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What would /pol/ like to see from urban planners?

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Thread replies: 317
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We have more power to shape/fuck up your daily environment than you know.
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I want to see balance between nature and modernism
modern concepts for public transportation that appeals to car owners and essentially tempts them into giving up using their cars for small trips, thus contributing less to PM2.5 concentrations.
>What would /pol/ like to see from urban planners?
mass suicide

>what if that lady fell?
the destruction of every major city in america.

suburbia for life you urbanized shitweasels.
stop it with that SHIT modern architecture
also figure out how to get blacks to stop throwing their chicken bones everywhere
He always has ugly bimbos in his harem
>no more urban centers
>somehow there will be suburb(urban center)s
didn't think that through did you
You do realize that the purpose behind that set up is to encourage a fusion of traditional and modern values? The Japanese garden is a distinct cultural aspect, it isn't supposed to be emblematic of nature so much as it is emblematic of the traditional culture.
parks,more parks, small parks better than large one's unless the area is unsuitable for anything else. Big parks should have schools and kindergardens in them.
Protect historic areas at all costs.
Express roads surrounded by at least 300 m of trees vegetation that cut a city in half for heavy traffic
bury all inner city railway lines,build roads on top of them,this is cheap too,
outer and middle ring roads ,again with vegetation or half buried so big city doesn't get flooded with cars..
Put the bussiness area near the centre but not too close or two far, Manhattan is actually a good example of how you can integrate a natural swampy island in a city
A city should have a civic center (mayor,gouverment buildings etc) that's in the opposite part of the bussiness district . Less crowding,less chance of letting a city go focused on one area.
Lots of elevated trains or possibly trams, possibly running between high-rises/skyscrapers, they would save space at ground level like subways and provide an interesting additional public transport alternative.
Its hard to find pictures of traditional local values since we got bombed and burned to hell at the end of WW2 for us.
>urban planners
I'd like to see more urban planners in bread lines
Cities that have organic ethereal structuring, I want to see cities that look like God grew them out of the ground, a fusion between cyberpunk, and nature elves
Where's the lady? Behind the whore?
The Trumpfag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a nazi, racist, sexist, autist, neckbeard, basement dweller, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a rural and suburban retard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>he always uses a condom to fuck them because they will try and trap him 24/7
>condom sex
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Artificial Island Cities.
Make streets so that buildings are as close to the road as possible. That's how cities are supposed to be.
Hypercities. Follow the European model and make cities very walkable. Force buildings to all have skybridges to eachother to cut down on street traffic. Use roof space as walkways and parks. Stop fucking wasting space in general.

I have alot more because studying city planning is a hobby of mine, but as an inhabitant of LA this is my biggest fucking pet peeve.
Urban centers need a final solution.
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>hard to find aspects of our culture since we got bombed
>this statement was made in reaction to a comment on JAPAN

I'm sorry, but Germany was not nearly leveled to the level that Japan was, even before the nukes, the sheer destruction of almost every major city in Japan is hard to conceptualize, but rest assured, they were completely obliterated on a level that Germany simply wasn't, and yet here they are retaining their race, their culture, and their heritage, all while keeping the same flag.
maek mohr roundabouts
this. and super high tech buildings inside caves and waterfalls.
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Something like this.

Make things harder for cyclists. They are getting way too uppity for a group that doesn't pay into the infrastructure. Hey, that reminds me of something...
Do everything more like in bioshock infinite.
Have realistic statues and sculptures everywhere.
Is that the guy who fucked Claire Abbot in her prime?
hive cities were all people do is shitpost and worship kek
Outlaw brutalism.
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This, roundabouts are really nice too, much better than traditional stop-based intersections.
This. Cities should be compact, low car traffic, public transportation should be affordable, nice and extensive.
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Way more "market squares" similar to old cities of Europe. A very large area where there are no roads for cars, only stores, bars, restaurants and people walking about.
I disagree with making things harder for them. I would like to see more bicycle paths and I would also like to see bicycle registration. That would help pay for new paths to avoid them from going on roads for cars
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Modernism and nature combined in major cities. I'm talking on the way to work in NY you drive through the pine trees and go to work.
Afterwards, you rest in the garden outside your office and get ready to go back home. As you drive away you see the sweeping roofs and glass buildings.
If you make this you will be pic related for eternity.
>Outlaw brutalism
How about no.
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>Revolt of vitalism -- destruction of the cities in fire!

Please get architects who have contempt for postmodernism. American cities are such a shitty, visually retarded mess because of postmodernism (not only the values, but the actual """aesthetic""").

It doesn't have to be traditional, or like a generic form of traditional architecture (not as gross, but still bad). Most architecs will say that generic traditionalism is even worse, because it's less creative and etc... But they only consider that because they want to be known as good architects and spend a lot of time looking at buildings and shit. Most people don't look at buildings constantly, or know anything about planning. But they do deeply appreciate classic and traditional architecture, with creative changes in good taste. It's not that much to fucking ask for from architects.

Also this.
so much homeless cum would accumulate in those. we dont need more NEET inducing antisocial things like that too
Fuck cyclists, they think they own the street AND the sidewalk. And that fucking vegan like attitude of shoving their supposed moral superiority for riding a fucking bike. They will be the third ones to go on the day of the rope.
Stop dropping low income housing complex in the middle of suburban areas.
Hot beds of crime, lower class assaulting the middle class. Many such cases
That sounds like an oxymoron
>implying its the planners who do that and not the cucked mayors looking for some more voters
Make rapture from bioshock 1 but on land.
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more white flight and more ethnic conflict
Dear g-d, why in the fuck not?
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Austere, open, balanced, logical, sturdy, and idealistic with Greco-Roman aesthetics and material. The Rockefeller center would be a good modern example. A fusion of Art-Deco modernism with the Hellenic ideal.
>Why was not one hasidic arrested?

