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Deep state coup happening

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Thread replies: 426
Thread images: 113

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The deep state has started a coup against Trump. Elements of the deep state leaked raw FISA take to discredit General Flynn. Now they will try to do the same to AG Sessions. The goal is to take out Trump allies one by one until he is isolated.

You can stop them by publicizing their primary weapon of blackmail and slander: the NSA systems used to spy on Americans and the legal loopholes in FISA that allow them to do it. They can't operate this way in the light of public disclosure.

Thanks to Snowden, we know a lot about the communications interception infrastructure. We know about the upstream programs like FAIRVIEW, OAKSTAR, BLARNEY, etc. that work through the XKEYSCORE architecture. We know about the downstream programs like PRISM. We know about SMS collection via programs like DISHFIRE.

We know two huge loopholes in FISA let them surveil and retain data on US citizens. Per FISA, they can retain US person data if encrypted or if related to a counterintelligence investigation. They are using these loopholes to monitor government officials including Flynn and Sessions.

It's much worse than that. In 2008 IARPA commissioned a working group to study two systems named SYNAPSE and CATALYST. SYNAPSE is a data ontology that defines relationships between data records obtained via FISA and Patriot Act records provisions. CATALYST is an ontology engine that assembles these data records into an integrated format on analyst demand. See the report from the working group here:


These systems were then implemented as shown in a 2013 NY Times article that contained a leaked Snowden slide - pic related. The import of the slide was overlooked at the time.


These systems grew to ingest data from over 60 different sources. The on-demand nature of CATALYST allowed DNI Clapper to lie when asked about dossiers:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsmo0hUWJ08 [Embed]
Bump man
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More is coming. Tonight. The one tonight will be the first in a series. A war within the deep state and Shepherd Smith's humiliation. Stand by. You'll love it. I guarantee.
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Bump for trump
>In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

>The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.

>The change means that far more officials will be searching through raw data. Essentially, the government is reducing the risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that a piece of information would be valuable to another agency, but increasing the risk that officials will see private information about innocent people.
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Bump for Trump
Can we win?

Also, who is supporting Trump? Who are the big name players behind him? Is it some kind of stay-behind operation that activates when the country has been compromised?
can you give us a quick rundown of what is happening and speculate on what will happen going forward?

Give us more.
What do we do about this?
`what has shep smith ever done to anyone?
He didn't get off it in time.

And it will work, because Trump isn't dong shit while his entire staff gets taken down.
This is far above my pay grade.
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bump. OP legendary call
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Good luck, frogs.
What are we supposed to do with this info?
>how do what do with the info
Use it to help Trump
Maybe that's why he picked this seemingly random staff at first, so he can instate his true staff afterwards... Maybe he expected this?
will this upcoming event benefit or damage trump?
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Worth a bump, this thread is
How? I am not a l337 h4x02.
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HE is here

this seems legit
Is Trump winning? Was he prepared for this?
So I guess that means both.
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i think they learned last time with all their fake "SPAM"
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calling all meme magicians
getting slid
Whats going to happen with Shep?
>They are using these loopholes to monitor government officials including Flynn and Sessions.

And the fat cheeto himself.
>And it will work, because Trump isn't dong shit while his entire staff gets taken down.
He doesn't know how, which is why they used this strategy.

Mr "I know more about ISIS than the generals"

and "the CIA are a bunch of NAZIs."


Moral of the story: Don't sell out your country to it's chief geopolitical foe for personal power.
Got back from the family farm last month. The tide is changing against God. Prior admin and big O are going to end up in GITMO.
arrest merkel too.
Shills will hang.
At least this isn't "Obama will become dictator" bullshit
>Got back from the family farm last month.

>The tide is changing against God.
They know.

>Prior admin and big O are going to end up in GITMO.
Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.
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how can a shut-in like me help the cause??
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Brock shills will go to jail
We need to start attaching consequences to the constant lying of these traitors.
Does Trump hypothetically have the power to abolish the NSA? Or cut all funding? Fire all workers?
All kinds of Snowden docs and graphs are and have been available at the Intercept for years now. if nothing happens to Shep i am quitting 4chan because you are all faggots.
The official senate approved appointees are important to be sure but I'm betting he's relying on his family members A LOT to manage day to day affairs and ensure his will is carried out.

Ivanka is probably as tapped in or more than Pence.
you're either a highly autistic retard savant or a paid (((social media influencer)))
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfgIOlDRZSw

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



Your busting class Bravo airspace, Goose.
if the next post is an irrelevant link dump, you've told the latter truth
11th division support battalion reporting in
The truth is that trump is and always has been 44 steps ahead of them. They know he isn't an imbecile, that's why they are freaking out. If he was some retard they would just puppet him. They can't. Nobody can.
he sucked their dicks
>Got back from the family farm last month.
What is the family farm?

>The tide is changing against God.
>They know.
Who is God and who are they?

>Prior admin and big O are going to end up in GITMO.
>Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.
>pattern is full
>pattern is full
Explain pls.
Trump is and always Has bEen 44 sTeps ahead of eveRyone who doUbts him. a coup against Trump? yeaH rIght. tomorrow, demS wIll wake up aNd be disappoinTed once more. sHoEs will stay planteD on the ground. No coup wIll happen. It's utterly outraGgeous to say anythInG else. ITS inevitable.
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They can't touch him. The commie media can't touch him. The commie Hollywood can't touch him. And the commie academia can't touch him. He is an existential threat to their existence and their domains of control.

I love how this Sessions controversy was thrusted into the limelight as articles came out that Obama hired Valerie Jarred and moved her into his house to undermine Trump's administration, LITERALLY FUCKING SEDITION, wiped under the rug because of a coordinated media coverup by blowing up the Sessions 'controversy'.


fucking hell /pol/ why won't you let me leave and be productive for fucks sake stop being so engrossing

This. I've been asking all along where are these communications intercepts on government officials coming from?!?!

