b-b-bad
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you got many aliens I see
Oh, that's our eugenics selected classes, that ginger actually claimed to be 1/124 abbo. you don't actually think country Australians like chinks right?
>expecting me to be triggered by religion and religion accessories

Nice try virgin, now help your mother abort you for good this time.
>everyone's a walking brown/yellow blob with no distinct features

in 200 years it'll be exotic just being white
It's from a newspaper. They were probably told to do it.
It already is. Right now, the average seems to be some kind of light brown mix of shit. Even the "white" people in American media don't really look white anymore. They're so mixed it's hard to tell what they're supposed to be.
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This is a classroom in the UK in a city of 170,000 people ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterborough )

>but they stay in London / Toronto / Berlin / Paris /..., bro!
What the actual fuck? I had one perfectly integrated vietnamese girl in class during my primary school and that was considered unusual.
Get your shit together anglosphere.
Gad Dayum those sum ugly bratz
>gooks and poos
hey atleast no niggers
I see five white kids, well done australia
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lmao look at those mongloid Anglo genes being mixed with shit skins
Gott Strafe England
We had none. The closest thing we had to a minority in our class was a Norwegian born girl of Spanish descent.
In our whole school of about 500 students, I think there were 10 non-European minorities. I think all of them were adopted.
We're done slavbro. Forget about us, take care of your own.

Give up on your diaspora too, just a word to the wise. The polish men here are criminals and the women are coal burners. You don't want them back.
>tfw live in a small town of 20,000 and never see any immigrants

I didn't see a non-white until I was 3 and went to the Drs and there was a black Dr and I was very shocked by his appearance and he told my Mummy it was normal.

Me on the right
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If you think NZ has it any better. Check out the next generation of New Zealanders.
high impact aggressive fap
What a healthy young classroom.
post a pic of your mums tits
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H-he's fast!
I said tall. How many tall asians do you know?
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Feel free to search up your previous elementary/primary school and see if theyve got photos of their current kids up.

Have they changed since you attended?

don't even need to comment on this photo. Its done the rounds on /pol/
thats fucked, why? like actually why? I don't get it .... I don't understand the need for foreign importation of people
Literally the first game I've bought in almost two years. The reviews were just too good.

And I live alone in a two bedroom house, you disgusting brown person.
>bowls team 2019 group pic
>not knowing who the jack is/12
just include any fagot/shade and think the RSL will approve
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to be fair, any major Belgian city looks the same

Same goes for any major Dutch city, major French city, major German city, major shit UK city

I hope they all die though, refugee cunts
>no hijabs

fine by me
>playing zelda

Bet you are a fat greasy neckbeard that shoves polymer swords up his ass.

Grow up already and buy MGS fucking peasant
I know a couple of tall Finns.
Mainly our capital but yeah, I get what you mean.
Feminism and mail order brides.
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Correct yet nothing is done about it and in a few decades they'll outnumber and outvote us on every issue and political debate
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Germany made the news

You first
Give it a year and the girls will suck cock as the boys want to cut off theirs, because they are transgender.
Aryan education everybody.
You in Scotland?
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No, North Yorkshire.

>tfw live 1 hour away from places like Bradford
are those boys in dresses? what the fuck
It's like when you're trying to find Waldo and there's always those few people in the picture dressed similarly to him.
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Don't go shopping in Paramatta then faggot
Chinkland Kangaroo
I see the liberal propaganda has even brainwashed Hungarians. But hey, keep attacking and ridiculing a bunch of white kids, if that's what it takes to make you feel better, cuck.
/comfy/ af it sounds like desu

I live in a rural town in the outback in QLD with only a population of 40,000-ish. I've only seen one muslim slime.
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QLD = Queensland
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Hell even being a grey eyed, dark haired guy with tanned skin makes me feel like an albino when I walk around Sydney. So many fucking middle easterners, hordes of chinks, and a nigger population that came out of nowhere and is rising FAST.

I better get ready for mad max soon, SHTF by 2050 (at the latest) and Australia will be ten times the barren wasteland it is now once niggers and chinks have had their way with it.
>rural town of 40k
that's a city, bet you even have stop lights
Anon posting all the way from Mt Isa

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No pedo, these are beautiful kids. Enough diversity in my eyes.
>no abos\roos
straya is different from what i imagined.
t. Alberto Barbosa
>living north of Noosa

>What happened?

