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Common Filth is DEAD

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Thread replies: 167
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Three days ago, CF posted on twitter. CF posts on twitter every day normally, but he hasn't posted since. CF makes his videos on Sunday, and he has Reddit threads dedicated to each episode. Before recording, he locks and I stickies the thread. The episode 129 thread, the episode which would be released today, is still unlocked and stocked. He hasn't given any indication of a hiatus for a break. Beyond that, his Bandcamp page was taken down with no reason or announcement given. Presumably, if the cardholder behind the Bandcamp page dies, the page goes down. The final crux is someone on the CF subreddit found a story of a man the same age in the same area as CF dying in a car crash. The death happened on the same day CF stopped tweeting. There is nothing conclusive, but Common Filth is possibly dead.
Link to car crash article.

Now that you mention it i havent see him on fb either ill message him and see whats up
Any word?
monitoring this thread
I'd be really sad, desu. his podcast is great.

if he's really dead, can anyone upload a torrent of all the CF extras? I only recently started listening and meant to buy them.
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>Common Filth is possibly dead

What a devastating loss
Do you fags actually like this mexicunt? I hope he's dead
>Common Filth is possibly dead.

Will he finally stop whining and saying that race doesn't matter, religion by itself will fix everything?
nope its relatively early here though so I would give it a little bit.
Havent seen him active though but hes not as active on fb as twitter
Whites are degenerate filth and need to be bred out of existence.
you sound like a little homo gay boy
were you upset by him
He probably got AIDS from taking secret loads in public restrooms.
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do you people really believe this? I always thought it was a joke
is the CF crowd reverse stormfags?
White women breed with dogs and have strayed from the path of god whites need to be destoyed. RACE HAS NO IMPACT ON ANYTHING.
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Imagine being a mad long haired neckbeard dying in a car crash with a
"WHITE GIRLS FUCK DOGS" bumper sticker.
The White Meme Gods did not appreciate his anti-white bullshit.
>race has no impact
>therefore whites need to be destroyed
again, is this jokes?
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lol do you people actually display that disgusting shit to your friends?

racism is bad anon. it's not christian. stop it.
>that brown finger
Never heard of him. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on common filth?
E-celeb that habitually advertises on obscure gay forums.
Watch some of his videos and see the light. He has many left on youtube IIRC.
purity spiralling autist who bitches about fuckparties and super aids.
Hell yeah, another anti-white turbofaggot down.
>"yeah, okay, AIDS cam from africa, alright yeah muslims gangrape young boys alright whatever cannibal tribes, but can we focus on this stupid shit white teenagers did on tumblr? Also fuck Catholics."

If he's dead it's a shame, but he jumped the shark a long time ago.
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I didn't care for his stuff but he obviously spoke to some people around here. F
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He's the definition of "purity spiral" but I like most of his content. Hoping he's not dead but just on hiatus. Maybe he's in a gay bath house doing deep cover research on sodomites.
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>driving along muttering to yourself about the second death not paying attention
>suddenly see a white girl walking her dog
>draw breath to scream 'WHERE IS YOUR BURKA'
>plough into a telegraph pole and become mangled
>your life passes before your eyes
>at least 60% of your life was watching extreme gay/trannie porn
>leave this mortal coil in a blizzard of angry jizz
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He hasn't tweeted since Feb 1st but the man in this article died Feb 4th.
Is she related to Robbie Rotten?

this is fucked if true.

he was one of the only podcasts worth listening to
>purity spiraling
his personal Facebook says he was last active 9 hours ago.
>The purity spiral is an obnoxious form of virtue signaling where people actively compete to show that they are better, more moral and righteous

First result on google m8
Damn he lives close to me
he's a christian so he hates white nationalists who dont meet his autistic standards of religiosity.
Wow you are asshurt has fuck. Death to these angry brown Christians.
god you're insufferable, i bet you like pjw too don't you faggot?

