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KILL ALL THE KIKE SCUM! Fucking juden bitches I just want to skin them all and open a lamp store.

It's just bantz, bro.
How can the word "Jew" be hate speech? Are they going to start literal tone policing now?
Italians will crash the EU with no survivors

Based fucking wops.
greatest ally
Soccer is Stronger than Jews in Italy
Based Italy
Raviolis bringing the bantz
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Before the kikes had Amerifats to drain wealth and power from, they had Italian states like (((Venice))) to suck dry.
Remember that the Italians have been dealing with kikery for more than 1000 years.
Italy always being based
Based Italy
If there is something you dont mess with here, it is soccer.
>implying Venice wasn't a capital of kikery
Praise kek
I would have thought those guys would be sentence to death or st least whole life prison.
Italians are not very racist towards Jews though. It's mudslimes and gypsies that they hate more.
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Come on dude gotta include Sweden to make us not look that bad ..
>Not very
Please, that number would be like 1% in America.
You dont see many jews around here.
Never seen one in my life, excluding an holocaust survivor in middle school.
Still remember bullshits he said , like heating vegetables with radaction and missing legs growing back thanks ti prayers.
don't worry when will wake up the number will go to 100% kikes will be exsposed
That's exactly what i'm implying. Much like America or the USSR, Venice was kike central in its time.
Note sure if Muslim or Irish

good reading comprehension, sergei
Why are the greek so based?
How the fuck did they reach these "median" numbers? None of those figures appear in the lists above...
>implying Jews don't hugeify the American economy
1 Jew can drop out from university and bring 17 000 to America.
Really? Because they're turks.
>country suffering from most financial hardships has a bad opinion of jews
really activates my almonds
>I just want to skin them all and open a lamp store.
The intention to work in the future means they can't be Irish, so by default Mudslime.
Not an argument.
Everyone hates shitskins.


Yeah, no. Not even close. Literally all of my relatives there talk shit about the jews whenever they get the chance. We grew up knowing that you work with them because you have to, but never trust them and you avoid them whenever possible
>the adjective Jew
is that like the carbonated Jew?
Yeah i know. (((Anonymouse))) polls might not be so anonymouse.

Fascist uprising in Italy soon!
Venice is the origin of Ghetto, because it forced all the Jews to live in one area. i think it was some industrial area (industrial in the 13th century way) which is somehow related to whatever Ghetto sounds like in italian.

Italians were truly ahead of their time
Where do you live? Here in milan they are pretty common.
In campania and calabria noone cares about jews because everyone is too busy hating on napoletani who may very well be as bad as jews if not worse.
No, it's the grammatical Jew
his worst enemy is the Grammar Nazi
No one cares about jews, what you're thinking of is gyppos.
gypsies don't work anon.
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I love you romance bro'
Yeah, that's my guess. Italians are always suspicious of anything that says their information won't be shared. I think having lived under actual Fascism they know a thing or two about "anonymity". That's why my grandma laughs about the idiots calling Trump a fascist, she says if he is a fascist he wastes too much time before killing his dissenters.

Yeah we've got Sicilian and Calabrian, now that I think about it the Calabrians say stuff but they aren't as vocal as the southerners. Makes sense.
Campania. Most dont care about jews at all. The only one who cared for them that i know was a drunkard who fell for the isis is good meme.
It has probably to do with mafia/camorra and muslims being pals so jews dont wanna be near here.
I would never consider word "jew" hate speech, we literally call greedy person jew/jewish
bravi ragazzi!

semplicemente bravi.
Almost everyone everywhere in all of history forced Jews to live separate from the rest of the population for economic reasons. Jews are allowed to lend on interest and form contracts that christians cannot (or at least couldn't until recent times when everyone stopped caring). They wanted to keep jews around for the economic benefit of being able to get loans to stimulate the economy but at the same time they didn't trust them to run free in society. They went to great lengths to make sure that everyone knew who were Jews and who weren't to prevent them from gaining too much power and then jewing everyone in the economy.
Wir mussen die juden ausrotten!
Greatest ally
You're right, however I've never heard anyone talk badly about jews. Especially the newest generations where every year at school they remind you of the holocaust and have you do projects about it and read books to "never forget". We don't have a direct reason to grow antisemitic beliefs, too busy hating on gypsies and politicians for now.
that name Golan Shahar is persian???? what the fuck. can someone tell me what it means in italian
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Europeans hooligans are based.
look at your 2nd largest foreign-born population. germany is little turkey

