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Netflix status: cancelled. How'd I do?

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 268
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Netflix status: cancelled.

How'd I do?
white dicklet
>having a netflix account to begin with

You'll always be a cum-guzzling faglord.
>being this triggered
lol broflake, better go hide in your safespace
I thought it was the liberals who were supposed to be thin-skinned

I guess americans no matter the ideals or race are really faggy
>How'd I do?
you did a great job (of showing them what a little bitch you are)
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>be me
>not white or black
>seeing both sides getting triggered
Congratulations, you're SJW now.
>shilling netflix
>for free

Jeez, I cannot begin to imagine how much dick you suck in a day.
You really had to talk to a person to cancel an account? Pretty sure that's automated.

Also, broflakes rammed hard by this movie.
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>/pol/tards becoming the very thing that they hate

its like poetry

fucking kek what a bunch of babies
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Back to your safe space
>If you don't like it then vote with your wallet.
>Huh, you're actually cancelling your subscription? You're just like the SJWs!
>not jewing the jews at their own game

its not that hes cancelling his subscription you retard. it's the fact that he's whining to a fucking bot because a show hurt his feewings
I think the issue is that he's complaining to an automated system.
are your poor wittle feelings hurt OP?
How does Netflix making a show which you don't have to watch hurt you?
Alt-right is the inverse of the SJW movement. But they are needed, normies and people like us wont do anything because we just don't give enough of a fuck. And wont make a scene over minor offenses.
They are sperging out though, and it may shift society back more toward the center. I mean, reactionaries are called that for a reason, they are reacting against something.

I can't really complain much about the alt-right because I'm going to benefit from their shit without even doing anything.

That being said, I stream everything illegally. So, whatever.
the snowflake's calling a show he hasn't watched "utterly offensive and disgusting", it certainly has similarities
Oh shit. The company with 63 billion dollars in market cap and steadily growing is totally going to go under now due to losing your few bucks a month.

I give it about 2 hours before you get a personal call from the CEO begging you to come back.
No, it's that he's cancelling because he doesn't like the message Netflex is trying to send and this is triggering you retards.
How anons canceling his subscription to Netflix hurts your feelings?
He dosnt like something, he dosnt want to support it, how hard is it to understand?
quit virtue signaling you dumb faggot
this isn't fucking twitter
>They are sperging out though, and it may shift society back more toward the center
Like in the 90s? Race relations weren't this tense back then.
It doesn't hurt my feelings, it's just sad. Them producing a show you don't watch is a net zero for you. There's nothing not to like. I feel genuine pity for how petty you are.
Nice 2016 buzzwords. Retard.
>White Fragility: The Board
Race relations haven't been this bad since like the 1970s. Obama's administration was based on race baiting. Combine that with social media and you have a powder keg.
What the fuck is going on?

This movie came out last year. Why are people just now getting triggered?

It's not even offensive. It's a movie that tells sjws to fuck off.

What element am I missing?
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Netflix is doing a TV show version of it and retards are getting triggered over the name all over again.

white people have become jews

you point at their existence or them being overrepresented in some community and brigades of angry internet users come after you
triggered by a trailer to a tv show

Why are /pol/tards cancelling their subscription over this? I thought it was a show about how black people can be just as racist as white people?
>he pays for netflix
already pretty sad desu
It's shitposting, sw7 tourist
He's made this exact thread several times already
I unironically mean this: thanks Obama.

Policy and all that aside, his whole election and administration really was based on race and racial tension. I hope everyone, including his supporters see this, for good or bad (hopefully no one thinks it's good how bad race relations are today)


The "le two sides of le same coin!" meme shit is literally just leftist damage-control.

>It doesn't hurt my feelings

It very clearly does. Otherwise this thread wouldn't be full of Leftists whining.
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what if kramer came out with a "hey niggers" comedy special? would you re-subscribe?
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Oh god, you're clueless.


Whatever, bro.
Why is /pol/ so pathetic?
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Theyre right though.
It is real...
nice strawman, just accept your BTFO and move on friend
the real reddit right here
you sound upset
>using netflix

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>tfw saving $11 dollars a month AND triggering Leftist cucks at the same time

Feels pretty good.

