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The Reich is still fighting a covert war against zionist kikes

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The Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght

Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>Trump possibly captured USA for the Nazis
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement was maybe a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs

First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato
The Nato Headquarter (Pic related) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision "Das Reich) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel black sun(also upload later)
All this is indicating the Nato is just the continuation (Waffen-)SS.

Old Thread
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Pic related are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death

Admiral Byrd, which led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole" (Ignore the flat earth tag) I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?
do they plan to repopulate Europe with their own white people?
because there won't be any native Europeans left if they don't hurry up
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Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot

(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found

There also isnt a 3rd, or even 4th Reich, only the german Reich which never dissappeared.

Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
Even entire cities saw them

Some of them even simply deactivated our nukes

The question is who is in those UFOs? I will come to this a bit later.
They're doing a fucking shit job then
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The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.
The EU building looking like the Tower of Babylon might indicate that the EU is intended to break down just like Babylon did.
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Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.
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>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.

Pic Related
>Secret Command Document

>Acceleration of acquisationtesting and production of Haunebu II + Vril 1

>Comment: SS-Unit IV (SS-E-IV [SS-Einheit-IV?]) considers concentration on already in trial situated Haunebu II to be more reasonable than working parralell on both types. Haunebu II promises considerable improvements in allmost all respects. Higher productioncost seems justified, especially considering the Führers Special Command. regarding the Flight Gyro (Flugkreisel)

The plans were recovered by allied forces
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Supposed map of argartha
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Other map
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The Nazis never were racist anon. They just didnt want everything to fall to degeneracy. They dont care about where you are from if you arent a disgrace to the human race. The SS was the most diverse military force ever and also had muslim divisions.
The flood of shitskins kinda is positive to them as it makes the current obvious and as you see people become more and more aware of the corruption and evilness of the governments and the forces behind it.

>Japanese holdouts (残留日本兵 Zanryū nipponhei?, "remaining Japanese soldiers") or stragglers were Japanese soldiers in the Pacific Theatre who, after the August 1945 surrender of Japan ending World War II, either adamantly doubted the veracity of the formal surrender due to dogmatic militaristic principles, or simply were not aware of it because communications had been cut off

>Private 1st Class Kinshichi Kozuka held out with Lt. Onoda for 28 years until he was killed in a shootout with Philippine police in October 1972
>Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, who held out from December 1944 until March 1974 on Lubang Island in the Philippines with Akatsu, Shimada and Kozuka, was relieved of duty by his former commanding officer in March 1974.
>In January 1990, Shigeyuki Hashimoto and Kiyoaki Tanaka returned to Japan from Malaysia. After the Japanese surrender, they joined the Malayan Communist Party's guerrilla forces to continue fighting against the British, only returning after the CPM laid down its arms and signed a peace treaty

All these cases show the fighting continued way after 1945, so why wouldnt the Nazis hold out in Antarctica and wait for the people to wake up and come back when the time is right.
Be patient, you need to have the people on your side or else you will have to control them by force. Right now people get more and more aware of whats going so there is hope
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What's the intention behind this forced meme? To get gullible edgy neo-nazi teenbros to support NATO/western liberal unipolarism?
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pic related the andomeda machine, seemingly acting as a mothership

>creating a thread about something once in a while is a forced meme
sure thing
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So did these ice nazi's continue the development of their own type 1 powerplant? Would they have had extreme winter terrain kubels? That's what I'm most interested in.
>Thousands of people being able to keep this a secret

There's no proof of this quote.

Don't forget about their Nazi moon base m8.
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>The Reich is still fighting a covert war against zionist kikes
there's nothing covert about it
the filthy kikes are intent on being genocided for real this ime
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Its of course just all (((coincidence)))

>implying they are not already on mars

Yes... no... maybe... i dont know
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I want future type 166 now please
how did hitler escape Berlin when the city was surrounded?
NATO flag has a blue background and the shadows go the other way retard.
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These threads are made to discount our collective efforts in false hope. Fuck off cia faggot
The Reich are zionist kikes themselves, Nazism is the #1 reason Israel exists and Hitler planned on creating a Jewish state from the start,
The war was going on in usa. Nazis lost control of USA in 1991 when cold war ended and jews took over
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you can view both sides, not only the shadowed sides. also maybe hitler knew he wont be able to just overrun the world by force to free it, but that the people themselves must want it. he probably knew that he had to plant a seed of the spirit that after the people are ready it will grow to its true power. the swastika is maybe purposely that way to symbolize that it has to fall on its knees (involution) to then stand back up even stronger (evolution) in the future, and because they are preparing that phase they chose to use it the other way around
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Oh the glory of old germany, how I wish I could restore my way back there...

