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Check out this cuck

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Thread replies: 188
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Dear @realDonaldTrump, Sweden is immigration friendly, international & liberal. One of the most prosperous, richest, safest places on earth.

Well he is right.
You can meme all you want, but it still holds true.

I've been around the whole world, and I find Norway, Denmark and Finland equally safe, with Japan being the only one where I actually felt safer than I did back home.
Safe. In what sense?
>felt safer
fuck off, numale
it's about being safe, not feeling safe.
You forgot to mention rape capital of the west, cuck.

As in not feeling scared of moving around, as I did in nearly every South American country I've been to.

I didn't feel unsafe in countries such as Spain, France, US (NY and LA) of course, but I still felt more safe in Scandinavia than there.

Even then, Scandinavia and Japan tops it imo. I haven't been to Canada yet but I'd imagine it would be safe there as well.
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I really, really hate you sven
^ You can meme about 'muh nordic utopia' all you want, but the rape statistics don't lie.
i don't even consider sweden a country anymore, more like a giant refugee camp

Now show me a graph comparing those numbers to other countries. And I won't accept the rape one as it has been debunked many times.
t.Jamal al Moolenbeek
r u a girl? or are you just too weak and fragile to defend yourself? could it be that your 130 cm stature would leave you open to getting raped regardless of where you are, jose?
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I dunno, you faggots take accidentally brushing against someone as rape, and these people do a bit more than rape you fucking ignorant
the country with the least % of men is one of the safest places on earth.
who'd have guessed?
>immigration friendly, international & liberal
who'd have guessed being an internationalist would pay?
>One of the most prosperous, richest, safest places on earth.

(and rapists)
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I said not to post the rape statistics as they have been debunked over and over. Give me something fresh. Compare robbery, murder, pickpockets and such compared to other countries.
you realize due to the branding no one looks at your flag as european anymore?
all it means to anyone here in America is cucked faggots living in an islamist shithole
Are you a muslim? Just curious.
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Why do you keep posting this guy.

Everybody in Finland hates him because of his support for the greek debt relief package
Yeah let's ignore the rape stats, let's talk about robbery instead inshallah

No. That's a hyperbole.
What we do count as rape, as many countries don't however, is like when a girl is at a party and a guy and she has sex and she starts saying no, but not by screaming it out loud like a lunatic.

No. Immigrated Polack.
So being unafraid of bodily harm is your only sense of being safe?
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You're a disgrace to your country, I hope it burns in nuclear fire.
>What we do count as rape, as many countries don't however, is like when a girl is at a party and a guy and she has sex and she starts saying no

Every western-country sees sex without consent as rape you cuck

No. We are ignoring those statistics because what counts as rape is different between each and every country. We have one of the most sensitive laws regarding that, so naturally we do get ranked higher.
Good, sounds like a perfect place for refugees to go be safe and prosper to become rich.
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Everyone must have forgotten about this.
Fuck off retard
>third world country by 2030
top kek
Americans are not white just mongrel nigger jews.
Fuck off shill
>Defending rapists over victims

This is why you are where you are, anon. Fix your shit already or prepare to be liberated. Trump is not fucking around, we already annexed Canada last week
Rape capital of the west, could possibly become a 3rd world nation by 2030, yea what a fucking utopia. -___-
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>t. numale faggot
enjoy being raped to death, sven
I can already feel a WRONG in the making
It is so safe that i get a rapefugee with my wife all day, he likes to protect her, i even sometimes can't aproach her, but she is happy and safe.
Finland yes
Too low res to read

>Posts proof
>"No, I made up my mind and won't look atfacts because it's been "debunked" but I won't show you were it was debunked"

You deserve to lose your country.
Is time to get out of the crystal palace you cunt, I went to sweden and let me tell you that is garbage!!! Garbage everywhere, the swedes walk around like scared rats, and the immigrants roam if the country is theirs, then sweden is full of retards that are so well brainwashed that even with strong evidence that their country is degenerating pretty quickly, they can come with "stories" and "retorics" in how their country is so great?!? I mean is the same type of mentality as the muslims, when they say that their prophet is not a pedophile, meanwhile in the koran is explicit that one of his wifes was 9. Swedes are the same, the same thing the media and the politicians do to them (making them believe in something that does not exist), is the same that they do to us in this political boards, trying to convince us that they country are doing great.
Is fucking pathetic.
So safe that we have no-go zones for the Police and ethnic Swedes?