Netflix has been shit for a while anyway.
They've been consistently downsizing the number of decent documentary-shows they have and using the revenue of hundreds of removed shows to fund one or two dogshit originals which always turn out to be garbage.

Aside from Stranger Things, they've been shoveling-out SJW garbage for a year now (Dear White People is just the straw that broke the back, after shit like OitNB, Sense8 and that fucking bullshit propaganda-piece The 13th).

Yet another example of something that was great for a few years ruining itself by letting Leftist Corporate retards take over.
>these fucking tears

but it's the ess jay dubyas that are the safe space crybabies obviously :^)
Is /pol/ really stupid enough to believe this?

>leftists whining
>when there's like 10 threads on /tv/ from crying alt-flakes
>when people are cancelling netflix over a show that hurt their feefees
Don't you have a #BoycottNetflix hashtag to spam on your social accounts?
Don't waste your time here mate
The alt-right does not exist. It's a movement invented by liberals to describe anyone that disagrees with them.
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>you're just like a liberal if you don't financially support something that attempts to undermine your society

cuck logic

>cancel netflix because triggered by a show
>h-haha leftcucks are so triggered right now

>not being able to distinguish between sjw rhetoric and not giving a company you disagree with your money
I pity you you poor brain damaged toddler
>hating the taste of your own medicine thta much

>cancel netflix because triggered by a show
I'm actually cancelling the service because the service is shit now, which you'd know if you read the post you're replying to. Keep attacking the strawman, though.

>h-haha leftcucks are so triggered right now
They clearly are. Look at some of the replies in this fucking thread. Unless they're from covert Netflix advertisers, then they are legitimately from cucks upset that Shitflix will be getting less money now.
Why does /co/ think they're welcome here?
should i do this with the plethora of stolen netflix accounts i may or may not have
>They clearly are. Look at some of the replies in this fucking thread. Unless they're from covert Netflix advertisers, then they are legitimately from cucks upset that Shitflix will be getting less money now.
we are just laughing at you.
>they are legitimately from cucks upset that Shitflix will be getting less money now.
le shills XD
Toasting in epic bread.
Because /tv/ has been a white board since 2006??
>Libshits throw tantrums outside of Chick-Fil-A and loudly boycott them on Facebook because they can't eat chicken made by a company that doesn't support fag marriage
>This is completely logical

>People cancel Netflix because Netflix's original programming has become shittier and shittier, now consisting of SJW-pandering dogshit
>you're just like a liberal if you don't financially support something that attempts to undermine your society
That sounds like a very liberal thing to do desu
I mean the whole "look I just canceled my subscription! #boycottX"
Who said I was from /pol/? It's pretty obvious race relations are worse now than the past few decades. And it was ushered under Obama's presidency. I'm not saying it was fault but he sure as hell didn't help with comments like "if I had a son he'd look like trayvon" and going to visit the black church Dylan "Stormtrooper" Roof shot up while I can't remember anytime he visited any white places that got shot up.

Turn on the news right now I bet there's some story about how oppressed black people are. When is the last time we had a good riot in a black neighborhood? It's always framed around race. Always. Never objectively about the neighborhood and how the people there (without saying race) are more prone to the crime that got the criminal shot by a police officer. How the relations between the people and the cops are terrible there. Nope. Always bring up race and frame the whole story around that narrative.