P.S, arctic nazis reading this, if you need somebody well versed in the art of the Air-cooled vw and Porsches, let me know, I'm your man.
Tibetans beamed him ro the untersberg and he's planning his comeback now
Because the Jews need a place to go when they get kicked out.
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Of course the nazis wanted israel. put them all together in a place so they can jew themselves instead of us. the haavara agreements purpose was to get rid of the jews in a peacefull way. the anglos didnt play along though and fucked everything up.
The Nazi Khazarian faction that exists to this day works in tandem with the Jesuit World Order(the top dogs) which are behind zionists.

You can not trust the Nazis. I know we LARP about "the good old days" but they worshipped the black sun and worked with Draconian Reptilians. All wars have been controlled. They are not your heroes.
This is my favorite conspiracy theory. There is still hope but I'm not holding my breath.
How about some links faggot?
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ahhh schizophrenia we meet again!
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that moment when you realize OP is the german shitposter that used to make putin's missile threads
Sheeit. The actual nazi one is like a cluster of four fours. Moot knew...
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the natohq is build like 4 sig runes like mentioned above. now a sig rune is also close to a 4, making it 4444. 4+4 4+4 =88

who knows?
So this explains the high profile people all visiting Antarctica?
Are they in cahoots with the Nazis or trying to negotiate with them?
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Probably both depending on which one you pick
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I don't believe in secret space Nazis from Antarctica, but if I did, their existence would actually explain the Trump/Putin connection.
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>those japs
Are you saying we are the Jews?
We probably are since we were Americans once and America = globalist jews.
Most governments are the jews, but the pendellum seems to swing back, power shifts and the other side seems to be gaining traction. The nazis
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Come on, just start air-cooled production already, dammit.
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Shills trying to create sympathy on /pol/ for NATO/EU globalism with these retarded copy pasta conspiracies about "muh nazi symbolism and nazi saucers" when everyone fucking knows both are zionist controlled organisations.

Appeared shortly after Schulz shilling blew upand around the same time the pro EU copy pasta shilling started..
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I'm the only true Nazi here anyways, nobody else cares about rebuilding the groundforce.

I always suspected Germany brought in Turks to dissuade Jews from returning after WW2
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EU and NATO are bullshit organisations, and should sink into a deep hole never to be seen again. but the EU seems to be planned to fall apart either way, and its just again as coincidence it consists of almost the same area asthe german reich back then, and that russia and the communism/bolshevism was an enemy of the reich just like russia is today.

however i believe that currently russia is a 3rd player in the game. it got kinda rid of the communism and thus doesnt belong to (((them))) anymore, but also is threatened and fights for independency from the EU and nato.

i dont say i support any of the actions or organisations, im just trying to make sense of whats going on

hitler and other leading nazis were sheltered by the vatican, and from there to south america, via Franco's Spain.

Father Krespi, for example, was an Austrain claimed to have been studying in the Seminary at the Vatican since 1943- but that doesn't explain how this supposedly impoverished priest was in the possession of Adolf Hitler's prized personal. art collection.

Nor does it explain why Krespi was buried in a white marble tomb, and at his funeral elderly Germans with armed retinues flew in from all over the world to pat they respects.
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These German engineers man, creating super fast flying plates, however, they couldn't make a rocket fall on London.

Dayum. Must be the Jews, eh?
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Pic related, I believe it's a SEAL or at least Navy barracks in California
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I suggest reading Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile.
And because the Brits didn't agree to the deal the Nazis an hero'd all of da juice.