They'll live longer than you, fedora.
I believe in god.
sounds like youre projecting you little worm
fuck anything having to do with infowars go watch gavin mciness "own some sjws" while you cry about how your dad wants nothing to do with you
>best podcasts
>listen to me tell you about this gay porn video I watched for 2 hours
Day 1 CF listener here. He's done this several times before. He'll randomly stop posting for a week or two and everything ends up being fine. I have my doubts anything seriously bad has happened
Who or what is Common Filth?
deleted bandcamp too?
Found the shit-eating faggot.
I believe that was because they were donating the profits they made from him a gay charity.
I hope CF is OK. Hope he is just beating his Hispanic wife or something...
This isn't the first time he has posted an episode late, but is is odd that he hasn't been on Twitter for days.
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>i've literally never listened to 120 seconds of a Common Filth podcast
>/pol/ tells me he watches gay porn lol xD
>he points out that it's faggot beta white people and ugly white feminists that promote degeneracy and faggotry the most WOWWWW WHAT AN ANTIWHTE PURITY SPIRALER
>white people can do literally nothing wrong just by virtue of being white, wahhhhhhh CF hurt my feelings

you people shitting on CF are all 100% literal faggots. blonde hair blue eyed traditional catholic here, the only people who hate CF are the kinds that know what he's saying is true and it stings them. being white doesn't excuse the fact that you're a faggot or that you'll never get married and have kids you faggot LARPers.

>2 hours of "WHITE BOIS EAT DA POOPOO HUYTE GURLS CRAVE THE BDC...btw islam is based"

Really sodomizes my almonds
>why yes i support a man who larps as a christian, watches hundreds of hours of gay porn for "research purposes," and actively calls for white genocide and I still have the nerve to call myself a Catholic
kys if you like common filth you are not a Christian by any definition of the word
Good, fuck that anti-white piece of shit
So what's your definition of a christian?
not putting your hatred of sodomites above your love of the lord is a good start
Fuck you, faggot. Some retard on the internet doesn't get to decide if i'm catholic or not based on his retarded ideas of christianity. just because it hurts your feelings when CF points out that white people on the whole are killing their own babies for convenience and fucking each other in the ass and choosing to be dual-income careerist couples instead of having 3 or 4 white babies and actually doing something about the declining numbers of the white population doesn't mean he's wrong.
he talked about watching gay porn for research. people make fun of him because of how cringey he and his following is bro. his earlier videos were really cool, you know, the ones where he stutters like an aspie and says that ridiculing people isn't a good thing to do? remember those man?

he's a fuckwit who hasn't done shit with his life but get mad about gays on the internet and steal the "white girls fuck dogs" meme and make money off it. complete loser. I wonder just who the fuck is letting someone too insecure to even show their face influence their thinking.
>CF makes his videos on Sunday

> be Christian
> celebrate the Sabbath by editing pictures of gay furries shoving dildos in their ass

legit a f
What the fuck is going on in this thread? Why are people shilling for this spic?
I'd say it's good that we had someone focusing on this specific issue, but the amount of time he drops into gay porn "research" and talking about fucking animals is a little odd. Not to mention, he's been explicitly anti-white. That's a non-starter senpai.
you do not worship the Lord or follow the teachings of Jesus

You worship the hatred of sodomites and you use the Lord's name as a justification for your earthly emotions

Common filth is a deceiver
they're faux-Christians
Sorry if I mess this up. This is my first time here because a mutual friend of CF and I told me about this thread.

I was a personal friend of CF and it is true. He passed away in the car crash linked in this forum.
Welcome, and check 'em. It's customary to post proof of these kinds of things.
>white people on the whole are killing their own babies for convenience
Ignorant or Jewish? Blacks have more abortions and Jews promoted the women's march that isn't pro-life and banned these groups. CF doesn't acknowledge these things and out of tough love he wants to help whites, lol. I would love to know if he is ethnically Jewish.
He's half-Irish and half-Polish. Which is to say the Half-Irish part of him explains why he's anti-white.

I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. As his life flashed before his eyes, do you think he essentially "re-watched" thousands of hours of gay porn?
I do believe that many years worth of butt fucking man porn were condensed down to a split second and replayed in his dying beaner brain.
was he not 100% spic
Omg he's gonna dox himself by dying!
Big if true. Hope he's talking shit on anglos and white nationalists up in heaven with muh nigga God.


