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Thread replies: 258
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OK, now I fire all my labor and deny them access to my capital. Get on with making the iPhones, then
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Nice bait scatinavia
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Libtard tweet thread?

labor that was paid for

not labor that was directed under a tyrannical regime like Communism
Capitalism made it possible.
it's spelled LABOUR you fucking spastics. I hate how you cunts have mangled the Queen's English.
How is it bait? How can factory workers make iPhones without their employers' capital?
Sort of OPs point
When the proletariat rises up and kills all the intellectuals, who would possess the knowledge and technical skill to build an iphone?
>robots are the ones responsible for mass producing apple products
>robot rights

Yea, about that one...
English is a filthy language, there is hardly a pure way of spelling it
>OPs point
OP had no point, he just made yet another "really makes ya thank xD" post so he doesn't have to put in any intellectual effort himself in making his thread
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You are correct. Capital is essential, and why capitalists are necessary.

If labor could create things without capital, than they could do it in our society now. Nothing is stopping them. Organize and build their own things. But they can't, and so they don't.
Capitalist innovation to corner or adapt to existing; or create new markets; fostered the innovative spirit that allowed the rapid advancement of technology in your phone whose total sum of parts had come to be known as a "smart phone". Centrally-planned economic governance wouldn't have achieved more than the brick phone with proboscis antenna if it chose to invent civilian cellular communication at all.
textbook tactical autism
Does anyone even say "Capitalism made X?" When people point out the hypocrisy of Applefaggots and Starbucks addicts they aren't talking about how shit is made, they're talking about the system that makes it all possible.

>well-compensated labor
>company free to sell their product under any conditions they desire
>consumer free to choose to purchase product or not based on said conditions

What an awful alternative to communism! There's no fucking way that guy is this retarded on purpose. Has to be an elaborate ruse.
>muh labor theory of value
When will this meme fucking end?
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Capitalism allowed for the experimentation and ideation that ultimately led to the creation of the iPhone. It would not have been invented in any other system.

Name one (1) invention from soviet Russia. The Soviets copied industry (though it must be said they implemented it rather efficiently), they copied the bomb and they copied the space program. Sure, they had their own scientists working on that shit but it first had to be pointed out to them, by capitalist nations, that these things even existed. New ideas simply do not arise in a communist state. Meanwhile, the West invented the radio, computer, jet engine and the MRI-scan.

Communism is, under some regularity conditions, actually quite capable of keeping things running. It is the ideation process that absolutely requires a free market and a climate friendly to entrepreneurs. Progress beyond what is already there is nonexistent and this is what ultimately kills the communist nation in the zero-sum game that is the world.
Fuck you. The world doesn't revolve around the toothless Brits and the cunt across the pond.
No, innovation is incentivised in a free market.
If this fat cunt thinks he'd have his iPhone in the soviet union he's beyond deluded
Stalinist Communism wasn't real Communism. Try again sweetie.
yeah all economic systems are equal
>t. Not a Superpower

t. Superpower
*sips semen*
These faggots don't know what competition and innovation is. Apple is a product of marketing and not so different from other PCs, phones... Then why their prices are higher? Marketing.
>and all their variants
>promising libcucks hillary and freedom from nazis
wew, someone had a great business idea for milking tons of money
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Oi cunt, nice imperial system you got there

Why do all of these left-leaning faggots assume that owners and management do no labor?

This is Arthur Chu, so I fully believe his point is that Communism would also make iPhones.
Why the fuck would I spend time inventing a fucking iphone when no cunt will pay me my dues. Fuck that shit.
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Would this fucking guy just pick a side and stay there already?
DUDE we can barely feed people but yea we would have iphones
Whenever libshits tell you labor has intrinsic value, ask them what the value is of a worker digging ditches and filling them back is.
t. entire foundation of your country is based on the anglo saxon tradition
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Yes it was. I'd write a refutation but this anon already did it better.
anyone else think marx was a black man for the longest time?
do you think they made this intentionally ambiguous at the time?

