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>pretends not to be a moralist >refuses to tolerate so

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>pretends not to be a moralist
>refuses to tolerate so called "perverts"

they're all hypocrites in the end

I want to into paganism but I don't know where to start. Does he have a good video on that topic?
This is about concious concent, anon.
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Kill all Milo supporters
are kids unconscious????
He isn't a pagan
He's acting very weird about this, something feels off, normally he is rational and emotional and flying off the handle

even if he draws the line at the molestation of children that doesn't make him a moralist
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he doesnt even want to talk, fucking SJW-tier

this faggot just takes a fucking 4chan thread and makes it a video
without 4chan he would starve to death
>reaction image
>you clip of some stuff thing from thomas crown affair or whatever
nice fuckin post dude :D its almost like im back on reddit


Yes it does, you are promoting some form of morality. Drawing any line at all means you are supporting a set of morals.

This is why real, and I mean really real, occultists and sorcerers actually rape/kill/eat children. "Do what thou wilt" means exactly that.

Since when? When his grandfather died he said he believed that his spirit went on to be part of the Great Hunt.

hostile much?
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>back on reddit

we know where you came from cancer
forget to switch proxies back or just some new butthurt child?
>they're all hypocrites in the end
Yeah, but in more ways than you think.
He says not to idolize personalities, but the only way this hit him hard is if he was really looking up to Milo. He's hella mad. Someone disagreeing with you on a moral issue doesn't get a rational person angry. He clearly feels betrayed on a personal level.

Maybe he has issues, maybe he just isn't as okay with gays as he thinks he is.

But yeah, it's kind of hypocritical to be preaching morality off a Satan-themed soapbox. I think from here he's going to go angrier and less stable, like a skinny Alex Jones but with full serious.

8ch dot net slash asatru
It's okay not to like some people.
youre harshing my vibes dudeman
smoke weed in hell degenerate scum
Styx is a pedophile and is involved in the occult/satanism.

His reaction is pure projection.

I have NEVER seen him act this way before.

this faggot becomes all mystic when he wants to sell the magic books, "oh yes the petit albert is full of nasty spells"

he is a fucking shill, wants a quick payday, thats all
>back on reddit
smoke my ass daddy
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>calls himself SATANIST
>fake child sex abuse scandal breaks out
>whines about "THINK OF THE CHILDRENS" harder than a hysterical bible-thumping soccer mom from the 1980s

Really jerks them brain cocks....
I think he was molested. Or saw someone get molested when he was young.

He's being threatened by CIA niggers to turn on Milo

It's well known that Aleister Crowley preached that sodomitic pederasty was a high form of occultism.

Ancient pagan rites, from babylon, to canaanites, to aztecs, sacrifices/raped/etc. small children to their particular entities.

Jews bled christian children dry for their rites and rituals.

If you are an occultist the only reason you would have any qualms about using children for such purposes is because you are a novice or an entry level and you still have the natural law not so fully darkened, your conscience telling you that such things are obviously evil.

I unsubbed from him. He's been obsessed with his subscriber count so fucking much in the last few months.

"I have more subs than MTV News!"
"Let me tell you how to reach my sub count numbers!"
"I'm almost at 100,000 subs!"

Should I say it out loud?
>are kids unconscious
That was australian tier post.
>emotional and flying off the handle
He does this all the time when broached on certain subjects.
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i remember that he dismissed pizzagate has a conspiracy theory in a video.
Wtf, this is insane.

Normally, I'm pretty pro-Styx. I'm not a Libertarian and disagree with him on a lot of issues, but he excels in offering decent arguments in an informative, yet casual manner. His East Asian geopolitical analysis is the best I've seen on Youtube, too.

So I do honestly like the guy, and he's normally a very sensible person. But his Milo video is just so different in tone, style and every other metric than most of his political content.

He's irrationally angry. If he wants to 'disavow' or condemn Milo, that's fine. I'd be more than willing to hear him out and take his views into consideration; however, he doesn't really engage with Milo's defense at all. He tries to brush it off as if perception is all that matters, but then goes on to condemn Milo's statements and brush aside any nuance in the situation.