Everything is about race. Why can't we just be objective in our coverage of the news anymore? Why can't people in general just get along? Because the media has fanned the flames the past few years under Obama because that's what they do. And all it did was worsen race relations.
LMAO Libshits and Altrightey are at it again.
But wasn't /pol/ made in 2010/2012 because the off site /new/ was taking away ad revenue from moot??
>alt-cucks are this easily triggered
>n-n-n-no y-y-y-you're the one that's t-t-t-t-triggered d-d-d-d-d-do I f-f-f-f-f-fit in yet?
don't you have to do gangfighting out in your hood ?
netflix and shill
>thin skin
>drinks piss
>is a pedophile
Literally /theirguy/
You're the sort of person who, if they lived in the 60s, would be complaining about the Civil Rights movement being too disruptive and point to it as the real cause of racism in the United States. The problems that movements like black lives matter are addressing are legitimate problems that have been festering for decades. The 90s which you guys claim to be a utopia for racial harmony had one of the biggest race riots in American history when cops got off with a slap on the wrist for beating an unarmed black man nearly to death. Are minorities supposed to ignore the problems their communities face and hope they just magically disappear on their own so oversensitive white dudes won't go on racist spergouts over it?
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
i don't get it, how is exercising your right to boycot something with your wallet and letting said company know the reason you're boycotting their product a sign of you being thin-skinned?

even if the movie isn't what the title, the tone, and the marketing behind it implies

>We won't make up lies.

It's ALREADY too late for that.

It is. Every pathetic "activist" always boycotting Coke or Nestle or Dominos or whatever needs to sack up and admit to themselves that it makes no fucking difference whatsoever. But hey by all means keep up the online activist campaign against Netflix if it makes you feel better. Because that's what boycotts are really all about in the first place, making people with hurt feelings feel better.
>Are minorities supposed to ignore the problems their communities face and hope they just magically disappear on their own so oversensitive white dudes won't go on racist spergouts over it?
No they are supposed fix their own god damn shit and stop blaming whitey for their shitty communities. And Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization funded by foreign interest groups to make race relations even worse.
because you're literally boycotting a streaming site over a reason that is completely fake.
This is not a boycott, this is a temper tantrum.
Isn't "Dear White People" a satire? Wasn't that what the movie was?
fake news outlet, sorry hun
Yes, that's why this shit is so fucking hilarious. /pol/ is so retarded and easy to trigger they can't even understand it's a comedy
>triggered by the existence of blacks

Yep those /pol/ folks really sure do have their priorities in order! Keep fighting that good fight and not giving a shit about things that actually matter
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You must have not been here in 2014 when it actually released. This board was up in arms even more so than /pol/
>being a white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""شخص"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in 2017
absolutely halel
>that it makes no fucking difference whatsoever.

how does it not make a difference?
i don't care what the cause is, people should do these things if that's how they feel, regardless of the cause.

you can mock for them having a problem with what they're boycotting, but acting like it's pointless is retarded.

>even if the movie isn't what the title, the tone, and the marketing behind it implies

for you
he's absolutely right. you can hate niggers and want to ethnically cleanse them off your land or whatnot, but stop pretending like they don't have a legitimate cause to protest about and like their methods are somehow wrong
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Are you so dense that you don't see the irony here?
>but stop pretending like they don't have a legitimate cause to protest about
Like what? And who are they protesting against?
>even if the movie isn't what the title, the tone, and the marketing behind it implies

Well congrats then, these people are retarded enough to be triggered by a misleading ad campaign
that's netflix's fault. but obviously they wanted the backlash.
all we're doing is encouraging netflix to no platform you
fuc you for replying to multiple posts just to write a sentence and not adding anything to the discussion
This is going to drum up interest, no doubt about that. It's a win win situation. Idiots get BTFO and Netflix gets tons of free advertisement and new subscriptions
Oh yeah I forgot about how Coke and Nestle and Dominos collapsed due to the weight of those very effective boycotts. I'm sure Netflix will follow at any moment.
how does universities inviting speakers you don't have to listen to hurt you?
>#BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society.
So they want to police my thought like Big Brother? I don't see any concrete goals here. Or who they're protesting against.
You type like a fag.
Netflix has 90 million subscribers. You might as well try boycotting Pepsi.
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lol broflakes
>hurr i'm making a moral stand
>too chicken to actually write "I don't like Netflix is showing these uppity niggers," which is what you actually mean