English is God's language and when Christ returns to this Earth he'll spell it labour
Tip top kek
>britian caring so much about U's
Have a (you)
Communism has made quality products like the Yugo.
I feel you. Look at what mexicans and southern mexicans did to ours...
Meanwhile your queen gets mangled by ahmed
Labor doesn't know how the iPhone works.
>bring enough phones

Someone make a poster with a industrial robot's arm and text above it that says WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

Fucking commies still believe that workers are suffering. You're driving to work in a car that connects to your phone.
>The Soviets copied industry (though it must be said they implemented it rather efficiently), they copied the bomb and they copied the space program. Sure, they had their own scientists working on that shit but it first had to be pointed out to them, by capitalist nations, that these things even existed.
p r o o f s
No one before has done many of the things in the space program. From the first sattelite to the first man to the other many achievments. Moon landing is just a meme in comparsion.
Without profit seeking incentives, innovation is massively slowed down. Besides, everything ever made by communist countries is just a ripoff of something somebody else designed, be it the AK-47, their rockets, their consumer goods, or their automobiles, all communist creations are just delayed recreations (sometimes with improvements, most of the time not) of other, western innovations.

I once made myself look like a fool asking for a spanner in the US. Queen's English my arse.
>under communism, there would have been free trade that allowed a company like apple to be built, and there would have been researchers who werent pig farmers that would have been able to develop and build a computer

There is literally nothing wrong with this tweet.
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*helicopter in the distance*
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Capitalism made your shitty clickbait website
Ask commies if women get property rights over their vaginas.

If they say yes then it follows that food you consume is your property which means that the physical labour you exert is your property and it all falls apart.

If they say no then they advocate rape.

Commies are virtue signalling idiots so they always fall for this.
>the Queen's English
Fuck the queen and fuck limeys.
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>building a single rocket that can carry 65 million people and all the materials required to build their homes as well as food and water to sustain them.
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Labor did make the phone, obviously. You exercise some degree of labor every day, assuming you can get your fat ass out of bed, so that's besides the point. Capitalism just made it a great business venture for people like Steve Jobs.

Also, the "isms" don't determine who gets paid, they determine who gets paid, if at all, and if so, how much.
and we made our own rules and conventions because we're better than you
Capitalism provides incentive to further technological development, i.e. resulting in the iPhone.

Why do people try to into economics when they have no idea what they're talking about.

the only reason you were first at anything was because you were the only ones completely willing to disregard safety.

Also, Gagarin was not the first because he didn't land in his spacecraft, and sputnik is literally a metal basketball chucked really high by a V-2 rocket clone. Then you had the bright idea to use Devil's Venom for fuel and killed all you scientists and skilled rocket workers.
Please take all the shillary libs off this gay earth. Pls
>implying labor wasn't a tiny part of the phone's production
>Implying capital costs weren't a larger part of its cost
>Implying you can raise the necessary funds in a system other than capitalism
It's alright they probably don't know what a biro is either

Can't wait until it blows up on the launch pad full of libcucks.
allowing as many niggers as possible to rape your daughters?
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You literally are us, the American revolution was an anglo civil war, although admittedly you've been watered down a fair bit since then.

Also all of your "rules and conventions" were not made new, but heavily inspired by the English bill of rights from 1689
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suicide nets in the foxconn factory, making iphones
>living on gibs from Engels
>never worked
>no personal hygeine
>fucked and impregnated his maid while cheating on his wife
How is he not a nigger?
>capital can only be produced by capitalists
Don't buy them if you got a problem with chinks not falling to their death. Simple

The economy was controlled by a central planner as opposed to a free market where production is dictated by demand. the fatal flaw of all forms of socialism is the planned economy

>muh market socialism

Irrelevant and hardly successful wherever it's been implemented
>no neo nazis

i want this to actually happen, because by the time they get to orbit the left's definition of what a nazi is will expand again and suddenly half thier rocket is now a nazi
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He's still not getting those ads back.