I dunno man maybe my family is just red pilled? They do have a lot of connection with our thing over in the US so perhaps that has to do with it? All I know is they're a good source of jew jokes and I can show my powerlevel around them.
>economic benefit
pick one
>We don't have a direct reason to grow antisemitic beliefs
pretty sure that
>every year at school they remind you of the holocaust and have you do projects about it and read books to "never forget"
is a good reason.
Worst ally
>it's just bantz bro
I dont think this is real
You dont hear it that often but sometimes it happens.
Its mostly commie kids though.

idk if it is fake then many people fall for it
Great day to be a spaghetti nigger

>Italians aren't white

Snowniggers eternally silenced from here on out.
It's more about italians having a tendency to not take racism as seriously as other countries. I've heard of and been told by multiple people that italians are very racist, but you don't pay that much attention to it as an italian, it's part of us I guess.
Don't know about spaghetti speak but I think it means a flower city in persian
I've met two polish people in my life and they told me polacks hate gays and jews

Poland is the most Catholic country in the world.
2nd being Italy wich is also the 2nd most racist and homophobic behind Poland.
I'm pretty sure that mos of that 21% is just commies mad about Palestine, Jews in Italy are a non-entity outside of Rome, Milan and Turin
>going against football
>in Italy.

kek they deserve what they got.
Italy seems so comfy
>every year at school they remind you of the holocaust and have you do projects about it and read books to "never forget"
You too, huh? Sorry.
My little sis is in 8th grade, she doesn't know a thing about WW2 or when it took place but they never forget to remind her about the 6 million. American education is great!
>that music
>jews are a non entity outside of the economic capitals
wow thanks lad, learned something new today.
Why are Italians so racist?
Really depends on the school, we almost didn't talk about the holocaust in mine, there's so much stuff to talk about you can't really afford to spend too much time on a single event if you want to give a good education
Jews used to be everywhere. I was in a small village near Monte Amiata and suddenly I was in a square and saw a sign "Jewish Ghetto". I asked around and apparently the lord of land called a bunch of jews during the middle ages because he wanted merchants and artisans.
Similar rural ghettoes existed all over the place in Italy, Italian jews where very much integrated in rural life and didn't have their own speech (Like Yiddish or that Sephardim language). Jews in Rome speak in dialect even today.
All these beautiful little rural communities where all wiped out by silly Hitler, who had the brilliant idea to blame the common jew for the doing of the international jewry. Rather than steamroll them he killed the nearest scapegoat, given that the bankers and industrialists went hand in hand with him. What a fake antisemite
Yeah here people think I'm a massive racist while I'm actually not

t. italian abroad
Aren't Italians a mix of all of all those minorities?
This in my experience. Politically correct speech hasn't really made it here.
Venice made jews run. twice. plz read some history.
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Religion here is weird, the same people that hold a saint in their locker when they get angry you can hear them saying the nastiest stuff about god, pope, jesus, saints, you name it
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no that just a meme you retard
The only jewish community is in Rome and approximately counts 10 K people. There aren't jews to hate in Italy.
Here there are very few jews, and the ones who are don't show off being jewish and are integrated and wealthy. But since I was a kid I have always heard people using the words "Jew" or "rabbi" as a synonymous for greedy.
>Amerilards can't hide their powerlevel education once again

You can say we are a mixure of iranians, berbers, russians or even swedish people, but god, fucking romas, they aren't even from europe.
Educate yourself faggot, they look consistently different from us and they marry into their own comminities.
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Well then why many of them look like Mexicans?
Laos probably doesn't even know what a jew is. They are landlocked and communist.
Criminals even bless their bullets with holy water before assassinations.
Again, mexicans are a mixture of spaniards and locals, some are pureblood spaniards.
I'm not saying you guys aren't Europeans. It's just you're not very white overall.
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What does say a pedo jew out of a kindergarden?
"Hey little girl, whanna buy a candy? "
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If we are not white who is? If you talk about the skin color we are tanned because beaches everywhere, if you talk about genes we have inventors, philosophers, artists, musicians, we built empires.
What have you done in your existence, nigger?
>the adjective Jew

I had a giggle.
Is Italy the key to crashing the globalist jew?

Don't you understand what that means? Greece is far left, so they're counting sentiment against Israel as antisemitism.
The data is useless.
>Japan - 23%
Damn, there aren't even any Jews in Japan and they're already cracking jokes.
Confirmed location of the fourth reich.
>My country has more than 0% in all catagories.
Redpill me on the adjective jew
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t. 56%
I love when someone posts this map. Everyone comments on Greece, but no one even mentions Poland. We are taken for granted
Napoletani might be bad, but they are not the corruptors of society.
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>missing the first nuclear reactor, banks, perspective in art, microchip, telephone (Eternal Anglo stole this one), electric battery, scientific method, etc

Italy can stay toe to toe or even surpass Britain in terms of important inventions. It's not even funny. Meanwhile the only important Nordcuck inventions are dynamite and the Celsius scale. "Master race", right.
Doesn't make much sense, why would Italians hate jews?
second place! Woo hoo!!
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Glorious Italy will take us through a nationalistic renaissance by again looking to our ancestors for answers
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How can you be racist against your own people? The majority of italians have semetic blood in them.