I really hope Buffalo City has an absurdly high nigger population so this thing sees plenty of use

is that a real place? wow stunning
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Think BIG


Or model your urban centers on the needs of the humans within it not just to cater to the transportation devices of the moment.
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Something akin to Frank Lloyd Wright-esque modernist design in place of both traditional architecture and random stupid degenerate postmodernist shit. It has both character and is aesthetic while still looking like it fits in in a modern urban setting.
Most cities already have places like that
> What is an old market
> What is a farmers' market
> What is an old city
There are cities with subways that are clean and well-maintained and don't go to shit. You just have a bad impression because the US is full of niggers and subhumans on the systems ruining them.
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Do whatever you want, I dont care.

t. Rural landowner free from pond scum-tier city regulations and 'planning'.
It's in Serbia iirc can't remember the name
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If that's Buffalo, New York rest assured it does.
Ghetto walls for niggers and spics.
Crown Heights riot, 1991. A rabbi ran over a couple niggers and killed one, therefore chimpout. That's Al Sharpton in the middle.
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Why the fuck do you want ugly looking shitty like this tainting a city?
More porous cement in sidewalks and swales to prevent stormwater runoff and help replenish the water table. The only real power urban planners have.
I do not see that in American cities at all. Been to Europe a few times, there market squares are nothing like we have here. I'm not talking about farmer's market and there is no 'old city' section in American cities. I suppose my choice of words was not the best, thats why I put it in quotes, I just mean a "square" in general, in fact fuck the stores just have a large plaza with only bars and restaurants, thats what i want, without the annoyance of cars everywhere and in an open area.
Also, that rabbi's birthday is a national holiday.
:^) :^) :^)
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I'd like you assholes to stop building more cities; and stop making DC expand indefinitely
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urbanism is a limp dick and facing dead ends. firstly because its not in control of the disaster of architectural styles. second because its falling in the trap of eliminating cars due to progressive entrapment in cities.
architecture and urbanism are due to a revamp in their orders. the cycle of styles has to turn itself into classic values once more, but its seemingly impossible since we live ina n era of aesthetic nihilism and individualism.
same as the concept of philosopher king, theres an architect king, its the logical step in which a planner will enforce order through stylistic rules. styles are emergent, and as such they fruit frrom a few rules. urbanism should look into rules that make our cities more orderly and stylistically sound

now onto the car issue, its known by now that the future is in automated cars. this bullshit of walkable cities is going to condemn cities to high real estate prices, and yougn people to live anywhere but inside. youre telling them they cant move but through public services. traffick of coruse is a problem of space, so the future of urbanism is also the future of industrial automotive design.. small automated cars will compact the xstreets and make it more fluid. the future in everything is always centralization, hopefully one day obsessive walkification of cities (which is ok but not the be al end all) is going to be like talking about communism
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Yeah, because who wouldn't want Brutalist buildings like this Blade-Runner-esque dystopian looking shit?
>the future in everything is always centralization
Yes anon, it's a place called Mostar and like anon said, in Serbia.

Brutalism theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8&spfreload=10

It's like it took all the shitty elements of fascist architecture (which was legit bad imo) and all the bad ideas about postmodernism, then proceeded to create the single worst form of widely accepted architecture possible.
We have a park in Sandpoint (my closest 'city') which is a whole block that plays host to a farmers market and some food trucks a few days a week all summer and fall. Its overflowing. I give it five years before they have to hold it somewhere else, at this rate.

It is nice and a lot of people make a decent living off it, more people my age (20-30s) than id expect too which is good to see. Only bad part is the dumb 'sculptures' in it, and this pavillion where shitty musicians go to play. But I dont live there so I guess its not my problem to gripe about.
stop, I can only get so erect
perhaps I just being a bit of a contrarian, but I actually like a lot of brutalist architecture.
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Just apply a public recreational space to everything you build. I've had the luck to grow up in a city with very sophisticated city planning. Even if they build a bridge outside of town, they would use the space under it and put little slopes and green spots on it. Those additions didn't need any maintainance apart from the ones wanting to use it.

Here's an example of what a chalkboard alone can accomplish. But don't fool yourself. Not placing such things in our cities is deliberate. It'd drastically lower the GDP
Thats good, can only hope in the future more places have things like this rather than just individual buildings sprinkled about across the city.

Brutalism is a sign of Communism, Marxism, but also has evil occult meanings within the designs.
Mostar and it's not in Serbia(yet keke)
That's actually pretty good, the best brutalism can be.
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Not true, you probably live in a city which has the luxury of being "walkable." I live in Las Vegas, which is essentially an endless series of suburbs and strip malls constructed in the same, boring style depending on which area of town you live in, occasionally dotted by awful, prison-looking public schools with all public buildings in the same, uninspired, vomit inducing, new age sandstone "southwestern" design, all revolving around a sick pit of sex, drugs, gambling and alcohol. The complete lack of meaningful public transportation, the soulless and profit-oriented sandstone colored plaster strip malls, etc. It's a miserable existence, and for you to sit here and pontificate about how walk-ability is obsolete seems to be out of touch in my view.
Yeah. If I was going to be in a city stuff like that would make it more tolerable. Its surrounded by a coffee shop and a couple of restaurants, and shopping is a couple blocks away so it flows relatively well.

