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Thread replies: 319
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This is what happens when /pol/ encounters a real woman.

> That's exactly what you deserve you scum!

Shilling in own way to shill against shills. For now until we're back to normal. http://www.strawpoll.me/12392817
Looks staged
What a whore.
fake and gay
seems rational up until she follows the van.
>Property damage

Lock. Her. Up.
obvious fake is obvious
I'd want to do the same if I was her
Looks fake

>But destroying someones property someone said somthing you don't like
What heartwarming fake story
lol people fall for this shit?
>said somthing
He kept grabbing her, that's assault not talk.
>not wearing a helmet
Fucking stupid whore
Lol the beta motorcyclists voice
>driving illegally/impeding traffic to better harass the woman
>could have caused an accident

he got what he deserved, being a degenerate on a public roadway
you just know that guy who called him scum was hoping to get a date from her too. Probably tried to chase her down to explain how brave she was and how she doesn't need to take shit from pigs like that while rubbing his dick
Wasn't the original van white?
Cyclists wearing helmets are overrepresented in car-bike accidents.
i would agree
God, women are so fucking gay.


Irrelevant. After a situation is diffuse you cannot chase after them and harm them or their property. Even if he touched her it does not give her the ability to harm his property if said property isn't preventing her from fleeing or would help in her escape.

This is also proven to be fake but if real the woman would've been taken to court and sued since the law doesn't defend what she did. Don't think you can even press assault charges after you do something like that.
She did the right thing.
Immediate violent reaction.

How civilized.
Saw research saying that people drive closer/faster around bicyclists who wear helmets.
Motorcyclists in the uk are all beta males trying to be cool desu

Anyway if this is real then i dont even feel bad for the van driver. He didnt need to start on her

Bad statistics man

Didn't your people invent algebra n shiet?
that pathetic guy was fucking grabbing her. who the fuck even catcalls?

the girl is in the right here
this too
I would be violent too if a dirty anglo was trying to touch me, they're a disgusting lot.
i would definetly go after her
>E-exactly what you deserve, you s-scum!

what can we do about nu-males?
I don't see a problem with this. The only people who believe words should not beget violence are people afraid of confrontation and too pathetic to be violent.

The guy at the end was pathetic though.

Nothing. That problem will solve itself.
Get the fucking law off the man's back. If a woman starts some shit she's gonna get hit. Equality, yes?
>If she can do that to an extremely fragile side-mirror, imagine what she could do to a 100 kg constructions workers face.
So like nothing..?
As soon as I pass them I take over the bike lanes with my car. Helmet or no helmet
of all the fake and all the gay, this is the most
the british monkeys sure are tolerant
I don't blame her at all.

Van drivers and construction men are the most sadistic cunts.

I have social anxiety and usually a shut in and I dread going out for this reason. They will catcall you and then everyone looks in your direction which is severely fucking embarrassing because I'm not a looker so people will be thinking 'oh she's not that good looking why are they catcalling her'.

Then for the rest of the fucking day I'll just be thinking about it. Sometimes I will cross the road if I see vans or construction site. Or if I need to cross the street and theres a van at the traffic lights I will take a longer route to avoid them.

I hope they all rot in hell.
I'm no feminist or white knight, but that was satisfying to watch. Fuck that disgusting cunt, touching and taking to strangers like that. He would of got a black eye if I was that girl
You're a brain dead retard if you think he wasn't harassing/belittling her as well with his back handed compliments
>said somthing
He cut her of then he grabbed her.
So we're feminists now?
hey, wanna chat?
My name's brian
Catcalling is disrespectful and stupid. We may hate women on here at times, but not in that way.
I'll be your hot spanish bf, then you won't have to worry about that stuff

post tits
This is highly suspicious. Why does the motorcyclist ride in a such a hurry to WAIT behind them with a GoPro?

That fat faggot assaulted her. I'm not much for white knighting but that guy is a criminal and deserved punishment. You're not allowed guns in London so this is a good compromise.

