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Toothpastes will defend this.

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Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 101

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Toothpastes will defend this.
Hey, wait a minute!
Luxembourg was Dutch clay.
You're French clay
im brit clay
You're French clay too
>French clay
Fuck off
Belgium too is dutch clay
We can just genocide the Walloon's, no-one wil notice
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>dutch cucks
>winning a land war

Spicy meme friend
Even though we were once a single country there is apparently no connection between the flags
Luxembourgians claim that their colors are based on some ancient coat of arms
Hi Luxembourg
You are all 4th Reich Clay

You're all God's clay.
Then how did we become independent
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totally different.jpg
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>His flag is colored bars or a cross

>Faded Dutch.
Waaait a second. Wait. That kinda looks like.. What? No, can't be. But... What?

LUXEMBOURG? Come here at once, you little rascal!
They all copied theirs from ours though
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We made that happen. No need to thank us
Come on, that's comparing apples with a shitty third world country fruit!
That's just perfect, since God happens to be on my side

You stole a bunch of land for Poseidon.

Day of Wake will one day wash you away.
joke's on you I'm indupendunt
fuck you dad
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Did you know that Ireland shares its flag with an African country?
>Britbong and their knowledge of history

We always fought the French and even handed over that Armenac whore Joanna of arc to you.

I think that if we were to stack the amount of land surrendered by NL versus land surrendered by the UK you're in for a shock.

I mean, you even threw the Rhodesians under the bus because you couldn't surrender more land.

it's pure coincidence
>what is the Franco-Dutch war of 1672
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Chile BTFO.png
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t. clean Romania
Well obviously considering that Britain created the largest empire in all of history.
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Daily reminder the Dutch are whiter than burgers, bongs, frogs and krauts
Ours looks better though
>implying you'd make it passed the superior British navy

We rule the European waves, swamp nigger.
Potato niggers paying homage to their kin
These days
Yeah but the U-boats kicked your ass in both wars
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Half of u is Mexican clay
You lost quite some painful defeats to these swamp niggers.

That you had to call off the war and then beg for money.
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the polish colony of somalia.png
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Come and take it, Pablo.
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... and consequently gave it to Jamal willingly, cucking out whites left and right
Dam niggers stole my flag.
So did you search for Operation drumbeat.
>they actually think they had a better navy
Oh yes, that's why Germany invaded Britain. Oh wait...
>What is Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US
We're the only reason why whites reside outside of Europe. We are the true master race, swamp nigger
You got swamped :^)
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btw boats have picrelated as flag to avoid confusion.
There are people who want it as the official flag too
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Hardly. We haven't been invaded in a thousand years. Call is up again when you want us to save your ungrateful arses from German imperialism
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>w-we are the master race

Does a master race sell out its women to get raped by Zimbabwe rape gangs kicking them off their farms?

That's what I thought.

Besides, the US was built on Germanic immigration, the other countries are liberal shitholes that cuddle up to their natives. Go figure.

>master race
t. choclate-strawberry-vanilla ice cream
Dude you got cucked by the house of Nassaus.
William III of "England"
>We haven't been invaded in a thousand years
pretty sure, being surrounded by water had a lot to do with it
Lol what's the point of that when you're Landlocked?
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>US was built in Germanic immigration
>cuddle up to their natives
Have you read what we did to the natives, swampnigger? We have to treat the remaining ones well. We are civilised after all
N E V E R I N V A D E D I N 1 0 0 0 Y E A R S
>the island defends itself
wow, continentals are dumb as fuck

>making excuses for degeneracy
>not knowing history

>master race
>have better navy
>still get your ass handed to you
>what are rivers?
>muh krauts
Every single one of the founding fathers were Anglo and they hated Germanic niggers. Because that's what you are, niggers. Britain has invented more than every single europoor """country""" combined. You're irrelevant.
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Dr Pavel, I'm CIA.
Where do you think the word Saxon or Anglo comes from?
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Yes, my peenus weenus of course, my peenus weenus.
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>more bullshit history
>y-you're n-niggers

>weakest UNSC perm member, no one really knows why you're still on it
>rampant separatism
>pakistani rape scandals

>master race
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>tfw we got there first
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>lived in Texas all my life and am ashamed to say I still get these flags confused occaisonally
vote Wilders if you don't want to be Morocco 2.5
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>we wuz anglos n shieeet
No, you're a subhuman. All you mainland scum are.
Why the fuck did you breed with the natives
>Inventing everything, conquered the entire planet and spreading our seed all over the globe doesn't make you the master race

Oh sorry, yes. It was them autistic Krauts that have never achieved anything who are the master race.
So how's the Saxon part of the Anglo-Saxon tribe doing these days?
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Rubbing my vote day form as we speak, don't pander to Anglos.