Put an italian next to an israeli, you can't tell the difference
Because we are cryptojews
We are italians and still hate italians.
If we cant even trust ourselves do you think we would trust jews?
It's the opposite, it's the Jews that have Italian blood
>sentiment against Israel as antisemitism.
The only legitimate reason to hate Israel is if they put you out of business by out competing you.

White people who are critical of Israel have either swallowed the Muslim propaganda, or don't like Jews.
Muslims who are critical of Israel just don't like Jews, but that though they can't convince anybody to dislike Jews, they can turn people against Israel.

Israel keeps the most powerful Muslim countries in check for only $4 billion a year (though it doesnt actually cost that much) for the past 60 years.
The US was spending $400 billion a year to (unsuccessfully) keep Iraq in check for a small portion of the occupation, and Iraq was never that powerful.

>The jews are actually CryptoRomans
>kahzar blood line
>sockpuppeted Hebrews for a land grab+status in the middle east

>Napoletani might be bad, but they are not the corruptors of society.
They're a whirlpool of corruption that sucks the whole Italy inside, a nuke over Campania would solve most of Italy's problems.

>neomelodic music corrupting youth worse than gangsta rap
>every new scam always starts from Naples
>holds the state by the balls, can't go against them or things get nasty
We need a new Prefetto di Ferro.
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>MFW it is actually related with the numbers of jews inside the country....
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>Far left

wew lad.Dont forget we are the only who got a true n/s party in the parliament
you can tell which ones had to deal with the jews the most/longest
>tfw the Pope Antichrist said that blasphemies are yet another way to praise the Lord
Now I can both say porcodio and deus vult without being hypocritical.
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bad goyim, bad
Unlike the Jews they do have potential, but as you alluded to, they need to be governed by an Iron hand. Actually that applies to all Italians to some extent or another.
you kinda need to understand that italy is made up by more people other than just sicilians and calabrians
>believing the antipope's lies
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They're turkish rape babies.
As one who lives close enough to Napoli and even has family there i must agree.
Just make it a quick and painless death, pls.
so a Grexit and Italexit are next?
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i actually think it'd be alright. think about it, you can use the word or forms of the word "jew" their fame starts to obscure into nothing because nobody, not even themselves can use the word. long-term 7d checkers reich success desu.
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delet this
Well duh, you can't have white guilt if you're a greasy wop
Greece, Poland and Bulgaria - The Endlösung Troika
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>you can't be a cuck if you aren't Germanic

Fixed for you.
>>you can't be a cuck if you aren't germanic
then what's with the enormous amount of cuckold hentais, I fucking swear a lot of them can't even be filtered out
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Is Japan importing mudslims and Africans by the millions to their country? I don't think it is. They've only chose to accept like 20 refugees per year who will only be able to come there with student visas.
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Thank you merchant, you are my greatest ally.
Printing moneyfrom nothing and giving it to the States practicing usury is a crime that enslaves the peoples !
Venice truly was the medieval israel...degeneracy spewing,merchant infested,money lending backstabbing people...they fucked the crusades and as this graph shows...they really where sneaky backstabbing bastards
I'm talking less about political cuckoldry and more about the literal sense tho
They sublimate their cuckold tendency through hentai, Germans live them thoroughly
that... actually makes sense
but even then they're still cucks
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Or maybe you're just basing this on random bullshit. There's just as much cuck porn coming from the West and actual cuckoldry even in non-pornographic TV shows.
no, my point is that being a cuck is more of a beta thing than a germanic thing
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The Germanics are cucks in their porn, non-pornographic media and politically. They're still the top cucks.