Same thing happening everywhere in the West. Visited Auckland in the last decade?
Abo is on the bottom right. He's probably mixed to shit tho.
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kek wh*tes
my classroom
>all that white pussy that was MADE for BAC (BIG ASIAN COCK)
Yes, Australia... yes!
what's wrong with the kid on the right?
go away you third world piece of shit
I missed you cunt, did you end up sticking your willy in that Melbourne twink?
does your dad still feel immense shame every time you say that you don't want to be a roo shooter?

Man, I remember when my own hair used to be blonde as fuck when I was around that age.

I'm still thankfully too blonde to be considered "brown-haired" in any way, but it's darker. How do we keep blonde kids from turning nigger-haired when they hit adulthood?
Fuck, all those adorable asian lolis. I wish I'd grown up in a classroom like that, You'd be alpha amongst all those chink boys and get all the yellow pussy. I ain't even mad. Much better than niggers and gypos.
> Ethnic chinese taking advantage of dumb whites who give away their land

Any other question ?
>They will all have aussie accents
>They will or be programmed through the grand institution of the Australian Public School, uniforms and all

Who cares, Australia is a meme, white aust policy lasted 30 years, we are in the Asian region, and we were founded post Industrial, meaning we never had developed an agrarian culture.

Lets Australia be multicultural. Its sad whats happening to Europe but Ill take this over Sweden any day.
is that radical larry in the center?
Beautiful. Thanks Norge anon.

Both of you post yer mum's jubblies
Ayyyeee big dog, yeah it's me, and yer i still lurk on /pol/
You bet i fuckin did m80
They keep them in their reservations or ghettos.
Otherwise everyone would get red pilled.
>we are in the Asian region

If Australia is in the Asian region, then Europe is in the Middle Eastern and African region too. Shit, North America is connected to South/Central America by land, they should let everyone in too.
Thinking that my entire race, civilization and people will simply die off and be replaced by negroids because "diversity is our strength". Fuck that shit.

>t.parisian and only white male at my job
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>this thread

20 years ago when I was in school there was one Asian kid and a Maori kid, everybody else was white.
We're in Oceania dickhead
My suburb was scheduled to be taken over by Asians but it didn't happen, visited against recently after almost 15 years and its the same as ever, same demographics as ever (except all the houses are bigger and everyone looks richer now). Guess the new Asians settle in different areas.
Try drinking bleach, it'll keep the skin white too

The sooner Belgium goes the better 2bh, the eternal chocolate-maker was responsible for two major European wars and Europe'd probably look quite different if not for their white-hating bloodlust.
Prepare for the conservatives to loose badly when they can all vote. Those born in 2002 can vote in 2020.

>gook-hair slime detected
on ya mate, you kept me hanging. never been so emotionally connected to a homoerotic love story
Far more Maori in the north island, plus in the past 20 years there has been education reforms to get more Maori though the education system and through secondary school. School that I went to has fuck loads of Maori, whole city does in fact.
Literally Children of Men.
Lol what, I ain't no asian
That's exactly what an Asian would say
>strayan roo ghetto
dam senpai i wanna visit one
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>his country is a nothern shithole that finances liberals in my country
>somehow i'm the cuck
Are you sure you're not just mad because video games are illegal there?

class room full of true blue aussies
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This is probably just a school in Parramatta or something

Come to the Central Coast (where I live) and it's 90% white and 10% Asian, if that.
If your first reaction to seeing a classroom full of white kids is to feel threatened and try to ridicule them as a result, you're a cuck.
Shit, you got me
>Tfw live in the Northern Beaches
>See this thread
>Graduated high school last year
>Realise everyone you went to school with was white
Hory shet!
Our school had one no white person, an adopted black kid
That's no excuse

We're fucked at this rate, accept it, embrace it, turn back the tide

You're attempts at saving face don't help us at all
Where the fuck is that?

there was only one Asian and one Indian in my entire year on the west coast. Visited the school last year and exactly the same, every class was all while with a token Maori.
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Holy fucking shit, this can't be real.
Asians wörk, pay taxes, study STEM and get jobs.

What's the fucking problem as long as they wörk and don't commit crimes?

Plus Asian girls are more qt than ugly white hags.

I welcome Europe and the Anglosphere becoming Asian.

Better than white people.
Looks like an Asian dish! Like a seafood or something, get cooked!
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You have been chosen.
Now you guys get why Aussies get pissed with the amount of fuckers that come over here.