>literally a map informing him US has been taken over by Germanic seed.
>taking pride in getting blacked
>b-but muh past glories

>master race
>gay blue vs. true blue
red, white and blue flags are the most unimaginative anyway.
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Our flag is so sexy even the Russians stole it.
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>bragging about being a rapefugee
you share your colors with fucking Belgium
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Look at that uncolonized history my Germanic brother :^)
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>bragging about getting fucked by rapefugees for the last 60 years
They hacked it
Actually the retarded Walloons wanted to copy the French flag.

So they came up with this flag.
lol the dutch are about the same level of sell out s britbongs are, if not more

dumbass nationalist larper
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We're genetically Celtic but culturally Germanic. Bend over for the big Celtic cock you subhuman kraut.
Yeah, we have our problems but you're fucked altogether. You're already fucked but you have France and Germany right next door and they're filled to the brim with shitskins. You'll never leave the EU, swamp nigger. You've always been Germany's little bitch boy and that won't stop now, so enjoy the refugees.
fuck toothpaste, pineapple all the way bitch

London is missing its minarets
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>Pandering to Anglos


I'm sorry I can't hear you with Trump's schlong down your throat, explain that to me when you're done servicing.

>taking credit for brexit, it's march, no article 50
>Lords literally voted to keep Slavic seed around
>still no word on pakistani rape gangs

>master race

stop posting that child fucker
Yep that why you treated people from Wales and Ireland like bro's right.
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The whole Mexico is Spanish clay
The welsh are alright. They still speak their language, unlike the Irish.
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fuck luxembourg
literally judodiasporastan

also fuck dutch government
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>posts random shit

Here let me just post this national leader of yours shilling for shitskins.

>muslim major of London

oops wrong one my mistake
All of u is Spanish clay
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I'm bored of you now

>literally surrenders an internet argument because ran out of land to surrender

>master race
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Truth is half of that land was sold to you by the Dutch and we still have the cash, while you lost most of the land.
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Being wrong all the time must be a tedious affair.
But that is simply not true.
Then other slavs stole it. Dutch flag inspired 80% of slav flags
I like your flag
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>the irony
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Why are the dutch so fucking stupid in this thread

>hahaha Britain, I know you had the largest empire the world has ever seen but you don't now!
>hahahaha Britain, I know you had a superior navy to ours but we beat you a few times

None of you will literally know how it feels to be British and have your superiority so already established worldwide that people will climb over themselves looking for a single victory against us, then get so damn proud of it. It's hilarious
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Its just a French copy with black red yellow colors of the Flemish-Burgundian Black lion.
Finders keepers. :^)
Nah started with bong calling them Germanic swamp niggers.

Escalated from that.
Taking him seriously was a big mistake 'cause we're Germanic too though right?
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>more butthurt anglos projecting insecurity through past glories
>trying to project on that on a country with a per capita welfare level that far exceeds their own

You lot are so fucking sad, go rot in a museum where you belong

Hahahah oh fucking lord you have to be doing this on purpose, right? It's a joke, right? HAHAHAHAHA

>It's just one of our old flags they took out of the trash
Bongs in this thread are acting like retards though.

>hahaha Britain, I know you had the largest empire the world has ever seen but you don't now!
How great of us to back-stab the whites we left behind, I totally agree :^).
>hahahaha Britain, I know you had a superior navy to ours but we beat you a few times
It did get beat a couple of times, the navy is literally meme-tier.
Sorry about kicking your ass in the war you missed Juan.
What a disgusting traitor you are. Probably a Scot.
all of you is rightful American clay
Yeah, waves of immigrants
Nigger you are 100% a dutchman behind a proxy.
Made me kekkle
>this meme again
this should be real thing ples
Brits disgust me
You caused Belgium to exist and now you constantly mock it
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You're Danish clay
Russian clay
French clay
Russian clay
German clay
British clay

Damn, thread is full of clays!
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Без названия.png
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>tfw you are aquafresh too
Mongol clay
Yea you are Mongolian/Viking clay

The clays keep on coming
But Pskov was never conquered by Mongolians...
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woah...getting triggered here!

Discount Aquafresh, at that.
Don't forget the time when the English literally put the Boer women and children in concentration camps so they could surrender the rightful Boer clay not even half a century later too.
>German clay
If anything it would be Spanish clay
>french clay

you went to far this time putin
Habsburg actually which makes it Austrian.
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Spain is a German clay too...