This is bullshit.
>Does Trump hypothetically have the power to abolish the NSA?
He's got a fucking big army backing him.
So who's on our side? The FBI? Anyone? Surely at least military intelligence.
>continue paying these fuckers

nah the get the block
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Soon. This 2000 character limit is problematic. There will be a series of posts tonight instead of only one.
FBI is definitely pro-trump. CIA is the leader of the globalist traitors.
Who is the guy on the left? Did they make a sex tape together?
>Your busting class Bravo airspace, Goose.
No points for second place.
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Older and non-ideal picture on the left. Did Smith kill him? Did he OD on some drugs and Smith was partying with him?
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Your main national export is shitposting, you're preserving the cultural heritage of your people, worth far more than a few spreadsheets.
The US IC hasn't been threatened like this since Kennedy
You are so based.
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we aren't making threats any more
we are making promises
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reporting in.
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Either way, the shitposts continue.
>Ivanka is probably as tapped in or more than Pence.

I need some reassurances about her. She's the apple of the Donald's eye but she has this way of injecting SJW shit into everything.
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Know your enemy: the deep state. There will be four posts tonight.
Sheps a fag
Do you mean 4 threads?
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bumping for excitement
Please destroy mcmufifns
dump the goods
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Four posts in one separate thread. The two introductory posts are up.
Yes. He could close NSA doors tomorrow. No congressional mandate
>Yes. He could close NSA doors tomorrow. No congressional mandate

"Unitary Executive Theory" = all executive power is inherited from the president, he can cut it off at any time, could disband the entire military overnight, etc
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Estonian 88th Bogg division reporting in
March the Army into CIA headquarters blow it the fuck out.
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So, the news is that shep is getting dumped tonight?
We can if we force them into the open somehow
If they want to oust trump they'd need to actually physically coup him.
But that won't happen, it would be lose/lose,
so they are sneaking around and jewing trump out of office
kek guides us. Please post a link here when you have the thread up.

anything that makes mcmuffin shut his stupid mouth.

praise kek
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Bump. Lets put an end to this bullshit once and for all.
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Stay strong Stevebro,
The people are with Trump.
I say let them try.
...let's burn these fuckers down.
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Supreme roleplay thread simulator

Just tweet him this


He'll probably just block you, but it makes him shut the fuck up for a few minutes.
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The other thread slid before anyone saw it so we will do it again here.

The deep state has erupted into a clandestine war between hostile elements loyal to their alternate power structures and friendly elements loyal to the US and its lawfully elected government.

Groups within executive branch agencies and the intelligence community view Trump as a threat to their entrenched corruption. This view is accurate because the administration is engaged in investigations to uncover this corruption and identify the elements trying to stop them. You're now seeing this in the emerging reports of the money funneled through the DoJ and about the Obama administrations’ efforts to maximize dissemination of information about his Russian probe. The FBI does have the names of over two dozen individuals who are believed to be sources of leaks. Another dozen individuals have already been removed from their positions but won't be prosecuted.

After the signing of the original travel ban, hostile elements within the deep state leaked information from transcripts of Trump’s communications with foreign leaders. These leaks came from DoS.

Hostile elements within the intelligence community followed by leaking selected information from Gen. Flynn’s communications. Flynn is widely loathed within the intelligence community and was threatening to reorganize and clean out the agencies, which made him a direct threat to these elements. He was also not liked by much of the White House staff due to his abrasive management style, so he had little support and was forced out.

They next went after AG Sessions. A mixture of hubris after the take-down of Flynn and desperation because arrests are imminent prompted this attempt. They’ve so far failed because Sessions is a savvy politician with many favors owed to him by others in DC.

Kushner, McMaster, Donald Jr., and Pence are now targeted. You're seeing leaks from Gen. McMaster’s Army personnel file and leaks of Kushner’s communications.
Sharia Blue please go.

So what do you want?

You haven't offered a vector.

Why do you bring this here, what is it that you are not allowed to do, that must be done?
What older thread? I thought this was the oldest thread.

Also brb reading you
There will be a series of educational posts about the deep state, its efforts to disrupt the administration, its methods and tools, and individuals involved. Use this information to help Trump. The friendly elements within the deep state are too few in number to provide much help and the administration is fighting nearly the entirety of DC. All information will be presented with independently verifiable sources when available. When not available, coincidences and links will be organized as cleanly as possible so that you can follow up on your own.

The posts will follow the outline below. These topics were selected for specific reasons and these reasons will be explained in each topic.

- Detailed description of the hostile and friendly elements within the deep state and coordination with hostile media and political organizations.

- A timeline and social network graph of the leaks, their contents, their intended recipients, their targets, and where known or suspected their probable sources.

- The legal authorizations for FBI, CIA, and NSA CI and CT operations.

- Information on their most effective tool, the NSA surveillance apparatus, including:
- An overview of NSA data flow and analysis pipelines including the XKEYSCORE architecture.
- Upstream collection methods - DNI including cable intercept programs FAIRVIEW/BLARNEY/OAKSTARR/etc., SMS intercepts with DISHFIRE, Narus units, voice over IP, and encryption attacks.
- Downstream collection methods – PRISM and other Patriot Act records provisions including the FTM unit, your tax records, and SARS via FinCen.
- Tailored Access Operations – stingrays and other fish, the exploit catalogs, The Shadow Brokers.
- Backend and analyst tools - ANCHORY/MAUI, BANYAN, HIGHSURF, Oracle GPEs, Analyst Notebook, SigNav.
- Automated analytics - SYNAPSE, CATALYST, PATHFINDER.

- Information about journalists who are most involved.