I dont mid some of you guys but holy fuck you definitely arent sending your best.
Just 10 years ago my high school had just Italian and Irish people in it. That's it. Italians, Irish, a couple of smart asians and 2 black ghetto kids. Middle had nothing but, whites. Elementary had 1 asian student and that's it. My schools all had at least 500,000 students, seeing as it was New York. I don't want to know what it's like now.
There were socialism and resist Trump poster all around my university but they all got ripped down, vandalized or thrown in the toilet, pretty funny. Some girl handed me a resist Trump flyer and I said thanks, then I saw what it was and immediately ripped it apart. Uni is pretty fun in this way, seeing the struggle between different groups of people.
On the plus side asians have lower TFRs than whites in the long run.

Isn't that because there are very few gook names? It's like when you hear that the most popular name for boys in the UK is "mohammed" but then you look into it and realise it's because they are all fucking called mohammed, even though they are often given a second name which they are known by, officially they are known as mohammed on their birth certificates. Sunni muslims anyway. Same with Shia muslims with the name "Ali".
Kill yourself uneducated virgin fag
this will be gone in our lifetime
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The italian genes are strong on these people. I mean, they look italian to me.
Hitler would be pleased.
lmao I seem to have it a nerve
I think we might see some massive changes in the coming decade.
And if that doesn't happen, I think we'll see a new nazi era when the economy tanks in the future. Europe can only sustain that many niggers on welfare.
Maoris are the least of your problems dude
They. Don't. Belong. In. Europe.
I am counting 5 white people, the rest have light shit skins.
>tfw I was in Stockholm last month and I barely saw any non-Whites.
It was beautiful.
>expecting me to be triggered
>nice try virgin
Calm down shitskin, it's only a cartoon
Gotta look at the positives eh
To be fair, they don't look like they have any native admixture.
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pls save them europe
china and india have half the earths population and are now infesting the west at an alarming rate thanks to weak liberals promoting open borders.

I'm in Vancouver and I may as well be in china, its no longer Canada and the census numbers are not accurate because on top of those we got hundreds of thousands of foreign workers, hundreds of thousands of foreign students and a half million 10 year visas issued to chinese nationals every single year, this is on top of the hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year (%85 from Asia).

Its like they are trying to speed up the process before we can fight back

You are not white is the problem
Feck eff libtard
Noice.Pure Aryan genetics.
You have said "pls save them Norway"
Thinking we in europe can get along or we should think of each other as brothers has got us into this mess.
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>mfw I looked like that as a kid
>mfw my hair and eyebrows became black as I became older
>mfw people think im mexican or some shit now even though my skin is pale and my facial structure and nose are aryan
I know for the most part we get along and share interests, I was just pointing out the kinda chain migration of different people.

Then they slap us with the good ol multicultural bs. I wish i was aware of it in high school, where it is basically taught to kids as if its a civil right to be multicultural.

Fuck that I believe in NZ for new Zealanders
Australia for Aussies.

you keep causing trouble, its time for a final solution to the german problem to save europe
Neither. Do. You.
wtf would a mexican be in europe?
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>china and india have half the earths population and are now infesting the west at an alarming rate thanks to weak liberals promoting open borders.

tfw it's too early to start gassing liberals
I don't know lel I guess people think mexicans look like me or some shit
My home town is unrecognisible from my youth and a lifetime of complaining has changed nothing. A profound sense of dislocation is what i feel on a daily basis.
Now watch the emu-niggers try to defend this.

>S-shut u-up you fucking p-pom. A-at least w-we're not being ethnically displaced by p-pakis and n-n-niggers.

I pray Trump nukes that region.
We are working on it.
Australians all sing their rejoice
For they are culturally enriched
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And maybe jealous he's not Scandinavian?
I know that feeling too well, when I leave my house and see who is populating the streets here now I am a stranger in the community my family helped to build and fought in wars for...given away to these "people" who don't give a fuck about our culture.
>people in command are never blue eyed blondes
Huh really made me think
It's almost as if the most important people of the white race were Always brown/black haired
Beautiful. Make sure Norway stays this way, Olaf.
serious question, what negative effects do the chinese have on life in vancouver? how severe is it compared to a society dominated by african / north african / arab culture?
>Australian flag
Kek I'm not even going to say it.
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Which town?
I remember when the NZ population was two point something million. It was so comfy back then.
Jesus christ, we r fucked.
Are you a construction worker? kek
Is that karate class?
they avoid paying tax
do not pay legal wages to workers + conditions etc.
pretty closed society of people
spit and burp in public, refuse to learn English
buy up all real estate because investments in common law countries are safer = locals can no longer afford housing
hook each other up with jobs - gets harder to gain entrance into workforce thanks to nepotic cunts

etc etc, speaking for Australia obviously not Vancouver though I imagine its the same
They won't steal or murder.