You mean Swiss?
Those are some ugly flag colors.
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t. Inhospitable tundra
>tfw it's all Carolingian clay in the end
But the Lithuanians did so you see Lithuanian clay
wat voor kanker
>independent counties and duchies
>Spainish Empire
>Dutch Empire

Pretty straightforward.
He was born in ghent so if anything Austria and Spain are Flemish clay
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>impliceren dat die daar nog wonen
I know that. I just pointed out that the Habsburgs originated as minor swiss counts.
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crying mexican.jpg
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We beat your ass and even paid for the land. No wonder you're still pissed, beat like a hooker.
Figured I'd just tag on to your reply to catch the reply chain.
Minor Swiss counts, didn't know that.
Good one, South Texas.
In my case avoiding the burocratic hell which is registering a 30 years old boat in my home country!
Also cool flag
No, celts are real cuckolds, all history they suck Germanic dick. Nuff said.
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typical irish.jpg
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Iberians and Celts in general suck alot of foreign cock.
>pic related
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Good one White Horse Eagle

and the dutch bros helped us, why you being a cunt to colgate
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That's actually a pretty cool name to be quite honest family.
>What's your name?
>White Horse Eagle. What's yours?
hi mom
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Wrong, MY NAME IS -

>song title related
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Originality isn't a strong European trait.
This triggers Brits.
Rich fuckers with big yachts and shit.
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pastecucks BTFO
Genghis clay
Serbia toothpaste isn't fresh at all.

Who wants mustard yellow in their posthaste?
bumping for the keks

>today OP was NOT a faggot
and taller. Brits are manlets as fuck lel
t. horizontal Peru/lightly colored Latvia

Be a good sport and delete this.
>franse spion


Beaten and dominated by manlets.

I'm surprised you lanklets can fit on a ship.
Why is the Dutch flag not the orange white and blue one? It's so much more distinctive
It feels good knowing that Spain is the only uncucked country in europe as of lately.
Thanks based Franco, you protected us from the degeneracy.
Since you got conquered by muzzies 1500 years before everyone else in Europe that's the least ou can do.
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nederlandse flag.png
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>litteraly being at war with almost all of europe
>still take over england
>use crooket teeth to fuck the frensh
Thanks for the flags, losers
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>the only uncucked country
Pablo, I....

>that feel when your flag is so unique that it will never been mistaken for others.

Maybe you should've convinced the Germans that they were Jews.
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I know right.

Sadly it's considered raciss today.

Saint Andrew's Cross flags are best tbqh
Thats a shop if I have ever seen one before.

I can tell the pixel changes are obvious.
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Go back to >>>/int/

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learning your flags is a pain in the dick
Sweden and Norway is also danish clay.
20 years "ownership" does not count. Spain is rightful lord of Mexico, you rapeslave tortilla nigger.
Spanish clay is muslim clay.
we based french flag on dutch flag

we took the united province as inspiration to build are new state after the revolution
We have Mussert to blame for that shit
Tricoloure is an even gayer flag than Swedens and Swedens flag is inspired by the Ranunkel.
Only 2 of those flags actual aquafresh nations. The rest are just niggers.
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Luxemburg is a rebellious province, just like Flanders and... well, let's not talk about Wallonia.

They will join the fold again eventually.
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Führer Baudet shall lead our purification of the francophones.
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Colgate and Colgate plus whitening action. I don't see anything wrong with this.
According to the Mexican American war, most of you is rightful American clay that we were nice enough not to take from you.
1689 never forget.
>Thierry Baudet
>niet zelf een fransman
Dat is de ironie.
Hij eindigt zelf ook in de baguette oven.
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Trump Emperor.png
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The Western Hemisphere is U.S. clay.
Manifest Destiny, Paco.
>Pandering to Anglos

He is an anglo, that's this britbong making bait threads about France and Germany every fucking day and shitting on Europe while not even living in its own goddamn country.
I'm your clay.
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Too much hate is this thread. The eternal anglo is our friend.
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now that's what i call a daring synthesys
>holland is a real country.
Wow look you won a battle
>Wow look you won a battle
conquered England*
If they're fighting Belgium its not out of the question
Redpill me on the Zulu wars. Is it true you lost a battle to spear-chuckers?
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ierland en oranje.jpg
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And genocided some Irish.
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Luxembourgish political parties.png
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We're extremely cucked.
Wtf are they thinking with a Social democracy. Like really how would that even work in Luxembourgh

Hi, son.
Polandball originated on /int/ in 2009. You disgusting newfag.
>Polandball originated on /int/ in 2009. You disgusting newfag.
Who fucking cares lmao it's humor for 12 year olds
nice ifunny.co watermark

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most ancient flag since 5ever
>American education
It's basically what we have already.
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>not acting like a 12 year old on the internet