No you didn't, the American Constitution is bog standard Liberal philosophy that was heavily based on British philosopher's like John Locke and other British documents such as the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta
There's a reason communists say "means of production" instead of capital when they mean the same things. They don't want to admit that once they seize the capital, they themselves become the capitalists.
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>tfw not a superpower anymore

It'll happen to you too one day
Take heart in knowing you were beat by white men atleast.

America will fall to mud people.
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funniest thing on 4chan in 8 years lol
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>being this butthurt
You got done in m8
A planned economy is not the same as a command economy. Our global economy is in many ways a planned economy, except it's corporations doing the planning according to demand and production capacity, and governments plan how to adapt to this.
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>and we made our own rules and conventions because we're better than you

is a stupid argument. Not hard to understand my response Sven.
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Americans are free to be as retarded as they want my friend
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>hurr durr it wasn't REAL communism
Whatever helps you sleep at night
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>butthurt since 1776
Feels good to still eat away at you queenfags
He is rather swarthy
But so are most Germans these days
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your flag's broken m8

A command economy is a planned economy, a planned economy is not always a command economy. Both economies are controlled by central planners.

People like to celebrate Norway as an example of successful socialism, why don't we celebrate Saudi Arabia as successful absolute Monarchy? It doesn't take much to become rich when you have large deposits of one of the most valuable natural resources. But there's a reason it all fell down for everyone else, it is unsustainable, central planners can never keep up with the constant shifting in supply and demand of millions of different products and the resources required to build each one, it's simply inefficient.
To be fair, we were being bankrolled by France while fighting the Brits, it helped us a lot.

Still tho, we're the best now. The UK is now our colony.
Capitalism is what directs labor to create useful products like smartphones, instead of redirecting that labor towards failing projects like widespread collective farms.

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>the UK is now our colony

go fucking die communist shills like your dead system.
The fact that you believe that could ever happen based on a telegraph opinion piece says all I need to know about you.
Honestly I know it probably won't but it's still funny.

Socialists hate performing labor.

See 20th century for more details.
Yes and capital-ism determined that those labourers had a job and got paid for it.
These fags think that poor asian women just sculp an iphone from stone or something and dont realise the capital it takes to get a factory running.

Also im bretty sure the majority of the iphone is made with automated labor and is mearly assembled by poor asian women.
yeah it annoys me too. it is almost as if there is no U in the USA.
Capitalism made your iPhone exist.

Labour manufactured it.

Snowflakes love to reward the mediocre and berate the excellent.
Well, he's technically right. (Assuming that apple hasn't automated it, in which case commies btfo)
But what he is wrong about is the idea that the workers don't get paid.
They do. Now china is not the best example because the government over their is shit, but in a capitalist system the workers agree to produce a good for a firm for a certain amount of money. In a sense, they are borrwing the capital to produce a good which they then "sell" to the firm. Assuming the government isn't doing something to allow a monopoly or deflating currency or whatnot, this is a mutually agreed upon transaction that benefits both parties: the worker gets paid, and the firm gets a product.
The firm then sells this product for a higher price, gaining a profit. Commies, in their infinite stupidity, have an issue with this.
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>I hate America
>I hate white people
What did he mean by this?
Under Capitalism, the person making the phone gets paid, and the person employing the person who made the phone gets paid. By the person buying the phone.

Who gets paid under socialism? And why even make a phone in the first place under socialism?

That he hates America, and that he hates white people.
His definition of make is too literal. Most of the iphone was made by op's comment.
>Russia copied the space program
>yet they won the space race
Are you sure you're not just retarded?
This gook needs to have his skull cracked open
>won space race

Last I checked, only one country has been to the Moon and surface of Mars
>The chinese solution to HR troubles
>English is a filthy language, there is hardly a pure way of spelling it
they are nordic rape babies
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>can't send people into space
>been to the moon n shiiiieet
i don't believe you
The Chinese sent a lunar orbiter around Mars and has photographed Apollo landing sites. There's plenty of evidence. And we don't have the means to go to space on our own right now because we retired our shuttle system because we're developing better ways of leaving earth.
liberals can literally not function without an apple product in their pocket to tell them what to do thru apps

Yes, by definition anything that functions as capital has to be produced by capitalists. Switching words around doesn't change what they define; calling capital "the means of production" is equivalent to calling a horse's tail a "leg."
Honestly, you deserve it for not genociding them like we did our savages.
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>Last I checked, only one country has been to the Moon and surface of Mars
>because the space race wasn't about the capability of nuking any country from orbit, but about putting (what is now probably) a white flag on the Moon
So what kind of riverboat was your school on?

