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How do I hint at my power level in real life?

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How do I hint at my power level in real life?

go outside
tell people about the situation of the white race, then ease the jew fact onto them, then conclude hitler was correct, it's not hard
shave your head and wear boots
Hang yourself with dank memes in your suicide note.
How to ease the jew fact without being called anti semetic? Any exact wordings i should use?
you have two options
1. hide your powerlevel
2. have no friends
I chose 2, it sucks dont do it
Maybe it's different where I live but people who aren't white racists are the minority.
Tell them you are a democrat because welfare and planned parenthood keep the nigger population down and poor.
Kys after releasing your manifesto.
Stop your brainwashing and realize that you're delusional about Jews, much like SJWs are delusional about whites
Best way to start?

>hey friend, I found out today that Jews only make up 2% of the US population, isnt that weird?
>2%? Thought it was much more, they're on tv all the time!

And go from their.
Oh ouch the edge
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Hinting at your power level is whatever you're comfortable doing. I wear pic related, either on my winter jacket, on my maga hat, ect.

Nobody has yet identified it. If asked, I say its a symbol for those willing to stand up to political violence, particularly aimed at Trump supporters.


Call them by profession. "Bankers" "globalists" and the like. Say the 1% is working to create a global economy that benefits them before the people, and sets up a system that will divide humanity so that they can be exploited further by a small, powerful, international clique.

If you're an outright NatSoc, don't be a pussy about it. You either need to own up to it, or you can moderate yourself and join the alt right.
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wear this retard's autism
But then why are hey all good at what they do? It's almost like their qualified for that role regardless of identity
mention Rothschild, then Soros, then show them all the Jewish media bosses, then tell them 40% of America's billionaires are Jewish or have Jewish spouses, then tell them even Trump's kids are marired to Jews, and they'll begin to detect something's fishy.

How you explain it is really contextual and dependant on their current political stances, for example if they're anti-Fed explain it was started primarily by Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg (Jews), and that it's past 4 chairmen have been Jews (Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen) or that communism (Marx) was primarily pushed by Jews in the early 20th century, mention (((Trotsky))) and (((Lenin))), it's quite easy.
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You don't, your power level is yours and yours alone. Unless you are a Chad, say nothing and stay in the shadows. Your anonymous input on this website is far more important than any agenda you can push fully irl unless you are a paragon of European Genetics with a modicum of class.
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If you figure it out let me know
That sounds suspiciously like socialism, and to a smaller extent, communism
What is /b/
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You don't. But here is something you can use for your nationalistic Facebook posts. Most normies won't notice.
That graph doesn't account for the thousands of Jews in the German freikorps
im openly a nazi with my best friends, and theyre all non white, it all depends on the person
You have legitimate autism
Also, under the Nuremberg laws, Lenin wouldn't be considered jewish

That's how you get to the normies and socialists without seeming like a raging racist. Talk about how their policies hurt the black populations more than they help them. Talk about how their policies will hurt the poor, not help them.

Socialism/Communism are cruel, vindictive, evil ideologies that have killed millions, and left millions more to suffer, yet they use morals and virtue signaling to gain support. Use that against them, show them for who they are, and the commies will crumble.
>But then why are hey all good at what they do?
Yeah I'm sure all the Jewish actors got where they are through sheer talent and not nepotism.
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It seems that you just gloat about your superiority. I hope you don't, for their sake
Low quality CTR bait. Lemme guess you will collect some responses and repost this shit on Reddit in a few minutes?
explain this for a foreigner? whats the natsoc reference here?
They're not half bad. No one gives a shit about Jeff goldblums ethnicity, rather they care about Jurassic park and the fly
14 stripes, 88 stars
Nice one, had to count before I got it
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These goys are right. I wouldn't worry about it...
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This board really needs to get over the ebin nazi shit.

The funny thing is everyone thinks blaming jews is The Final Redpill but honestly that's pretty mainstream with how much liberals hate Israel, corporations and bankers, it's defending Hitler that's the fucking retarded bit that'll never sell.
What you say is true, but it seems like your manipulating them into believing what you believe by guilting them to it. SJWs do the same things
Nah, I don't, that's just stupid. If I would gloat about my superiority, then they wouldn't be my friends, anyway
By being nice, intelligent and charismatic.

Not acting like an autist, weeb or ass. Not giving unsolicited advice.
scream "sieg heil" as loud as possible whenever you're in a populated public space
Good. Even if you consider one to be inferior, be kind. Being a pompous asshole reeks of insecurity
I chose 1. One of the most based guys I know in this new town is a black guy, and he helped me become more conservative so I definitely can't go all out. He does call lazy blacks porch monkeys and he knows I consider certain immigration groups low IQ etc so I feel like thats good enough. Just have to find the right people, but otherwise keep it hidden. I have however started dropping subtle hints at certain things lately.