What show is that from?
I never refuted that tho
I think Italexit is much more likely, as they voted overwhelmingly positive in the referendum
Hellas Verona. Nuff said
>Italexit is much more likely
Not at all to be honest
I wasn't alluding to an Iron hand, check out this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare_Mori
>a prefect who used mafia tactics on the mafia itself
>he was too good, to the point where he found out that even the Fascist government had mafia inside
>got fired because of the insane amount of paperwork needed to prosecute the cases
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Come at me Goyim!
Italian americans are extremely upfront regarding race and religion. Zero fucks given will shit talk anyone and its implied as a joke but also a truth which is why its funny. Its probably the most redpilled environment to be raised in.
This is true. All the jews responsible for the revolutions and banking were long gone in the USSR and other friendly countries.
>believing the Grillocucks lies
We had much better chances at Italexit if YES won
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Mussolini almost got rid of the mafia in the south completely, then the Amerilards invaded and ruined everything.
>that "we wuz kangs" style list
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>butthurt because of Napoleon

Reminder that he didn't even speak French properly and was of noble Tuscan origin.
Longer. Julius Caesar was actually a patron of jews in his community. So jews were in Rome and Alexandria 2100 years ago. Caesar was wierd because he liked them, most Romans didn't.
>The only legitimate reason to hate Israel is if they put you out of business by out competing you.
No. I'm for justice. Israel is conquering muslim countries with american weapons. That's unfair.
I fucking HATE arabs because they're savages and shit up my country. I hate Israel even more because THEY brought arabs to my country and use MY money to keep them in check in their own country. Fuck israel.
Forgot to add.
The reason you can't keep shitskins in check in your own country is because israelis larping as white use position of power to make it illegal.
Fuck israel.
i'm /espita/ and i hate jews
Then it happened in berlin.
Now it's pretty much every big city in the world.
Really makes you think.
Here in Rome there are loads of jews, so people are quite redpilled about them. I have some jewish friends and we make holocaust/rich bankers jokes all the time
that explain the overexploitation of venice
>implying I'd be proud of a man that was a strategic disaster that only succeed because of god tier soldiers (the french).
he was a freemason to boot
fuck napoleon
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>saying the adjective Jew
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>damage control

Without Napoleon, your modern military accomplishments become quite embarrassing.
I loled because it's true
Still remember when Monti wanted to suspend soccer.
Literally the one thing you cant touch in Italy.
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That's because we hate everyone equally, especially our neighbours. That is not racist. It's tribalism, and i like it.
Lol!!!God tier where portuguese and Spaniards who without even being soldiers gave the French hell both in conventional (see all sieges)and guerrilla warfare,without needing any leaders the Spaniards would simply fuck any group of soldiers that came in less than a hundred,I have family members who had been told in their childhood about how a frenchie patrol went looking for food and never came back at my town in the beautiful mountains of northwestern spain,at the end you where sending kiddos to try to impress a country full of people that had been through all hardships already.

Napoleon was god tier.I wish my country had not been full of idiots and appreciated how the napoleónica proyect was better for themselves,than the fucking french bourbons was
Well said.
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>YES = Become slave of the EU
>NO = Keep things as they are
Nice proxy ShariaBlue
Italeave or Uscita'
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Please translate this picture for me, Mr ASPOGETT.
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Vuoi dire football
>Italians are too individualistic, gaeta.
>And who gives a damn? It's their fucking business.
I love it
Italy banned the burka and niqab in 1975.


Those hairy fuckers, nowadays Pauline wants to do it and she gets shit.
To be fair that was an anti terrorism law, they didn't even think about the fact that it would ban burqas too because at the time there were no muslims
>at the time there were no muslims
And then... the moroccans came...
Yeah... i don't think moroccans wear burqas though
Some do. Especially with the rise of wahabbism.
Moroccans are not full durka anyway: https://womennewsnetwork.net/2012/06/25/morocco-wearing-the-hijab-may-not-be-an-islamic-duty-says-university/

>Sheikh Mustapha Mohamed Rashed argued that Hijab is not an Islamic duty. He stated that Hijab refers to the cover of the head, which is not mentioned in the Holy Quran at all. “Nonetheless, a bunch of scholars insisted vehemently that the veil is both an Islamic duty and one of the most important pillars of Islam,” he added.
>defending moroccans
Too bad Italian soccer is terrible lol
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Daily reminder that Lazio are /ourteam/ in Italy, OP's case sounds like their work yet again.