I don't know what his deal was today, but I do hope he goes back over some things, cools off and comes back with a new perspective. Even if he still wants to condemn Milo, it can be done in a much more intellectually honest manner.
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yes, lately he is being cocky and annoying

>When you realize he was in it purely for the money.....
The reason Milo ever even gained prominence is because our society is so deeply fucked that the only person who could say what he said was a gay Jewish degenerate who brags about sucking black cocks.

I mean think about that. This isn't something we should have looked away from. We tolerated it because we needed him, and we needed assistance.

The fact is though that our war is with the culture itself, with society, on a very deep and wide level. All I'm saying is that we should never have just accepted this guy as a "leader" or "figurehead" of whatever it is that we're trying to accomplish. If there is a we.

We should have accepted that WE are all of us the leaders and figureheads. We make this. We do this. Everyone plays a part.

Not just gay Jewish kids with finance from their gay Jewish uncles. (not to mention media spots from their gay Jewish uncles too)

We are all playing a role. Period. I can't be the only person that feels there are much better examples of the real people who are living this shit.
You haven't been watching long then. I've seen him get a little bit more mad then this, I think it was the video where he first announced he'd be voting for Trump. He went off on how Gary Johnson was a dumb retard for about 5 minutes, it was quite funny actually.
>its about conscious consent
should i say it out loud? youre implying kids are unconscious therefore cant give consent?

youre hilariously stupid. i fucking dare you to make sense of your post. IM WAITING
this guy is just like dross, a 4chan leech selling stolen memes to normies.

I haven't watched the video of Milo saying what he said, is it really damning enough for him to be considered a pedo? Rather than just someone with an edgy humour?
>they're all hypocrites in the end
It's all about the image.
The alt-right is the new left.
People care way more about their gay pundits than they do having any real standards.
It's absolutely infuriating.
pizzagate isn't real
Honestly I think I'm a really intelligent guy but Styx seems to know a fucking lot about stuff. It's pretty crazy actually. If he thinks something and it doesn't make you agree right off the bat, I'd say it's worth reconsidering just on account of the fact that most of the time the opinions put forward have been proven fairly rational. Not saying to ride his dick, just saying I think he might actually have a point here.
I agree, the first thing I noticed was how upset he was over it. At first I thought he was jumping on the bandwagon to push his channel into the power vacuum but that backfired

I wouldn't be surprised if he was diddled as a kid. It's well known he's had a weird past

Also his fans are a bunch of fucking moronic sheep

and even that guy talked about pizzagate, he leeched it as well, didnt went much into it, but,,,at least didnt dismissed it entirely.

Thanks, but you have to stay on the other side of the wall still.
you misspelled "is"
source on this?
No. What he said was that he had a positive sexual relationship with an older male when he was in his teens, and that the real world is complicated and messy. But he still thinks age of consent laws should remain the way they are.
He just hates Pedos. Thats the only degeneracy that he cannot stand.
forget that, he has a hairy chest
haha yeah is this case styx is far more articulated.

if i may ask are you the anon in one of the threads of styx saying that he was having a autistic meltdown?
This guy gets it.

If that is all he said, then I don't really see how it is grounds for accusing him of being something like that. Still, in the media you have to be unequivocally against everything deemed a taboo subject.
bitch ass fool
I think he is correct ultimately, except I don't agree with banning Milo defenders, but whatever, his channel. This is not the first time he's gotten really angry either
Start on reddit
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Literally knee-jerk reaction, he either hates the faggot and has some kind of personal issue with him/pedophilia or is an absolute fucking liar and he's nothing like he portrays himself to be.

I don't care about Milo and his degeneracy, but what Styx did is beyond retarded, especially when he himself claims he hasn't even bothered to investigate, doubly so when he's aware the MSM will do anything to smear their opponents.
>Thats the only degeneracy that he cannot stand.
That's why it's fucking weird.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
>Still, in the media you have to be unequivocally against everything deemed a taboo subject.

This. Your opponents will take any complex positions you have and dismantle and twist them to fit a narrative that suits them.
I've only seen the video where he talks about FDR but his analysis was so terribly petty & simplistic. He so obviously revealed an incredible dearth of knowledge about the subject at hand yet possessed such adamant convictions about it that it made me think if he's willing to talk out his ass about that, why should I trust ANYTHING that comes out of his mouth?
>It's well known he's had a weird past
you disspelled isnaught
Then why doesn't he take ad revenue? I don't how much Youtube ads net but I'd imagine he's missed out on tens of thousands of dollars by not having ads enabled during the election and post-election season.
>the video where he talks about FDR
i thought about this too

something weird is going on

I mean I would love it if Styx distanced himself from that evil Satanic Crowley faggotry
Spoiler the spooks next time
Only started watching Styx recently. Why the fuck is he acting like this? It' like he's a completly different person. Is his intellect just a facade?
Fuck off Milo.