Maybe the problem is the people and their culture and not whatever corrupted ideology they pretend to follow.
sure, reich wing watch, sure
and phones, dont forget the phones
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this gook?
>not part of the space race

Whatever you say Teemu

Whatever you say
sourry ouur mistaeiouke
When Labor becomes robots, what then?
Jism: A pimp gets paid.

really makes the penis ejaculate




fucking gullible stupid liberals, this whole nasa (belgian discovery not nasas) thing is a prime example of how fucking retarded they are

We don't need governments, people will govern in smaller areas doing their own thing. This will cause problems, believe me. The future is not very government friendly, technological advancement is a threat.

That's why take easy with all your -ism stressing, we will prevail ladies and gentlemen.
No but the English language does; more native speakers use the queens english than the autistic American bastardisation. And the fact that Americanish was invented so a kike could sell dictionaries to the dumb fucks should speak for itself.
*yells "DELET THIS" in American*
It's cool anon, you had the worlds biggest super power; I don't think anything is going to come close to it for another 2000 or so years
Even if capitalism made iPhones, that doesn't negate criticism of capitalism. That's like saying Solzhenitsyn had no leg to stand on because Soviet healthcare saved him from cancer and he wrote on Soviet-made paper.
so leave, you fat gook. clearly you enjoy, at least, the abundance of food.
Not an argument.
Not to mention France fielded half of your troops in the continent and combined with the Spanish made up something like 2/3rds of all combatants in the war.
>le epic snowflake meme
>access to hyperbole is a HUUUUUUUGE barometer of privilege
>like, the fucking most important thing in the history of the concept
>people who exaggerate are racists
So slaves should make all products in capitalism: check.
The west needs to make communism an opt-in, gice these fucks a piece of land and see how long it takes for them to run out of resources and blame their neighbours. Just fucking give them what they want its the only way to end this thought process
China doesn't believe in worker's rights to strike and negotiate with their employers. What a surprise!

>consumer free to choose to purchase product based on said conditions

This sort of breaks down in some cases
i'd love to witness an american commune crash and burn because of infighting and oppression olympics

really satisfies my schadenfreude
Holy shit senpai settle down
That's a stupid argument, I could argue with that logic that oxygen makes every product. Oxygen gives life to Laborers and engines allowing them to do work. Oxygen made your iPhone not labor
I like this guy
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>epic snowflake

plastic Bag over head OP

let me know I'll fuck your stone cold corpse
Neither did Japan I think, I don't know about Taiwan or Singapore but I would guess no
isnt his wife white?
congratulations! your pikachu evolved into arthur chu!
> b-but I pressed B
He won Jeopardy a number of times or something. He honest to god thinks being a book of facts equates to intelligence, and uses this as a way to be a liberal talking head, thinking he is an authority on all manner of subjects.
Fuck the Queen.
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This this this this
What do we want? H2O!
Capitalist pigs have got to go!

Listen to our liberal congressman!
All we need is more oxygen!

End this fascist Republican nightmare
All we want is more....air!

And the materials for said labor to be made possible is due to capitalism you fucking commie scum
>its a liberals who have never even taken an 101 economics course try to discuss economics epsiode
They are built in China. No capitalism there
And who gets paid affects labor, dumb libtard.
t. american education
>not real socialism

you know when I see capitalist nations in a recession or an economic slump people will say "it's not free market enough" or "it needs more protectionism" but they never say it wasn't true capitalism. If socialism isn't able to exist within human society inherently it is a flawed system.
He should just kill himself.

The process of exchanging labor for resources made it possible to invent the iphone.
u comes from french. fuck french

That's wrong though, China is capitalist.
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By this guys logic a construction worker adds equal value to that of an architect.