Eternal Anglo, amirite?
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Alex Jones type disinformation.
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>tips tinfoil hat
did you ever try them? maybe they even work
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jesus not this Haunebu bullshit again
I wish this were true, I really do
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btw that picture was taken in Soest, Westphalia if you're interested, lived there for a few years.

is the most Jewish organization that has ever existed in the world

these threads rather belong to /x/ really
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That picture is right after the war, British occupation if I remember correctly.
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is it so hard to believe that the SS lives 2 miles under antarctica in a Bunker with around threfiddy UFOs?

thats the dumbest fucking shit I ever heard
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if the UFOs arent from the nazis, what are the foo fighter then? all the soldiers just imagining things?
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It was just Dr Porsche's Luftwagen prototypes.
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Aliums bro
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You're agatha 'theory' does not hold. Why? Gravity = M*E/r^2
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And why is a more believable that UFO travel millions of lightyears just to freak some people out that look in the sky and then dissappear then nazis? I feel like its some intimidation tactic. Especially considering the cases where the UFO just turned off weaponssystems including nuclear missiles telling them to fuck off and leave antarctica alone.
Also it seems most governments are following the same agenda, working together, yet they are always increasing their stock on weapons like some other force is threatening them justifying it through some minor conflicts saying the other side is threatening. What if the conflicts are just show to be armed against a complete other enemy? Antarctica nazis

What year is that bus?!

Pre-50 prototype.
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>And why is a more believable that UFO travel millions of lightyears just to freak some people out
Aliums have been here a long time, long before anyone even knew what a Nazi is, back then Niggers were KANGZ.

Aliums are our Gods, they probably made us.
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>he believes niggers were able to build the bagdad battery

nigga pls
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>and OP be like
>"yea man the SS Nazis travelled back in time to 1566 Switzerland"
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Doesnt look too cold for antarctica
>and its just again as coincidence it consists of almost the same area asthe german reich back then
desu its the same geography, relatively same people, its probably just the smart geopolitical moves to make, not secret nazis
Or its the nazis trying to reclaim their reich
then why dont they do nazi things, like crack down on degeneracy or non aryans? or are they just waiting to consolidate power?
See >>113367310 and >>113368453
Everything OP said seemed plausible until I read the Israel being a concentration camp thingy. That is retarded.
why do you think was hitler and nazigermany in favor of the creation of israel?
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Are you implying Hitler didn't like jews?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnsHl5qzpYc check at 7:35
why is soros always seem to be so happy about the time with the nazis?
even says its the happiest time of his life

is he maybe on the nazis side? while rothschild and rockefeller and all the others try to controll the people through the banking system, the bought politicians and creation of laws hidden from sight soros always finances movements creating an impact in the lifes of people directly visible to everyone. is he trying to draw attention? is he funding such stuff to make us angry about the jews and the degeneracy, to make those more obvious to us? is he still in the sheets with the nazis?
this same german makes this same thread every week
Are you saying NATO is anti-establishment?
still dont know whats wrong with making a thread about some issue once in a while
more interesting than 90% of the shitposts on here
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Nothing but its kinda like pizzagate. It was fine when it was new info but after like two months there wasn't any new information its kinda like just the same old shit every thread. You don't really think nato and the un are nazis right? You could argue there the other side of the coin which i think stanley kubrick tried to talk about in a clock work orange but its not like they're actual nazis. Is there a nazi base? Probably not. But some of these images you showed could be a answer to ufo sightings.
True. There actually hasn't been a lot of happenings recently.
there is so much to find one person alone cant possibly look through all of it. thats why its good to be posted here so other people might look into it and hopefully nexttime such a thread is made can add something of value
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Who does?
Hitler didn't hate or gas the jews (but I wish he did)
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A bunch of old ass men
maybe you're right.
>Haavara Agreement was maybe a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs
Is that why they gave us nukes? Or do you think that maybe Israel was a good solution to the Jewish problem in Europe? (idiot)
Other than that solid posts, could be cool.
any source on that? source its really benedict?

sadly the israel thing didnt work as planned. the plan was for them to stop jewing around elsewhere, but since not everyone send their jews there they continued to jew around everywhere resulting in them getting nukes
Still Israel was not meant to be a camp but a banishment from Europe at best. And the plan does work, but due to other variables. We evolved from a nomad parasite kike identity to a healthy national Israeli identity. As our culture evolves deeper into nationalism we are becoming less jewey and more like other nations.
Meaning that at this point a final retaliation against the diaspora Jewery will complete the plan. They will either flee to Israel, get assimilated via force or be persecuted, and that will be the end of their ability to subvert the West.
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of course the plan wasnt to install a giant prisoncamp over in israel, you wouldnt be able to sustain such a thing. the idea was to give the jews a place to settle down and start to create their own culture and nation there instead of by living of the cultures they infiltrate and subvert. its really pretty similar to what was done in concentration camp. get them ut of your society and let them build up their own stuff. show them how to do certain things and lay the foundation of a indipendent jewish nation.
OK, so we can agree that Zionism might as well have been a nazi plan because their goals are pretty much identical.
How does us having nukes contradicts the plan?
Another question - if nazis were in control to some degree since the end of WW2, how did we end up with nazism being so demonized? I'd think they don't want to be treated like cartoon villains when they return.
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well, i wouldnt equal zionists with nazis. both wanted the state israel but for different reason. the zionistsmostly saw fullfillment of the prophecy in the instalment while the nazis just saw a way of being left alone from them.
the nukes dont reall contradict the plan but it enables you guys to pressure and threaten others nations and considering your past it probably would be better if your leaders wouldnt have them (just like it would be better if our leaders wouldnt have them together with everyone else) to do any (((typical tricks)))