- Information about individuals within the intelligence community who are most involved.
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whaaaaaaa when they coming out?
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kek this calls for /dscg/ deep state coup general

At least daily.
Is there a way for us to hit them?
OP where is your Shep happening? So far you havent posted a single thing we didnt already know. We want to believe esse. So, about Shep...
do etttttt
Jesus lord if they go trying to scalp McMaster I'll have to really reconsider my opinion of that little bald man
Why? If they throw out trump, they could easy puppet pence though Ryan.
Are they that stupid to throw away a more long term victory in favor of an all or nothing?
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>but won't be prosecuted.
Fuck I want Flynn back.
Do those whistleblowers that have been discovered will finally lead to prosecutions? Fuck I want them stomped so bad. This is such bullshit.
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Give us the juice.
Bump. It's so great to finally have a thread that isn't a slide thread.
Why not spread memes calling to physically throw out the deep state if they don't cut this shit out
All it needs is one person to say "fuck it" and the milltary is banging down their door. Scare ((them)) shitless
>>but won't be prosecuted.
>Fuck I want Flynn back.
>Do those whistleblowers that have been discovered will finally lead to prosecutions? Fuck I want them stomped so bad. This is such bullshit.

None of them escapes justice, someone always has the names and the anger to do something about the names. The whole public knows what they did and it will never slide.
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>Don't sell out your country to it's chief geopolitical foe for personal power.

Wait... He did sell out the US to Israel? These folks who make sure that there will never be peace in the middle east? An endless flood of dead white soldiers, so that they can get their greater Israel?

Please tell me more!
I believe its because they should be prosecuted as the traitors they are. If Trump just kicks them out nothing will be accomplished in the long term. They have to be destroyed in one move, all of them.
Kill yourself, fagit.
where's the piss tape at?

no piss, no proof

>Why not spread memes calling to physically throw out the deep state if they don't cut this shit out

This thread is the prologue to the action you're speaking of, senpai.
wtf im with her now
Let me know if you want this linked in slide threads.
Now this is some high class LARPing
I mean
Besides the CIA and mabey some SS, there doesn't need to be bloodshed,we know who the traitors and suspected traitors are

Pls don't V& me FBI
post leaks kek wills it
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i got you senpai
Thanks for posting. Many anons would be more than willing to help in any way they can but our autism lacks direction. It's hard to organize here because if we start following anyone's lead then CIA shill's can walk in and grab the reigns.

If the God Emperor himself called for aid we'd be unstoppable, otherwise though it's hard to know who to trust.

Keep going
Do it
you are a stupid idiot
I like your style, but isn't all that stuff about NSA surveillance just information from the Snowden leaks? How does it help us (as far as assisting Trump goes) to simply know that the government possesses these tools?

Also, why does Shep Smith matter?
If they are informative enough than learning how they work will allow us to better play them.
autism the thread heres a (bump)
The sooner Fox kicks Shep, the sooner we can have him on TYT.
great thread, but in all seriousness though we can't let Trump get the nuclear codes.

nuh uh, you are times infinity!

She's also supposedly spearheading the human trafficking shit.
>Also, why does Shep Smith matter?

Shepherd Smith leaked leads to CNN and is trying to move over to CNN. Hopefully the information builds off of that and isn't just reiterating it.
Bump again
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can we PLEASE just speed this up and get to ayylmao disclosure already
Nice, every bit helps.
>a group exists that is so powerful that it can remove the POTUS through an information war
>you can stop them by retweeting this


>implying this isn't how bernie can still win

Bump for exposure
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They are trying to take down Sessions to scare him from investigating deeper into pizzagate.
Daily reminder that our patience has its limits, and one day we'll shut their dirty, lying, jewish mouths
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OP don't be kill pls!
Mega 12 dimensional world champion chess master, at it again.
this is either some high effort funposting or a huge fucking deal, win win either way
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i want to keep bumping this and spreading the KEK but i am very sick and need to go now
>be strong, for me
BUMP and here's some other fresh insider leaks while we wait for OP to deliver
op pls come back
War, war never changes
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reminder of who our true enemies are

how come i see so few mentions of AIPAC on this bored?
>seemingly random
Haha what? Their positions might be random but Trump picking them at all certainly isn't.
Start with ultimate Cabal goal in game - they want War with Russia & Trump is standing in the way. No one is questioning why Russia is the boogeyman. (?)
Number times Russia attacked USA = Zero. Countries that came to new USA aide in Am Rev War = Russia & France. Countries to USA aide in Civil War = Russia. Russia chief block against Hitler in WWII.
Now Russia prevents chess move by Cabal to destroy ME by preventing destruction of Syria.
Russia is the main puzzle piece that prevents the NWO lock down.
>The FBI does have the names of over two dozen individuals who are believed to be sources of leaks


oh shit op might be for real

When's the real thread OP
Starting now.
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may kek bless your soul
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The best thing you can do, if and when you decide to drop the hammer, is make sure you get prominent names on "both sides of the aisle".

May Kek give you strength.
I agree. There's something about her I don't trust.

The SJW thing, being so cozy with Chelsea. I don't know... I mean she grew up in uber liberal NY with I assume uber liberal friends. Something must have rubbed off.
Sigh...I knew it was too good to be true. We havent had a real insider since FBIanon.
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dont lose hope, keep your eyes open and be aware - it seems legit and is probably still on the escape chute gently sliding towards our holes to enjoy it.
Most FBI, Veterans on bikes, most Military, preppers, non-Wash DC Republicans.>>115028801
theres been two confirmable white house insiders (that ive seen)
It's just speculation but I think they want to destroy Russia for the EU
>Russia is broken up into a dozen countries that are automatically get added to the EU
>fuck Britain and France, they own most of the content now
If Hillary won
>Russia is Balkanized into EU states
>Hillary would have damn near erased the borders with Canada and Mexico
And bingo, NWO
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Trump was here a week ago
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The time for arguments is over.
It's trump or the war.

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Guys, now is the time. For those of you who aren't NEETS, think about taking some vacation next week.