But you seem to be doing very well
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International waterways and planes.
And boats, yachts that people take to other countries, we're not poor like you so people can afford those.
In what sense?
Ecomically, Socially. Atleast that is what I was always told
Economically yes. Socially, I'm not so sure.
disgusting nigger
How are you not sure? You live there right. Tell me pls I need to know Luxembourgh from a fellow /pol/ack
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Oh God dammit....I hated trying to learn these flags in world history and Geography! Why the fuck are you assholes bringing this subject and ptsd back?!!!
>how are you not sure.
That was a kind of sarcastic comment; I am sure: it's ok. If by socially you mean as in what people think it's generally what American liberals think I suppose. Not ridiculously leftist but most people seem to be on the side of
>muh wage gap
>Trump is bad
>Taxes are good
>muh wage gap
>Trump is bad
>Taxes are good
That's what every goddamn bluepilled motherfucker in Europe thinks. What is the opinion on Islam and Refugees?
Yeah that's what I mean by ok. Same shit for Islam and refugees. Nothing crazy. Although I've met several people who are legit Marxists and Maoists. Tried to rope me into joining their shitty party. Of course they are all from fairly rich middle class families.
t. non-Muslim Malaysia
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Got it
Dutch anon signing out
Dump the Walloons, and we crucify Juncker first. Also, Belgian royalty must be banished.
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how much enrichment do you have?
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This just in!
>Speaks retard German

Thinks anyone will actually take you seriously.
A scary amount recently. I remember a time where I never saw fully veiled shit-skin women. Now it's fairly common. Saw a family of 100% white Muslims the other day. Horrific. To be honest though more blacks wouldn't change anything since our chavs (we call them luxos) are the most nigger-like white people you will ever meet.
>my sister unironically wants a united states of europe
Yeah that's a common thought here too.
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>mfw a toothpaste has an mutated eagle
How can you fucking say such a thing with a straight face
my teeth are mustard yellow
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I was in Diekirch years ago when I was in army, but also Echternach recently (family) I noted some increase but no way as much as overhere or Belgium
pic unrelated
I don't know. I really don't. I'm not sure about over in Holland, but over here a lot of people go to schools which primarily teach (in the humanities) things about Europe and the EU, and they're rarely overtly negative. It's a kind of indoctrination.

However I remember studying how the EU functions quite a while back in a geography course at high school and it was so abstruse and flawed that I was surprised nobody else was disgusted by it. I've carried that with me.
mine too, also my cousins. They get massive indoctrination in schools, I have no other explaination. She (sis) always say the debt crisis etc. only can be solved together, with a common effort.
People overhere all too readily throw away their freedoms just for the vague perspective of some breadcrumbs provided by government.
Bros will we ever fight together to defend our nations and our beliefs? Will we ever retake Constantiople?
Why the fuck do people so willingly give away their freedoms? I constantly have discussions with people who see no problem with the fact that certain speech and clothing (nazi) are banned in Germany.
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Holland topelement.jpg
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>Bros will we ever fight together to defend our nations and our beliefs?
From what I see people won't move their ass until there indeed is an economic/societal breakdown. One achieves nothing with rational debates.

>Will we ever retake Constantiople?
We're not Orthodox, it is their burden.
I suppose so
It's extremely weird
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There was a Norwayanon with an interesting theory, sadly I didn't screencap it. Basically he says our ancestors had to survive several ice-ages (cold phases), we survived because the leader knew how and where to hunt mammoths, wild boars etc. which lead to high trust societies where leaders, later feudal lords, were followed blindly because they had the best for their clan, people in mind. This changed when we were taken over by an ideology originating in the Levante, where never has been a life-threatening environment and cheating, tricking and betrayal were a normal behaviour in the upper classes.
Those ice caps cant melt fast enough
>especially if the brother has died of AIDS
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This triggers the swamp nigger.
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don't be racist
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Explain this.
our flag is better
AHHHHHHHHH what the fuck is this. Delete this now!!!!
thats not the irish flag retard
Hello Texas
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lux femmequibrule.jpg
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you're racist again. You made this black woman burn herself
What the fuck is this.
>french clay
its german-french-dutch clay mate
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When the potatoniggers left Africa to colonize Ireland, they chose to keep their flag but reverse the colors.

t. historyfag
How's it feel to be even more of a non-country than belgium?
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Hey you luxembourgers, if you see my ggreat aunt, wish her a happy birthday.

Also is "tip top" a legit way to respond to what's up?
Mauritius was Dutch clay too. (Named after Mauritz Van Nasseau)
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Every time I see a Chile post I briefly think, "how come Texas gets their flag up here and not all the other states?"
>chile flag 1817
>texas flag 1839

texas btfo
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Yes it is.
luxembourgish masterrace
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netherlands should use this flag
>year of the lord 2017
>still using tiptop
quite odd
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More like French GAY!

I really think you underestimate the defense bonus Russia has.
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Fake news.
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had a good laugh
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