>I have social anxiety, particularly around men hitting on me
>Oi fuck me bb

Nice one /pol/
How is it there fault that your autistic?
The video cuts off early to not show the motorcyclist with the headcam finding the girl to go hit on her for himself
That was the funniest part.
Let's not pretend this used to be okay, in England people shouting out of cars at women have always been seen as dense pervs.
try that with a nig nog here
>inside the mind of a woman
It's like autism on steroids.

She was already pulling at a wing-mirror before he touched her the first time.

Probably (if this isn't fake) they got too close to her and she got pissed off and started wacking the mirror out of alignment.

They started making fun of her for being a cunt and touched her on the shoulder to trigger her.

Mission accomplished.
do you spell like this on purpose bc i'm literally shaking
if you think the woman is in the wrong here, you are what is wrong with the right.
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>That biker(Scooter rider) sounds very weak. Sad!
fuck off reddit

says the cucky sheep shagger
/pol/ will side with the degenerates in the van because they can't see past their all-encapsulating hatred of women. Sad!
She is on her period.
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Lol at all the white knighting bongs. Wish we had more guys like the van driver. Maybe our civilization wouldn't be so fucked up if whores got treated with the respect they deserve. If you honestly aren't bothered by the sluts actions go to the next Women's March because that's where you belong.
Why does /pol/ have a problem with this? What he said was incredibly rude to say and he was grabbing at her. If it's not fake then how can any of you defend something like this?
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t. construction worker
The woman got shown with disrespect for dressing like a slut, so it's fine that she destroys private property. Bitch deserves a rape.
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To clear everything up for you white knights, she wacks the mirrors right at the start the video.
That's where you are wrong kiddo. /pol/ would never engage in contact with a woman in no situation
>guy is rude
>destroy his property

Fuck off abo
Thanks Lori!
I like how this comment is ignored.
If you are a bong, you're either a fat guy catcalling women in the street, or a girly voice white knight that says OI behind the woman that you want to "defend"
>I'm mentally abnormal and can't deal with normal human interaction so society should change
Sort yourself out. You missed out on important socialisation or just didn't pick things up for some reason, work on it.
Yup. Why censor the face of the perps inside the van, but nobody else? (To protect their identity because they are just actors)

Super staged
>proven to be fake

Where? Source?
underrated post
>audio setup that can capture voice at the same voice at 3 meters as at 10+ without high ambient noise
>mention periods, ladylikeness, asking for number, etc.
>interaction is like something written for a textbook
>all three just happen to be going the same way
>the van just happens to stop in the next road
>no attempt to stop her pulling the mirror for 2 seconds
>no reaction after

Probably a setup desu.
> Are you on your period?

Yes I am Grrrrrr
Pls show me your feminine penis and let me fuck your cute boipucci.
baka none of you realising she brakes the mirror off the innocent man driving the van.
You have any vids of you beating low IQ niggers for being out of line ?
Anyone else debunked the video?
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One, but its mostly me riding around some shacks trying to catch one that threw a stone at me.

I did most of the beatings before I got the camera.
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>guy asks for her number
>she hits his van
>he understandably is angered by this and is justifiably rude to her
>she trails him until his next stop and then damages his private property and then runs away before anyone can respond
>the cuck that was trailing her tells the guy he's scum and that he deserved it and then runs away before anyone can respond again

Can we all agree bong land is just meme at this point?

I used to think they'd shout abuse at me, but they don't.

They're just normal people working.

I've spent thousands of hours walking outside in different areas and cities and the only 'harassment' from whites I've ever seen in the occasional crazy homeless person shouting at everyone or schoolkids/drunks trying to show off. I have never once seen the stereotypical labourer catcalling. Muslims are a different story if you're in `their' territory.
People standing up for themselves is in many situations not wrong in the slightest way.

This is one of those. Regardless of gender. Take gender away from it and look at it logically.

Fuck with someone, don't be surprised if they fuck with you back.

I don't care. I don't care about that assholes mirror. If he was grabbing at me and cursing at me I would have beaten his ass.
Play stupid games wins stupid prizes. Some people just have to learn that if you fuck with the wrong one you'll get slapped down.

w/e people are assholes every day. Just another video of it.
Too bad. Whenever I hear my South African classmates talk about niggers I shudder at the thought of having so many, so stupid, so close to me.
Live prosperously friend.