Calling all hands to meme battle stations. REPEAT, MAN THE MEME BATTLE STATIONS.
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he is HERE
-Bogdanoffs bow to the Deep State
-Deep State in contact with aliens and has them detained in Area 51
-Deep State harnessed psychic-like abilities (see MK ULTRA and the Stargate Program)
-Control America with an iron but fair fist
-Own the military, the intelligence community, and bureaucracies nationwide
-Deep State is the direct descendants of ancient National Security Acts
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (DeepStatengrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Deep State babies
-Members of the Deep State have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51(which the Deep State owns)
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a Deep State who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with it
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Deep State bots inside you right now
-The Deep State is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Deep State bunker in Wilkes land?
-Teach people fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Deep State.
-The Deep State is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, the Deep State is a timeless state existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know its ultimate plans yet. We hope its a benevolent beings.
Lets go OP

We're ready for the sequel
Agreed. I'm done caring. He needs to declare marshal law, have these people arrested, then executed. This shit has to stop. He can't just keep sitting up there taking shots. They're going to eventually wear down every person around him.

SEQUEL POST NOW>>115001631
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>shill detected
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capped OPs posts for future reference
get it while it's hot
now why you gotta go and do a thing like make me cry?
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He has to do something. In reality, we've had zero public takedowns by Trumo.
(For autists: it's from Ice bucket challenge and the water is quite badly colored)
But they can touch everyone around him and that's what they're doing and it's working. Obama is actively and deliberately undermining him and he's doing NOTHING.
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great work anon, many keks will bless you
Fuck off calling everything a shill

You look like an idiot

One focus should be on the fact that Obama changed all these critical rules/laws only right before he left.

Target Obama and his last second schemes. Easier to do now that it's clear he's intent on continuing his subversion.

Another focus, as usual, the fake news media.
I'm just waiting for him to give us the word.
The moment he does, we all march right away, guns and ammo loaded up and ready.
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Bump to prevent this from being slid.

Thank you anon! You are doing God's work!
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seriously... whyd you photoshop those eyes?

really low energy, brockfag
Listen to the digits, OP. For the children.
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Technical Bump

Thx anon

Praise Kek
Proud of you, anon. Keep up the good work.
Where's the new thread?????
OP's new thread got slid, so he posted in this thread here:
fuck off with this shitty reddit meme you CREW cuck
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hopefully insider is about to drop it to calm these

shill related:
I feel like this whole thing is a jewish satanist bullshit psy op.

If the FBI and good elements of the anti globalist anti pedophile faction wanted to win, all they'd have to do is literally attack the cia, nsa, and other deep state agencies directly.

Since Trump controls the military, he'd instruct the military to kill those agencies and back the fbi.

After a small battle the 50k or so traitors, pedophiles, and child murderers who serve the jews will be dead, upon which Trump can order drone strikes on the rothschilds around the world, and execute the neocons and democrats who are part of the pedophile ring after being trialed.
What are they waiting for? I think that this is just the "deep state" pretending it is being attacked, when in reality none of them are dying, none of them are being defeated, they are just going to become more obscure.
I'm not crew dude, just bumping. Also Kenny Loggins is my boy.
Beyond spy vs spy. >>115029461
They started the 'Russians are coming' story line during the campaign. So they have been tracking and saving all Trump team associated contacts. Ex: "He had Borsch with vodka for lunch". With intent to sting with another "news" expose.
Public needs counter education about why Russia is not the enemy and would strengthen USA as an ally.
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How many data mining groups are monitoring Americans and their politics for various political groups?
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>Valerie Jarred
Trump said all along that Obama was after him, and the MSM freaked out.

How is Trump always right...?
What a faggy retard. Get raped in half.
Trump of course has his own trump card against this whole Neo-McCarthyism, the human trafficking arrests. Wait until Lindsey Graham gets caught up in it, he will sing so loud bringing everybody down inside the deep state.

Then it's day of the rope
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all of them
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If you post here you are on a list somewhere. But have no fear. It is better to die a free man then to live as a slave.
They are trying to drum up public support - the most critical element, despite what they'd like you to believe.

Give them your support and a little patience.
>Shill just shillin
How does it feel to sell your nation out to communists, just for a paycheck?
>He'd instruct the military to kill those agencies
Right. And the millions of normies just... don't erupt into chaos? And the country doesn't unwittingly become a literal police state?

And the world doesn't bat an eye?
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doubles of truths
>checked. blessed. etc.
many blessings from kek to every1 in this thread
Interesting thread
This man knows how to keep the fire! Right on brother. Overton Window is important.
Please KEK watch over Donald trump and the American people
Wikileaks published a list of all the companies a few years ago, literally hundreds of these companies, all run by ex CIA or NSA/GCHQ/CSIS ect, mining data (er, spying) and offering their services to foreign governments and political parties.

Should be treason but it's not somehow
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Trump will be executed live on all media outlets and everyone who voted for him will spend the rest of their lives in concentration camps.

If you voted for this man, you are a traitor to America. It's that simple.

We have a comprehensive list of your names, addresses, family members, and workplaces. You cannot hide from us. Anyone who attempts to barricade themselves in their homes with personal firearms will have their homes set on fire with them inside.

You belong to us, from the moment you are born until the day you die. If you step out of line, you will be punished.
>They are trying to drum up public support
People underestimate both the president's need for support, as well as the culture that a president can't culture.

It's not about the power of Trump's pen, it's his persona and his tweets.
>50k dead
>small battle
>more people involved then positions in government and several NGOs combined
He will. KEK keeps the fire!
too much DESU to be a real insider, disinfo shill detected
Being on a list tends to start losing significance when it gets into the tens if not hundreds of millions of people long.
Shareblue. We just learned to keep the fire. This won't work.
you have to go back
Why did Sergei Kislyak sit with Democrats during the address?
Okay what the fuck is that?
generic telecom cable under streets? or ?
how violent
This is what I'd like to know. Is it bait?
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YFW you are the government.
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really would like to see you try
So to redpill the normies? I suppose that could be important, butthen they should be applying pressure on hollywood jew moguls. Bring a few in for "interrogation" and I'm pretty sure their corporate policy will change overnight.