Still remember when they kicked the shit out of Tottenham fans in some European competition for being a club full of kikes.
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better than u.s.
Don't remember amerifags winning world cups
Don't remember eurofags winning any superbowls or world series.
>no Italian posted "Next time without Japan" ITT
Italy no! Don't make (((them))) make US hurt you.
I don't remember American soccer teams buying their championships
Why? I like japanese. Good food and polite with everyone.
And they probably did way better than us in WW2.
I'm saying their religion itself doesn't cause much problems. Moroccans are bad because they commit too much crime. Same thing with Albanians. Bangladeshi are the muzzies that are completely incompatible with the culture.
Kind of ironic as modern day Jews are descended from Italians.
I know, it's a joke in reference about that ball meme pic with Japan/Germany saying "Next time without Italy".
Daily reminder that Italians are not jews!
Would have been a fine enough joke if not for that cringe ending. Fucking Family Guy.
There's a shitload of tiny islands drawn in detail meanwhile Malta is a grey circle. Nice
Go and meet a Venetian now ;)
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Jews are more comparable with ANGLOS than anyone else. They selected their genes for intelligence through inbreeding in the same way you did. Their appearance is also quite similar.
They didn't fuck the crusades and I'm tired of retards saying that. Alexius literally didn't pay them for helping his father get back on the throne and while the French crusaders needed more money to go to the holy land, Venice needed the money to not go bankrupt.

What followed that was a series of mistakes on the Byzantine side that turned things from a "we're going to loot our money from you" to "Latin Empire"
>liked them

You mean he was playing people against each other for his own benefit. He was the original 4D chess master.

>In 75 BCE, 25-year-old Julius Caesar was sailing the Aegean Sea when he was kidnapped by Cilician pirates. According to Plutarch, when the pirates asked for a ransom of 20 talents of silver (approximately 620 kg of silver, or $600,000 in today's silver values), Caesar laughed at their faces. They didn't know who they had captured, he said, and demanded that they ask for 50 (1550 kg of silver), because 20 talents was simply not enough.

>The pirates, of course, agreed, and Caesar sent some of his associates off to gather the silver, a task that took 38 days. Now nearly alone with the pirates—only two servants and a friend remained with him—Caesar refused to cower. Instead, he treated the pirates as if they were his subordinates. He even went so far as to demand they not talk whenever he decided to sleep. He spent most of his time with them composing and reciting poetry and writing speeches. He would then recite the works to the pirates. Caesar also played various games with the pirates and participated in their exercises, generally acting as if he wasn’t a prisoner, but rather, their leader. The pirates quickly grew to respect and like him and allowed him the freedom to more or less do as he pleased on their island and ships.

>While Caesar was friendly with the pirates, he didn’t appreciate being held captive. He told the pirates that, after his ransom was paid, he would hunt them down and have them crucified. Once he was freed, he made good on that promise: Despite the fact that he was a private citizen, Caesar managed to quickly raise a small fleet which he took back to the island where he had been held captive. Apparently the pirates hadn’t taken his threats seriously, because they were still there when he arrived. He captured them and took back his 50 talents of silver, along with all their possessions.
>It's their fucking business.
But what does it have to do with COCKS?
> Commiest Greece
> Based
Mind = blown
Cazzo/Cazzi is a cursing like "fuck". It means vulgar version of "penis".
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Not an argument.

Anyone can recognize that Italians are superior to snowniggers independent of their nationality.
long time no see template-bro. hows it going
>those 4 voted YES
>meanwhile the opposition, BERLUSCONI, (((senators))), and everyone who's currently gaining from the current status voted NO
Grillocucks once again ousted, your leader literally went to cry into ALDE's arms to suck on the EU's tits before getting thrown out.
>starts war
>switches sides at the last moment securing victory
Truly masters of italian strategy.
Both sides were endorsed by shitty politicians, how fucking dumb are you that you base your ideas on what other people tell you to do?
Ostrega nun te dimentigar mai de le 60 migliaia
I was there, i saw that with my own eyes
It's my city - Rzeszów
Resovia Rzeszów - Stal Rzeszów football match
Quality anglo shitpost.
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It's hilarious how insecure you are, when you spend every waking moment trying to shitpost about Scandinavia.
is this accurate?
Sure thing. It doesnt negate the fact that they burned down churches and sat whores in the hagia sophia church, raping nuns and stealing whatever they can get there hands plus destroying ancient greek art from thousands of years ago.
Cazzi can mean private businesses/troubles
wtf does that mean senpai?
Sure, if you believe a Caesar salad really came fron Caesar
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And you were bootyblasted enough to make that image when confronted with the objective fact that you don't even have 1/1000 of the artistic talent Italians do. Maybe I wouldn't be so harsh on you if you weren't so arrogant with this "Nordic mustard race" bullshit you keep spewing.



This is what I got in my search engine. A bit better.
And I have seen this two posters with my own eyes

Any questions to me, inhabitant one of the most antisemitic city in Poland ?
Well the argument works for blacks shouting 'kill the white farmer' so...
Too bad you guys act like niggers during matches
Stop throwing shit onto the pitch and setting off smoke canisters
If only Italy could manage to win a war these actions might mean something
Italians don't want war.
They're winning the War against Globalism, pleb.

