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Literally Hitler

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TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says President Donald Trump made him order meatloaf when they dined together at the White House this week.

Christie and his wife, Mary Pat, joined Trump at the White House on Tuesday.

The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show Thursday that Trump pointed out the menu and told people to get whatever they want. Then he said he and Christie were going to have the meatloaf.

‘‘This is what it’s like to be with Trump,’’ Christie said. ‘‘He says, ‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want.’ And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’

Trump said ‘‘I’m telling you, the meatloaf is fabulous,’’ according to Christie.

Trump and Christie discussed the nation’s opioid epidemic during the lunch.

Christie on Wednesday signed a series of bills he requested to address the crisis, including a five-day limit on initial prescriptions for opioids and mandating state-regulated insurance plans cover treatment.

He said he didn’t talk with Trump about any jobs.
Trump is such an alpha he treats his friends like a 2 dollar hooker.
This is the one.

This is scandal that will destroy Trump forever.
Fuck. I could go for some Meatloaf now.
krispy kream was always trumps bitch, this is nothing new
Well in Trumps' defense, on a NJ radio show the night before his meeting with trump, Chris said you do what the president tells you to do.
Remember to consider New Hamshure's terrible heroin problem whilst dining.

I think you mean Trump told him to get "just the meatloaf".

Did you just assume my dinner?
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This truly is the dankest timeline of them all
Fake news.
HD photography was a mistake. That crusty nose, that solo white hair
>quick rundown
if you're excited about something you want to share it with your friend. you might even force your friend because you like it so much. that's kind of what friends do sometimes.
If it's that good goddamn try it. Shit
his mouth looks so small
how is this possible, which hole did all the food go into? ear?

Can't Trump now order exotic food from all over the world like fried swedish boys?
Digits confirm.

I can only imagine how good the meatloaf at the white house is. Shits probably 50% veal.
This isn't funny anymore. Trump is out of control.


Leave the gun. Take the meatloaf.
thanks for the link nigger
Meatloaf is delicious and probably healthier than what Christie was gonna order. He's looking out for his bros. And meatloaf probably is cheaper so he saved me some money.

Trump's our guy
That guy kinda looks like Luca Brasi
Of course Christie Creme would complain about the food
Not gonna lie, former meatloaf voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump make Christie his bitch boy. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the premium beef.
Love Trump. He sounds like a good shit.
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>‘‘This is what it’s like to be with Trump,’’ Christie said. ‘‘He says, ‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want.’ And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’

tfw you will never be ordered by Trump what to order for Lunch.
>said the increasingly nervous launch codes
Was he going to order the salad.
This fat fuck has never complained about eating anything ever. Until now of course because Trump made me do it.
Fat fucking pig. You loved the meatloaf you fucking cuck
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I can't tell if he was complaining or being positive about it.
Nothing said the meatloaf wasn't good.
was eating loaf a part of your plan?
So if you order meatloaf at a restaurant, what do you get? I've only ever seen pictures like this and things like Malcolm in the Middle that shows it as a thing poor people eat.
>be me
>be governor of new jersey or some random hellhole
>get to eat lunch with God Emperor
>get treated like a bitch in front of my wife
>He lets everyone order whatever they want but makes me order meatloaf
>I'm mad and want to fight back but can't say anything
>besides, I really like meatloaf
>I want to fight back I think of that delicious smelly loaf and start drooling
>Then he speaks
>Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work.
>Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece.
>It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums.
>Christy, take off your robe.
> Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument.
>Sabrina, remove your dress.
>In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism.
>Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little.
>Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority.
>In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock.
>Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole.
>Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds.
>Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it.
>But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.
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I'll bet they had water too. THESE NAZIS MUST BE STOPPED
holy shit he is disgusting
Trump is fatter than Christie. He just hides it with big sweeping suits and oversized ties.
You don't really order meatloaf at restaurants.. More of a food your mum would make.
>Trump is so smart he even plays eight-dimensional mousetrap with cameras

Yeah I got that but the story is that they ordered it, granted it was at the white house but I bet they have a kitchen and staff comparable to a high class restaurant.
>eating a literal loaf of meat
>and its hamburger meat
fucking pig disgusting familia
It probably looked something like that.
It was probably delicious too.
What's the problem, did fatty want meat loaves?
They wouldn't even give him any peanut butter and jelly to put in it

Literally gulag rations
What the fuck is that
Why is Christie even bothering to talk to Trump after toadying up for months during the campaign and getting nothing?