When did the right become so cowardly?
he's not a white nationalist he's a basic bitch conservative

if this fag kike is a white nationalist then so is everyone on fox news
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Fox News is just propaganda for the Fuhrer, so...
Stay mad nigga
>Fox News is just propaganda for the Fuhrer, so...
>fox news is nazi propaganda
holy shit interact with someone who isn't a leftist for once in your life
It's produced with his money you imbecile
You guys really can't tell when people are making fun of you can you? That's adorable.
Yeah? And? Netflix produces dozens of shows with my money that I'll never watch. I pay them for the ones I do.
hundreds of people trying to be clever constantly on 4chan, yet that was the post that made me laugh.
>really makes you think
I'm just pretending, tee hee
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I unironically think niggers are destroying America but you're just a fucking faggot
>holy shit interact with someone who isn't a leftist for once in your life
fuck off faggot, I don't want to interact with those evil pieces of shit. anyone who advocates the death of muslims and can't tell the difference between muslims and terrorists (WHO ARE NOT ALL MUSLIMS BY THE WAY) deserves to get punched in the back of the head like the little BITCH that they are

Really makes me think that you're literally retarded.
It wasn't my post but nice try! Better luck next time.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Any Muslim who doesn't believe this is literally breaking their religious law. They are disobeying Allah by not following this verse.
>/pol/ gets triggered and whines like 3 year olds.

I kek'd. Good job lads. Maybe if you actually watched the movie you'd be able to see what you're crying over.
>It wasn't my post
so why did you reply to me

neck yourself
I just got off the phone with Netflix and they are BEGGING us not to unsubscribe! They put the president of the company on the phone and he said if they lose just one more subscriber to this controversy they're going to pull their entire show lineup and replace it with Pro-Trump documentaries! We're winning this guys don't give up you're doing great!
this is why i love 44chan. i can pretend to be a nigger and a lot of stupid faggots will get mad at me and give me (You)s. stupid wh*te """"people"""" haha
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is this shitposting?
>pay for netflix
>they make 1 (one) show you dislike
>cancel subscription

you don't have to watch the show, though
what's the point?
you didn't complain about any of the other shit shows netflix has/makes/will continue to make
You should send them an envelope full of your tears. That will show them.
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>t. cucks who think all muslims are evil
how does it feel having no education, no nuance and no friends, alt right nazi fags? how does it make you feel knowing the white race will be extinct within then next 100 years and you little bitches cant do anything about it, you can't even touch a girl let alone get her pregnant LOLLOLOLOOL
it's about sending a message
Except back then they had a reasonable cause and now they don't. Every single incidence of police violence they got behind in the last few years ended up being some disgusting violent criminal that deserved to be put down. Trayvon and Michael Brown got exactly what they deserved. Why don't they talk about the disgusting levels of black on black violence?
Too obvious now, good attempt though, not even kidding.
I'm not even him but why do you guys believe that every muslim with no exceptions follows the Quran literally when that's not the case in virtually any other religion in the world?
>shilling netflix

stay mad shlomo
Trump and Hitler - two pees in a pod.
Every other religion gets freely criticized, are you against religious equality you sick son of a bitch?
Most other religions, especially Christianity, gets criticized constantly and the Quran is much more violent and much more straightforward and less open to interpretation than most other holy texts.
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>whities crying
>losing the culture war
>y-you're the snowflakes!

it's ok sweetie, I know losing can be tough but you'll always have 4chan and tumblr to make yourself feel like you're in control :)
yeah, that you're a racist snowflake
When did /tv/ become so shit lads
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Don't go off on a tangent, all I'm unironically saying is that not all muslims are violent terrorists that believe in jihad.
Are you telling me that not once in your whole life have you met a muslim that doesn't have any problems with western culture?

The reason islam can't be critizised (and I guess i'll need to say clearly that I dont like it so you don't waste a post arguing against something I don't agree with) is because it's a minority religion behind christianity in western civilization, leftists pride themselves in defending the weak from the oppressive system and the powerful even if that's contradictory, just because that sounds cool to them.
look at all these tanned germans on /tv/

you can tell europe is overrun with poo in loos and alluh snackbars
Do immigrants use the word "adorable" when they're condescending to people? I don't get it.
>Don't go off on a tangent, all I'm unironically saying is that not all muslims are violent terrorists that believe in jihad.