That report also stated that by 2015 we would've gone down several spots on the HDI list. Instead, we went up by one. The UN knows nothing.
Well, you are kinda ignoring that the majority of swedish women won't go out alone, because they fear for their safety.
And the simple fact that your government has made it illegal for any kind of agency to keep data on who is commiting crimes, should tell you everything you need to know about Sweden.
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Why are there so many fucking shills online right now?

I won't believe this is anything but an concerted effort by Expo or Antifa or some other disgusting group.
>immigration friendly
>safest places
sounds like mutually exclusive things
Proof it's been debunked? I want that answer quickly so chop chop
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At least we still have a country you fucking cuckold

Swedes are the most pathetic pussy motherfuckers on the planet

Grow a fucking spine already faggot
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you see Sven, the difference between us is that I acknowledge the fact that Belgium is a failing state. You on the otherhand just ignore the facts.
You fucking cuck
can't wait for a right wing gov't to start cleaning up the mess cowboy style: flashbang->IFV advance->round up everyone->GOTO flashbang
after all the niggers have been round up identify some 50% of them with outstanding warrants, deport, relocate others to some polar circle holding facility
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Source: United Nation
Why did you quote me when I was attacking shill apologists?
Not only is he Finnish, he was apparently the leader of the centre-right “conservative” party.

A failing state does not go up in the HDI.

What's your point? That does not go against what I have said.
Rape here is treated very different compared to other western nations, so no shit we are so much higher.
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are you a man? it's the safest country in the world
want to abuse women and children legally? convert
You faggots are so quick to make excuses for your niggerbulls, everyone knows you racist fucks only apply the law to white people. Niggers and slimes can't commit crimes in Sweden for the same reason you're not allowed to keep stats on nigger crime, OY VEY SO RACIST GOYIM
Bane jammin fisherman columbine
It's amazing that, some,people believe that "loose definitions" is responsible for a 3x difference between Norway or Finland and Sweden
Hur mycket får du betalt av Aschberg?
Go get fucked by blm you fat ugly nigger mtv jew fuck you and your fat ugly mother.
because you are a swede that has not gone crazy yet
Nice old forecast that turned out to be way off.
Why did you edit out the 2015 numbers? :^)
Alright, thanks

Safe from horrible things like having to read about deportations in the news
Sven plugs his ear's with brown dick, while a visor attached to his eyes plays comforting visions
u mad?
>Rape here is treated very different compared to other western nations, so no shit we are so much higher.

United Nations reports on crimes usually are very accurate, they only fuck up their climate reports which we all have seen.

Anyways Sweden have the highest amount of Sexual assault and Rapes in the Western world, and in the rest of the World.

Despite the definition of rape may differ, despite X % of error in statistics, the fact is still there, Sweden is the NUMBER ONE undisputed heavy weight Rape champion of the world, deal with it.
>everything is fine in my gates suburban community
Toppity kekkaroo.

all women hate other women, why does this surprise anyone at all?
Because we protect them and give federal aid. Remove our military and aid and they won't be able to afford their social programs. They will either go poor or be forced to get rid of all the social programs they have.
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>safest places on earth
>not Japan
Bra bete
>It's not rape if she says no too quietly
Are you fucking joking?
Lmao, now I see it, all the rapists have moved to Sweden and are now trying to bait victims into moving there. "Sssssoo ssssafe goyim, move so ssssweden goyim"
Also, still true. Would be even safer and richer with fewer immigrants, but to many people try to sell Sweden as some kind of dumpster fire for political reasons. Equating Rosengård with most of Sweden would like saying that what is true for Detroit is true for all of American .
omg hej libanon
You still didn't refute Sweden falling in the forecast and you keep going on about this different way of treating rape. What if you saw a stat on violent rape? Would you still be indignant then?
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Let's just start a hashtag against trump and fill it with subtle red pill images about sweden and put in some positive caption.

Post some pics and caption ideas. I can whip up some stuff in photoshop.
>Sweden is shite
t. donal drumb :-DDDD
>[autistic screeching]
t. leftists

>debate brought to mainstream
>everyone is redpilled on Sweden
4D Chess.
So rape is safe or is that more cnn fake jew news? Or the other fox/breitbart side of 5% truth jew news?
You should keep explaining? Are you an amputee? Do you live in a gated community? Are you yet another vampire? Or even worse are you a nigger? There are a lot of factors here. And safe for WHO?
tja anon
hur är det läget?
Or even better hijack an existing hashtag? Can anyone with twitter check?
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Yeah it's looking great!!
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>Belgium is fucking lying little cunts.
>Sweden will fall faster than it took to build.
I hope your butthole gets ravaged.
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I want to shoot this fucker
made me think of something "funny". In Norway, immigrants have been responsible for 100%(!!!) of the violent rapes in the county for as far back as I'm aware. At least like 8 years. The numbers are probably the same in Sweden
Those DIGITS confirm that his butthole WILL get ravaged, bulldozed, torn apart, eaten out, and devastated.
Jorrå, kollar 2d och käkar S&V-chips.