>Probably a setup desu.
Also this.
oi them wymin broke me car call the queen

i think it's fake, the subtitles show up before you can even hear the words so the moto guy would have to be in on it
Fake ass bullshit. Not surprising coming from the UK.
Problem #1

no cats in sight

problem #2

any car that can hza it's mirror broken off by a scrawny bitch is a french car and you should be ashamed of owning one of those.
Everyone replying seriously to this and the OP should all be banned. Bunch of fucking retards.
They were already having a fucking argument before the video started. this isn't cat calling, this is a road rage video. the guy used cat calling as an insult, he was not trying to get a date nor was this bitch reacting to cat calling.. . This video is a false narrative that falls apart immediately to anyone not trying to push an agenda / or to anyone with common sense.

Watch how at the very beginning of the video the van swerves at her. they were obviously having a road rage altercation.
Eh he touched her more than a few times. He deserved to be laid out. Pulling a mirror off means shit.
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Yeah, a shit meme.

You should know buddy, we are in the same third worlders club.

And hopefully long, my heavy.
her behavior was nigger tier wtf are you talking about? She's the one that started it in the first place by hitting the van, and all the guy did was banter her a bit. Yet according to you cucks that warrants stalking the dude and breaking his stuff and then running away like a coward, or in your words "beating his ass" which I honestly doubt you could do when you haven't even left your moms basement in weeks.
>Property damage
Only correct answer. What the car did to her? It probably belongs to a company.
..... I'm so disappointed that only one comment sees that this is an obvious road rage incident and has fuck all to do with her being cat called. the cat calling is just insults brought on by the road rage incident. watch the van swerve at this bitch right when video begins... they were obviously already well into it and the video starts to late to catch the real catalyst of this incident. most likely bitch smacked the van or talked some shit about his driving, or van drivers took offense at her riding. def didn't start because they wanted to call her cute.
Oi givas yah numba!

I think everyone learnt a leason today..
Intelligerence gathered by /x/ and other boards leaves no doubt that the 99chan admin "fubar" is the person responsible for the continuing DDoS attacks on /b/. 4chan did nothing to deserve or invite this attack. But we will do everything to defeat it.

Today, no one can possibly claim that fubar is not responsible. And the attacks will not stop so long as 99chan is running.

If any 99chan users are reading this, I have a message for you. Our campaign is directed against your faggot admin and not against you. Come to 4chan and we will deliver the lulz and win you need. The day of liberation is near.

Anonymous has a duty to defend our people by uniting against traitors and lulzkillers. And tonight, as we have done before, 4chan and our allies accept that responsibility. Good night, and may God continue to bless 4chan.

guys in the truck are the same ones who on camera will say "yes refugees" and "yes men should all be feminists" because they have guilty minds because they're fucked up shittwats like this

THAT is why so many SJWs are pedos and shit - they become SJW as a way to absolve their guilt


you are so dumb

you are so dumb
I motovlog and my setup would pick this up. I just have a GoPro with a USb mic inside my helmet near my mouth but up high enough to get rid of wind noise
There's a difference between being catcalled and insulted, but even so destroying property is not the right answer. Both should face consequences.
hahahah that motorbike rider will go to jail for hatespeech and the bicycle bitch is also in trouble for not showing respecting to their culture
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What did he do wrong exactly?
Van man only touched her should after she hit the mirror.
Been seeing a lot more cucks lately on /pol/.

Maintenance tech here. It's hit and miss with site workers. A third to half of them are pretty crude and lecherous, but the vast majority of them are going to keep it to themselves. About the only time I've ever seen it get out of hand was when one was talking a bit too loudly to me while making inappropriate comments about a passer by. Most of them are smart enough to know they'll get called out or even disciplined for cat calling.
bost your dids and dyke :DD
>Siding with some hyper degenerate filth blocking traffic
>Over a white woman who btfo said degenerate filth

Only thing wrong here is the beta orbiter in the cuckcycle following her


>they talked about her period and give her a shove
>i must save this kindly woman, no way that she could've been acting like a deranged cunt before the video started.