I still think this thing is a whole farce. The system is set up for humanity to be enslaved under their noses, and these dark occultist pedophile types are master actors. As their power largely depends on feigning strength, as opposed to actually having any real tangibly enforceable power.
Care to plunk a wager down on a civil war between an army of patriots and an army of literal faggot paper pushers?
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they are initiating the Trump under pressure mode
they'll not like the [Trump under pressure mode]
Recommend you contact Simon Parkes of Widby England. See his website. Have private consult for insights in deep state strategy for Trump.
Think Antartica.
Parkes is 3rd generation M15 /M16/ CIA.
Not with Machine Learning.

List can be eleventy billion people and just need one guy and a library like Tensorflow in order to automate surveillance of said list by telling it to learn everything you do.
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your boss is a pedophile. you willingly work for a pedophile. your grandmother is disappoint.
This. The only nation that did a serious, high tech, consistent, and complete surveillance of all its citizens was East Germany. It never had a day of peace and it fell within one lifetime.
Norks do not rely on high tech surveillance, they rely on brainwashing, native conformism, and low-level authority branches.
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So where is Snowden these days anyway? hmmmm
Brock will be executed live on all media outlets and everyone who shilled for him will spend the rest of their lives in concentration camps.

If you shilled for this man, you are a traitor to America. It's that simple.

We have a comprehensive list of your names, addresses, family members, and workplaces. You cannot hide from us. Anyone who attempts to barricade themselves in their homes with personal firearms will have their homes set on fire with them inside.

Sleep tight. The Day of the Rope approaches.
Cool I'd love to know. But isn't NSA yet elite owned? Owning it makes you able of making any amount of money, doesn't it, are elites to slow to do that, or is there a war for it right now?..
You're not reading the correct point. It's not the surveillance, it's trying to round up exponentially more people than you command.
The USA has 9500 nukes, the only nation which poses a threat to the USA (Russia) is also hostile to the pedophile jews. So they could arrange an understanding with them, as the banker families are Putin's enemies as well as Trump's.

As for the normies, most of them don't like the deep state. Everyone hates the cia and nsa, and everyone hates congress far far more. I don't think the citizens will care much if some cunt like Clinton or McCain get their head blown off.

After which the fbi and good parts of the cia could explain to the public what exactly happened.

The jews would certainly make moves to pile up nukes in Europe, so it may mean Trump will need to kill the governments of those countries too. Drones and the potential for nuclear war from the overwhelming power of both Russia and America combined would temper the remaining jews.
Part of it. We have stay behind folks there too
Thanks bro.

Op said 4 more tonight? in this thread or elsewhere?
Well presumably a good portion of intelligence agencies are pedophiles, sadists, or active contributors to their sick system of blackmail and abuse.
At the end of all this we will have to clean up Europe for a third time. Keep the fire!
I'm not. I want these people to burn. It's taking too long. He's giving them too much time to organize their resistance. The best defense is a great offense. You have to keep your enemy constantly on the defensive, give him no time to think, act, or even breathe while you wear him down.

That is EXACTLY what is happening to Trump. His economic victories are meaningless because he isn't winning the war. He needs to start rolling heads or they're going to find a way to get to his cabinet or his family and once those people are compromised he's toast.

Military investigations, military trials. All of the grass roots support he has is meaningless because this war is being fought behind closed doors. Where is our coordinated attack? Who is going to start moving these people off their spots and disrupting their rhythm? You can't just play defense man we have to strike back.

Liberals are weak people. You hit the big ones hard, cripple or destroy them, and the rest will fold. Every single victory he allows them to have entrenches their position.
Bumping this for the truth.

>legal loopholes that allow spying on Americans


I'd say those loopholes are grossly misinterpreted legislative words. Even if they fought tooth and nail for that bill, they are not on the same reading/comprehension level.

Remember, "no" means "yes" to some.
You and what army? Faggot. The military is not on your side. And they have the most firepower.

Nobody is afraid of you. Larp or not.
It's not about rounding up anymore, it's about censoring or discrediting through your choir of media barons who control 99.8% of the newspapers, radio, TV and internet providers because you have 24/7 data on your targets, running since 2008.

If you manage to break through the great barrier and become a popular persona then you may get rounded up
The public will get angry and call it fascism. They need to do it right, they need the people's support. But it's hard to do that when they control the media and are constantly attacking your members.
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it is bait, digits confirm
Checked but you're still doing it

>low IQ
I follow a right-wing poet and it looks like he's browsing this thread, he just wrote a poem using OP's image.

If you're the admin of www.thewesternwind.com and you're in this thread, you're a cool dude, I love your work
>Is it bait
kek may be warning us that it's a false trail.
As I said, make a few of the jews who run those organizations squeal, and the rest will fall in line.

Jews are cowards, and they'll do anything to save their own skins.
>Don't sell out your country to it's chief geopolitical foe for personal power.

>but selling them a large percentage of the country's uranium supply is a-ok
This is incoherent. Without fear of being rounded up then what do we have to lose?
Desu comment seems to be from imgur.
So basically, patriots in the government are exposing Trump's cronies and their corruption, and the only honest man on Fox News is being targeted in a smear campaign by the right?
I don't think they would be that stupid. It's too perfect.
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OP got whacked. Happenings have fizzled before our very eyes
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Ctr on overtime/suicide watch
Also what insider?
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Come and take it.
We will die in the streets and we will take you with us.
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Then shill. We are the establishment now.
mfw a usually mellow radio show I listen to at night is tonight talking about internet security, Google data mining, and NSA surveillance
Machine learning is nice and all, but there's minimal benefit to a system that tells you in advance that hundreds of millions of angry humans are going to be tearing down the gates of your power structure? Trust me, a lot of these companies that live off the government's dole are peddling shit products, because they're corrupt cronies just looking to make a buck.

Furthermore, machine learning is subject to a critical flaw, it needs data. That data can be good data, or it can be shit data. If only there were a place on the internet that generated an immense amount of shit data, one might even call them shitposts.

Now, drone deployed, genetically modified viral pathogens that could target individuals on a list....
>and they'll do anything to save their own skins.
including murder
someone better be saving these.
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Kek wills it brother. The fire must be maintained. Keep the fire!
Why do you idiots fall for this shit anyway?
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Naw dawg. You don't own anything in this world or the next.