Presumably, Trump's (((son-in-law))) is still freezing him out for catching his father breaking the law.
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>mfw i'll never eat meatloaf with Trump
Food. You may have seen it in a magazine somewhere.
Probably on an American one
When I make meatloaf I usually use two or three types of meat.
>New Jersey Gov.
>at the White House
>guest hosting
He didn't even pay for the meatloaf then
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when you're at the white house and the President tells you it's dinner time.
coulda used some ping pong pepper poppers too eh bong
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now i want to meatloaf too. i bet it was excellent
fucking kek

he didn't make him order it he was just reminiscing about momma's home cooked meals
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Hm...Quite interesting.
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Me too...
Meatloaf is the only american food I consider to be truly delicious, put some gravy on that shit, side of sweet peas and mashed potatoes, mmmmm.
Why can't reporters ask the hard hitting questions. I want to know if the meatloaf was indeed fabulous.
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You took the words right out of my mouth
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Underrated, have some of my expensive bandwidth
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Why live
the rest of the food had chemtrails in it, Trump was saving Christie from the radio-activated poisoning that he's gonna use to wipe out the leakers (like in Kingsmen). Christie's too much of a fat fuck to appreciate that though.
Hitler was a veterinarian
>Oh jeez Chris, are we going to have to ride home with the windows down?
Usually a couple slices. Generally served with mashed potatoes and gravy as well as some kind of veggie (usually peas, corn, or carrots.)
I think the word you were going for is "vergetairan"
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Very nice.
This is really just a thing you do with your friends. If they don't want it they speak up and say, "Nah. I don't feel like meatloaf."
You then say, "You sure? Trust me, you're missing out. It's awesome and I know you'll love it."

At which point they can either go along with their mate who was just making sure his buddy got a great meal, or politely decline and order what you want.

Don't just silently go along with it and then bitch to the press about "this is what it's like to be with [that monster]."

Though tbf there's no link to see the context of the rest of the article and there's a good chance whatever he said was taken out of context in the first place.

Mountain out of a mole-hill.

Out of interest, did he mention if he enjoyed the meatloaf?
I would laugh my ass off if on top of actually making america great he ends up whipping chris into shape.
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absolutely what
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Not going to lie, former Trump supporter here. It's just hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't have him choosing what free-born Anericans eat when they go out with him for dinner.
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>He hasn't seen AP
>I bet he's never even got repeating numerals
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>mfw that picture makes me wish Trump would have dinner with a make-a-wish foundation kid where a picture of them both smiling is taken so I could photoshop a happy retarded pepe with a pinwheel hat in the kid's place and make a meme

Fuck i'm autistic.
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You were so close.
There was a story about LBJ ordering Pierre Salinger to "Eat your beans, Pierre." Which Pierre of course did. And he resigned the next day. But of course, LBJ is a liberal icon, so it was 40 years before the story came out and then people just chuckled. "Oh, that babykiller. Such a cut-up."
good god

these gets
these hips
my cock
What's wrong with meatloaf?

I love meatloaf
>off by one
meats arent supposed to be loafs

thats for bread
Some of you Canadians are alright. Don't go to your mosque tomorrow.

Literally wasn't even going for the big get but it felt bad regardless.
That fat fuck was going to get the meatloaf regardless
How will Trump ever recover?
Top kek
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>Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’
its a negotiation tactic. like how serving something sweet makes people more receptive.
the only people who care about this inane bullshit is /pol/
lmao nice
no. trump was trying to limit him. chrispie was thinking about the surf and turf with a side of chicken parm and the chicken alfredo for an appetizer. The Don is living on a budget now.
dremf is finish
it hurts
Nice source
This anon gets it, its a negotiation tactic, he and i will have the dragon dildos shoved up our asses
youre gonna love this shit friend youve really been missing out
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To be honest, if I was told the meatloaf was good, I'd have it, simply because I don't think anyone can outdo my mothers unless they use ground veal.
It got me thinking how you make a meatloaf special without the nostalgia factor.

Obviously gotta be a two or three meat blend. You'd imagine something primo like veal would be the predominant protein. A rich glaze made from a proper tomato or barbecue sauce along with maybe a prosciutto instead of bacon and perhaps a rich gravy to go on top?

I like meatloaf but I'm just trying to figure out what you'd need to do with it to make someone order it at a 3 michelin star restaurant.
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why dont trump have a father complex like he treats grown adults like babies and can tell them what theyre going to do lolll wtf
Why stop there? he could order in $65k worth of "hot dogs" like Obama
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That fat barrel of goop is just butthurt that he followed Trump around, licking the lint from between his toes only for Trump to shaft him like the kiss-ass he his. What a petty loser. SAD!
this, dumpf is finished lol
Me too! Goddamn I want to eat some of that white house meatloaf now.
He knows a whole meatloaf is the only thing that will keep him from rummaging through the trash like a racoon.
I dont think you understand politics
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>The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show

That shit makes no sense to me.
... but how was the meatloaf?
This only matters if he didn't love the meatloaf.
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trump accomplished two things by doing this
1. asserted his domanence, the pack leader choses what you eat
2. feeds christie's addiction, leaving him more relaxed, receptive, especially after having the burden of guilt taken on by trump in a "jesus take my sins" deal.

all this gives trump a massive advantage in the "negotiation" aka every waking moment alive
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Oh the utter FASCISM of policing his diet!! Jk tho that was below proper rating
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Geg gib nuggler goges :( :( :( : :(
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BRRRAAPPPPPPP! This is the fucking greatest timeline ever. Trump made Krispy look like even more of a fat bitch. What a treat.
>jokingly say were gonna order the meatloaf because its so good.
> TRUMP FORCED ME TO EAT MEATLOAF (storytime)(not clickbait)

holy shit this is some tana mongue level stuff

Is this a transcript of American psycho
It'd be really difficult.