He's a revcom tranny who masterbates with his own feces on tumbler.
anyone who hates CF is the same leftist garbage that created the downfall of the west to begin with

guess what queers, just because a pedo, sodomite, dog fucker, or degenerate is white, doesn't mean they're on our side.

all you have to do is open your eyes and see that whites are the most degenerate fucks on this planet right now. sure you can hate niggers for acting like niggers, but do you think they approve of sodomites? They're probably the most anti-gay minority in america
Truly sad day but I do have some good news. There is another group of Christians who report and troll sinners irl. Militant Christian Media on periscope has some pretty decent feeds, they're up and coming so many lulz to be had. Check them out on periscope.
Blacks are proportionally more likely to be LGBT than whites
muh white race did nothing wrong
it wuz da jews all along
People who claim the whole whites are faggots/degenerates/tranny lovers are on par with the ones who use "White folks take the most welfare" meme. It's about the proportions. We take more because we are the majority ( for now) same with the degeneracy. But proportionally, the coons take more. Also media is quick to show the good side of niggers vs the shitty side all us red pilled goys know about.
It's true but don't mexican girls fuck donkeys? The female race is degenerate no matter what the variety.
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He's not wrong. Some of the beauties arrested for prostitution in my town.
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>muh white race did nothing wrong

it didn't. Christianity is a Jewish religion. Christianity wasoriginally a Jewish sect. Baptism is all about the ritual murder of the gentile, and the destruction of the pagan soul.

Christians MURDERED to convert people, and what transcripts they did keep of other cultures they burned altogether. Christianity is the cause of all modern problems.
Nobody claims every white is a fag enabler, not even CF. But he gained a lot of haters for calling out all the fag loving on the far-right for some reason...
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>for some reason...

Because CF is a divide and conquer crypto jew and most likely faggot, who unironically thinks homosexuality is the cause of all evils in the world instead of just a product. CF is a generic sperglord of LARP'ing Christian who is probably gay.

"""""""""research purposes"""""""""

yeah goy lets go back to paganism. sharing each others wives, being drug addicts, having no morals, and let's worship Odin coz he's white n shit!
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His followers are a weird cult. There's like 1700 years of Christian apologetics out there and quite a lot that is accessible for the average goy, too. Instead they would pour out their sweaty frustrations on a guy who spent hours and hours every week scanning tumblr for gay men dressed as dogs licking peanut butter off each other's asses.
It is, yeah. People often go on and on about how whites commit the most murders in the US, neglecting that blacks give us a run for our money even though we're 4 times as numerous. Anyway, people who tunnel vision themselves over one issue (fags, feminism, religion, etc) lose track of what the main issue is. They sperg out over the symptom and not the cause. Case in point- >>111398381
Nothing wrong with wanting to get degeneracy out of the public eye, but if it's gone as far as to hold up blacks and bash your own race, you're back to square -1. This poster has purity spiraled into hating his own race, spinning outright fabrications to justify it, and glorifying niggers. Another slippery slope to watch out for.
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>triggered by homophobia
Let me guess, buttfucking your strong, Aryan friend is the truest form of bonding between men? Paganism was a fucking joke even when Christians converted them, and nowadays it's literally just a meme.
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>being drug addicts, having no morals,

Drug addiction was degenerate

>having no morals

read tacitus

>sharing each others wives

In the warrior code you used to be able to challenge men who slept with your wife to a battle to the death. A duel.

Christianity is no different from Islam, you spread by the sword, violently oppressed other culture (forcing them to pay a tax to your church" and relentlessly kill each other over petty religious differences. Before the rise of crytpo judaism there were virtually no religious wars, people were health and moral.

>multiculturalism is fine as long as you hate fags and follow some form of Semitic faith

it's not about "holding up blacks" it's about faggots like you who will accept queers like milo, gavin, etc. who promote degeneracy. But you accept them and forgive their misgivings just because they're "white".

Sheriff Joe is on our side and he's black. You think some filth like Gavin should be on our side just because he's white?
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>posts the jewish no primary source using image by mistake

Hmmm... you know there are jews who claim that Jesus was gay because he hung out around 12 men for years all alone and never took a wife :^). I think I'll make that meme later today you jewish closet faggot.

>Paganism was a fucking joke
>He thinks Christianity built the Roman Empire

>Sheriff Joe is on our side and he's black

Jesus Christ, they don't brief you guys very well do they?
>Before the rise of crytpo judaism there were virtually no religious wars, people were health and moral.


>nu"""""pagans"""""" are this retarded
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>thinking Christcucks care if the source comes from a jew

They worship the Torah and a dying jew on a Cross, anon.
>posts no proofs

Name 1 :^)
found the coprophilic faggot. Go suck your boyfriends shit, krautnigger.

when your ultimate goal is a white "ethnostate" while you disregard morality, you end up cucked like europe.

there's a single reason why northern europe is cucked and eastern europe isn't. think about that.
Fuck off sodomite
Yes, that's totally what I said. I explicitly said that we should gargle cum and erect giant dick states just so we can have milo as one of us. No you fucking idiot, milo isn't one of us and never will be. Sheriff Joe isn't one of us and never will be. Both are useful for now because they're breaking the conditioning on a bunch of normies. GAS THE KIKES 1488 ZAP THE FAGS does a /wonderful/ job of getting people on board, I'm sure. I don't like gay marriage and that fucking youtube video anymore than you do, but I'm willing to let someone do a job for us even though I don't like them personally.