>minding your own cocks = minding your own business
The fact that you have to brag about another country's accomplishments in order to deal with your enormous inferiority complex is absolutely hilarious.

>This is what I got in my search engine
Your country's art is basically a coloring book for kids.
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They didn't want war in the '30s either, but they still had one and lost.

>winning the War against Globalism
I must have missed the outbreak of WWIII
Brazil has a pocket of Italian immigrants. He may very well be an Italian.
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Mussolini knew, all his generals knew, that they would not be ready for war against Europeans until 1947.
Hitler started the war anyway.
Aspè aspè
*sips espresso*
Aspè coppà
*sheds a tear thinking of mother*
Ma allora mi stai dicendo
*plays a quick game of briscola*
Madooo cosa mi hai detto
*sits at a bar for hours while on the job*
Cioè mi stai dicendo che
*leaves a glass of wine and a plate of pasta for his dead ancestors*
Mi stai dicendo che
*Curses like a turk while playing calcetto*
Still a pathetic rat, though.
>Hitler started the war anyway
Let me help you out here.

Hitler declared war on Poland, not the Allied powers. It was Britain who decided to start the World War.
And Italy didn't officially join until 1940. Yes, I know.
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>brag about another country's accomplishments
>snownigger thinks having an opinion on something = bragging

I just like to be objective when judging what's a "master race" or not. From my point of view, you are very far from it. You have invented little, you have contributed little to European culture and history. Hitler and his retarded Nordicist followers can get fucked.
If you knew, you would have cast blame on the eternal Anglo where it belongs
is Italy leaving europe likely ?

is that something you lads want too ?

please say its so
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But it's not their fault.
Everyone knew an invasion of Poland would trigger a war. Everyone.
Why so antismitic?
>the Meds are going to save Europe once again.
Master race.
>an invasion of Poland would trigger a war
That makes shit for sense. What happened to Poland should have been of absolutely no concern to other nations. Besides, Poland hardly put up a fight and hostilities could have come to an end within a matter of months had Britain not been so arrogant as to get involved in matters that do not affect them in the slightest.
>I just like to be objective when judging what's a "master race" or not
No one believes you're trying to be objective. Not even you. The level of bitterness and self-loathing you're spewing is hilarious and incredibly transparent.
>an invasion of belgium could cause a war
>nonsense, lets invade
Amazing how people don't learn their lesson.
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Believe me. I researched a lot about Scandinavian inventions and important figures from there before drawing any conclusions. I have to say was not impressed in the least bit. The most accomplished Scandinavian scientist is Jewish for example.
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Jesus, that pic screams retardation.
*I was not impressed in the least bit
You're just arguing for interventionism now, which is exactly what caused WWI and WWII. If interventionism did not permeate the politics of Western "democracies," the invasions of Belgium and Poland would not have triggered a world war.

You're still casting blame on the wrong nation.
Except that never happened. It was made up. They did go on a revenge spree for the massacre of the Latins.

Are you Orthodox by any chance?

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this happens all the time:
>a gypsy village illegally springs up in a forest near normal people villages
>they scavenge trashcans, steal from local buisnesses
>cops aren't allowed to do anything
>then they complain because they don't have running water

they even threw rocks at my grandparents because they wouldn't give them cash. they also steal our apples and cherries every year. often they steal farm equipment (expensive one), yet I CANT PROTECT MY PROPERTY CUZ "HURR DURR, THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO". I CAN'T EVEN BUY A WEAPON FOR PROTECTION UNLESS I PAY 500 EUR TO MY GOVERNENT AND WAIT FOR A YEAR AND EVEN THEN I CAN ONLY LEGALLY HAVE IT LOADED ON A SHOOTING RANGE

Translated, that's what he meant
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I sincerely feel bad for you, anon. Here in non-Democrat controlled America, we can shoot and kill someone if they refuse to leave our property. Hell, we can even shoot first and ask questions later if they enter the actual house.

God damn right, roll tide
They definitely knew that Alexius IV couldn't pay them. He promised them like 4 times what they needed to get to the Holy Land. In addition, the Venetians demanded that the expedition attack the city of Zadar on the way - a Catholic Christian city with no Byzantine affiliation by the way. Then, when the Pope heard about their change in course, he threatened to excommunicate the expedition and then followed through on his threat. The expedition leaders purposefully hid this from the crusaders because they knew the expedition would fall apart if they found out.