Why haven't the mods permabanned Milo or Styx yet?
Is he retarded? Milo hasn't fucked any kids I thought.
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Nah, the same thing happened when he made a video on the possibility of Calexit. Are you gonna tell me a state seceded from him in his childhood and #Calexit triggered him?
probably was me yes

but now I am not sure, maybe he saw this as an opportunity to gain from the drama, or maybe a little bit of both, autistic meltdown and shilling.

but yes, since the accusations are far overblown, and

>he never molested anyone
>he never said he wants to molest anyone
>he exposed 3 real life pedos

>the interview is him telling about when he was 13, not that he wants to fuck 13 year old, or approves it.

so yes, I see milo coming out on top of this one, even if they are dropping him now.

he is thinking long term, that doesnt mean he is in it cause he is a good boy that wants to see the world be better, believe me that guy wants power, I can see it. No good intentions.
We would have only pewdiepie and hwndu threads if they did.
He faggoted out of that one, but people will remember this
I'd say he really is pretty smart and knowledgable, especially with politics, but he's a bit of an autist and has his sperg moments from time to time
Married to some crazy mexican, nearly killed himself with research chemicals, a multitude of other strange gfs
Or he just has principles. Milo going off on what Milo literally said vs posters on /pol/ who's evidence is simply speculation, Styx has every right to call Milo out for this if he did it for Salon why exempt Milo for simply being Milo?
After seeing /pol/ today, I thought Milo was DONE.

But then I went online, looked at social media.
Then I talked to real people that I knew, I thought for sure they would be anti-Milo.

But you know what is weird?
They actually said "it was a joke"
or "He wasn't talking about pedophilia, he was talking about gay culture"
or "The media is up to their smear campaigns again"

I really was amazed. I thought for sure the public would be full-speed blast on hating Milo and dropping him. But I think with all the talk of fake news and character assassination getting around, the "at first glance" at this people now think of the lying press just trying to take out another conservative voice. Thank god most of these people didn't actually look into it, because what he said was pretty bad.

I think Milo is going to be fine. When I was looking at /pol/ earlier I was very certain that Milo's career was fucking stone cold DEAD.

The conditioning has been officially broken! /pol/ was just getting shilled to a ridiculous degree.
>implying jews such as the jews, Crowley, Canaanites, and Babylonians, and The Aztecs define occultism.
>implying there aren't many forms of occultism outside of listed examples.
Don't worry, we can ban Pewdiepie too.
Maybe he got fucked by a pedo perv. It actually makes sense if you go by his reaction.

I guess it's pretty common too, I know a lot of kids who got diddled. I'm glad I didn't.
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>MSM: pewdiepie is a nazi
>styx: pewdiepie is not a nazi
>MSM: milo is a pedo
>styx: milo is a pedo

that's about all, fuck you styx.
peace out.
smart and educated isnt everything, its more than most have, but still.
You do know that he fried his brain with synthetic marijuana and had to be put in a psych-ward after he began to have seizures from it and his dad came in to him thrashing around screaming in the shower. I can find the video if you don't believe me
I'm needing to be real right now.

I want to defend Milo. I want to stick my neck out a bit for the guy.

But honestly I don't see him ever doing the same thing for someone like me. I don't think he would defend someone like me from attacks from the cucks. I dunno.

I just don't see him as that great of a person is all. He wants us to all fucking defend him and gather round him... why should we? He's a fucking soulless attention whore cunt
I would be OK with this.

/ourguy/ threads are awful
sexpats deserve to be hanged
as would you my crack smoking coconut eating friend
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>Only started watching Styx recently. Why the fuck is he acting like this?

He is on the mailing list. He pulled the trigger at the precise moment.

Ask yourself how his channel grew from complete obscurity?