Here's a few off the top of my head I mentioned to normies in the past few days.
>Who was a driving force behind the Bolshevik revolution?
>As a percentage of the population, who commits the most violent crime?
>Our government and allies use Al Qaeda and affiliates as ground troops even more so they don't ruin public sentiment like Bush did
>Large companies want more immigration to drive down wages, and it negatively affects poor people and blacks more

Stuff like that.

you're an idiot
i actually did that and did the salute
gotta stop drinking
because the British empire betrayed the Germans, Boers, and was Rothschild HQ since the early 19th century
Hey, I'm a Nazi, not an asshole
Good. I like you, even though I don't agree with you
This. The best way to show your powerlevel is to be the most honest, upright example of what a white man can be: a source of strength and stability to his freinds and community. White pride is about taking pride in the great accomplishments of Western civilization and building a future that sustains and builds upon that foundation. Be the best man you can be, work to secure a wonderful future for your own children, and you will be demonstrating your powerlevel in the way your ancestors did. That's what making America great again is all about.
Mostly right, but Volcker was not a Jew. His parents were German Lutheran immigrants.

Literally this. Had it not have been for the autism of the Nazis, Europeans would've been able to stay in Africa long enough to erect some semblance of civilization thus negating the need for mass immigration to the West.

Now the chinks are doing the same thing we did except they aren't even helping the poor niggers. All they're doing is robbing them blind.
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Me too, me fucking too
>timing is everything
what happend after?
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Far left girls in my life started to crave my cock. Everyone reasonable judged me for a week, but that's about it.
>god bless the 24 hour news cycle
Make Jew jokes.

Hyperbolic offhand cheeky remarks can be funny to normies and it helps normalize the marginalization of the Jewish people which is ultimately what we want.

Works for South Park and you can just say that you're a PewDiePie fan.

Rothschild helped abolish slavery, funded Belgium, and helped his country win a war. Pretty based if you ask me
buy some cool shirts
Everyone already makes fun of Jews though>>115039305
Google phones can have a case that you can put your own picture on. I'd like to make one that is a really subtle red pill but I can't come up with anything that would be noticeable to the initiated, unnoticed by the masses and still be a good-looking case.
one guy was eyeballing me but i just grinned back at him. one of the guys we were with asked my friend "what did he say?" but i think my friend (who knows my shit) just changed the subject lmao.
>negating the need for mass immigration to the West.
there is no need for mass immigration to the west under any context, the third world population is growing faster then it can sustain itself and the flood will NEVER end, and the pressure never let up until white countries' borders are sealed.

the wars being conducted in the name of Israel have zero bearing on whether or not Western countries should accept immigrants, it's just a really shitty excuse.
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not an argUMENT
Idk why it linked you twice
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>Rothschild helped abolish slavery, funded Belgium, and helped his country win a war. Pretty based if you ask me
Neither is calling rich people jews
That's what your link said
Just be highly Ironic

I have ironically come out full support but people refuse to believe me and just think i'm being highly ironic

I kinda just roll with it now
Holy fuck that's cringy as shit.
Wear a MAGA hat.. didn't you know that Trump Supporters are the New Nazis now?
This is a board of edgy teens
im in the bay area and i usually just start talking with people about the housing market and the way it really works here.

shitlibiest place in the states, and they are all blind to their own actions.
It's a great way to fuck with their heads and force them to see reality.

Good schools = white
Stable communities = white
Good property values = white
Los Gatos explodes in prices right when the area is flooded with H1Bs that cause rapid white flight to the hills.

Anyone racially aware can see it for what it is, but most here are not, although they, by instinct, still make the same choices.
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Swedish snus. Truly the white man's way to consume nicotine.
People like you are a real fucking worry, I tell you what...
Nobody is making blanket statements about the rich, that's Marxism. To identify the source of white culture degradation is not Marxism, its situational awareness
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>Tfw I know this feel

I meant the need of the third-worlders to immigrate. I know that we have no need, but the third-worlders want gibsmedat and want to flee their shitty nations to get it.