Im just too individualist to live in town I guess. Id feel weird and strangled having to pull building permits for everything, not having my own well and having to pay a service for water, having to pay trash instead of using a transfer site etc. I grew up like that but none of my family have gone back to it. Except my brother, but its part of his long term plan to have a series of rental houses in Spokane, and he still doesnt like it lol.

Still my favourie youtube video of all time.

Can you imagine living in a place like that
>using nazi quotes

I love how you leftists are the real would be totalitarian dictators

holy fucking shit who is that blonde???????
EPCOT (The real one)

Brutalism needs to come back, modern architecture looks like dogshit.
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I want them hanged.

>I want ... modernism
Fuck off Chaim.
>Reeee Im a cucked apartment dweller dependent on external services and addicted to consumerist amusements: the post
I went to secondary school with the guy who made that. Cuh-razy commie Filipino. The most studious and uptight guy in school.
walkable cities are a must, im not going to refute that, its an essential element, the most basic transport connection, its also the one with most commercial rentability (walkway busineesses sell better), also walkable cities are more humanly designed and friendly

its also limited. the trend as of lately has been to shun what usa has done with its cities, but theres an upcoming deconstruction of what we understand as cities, both the american and european mdoel (which depends on state investment of mass transport) will ahve to adapt to driving automation and other mass transport technologies (maybe cheap tunneling). continuing with the american suburb city is a mistake, there will be a third way in which everything is taken into consideration
I absolutely hate roundabouts, fewer people use them correctly.


I actually just hate other drivers.
fuck off with your clean line soulless bullshit you ikea twat.
Less fake tits more naturally grown tit meat.
Remove non-whites. Aesthetics will follow.
stronger lampposts for coming race war

Celestial alignment
Mega city one
Mega city two
Texas city

Make it so.
fewer nazi trash cans
>He isn't a modernist.
I think you're confusing the awful, deconstructionist, abstract, leftist style known as "postmodernism" for the confident, optimistic, and grand style of Modernism, with its most notable manifestation, Art-Deco, giving us the likes of the Empire State and Chrysler.
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A return to imperial Roman inspired grand buildings in the center of cities. Buildings that will be here for thousands of years, with open space and columns. Also statues
Venus Project is a meme, circular cities are extremely hard, impractical, or not as good as alternatives for several reasons.
Both buildings would look far better if they were stacked Corinthian columns/pilasters and arches.
>Someone in the rabbi's motorcade loses control of his car and gets into an accident
>Runs into a few niglets
>Before the ambulance can free niglets, another hasidic ambulance gets the Jew out of there because he's getting attacked by bypassers
>Niglets die because they got hit by a car
>Dindus dindu nuffin for three days
>Two people are murdered, one is Jewish and one looked vaguely Jewish, but was actually Italian
>Black NY mayor at the time loses his re-election because he failed to contain the riots
>Court declares Jew who hit niggers had no criminal wrong doing
>Jew runs to Israel
>Niggers lose more ground in their own neighborhoods to hasidic Jews, but now hasidic Jews have no tolerance for their bullshit

So, are niggers really just that incompetent and illogical?
A traditional culture which was in harmony with nature and the seasons
fuck your parks. Homes. Homes for everyone. Not a single tree until your uncle bocephas has a place to rest his head.
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>Corinthian columned skyscrapers.
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Do you know how fucking expensive and inefficient those are to build? Not to mention how long they take to build compared to a building that can have just as much if not more function/utility, use space more efficiently, etc. A modern-style building can be just as large and impressive without as much of the hassle, wasted space, costs for unnecessary columns and statues, etc.
Art deco isn't Modernism, dunce.

apart from hiroshima and nagasaki, which other cities were levelled?
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go 4 it m8
No non whites. You could try to fuck up everything else as much as possible and I would still be better off, non whites are a fucking plague in my entire state.
The inspiration and purpose of a Japanese garden is completely seperate from the Japanese conception of Nature. For Japanese, the garden is something that must be as carefully manicured and cared for as a pet or a flower arrangement, it isn't a wilderness to hunt or explore in, it's a grand landscape imagined and innovated based on Buddhist principles meant to inspire contemplation and creativity as much as a palace is to inspire grandeur or a monument to inspire glory. The natural decoration of a Japanese garden is a means to an end, a very private end. That is why Japanese Gardens are meant to be quiet and private in principle.
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Same. Being obsessed with Italian Futurism and architecture in general when I was in school really got me into a Brutalist kick. Paolo Soleri gets me wet.

Personally I feel that those who clamor and claw against brutalism do not have an artistic ideal to elucidate in its stead, nor an understanding of the utility of structures and the requirement of a truthful nature to their design.

You should read Adolf Loos - Ornament and Crime.
Firebombs m8, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, almost all major cities except for Kyoto were absolutely fucking obliterated by firebombing.
Yes. This kind of thing undoubtedly has a lot to do with why kikes love basketball.
>what is dresden
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But it is is superior

-Reduce obesity
-Reduce congestion
-Reduce road deaths
-Reduce cost of roads as infrastructure
-Reduce costs to health service due to poor health
-Reduce pollution
-Reduce dependance on oil and the geopolitics that goes with it
+Bikes looks cool
+Can do wheelies
+Women will have thicc legs from pedalling up hills
>Look but don't touch
>Touch but don't alter

Yea, no thanks. It looks really nice and it's probably awesome to sit there but as always you are probably not allowed to interact with it in any way. Modernism was an anti-movement and since it's counterpart doesn't exist anymore, the term got obselete. I assume you mean combining modern technology with flora which is pretty much what modernism with it's absurdity destroyed
Dresden is a fucking joke compared to the absolute raping that Curtis Lemay brought down upon the Japanese even before the nukes. The nukes were just a quicker way to achieve what firebombs had already done to almost all of the other cities in Japan. Their buildings are mostly made of wood and paper, afterall ;)
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The nips got fucking rekt m8. We mostly dropped the atom bombs to see what would happen; firebombing had already gutted the country at that point.
That Opera House is a disgusting piece of shit.