also consider the nazis lost a lot of power and influence and the jews influence increased greatly. of course they would take the narrative into their own hands to demonize the idea of opposing them and recieve a magical shield against criticism by inventing the 6 gorillion. the nazis were able to secure some influence and not dissappear completely, but the jews were a lot more present
You again? You're not even a proper poster. Probably some low paid government worker or some shit. That or majorly autistic.

It is too late for the people to be at "their side". They are about to elect either queen traitor of Europe or elect EU lefty jew cuck. All is lost.
Hopefully Goebbels was right.
Not secular Zionists, they wanted a nation for the sake of self determination. Judaism is one of the most corrupting elements of our nation, especially those who follow prophecies. Genuine Zionism is not prophetic and not global, it's solely national.
>le blackpill poster calling others govt workers
>Jew calling me a government worker
You won why are you here? Your people have a country while Europeans are losing theirs. You don't need to twist the knife JIDF.
what am I looking at here? Source on the pic?
I'm a white nationalist. And stop bitching, it's hardly been a generation since the end of WW2, whites will rise again, and the Jews will continue making hubris fueled mistakes, "we" will win.
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there are always some who want this, and some who want the others

UFO supposedly seen at antarctica
>white nationalist
Anyway the war was enough. The needless slaughter of brothers. The best of Europes children (of all nations) being killed or raped. All that's left is lesser Europeans. The best are long gone and if you deny this then perhaps you should take a step outside.
So what, a slow docile and quiet death? Even the post WW2 leftovers are better, and are still the rightful natives of Europe. Your demoralization is a personal problem, because the facts show that we are closer than ever to a complete collapse of the Jewish system of lies, from race and gender to some historical revisionism that I am, and probably you, are not allowed to mention by law.
And in any case, demoralization is useless.
And I don't consider myself to be a Jew.
>we are closer than ever to a complete collapse of the Jewish system of lies
I don't see any of this uncle tomstein. Do explain.
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i feel a lot of people are waking up and starting to see all the bullshit. how else did trump become president?
>So what, a slow docile and quiet death? Don't blame me.This fate was written before we were even born.
His opposition was Hillary "pokemon go to the polls" Clinton. What will he even do? The culture and social values won't change that's for sure.
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I'll destroy your precious thread.
>fighting zionists
he is redpilling a lot of people just by being there and getting baseless attacks making people realize how bullshit the media is. from there on its only a matter of time until they swallow their first red pills.
Sorry missed your posts.
Brexit, Trump, the actual severe reaction of the media to the "alt-right", demonization of the media, complete loss of punch to the words Nazi and racist, the retaliation against whites and the whites who don't care about being called racists anymore, the polls that show that even Europeans are sick of Muslims already, the internet culture war being fought in the spotlight(with nazi memes appearing in national TV occasionally), the failure and ridicule of third wave feminism. Off the top of my head.
The signs are here, and if you were not demoralized you'd see them too. I am so convinced only because I noticed and followed the signs from a while ago, so I anticipated the current surge in nationalist sentiment, as would you. Have faith in your people, and be wary of what (((others))) are trying to make you feel and think.
Mark my words, within a year we'll be able to talk (to a large degree) about the over-representation of Jews in power positions and about black and white racial differences.
I blame you for giving up, and so is generations of your ancestors.
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What can be considered the real victory is that a vicious campaign fought against him by the MSM went absolutely ignored by the American people. The MSM called him a Fascist Nazi and the people didn't really care about their opinions. Anything that hurts the MSM, hurts the Jewery and helps white nationalism.
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I guess when your country is being hopelessly invaded by Muslims, at some point you will start to lose your sanity.
>whites who don't care about being called racists anymore
They still do.