China is totalitarian first, capitalist second. In a capitalist society that respects the rights of the individual, people aren't put in jail for striking.

When will people learn that capitalism describes the economic nature of a society, not the political one?
It's a common problem in collectivist societies.
Not even about economics- its about culture and opportunity and reward.
It's almost as if there's a discrepancy between the value of products and the value of labor.
Tell that to africa.
The communists fucked up the entire continent by putting it into their head that labour equates to success.
It actually becomes more relevenat the more automation takes over the economy
All anti-socialists use brown, black and slavic people as examples of why it doesn't work. Lesser races can't do socialism, it's true. White people will find a way. Whites only Nationalism and Socialism, not this American globalism which is destroying every ethnco-culture to further the goals of Magog. When the Muslims say America is the "Great Satan", I think they are right. They incite men into slavery with the pleasures of life, this faceless, cultureless nation that wants to consume all things.
Are you saying Africans shouldn't work?
What a brilliant solution - just kill all the non-whites. Definitely is the way I see the world going forward.
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Fuck you and your queen! And subsequently your language and taxes!
>t. Boston teapartier

lol you really want to bring that up rotterdam?
He is right,you know that desu.Capitalists have money but workers do all the jobs.No workers = no products.
I am saying that if you never passed primary school and have an IQ of 75 but you work shoveling dirt every day for 12 hours does not mean you will create success for yourself.

Africans do work hard
And no capitalists = no products. It's a trade-off.
There are actually two production factors:
> Labor did it, not capitalists
I always laugh when remembering that labor can't even organize themselves together to clean their neighborhood.
Industry without management like army without high command and school without teachers.
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> pretend to have a huge rocket park capable of delivering people to this remote galaxy
> allow only clinton voters
> let every single one of them in because your rockets are big enough for it
> when it's ready, just release the gas
> turn them into mindless sex slaves

The best thing about asia is it still calls a pleb a pleb and doesnt pussyfoot around it. Totalitarian capitalism is perfectly acceptable, ita really not far from centuries of monarch rule because it allows some form of upward mobility (theres a chance i can make it, right?)

Communism is abhorrent because it takes away what little freedom an individual has. Destroys the human spirit desu
If all that shoveling is to build a road, I don't see the harm in paying the man enough to support himself or his family. I don't see what's so commie about that. I never claimed Africans didn't work hard. My gf is South African.
Fuck the Queensguard. Fuck Londonistan. Fuck the Queen.
You mean no capitalists = no jobs,
Which is why corporatism is bad, and small business econony is good
The commie mentality in africa is they expect equality of outcome not equality of opportunity because the average african cannot compete with most foreign populations so they want the state to give them a handicap.

If you raised the minimum wage in my country SA would lose their only bargaining chip to gain foreign investment which is cheap labour.

The reason the wage here is tanking and you cannot support yourself in a working class job is because the government is run by a communist who has no education and the economy is tanking.
Upward mobility is actually harder in a totalitarian regime, you cant do anything that isnt sanctioned.
But i guess what really kills mobility for any regime is low growth rates.
>implying civilian cellular communication is good for humanity
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Reminds me of that part in Fallout 3 new vegas where you
put those dudes on a rocket that just crashes and kills them all
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Yeah because no planning, design and research was required. The iPhone was suddenly there it just has to be assembled by 8 year old Philippine boys
>not turning them into lampshades
Nigger what are you doing?
>33mil foul-mouthed, morbidly obese hamplanets with neon-colored hair
Just use Zyklon B.
Nobody's going to work without capital being offered you autist, it's called slave labor otherwise
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China has a stock market Arthur Chu go fuck yourself you communist scumbag.
most sensible thing I've read here for a long time

>Inte dåligt för en Danskjävel
So who makes Iphones under Communism?
What exactly does communism change to make payment more fair?
yeah, Venezuela should take the young entrepeneurs from syra and africa instead of us, clearly they need to be replaced in order for their socialist utopia to finally work
Arthur Chu is the son of immigrants who regularly bashes white people

He was bitching hard about dumb poor white men after the election but now he's talking about muh labor. Guess what- in America the working class industrial workers are largely those same poor white men.

