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Thread replies: 364
Thread images: 65

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Rap is dying. Now's the time. What better way to administer redpills? What better way to get whitey hyped up and aggressive again?
wasn't numetal supposed to bring back metal? And that failed pretty bad
Fuck that Nu-Metal shit.

The Raunchous Brothers is where it's at:
you can't make shekel with metal any longer, that's why it's not coming back.
MTV doesn't air music videos any more, and all you get on the radio is the same drivel. The day of party and hedonism music isn't over yet. They will find new ways of degeneracy.
Even the slightest complex thought will be ridden out of the radio.
>ITT: I have no idea what I'm talking about.
metal is arguably bigger than its ever been. Wtf have you been paying attention to?
You can't make money off music anymore but music is important for cultural development. We need subsidized music, so we'd need to patreon or some shit unfortunately
Metal has the most triggering lyrics in the world of music

Music styles are cyclical, metal will make a come back one day, of course it will not be exactly the same as before but it will lean heavily on the genres past styles.
metal album of the year 2015
Location:Tampa, Florida
Formed in:2009
Genre:Black/Death Metal
Current label:
Hells Headbangers Records
Years active:2009-present
wake up
Metal hasn't gone anywhere ya fucking nerds

>posts that faggot mudslime shit

kill yourself
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>picture of a nu-metal band
>wanting metal to go mainstream

fucking kill yourself brother
>rap dying
is it? i havent listened since i was a teen
>bring back metal to redpill
>posts SOAD
Don't get me wrong they sound good but Serj is a massive faggot. Mahbe if they could write something more thoughtful than "War is bad so fuck the government" maybe I'd give their lyrics more thought. But it's just angry gibberish. Sounds good at times, but it makes no sense.
Armenians are Christfags
Metal is fucking garbage and is for edgy 13 year olds who haven't grown out of that phase yet.

>posts the most blue pilled leftist band.
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Cmon man, at least post Manowars most triggering song.


The entire song has women moaning, with the lyrics being about how women only deserve to be sex slaves. When it came out it set feminists off so hard they shit blood for a month.
no its fucking huge
it's not
in fact, it's probably more popular than ever
op is just a faggot
You are aware the year is 2017 right?
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I'm already hype as Fuck
I just love
>rape their women as they cry
part of the previous song

but SOAD arent. they are more antichristian. daron is a fan of the soviet union while complaining about others who commit genocides..
Oh well, I don't care about Californians and their shenanigans so whatever.
John praises trump on instagram. Serj is probably a cuck now. Shavo is a coalburner and Daron is a sportsfag I think
how did we get from Metallica to this. I want to tear my eardrums out.

Shiiiiiiieeeeet. New Ayreon? Nice.
Oh shit mayne, can't wait for ducking Hansi. I know blind Guardian is gonna release jack shit for awhile, so guest performances will have to do
Get pumped.

Vaporwave and similar genres are the future. I teach 9th grade. The internet subculture is huge among young teens.
Have you folks seen MTV lately?
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>american (((metal)))

shiggy diggy


I hear Symphony X has something new in the works as well, but I'm not as hype

metal is done though. what else can you do with it? its fucking done.
Pantera were the last great metal band, and they were red pilled as fuck. RIP Dime, you glorious bastard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaDAIuYhpVs
There is still quality Thrash Metal albums being dished out. You just have to look for them.

>pic related
Have people who like Rap listen to K Rhino.

Then begin the red pill suppository process.
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Keep that faggot shit in /mu/

wut we didnt "get from" metallica to this. They just put out an album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m46Z0-HXySo

However they didnt put out the best album of 2016 which is not just metal album of the year but all around best album of 2016
>Pantera were the last great metal band

You must be over 18 to post on this website.
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Folk metal is the one true metal.

I grew up during their reign, don't try to newfag me. Their greatness is an objective fact
I have seen Ghost live.

They are not all that impressive.
Overshadowed by Anthrax and Slayer.
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This is some real nigga shit.
What? When did it go and where did it go? Its always been there, you just didn't listen.
Phil's new album is very awesome and extremely relevant hardcore

please don't bring normies to metal I don't want another numetal genre
Burzum is the only right answer
>System of a Down Syndrome
OH SHIT i didn't know there was a new superjoint album. I like down and superjoint ritual
msnshmdnsna MAKE UP
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Fuck yeah.

I want to be a male chauvinist pig
and I don't give a fuck about women's lib.
Women are weak they don't deserve any rights;
the women's movement is a useless fight!

They're good for sex,
and they're good for work!
But other than that,
they have no worth -
so shut the fuck up bitch!

Who put these feminist ideas in their heads?
Keep them barefoot pregnant and chained to a bed.
They're not worthy of any respect
'cause all they are is a sexual object!

They've got cunts!
And they've got tits!
But none of them have intelligence!