Fuck off back to upvote land white knight. Jesus Christ you faggots are ruining this board. this whole thread is nothing but white Knight upboaters living out "save the princess" fantasies.

Use your fucking head moron. random guys don't just come out of nowhere acting all aggressive and insulting to random ladies. there was obviously an incident before the video started that provoked this shit. if you weren't such a fuckin beta faggot you'd be able to think clearly enough while watching this video to come to the same conclusion.
shills current strategy: divide everybody
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>pic related

Or is this reversed bait?
Hey there femanon, nice pair of no titsposted you have there.
now fuckoff
no wait nobody care
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Stages as fuck

Especially with the
>that's EXACTLY what you deserve you SCUM!

Judge rinder's sick of seeing this on his city commute
I think they are not desperate enough to catcall you. :^)
>after the murderer murdered someone you can't go after him because he's no longer murdering anyone
>after the thief stole something you can't go after him because he's no longer in the process of stealing at that moment
>after someone assaulted you you can't go after them because they are no longer assaulting you

so, how many women have you raped?

hahahahaha so many virgins in this thread it's amazing
super fake & hyper gay
>they talked about her period and give her a shove
and thats after she wacked the mirror in the beginning.

Whats being slid though?

Different levels of offense require different force.

I may shoot a murderer in the back if he flee, I may not shoot a thief.

I may not continue a fight after it has stop or I will be liable for assault.

More over everyone is missing that she shoved the mirror before he even touched her.

Never underestimated the weakness of people m8, nor their Autism.
many such cases.
It really should happen more often. I mean men talking to girls out of cars is pretty cool.
>French-dutchman's upset he has no heritage
Don't be jealous m80, you can the known as the non-country that killed the west in a few years.
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its actors friendo
Obviously this.
We laugh at them.


blessed londena
Is catcalling violation of NAP?
I live in London this kind of shit happens, seen the white van man grab a few girls arses as they drive past them (Fucking hilarious desu) and talk a little shit but if she's smashed his van he would have fucking grabbed her held her there and called the police for damaging his employers property.
This is 100% fake and gay.

Trick question because the road wouldn't exist for this interaction to take place upon.
Yeah its 100% staged. Its an attempt to make normies go "OH look a fucking white male harassing a poor girl, she is so brave, fuck white guys!"
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I hear the distant sound of overweight feminist hordes schliking to this.
The guy recording it sounds like a beta NuMale. Could tell he was trying to catch up with her so he could try and comfort her and offer her a coffee. Spend the next few years of his life being friendzoned, hoping she would eventually notice what a nice, charming man he is while she fucks endless Chads and uses him as her emotional tampon.
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this is how you DEW it, cracka.
This right here, liberals/feminist fucking love public shaming, twitter would be blasted with their faces and license plates and feminist would roar to ruin their personal lives and get them fired
>someone called me a mean name so it is my right to follow him home and destroy his property
Did he die?

Dat nigga just got his pelvis shattered

That wasnt catcalling though.
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Of course not, the strong black man can handle it. Nothing like a pussiedout bitchass cracka.
No, we are not fat toothless degenerates, we are autistic gentlemen
Bad acting. Shit looks both fake AND gay.
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>Thats exactly what you deserve you SCUM!
>Hey gurl, nice owning that scum back there!
>So, wanna go out with me?