If we were able to stay in our colonies longer, we'd be able to at least get them to a point of civilization that would be at the very least stable for the shitskins to stay in their own countries.
But that's what his link said
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Then why does every argument boil down to the Jews being half of all the rich people? It seems like more of a class issue than anything
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>Illinois nazis
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Step it up fags. Buy American
>why does every argument boil down to the Jews being half of all the rich people
It doesn't. Maybe you should lurk more.
>we'd be able to at least get them to a point of civilization that would be at the very least stable for the shitskins to stay in their own countries.
it's pointless, futile, they can never sustain white-tier civilization, with the exception of Asians. leave them to their devices, let their countries revert back to the jungle, as is happening and will continue to happen without white presence,. we shouldn't be concerned with them, we should be looking forward.
I do. That's the supposed fact that gets thrown around the most in my experience
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>2% of world population at best
>43% of the wealthy elite
It's a class issue, nothing to see here goys
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>copenhagen not grizzly
I would argue that doing this is the best way to appeal to those who would already agree with SJWs, or seem to think like SJWs do. Chances are, they problem solve and think about politics in this way. If you come at them with facts, statistics, and evidence, they will disregard you as a racist Alt-Right neo nazi, and will ignore what you say.

If you use their thought process and their system of thinking against them, and make them seriously question the validity of their policies with their own tactics, then you open them up.

Then you can convert them with facts and evidence.
Fuck a trap while calling him degenerate.
because it's telling that Jew's aren't some disenfranchised marginalized group and have big influence, and to some degree responsibility
The wealthy are such a small number, that 50 people can easily make up a large portion
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shipping costs though?
But that just seems dishonest and scummy. And what if you're wrong? Then you just converted a bunch of people to your bogus ideology through the use of clever manipulation. You would be no better than those you oppose
Who the hell claims their oppressed anymore? They're treated equally by everyone, at least in the United states
In a clique, does if matter if 12 of 30 are similar? That's still only twelve
get a hitler youth haircut
get on steroids
shave head
eliminate all untermenschen degenerates from your life
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>newports not dunhills

you are mathematically illiterate. try .022 percent....
Pretty much everyone except elected officials hate Israel. So just substitute the word Israel for kike.
Then instead of saying lazy nigger just say welfare recipient.
At this point you can pretty much reveal your entire power level and still seem moderate enough to get laid by all clean women.
You're welcome.
Don't get on steroids, and don't bully supposed subhumans. That's unnecessarily cruel

use harrypotter refernces and starwars
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Excuse me, 1.3% of USA population
>tfw you are fake news
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Whatever you do, make sure you're always prepared for the worst.
16 million is a lot of people. That's more than all illegal immigrants in the united states
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Good goy
achtung blitzkrieg has replica nazi uniforms for sale, including replicas of hitler's coat

you could just buy an individual piece like a hat
I think a nazi hat would be cool
Good ally
why not get on steroids once you reach the natty limit and why wouldnt you be cruel to degenerates? it sounds and maybe it is edgy but I don't see alcoholics and gays as human people
> How do I hint at my power level in real life?

You -never- talk about it. That's how you hint your power level.
See, the thing about your power level is that you don't go shoving it into people's faces. That's what separates you from the SJW. Only the severely autistic and edgy try to compensate for nobody paying attention to them by wearing WWII pins and Rhodesian flag patches. Don't be that guy, just be eloquent and well versed in whatever your beliefs are. If anything, learn how to actually interact with people before you start shouting "WELL HAVE YOU READ ABOUT THE DANCING ISRAELIS THAT WERE SEEN ON SEPTEMBER 11TH?????" at people.
The best way is to use statistical, real proof evidence. If they doubt it, tell them to look it up online.
People are more willing to believe a simple google search nowadays.

So if there is a convo going on about how the rich are greedy or whatever, tell them a subtle hint that most jews are the rich.
Steroids is like cheating on a test. You didn't earn it. And you have to earn being ubërmensch. You don't get to bully anyone until you've done enough to earn your place in the world. If you haven't done anything for anyone, you're no better, if not worse, than an animal
> Who the hell claims their oppressed anymore?

I was willing to take you seriously, then I saw this.
The definition of concerned trolling.
Maybe I'm just naive in this aspect, but I have yet to see anyone truly say that Jews are oppressed in today's society. It's like asking for asians to be given equal pay
Go around campaigning for social justice, like the rest of your ideologically confused brethren.

Socialists of every form need free helicopter rides.
Essentially this
>You would be no better than those you oppose

I'm not advocating shutting down events or beating people using mob tactics.

If you have facts and statistics on your side, and you know in your heart you are right, then I believe you have a duty to advance your beliefs to the masses, through honest debate and public discourse. Either your beliefs will pick up because you are right and can clearly state your facts and your reasoning, or you will be torn apart on where you are wrong.

I merely argue that, if a Leftist attempts to appeal to emotion above facts, beyond calling them out on this, use their own logic against them. If a leftist says you're a racist who hates black people, immediately turn this accusation back on them and ask them why they support policy that hurts black families, that keeps them impoverished, and manipulates them to keep them dependent on the government. Then explain, with said facts and statistics, why your arguments are true.