We're here for the Emperor of Mankind, and he will lead us to a peaceful new world without (((you))) and your useless contributions.
refer to this for 'insider information'
still waiting for delivery

Supposedly a data collection or mirroring site. However due to the lack of cables in the shelves I'm thinking it's old.
So if Trump signed an executive order tomorrow to dismantle the NSA, would that solve the problem.
God damn it OP!!! You typing thumbs only? Get the fucking lead out, my body is ready!!!
We see it happening
icwatch faggot
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Basically what (((they))) want is to turn Trump's administration into typical neocon GOP bullshit by removing all people like Sessions, Flynn, Bannon and Miller that are preventing it, or to have Trump impeached. It's become plainly obvious. And the CIA/NSA will obviously help.
Fellow /pol/tards this might be our finest hour yet
We must defend the Donald from the kikes
We defeat Hillary and left once we can do it again

Even if there is a list, being on it means absolutely ass in terms of significance.

Your name is on a list. Whoop de fuckin doo
The absolute worst thing he could do is an action like that with Obama in his own bunker ready to scavenge the leftovers.

Better to employ them elsewhere, like, say, rooting out traitors from within their sister agencies would be a nice fucking start.
I didn't vote for Trump, but I think the Dems and Republicans and media pulling this Russian hacking horseshit are disgusting. Yet if they have ties with the NSA to oust Trump, I am worried. I think Trump is a piece of shit, but I don't want to see an American president manipulated like this. He was elected by the American people. He should not be taken out by some manufactured scandal.

Fucks' sake. The Dems could be arguing on any number of Trump policies. His immigration 'ban' was stupid. As much as that was overblown, you could sensible argue against how blunt it was and how that might not really weed out problems and about how bloated it was.

They should be arguing about real issues. Not making up some horseshit about hacking and rigging the election and secret Russian spies controlling it.

Fuck's sake. Hillary's horribly secured emails that got leaked showed she had plenty of foreign ties that were more certain than the evanescence of this Russian story.
There's nothing happening but walls of copypasta mate

Stop staying ((())) you edgy cunt leaf.
Know your ennemy.
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if your name isnt on the list KEK wont bless you
Well kek confirms people. You can't get digits if you don't post.
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the leakers are not patriots . they are traitors
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Besides, that goes both ways. I'd surmise that no matter their arsenal, millions of angry citizens who's parent child protective instincts have activated ready to tear theirt throats out would not bode well for them.

You would do well to remember that before issuing your pathetic threats. The boiling anger of humanity at their misdeeds has already lost them their power.

Violent lives often end violently. This is merely their karma coming upon them, and it will haunt them after they die when they are tortured in lower realms by their own sins.
They're patriots for exposing Trump's people communicating with Russia to help them win the election. They'll go down in the history books and probably get medals.
So you're telling me that Breitbart and the Zionists are actually the good guys?
Need new thread, not bumps
Insightful. Thx.
Also Russia has oil and gold.
Plus there may be a Putin/ Nordics vs. Cabal / Draco - star wars story line.
>for you
Oh cool Shareblue. Can you explain the cocaine in Patton Oswalt's house when his wife died?
they're going to die in jail
Might be on to something. Maybe shut down the NSA until he can get to the bottom of it. Although I have a feeling he knows, but is waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Helping follow KEK worshipers. That's how we keep the fire!
If Trump goes down, he becomes a martyr. Remember that he was elected as a pressure relief valve. If the pressure relief valve breaks, things explode.

>Fucks' sake. The Dems could be arguing on any number of Trump policies.
They can't because Trump's policies have overwhelming popular support. They need the Russian hacking bogeyman to attack him.
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Yeah I know Trump will, what a shame.
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Wasn;t there an insider/larpist who mentioned ides of march (3/15) as a big date? Feels like we've entered a period now where something has to give and a little under 2 weeks seems kinda right
Have any more info anon? I'm trying to build a fire over here.
You have such hubris. You fashion yourselves to be like gods, but you're a shell of a person who represents other shells, that rapes boys and girls to try and force your wants into reality. I will tell you like I told Obama a few years back. You're going to lose. There will be another golden age for humanity. That is, humanity. You fuckers gave up your souls a long time ago, which is exactly why you have to resort to luciferian sex magick to get your ways. You're losing. You will continue to lose. You will pray to the Creator that you have abandoned before this is all over.
>retarded traitor in charge of reading comprehension
trump is multiple people now?
"The Russians are coming!" Screams of a coup that fucking lost, just too ass blasted to fucking realize it.
How will we identify these posts?
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>and Pence are now targeted

There's a thing up today about how Pence used a personal email while governor of Indiana.

Stop posting on this website, FSB scum.
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>history LITERALLY repeats itself
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In Jesus Name
Our daily Thread.
-Fuck leftists
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welcome to pol.webm
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1900s was the century of the Jew. They've ruled over the world though finance with an increasingly iron fist since 1907.

2007 was the beginning of their end. 2016 is the year we could take no more of their robbing and raping of our countries and depriving us of our property with economic manipulations. Brexit and Trump are just the beginning - the page is turning.

The day has come when all of their lies have begun to collapse under their own weight and the truth will triumph.
Oh come on now, Shareblue. I got something to cheer you up. Can you explain why Patton Oswalt had cocaine in his house the night his wife died?
Obama promised change from Bush. He delivered more of the same. I won't vote for you or your party until you wake up and smell the shit.
Fuking time traveler

>Can you explain why Patton Oswalt had cocaine in his house the night his wife died?
you mean the night he murdered his wife?
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They're assblasted, because their literal lives are on the line.

Once the pedophilia, child torture and murder is exposed, I think most royal families, intelligence agencies, and really most institutions of power in general will be killed, viciously.

The people have a way of "snapping" in world history, in which when the best inside humanity is sparked by atrocities karma re-balances, and all hell breaks lose to punish those who abused.

In this case I expect it will be particularly bloody. As child protective instincts are some of the most powerful humanity has, and you can already feel the proverbial fire rising at this topic. The impossible anger which chokes humanity's soul when we see the abuse of children.