He's just a piss-skin foreigner leeching off our greatness. He needs to go back.
>totalitarian capitalism is acceptable
>those foreign workers are simply better than us! Thats why we import them!
Capitalism and anti-socialism did and are doing the same thing.
Americans bastardized the most beautiful language ever created, truly sad.
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>communism is good because it sent a dog into space even though it has led to mass starvation, genocide, and death in every country it has ever been implemented in
Literally only the USSR committed genocide, and even that's debated. The others were democides. The word genocide is overused.
One of those pictures is from the Citadel in Mass Effect.
But it wouldn't exist at all without people buying stuff. Capitalism.
>I'm so british, I shit the queen.
gtfo fishfinger-cunt
Really roasts the almonds.
>that picture
Wow, it's almost like when you live in a capitalist society you have to pay for things regardless of whether or not you agree with capitalism. Mind blown. 10/10, would think again.

No pro-communism, just anti-retarded argument.
How would it work in a communist society?

A bunch of guys want something done and so they call the government to send men out with guns to force others to take care of the grounds who don't want to?

America's government would not forbid worker-owned companies.The truth is that nothing is holding communists back from doing things their own way right now. This is what the picture is exposing.

>implying any actual labor is involved in the manufacture of iphones
>building a single rocket that can carry 65 million people and all the materials required to build their homes as well as food and water to sustain them.

>And the planet is 39.5 light-years away

yeaaaaahhhhh naaaaahahhh
Uhhh. Does he really think apple engineers are laborers?
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LOL liberals think under communism Steve Jobs would have been assigned a job in the "design and build consumer electronics" department.
Look how easy this is /POL and OP
>no, the industrial revolution that fueled an economic and technological increase and demand for computers and automation and the necessity for more sophisticated communication that was proliferated by Christian values that promoted capitalism made your Iphone, Christianity Made your Iphone, Atheist Iphone shills BTFO

There, see how easy that is!
Sort of, except labor only made your iPhone because of capitalism.
back to commie china then you fucking gook
>Steve Jobs
>designing anything

he was a cult leader, and barely understood computers
As well as being Jewish

But seriously communism does not even work in a vacuum

They always end up on planned economies.
Economies are driven off individual desire.
You cannot plan an economy fast enough to handle rapidly changing desires.
Capitalism basically only works because it reacts immediately to the consumer desires, and no government has ever been able to react that fast.

Communism also has a chilling effect because ever one under it inherently realizes they cannot keep any equity for themselves during it so the don't even bother trying
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Come comrades laugh with me as we lord over the capitalist pig dogs. HA HA HA

>Try again sweetie
please don't try again sweetie


Never come here or to cripplechan again.

>Running race
>You finish it in 1st place
>Some tubby fucker goes 10 meters past the finish line and proclaims himself 1st because "the real finish line was here the whole time xDDD"
>Everyone has to agree with him else risk another one of his autistic fits
>worker owned

Yea sure.
>isms just determine who gets paid

and in communism that means not you
How's the employer getting paid without his laborers?
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Capitalism didnt make your fucking iphone, thecnicaly, but under socialistic regime it wouldnt be possible for iphone to be made, lookat china, they can only copy things, not invent new ones, becouse people work on greed, in capitalism, they need reason to work, its either nationalism, like in nat-soc or greed like in capitalism, the best one on my opinion would be national-capitalism, where bouth nationalism and greed are at work, like in 1940,s USA.
FACT: Lithuanian is the most beautiful language in the world. This is one of our words "nebeprisikiškiakopūsteliaujantiesiems"
What a colossal retard
You meant, ''Bouth Lithuanian and Latvian being last baltic languages are most beautiful languages''

Daily reminder that communism doesn't promote upskilling in a vacuum. Without a strong capitalistic rival and millions of lives to make an example of, we'd be back to mud huts within a generation.
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Then they murder you

You morons can't even say "Lieutenant" correctly.
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