Fucking moron.
I want all urban planners to hang themselves.
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>posts the library from the 'groid part of town
The main library they tried to impress peasants with ornamentation and instead just made Las Vegas just a little more tedious. On the west side, we have the beautiful Sahara West Library. Beautiful, useful, lacking hideous portico and faux-stonework.
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>building looks evil as fuck
>christians still pray there

Here, have another demon portal.
>guy has millions and spends it on whores/guns
>really wants admiration from internet virgins
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Why don't YOU read Palladio's Four Books of Architecture instead?
Damn, I had no idea
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My nigga.

Albert Speer has nothing on the true master of mega-architecture.
Free Rape Zones, where people can rape women all they want without consequence
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Father Coughlin's cathedral to bleach that monstrosity out
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More buildings like pic related, I love the Manhattan municipal building.
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americans are pretty fucking evil
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Build the cities around movement of people by foot and by train and less by car, give people the ability to get exercise instead of being in a car 90% of the time.

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Maybe you'd prefer something more like this? The complete autistic opposition to all modernist architecture on the board is grating at some times, it's impossible to deny that at least some of the designs are aesthetic and work/look very well in their urban design setting.
Almost fifteen years ago I could commute on the bus from the 3300 block of Swenson all the fucking way out to Iron Mountain Ranch. Had a layover at the DT bus terminal. Even with a fucking strike by the bus drivers it only took me about 45 minutes to commute. Nothing wrong with the mass transit.

If you don't live in a walkable part of Las Vegas, that is because you live in one of the many subdivisions of cookie cutter homes that had been designed and built for commuters with automobiles. So, if you live on one of those fairly expensive homes, and don't own a car, I assume you live with family?

You should move out and live somewhere in Vegas where the crime is higher and the place is more walkable. It may not feel as safe to you, but all the worst parts of Las Vegas are gone now anyways. Pansy ass.

The Lloyd D George Courthouse is pretty cool. :P
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And it's worth the extra effort, time, and money to honor our history, have something that will be standing for the length of our empire, and that is aesthetic as fuck. Faggot
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What the fucking fuck? Makes me think of Ghostbusters when everything was going to shit and the portal opened up tbqhywf.
What's wrong with St. Paul's or Canterbury Cathedral or something more like them? They look fine, not like that fucking monstrosity, or even something like a modern church like this.
Please save Toronto
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Bring the Trolleys back to the city
buses are shit.
they are more efficient because electric
they take the same short path over and over every day

Why were they gotten rid of in the first place?

>gotham city: the photo
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Remove the giant Jenga block in the background.
I want to see them blow their brains out lol

American cities suck lol
You don't know what you're talking about.

If you want modern, you go to the highrise and take the elevator up and look out at the city. If you want a walled garden, you go to the actual walled garden and look at the carefully cultivated nature. And if you want ACTUAL nature, you take the train to one of the many mountains or forests where you're allowed to interact.

You're absurd, go brush up your Arabic
They're pretty shit desu. Constantly stuck behind left turning cars at intersections, one breaks down or there's an accident ahead on the tracks and the whole line is fucked. Better hope you're lucky enough to be on a car far enough back to get detoured, otherwise you're shit out of luck because its going to take forever for them to get shuttle buses going and any cars continuing the way you were going are already gone.
lol really
I want to see him fuck that girls ass so bad.
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Not in Serbia, it's in Bosnia and Hercegovina and the majority of the inhabitants are Croats.

Also, never allow communists to take over your country, they will do shit like pic related.
Both ugly as shit
Oil companies bought em out and built freeways and highways instead.
isn't that because all of the remaining trolleys are 50+ years old and are running pretty much on duck tape now? I know that their are no remaining factories that make them anymore in the US
> they are more efficient because electric
What if I told you there was more to 'efficiency' other than pure energy efficiency, stuff like externalities, efficiency of travel routes, etc.? Because trams have extremely restricted movement, busses which are used heavily end up being much more efficient since their movement isn't nearly as constrained and they can deliver and direct human traffic much more efficiently to desired and efficient destinations than trams on fixed routes can.
less suburbs, more density, walkability - less car based

Honestly this, especially here in the USA where faggots still think intersections are fantastic ideas to manage high density traffic.
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Am I the only one who thought Angel City from Titan Fall looked incredibly beautiful?