That's pretty fresh pasta, only seen it twice.
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assmad Costa Rican is back
For me it's just principal. I don't like milo and I think the shit he said was pretty fucking nasty but I don't think he's a pedo or pedo sympathizer. I think he's stupid faggot who says shit to get attention and this time it bit him in the ass.

I really don't think he's a pedophile though.
>He is on the mailing list.
What mailing list?
He's trying to imply that Styx gets marching orders from the MSM
FDR was everything Styx said he was tho.
He's saying he's a shill, I don't know why though. Styx isn't a shill, he's just wrong.
Fuck FDR.
That's a bit far fetched. The first time I saw him I though he was some sort of pedophile neo nazi. What is he, though? Alt-right, alt-lite, libertarian? I really can't tell.
lol he deleted the video
Your comment shows how you know nothing about nothing. I said this as soon as the story broke.

If there is no vid if milo touching anyone then this will blow over.
character attacks and hurling invectives are not a substitute for studied appraisal

his video was essentially the same as if he made a 15 minute about george washington and spent 12 of those minutes talking about how he was impotent & a shitty general and a despicable slave owner.
He's a libertarian, I'd say he lives up to it most of the time, but he acknowledges that he has differences with them in places. I think he's redpilled more than he lets on though. I also found him off-putting at first until I gave him a chance
Post the video
thats true, feed me your minds!!!!

it appears i am sperging as well, what happened today? do the MSM still have this much power over us that they can make us all go in a autistic rants, all for a year old interview?
lol did he delete the video
jeffersonian nationalist
he's not full lolbertarian

It's why he stopped doing drugs
I'll have to mirror it on my channel tomorrow
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I wonder why? Any thoughts. Maybe he watched Sarcuck of Mossad's video and reconsidered?

You're an idiot.
what he did?
More likely the backlash was bigger than he expected, hopefully he posts something cogent this time round.
KEK!! he realized the shitstorm that was coming
I was kinda surprised by how angry his Milo video was.

That means he's in the thread right now. Hello Styx!
Milo is a hypocritical opportunist. But doesn't means he's a pedo/advocate.
I thought so as well

Styx see this>>113600609
His video didn't even have that many dislikes.

It's probably likely he watch sargon's or someone else video on it.
>it's kind of hypocritical to be preaching morality off a Satan-themed soapbox

Satanism (and any other LHP philosophy, for that matter) has never been about running around acting like a rabid baboon. Rejecting society's morals means developing a personal code of your own. The only people I've ever met claiming to be on the Left Hand Path and having no personal code of honor have all been SJWish psychos and not serious occultists.
I doubt it. I didn't get perved on as a kid but it was sexually assaulted in high school. More than anything it just makes me sick to my stomach/depressed. I don't lash out in a fit.

My opinion is he's just highly opinionated on that subject. Kinda goes with the idea of nonagression most libertarians are all about if you make the argument that children are unable to consent for mental/biological reasons. Maybe I'm wrong but it's just my 2 cents
He removed it.

I think he realized that we got trolled by concentrated shilling.
Wagecuck memes. They suck. It's a fact.

Why they want to fuck with Styx is beyond Mr, but it's working for them and you retards still can't get see it.

James Alefantis and David Brock are no longer /pol/s most hated pedos. The shills are slicing us like a cake.

If you don't seize the memes now, all will be lost.
He browses 4chins though
There's usually a reason people dislike things around here, well side from stuff being popular.
>It's well known that Aleister Crowley preached that sodomitic pederasty was a high form of occultism.

That's the kind of outright lie we've come to expect of "progressive" types. What's your tumblr URL?
>it was quite funny actually.
You've been watching too much Styx
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> never failed /pol/
Scheisse. Did anyone save it?

I was going to save it, but I changed my mind.
One of Styx's biggest problems is that he takes the mainstream media narratives way too seriously whenever the alt-right or even the alt-lite are concerned. His videos on Enoch and Spencer are pretty good examples, but this one really takes the cake.
I may have the link up on my computer, I'll go see and try to upload it. I'll report back here if so
shit i left my trip on
Catholics have raped more children than any pagan for sure
What are you doing here eggy?

of course not, it's just a coordinated hit piece, and no one yet has any good argument against it
Good news, lads. I have the video on my computer, I'd saved it. Should I upload it?
Haha.. Styx is a poser mumbling on about whatever thread he read on /pol that day. Blowing with the wind.
will wait for washington post and boston globe to investigate it...
All I know about what Satanism preaches is what I read in The Satanic Bible.
On one hand, LaVey said not to be an asshole for the lulz, but he kind of had to. The Pope would say the same thing for the same reasons.
On the other hand, you call yourself a Satanist because you want desperately to trigger the normies. And maybe you want to pretend that's helping them, fucking with their rigidity, but it's because their reactions are hilarious and it adds this awesome element of danger to daily life.