>Getting 5 tastes in a meatloaf.
Somewhat hard, but the easiest part.
>Making it interesting to eat, via mouthfeel and playing with mouthfeel expectation, i.e temperature, texture, etc.
Hard, but still easier than...
It's a fucking meatloaf.

Nightmare mode:
>Plating a meatloaf that's not carried to even being a half decent plate of food on something other than nostalgia by a sauce of some kind because there's no way your dish called "Meatloaf" gets praised in any review if it's only interesting with whatever you're saucing it with.
When God-Emperor says "we're having meatloaf", you laugh and have the meatloaf.
jesus fucking christ nigger
>this meatloaf is good you should definitely try it
>this meatloaf is literally the best thing ive ever put in my mouth

i want to add that no meatloaf will ever be as good as a high quality ice cream or jamal's cock
I'm going to eat meatloaf for the rest of my life from now on.
Spook here, I didnt mean to leak chris christies feelings all over the media. Please dont hang me anons.
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This has been a fact since the days of merlin.
Hey Phil Collins here. I'm so proud of you son. Your the reason I made those songs.
Poor people food can be tasty if it's made with decent-quality ingredients.
>Making it interesting to eat, via mouthfeel and playing with mouthfeel expectation, i.e temperature, texture, etc.

imo lose the breadcrumbs all togethers, go for roughly minced high quality meat without about 15% fat content or possibly higher, prosciutto wrap done so there's a bit of crispness to each bite that contrasts the soft loaf, I reckon a three cheese blend in the centre (thinking a brie, a mild cheddar and a little parmesan) wrapped with perhaps bacon would add a nice flavour and texture element element it would also help with presentation.

Two thick slices of that meatloaf along with a nice parsnip or potato mash, a sauce/gravy and a few spear of grilled asparagus or a handful of bacon grilled brussel sprouts.

Essentially get something a cheese, bacon, meat mix and crispy prosciutto in every bite. A nice tomato based glaze and a tomato gravy that isn't too heavy to complement with a good mash and it's actually sounding pretty fucking nice meal and one that isn't just a favourite because mom made a good one.
Hey Phil! Any chance of a rematch soon?

poor christie, he just wanted the entire fucking menu
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I'd actually be pretty happy if Trump did that to me. It's not like Trump made only him get the meatloaf, he's getting it himself too so it must be good apparently. Doesn't sound mean, sounds friendly!
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You're right lad. The way he announced it in front of everyone else that him and Chris would be having it together let's everyone know that Chris is his best friend there.
Truly, everyone wishes they could have a friend like Trump.
This sounds like the plot of a Seinfeld episode.
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Top kek
If home made meat loaf is great, WH recipe must be a 9.5/10
Its a populist meal any o e can afford it that doesnt make it bad it all depends on how its prepared it can be really good and its always comfy brings back memories of dinners mom made you after pops comes home from a hard days work. Liberals will natually sperg out over anything so wholesome and tie it to white privilege
Glaze/gravy would probably have to be fairly acid to stop the whole from being too heavy and the mash couldn't be very creamy. Parsnip mash and asparagus is probably the best flavor combo. Cheese blend would have to be perfect and would probably take a bit of experimenting to get the balance right. Wrapped in bacon and with brie you'd have to be careful of the salt level on the center too. Overall though, that's a meatloaf I'd pay good money for if well executed.

That's the kind of meatloaf I'd expect to get at a 1 star or maybe as a non-focal item at a 2 star (or to be on the menu at the White House).

The 3 star meatloaf was the part I couldn't get my head around fully. I don't see it without some serious playing with the idea of what a meatloaf is.
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Not true. I made a friend once but she got scared when I tried to feed her eggs.
Who knows? It's certainly food for thought though and the kind of thing I'd love to see a Ripert or a Blumenthal talent tackle.

There's certainly no reason any dish can't be served at a elite restaurants provided it displays technique and utilises quality, fresh ingredients with the right composition of flavours.
Why is trump being so mean to Chris? :(
But was it really "fabulous"?

This FBI agent waddles up to your front door and demands you let him inside. What do you do?
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>‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want.’ And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’

my sides are gone
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