>giant aesthetic statue in the ocean facing the city
>huge futuristic towers surrounded by greenery and trees
>smaller comfy building's with open public spaces featuring cherry blossoms

This picture doesnt include everything or really do it justice
We just got new ones in Toronto and while it makes cool futuristic sounds and looks pretty on the outside the retards made the seats facing each other and there isn't even enough leg room for two grown men to sit there facing each other without it being an incredibly awkward experience.
>sacrificing everything else in the name of efficiency
gas yourself
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I would like to see more removal of kebab and Jew.
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Small cobblestone, pedestrian-only streets lined with apartments above storefronts on the ground level

Bans on intrusive or ugly advertisements

Huge church in center of town that serves as the focal point
Fuck that. I'd rather live around liberals in the city or red necks in the country than go near the degenerate ass suburbs.
Plan things with not only residential developers in mind. Actually consider public transport and other services, and plan roads to avoid traffic jams. Sydney is the worst planned city I have ever seen. Don't make shit like sydney
A large coal plant can make energy far more efficiently than having an on board diesel engine.
Also yes i would agree with you on the point of not having as many alternative routes causing inefficiency. However in the dense city environment having trolley routes on all roads is not that big of a stretch. I think you would be correct on the fact that busses would be better suited for less populated areas because of this.
Agree entirely
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it really amazes me how humanity achieved the pinnacle in architecture over 2000 years ago and we've lost it all
Do you even have any public transportation, burger?
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What does /pol/ think of Dan the Man BilzeriAN?
this, we have to go back to our roots
I am not here to argue about the Venus project but it is efficient and basically submerged in all kinds of gardens. It is m,y favorite i HAVE FOUND SO FAR.
NYC and Chicago are the only cities built around it, LA has some in the form of a metro but is primarily car-centered and heavily sprawled and deals with extreme traffic congestion issues.
I AGREE on the billboards. I hated growing up in nyc. fucking gross. the neurosis of consumerism ewww
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shallow as fuck, and no i am not jealous.
Plenty, but this is about urban planning. Cars aren't going away, yet planners keep laying down square grids.
does anyone want more pictures i dont want to spam
Things to be within walking/biking distance of your home. Driving cars all over the place is slowly killing you.
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I'd like a functional and fluid city quick and easy to navigate. How does Tokyo operate like a damn sci-fi futurism movie with 20,000,000+ people while A,erican cities get dirty, clogged, innefficent and stagnant when there are more than 60,000 people? Build maglevs, a more flowing road system, etc. if you would have any ability.
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walking culture
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that is why i like the vp designs
what dont you people like about it?
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Posting more random pics.
the nips got good TRAINS nigga
No more basketball courts, those attract trouble.

No more 24 hrs McDonalds unless they are located right outside a police station, same reason as above.
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better bike lanes and pedestrian access. In a city with mass transit personal cars are stupid. You should see Manhattan around 5-6pm on a weekday, especially during the summer.

So many people the sidewalks spill into the streets.

Also, indoor farms to reduce the pressure put on forests.
More middle class neighborhoods that are clean and safe but affordable for those with a decent job.

Build more bike paths and ban bikes from all the main roads. Bikes are a great transportation option but they have no business sharing roads with modern cars.

Reasonable taxation and business licensing to encourage people to open more shops/restaurants/etc.

Ban HOAs.

More parks but have the police keep watch over them and don't allow criminal activity to take over.

In most respects I would agree, but this actually looks nice.

If they combined this kind of brutalism with statues and sculptures, I'd be totally ok with it.
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All comes down to having a nonshit subway system and nonbarbaric people who wont dindu it up
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i think it would be healthy to walk through a Japanese harden everyday
He isn't a role model for sure, his behavior is totally degenerate. That said, we've all thought about it and I don't blame him at all.
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> How does Tokyo operate like a damn sci-fi futurism movie with 20,000,000+ people while American cities get dirty, clogged, innefficent and stagnant when there are more than 60,000 people?
Literally no niggers, spics, Arabs, or other subhumans. You would be amazed how well a high-quality homogeneous population can run and do things. Just look at how nice Stockholm or Copenhagen are despite having more than their fair share of subhuman population.
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i agree
modern architecture is for communists. go back to your block housing, Ahmed.
>What does /pol/ think of Dan the Man BilzeriAN?

All of his pictures are really cringey.

He looks even more like a caveman than Mike Cernovich.

I would not be surprised if he is in the closet.
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parks? :)
All green space with $500,000 tents... or those indian things... teepees.
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sorrry for the shitty pic they dont let me take my big camera into the garden they are faggets about it
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How do they grow their gardens to be blurry?
Trying really hard is all there is to say about him.
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Public parks are of course a must.
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im sorry ill posted online pics from now on >>113747745
Bring back wide streets and sidewalks, get rid of shoebox condos, Victorian and French Gothic aesthetics please.
agreed we cant destroy the entire planet
suburbs are the only good cities everything else is shit and unwalkable.
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1. Get rid of the bike lanes. If you want to ride your bike, go on the fucking sidewalk.

2. Get rid of street parking. Build large multi tiered parking garaged all around the city where it's easily accessible. Open up more lanes for vehicles.

3. Try to adhere to the traditional grid pattern as much as possible. No more retarded confusing intersections with a clusterfuck of lights and islands and other bullshit where you can't even tell what is happening anymore.

4. Bulldoze any quirky "bohemian grove" type neighborhoods where hipsters gather to buy shitty vintage clothing, eat estrogen laden vegan food, and sip overpriced hoppy microbrews. Build big box supermarkets and strip malls in their place.

5. Lots of underground pedestrian walkways with shops and other services. This will serve to increase commercial space and make travelling by foot easier without impeding vehicular traffic. I think this sort of solution is necessary in a high density urban environment. The underground pedestrian walkways should stretch on for blocks.