Year to year fluctuations. According to the forecast we should have been spain/italy tier years ago, which was demonstrably false.

ayy lmao
http://www.thelocal.se/ 20170216/swedish-court-hands-life-sentence-to-syrian-for-war-crimes
But the thing is, how safe would sweden be without sand niggers?


Or how safe would the whole of europe be without sand niggers that is the fucking question. Not how safe we are relative to other nations flooded with sand niggers.
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for fuck sake sven you keep on making excuses
Hahaha! What kind of retard think Sweden is so cool when it's actually fucked?!?!
Theres a film coming out called The Truth About Sweden that exposes how mass immigration has ruined the country
I don't even like immigration or immigrants, but the whole meme about Sweden kinda gets annoying after a while when people repost the same debunked claims in every thread.

Not my country that has suicide bombings at airports.
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Yeah, just keep on drinking that sweet kool-aid of the Swedish Government, Sven
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fuck bxl and Belgium but bitch pleaseeee
Thank you for posting, I no longer care about Sweden either. Good riddance!

> Sweden is a country of peace
Stubbido married a Jew, so what else can you expect from him than him to brown-nose the globalists?

"THOSE DON'T COUNT REEEEEEE." Give him a break. He's too busy prepping bulls to find out what his news is censoring.
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open your eyes before it is too late.
of course sweden is the safest when the courts rule that child brides are legal. how do you report these things as crimes if they are not crimes?

it's safe, goy, come on in!
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Still pissed at those cowardly reporters.

The last man in Sweden is some old cunt on a mobility scooter, who was probably beaten to death once the reporters fled.
>most prosperous
>lower GDP than most American states

>currency is worthless

>high violent crime rate
>highest rape rate in Europe

Is this guy high?
>I feel safer in my home country compared to places I've never been before

Wow, that really blew my mind

Also FYI, more people live in NY and LA than in all of Sweden.
forgot about this le gem, ty
Safe in Tyrone's big strong hands?
Do you still get banned for saying Bender Fishbenis?
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>Neutral during WW2
Hell has a special place for Neutrals - Dante

Sweden is the pussy that Ripley found on the spaceship in alien. Even the alien ignored the irrelevant cowardly useless creature.

A 'country' that allowed Hitler to just walk all over Europe and even sold iron to them. What Cowards! HA i laugh at you from my toilet, Sweden. Pity. I'd gladly die defending my land or my values just like Donald Trump or any American.
You're just a jealous nelly that you cant have a nine year old wife you can impregnate, while Muhammad can take his six year old brothers daughter, marry her, and have her pop out her first kiddo by the age of 9
it's already waaaaaay too late for them, dude. the muslims own the country. it's over for them, just like germany. the rest of us MUST close the borders, otherwise we're next. closed, tightly guarded borders are the only way any european country can survive. I am very, very happy that our southern neighbours aren't completely cucked yet and will close their borders when the new wave arrives.
You're moron, the only places that are safe are white areas, which sweden still has a majority of.

What do you think will happen when sweden is 50% white?
Sometimes I wonder if there's even a point in saving your cuck filled country Sven.
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Holy shit please include me in the screencap
Why can't this big teeth guy die?
I want my neighbour back. This vile, drooling abomination to my east, is not the friend I used to have.
>Rape capital of the west
>Safest place on earth

for men maybe
In my country, in the summer we gather in the evenings in parks to drink beer and have a chat, sometimes leaving at about 1-2am if we don't have to work on the next day.
And the women can go home alone. Is this true for your country?
Is that you?
What about the rapes? How are they doing there?