The Venetians and Frankish lords really kiked it up in the 4th Crusade.
that is one fo the things that make me want to move to montana or a place like that.
I won't because I want to be with my people and help them, but goddammit our laws are so cucked.
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>Nordcucks invent a stupid shitty prize that gave a nobel in literature to Bob Dylan and peace nobel for Obongo
>give it to themselves in disproportionate numbers

really made me think

Meanwhile, I still can't find any important invention made by snowniggers aside from dynamite and the Celsius scale.
I hat eisrael because they fed us false intel that got us into a war with iraq, and then provided 0 support for our military in both wars in iraq and afghanistan, and then claim to be americas greatest ally

Israel could be pillaged by sand niggers for all i care, fuck them.
Fuck off nazicuck, Poland was allied with the United Kingdom and simply defended its borders ( muh Danzig muh ethnic Germans killed) while Germany waged a war of extermination against an innocent people (oppressed for over two centuries by the way).
What Germans did to Poles was an abomination.
Good work Nazicucks, kill more Europeans than the plague and smallpox and tarnish the imagine of nationalism forever, great work!
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"The Jews" don't even exist here. I mean they do, but there is 0 presence.
Germany never waged a war of extermination.

Why don't you try getting your information from somewhere other than a Jew?
It's so much fun watching you try to come up with excuses.

>You didn't do X.
Proof that we did X.
>But you didn't do Y.
Proof that we did Y
>But you didn't do Z.
Proof that we did Z.

Keep moving the goal post, monkeyboy.
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Italy is a meme country, but in a good way.
Diversity not as in YES diversity. Spain is a mess of different cultures and no unity.
How many Russian and Polish civilians were killed or died during the war?
Have you even read one tenth of Nazi documents about Poles? Even Stauffenberg considered them beasts.
The repression of the Warsaw uprising? the AB Aktion?
No sure, since I don't align to nazi cocksucking I must be a Jew sponsoring for shekels.
> muh Danzig (obviously omitting that the corridor was over 60 % inhabited by Poles)
> muh Versailles (poor Germans who paid for a war they decisively contributed to cause and for the damages inflicted upon France, btw they paid little to nothing compared to what it is commonly said)
> muh massacres of ethnic Germans (never proved but Gleiwitz instead is known)

Hell no, I'm sure it's all an hoax and that Nazis loved Slavs.
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>muh nobels being a real argument

Give me inventions and artistic and scientific contributions (Niels Bohr is already excluded from that due to being Jewish as I said).

Italy blows you out of the water on that with just the nuclear reactor alone.
>lowest 3
>Netherlands 2nd

Yeah no, during the second world war Germany send back people the Netherlands turned in voluntarily because they werent 'Jewish' enough by German standards. Also, id like to see this map together with a map of mudslime-population in those countries.

Its cheating if you have a lot of mudslimes like France...
>muh evil nazis
How many German and Italian civilians were killed or died during the war?
Oh, wait, that doesn't fit your narrative, does it?

You still fail to prove that Germany ever waged a war of extinction. All you can do is prove they waged a war, which all nations have done.
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How many Russian and Polish civilians were killed or died during the war?
Have you even read one tenth of Nazi documents about Poles? Even Stauffenberg considered them beasts.
The repression of the Warsaw uprising? the AB Aktion?
No sure, since I don't align to nazi cocksucking I must be a Jew sponsoring for shekels.
> muh Danzig (obviously omitting that the corridor was over 60 % inhabited by Poles)
> muh Versailles (poor Germans who paid for a war they decisively contributed to cause and for the damages inflicted upon France, btw they paid little to nothing compared to what it is commonly said)
> muh massacres of ethnic Germans (never proved but Gleiwitz instead is known)

Hell no, I'm sure it's all an hoax and that Nazis loved Slavs.
Sorry wrote it to my post.
You've brought this up countless times before, and every time someone gives you a list, you keep acting like the retarded monkey that you are, and pretend you haven't heard of the people on it. I mean, you've claimed you haven't heard of Ibsen, the second most produced playwright in history, or Edvard Munch, whose paintings are some of the most sought after in the world, and come up with more of your retarded excuses.