Leftists will be quick to use these tactics against you. You must be quick to counter them and have their virtue signaling blow up in their face. Otherwise it will stick, and even if you argued the truth, the crowd will see you as a racist/misogynist/homophobe.
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That I can agree with. As long as you don't go too far with it and betray your values, you are entirely correct
Straw men suck. Debating with them is more useful for both parties
>Not leftist
>Falling for Bolshevik propaganda
i found it's best to just flat out state things that are actually wrong. it bothers them enough to look it up and then they are slapped in the face with the truth.

city-data.com - look up the racial make up of areas
zipatlas.com - dig deeper into what those "races" really are
startclass.com - dig into the ethnic composition of schools and how many are on "free lunch"

even if they disagree there is tons of confirmation bias.

It's true. I have no problem calling out Jews for when they're being sneaky ethnonationalists but NatSoc style antisemitism is obviously conspiratorial bullshit


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do something
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>Implying I'm NatSoc
>Implying you will even respond to this after you're killed and eaten by an Australian house spider.
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Answer: you let your 2 inch dick hang out of your pants OP for the world to see your literal power.
>mint not wintergreen
just grab a couple lads and drop a coin when you see a jew approaching. then say something like "have you ever seen an Israeli anteater?"
grizzly is fucking disgusting. worse than skoal
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serious? option 2 is the best option and legit no regrets at all :)
it's not that they conspire, but they favor their own kind to a degree that puts them at a major advantage.

once power has been obtained they get anxious as all fuck because they know it's obvious to anyone with a brain what's going on. THAT'S when they start to conspire. THEN comes the pogrom.
>we want to kill them all
nah just send the criminals and traitors among them (who are most) to israel, win-win

also there was no holohoax kek, don't draw that false conclusion from natsoc.
I didn't call you a nazi/natsoc, just that you are representing natsoc as not leftist, in which case you have fallen for the Bolsheviks propaganda to scapegoat nationalism while protecting their sacred cow in socialism.
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Toothbrush mustache?
No one ever seems to explain where all the German Jews went when they mention the holocaust being a hoax
north, south, east, west. many went to the United States, many more went to Israel.
The ones that went to Israel or the United States is no where near the amount missing/killed in the holocaust. And the ones that went to neighboring countries were sent back when the nazis took it over
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I'm slowly turning my normie friends into /pol/ without them even knowing what /pol/ is
According to the White Nationalists, those Jews they are very sneaky. They probably went hiding in the fake ovens that never existed until the Germans left.
Must've hidden under the penny I dropped last week
We know what /pol/ is dude we're just being nice to you.
They think that "bread" is original and that Goebbels is hilarious
Oh shittt
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That's funny but they have literally no idea what /pol/ is
Alright, I'm hitting the hay. I suggest you don't respond to my posts, because we won't be able to debate, and that's no fun
What if they're the average blue pilled student who has no problem with the fed res
Fuck you, mutant
then go into communism, or red pill them on the fed first


what is this person's political beliefs?
Tell your wife she's a degenerate whore, she'll love it.
Stop being a cūck m8.
Swastika tattoo on face.
hinting at your power level is faggot shit

never bring up politics but if someone else does just name the jew and dont be a scared little alt-lite babby
talk about shit going on in the world with that distanced "everythings fucked" appearance and wait until someone agrees when you say the middle east is a shit hole or some other pol thing.

its how i found out one of my coworkers wants to push every single muslim out of our country because fuck them
Racists aren't human.
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accidentally did this today. old bff still msg sometimes

h: nobody has anything in common anymore
me: kinda
h: who works at the same hospital floor that im on
h: or hes interning
j: is p a nazi yet?
h: no
h: what
me: his bff was always some skinhead
me: though hitler did nothing wrong tho
H is now Away.
This sounds like a bait thread.

I think you wear the earring in the left ear.
I'm straight up supremacist and my best mate is philo
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Joke about it. If you can joke about a thing, then you help normalize it.

Also, don't call it a powerlevel. Being afraid to speak your mind isn't powerful. "Haha, I'd never give my opinion. What should I do with such immense power?"

Honesty used to be a fucking masculine virtue until people started laughing at the idea of "seriously having a moral code? In 2017? Ha." Not being able to confront truth is a weakness, and covering up that weakness with some bullshit excuse like "well I don't want to be ostracized" is even weaker, and it certainly isn't some kind of power.

I talk to normies all the fucking time about my "hot controversial opinions" because I don't treat it like a life-or-death situation and don't look like a basement creature.