In this case it is the ritual abuse for probably thousands of years of kids. That is a LOT of karma to rebalance, and this type of evil always gets re-balanced. Their Lucifer and Saturn has abandoned them, and the cosmic re balance is beginning.

They failed to understand that Lucifer and Saturn, and all the dark forces really are not really on their side. They function as both tempter AND punisher.
>tfw no russian piss girl gf
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>Barron is the modern Octavian
And that's why we need to keep the fire!
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I have no sympathy for Sessions. For years he did nothing to reign in the NSA. Now its destroying him.

Trump could fight back by firing all the top and mid-level people at the NSA and by issuing a full pardon to Snowden and Assange. Oh wait, he said Snowden is a traitor. No sympathy for Trump either.
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We are a watershed moment. Godless worldwide elites have led humanity to sinful degeneracy at a level only seen a few times before. Soulless worshippers of Moloch have pushed godlessness, sexual degeneracy, homosexuality, transgenderism, racemixing, pedophilia, murder of the unborn, and even Satanic selfishness among other things. They have created brainwashing apparatus to get many of God's people to deny the natural intuitions of heart that flow direct from God through the conduit of the soul.

Just as in the past: God's wrath will come down upon these vile villainous snakes. God has sent a cascade of truth and revolutionary thinking into the hearts of men in order to destroy this old guard and cleanse the planet of this sinful degeneracy, islamic barbarism and satanism.

>Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
>He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
>He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
>His truth is marching on.
Man you guys are getting better. Shareblue, mind telling me where you guys go to happy hour? Or why Patton Oswalt's house had cocaine in it the night of her death?
Heard tell that:
(1) Probiotics &
(2) Zeolite flush out the nanobots.
Testify to (2).
uhh... you know the (((church))) has been directly involved in all of it for thousands of years, including during the crusades, right?
You would think that a religion about striving for perfection within yourself wouldn't contain violations of another lifeform's "negative liberties".

They give Lucifer a shitty name that the Church gives it as well. They make admitting to being a tender of the fire >>115041576
a terrible experience. They will assume whatever identity and they will answer.
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when trump gets killed.jpg
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>They failed to understand that Lucifer and Saturn, and all the dark forces really are not really on their side.
Dunno about other cultures but here all the stories about the devil are literally how he offers a deal and then somehow fucks you up finding a loophole in the deal. And devil is always not scary just sneaky. Guess it's not just fairy tales.

pay the toll.

And Marcus?

Please don't say Rubio
You know the Church and the fire are two separate things right? Come on Shareblue, you're better than this.
im not shareblue you fucking idiot. also try using memes that actually existed here before today, it makes your shilling less transparent.
It's complicated, not as clear cut as you describe.

No downside to supporting Trump for first 6 months to see his actions (not fake news spin).
I'm with this guy. /pol/ is fighting too hard for the neocons.
>They make admitting to being a tender of the fire

What do you mean by this exactly?

God is not the church. God is God, our heavenly father.

(((uhh... you know the (((church))) has been directly involved in all of it for thousands of years, including during the crusades, right?)))
It worries me even more than these lunatics may want things to explode and take control in the chaos.

It's disgusting that the Dems have become so fucking elitist that they don't give a shit about popular public support. They seem to want power no matter how.
I'm shilling for us? Is that not allowed now?
Gnostic without an organization.
>God is not the church. God is God
both true.
sorry moshe, but if you think you niggers in the vatican are getting away with it, you are wrong. topkek
Someone bake new bread plx


Kek demands you answer
its blatantly apparent that you arent from here.
>im not shareblue you fucking idiot.
Strange, you are as bad at typing as they are.
Shit LARP dude
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It's Naruto-tier, but I like it tripfag
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That' what evil is in it's essence. It's a temporary power trip, with extremely harsh penalties associated with it.

From what I understand, all men who die must face their sins. Not in the Christian hell per se of eternal fire, but a hell of their own making, of which they built for themselves with their sins.

This is a good lecture on the topic:



So if they've been torturing kids for fun, killing people for fun, engaging in all kinds of depravities, they literally get it all back at them in the lower realms of which they resonate with.
>crying about capitalization on 4chan
you fucks really are shilling here arent you? sad. what is this, TRS raiding or something?

The Church is not the same as the people inhabiting the Vatican
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Francois Fillon: French conservative candidate's home raided

>people who rape and murder children for occult and sadistic purposes want power at all costs

You think?
How so? I was here for power bombing election night. I was here for Anon5 thread back in August. I was here for the FBI anon threads. I remember Canada Girl and RedProphet. All recent examples. I am of you. Attempting to out shill Shareblue and keep relevant threads bumped. Or I could go to bed. Your call.
very well then. the 'people' inhabiting the vatican have been directly involved in all of 'it' since its inception.

also makes the dues vult LARPing pictures cringe worthy as fuck, considering a lot of them were in on 'it'.
Stealing memes is alright. We are a form of info pirates.
hes a disinfo agent, btw.
>How so?
by you spamming a meme that was never used here before.

i dont give a shit if you are bumping this, thats good. just try to make it less apparent you are a foreign entity.
what in the royal fuck? where is OP with actual new info? is there a new thread?
>hes a disinfo agent, btw.
>from a shill each of whose posts is the most obvious butthurted shilling
Not surprised desu
nope it's brietbart rat leaker
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Apologies for the delay. We had trouble getting this into a reasonable narrative in less than 200 characters. It's broken into two posts.

Shepard Smith has repeatedly, for twenty five years, demonstrated the behavioral patterns of a rage-filled, sexual predator.

In 1993 Shepard Smith divorced his wife of six years, Virginia Donald, and moved to Miami. The couple had no children. The divorce records from the state of Florida were sealed. While working as a reporter in Miami for WSVN, he first met a man named Jeffery Epstein.