And I'm saying that a sensible amount of people believe in their own religions teachings. Which of us seems to be making the more absurd statement?
this guy... not sure if shill or newfag
Neither of them deserved to die. But what about Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, and the many others who have been killed for no reason?

>Why don't they talk about the disgusting levels of black on black violence?
People do talk about this a lot, you just don't pay attention to it. But what relation does this have to anything? Black murders who hurt or kill other black people get arrested and receive punishment for their crime. Cops who use excessive force or kill black suspects just about always go unpunished. That's the issue.
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>Keep paying for Netflix or you're TRIGGERED!

Leftists telling people what to do with their money.
From chanology to /pol/posting to unironically being sjw...when will we ever learn?
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They're not contradictory statements.
You realize that by the flow of the conversation in this thread, right now you're defending killing every single muslim in the world right? Arguing against >>111865813 implicitly means that you consider yourself one of those people that "advocates the death of muslims and can't tell the difference between muslims and terrorists".
feelings were hurt this day
>Eric Garner

He was fat, he died of heart failure not asphyxiation.

Read the fucking autopsy.
they're making a tv show out of that? kek

anyway you deserve everything for using netflix in the first place
>Kamala beheading Carol

Is this supposed to make me support Islam?
>can't tell the difference between muslims and terrorists".

So tell us. What's the difference?

They all believe the same thing.
A terrorist bomb and murders people while not all muslims do that?
Once again I ask, do you think every single muslim you've seen in your life had an explosive vest underneath his clothes?
>Neither of them deserved to die

They both deserved to be shot. The victim shouldn't have to trust that the violent criminal assaulting them will stop before serious damage is done. Both shootings were 100% justified.

> Eric Garner, Tamir Rice

More disgusting criminals. All adult violent criminals should be put to death. Violent crime should not be tolerated.
Most Muslims have the same beliefs as the terrorist and they sympathize with him and offer some level of support. The primary difference is that the "normal" Muslim is a coward and a hypocrite.
i havent heard of the 13th-whats that about?
>They all believe the same thing.
Not him, but the difference is their actions, clearly.
is this nigga really quoting the Quran at folks when he voted for a President whose actively hiring judges to overturn Roe v Wade and eventually Obergefell v. Hodges for Jesus reasons.

GTFO neocon slime.
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Where do you get those stats from?
Because if you're using that popular graph from 2013 that said 1.1 billion muslims out of 1.62 want sharia law, I'll let you know that the most civilized country that survey took samples from is Russia, and even then there's a spectacular decrease in sharia law support between European countries (all second world shitholes mind you) and the rest of the third world.
All evidence seems to support that yes, muslims get more moderate when they're put on a more civilized environment that doesn't condone religious radicalism the same way a middle East muslim country does.

Pic related is the study I see the most around here.
Mods moved the other thread to /pol/
Gonna report these threads and see if we can chuck the lot of you back over there.
I have never met a masculine white male Democrat voter in my entire life
You haven't met the Donald
>I thought liberals were supposed to be the thin skinned ones
>falling for memes
Netflix BTFO
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>Once again I ask, do you think every single muslim you've seen in your life had an explosive vest underneath his clothes?

The newest attacks have been by car/truck. Not to mention stabbing.

Explosive vests aren't a solid argument when you can be run over by a jihadi at any time. The reason you didn't answer the question is because you know you can't refute it.
But I answered the question, what are you talking about?
I have never met a conservative who was buff and a "high testosterone real man"
>A terrorist bomb and murders people while not all muslims do that?

Indeed you did. You pointed no difference in ideology therefore every Muslim is a potential threat.

Thank you for the support.
Most /fit/ tripfags are Democrats.
Fox News was completely against Trump until it became clear he was the republican nominee and they didn't want to lose their voter base. They too, are a bunch of globalist fake news makers like every other network. They just fill a different niche.

To the topic at hand; It's okay to not support a service when thy use your money to produce content you don't approve of, just so long as the only means you take to do so is voting with your wallet. Calling for such content to not "be allowed" is what liberals do, which is what the people in this thread drawing false equivalencies don't understand.
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>white Democrat voters

They fucking hate you. You haven't picked up on that yet?