Run by cuckservatives

Won't do anything.

>Europeans are sick of Muslims already
And yet the least cucked parties never win anything or change policy.

>ridicule of third wave feminism
Babies first redpill.

>severe reaction of the media to the "alt-right"
Silly little subverted movement with no power.
>whites who don't care about being called racists anymore
>They still do.
not nearly as much as a few years ago

>Run by cuckservatives
its a start

>Won't do anything.
all the executive orders were just my imagination then i guess

>Europeans are sick of Muslims already
>And yet the least cucked parties never win anything or change policy.
here in germany most people vote only spd or cdu because to get into parliament the party has to get 5% of the votes or more, and they fear that voting any smaller party will result in them wasting a completely making the worse of cdu/spd win which is why all the votes get accumulated there. its not because they like those 2 so much. i assume its similary in other countries

>ridicule of third wave feminism
>Babies first redpill.
everyone needs to start somewhere

>severe reaction of the media to the "alt-right"
>Silly little subverted movement with no power.
resulting in the media and kikes wasting a lot of ressources on the silly little imaginary strawman movement without anyone caring about the alt right at all exposing themselves even more for nothing

seriously, brighten up a bit. if you dont believe in a victory why fight at all? you can just end the misery right here and now anon
That's why I used quotation marks around "alt-right", and I have explained already that Trumps candidacy is not a victory as much as his election itself is, as with brexit, and babies first redpill is exactly what the bluepilled masses need, and the parties won't matter when the people snap. The process is still relatively slow, but is going steadily towards a conclusion of a mass redpilling, as the nationalistic tribal sentiment is absorbed by the masses over a long period of time.
You are trying hard to avoid acknowledging that something is changing. Suspicious almost.
Whoever you are, whether you are a shill or a genuinely hopeless nationalist, you'll see it all unfolding in front of your eyes soon enough. Have faith/be afraid, whichever suits you better.
just wanted to tell you that you give me some serious cognitive dissonance as i feel really weird about an israeli awaiting a nazi uprising and being happy about it
I like it more than the no forest on earth conspiracy.

And they post a bunch of cool nazi and NATO documents that could be useful.

Maybe people will learn about operation paperclip.
>if you dont believe in a victory why fight at all?
To dent the leftists agenda.

>you'll see it all unfolding in front of your eyes soon enough.
Only time will tell. I hope for better but time rots everything. I've been aware of this stuff for years. Longer than the election newfags. It's straining.
I'll probably die but guys more Jewish than me were citizens of the Reich, so who knows. In any case I can see that the world needs to be cleansed of the Jewery regardless of my personal comfort or safety. Worst case scenario I die happy knowing that the white race has risen.
>implying global organizations are completely jew or patriot

I think OP is implying there is a global group of nazi sympathizers, far-right nationalists, etc. and there's been people fighting against the kikes in places like NATO that were still subverted the whole time. I could see that.
You really are uncle tomstein aren't you? Or maybe.....
Jews are smart, and I think many of you can be convinced with logic and reason, but here in America many of them have their heads filled with bullshit evil propaganda that drives them crazy and leads them to take incredibly anti-white and anti-American positions. I have seen it first hand. I don't know what they're teaching them at the synagogues either.
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if they stuck with their values and ideals i dont think they mind where you come from. even jews became honorary aryans and if you dont jew around they probably dont care, and you seem like one of the jews and not the (((jews)))
and theoretically i know there are jews and (((jews))), and there are non jews and (((non jews))). but still after a while you expect every jew to be a (((jew))) which is why it feels weird seeing a jew

can anybody tell me if the sources for these pic are legit? i mean i dont expect something like this to be released
What do you mean, that I'm a proxy? I can prove if you insist, but I'm lazy so I hope you'll reconsider.
Checked. Yeah, I think that Israelis are far closer to supporting and understanding white nationalism than the diaspora could ever be. Which is why I think that they should be sent to Israel for "reeducation", to learn how it is to live in your own nation with their own nationality among their own people, or be pogromed on a daily basis as long as they keep being Jews in America.
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How many times are we gonna have to kick your ass Kraut before you get the message?
Nice try schlomo, if Jews want to live here, they better be Americans 100%, or live in Jerusalem when we eventually retake it in the name of Christianity, that's acceptable.
probably something like that.
now this one is just satirical, but there was some video (i cant find now for some reason) showing some scene from an israeli show which wasnt too different from this
I don't really care it's just that many people who turned out to be controlled opposition were of Jewish origin. Just suspicion is all.
Oh for sure, all Americans should consider themselves 100% American (and Jerusalem should be Christian). Just saying that diaspora are not going to ever get there, so your options are either banishment or lynching.
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Literally nothing wrong with Israel. Creating it was a direct strike against international jewry who now lost their status of "muh poor exile nation with no homeland" and it was basically intended that any jewish diaspora could be kicked away to Israel.