6. Anti-homelessness devices. There should be plenty of bumps and spikes in places where vagrants congregate that prevent them from polluting the built environment with their presence.
>build houses in traditional vernacular styles
>enforce quality standards on buildings, no crappy Chink dogboxes
>rather than build featureless suburban sprawl, subservient to the city, build geographically separated (by farms, forest etc). towns and villages still well connected by transport links to the city but with a sense of their own identity, centre, facilities, access to nature etc.
>no big box stores, large supermarkets etc., instead small local stores
>mixture of housing types to discourage the development of poor neighborhoods or rich neighborhoods (obivously would not work in an enriched society)
>enable people to live close to where they work to avoid having long commutes by building a mixture of housing, industry and commerce, instead of isolating them in their own separate areas
>the above two tie into encouraging walkability; ideally your typical day to day needs should be within say a 10 minute walk of your home. Walking encourages people to get to know their neighbours which leads to people caring about their community, and also increases health
>provision of good bicycle infrastructure
>ban on intrusive advertising and visual clutter (billboards, plastic illuminated signs, etc)
>ban chain stores and franchises with more than (say) 10 stores from opening to encourage the development of unique local places, without them being undercut by corporate giants
>well maintained, attractive parks with features that make people want to use them

I genuinely feel sorry for him. don't get me wrong I'm jealous of his money and the chicks he surroudsn himself with tend to be find as fuck, but you can tell there's nothing to him. deep down, he's just as empty inside as any of us. in fact, he's probably even emptier.
Rothschilds bow to him.
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Of course. Pic related was central park during the winter.
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where was this taken?
i went to the nip garden in forth worth p cool though it wasnt really season to see anything, and i didnt bring change to ffeed the fish
Ban bikes from the sidewalks, make a separate path for bikes.

Bikes on sidewalks is a threat to seniors and young children.
I actually think the bike lanes work, because city sidewalks are sometimes too crowded full of people to even think about riding your bike on it. A suburb is where that should be allowed, but the city should have designated bike lanes, just like the horse carriages in Chicago take up a car lane.
but cycists are fucking retarded and cannot work in conjunction with other cars and think they own the fucking road.

It doesn't matter what you or that fagboi maddox says
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idk but i love it. would love to walk on it everyday esp if it was raining
Detonating nuclear bombs in the mid of the large cities. Will never have a democrat president again.

BTW, I'm immune to your bullshit. I live on ten acres of rural land in Idaho.
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More suburbs like pic related would also be nice. Completely unaffordable to the middle class here as of now.
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more electrolytes.
An option to not live in the city to find a well paying job. Spread the fuck out. Utilize the surround suburbs more in business developments.
or maybe he's just having a lot of fun and doing what most dudes wish they could

remember that at least 80% of the population have no predilection to brood and introspect about their spiritual health whatsoever

and you never know, a lot of these guys 180 and turn into St Augustine types. one of the guys who halped create the PUA culture got a wife and kids, said he was driven by insecurity and pathology even while getting tons of poon.

BTW id like some anons in this sweet ass thread to rec me some books on architecture, im woefully ignorant
>1. Get rid of the bike lanes. If you want to ride your bike, go on the fucking sidewalk.
Are things this dire in Canada? Yikes.
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yeah even out of season the place was fucking amazing. comfy as fuck
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I really like the city Carcassonne france or the German city Sigmaringen.

3-5 story buildings with narrow street ways for walking and mopeds. Id designate all the ground level parts of the building to be business and the upper levels to be residential.
>no cars within city limits except for delivery vehicles
With this model of city people wouldn't need cars every store that you would ever need would be right beneath your homes probably within a block or two.

while having maybe a football field sized park at the end of every other block block. with the schools and government buildings around it.

with maybe 2 major roads that meet in the middle for cross city commutes

any flaws that you guys would see with this?
Almost fucking died the other day driving the wrong way onto a wpone way road with like five lanes after the roads led me to it then had a stop sign on the right like I could turn onto it and no signs or indication it was a one way road. Was in a really ghetto area too, next to project housing. Fuck the American road system.
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One way streets are a major gripe for me and most one way streets could be made two be two way if street parking was eliminated.
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pic related
>shaving your body
what an absolute fag
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I remember reading The Sun Also Rises and him describing the Spanish streets and how he had an inn room looking down on the streets...I felt comfy just thinking about it.
Problem is we lost the sense of community because of consumerism and heterogeny so people just want to be away from each other.
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its...its beautiful
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gibbs garden in ga. seem like douches although pretty. had violins playing

How about every metro area please.

I was 30 miles outside of the Twin Cities 15 years ago. Now we're a part of the ever expanding cesspool. Even the cultural enrichment drivebys make it out here these days.

Fuck off city locusts REEEEEEEEE
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It does seem comfy as fuck doesnt it?
my only concern is that there might not be enough room for industrial type business's/offices and there might be too many small businesses.
If that makes any sense
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fucking blurry dammit



This is the same kind of modernism and designs on non-human scales that made the urban planners and designers of the mid century like Le Corbusier such fucking twats.

So many cities in north america were ruined to be torn down for shit like this because it looks good in drawings but creates soulless suburban wastelands.
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He seems alright.

May be full of shit.

I think there is a very good chance he got daddy's money that was hidden somewhere.

He seems to be pretty badass. Into guns, the biking to vegas bet was awesome.

I can't help but think he is a little broken of a person. He doesn't seem that happy.
>being this jewy on /pol/
Think of all those people turned fucking rice crispy.