And so the circle of catcalling goes on...
>They will catcall you and then everyone looks in your direction which is severely fucking embarrassing because I'm not a looker so people will be thinking 'oh she's not that good looking why are they catcalling her'.
Maybe you're actually just a neurotic qt3.14. Post pics and we will be honest with you.
Nicely staged, man atacks with words and women replies taking off the car mirror, such a logical way to act, whoever thought this was a good idea is a genious because it makes look women like primitive apes
HOLY FUCK, first time i've seen that.
Oi oi love, post your titties

Almost definitely.
Specifically this. If they really thought this guy was scum they would leave his face up in an attempt to name and shame him. It's not like crazy leftists don't do much worse to innocents on a daily basis.
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>mfw they are clearly brown
Really gets the noggin joggin.
>guy on the motorbike follows the cyclist rather than passing them and going about whatever daily business he had

Seems legit

Unless you cant pass cyclists in Britain due to ass backwards traffic laws. I wouldnt be surprised since they already drive on the wrong side of the road
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>be woman
>encounter rude people
>throw a childish fit of rage
What kind of drugs make them think that's a good idea?
He could have said something cool like
>I don't think she like you m8
But he had to go full white knight at the end. It doesn't even matter because he didn't help her so no one will think he is a nice guy anyway.
>cracka doesnt know how to dance with rhythm and passion
Sub-70 IQ
I for one support any action of aggression taken by white women against fat arab cunts talking shit.
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testosteroniated Melanine. You wouldn't understand.
This makes me laugh every time.Literally a baboon.
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Dude, are you guys fucking serious about taking the side of the assholes in the van?

Let's say for a second this isn't staged: can you imagine if this was your wife, coming back from her gym or yoga classes or whatever? Be real, what would YOU do if you saw some low life fuckface touching and trying to grope her while talking like he's referring to some common whore?

You know, if you claim to be pro-family and for traditional values, it blows my mind that the argument of "YEAH BUT PROPERTY DAMAGE, SHE'S A CRIMINAL" would come up. Fuck those assholes in the van, they should be fucking shot for destroying the fabric of an organized and moral society.
Not watching the video were the catcallers white thats all that matters
She needs some good raping
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wtf is she possessed?
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> Acting like an unhinged whore

> Wife material

Pick one
This changes everything
That's some funny shit. I would have laughed at her while she did this and tell her how nice her ass looked while ripping my vans cheap and replaceable mirror. As she rides away I'd yell, can I have your number mate?

This makes me think maybe its not a fake. Surely you'd hire white actors if you were going to fake it.
Nothing's white anymore in the UK meu cara

The only remotely satisfying thing about this is woman going all kunoichi and vanishing - while that beta faggot looks for her to go appease her feminine rage. Has an angry mum.
What the fuck was "whorish" about her attitude? And again, my whole point stands on the fact that she was well morally right to exact revenge on those pieces of shit, for the reasons I have already described - it is inherent that her attitude be recognized because any man who refuses to do the same is complacent at best, unless you can make the honest admission that you fully excuse the behavior of messing with random women on the streets.
Yeah but then the motorcyclist would have kicked your ass
This thread:
>two muslims sexually harass white woman
>white woman stands up for herself
>MGTOW talk shit about how much they hate women
You're pretty much hated by everyone you meet, aren't you?
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So you think it is ok to be violent if someone says something disgusting.

So you defend what the antifa did at UC Davis, to shut Milos speech.

Can I punch your face to a pulp now that I find what you are saying disgusting?
looks fake as fuck, seriously, who knows these days. Activists push some really manipulative stuff.
Did you eat a bowl of stupid this morning? Where in that entire video was anyone assault or physically harmed?

Lemme spell that out very clearly to you so that you stop second-guessing the point: harassing individuals - in particular lone women - isn't a fucking political statement, it's a crime against the moral fabric of a society and damages the sense of community that holds itself together. When you make the comparison between these two not only you expose your complete lack of understanding between the two, but also that your moral alignment lies not within the defense of those in distress but rather justifying pointless acts of social animosity.

Yes, property was damaged and that is most definitely a crime. However, the damage perpetrated by petty non-ideologues with acts such as these is far more harmful to a cohesive community society than what you might imagine. Again, I will ask you: if you saw your wife or girlfriend biking ahead of you to be exposed in a situation like that, would you just appeal to reason and compromise?
Well said.
You're a cunt. Enjoy getting lamped.
First off the white knight won't say shit because he'd ride away just like the girl. And then I'd yell at him if I can have his number too and that his ass looks really nice.
Fucking betas, I bet outside of Mary palmer and her five sisters neither of you Muslims have even raped a woman much less an underage girl
Its fake, because Mr Jack 'Im hard' Van Driver wouldn't of let her get back on her bike after she'd done that if it was a real scenario.