In 1993, he was sent by his station on assignment to Haiti to cover the political turmoil in the nation. Being held at gun point wasn’t the only thing he got involved in down there. Epstein, through his connections with the Clinton Administration, introduced him officials in Haiti who could help him obtain young men. He can be placed in Haiti during the time by news footage.


In 2000, while covering the Bush-Gore situation in Florida, Shepard Smith intentionally struck a female reporter with his vehicle after screaming profanity at her. The attack was buried and Smith received no punishment after the victim “settled”.


Oh god as if we can't make new memes based on late 70's early 80's soft rock. The horror! Everyone must post the same. We aint the Borg man.
>We are a form of info pirates.

Dude, small red pill: The pirates where Jews who got kicked out of Spain. Thats why they hated the spanish christian king, and robbed their fleets.
Why do you think the pirates had ships? (((Merchant))) ships!
he denied any involvement of the (((elites))) in occultic practices until pizzagate broke. that alone confirms he was disinfo.

i pressed him extremely hard on the issue from thread number 1. hes a piece of shit. cuckchan needs to stop worshiping LARPers (not saying this thread is a LARP thread).
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God has the system designed really really well.
Choosing to do right wouldn't mean anything if there wasn't temptation to do wrong. And those that choose to do wrong often get away with it... for a time.

People ignore the sense of right and wrong they feel in their soul and embrace satanism: "end justifies the means" ruthless Machiavellian selfishness. They lose faith in God and feel that they can get away with any number of sins and escape judgement. Well, no one escapes ultimate judgement.

Every so often God must bare his sword upon some of the most blatant sinners and nudge man back onto the path of righteousness.
So there one more to come tonight

You have a nice writing style anon.
I assumed it was because they stole them. I'll look into your claims potential shill. Keeping my eyes on you
Go on...
Jews confirmed for the ones disrupting the board.
make a new thread brother

That's why the vatican establishment is in a fucking shadow war with the Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus and a bunch of other Catholic organizations... they know that the pope is a subverted commie.
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bump to keep the fire going!
Got anymore info?
Yes brother, keep it burning bright. Remember the fire cleansing flame we heal all in time, if we keep it.
In 2010, Smith reported a series of stories intended to assist Clinton Foundation associated organizations move orphans from Haiti after the earthquake.


In 2011, shortly after Giovanni Graziano joined Fox News as a production assistant, the 50+ year old Shepard Smith became romantically involved with his then 24 year old direct subordinate. This was reported in tabloids.

In 2012, Graziano was promoted to associate producer at Fox Business. He has not been promoted since. Other associate producers at Fox News had more experience when they were promoted to Associate Producer. Matt Schiavone had two years as a production assistant and a year as an editor before being promoted. Jennings Grant was a production assistant for two years and a booker for a year before her promotion. Lauren Hans held a variety of positions for seven years before her promotion. Christina Marazza was an anchor and executive producer at a regional before her promotion. You can confirm these facts on LinkedIn.

In 2013, Smith physically assaulted a waitress named Katya Minskova. This was covered in tabloid publications.


In 2016, Shepard Smith announced his homosexuality shortly after Roger Ailes was forced to resign and made cryptic comments about Ailes’ “betrayal” of his trust.


Recently, Shepard Smith has become sharply anti-Trump. This shift has come at the same time thousands of human traffickers were arrested and coincide with rumors of him and other homosexual anchors at other networks being in close contact with Alan Dershowitz, a long-time friend of Epstein who assisted Epstein during his pedophilia case.

One should believe in coincidences. They happen every day. One should not trust twenty five years of coincidences.
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you look very very scared

what did shep mean by this?

never trust them
Saw that post re Kisylak bunking with the Dems - need to think about that. He may be double agent or just enjoying the joke.
Not likely Putin pro Hillary. He probably feels she is stupid enuf and greedy enuf to sell her country's resources (uranium). He'll buy.
Both Trump & Putin are pro-peace (except Putin wants Ukraine back 4 more reasons than will state now). Trump knows its best to be cool on Russia while the news-spews are playing. He's got many logs on the fire now.
Thanks to whomever directed me here from a different thread. Everyone needs to see this.
Largely accurate, although externalizing God is another cult of El (elite) psy op.

Everything is part of God, in that our spirit, free will and consciousness are of God, and our ability to manifest will ties into this. We are however individual neurons within the mind of God.

Our ultimate goal is to become one with "source" or one with God. Not to BECOME individual Gods. Which is the perverted saturnic (or satanic) ideology.

The cult of El worships Lucifer and Saturn (El). The fallen angel and the snake (Satan) himself.

Lucifer and Satan are not evil per se, but rather they are tasked with tempting the evil in men in order to create a duality between God and "not God".

The further you get away from patience, mercy, love, higher consciousness, and piety, the further away you are from source. The more you tend towards the lower realms, or frequency of evil moralities. This system as far as I understand it exists to motivate all sentient beings to ascend to becoming one with source, and to tend towards ultimate good (God).
Friendly reminder we can win.
Night of the long knives
Why is he still at FOX then. I would think he'd be fired. Unless FOX is not on our side... Which is probably the case.
checked...and what does this mean for news about smith today?
Appreciate it OP.

Can you confirm pls if this is ur last post so I can go to bed. Thanks.
>That Jew witch wearing a Maltese cross.
Catholic clergy confirmed to be pedophile cannibal demons
In 2000, while covering the Bush-Gore situation in Florida, Shepard Smith intentionally struck a female reporter with his vehicle after screaming profanity at her

you seriously thought (((FOX))) were actually genuine?

they are owned by rupert (((murdoch))).

never trust a jew. ever.
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someone look into and copy/backup all the links provided. screengrabs of everything
Thanks ausbro.
Are you lactose intolerant?
Fox not on our side

Fox is owned by Murdoch an Israeli citizen regan gave us citizenship.

Did give some balance to the Jewish voice in the media but make no mistake, fox is with (((them)))
I knew it was fucked. But then the Megan Kelly thing happened. He's the only one that shills as hard as he does. It felt off. Old normies turn him off and wait for his show to be over. Just trying to put all the pieces together.
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