Face it. You're a pathetic subhuman who shitposts about Scandinavians because you know you're inferior. The fact that you're even comparing us to a country with 15 times the population of Norway is so hilariously stupid that it's almost a compliment, when it comes from someone as retarded as you.
>highest are the people who deal with them most
>lowest are those who have none at all
like pottery
Also I'm pretty sure I never argued that Teutons and Slavs liked each other. Romans and Teutons have long despised each other, too. I think there might be some racial hatred still lingering in you, assuming you are of Roman descent.
Dude, so more than 2 million ethnic Poles (lowest estimation by Polish sources) simply vanished?
The mass graves at Palmiry, Krakow, Ochola and so on are all hoaxes?
All reports from Polish AK are false?
Russian enormous civilians and prisoners of war casualties are all a false tale by evil Slavs?
So, Hitler is lying in the Mein Kampf about the Lebensraum in the East?
The directives he signed for Barbarossa are false?
Were or were not Slavs subhumans to their eyes?
Without even mentioning Yugoslavia and all the French/Italian and so on forth civilians massacred in reprisals during their occupation.
Wow, great defenders of European peoples.
> How many German and Italian civilians were killed or died during the war?
Not even Solomon Shekelstein Goldbaum would deny that hundreds of thousands of German civilians died due to bombings or have you seen any revisionist saying that Dresden or Hamburg raids never took place?
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>Smartest country in Europe
>Hates Jew
>Based as fuck
>Descendants of the people that Dominated Europe and succeeded at it until the refugees come in

Really makes you think
I never claimed no Polish and Russian citizens died. What I am arguing is that demonizing Germany for the same actions that the Allied powers took is foolhardy. Allied powers not including Soviet Russia, mind you, which far surpasses any atrocities the Germans could have hoped to accomplish.

>muh per capita

I know you were going to try to pull that off.

Still doesn't change that your country hasn't invented anything but the cheese slicer, faggot.
>implying Brazil has invented anything other than disease
Florentina is a bunch of jooz!
>Juve Juve
>favela monkey doesn't understand per capita
I'm not surprised, considering you come from a country of 200 million people who have actually accomplished nothing.
There's literally nothing wrong with that. I have a Jewish friend and he uses the term "Jew" as an insult, too
why do you think kikes hate and fear the superior italian roman catholics the most?
>it's in their DNA
Is he a Messianic Jew?
We wuz the inventor of the serums for every common poisonous animal actually:

How many unmixed Brazilians there are again? Like 10%? That's almost lower than the population of Scandinavia. It really says a lot about you when you need to compare yourself with Latin American countries instead of other Europeans.



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Truly the italians are the master race.
>falling for the adjective jew
Shiggy diggy
By the way, Vital Brazil didn't get a nobel for his contributions. Really shows how worthless that prize is.
Italy, I'm torn.

You're a bunch of surrender monkeys, even worse than the French...

But at the same time you can be hyper based with science and SHEEEIT, and you're redeeming yourself.
In the best scenario Slavs could either hope to be slaves or be expelled (like happened to most Germans outside of modern German borders), while what Allies did was, in the worst cases, razing cities to the ground which was undeniably merciless but not certainly unknown to Germans (cough cough Belgrade, Stalingrad, Warsaw).
Russians never exterminated or even planned to millions Germans: sure, German prisoners of war got treated like shit in the same way Russians were (and nonetheless Germans actively ensured to kill as many as possible, unlike Russia) and countless rapes were committed but I don't remember Russians enacting policies or drafting plans for killing millions Germans, so your comparison does not hold.
I don't like Communism or Soviet Union, but it was Germany that invaded Russia, not the contrary and it was not a pre-emptive strike unless you believe that moron of Suvorov whose academic titles have been ripped apart by Glantz.
no that's awesome and euro based and american soccer is for complete faggots
>completely ignoring the fact that Vital Brazil's parents immigrated to Brazil from Europe
Really shows how worthless Brazilian aboriginals are.
I need you to provide the official policies and documents proving that Germany engaged in this sort of organized genocide. I have heard my whole life these things but have never seen any proof.

I think it is best to say that all sides committed some war crimes rather than becoming preoccupied in a game of "Which War Crime is Worse?"

Yes, Germany should have never invaded the Soviet Union, I agree with you there. I hope you don't think I'm trying to blindly defend all of Nazi Germany and Hitler's actions. I sincerely believe Hitler was an awful military leader and he should have relied more on his generals. He was a great domestic political leader, however.
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I can trace all my ancestry back to Europe, Amerimongrel. None of them date further than the 3rd generation.

You're almost as likely to be a shitskin as a Brazilian here. Brazilians here are more educated than the rest of the population on average due to having to learn English to post.
The Jews fear the Football.
>How many unmixed Brazilians there are again?
So you admit you're shit.

>We wuz the inventor of the serums for every common poisonous animal actually:
Well, if you want inventions like that we've got the first inventor to create a gas turbine that produced energy, Ægidius Elling.
The man who discovered the bacteria that caused leprosy, G. H. Armauer Hansen.
And of course, Ole Evinrude, who invented the first functional outboard motor.
>cherrypicked images
Most European-Americans are capable of performing such a base operation. The burger meme is taken far too literally outside of burgerland.
>Favela monkey pretending to be white
So we've discovered the root of your insecurity.
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 69

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