>w-whites worship a jew
>hey goys lets worship this persian faith instead

fuck off p*rsian
>there's a single reason why northern europe is cucked and eastern europe isn't.

Communism, Christianity used to be the communism of its era not an argument.

>scandinavia is communist

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You still seem confused, so I'm going to go ahead and draw a picture for you.
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he's so fucking spiteful and pretentious it makes me sorry and embarrassed for him

no, i'm not a >sodomite
>not Aryan

Topkek, you christcucks will be spiteful about legitimately anything. Its almost like a crypto jewish religion ends up turning people into neurotic crypto jews.


>european polytheism was adopted from Persian

Wew lad
>Before the rise of crytpo judaism there were virtually no religious wars
Did the Jews persuade the Hindus to conquer and forcefully convert the majority of the Jains?

>people were health and moral
read Historia Augusta
>>not Aryan


>>european polytheism was adopted from Persian

nobody said that. what I said was you're praising a non-white religion while bashing others for following a "non-white" religion

No? The only reason Christianity can barely survive in Eastern Europe is because people now know for a fact that athiesm is bullshit, so they turned to their "traditional" religion not knowing that them keeping this religion basically ensures that a few centuries down the road communism is going to come back.

>still hasn't refuted my claims that there were virtually no religious wars before the spread of crytpo judaism all across the world
>inb4 roman extermination of cults

Romans only got rid of certain (((tribes))) when they started threatening everyone around them and began acting up. Not for religion, just for being choleric assholes.
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I never got to show him this D:
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>read Historia Augusta

The Augustan History is a well-established hoax.

because it's such a retarded 5th grade tier claim. what difference is there between a "war" and a "religious war". Most of these ancient fucks probably didn't even encounter anyone that didn't practice paganism of some variety.

virtually every pagan religion has a concept of "glory in war". They were constantly fucking fighting and killing each other.
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Hol up are you we wuz india n shit? Because I didn't know europe was india n shit my man sheeeeit.

Yeah if you want to LARP about religious wars happening elsewhere in the world then so be it, mention Japan as well. Europe is not any of these places

>Historia Augusta

No, its not as simple as one source dictating what the celts and germanics were up to. Some claimed buggery at every word fro propaganda purposes alone, some claimed the celts were canniabls (something they would see as being sacrilegious but no one in the empire would dispute it)

Plus they threw faggots and pedos into bogs. Sorry Christcuck, cherrpicking is not an argument.
But the west enables it

Fags ruin nations.
Christianity was a Jewish religion 2000 years ago. we paganised it and made it European.
>Anti white mexican who talks shit and dogma

I hope they wrap him in a tortilla and shove his ass off the side of a desert mountain in Mexico
He has legitimate criticisms of the alt right but uses the same generalizations that we do for blacks, spics and other races. So it's mainly a huge circle jerk of hypocrisy. The issue comes down to both sides not being able to handle the bantz: CF triggered by the Christcuck meme and alt right fag/degeneracy love. But it comes down to us not stepping on each other's toes with political/ideology beliefs. Stop the wars with our brothers and realize we have a common enemy. Brown and black people laugh as we tear ourselves apart.

yeah exactly. taiwan is the only asian country that has legalized gay marriage. there's few african countries where it's legal.

which white country is it illegal in? whites promote this degenerate lifestyle more than any other race

I know it hurts white boys, but self-denial is just pathetic
Radical pagans are fucking sad

I agree, during Black History Month we have to give credit to based negros like Sheriff Joe.
>what difference is there between a "war" and a "religious war"

Oh fuck off how retarded can you be? The pagans didn't war with each other over religious differences purely unlike the Semitic religion who did so PURELY fro religious reasons. The majority of wars which predate the Christianization of Europe were fought for economic incentives, not solely on the basis of religion.

>a bad think


Also, its still seen in our current cultures as being glorious to being a virtuous soldier, or am i seeing the DEUS VULT LARP'ing in the wrong light?