Or he would of chased her around in his van like a lunatic.
Van driver was an ass, doesn't excuse what she did. Guilty of vandalism.
Maybe they just don't want my dick. Maybe you should reconsider the context of my post.
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Well well well, what do we see here.
> encourage > chronic depression
> encourage > criminal damage
uh shit any more of stuf like this? im in a research mood
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> smart enough to be a cuck
Nice logic. I bet you are socialist, knowing the genocide agenda or a fat cunt on estrogen blockers, because after atrazine poisoning you need this or you`ll get cervix/breast cancer.
But apparently the problem is - catcalling from minimum wage worker.
shes in the right on this one. they tried to grab her and give her shit when she was minding her own business.
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Anthony Sutton at youtube is good. Also Alex Jones.

i like what that girl did, that whiteknight faggot at the end though... fuck him
>You deserve to have your property damaged/ destroyed by a neurotic biocunt because you're rude to them
I want to curb stomp that woman, but I wouldn't because I'm civilised (also it's illegal obviously)
ive been into jones since bush. iv heard every thing he has sad. hes basically repeating himself at this point. I want to read the actual shit
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>strong independent womyn acts likea niggers
>so brave
you know grabbing someone against their will could be constituted as battery/assault, right? Fucking permavirgins would rather shit on women 100% of the time rather than whenever it was deserved. Which is still often enough. Sad!
Australia is literally the only place in the world where you have to where a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>t shirt
>no gloves

enjoy your roadrash, squiddy
It's probably pikeys, I've seen those cunts catcall 13 year old girls when I was in London
The funniest part was when he sped off in fear.
On her side desu.
It baffles me how many people are defending this cunt. Getting catcalled doesn't mean you get to destroy somebodies property you stupid bitch. And that faggot that came in at the end trying to white knight was the icing on the cake. While this situation seems staged, shit like this does happen regardless.
Amazing. You guys always outdo yourselves, this could be thrown in a leftie facebook feed and no one would notice it's bait.
Keep up the good work.
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What a white knight cuck
Are the guys arab?
The guys in the van are niggers and I dont care what happens to them. The girl could be a shit for all I know too but we cant tell.
The guy doing the talking on the left side of the van is white.
Nah, the driver sounds white

Paki's, blacks etc ALWAYS have distinct awful accents
Fuck off.

You don't get to harass and catcall women

Destroying a part of their van is fair revenge

She won't be charged either, the police won't even bother to search for here

Stay mad you scum

So tired of pol acting like the gender that rapes, murders and is violent deserves rights

No dumbass the law is there to keep men in their place not protect them

You can protect yourselves too much already

Fuck off

how much did it cost to produce this tripe?
Even I think this is bait and I think the girl was right to do what she did.
I would have jabbed that cunt right in the mouth. Who do women think they are, these days?
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>muh property

she was driven at and publicly humiliated by a pair of inbred chavs, ripping off their mirror is fair game
RREEEEEEEE dont touch me.

Seriously only complete autists would consider what he did as assault. Ive hugged complete strangers, put my arm around them. Loads of shit. It's not fucking assault you retard. Even slapping someones ass is a grey area.

Those are old school cockney
>being this naive
ok kid
>not making an argument
ok kid
This desu
That's James. He goes around hugging and slapping the ass of every woman he sees. He gets away with it because Dublin is a small place and everyone knows him.

Its wrong to beat up people with special needs. He cant help himself.
Is that my wife?!?!?!?!?!
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Please be my British gf
what kind of transporter is that where you can tear of the mirror that easily?
shouldn't be able to do that.
shit quality.
>Who do women think they are, these days?
Yea, they need to accept they are nothing but slaves....not
mercedes van
He BARELY touched her omg hahahaa. It's not even clear if he even made contact. That's what you guys are caling assault. And the video starts with the woman trying to break his mirror without him doing or saying anything.