But they'll drive housing prices too high for poor little white bois.

>c-capitalism is so evil why can't we be communists instead
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They were all brown haired. The pictures just make their hair look black, because they're in black and white.
How would you like your city to be overrun with a foreign culture and language? To have your city economically upended in less than a generation, housing in Vancouver has gone up 350% in a little over 10 years, property tax has skyrocketed as a result now Canadians are being priced out of their own country. Its not always about violent crime (although white collar crime like fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, illegal business, birth tourism etc...is rampant in the chinese community in Vancouver) its about culture and your way of life being displaced. The Chinese are more insidious than people think, google things like "The Confucius Institute" for example.
>How would you like your city to be overrun with a foreign culture and language?
Like you did to the REAL natives of Canada?

>housing in Vancouver has gone up 350% in a little over 10 years, property tax has skyrocketed as a result now Canadians are being priced out of their own country
Also known as Capitalism?

>its about culture and your way of life being displaced
Sounds to me like we're just doing exactly what you did, but better.
There will be a so-called "race war" before things get that bad, mark my words.
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This is what school classes in Sweden looked like before 1990 or so. Today, no such classes exist. Funny how things change...
The vast majority of those kids are White though.
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Mods are in on it with the shills.

Threads are being shut down as soon as you start talking about the constant shilling.

We all notice it, the constant bashing of e-celebs, constant blue pill cancer.

They realism we're winning and are trying to shitpost us into submission. They'll pretend to be regular pol users claiming its all over that we've lost. Dont listen to it, they are trying to discourage you into believing /pol is a lost cause.

jeez, what an absolute faggot you are anon, ky.
Like I said brown or black haired
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You can probably find them outside the cities.
I mean, this is what a Norwegian town looks like.
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Make /pol/ Great Again
You forgot about the car accidents.
Asians cannot drive, no matter where they're from.
It's not a stereotype, it's a statistical fact.

Couple that with free medical and taxes ramp up the more slanty eyes scan the road.
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I want to live there
That's just the special ed class
you sound like a wailing feminist applying womens studies theories to the changes being caused by chinas rise

awww evil European imperialist commerce patriarchy oppressing the utopian nativist victims

and that's that!
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Checked my old soccer team. Still looks white to me. Kek
I don't think there were many black haired people. And both Göring and Rommel were blond.

Wierd how you don't see many white kids in Asian school pics, huh?
No, this was the case 15 years ago or so, but today there are asylum centers etc everywhere where there's a school. I doubt a single class like that pic exists in the entire country today.
>Also known as Capitalism?
Not really, chinks "earn" their wealth in a closed market economy that plays by a completely different set of rules and in a country with literally 50x the population... to allow chinks to compete for housing with citizens of Canada that have their hands tied behind their backs earning in a system governed by things called laws, ethics and morals is not free market capitalism.

>Sounds to me like we're just doing exactly what you did, but better.

You did what better, culture? You have no culture. You people are literally pushing each other out of the way to line up and beg to come and live in our societies, wear our clothes, name your kids our names, speak our languages, pray in our churches, sip tea like us etc...We laugh at you and loathe even breathing in your exhales, you will never be one of us no matter how hard you try.
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It's a nice place.
Check em! Praise kek!
There were lots of black haired people in commanding positions though, and also in the regular army. They often don't get any credit here on /pol/ or other places because of their hair color.

How low we Europeans have sunk. We actually have to celebrate the fact that we exist in our own homelands. Imagine the Japanese showing a picture of a Japanese town and commenting on the lack of shitskins. They wouldn't have to. It would be like commenting on the blueness of the sky. An absolute given.
literally everyone except the top right looks white though

also jesus fucking christ, top row 4th from the right is probably the ugliest guy ive seen in a while
And nothing of value was lost.
Condolences friend.
really makes you think
>They often don't get any credit here on /pol/ or other places because of their hair color.
I doubt anyone gives a fuck. Most of the hair color discussions are usually started to divide and conquer, and they're usually more anti-blond than anti-brunette.