>tripcuck psychology
>You pointed no difference in ideology therefore every Muslim is a potential threat.

where in the koran does it tell muslims to go to places and blow up people using explosive vest?

dont worry cracker i'll wait.
You do realize that thinking a certain way isn't a crime anywhere on the first world, right?
it doesn't matter if they collapse or not. if everyone thought like that nothing would be boycotted ever because surely it won't affect them!
>154. And say not of those who are slain in God’s cause, “ They are dead”: nay, they are alive , but you perceive it not.

>This verse encourages martyrdom in the way of Allah (swt) and praises it laudably, saying that it is not death, rather it is life - and what a life indeed! Death in the way of Allah (swt) is a distinction which is desirable - not a thing to dislike or fear. By saying that the martyrs are alive, actually means that they have not become extinct or have perished. In commonly language death is the opposite of life and with death one becomes extinct. In this context, the martyrs are alive.

>The aim is to cheer the believers by reminding them of this reality, in order that they should not grieve, should not be perturbed, should not loose their hearts when death faces them or their dear ones in the way of Allah (swt). The only thing that the relatives would be afflicted with, in such cases, is separation from their martyr for a few days, as long as they themselves are alive in this world. And this temporary separation is not a big problem - especially if compared to the pleasure of Allah (swt), and to the bounties bestowed on the martyr, such as the pleasant life of the hereafter and the everlasting grace.

That was one. Enjoy reading the rest.
Sessions has been sworn in, Hollywood degeneracy is about to be curtailed.

Rest in piss, kidfuckers.
there is nothing in what you posted which says blowing people up with bomb vest ya silly cunt.
Of course not. Now tell me where I said so.

I said they are all potential threats. Just any Manson cult would be considered to be.
I feel like you guys are becoming the very thing you guys hated: the SJW
bait number: 3245342434524
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>paying for free stuff
You're right.

I guess all the "celebrate the deaths of infidel killers" just doesn't matter.
I don't think every muslims would really immolate himself if given the occasion but sure, whatever.
>insulting the automovilegendered people
Woah, not only netflix is racist they're also discriminate to other non binary genders
stop pouting you silly cunt, next time you trying to be clever read what you post.
I can't wait for a world with no ethics

Surely it will be a successful enterprise in civilization
>crying about ethics on an Eskimo Mass Suicide Igloo
>everyone hates SJWs for getting triggered
>get triggered yourself and use their own tactics to stop them
We should rise above it. We shouldn't be putting ourselves on their level of persecution complex
/pol/ has a much worse persecution complex. SJWs for all their faggotry at least go out in public and do shit. /pol/acks spend their time shitposting from dank basements.
kek, this!
You just kmow SJW parties feature Caligula tier debauchery. /pol/acks don't even drink, smoke or do drugs, never mind sex.
>nigga pretending to pretend to be white or some shit (did i phrase that correclty? fuck i dont care homie =) to not appear black
Don't listen to these retards, OP. You did great.
Boy, you sure showed them you insecure faggot.
>cancelling your netflix just to get good boy points on native american poo on the wall smearing bulletin board
you are a cuck and a half
Find a news outlet for this OP, make it public. You just know it will have the exact opposite effect and people will subscribe just to spite you.
:D all the libcuck tears in this thread :D no more money for you betawhore
All this shills getting triggered itt
bravo op fuck netflix
Milo's statement is general, the mayor's statement by definition is defamation.
Libel and defamation of character != hurt feelings.
Fucking aliens
fucking spaceniggers
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>tfw you learn /pol/acks get just as butthurt as SJW's over meaningless garbage
unkown thread no one will notice I'm a nigger
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you just got NOTICED
What is this "If you don't want to support a company but you should still give them money because otherwise your a thinskinned cuck" shit?
Shitlibs are so retarded. Snowflake is a term to show how retarded liberals think they are special or unique for acting like complete degenerate illogical idiots.
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>Lmao whiteboi what's wrong don't like it when we make anti-white propaganda?
>youz jus as bad as sjw's

Whatever, leaf.
>hopefully no one thinks it's good how bad race relations are today

We wanted a multi racial society in which ethnic fights could flare up and now we have one. This is one of the great benefit of diversity.
what board was this on before?
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>nothing ever happens

>All evidence seems to support that yes, muslims get more moderate when they're put on a more civilized environment that doesn't condone religious radicalism the same way a middle East muslim country does.