THAT'S him assaulting her? Are you serious?
One where they have hit the mirror enough times that its barely staying on.
>implying this isn't fake

they're getting bolder with their propaganda, they even made the catcaller a white man, those silly little marxists
Girls let you do it if they're attracted to you. They are attracted to you if you are happy and give them good emotions.
Fuck off male

Thank god the UK justice system favours females

I hope a lot of men lose money in divorces this year too
Are you really siding with skangery white van drivers? They are our version of niggers.

Who cares what happens to them.
Moron its a Ford Transit, just pause at minute 1:08
Thanks for explaining women to me autismo.
Well when I see someone who needs help I do what I can
>not an argument

Did this guy bully you in school or something?
>They are attracted to you if you are happy and give them good emotions.

No, they aren't. Being happy is effeminate. You need to be neutral, in between being a depressed faggot and a happy infantile faggot.
Could you explain more extremily simple things I might encounter in my life like you think its a special insight?
No you need to be happy just not overwhelmed and reactive like a faggot. Are you the kinda guy that goes up to girls trying to be like James bond hahhaha
People who drive those vans dont wash. Thats reason enough for me to not like them.
Like that barely touching someone on the shoulder isnt assault?
Okay. I never said I liked the guy though. I said he didnt assault the woman. I dont like you either does that mean I can accuse you of rape and have you thrown in jail?
I never said it was assult. Iv been saying white van drivers are equivalent to niggers.
>obvious bait

Perhaps Europe being taken over by Islam isn't a bad thing.
You asked why I was defending him. Because he was in the right. I hate niggers but if a dindu actually dindu nuffin then Im not gonna accuse him of shit because that just makes my case worse.

Do you really want to set that precedent so if when YOU are talking to a girl and you touch her shoulder she can say you assaulted her? Thats the standard you're setting
Imagine your thesis was showing pictures of men in various emotional states to the girls in your class and asking them how attractive they are and then writing a paper on it.

Arts degrees are truely worthless.
it looks fake as fuck, just more leftist propaganda. the comment at the end by the motorcyclist was just pathetic
>what is the scientific method

are you actually this retarded or just pretending?
>after the murderer murdered someone you can't go after him because he's no longer murdering anyone
You have the police for...>u.k
forget I said anything.

>after someone assaulted you you can't go after them because they are no longer assaulting you

You can, you'll just be also charged with assault.
Thats about overwhelmed faggots not internally happy stable guys. I already specified that. Calm good emotions, not WOW everythigns so great I love video games :DDDDD
nah altercations like this happen all the time in London, I doubt its staged
> cuckney
> calls others inbred
>degenerate shitskin drives up extremely close to white woman getting some physical activity in her day
>she tells him to fuck off
>he's persistent
>continues to tell him to fuck off
>he starts touching her
>she fucks up his mirror

Holy fuck, why is /pol/ full cuck mode today? Who gives a fuck about this nigger in the pedo van? We used to lynch these shit skins just for looking at white women.
He was driving very aggressively when he boxed her in and then reached out of his van at her while shouting abuse.
If a cop was there to see it, he would have been taken out of the van and id say probably ended up with a fine.

A fine that would be more expensive than tying his wing mirror back on with some string. She isnt superwoman. She couldnt just pull it off unless it was barely on there.

They got off light.
Where are all these UK cucks coming from. Makes me ashamed of my heritage. No wonder you're overrun with Muslims and your race wont exist in 50 years
Thats what that paper was about. Some silly cunt who wasted her college years showed some pictures to her class mates and then wrote it up.

what a poorly made van. I was harassing a motorcyclist and he tried ramming his bike into my mirror. Nothing happened. This is a Kia.
/pol/ is populated with people that failed at life and drive those white vans. Its like when niggers insist other niggers can do no wrong.
When a mirror comes off that easy its because they have been winging it off things on a regular basis.
Fuck she would be wild in bed, would fuck/10

The guy tossing the lines and grabbing her is a shit-skin so I assume it's legit.
/pol/ is mostly 18 years old edgy kiseless/handholdless virgins. Specially americans
The video starts with her trying to damage his property. He was trying to calm her down. You seriously are WAY oversensitive to bodylangauge if you think him reaching out is assault. If someone glances at you for a second does that mean theyre "staring" at you.