They said you could smell burning nips for miles
I went to a friend's place in a small town in Germany and it was kind of like this, seemed like a lot of the smaller towns were. Bottom floors were shops with residential areas above, it was pretty fucking cool. That being said I spent a bit of time being able to afford to live downtown in a major city here and all the skyscrapers are like that with basically everything you need on the bottom floor. Yeah there are cars and it slows you down but you can walk to a furniture shop in 5 minutes, too bad those places all cost 2k/month just for rent in a place where 50k a year is considered good.
Love Carcassonne, played rugby there in highschool
Why do you want more of this trash?
Can we please knock off the kike anti-asthetics. I want beauty in the structures and parks, not sterile and weird abortions.
please show me a city submerged in nature for one. And I dont give a shit about art, I want efficientcy and sustainability, NO air pollution and waling around in garden to get to the lab. I agree it is not for everyone which is why we should build them for mechanistic like myself and other fellow scientists as research centers. I don't want the entire world looking like this i want variety as well
Its like communism

Please don't if you do anything like this you need more natural flow and variation.
How does the form and function work out like that. WHY design a house like that? Its dead, life less. Like an amusement park.
I threw up in my mouth a little.
Greenery everywhere. Parks, gardens, roof gardens, vertical gardens, thickets, fields, banks.
Everyone is talking about architecture, but that's for fags. Let's talk about something useful like zoning, or how to change existing cities and suburbs to better meet our needs.

Obviously everywhere can't (and shouldn't) be high density urban development, but I think it's an ideal to strive for when existing suburban developments are characterized by sprawl.
There should be (more) businesses within walking distance of the average suburban home.
There should be more public transportation options for getting around suburbs, and there should be a direct line from suburbs to city centers like a light rail.
There are a lot of improvements city planners could make to future suburban areas.

The problem is, I'm not sure how we go about changing existing suburban areas. Existing suburbs were designed with the automobile in mind, and it shows in their design. Without tearing a bunch of stuff down, I'm not sure how useful any changes would be because people would still need their cars.

I don't know. What do you guys think?
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Make everywhere like Adelaide so no one comes here ... kek
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communism OK? I agree there needs to have more natural flow. But compared to typical urban development this is incredibly better.
the houses are build to last and designed for the person these are just models. Lifeless OK? again more culture ideals of beauty.
>architecture is for fags
That's exactly the mindset that put us in the situation we're in, anon
Cities without niggers.

The main thing to consider when thinking about something like this is that people don't want to be around criminal shitskins.

Find a way to ensure that, and you can make any changes that you want.
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Outlaw glass boxes and create and enforce non-degenerate aesthetic codes.
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I live in the Chicago area and the city just doesn't make any sense to me.
All the people either live in neighborhoods or big apartment buildings that are so far away from all the shops.

Zoning seems to be the problem.
it results in nothing but houses to be on one block and nothing but businesses to be in another.

This means you need to own a vehicle to be able to reach and bring back all your groceries.

Just allowing a corner shop for milk, eggs, ect. on every block would be nice.

but if we followed the example of these cities and zoned ground floors to be business and upper to be residential everything you need would be within very close walking distance.
Quality bait. Fucking leaf
Its not terrible. I like it more than giant towers of concrete but you need to consider the latitude and longitude of the place, the shadows, the location.

This looks nice until you get this

- parks
- codes for architectural styles
- more areas with no roads, but more parking access i.e. garages in convenient places
Hey if architecture is your thing, have at it. I respect a nice building. I just respect it a lot more if it's put in an appropriate place.

There's a lot more to urban planning to what kind of pretty to make the buildings is all I'm saying.
i agree thanks for actually making a point instead of being a dick like most. there are houses and their are apartments as well
mass suicides because most of them are exceedingly retarded. also higher density, more parks and drastically lower urban sprawl in every place with a population above 15,000. plan for future growth you fucking niggers.
it does remind of it desu ...
I want living spaces on a human scale, within walking distance to community centers, eateries etc. Cars have caused us to live so far away from everything. We are dependant on fossil fuels because of how our cities are structured around roadways, not communities.
That sounds really nice in a white ethnostate.
>Zoning seems to be the problem.
Not sure about that, I live in a suburb now and mostly have throughout my adult life and usually there's stuff within walking distance. Right now it takes me 5 minutes to get to a CVS or 15 to get to Publix. I don't like going to Publix on foot though because it involves crossing 6 lanes of traffic numerous times. Traffic is where I start to hate shit. When I lived 2 miles outside of downtown (where I worked at the time) and my car got wrecked I was okay as I had enough places to walk to but fuck this traffic shit. Luckily I always have a company vehicle now so I get around the issue but I do miss walking everywhere and knowing everyone.
Annex canada

Remove california
I'm not architect, but if you're going to deride /pol/locks who are, you're part of the problem.
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>+Women will have thicc legs from pedalling up hills

wtf i love bikes now
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American McMansions are the most soulless fucking buildings on the planet. A commie block has more soul than the average American house.
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dan b is a literal bisexual queer on drugs
>only shut in virgin neets that don't even have cash to pay a hooker for their v-card actually think he's cool
require mall and exurb developers to build roads sufficient to serve traffic they cause.

other than that, atone for your fails.

in a word, suicide.
You of all people should know how much worse the nips were, Xing.

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The traffic is caused by poor zoning.
If everything was within a block or two people wouldnt drive as much .
allowing more pedestrian friendly walkways/roads.