Christianity was D&C that only escalated this violent drastically.Daily reminder that the "barbarians" who sacked Rome were Christian Arianists fighting Rome for religious reasons.
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All the homopagans in this thread are exactly why we need that little spic cf back.

Repent you filthy sodomites.

nu-paganism is just as new age as wicca.

the only thing we know for sure about indo-european paganism is some of the names of the gods they worshiped.

all the eddas, sagas, etc. were written by christians and are most likely not true
The West is also the only place in the world where people thinking fighting for their own people is barbaric, Islam is a religion of peace, women are equal to men in every way and crosses are taken off churches so that they don't offend the invading brown people. It's almost like (((outside agitators))) are shoving this agenda down our throats constantly.

>lel fighting over religious differences is stupid

>DUDE fighting over shekels n shit is totally BASED

grow up kid

I hope this disgusting anti White manlet shitskin suffered
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Well Hitler and the nazis tried to paganize it more by creating Positive Christianity and keeping only the New Testament for its anti-antisemitism, but why not just do away with Christianity altogether then?

Its become even more crypto jew than before, with the Protestant Reformation. Adventists are literally crypto jews.
>Yeah if you want to LARP about religious wars happening elsewhere in the world then so be it, mention Japan as well. Europe is not any of these places
Moving goalposts and complaining about cherrypicking in the same reply? Typical deluded paganfag I see.

>No, its not as simple as one source dictating what the celts and germanics were up to.
Historia Augusta has nothing about Germanics and Celts. For some reason their glorious Pagan civilization didn't consider writing a priority, so obviously the only source we have about them are from the Romans. Also if Historia Augusta is not authentic for you, read about the late Republic era. A lot of great statesmen complained about the Hellenic degeneracy infecting Rome, which it succesfully did.
>all the eddas, sagas, etc. were written by christians and are most likely not true
>he thinks these are the only sources for the myths



Nope again, Snorri was completely objective in capturing the pagan aspects of the creation myth and the Christian side can easily be discerned from the non-Christian

>he's grasping at straws

Topkek, yeah because fighting for shekels was totally why these tribes warred for each other, when i was talking about economic incentive it totally had to do with greed and not agriculture and population expansion. Christianity is worse because it fights for land, money, AND religion all at the same time. It fights with itself too often as well, as we can see the purity spiralling.

Plus you are the forefathers of egalitarianism, so thanks for the communism retard.

give me a single source from pre-christian europe

you can't.

the vast majority are written by Snorri who was a christian monk

things like ragnarok, helheim, and living only one life are most definitely christian inventions.

but keep raising your goat horn to thor because that's totally what ancient whitey did
CF went full la raza loco
This is another day of learning for you christfags.

Kek, and memetic magic are the only way. This is a sign.
Did he say why he was afk?
>Moving goalposts

When was Japan and India Christianized/ invaded by semitic religions on the scale of Europe, midle east, and northern africa? Thats no goalpost moving you absolute mong.

>Historia Augusta

Too bad its fake. Not that it matters, if anything Christianity has made the west more degenerate than polytheism could ever dream of.

>For some reason their glorious Pagan civilization

Northerners believed heavily in oral tradition and memorization over written word. They were spergs like that, but they were no stupid.
>The majority of wars which predate the Christianization of Europe were fought for economic incentives, not solely on the basis of religion.
Just as most Christian wars against Pagans had economic incentives.

>Christianity was D&C that only escalated this violent drastically.Daily reminder that the "barbarians" who sacked Rome were Christian Arianists fighting Rome for religious reasons.
There were no religious reasons, Rome was weak because of overextension and demographical decline, they tried to use the barbarians to fight their wars for them as foederati, then mistreated them. They got pissed, so they "sacked" Rome. And the first sack by the Visigoths were pretty tame, it was just shocking.

>Its become even more crypto jew than before, with the Protestant Reformation.
I have to agree on this one though. Kinda ironic with Luther's anti-semitism and all. I'd say that it was the Reformation and especailly the Enlightnment, not Christianity itself which enabled the Jews to gain as much power as they already have and which lead to the moral corruption of the European people.
Literally every single one of his podcasts are the same lmao
>name a single


Why name a single source when there are whole oral traiditions and local folklire which you're too stupid to know about. Ever heard of Grimm's Fairy Tales? They came from oral tradition.

Snorri is not the only source for Indo European polytheistic religions topkek. Also, if you're calling him a liar please provide evidence?
>Just as most Christian wars against Pagans had economic incentives.