So when Muslims end up being in a minority in a country that actively fight their religion they find a way to cope? Tell me more about how I need Muslims just so I can create a state apparatus designed around the idea of making sure these vermin don't become too much of a hindrance.

I'm always amazed by the fact that the only thing Multicultist have to say in favor of diversity is that it doesn't hurt TOO MUCH. They never make a case as to why we somehow profit from ethno cultural diversity. At best they deflect about a case concerning an increase in the labor pool, which isn't the same thing as diversity at all.
welcome to /pol/, now get out.
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If you do anything that SJWs do, you're no better.

They use words and images, so stop doing those things.

ayyyyy lmao getting triggered by propaganda is the same as issuing a trigger warning when people use words.
>Don't like something
>Boycott it and tell them we don't like it
>Lol so triggered xdddddd just like SJWs!!!

End you're laifu.
You just made a protest to some customer service rep in India who makes $3.50 an hour that could not care less. Way to go.
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Like being paid to fucking destroy private property, illegally block roads, or assault people by George Soros and the Open Society Foundation? Welcome to /pol/, cunt.
where is this from, tv?

Fuck off shill. We use the enemy's own tactics.
yes, they stopped posting because /pol/ is 18+
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>/pol/ is 18+
Even if you cancel regularly there is a text box to fill out as to why you are canceling where I put: "Dear White People is anti-white propaganda."
It is, read the (NSFW) section on 4chan.org
you make it 18+ with your thirsty butt posts for attention, sissy faggot
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My Dad and Sister's use Netflix and I for it.
I'm certainly cancelling it, but what should I get them as a replacement for it? Especially my dad, old guy just sits around and uses it all day directly from his TV.

Hulu a good substitute?

>utterly offensive and frankly disgusting

You're a faggot, no wonder you had a Netflix account in the first place. Just cancel your sub why do you have to act like a whiny bitch about it?
Why did you enter this thread about anti-white propaganda? It has nothing to do with you.
ITT: People not from earth
TV, which is now pol version 2.0
>"This shouldn't be allowed! Ban this filth! This should be illegal! You should be forced out of business, or even locked up!"

>"I will not support this, I will vote with my wallet to discourage this content from being made with my money"
oh fuck off you whiny leaf.
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Only posting this stat is like being a little baby. Here watch this.
you forgot to add that means 18+(months)
To poke your attention desperate ass. With a verbal attack

Judging from the unknown posters i'd say it seems like a breed between /pol/ and /r9k/
That graph is made from those stats, just not segregating by countries.
And the conclusion that radical islamism is directly correlated to how much of a shithole you live in is supported by every single one of those stats anyway, so I don't see how putting them together would change anything.
The only acceptable conclusion from that report is that we should nuke the Middle East once and for all, but it doesn't help to support the "all muslims around the world are potential terrorists in disguise" narrative.
>International pizza day
I´ll let that one pass because it´s your public holyday
It's not about being offended as much as it's about stop lecturing us on fucking racism. I don't pay netflix for corporate sponsored white guilt beamed onto my tv. It's called voting with your wallet. Just like the term Nazi has lost it's bite these uppity niggers think disagreement and asking them to have some self control or responsibility is racism. They are in for a rude awakening.
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I just noticed that in the "support for sharia" graph they omitted the Southern-Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, probably because they're the ones with the lesser % of support so it doesn't help the narrative.
Literally kike disinformation tactics.
wtf is going on here
It's called voting with your dollar, or just defending your race and what you believe in in every way possible.

I guess you would instead keep sending money to your enemy like a good little goycuck, huh?
Is he ok?
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