Either way, it's very hard to judge hair color from old pictures, because everyone looks dark haired. Even caricatures of Hitler from the war depict him with black hair, even if he had brown hair. You almost need a physical description from a written source if you want to know for certain.
Tauranga though i live in the country now. Yourself?
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>implying you're not triggered
>I doubt anyone gives a fuck
Well a lot of natsocs seem to think that black haired germanics can't exist and are not white
I know. In my case, it's particularly bad, because when I was growing up, everywhere looked like the picture above. But in the past ten years, the number of immigrants in my city has more than doubled. Before that, the vast majority of immigrants were restricted to Oslo.
It really feels like it changed over night. Before the year 2000, I'd never seen a woman in a hijab. Now I can't walk through town without seeing a dozen of them.
At least the areas outside the major cities are 99% white.
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I would literally bone that entire front row.
Brb getting visa
Do Argentinian women like bantz?
I didn't know tunisian were attractive people
thats shaggy from scooby doo mate
>Class of 2015 - Muhammad abu bakri school - Pickpocketing sciences
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>1 person has blue eyes
Obviously you have never seen Initial D then
Government and big business realised they could make more money by selling our quality of life down the drain in exchange for importing random third world people.
It's properly a shitskin school were heavily segregated.
I think that's mostly banter and shilling. I mean, Bavaria has plenty of dark haired Germans.
Du blir skuffa om du reiser inn til Stavanger sentrum og tror det ikke er noen hijabfitter eller negere der
Rebuild migrant workers seem to be changing the makeup of the city from what i see on tv.
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importing japanese lolis since 1543
>i-it's nothing, only all our major cities.
>white genocide is just a meme
Nobody here is going to be thinking of nips when they say asians, we get fuckall of them though the few we do get are model immigrants in my experience.

Hell I wish chinks would get into Initial D, maybe it'd get them to think about how they drive and stop them from pulling out in front of trucks and other dumb shit.
Stavanger er en by. Tenker mer på mindre tettsteder. Har reist en del langs kysten, og man ser ikke mange brune folk utenfor byene.
And no I haven't.
I gather by the fact he wins races in a shitty corolla that he's the only nip in the country who can drive.

I'm assuming that's why they invented drifting.
'Ohhh nooooo, we sride around corner, speed unimportant, we srideeeee"
As if they can fucking follow the road if their life depended on it (which generally it doesn't now thanks to their cunt safety rated car's)
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In my class there wasn't one asian kid....
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Initial P.png
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My school used to be 90% white. Let me check now.... Hmm, down to 50%
>Fuck that I believe in NZ for new Zealanders
Australia for Aussies.
Eh... I think we are so similar I don't think that really matters.

I would say Aus and NZ are for Aussies and Kiwis though. It's more all the Asians, Indians and in your case, middle easterners that are killing our nations. Even Brits piss me off from time to time
>that chink in the corner
Is there anywhere ON THE FUCKING PLANET these sub-human parasites haven't infested?
Some Japs immigrated to South America
Condell Park is Western Sydney which is the meeting place for all subhuman shitskins
Bro no one should give a shit about canadian culture because it doesn't fucking exist.
What's the big deal.. I like asians.. they work hard.. their food is great and they don't fly planes into buildings
>every east asian i dont like is a chink
>every east asian i like is a jap

that guy is clearly a fuckin jap u nigger

condell park is mild compared to auburn

half the people in the photo are muslims
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How the fuck is it possible.
Assuming you're not a chink (which you probably are), they don't belong in our countries. Try to get it through your thick, fucking skull. It doesn't matter if they're marginally better than niggers and muzzies. THEY. DON'T. BELONG. IN. WHITE. COUNTRIES.
Explain this.
This was my primary school. The subburb is Malabar. I bet you are so much or a westy that you don't even know where Malabar is without looking it up. When I went to this school (you can speculate on the age of the average 4channer) it was basically 100% white around there.