That is way both liberal jews and orthodox judaists hate Israel vehemently.

I bet you are some sovietist red-bellied piece of shit.
we maybe need to distignuish a bit. israel as an idea is fine. but it seem the israel governments thinks it can do whatever it wants robbing palestinians more and more land and also involving themselves with issues they shouldnt care about.
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Holy shit! The DOT are nazis too! They're trying to get the trains to run on time! Wait a second Transportation -> TRAINS -> Trains full of Jews -> AUSHWITZ
>robbing muh palestiains
Frankly it'd be good if they genocided the sandniggers altogether, but alas - liberals and lefties whine about it worldover.
Israel behaves exactly as a healthy nation-state should behave. The kind of behaviour that would be called "nazi" in modern-day cucked Europe.
I've seen various pictures about Agartha, can anyone provide any proof of their legitimacy. They look pretty fake to me.
Really, OP? The Reich is on the island of Thule which exists outside of space time.
Look everyone German schizophrenic
dont forget its the jews driving the sandniggers against each other and against us, and us against them. who knows how things would be between us if the jews wouldnt fuck around.
What's wrong with the black sun?
More bog/flat earth distraction.
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well, saturn, associated with satan, moloch, cronus etc. is in ancient civilizations called the first sun, the dark sun, or just the sun. this makes people think the black sun of the nazis is just refering to that. however i heard its also some alchemistic symbol and i dont know the real meaning for that, or if the saturn one is the real, but thats something i thought about too already
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im a hard worker, i am smart i am a devout believer in god, im tall & honest and charismatic, is there a way to be recruited by the wehrmacht before the 21 aug, and even after, how would i go on about it?
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NATO as a whole is a "sleeping agent" of sorts. Sadly, many still don't realize that and continue that misguided meme about it being pro-liberal agenda or something.
To draw a pop culture analogy - remember Star Wars, namely order 66.
Shouldnt it make sense to hate this organization even more? I mean. If they really sacrificed this much for such an operation doesnt that means we should reciprocate with the hate they intend to bring to themselves, for the better good?
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this was posted in an earlier thread. maybe a larp but who knows. guess that goy just didnt get the security clearence then to know about the antarctica and hollowearth stuff

maybe hating them is the purpose of the EU and nato. realizing how they and their open boarders and degeneracy agenda fucks us all over. if i would resort to these tactics i would hope the people get mad and angry and even start to hat them/me as it would show they finally started critical thinking and know right from wrong.
Checked. Well, if Order 88 ever came down, then I'd be down. However, since we can't hold out hope for such low probability things, I'd rather just fight kikery now. If NATO surprises me later, then I am open to being surprised.
amazing, any sources?
very nice, also i heard of 80 or so females heading down the to antartica lately, breeding stock id say
but in that case we are dealing with max 500 national socialists down there, well if you need more im up for it
there are also reports of people like mengele (i think it was mengele but could be goebbels or any other of the more famous nazis) getting a diplomat pass from the vatican so they can go anywhere they like and take refuge somewhere. would have to google to know which ones it were exactly though

always fight kikery. if you dont try your best on your own you dont deserve to be saved by others.
that is a very good point, i heard of an prophet in the holy book giving a remarkable similair description of a viril saucer

So we are either dealing with

angels or demons or aliens in the ufos, and now possible national socialists
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probably all of them. the alien/demon connection is there for some time now, victims of alien abduction report the same stuff as those of demonic possession like general sense of fear and threat, unableness to move or speak and violent sexual acts indicating what we believe are aliens are demons, or what people back then thought are demons are actually aliens.
i believe there are some aliens around, and some demons. however im not sure if these really are connected to UFOs, at least the demonstuff. i also believe the angels are the same as demons in regards of origins, but differ in intent.