Having a personal code is one thing, getting pissed because other people don't follow it is the exact thing people stop being Christians to get out from under.
you arent real
I smoked spice when I was 16, it will really fuck your shit up. I knew a chick who did a really strong strain and couldn't move or talk for hours. Fuck all that shit.
Wait are you saying you don"t think catholic priest molested all those kids? Or that somehow the absurdly small pagan community molested more ?
You're the man anon.

Also the original link was:
>i was sexually assaulted in high school
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>(take two) lol

also nice digits friendo
This happened before when he made a video calling out some alt-right podcast as a honeypot and then removed it when it got a negative response.

This is where the video will be. It's not ready yet, give it 2-3 videos

I'll stop spamming now, but here is a mirror
Nice. I'll be waiting.
>remember kids, when you post it, it's there forever
I've never seen styx gay out like this before. Did the deep state get to him and force him to make that video but then the Russians counter-got to him and made him take it down?
Ironically, not even Swedish.
Sounds like he is too much of a pussy to have an opinion on this of his own and is just throwing Milo under the bus without a thought because he's too afraid of the pedo witchhunt mob to do anything else.

I shouldn't be too harsh on him though since all I do is type anonymously. He's got his face out there on youtube.
lol he's remaking the video because he was wrong.
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>It's well known that Aleister Crowley preached that sodomitic pederasty was a high form of occultism.

They claim the references to pederasty and the "Tunnels of Typhon" are meant to be sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek and "ironic."

They never show the context that prove that it is anything but serious ritual, besides his dirty love letters and poems. Of note, James Joyce wrote the same type of depraved shit and no one sees any supposed intended humour in it.
He is still wrong tho.

>milo made socially unacceptable joke in poor taste
>this is somehow shocking

That's the entire point of Milo's career, dammit. He is a shock jock. A provocateur.
methinks he doth protest too much
Styx said the we think CTR shills are defending Milo

its the opposite, CTR shills are jumping on the opportunity putting fuel in the fire of the Milo linching.
He said he loved the priest that he sucked off when he was 14 and that it was good for him. He said he wouldn't give nearly as good head without him. Maximum degeneracy and making light of pederasty. No way normies see this in any nuanced way.

I think he is still to butthurt to do the video, still with the confirmation bias
looks like shit... kill yourself btw... fuck you..
thats his twisted way to deal with the trauma, that doesnt make him an advocate of pedophilia
Styx knows he jumped the gun. He never watched the JRE video in full and now that he probably has had the time to do so, he will issue a correction while still generally hating Milo.
What is a priest doing allowing that to happen in the first place, even if he didn't initiate it
Has anyone (((fact checked))) milo's defense? I'm too lazy to do so myself. I'm mainly talking about splicing the part about "consent being oppressive" together with his gay stuff while he claims he was talking about draconian anti-rape legislation on campus.
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>/pol/ is defending a dirty paedophile faggot
i thought the_donald was going to leave after the election
Its not /r9k/

But long story short it was bullying turned rape. All that cliche shit. In the closet fag football dude shit.
Styx is defending CTR, saying that the raid is non existent
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shitpost/10, straya
digits confirms it.
where is the raid?
i guessing there is a large percentage of people on /pol/ who dont want to defend a faggot just because he has the same political ideals

Someone probably linked him the second insider thread where the insider said it was going to happen few hours before the first hit pieces started to come.
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That's about all, peace out
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Has anyone seen the Sargon video defending Milo? It's been taken down...


Dude looks familiar, who is this?

Angryforeigner, I think that was his name. Talks about how Sweden has gone crazy,

I like the shirt, and the idea of tell it like it is in Sweden.

But goddamn, his channel looks faggy.
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gross anon
>tfw op btfo himself.
its on the other channel

Libertarians are fucking retards.