Yes, that happens more or less every night at summer in my city's biggest park (Göteborg)


hai there, fellow leb

Jesus Christ. What did the jews do to you people?
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>mfw Stubb being called a cuck by other countries
Jesus Christ, Sweden.
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>we worked hard to hafe the highest safety ranking

>flooding immigrants still leaves us pretty safe, and even if it doesn't people are ignorant bigots to complain

great attitude
> Toilet
Nice proxy, dude.
You dont have a toilet pajeet now go shit in your mums dressing room.
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ITT: Mohammad the new Swede rapist.
That's funny.
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then why does sweden have no military?
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Of course Alexander "lol my kids don't even identify as Finns" Stubb, aka EU cocksucker, globalist faggot, would shill for Sweden, aka Neo-Somalia.

That treasonous cunt deserves to be shot.
>Sweden is a dystopic rapefugee hellhole
>Sweden has a higher average quality of life and lower crime rate than almost all other countries
Which is it, /pol/!?!?
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Anyone have the version of this that mentions Stubbido?
How can you be this fucking delusional?
Someone should kick in his door and take his fucking house, because after all his borders are fictional and he doesn't make Sweden
The second one is a lie

get thee to malmo post-haste

Again, already proven wrong as we gained HDI at 2015, we didn't lose any.
Actually, apparently the safest countries in the world are Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan, Austria, and UAE in that order.

Wtf Scandinavia I thought you guys would be all over this shit?
Sweden is a shitfest
less than 1/4 of Norwegian muslims think that muslim leaders should have any influence on politics.
How the hell can you fuck up that badly
>country turning into africa, banning national symbols, feminism rampaging and destroying society
>nuh huh, it's safe

I despise you. Swedes are subhuman blind and brainwashed filth.
Dude, have you been to Malmö?
I'm 100% sure your government manipulates you statistics.
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we stubbposting now?
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just to let the REEEEEEE's go loud

Yes, have you?
The situation is bad, but it's not really the warzone for the average Swede you think it is.

I go there once a year for business conferences, and once a year for the scifi expo.
>feminism rampaging and destroying society
Ahahahah is this what /pol/ actually thinks?
How long have you been in this world?

I can only imagine a pair of acne-infested teenagers staring hatefully at each other through their monitors, fighting in a tumblr vs. /pol/ war that legions of millennials toting fedoras and/or unshaven legs enlist in for want of critical thinking skills and a sense of community.
Safe... For Muslims
Yeah it's so safe our 1/3 of all women feel unsafe walking in our streets

it's so safe we had our first suicide bombing in stockholm 2010

Du skämmer ut våran nation, hoppas på fullaste allvar att du aldrig föder ett arv. Beta hane
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Walk through Malmö ghettos at night, see how safe you are.
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pic related
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But Sweden, it was only a tiny sucidie bombing. And that was already seven years ago. And just look at all the other well integrated immigrants. It is so much more likely to die in a street accident or even in an household accident. You don't want to be racist, do you? Noone will have sex with a biggot, you know that, right? And think of your good Christian conscience, we must love all people regardless of skin colour - that's so meaningless. Open up! The whole world wants to be invited! Now, please sit down and pee for mama prime minister.

Malmö is different from Stockholm and Göteborg because the ghetto is actually in the central parts of town. I've walked through several times at night, never happened a thing.

Unless you are part of a gang, or suspected to be part of a gang, you are as safe there as other cities in Sweden. Gang violence is extremely high though in Malmö.
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>I didn't feel unsafe in countries such as ... US (NY and LA)
>NY and LA
>Didn't feel unsafe in NY and LA

I was born in LA 25 years ago. It was bad then, but I'd be terrified to return now.
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I think, Captain Sweden here is like
>pic related
It's safer now, all the niggers got priced out and moved into the desert. If we didn't have a suicidal population and government that loved illegals more than they do their own citizens it might be a halfway decent place to live.
Sweden is a hellhole.
>they have been debunked over and over.
No they haven't. You're full of shit.
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>the UN predicts Sweden will have the HDI of a 3rd world country by 2030
Keep believing your state-controlled media, buckaroo.
A failing state is defined by the loss of law and order. That is what you have.
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Compare Finland to Swedestan

Hmm I wonder why

I suppose you won't mind if we eject you from NATO then, you clearly don't need us.
What kind of Jewish shill are you spreading this bullshit all over /pol/ ?
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Sweden is approaching Botswanaian levels of rapes.

>just a few more refugees and we will finally have equality with our African Brothers! Truly, a Glorius day Sven!
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>burger education
Dra åt helvete din jävla landsförrädare.
>Linkedin member
Could any Sven translate this for me?

I'm planning on trolling your ministers.

I feel safe in Sweden too, I live in a multicultural garbage place too, the thing is there's a difference between feeling and being safe.
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