Outright lie it was about conversion, you beheaded infidels like Islamists, destroyed pagan temples, and murdered and corrupted your way across Europe.

>They got pissed,

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Rome telling them they were going to hell for being heritics?
>things like ragnarok, helheim, and living only one life are most definitely christian inventions.

Ragnarok and Hel has it's concepts in the Indo-European proto-religions. Actually Judaism has no concept of hell at all.

>When was Japan and India Christianized/ invaded by semitic religions on the scale of Europe, midle east, and northern africa? Thats no goalpost moving you absolute mong.
You wrote there was no precedent of religious war from non-Abrahamic religions. I brought up an example. You moved goalposts.

>Too bad its fake. Not that it matters, if anything Christianity has made the west more degenerate than polytheism could ever dream of.
As I've said before, read any source from the late Republic. They complained about degeneracy, the rise of prostitution, faggotry, the falling of marriage etc. Christ was not even born by that time, and why Jews were certainly present in ancient cities, they had no powers to subvert the glorious white Romans. Btw are you one of those people who think Greeks and Romans were blonde and blue eyed Aryans?

>Northerners believed heavily in oral tradition and memorization over written word. They were spergs like that, but they were no stupid.
And they got destroyed by people who knew the advantages of writing, logistics and state organization. Nordic masterrace, everyone.
>That envious brown finger
>Outright lie it was about conversion, you beheaded infidels like Islamists, destroyed pagan temples, and murdered and corrupted your way across Europe.
The more intelligent Pagans (Rus, Magyars, Bolghars, Norse people etc.) realized that organised religion, writing, laws and state organisation has more advantages than killing each other in tribal warfare.
Of course Balts were not amongst those, so they got conquered by the Teutonic order after they got displaced from their holdings in Transylvania in Hungary (so here is your economic incentive, retard).

We're not talking about Hellenism which does have a concept of Hel and Ragnarok (which influenced Christian theology) we're talking about Germanic paganism which modern day Heathens follow.

The best thing to do is to look at the most historically cited european paganism which is Greek and Roman paganism. Also a close indo-european paganism that is living today, Hinduism. Look at how those religions are practiced and you will see an entirely different religious practice than modern day heathens / asatruar
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>moving goalposts

Well, sorry I thought we were talking about the western world not the bantu tribes in Africa.

>They complained about degeneracy, the rise of prostitution, faggotry, the falling of marriage etc.
>he hasn't read Spengler's Decline of the West

Christianity was only a temporary solution to a long term issue that would consequently only worsen it given time. If it weren't for good giys Christians not knowing what the Talmud was, Jews would've been shoah'd a long time ago. Also Titus was a cuck for not finishing the job.

>Am i a nordicist

Nords were aryan but there were many kinds of aryans. Aryans aren't just nords, celts, and germanics.

>And they got destroyed by people who knew the advantages of writing, logistics and state organization.

They knew all of these things by memory. They got BTFO by sheer population differences.
>I'm sure it had nothing to do with Rome telling them they were going to hell for being heritics?
Back then the Church far less power than in the middle-ages, so I doubt so. Also most of those tribes were escaping from other tribes who were escaping from the Huns, that's how they got into Roman territory.
so is he dead
>i get all my knowledge about paganism from degenerate hippies on acid
>cf is dead

Great news, I hope his autistic anti white followers also drop dead
It was a lot of factors which lead to the destruction of the west, and religious differences was one of the many. It was mostly the adopteion of usury whch destroyed the Danrius, the Christianizaiont (which i know triggers the shit out of you Christcucks), but no longer worshipping gravitas and and de facto destroying compulsory military service and replacing it with egalitarianism did no good for the Romans.

>Not denying that Christianity behaved like Islam

The tribals lived (mostly) peaceful lives and got rekt by force wielding jews, Moral of the story is to gas the jews. Also most of the tribal warfare resembled what chivalric europe resembled, it had extremely odd combat practices and rules of war. There was never any total war involved in it.

nah I've studied it in depth because I find it interesting.

It's well known that Germanic pagans frequently ate amanita muscaria to induce DMT trips.

As far as sharing wives goes, read the historian Ahmad Ibn Fadlan about those accounts when he lived with the vikings.