Take a shower, lighten up, and you can unironically admire Hitler around normies in public. One aspect of living in this absurdist post-values shithole culture is that nobody actually cares about anything sincerely, so as long as you "go with the flow" you can get away with saying anything.

>Brush your teeth
>Put on clean clothes
>Learn how to empathize
>Get a sense of humor
>Say anything at any time with impunity

I love you guys but the only thing holding you back ideologically is YOU. We have a good, young demographic with so much potential but you guys are afraid to even speak in the first place. I hate that /pol/ has become this echochamber hugbox fagfest filled with shit like "having no friends is good, keep your head down, memes are more powerful than action, who needs to fuck anyway," its all pseudo-intellectual masturbation and it will make this young demographic stagnate and die at stage one.

Wear that faggot arm band in public oh great white warrior lol, fucking stormfag trash.
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shush now shit skin
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accept that all leftist ideologies are not pulled out of their ass
they have some truth to them (The patriarchy exist and can be oppressive, but in the west it also created the freest society in history)

you can't pull leftist straight to the right
first pull them to a balanced center
this will confuse them enough and they will have to straighten themselves out first, before they can deal with more red-pills
Kill yourself pinhead stormfag
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Nice argument to overwhelming examples of jewery.
i often answer my phone "sieg heil my friend!"
no one seems to care.
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Hello JIDF
one of my fav things to say when talking about the holocaust is "Funny isnt it, the nazis wasted all that time and money to tattoo every jew, even if they were just going to the gas chamber, i mean those who miraculously survive even have the tatoos
Hide your power level. Drop small pills only.
except you are objectively wrong
Thanks israel
This with the only exception being the workplace because don't expect to keep your job if your boss isn't a /pol/ock.
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Wear this hat.
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Every. Single. Time.
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They've come
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wear columbia?
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Claim your favorite pres is Andrew Jackson
t. /r/The_Donald
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>Jews are the good guys
you are correct
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Shitpost on /pol/ all day and never apply yourself in any way IRL. Alternatively this >>115038447

Best of both worlds - make it known to everyone that you're both a Nazi AND a useless waste of space.
How is this fucking chart necessary?
It's always "1. letter of 1. pair + 1. letter of 2. pair + 2. letter of 1. pair + 2. letter of 2. pair"
Kill yourself Churchillite
In public I generally don't

Occasionally I'll make a disparaging joke about leftists if I'm with a single person to gauge their receptiveness. I'm very reclusive and don't need much socializing, so if they are offended nothing of value was lost anyway
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>How do I hint at my power level in real life?
Just say and do stupid shit in general, so people know you're a fool.
THEN make a few causal racist remarks to make it clear what KIND of idiot you are,
Seriously, though I'm pretty sure most of you cunts come off as spiteful, vindictive assholes in a way that makes your political ideals obvious.
>first pic is a nigger

the eternal negro
If I were open with my views or even hinted the slightest about them I would be fucking ostracized in this piece of shit cultural marxist socialist politically correct dystopia of a country.
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My only problem with nazism is that it will never work in the U.S. Nazism was a purely german thing. If we want a similar ideology we need to develop a distinctly American one. Trump is on the right track but he is not right wing enough. I do think he opened the door it's up to us now to continue to develop it into a new American Empire so to speak.

see a nigger
gas a rabbi when no one's looking
bankers/elites/big corps/ MNCs
Grindelwald did nothing wrong
Say "Hitler did nothing wrong"
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You disgust me
Say you're politically family-centric and you believe in preservation of art and culture.
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Pick a good halloween costume and go to a huge edm event

Tons of angry white bitches, lots of high fives from white guys, and the shitskins will rage.
Now that's what I call a rare pepe.

>minted snus in pouches

Thats for little girls, anon. It's actually marketed towards women.


Again with the fucking mint.
You look funny in that gas mask
omfg you're right
>there used to be mountains in Finland
Fuck you, Norway. Give us our mountains back.
oy fucking vey quit your antisemitic kvetching
if i remember right, there were 600.000 jews in germany when hitler came to power. 90% moved to places like the US before the alleged holocaust, about 30.000 were sent to israel (havaara agreement), after that there's only 10.000 left.
is being skeptical about refugees and migrants STILL that taboo in sweden, even after all the shit that's gone down? that's fucking crazy. sweden is truly lost.

>My only problem with nazism is that it will never work in the U.S
why? do you mean an ethno-state would never work?
I wear New Balance shoes. In the snow. My toes are frozen and my socks are constantly wet once I come inside, but at least people will take notice and know not to mess with me.
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