You can take a an anti-moralist stance on most things, but child abuse should trigger violent rage if you are a healthy minded person.

I'm an Ethnocentric Libertarian.
You shouldn't even bother to get the rope for pedos, just a bullet to the head.
Age of consent is 17 in most of the country anyone who thinks it should be lower should have to stare down a shotgun in any sane community.
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>not worshipping saturn

16 here bae

Like I said, Ethnocentric. I don't give a fuck what you do until you are over here, just like I don't care about Mohammed's first cousin marriage and goat fucking.

>defending backwards age of consent laws.

Yes, I should just be happy to marry used goods, right?

Libertarians are fucking retarded.

Or you could work to construct a society that puts sluts in their place, but that would require you to give up your child fucking fantasies.

I could do that, but I wouldn't be able to marry a virgin after accomplishing such a task.

Sluts might be put in their place, but they'd still be the majority of women thanks to the "live and let live" nonsense you retards peddle.
Bullshit, real, occultists and magickians go by the concept of "you reap what you sow".
If you hurt people, people will hurt you.
If you do baneful magick, you will deal with baneful consequence.
If you hate, you will be hated.
Everything is a circle, what you put out there will come back to you.
you need books. read Jack Donovan, look up Arktos books.
>sages a thread with 200+ replies

see this

he also seemed kinda dumb with the pizzagate stuff, arguing it wasn't likely because their occultism wasn't tied to any historical strain, as if real pedophiles would take the time to learn demonic magic and not just implement a shitty form

Right, because it's only one of the top pieces of human capitol for a women in a society that doesn't encourage them to throw it away. You make yourself sound like you are the one not worth it so you must use your sophistry on someone to young to build a defense in order to justify your child diddling.
Step up your game, just because you're not worth shit to anyone doesn't make it my problem.
You still should get the lead.
The pagans were the only ones to make it legal- Ancient Greece and Rome
well he wrote that through gay anal sex you could conceive spirit demons, idk about the pederasty part but wouldn't be surprised
no one wants to be the one accused of defending pedophilia, that's the point
what was the age of consent in pagan societies where people were dead by 30
watching this part two vid he made
>doesnt realize milo was joking
>thinks ann coulter is a tranny liberal
Styx totally got molested in his church days calling it, dont really give a shit about milo being a heeb hebe, but what the fuck is his deal with coulter?
ancient greeks did thigh sex, not buttsex i believe

It was a dumb conspiracy theory peddled by the Left during the Bush years in an effort to try and discredit Ann Coulter.

Younger Leftists loved it, and the idea even made it onto "The Boondocks."

For some reason, Styx seems to have retained that from his edgy Leftist days.
this second video does not seem much better than the first
i like STYX. milo will not divide us.
i missed the first... i was wondering. thx
In a month nobody is going to give a shit. Milo will be out being gay dressing like a flamingo going to colleges and Styx will be invading California.

These news retards will find something new to be outraged by the second Trump tweets again
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Lol I love all these butthurt milo fans.
Fuck milo.
Styx is based.
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>and Styx will be invading California.

I always thought she just had marfan syndrome
in minecraft
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meh. didn't he say brain development out of child mode then you can fuck instead of body development then fucking? sounds reasonable to me. no?
I mean, isn't the brain not fully developed until like 24? I agree with styx in principle but I agree with Milo's (poorly conveyed) point that age itself does not determine one's ability to give informed consent. Some people will be able sooner or later than others

I was speaking of the "Ann Coulter is a secret liberal" stuff.

Granted, the left popularized the "Ann Coulter is a tranny" bit back during the Bush Years, too. I just overlook that a lot, because I have a thing for girls with longer faces.
So Styx fucked up, big deal. He's still an entertaining and fairly intelligent guy with tolerable sperglord traits, he does suck his dick too much about his subscriber count though.
it's easy to do if you're 10.2
true.. but what should we do if people develop at different ages? 18 seem like a good age desu even though some are not still not adultish. that seems to me to be the most reasonable option rather than having a system of doctors trying to diagnose your true adult age for fucking. yeah milo's viewpoint are usually just poorly thought out provocative messages with no real solution. he pokes hella and a lot of people give a fuck. anyways i don't think he completely wrong but he should be called out when he's talking 13 year old girls and boys. just weird man, even if they're fully developed in the brain and body.
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>Feels a completely normal repulsion to niggerloving pedophile faggots