No it doesnt. That level of sensitivity is literally a symptom of autism. Im serious look it up
Fuck this made me realise that despite having A LOT of sexual encounters, even with men lol, I have never 'held hands' in that gay walking around way with anybody... ;'(
It's the muh property lolbertarians getting triggered over her pulling off the mirror
>Baww I hate women and I drive a white van because I am a total failure. I am also sitting at home at 2pm on a wednesday.


>guy drives towards a little bit towards girl asks for her number
>girl immediately attacks his vehicle!
>guy tries to calm her down "dont be like that
>girl keeps acting nigger-tier aggressive
>guy still tries to calm her, put his hand out timidly as a sign of friendliness
>girl still nigger
>guy thinks fuck it, insults her and drives away
>girl follows guy and breaks his mirror
>cuck follows both and calls the guy scum
Haha the nu-male at the end
Also this.
Try harder
Yes, surprised noone has picked up on the fact that the mirror does not match any modern ford transit or even the same shape. They removed the original and stuck something else on so a female would be able to remove it. Why fake this?
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Fake and gay.
talk shit get hit
Nope. I think I got it all in that last post.
>I grab asses all the time
>I hate women who go around accusing men of rape and getting them locked up
>I identify with white van men

lmao at your life.
Even if its fake the guy still didnt do much wrong.
Again, try harder. Try using things I actually said maybe?
>implying anyone cares what the actual symptoms of autism are
You literally said you grab asses and hug women and then later complained about women accusing men of rape and getting them locked up.

Its funny.
She's a criminal who thinks that it's perfectly acceptable to destroy other people's property and he's a white-knight cuck. Typical liberals.

sick vids m8 your life looks really cool
Women are so fucking stupid these days.
>its another "police pls help" episode
>these days

They've always been stupid. But in the past men kept them in check. The nu males of today are happy to let these dumb cunts do whatever in the name of equality though.
It's 1pm in Ireland

kys proxyfag plastic paddy
Its fake, look at LHS mirror at start of flick as opposed to mirror RHS at emd of flick, they detached proper mirror and replaced it with somthing that has never been on a ford transit, ever. Also try ripping off any car side mirror, its not easy, even with a bat you will get some staying on the car. Fakest, gayest shit this week.
Nope never said that.

I said I have hugged women when I felt like it. Ive done it in clubs. I did it once on the street which was kinda funny ahaha.

Never said I go up to women and slap their asses. I said thats a grey area. I have slapped girls asses but only when we've already been physical for a while, not that I have a rule about it.
At last a sane response. Footage shows her hitting the van's left mirror, prompting actions of vans passenger. And the van and cyclist were stopped at a red light, van not boxing cyclist in.
Okay I agree it fake, but people think its real and it sets a standard. Even if its fake the girl is still acting like a nigger
THANK fuck someone from the UK who isnt an autistic virgin. I was starting to think my country was completely done for
I would have also accepted you pointing out that I am also posting on 4chan at 2pm on a wednesday.

Its time to stop talking retard. No one cares about all the women you hug. el oh el.
You two irish cunts are making me regret my heritage, shut the fuck up.
You were the one that brought it up you spaz.

No wonder my ancestors made you starve and eat eachother.
Shut up desert potato Im a britbong not a spudnigger
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>no one clapped in the end

No one brought up how successful you are at hugging women and how you are awesome at clubs

The autism is powerful.
YOU did
Yeah good one. Again making me resent any connection to europe. Die under your new muslim masters.
Man she really showed that guy.
Your country is full of hyper aggressive hyper entitled feminists.
Trust me, you dont need to look at your heritage to find stuff to be ashamed of
Lets play a game then, its called who can retain control of their own country the longest.
Not fair, you live too far away from shitskin land. If Australia was located in Europe it would be 100% muslim by now
Cuck detected
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