however i too believe aliens are out there, and most probably were on earth already. if they still are or arent i dont know as my judgement merely relies on stories of others, until i get abducted myself ones
>tfw when getting abducted by aliens is the only chance to ever visit space for you
The thing is, NATO is a ready-to-unpack united white nations army. The command and most officers are white conservatives. The subversive/pro-establishment elements in it are easy to purge when the need arises. For now they are just biding their time. Imagine everybody's surprise when NATO turns into Neo-Wehrmacht literally overnight.
interesting, he was the mastermind of the refugee crisis afterall
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not only that. also BLM redpilling about all the niggas chimping out for everyone to see. also the ukraine riots were also financially backed by him iirc and now ukraine is in hand of pretty much a nazi government
based jew right here!
god be with you brother
>Imagine everybody's surprise when NATO turns into Neo-Wehrmacht literally overnight.
See, this kind of cool shit is why I'll be pretty thrilled if the Nazis suddenly return.
well im off, take care all and stay close to god, we are facing tough times ahead
well, we can hope and wait, and keep fighting (((them))). we will see
or he is just a mega kike, hard to say as it bites him in the asss so much
he literally says that the candidate he supported with a billion of dollar will lose the popular vote but will win either way. why give her the billion dollars then in the first place if its already clear? why make tell it so openly that the public generally wont support the candidate you gave your money to. shouldnt he try to make the whole thing seem legit and fair? why not keep his mouth shut about it?
he already implies that the election is rigged in hillaries favor which means she shouldnt need all that money, and that exposing this might lead to trump gaining more support. unless he didnt want hillary to win. he may gave her money, but she blow it all on propaganda, CTR and exposing her own corrupt administration and media full speed. was this the plan? finance hillary so she can expose herself even faster? he may lost a billion to hillary but i dont think thats much to him, and i bet he had other deals going making sure he will gain from trumps victory too
just another bump
they may not be on the moon or under the earth but if enough people keep popping red pills i could see a glorious future
the only way i ever see us getting out of the mass is by redpilling normies either way. wether there are antarctic moon nazis around or not
Writing for swede anon due to block
Goddamit you are clever, anyway we can keep in touch, watsapp/kik/gmail
I also saw a body language vid confirming just this
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Plot for the new metal slug game?
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more for captain america

yeah, i dont like giving contact information to random strangers. nothing personal about it. also i wouldnt call myself smart for this. it just takes time to look it all up and the pieces are kinda all over the place, but once found they keep adding together.

any link to the body language video? might be something interesting
Just another bump

>using a map made from modern borders to represent 1941
dont blame me, blame the newsreporter guy. also you are free to provide a more accurate map which fits better according to your oppinion

about the UFOs simply turning off nukes. what is their endgame? if they are aliens why show themselves but never for everyone to see they are aliens? why never attack the earth? what is their endgame if not >>113398151
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Anyone notice how the columbia logo looks like a swastika?
>Columbia Sportswear began as a small, family-owned hat distributor. Present chairwoman Gert Boyle's parents, Paul and Marie Lamfrom, fled Nazi Germany in 1937 and immediately purchased a Portland hat distributorship. They became the Columbia Hat Company, named for the nearby Columbia River. In 1948, Gert married Neal Boyle, who became the head of the company. Frustrations over suppliers influenced the family to start manufacturing their own products. Columbia Hat Company became Columbia Sportswear Company in 1960.

seems to be accidental though. unless the kike was a naziplant to start a source of income in the USA. But unless there arent other connections i doubt that
It's occasionally 60°F (15.5°C) in the spring along the coastal regions, the storms are extremely dangerous though.
>The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was 17.5 °C (63.5 °F) at Hope Bay, on the Antarctic Peninsula, on 24 March 2015.[10] The mean annual temperature of the interior is −57 °C (−70.6 °F). The coast is warmer. Monthly means at McMurdo Station range from −26 °C (−14.8 °F) in August to −3 °C (26.6 °F) in January.[11] At the South Pole, the highest temperature ever recorded was −12.3 °C (9.9 °F) on 25 December 2011.[12] Along the Antarctic Peninsula, temperatures as high as 15 °C (59 °F) have been recorded,[clarification needed] though the summer temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F) most of the time

it does happen the temperature is at around 15°C but seems to be happen rather rarely. however there are some reports of warm wind coming from further south. maybe there is some anomaly with a warm region and those on the pic were just closer there resulting in the temperature there also being higher. i mean the snow is there indicating its still below 0°C, but it doesnt look colder than that based on the cloths, and even for 0°C its already pretty few clothing
Leaving a last bump before sleep
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