Wew. Stay Jewed lad.
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>not watching based Alex Jones true objective coverage
>being a Sargon/Styx/Metokur/Harmful/etc. brainlet

miloshills are this dumb
> satanistic moral code is different than christianity's therefore satanists are hypocrites for despising pedos

huh rlly meaks ya think
Agreed. And I think 18 is a good age too. But consider that the age of consent in Mexico is 12. If this were all happening in Mexico, there might be no scandal to speak of. I think that's the relativism Milo was trying to describe
Milo wasn't joking though.
>/pol/ is actually defending a faggot
...tell me about it. I was talking to this guy that was alot like this. He said its ok to talk about things but to actually rape someone was bad. We don't want that type of moralizing in Rapeton. What the fuck are you on about OP? The word cuck fits you perfectly. some weird nihilist who just wants anything and everything to go by unabaited. Are you Swedish or something?
you think he was seriously saying he was happy about being molested because it made him better at head?
ah, what the fuck.
I felt the same exact way. He was almost yelling in the video. He didn't react this way with pizzagate. He seemed pretty level headed about it. It's actually pretty strange. That's about all, peace out.
>That's about all, peace out.
>That's about all, FUCK MILO and peace out.
Fixed it for you.
> he's not a pedo apologist! He said relationships between younger teens and older men are perfectly valid! They are not victims!
> oh he was just joking when he said he enjoyed sucking off a priest at 14! He's a victim!

So either Milo was taken advantage of and is an apologist for sexual abuse or you agree with him and think young teen boys can make their own decisions regarding sex and old faggots aren't taking advantage of their ignorance or doubts regarding their own sexuality.

Choose carefully because you can only pick one.
it was weird...he didn't seem like this when he was talking about John Podesta / Anthony Weiner
this guy looks like a fucking faggot.

looking like a faggot is worse than being an actual faggot.
Breitbart employees threaten to leave if Yiannopoulos is not fired

its wierd how uptight people get at anything near pedophillia commentry
It is. But he is now a key figure of the information war and this got him hit hard.
>you reap what you sow
Only certain schools and they essentially program themselves for exactly that outcome.
hey OP
Being libertarian does not mean you tolerate everything
It means you dont go around and force people to do what you want with a gun
jesus how can you be so stupid
I dont know what any of this strawman bullshit is supposed to mean but so far I've seen one joke about himself giving better head because a priest molested him, if you cant tell that was a joke you have autism. And a few selectively edited clips that according to him were in the context of his relationship at 17 to a 29 year old referring to himself as young boy at 17. Seems pretty unlikely he's a pedophile, maybe he's a hebephile probably a high % of homos are one or the other but there isn't enough evidence to support that he is.

The only reason I care about this is because bending over for some slanderous bullshit is going to set precedent.
such as?
That's called Wicca, Hans.

Karma is a meme.
No serious occultist believe in it.
Same for Crowley, by the way. ;)
This timeline...glorious nectar of kek. Your sweet, sweet ambrosia is the milk and honey that sustains me. That sweet, sweet stuff.
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I think styx was more pissed about the fact that alt righters are unironically defending something that's indefensible, this sets a really dangerous precedent for the movement, the point was always to be redpilled, but now they're jumping on a gay jewish man's cock because it turns out a chunk of the alt right is full of literal retards
I think if you're going to argue that an 16 year-old might not be able to determine whether or not they want some fug, you have to also argue that they're not responsible enough to start driving and taking their lives and the lives of those around them into their own hands.
Also fun fact most poofters are pedophiles, fuck milo and fuck his retard followers for co opting the alt right into some degenerate pro gay pro zionist deformity.
Maybe hes not a fucking paid shill like you which is which is reacted normally to this? Really gets the old gears grinding
Reminder to sage report and hide shill threads
>Ask yourself how his channel grew from complete obscurity?

Steadily for years (some of his early vids got a lot of views) and then he gave top notch election analysis and gained more rapidly because he was almost 100% correct in his election prediction.
>Hating pedos is not rational


You guys are a joke, really. Fuck your rationalism and your shit, he is a gay jew pedo. What do you need to rationalize?