Its the fucking roads and intersections for cars thats causing the problem

look at
more tunnels and more land expropriations. if you are in toronto, you should expropriate a bunch of land + do tunnels to extend allen rd south to the gardiner expressway.
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New Urbanism, we have to stop this suburban shit
Amen brother!
What? That pic looks beautiful. Anyway, I quite like the look of Scandinavian homes, so more colorful buildings like that would be nice. Buildings like pic related would be nice, too.
Rest assured, large quantities of negros are processed there by the United States judicial system on a daily basis.
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>everyone lives in commie blocks
turn the suburbs into places that don't suck ass.
Check out James Kunstler for some red pilling on architecture.
I play city skylines a lot... I really like using roundabouts and circular roads.
Stop building up

Stop building out

Start building down

I don't care if it's expensive

I don't want any more of this land blighted with the visual presence of human civilisation

if you can't build down then just get a lot of people killed so we can stop sprawling endlessly outwards and upwards look godless fungi or termites
A higher field suicide rate would be nice
Get started
niggers ruin cities
>Stop building up
no just stop build out , scrap the suburbs and build city's like classic Europe. let nature take back the other land.
No suburbs. No sprawl. Everything within walking distance.

t. Houstonian
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City planning is the epitome of what (((they))) want for us - complete dependence on government, and a massive shift to (((leasing))) instead of owning.

Fuck the out of touch, pompous, ivory-tower dwelling city planner bureaucrats and their Orwellian agenda.

t. Developer
I like rural communities, I love the inner city, but suburbanites are consumerist, weak, slovenly, fat cattle.
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>the future is in automated cars
he thinks electric cars will save the suburbs.
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Fucking Dan..
Fucks bitches AND flies helicopters.
I noticed. The east is still beautiful, though poor. Austria still looks German, but everywhere that isn't rural and remote In Germany-proper looks
Like a modern abomination.
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>Work is 30 minute walk away
>Would only take 10 minutes in car, no point wasting gas
>Buy used mountain bike cheap online
>Mostly ride on small back roads and avoid busy traffic
>If there's people on the sidewalk, I ride in the road
>If there's nobody on the sidewalk, I ride on it
>Cheap, easy, takes about 15 minutes depending on route, and pushed me towards getting in good shape
>every fucking time I tell somebody I cycle they immediately assume i'm one of these weird faggots
Fuck this gay earth, I hate these assholes as much as you guys but will continue to be associated with them

>+Bikes looks cool
It doesn't, i'm sorry.
The only reason that looks so nice is because no niggers are there.
Houston, here. Same.
>30 mile drive, tomorrow
>still "in Houston"
Just hideous.
A larger sustainability and independence index per square mile.

Vertical farms and extra energy sources built into buildings such that they can store energy for their own generators.

ALSO, Also, better skeletons for buildings such that maintenance is an easier task
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>tfw I live in buffalo and walk by this building every day
But I'm not. I just want a broader discussion.
>work/look very well in their urban design setting
>these pieces of shit look good next to all the other pieces of shit
seriously m8 that looks like a toilet
its a shitty museum that frank loyed wright designed.
I actually like most of the stuff he did but yeah that one is terrible
Suburbs offer nothing but a domesticated form of culture and entertainment, made tame from all possible development or inspiration.

Cities become inspired by the sheer density of people and, at least for NYC and other capitals, a sense of shared identity.

The open country gives people inspiration for innovation by nature as well as their own survival and thriving methods.

Suburbs lack both the density of people or the grand openness of nature or the driving force of survival to inspire anyone.

I visit my grandparents in Richmond's suburbs at most, and only for an overnight at most.
you should see the art inside, it's even worse (except for the impressionist paintings, they're alright).
You seem like a grump
I agree completely and posted something similar but not as in depth. Architecture is a moot point when you're living in a congested shit hole. No amount of city parks and walking gardens will help that. Having something pretty to look at once in a while doesn't improve the quality of life or choices of where you can live. Expansion and zoning is what needs to be considered for that to happen.

i've been living in Houston for the last 15 years and it's been interesting to watch it boom. They're in the middle of building a third loop (SH 99) around it that connects all of the outermost suburbs. If those susburbs can be converted into thriving towns that you can work in, it gives people new opportunities for places to live. It also combats the traffic problems because instead of needing to go to the city to work, you can take the loop around to another thriving suburb for work.
File: girard building rendering.jpg (154KB, 440x557px) Image search: [Google]
girard building rendering.jpg
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Tear down highways and replace them with boulevards

Build more parks to get people connected with nature again

Get good passenger train infrastructure and bring back trolley cars as well.

Bring back manufacturing/industrial jobs to the cities.

Architecture wise, neoclassical, neocolonial, and whatever skyscraper styles they used from the first ones up to the 1940s are perfect. Basically just fuck modernism.
Stop the idiotic pseudo-utopian attempts to transplant black people into non-black neighborhoods and forcing non-blacks to pay for it. Societies have *always* tended to self-segregate. People like to live near people who share similar qualities. These policies literally kill people and ruin lives and they don't even improve outcomes for blacks in the first place. Fuck Section 8. Fuck racial quotas. Fuck forced integration and bussing and the idea that people are just arbitrary fungible subjects to manipulate like pieces on a chess board. If you want forcible integration, go live in the South Side of Chicago for a few months (and not in Hyde Park, faggot) and see if you even survive.
problem is there are virtually no builders who know how to do any of this shit anymore
Fuck that. I'm not walking to work in the terrible summer heat. And I definitely don't want to live in a human gerbil cage with air conditioned walkways everywhere.
how about we design many cities. all different
This. If you don't expand you start losing on options of where to live. You get forced to live in a high rise with no land and a bunch of nigs in the surrounding areas because they can't afford one. I'd rather spend my money on actual land away from the smog and nigs.
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