So ask yourself, do we have a problem or not?
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new zealand chinks.png
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What are all those New Zealanders doing in an Australian classroom?
Shopping centers are dark zones
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Is that Dendi?
>Japanese shit posters are actually aussie.
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so beatuful xDD hang on a sec i gotta upload this to facey book
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What is this?
I doesnt seem riced desu. More like rice seasoned
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Dude, every native was executed and hunted down by our funding fathers, and the half-breed sent to die for our freedom.
the white race will be secured by norwegians ,god bless.
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The classroom of Kosovo
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wtf we need to focus our efforts on Norway, this is very very problematic
kek, I misread it as Cambodia at first, thought that seemed about right
Its the future you chose
wtf turks are whiter than white countries now... HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
Oi Ching Chong mate. Anuda roice browl on da barbi cunt ching chong.
highschool teacher here

my school is like 90% white blonde blue eyed
But they are inferior to white people.
people who claim Albanians aren't white are retarded, I mean come on look at us
that poor fucking girl on the left, a stranger in her own country.
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>Tunisians classrooms are much whiter than French classrooms
I didn't ask for these feels
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diversity you racist.jpg
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I-is it OK if I move to Norway bro? I promise I'm 100% scandinavian
Not sure about those giant moaris though.
When I went to school it was pretty much 100% White, I checked it today and it still is seemingly (Website has no coloured faces in sight).
Rural England is lovely.
how can am i supposed to hate race mixing when its responsible for half asian women
We're more or less in the same situation, so it wouldn't really change anything for you.
>dat gypsy in the upper left corner
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Mein neger
That pic is pretty cherry picked though isnt it? Some festival subumans wouldn't visit. Thats like me taking the trains early mornings here in inner Stockholm. Almost completely white cause barely any blacks/MENA works.
It looks like a zoo
On higher level there are only white people who look on niggers in cage below
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Heres a similar example here in Sweden. A place no subhumans would visit.
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Why would you want to date a rootless mongrel?
Fuck off sandnigger
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I have taught english in Korea and japan for 5 years, I have taught over 1000 different students, out of that I have seen literally 1 foreign student - in Korea a fucking Syrian kid - and get this - he was a complete piece of shit always disrupting the class, singing disgusting mudslime "music" while the korean teachers are trying to address the class, chimping out over pork (very common in Korean food). Fucking cancer.

Anyway, pic is Michael Obama visiting a british school.
It's not really cherry picked, as almost any place outside of the main cities will look like that. If you want to live among whites and you don't have to live in a city, there are still options.
Granted, that isn't much of a comfort when the cities are dying.
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You never went in a brown country to say that.
I'm blonde and tall (193cm) when I went to Peru and China I was basically a walking attraction outside of Lima and Shanghai.

It was even a bit humiliating how the chinese always put me and my friend in the middle of the restaurant like if we were a rare species of fish.
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>The Iranian and Syrian flags above them
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Easy mode: spot the muds

Hard mode: spot my sister
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>those flags
hahahahaha fuck this country
The japs are the only good Asians. At least they stay in their country.
Did she get bullied? Pls say no

>London majority non-white.
>mudslime leader

Defend it, britcuck.

Hey Ivan, what's it like having the largest amount of mudslimes in all of Europe?

>time bomb
Whites in America are mostly Anglo/Germanic ethnic people.
Imagine the smell
Too many fucken gooks
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Agreed. Europe is running out of homogeneous countries, but I fear your lack of ocean/sea border won't protect you Norway.
they look sexually precocious
May God smite blair to lowest of hells, fooking absolute wanker
You mean Serbians
You dont have kids, that's what happened you fucking idiot.
my new wallpaper
very blonde
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this is a brazilian class
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So, nothing like you then?
>tfw getting conqured by China and becoming an ugly mongrol race...
>israeli classroom
>tfw Israel is allowed to be a white ethno-state with a wall blocking out the foreign hordes but the rest of us can't
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nice theo-ethno-state there

He's black
t. muhammad ahmad al-shqiptaree
>looks at the girl in the blue polka dot dress
>feels sympathy for poo in the loo for first time in life.
The result of the convergence of population culture's a) infantilization of adults and b) elimination of the perception of children as intrinsically asexual in service of the drive to market to them
French classroom

Obviously from a very very very rural and isolated part of France (I didn't even know that Plougoumelen was a French city)

2 Australian kids?

Are you kidding me?
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>the went to Catholic school from kindergarten to 3rd grade

That's what happens when you value country over. blood.
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Brazilian school
Also a brazilian school
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TFW when you waste nice digits showcasing your shithole country
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tizio guida gaming.jpg
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My sister lives in the Lake District, fucking Chinese tourists everywhere, flocking in with hundreds of busses every week.

The only muslims i saw were rich burka-durr women lead by their men, shopping useless expensive shit in Ambleside.

30 miles south, Lancaster: it's The Discomfort Zone. Muslims everywhere, like you were in the UK.... which you actually are.
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