This was the first video he made which he deleted. IMO it's the best take on this whole thing.


That degenerate trash Milo got utterly rekt.
>Factcheck: Mostly false
Milo actually said he gave head to a priest when he was 13
This. Milo is a piece of shit. He has never been on our side. At best, he's a faggot jew attention whore. At worst, he's controlled opposition meant to discredit us by association.

that's about all... peace out
Nah, senpai. He swallowed teh red pilled.
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Protip: LaVeyan Satanists are extra touchy about kidfucking, because it's one of the only sexual activities they consider to be a sin. They are also sensitive to it because Christfags kept accusing them of it in the 70s thru 90s.
i unsubbed from this aspie as soon as the election ended, his 15 minutes are over
God damn I hate seeing this femboy numale faggot pretending to be an edgy satanist but still just a skinny numale that would get his shit pounded by a girl, why is degeneracy so rampant now? too much fucking weeaboo anime and flouride.
kill also shareblue faggots and 13 year old cunts worshipping this skinny goth prison bitch
lmao just lmao at all these jelly faggots

Who fucking cares Milo is a faggot kike and is subverting the right wing! Why even defend him?
my thoughts exactly
>not retarding children for muh dick

If he's against stomping seeds in his yard before they grow does that make him a moralist?

Fuck you, snowflake.
You're the ones trying to say it's immoral to protect our offspring. Hypocrite moral-fag.
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> tfw Ben Garrison watched Styx
Never would have thought.
What's wrong with being a moralist?
Repent, reprobate.
Styx has been wrong about a lot of things. I especially disagree with his stance of weightlifting and he isn't on the "skinny" side, his defense of that other skinny bitch was too much.
Not gonna lie former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get all the Black Cocks.
starting to think styx here is a influence guage being used by others to see how much influnce and change of spectrum online personalities can hold.

At first he was bending to our views, but now it seems he is trying to bend our views.

Intriguing, however I unsubbed.
I'm torn on this. Ultimately I agree with him and view Milo as a ruined degenerate faggot who should not be given this much attention. However Styx himself is pretty libertarian and all about the occult and free choice. I would have thought he'd be more open and not react so harshly to this news.
>He isn't a pagan

Also the term pagan covers a broad term of religions, of which most was gassed.

Not by listen to this guy, but read instead like you would if you would become a christian
He reconciles this with his libertarian beliefs by there being a victim involved. A 13 year old is unable to consent so someone molesting a 13 year old is violating the rights of another person.
Yeah I'm listening to the second re-upload right now. He does make a point on how the victim aspect bothers him in this one.
That's about all, peace out
They are not essentially against pedophilia, they are against the right. They will change to any other position that has to be defended.
I'm fairly new to his channel and find most of his opinions reasonable and balanced, this is not one.
You can clearly see he was unhinged by how he discussed this topic, especially in the first upload.
The milo video clips are clearly cropped together and taken out of context to portray the message, that he supports adults abusing minors, by slicing together his opinion oh his own childhood abuse with his reality reflecting opinion that younger fags tend to have their first relationships with older ones because they are missing the support and help of their families.
Just the other day (and pretty much every time trump makes a statement) he defended trumps misuse of words but won't put nearly the same standard to Milo's words spoken on random Internet podcasts or his apology vid. Especially when milo has a history of going after child abusers.
Styx also made it so contradicting his narrative is a potentially ban worthy offence while at the same time having a moral high ground stance on the issue.
Considering how casually and un judgmental he references other controversial and potentially morally unjustifiable stances I am pretty confident that he has a personal bone to pick with either milo, child sexual abuse or both and I consider most of the points in this video to fall flat. Pretty much the only reasonable things he said is that child abuse is bad and we should not idolize/lionize public figures in general and especially attention whores like milo.
I noticed that he'll say factually incorrect statements in complete confidence and just move on. He's a good speaker and believable but it can be jarring at times when you have the counter factual.
In reality he doesn't like Milo because he's more redpilled than he lets on.
What did he say about weighlifting?
some polish cuck that left his turdworld country to go wine about other people doing the same lol seriously fuck this muslim, he has to go back to mexico.
That's about all, peace out
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There's literally nothing wrong with being a human twig.
>pretends not to be a moralist

No, he has just transcended your pleb slave morality is all...
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