As far as morality goes, listen to Dr. William R. Short. Scholar of icelandic and pre-christian germanic people studies. For example, one could kill his neighbor for hay and it would be fine. The only way it would be wrong to them was if he tried to hide the murder. They were nothing more than savages
>Well, sorry I thought we were talking about the western world not the bantu tribes in Africa.
Indian civilization used to be pretty advanced, so we are not talking about Bantu tribes. But even ancient Mesopotamian rulers (especially the good old Assyrians) had a tendency to justify their conquests by divine will.

>Christianity was only a temporary solution to a long term issue that would consequently only worsen it given time. If it weren't for good giys Christians not knowing what the Talmud was, Jews would've been shoah'd a long time ago. Also Titus was a cuck for not finishing the job.
If you read Spengler you know he had a cyclical view of history, and I agree with that. If you look long term, all the solutions will be temporary, and every civilization will decline. Christianity was a good tool for building civilizations, and in my (obviously biased) opinion it would be a good solution to our current crisis and prove to be a great foundation of creating another great civilisation when our current one inevitably falls. But currently Islam seems to have a much better chance for that, and actually that whole religion is just a guide to conquer, establish a viable legal system and delay any further "progress". Too bad Muhammad was a pedophilic warlord so I can't take it seriously as a religion. But as a system it is pretty good.

>Nords were aryan but there were many kinds of aryans. Aryans aren't just nords, celts, and germanics.
So basically they are Indo-Europeans. Just like the Hindus. Who forcefully converted the Jains whithout any Abrahmic influence. :^)

>They knew all of these things by memory. They got BTFO by sheer population differences.
Not the Celts. They outnumbered the conquering Romans and they were physically larger. But they had shit logistics and even shittier tactics.
>Too bad Muhammad was a pedophilic warlord so I can't take it seriously as a religion. But as a system it is pretty good.

FFS don't even consider the Evolean route on adopting Islam to "save" the west that I keep hearing about.

>If you read Spengler you know he had a cyclical view of history, and I agree with that. If you look long term, all the solutions will be temporary, and every civilization will decline. Christianity was a good tool for building civilizations,

I think its more complicated than this but I'm fine with Christians as long they don't cuck out on the JQ and the fact that Race > Religion. Otherwise I'd support them seeing as how atheism is just pure degeneracy.

>Not the Celts. They outnumbered the conquering Romans

Christianization of Europe didn't happen like the Roman conquest of Gaul and Southern Britain, but you're correct, the Romans were more organised and BTFO the tribals. Doesn't mean Christianity is a long term solution for our race.
I hope he's alright.

He's the only one with the balls to say that whites as they now exist don't deserve to survive, something that white nationalists fail to grasp and refuse to fix about themselves.
>Germanic pagans frequently ate amanita muscaria

Actually thats a common myth. They used the mushroom in herbal medicine, but they didn't use it in religious practices. The viking Berserkers are largely thought to have been put into their trance via the mushrooms, otherwise taking of drugs was seen as degenerate

>For example, one could kill his neighbor for hay and it would be fine.

Thats probably the absolute loosest interpretation of the warrior code possible. Killing the man in a shameful manner would still result in his execution, and theft was largely punished as well. There are a lot of memes about pagan societies which Christians circle jerk about, Short being one of these people.
>FFS don't even consider the Evolean route on adopting Islam to "save" the west that I keep hearing about.
You mean Guenon, right? He converted to Sufism in the end.

>I think its more complicated than this but I'm fine with Christians as long they don't cuck out on the JQ and the fact that Race > Religion. Otherwise I'd support them seeing as how atheism is just pure degeneracy.
I'd rather have a black who accepts my culture and lives by it's standards as a friend than a white faggot. Multi-culturalism is still a bad meme though.

>Doesn't mean Christianity is a long term solution for our race.
Worshipping our race and embracing meme religions without any organization and dogma will not lead anywhere.
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>He's the only one with the balls to say that whites as they now exist don't deserve to survive

Cf is a real mensch, the shabboest of goys!
Just received word from CF, he's ok. He's just busy with study for a big expose. He has investigated 200 cuckold clips so far today.
>Worshipping our race and embracing meme religions without any organization and dogma will not lead anywhere.

Nowadays best thing to do would be to build a more local, syncretic christianity akin to the gnostics(particularly the bogomilists) or the more recent starovers(which have either no priest or a priest elected from the local community). At the end of the day, theology, as the 'letter of the faith', matters less than the spirit it promotes.

don't take it from me. William Short is a practicing heathen himself
was he a mexishit tho
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