Wearing skirts on their exterior
they know the truth hurts:
women are inferior!

They're born to be slaves
and pieces of tail,
and nothing on earth
will make them male!

They're good for sex,
and they're good for work!
But other than that,
they have no worth!


Wake up bitch, it's time to face reality!
As far as I'm concerned you've got no
fucking personality!
Housework and sex is your only job!
You're not a worthwhile human being
you're just a broad!
You'll never be my equal,
so quit your nagging, and your bitching!
Get on your knees to suck my dick,
then get back to the kitchen!

You can call me a chauvinist,
I'm proud to be a pig,
'cause I can take a shit all over your precious women's lib!
>Rap is dying

Also Metal has always been around and will always be around
Its Syndrome of a Down.

Adding it to the end makes it clunky.
btw if you anons like Metallica listen to these guys.

Sure, as long as the bands aren't from the US. You're metal a shit, A SHIT.
Except Iced Earth, that one is good.
then we need more of whatever genre system of a down is

some of this thrash shit people are posting on here is trash
>(((rock & roll)))
Kill yourself, degenerate filth.
As soon as the white man started mixing the nigger music into our culture the country turned into a degenerate shithole.

Classical and folk are the only acceptable genres.
Yeah bro let's totally swing from one bluepilled industry to the next.

Let's not return to our roots and make real music aligned with critical theory perfected by Mozart
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Too new to know the
>what age did you grow out of metal

We're doing fine with vaporwave, synthfash, Italo-disco and Eurobeat.

Electronic music is the sound of the red pill, skrub.
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Metal is for autistic manchildren virgins who just don't understand that their genre is angsty shit that nobody wants to listen to. That's why MTV doesn't air rock or metal anymore and why no radio station plays metal. It's a shitty genre that nobody but angsty depressed failure who were bullied in school listen to. Rap is taking over and chicks dig it. Metal concerts are sausage fests whereas rap has all the ladies and bitches. Here's a link to some good party music. Fuck metal.
You're retarded if you think SOAD is "metal".
this chick could slay them with 2 hands behind her back and sucking off a snake
Look up Scars on Broadway.

Its System of a Down with out Serj's Spergness.
this, we're entering very abstract times
I'm not that familiar with either but this was the most relevant rock album of 2016

Also Vektor, holy shit best Thrash of 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMCsv-zj56s
>women like it
surest sign it's trash desu
>any metal I don't like isn't metal
Oh, it's one of you faggots.
samefag here.
SOAD was great back in the day tho.
Just get with the times plz.
So many normy fags that just listen to whatever is "acceptable rock" annoys me. there's so much fucking amazing shit out there.
Opeth btfo
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Daily reminder that the best drummer in the world is from Québec, my man, Flo...

Nu-metal. Just like disturbed, korn, and slipknot. What is the political goal of this though? Nu-metal is definitely not "red-pilled".
true I'd probably give vektor metal album of 2016 and then dream theater best all around album
Getcha' Pull \M/
Everything they do is amazing.
I love scars on broadway
Australian Thrash
any person upon hearing electronic would be like "okay yea thats cool".
Metal they're like WTF THIS???
fucking cucks.
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Pour les hommes...


seems pretty redpilled to me senpai
Yeah but that shit you posted is deathcore scene kid trash and cancerous. That is the reason that metal fans are shit and the genre is dead
no fuckface i even said in the next comment i like SOAD. it's just not RELEVANT fucking fucktard, they're like 10 years old.
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Posting some GOAT
metal is degenerate as fuck and those lefty fucks in that picture are worst of all.
John is based as fuck, I hope Serj isn't full cuck now and refuses to play with him
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Such a shame they split.

All the best metal bands go young.
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>implying moonman isn't more entertaining and edgy that metal will ever be



>implying Synthwave isn't the new shit



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La grandeur en métal du Québec, sickening...

Their first album was great. Got too poppy after that.
>implying moon man isn't a part of a metal band too
Damn right, it's like some sort of inferiority complex or its edgy man children, I can't really tell.
>deathcore scene kid trash

"scene kid trash"
plz tell me how you gathered that it is "Scene kid" plz. for fuck sakes. Do you dislike certain kinds of british art because it was painted by a "tory". Give me a break.
I picked up the re issue of The Sound of Perseverance. I miss Chuck.
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Well when Chuck died there was really no reason to stick around unless they wanted to soil the bands legacy.
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I think SOAD was pretty redpilled in their lyrics.

Great album choice, leaf
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I'm not seeing enough BM in here




EPOTY 2016

Published on Jan 10, 2017

There is a fundemental difference in sound between metal and metal-core/death-core/whatever bullshit-core. I don't like it. There is a difference in attitude and approach to the music that I find repulsive. For me, metal must include some elements of the sound Black Sabbath first spawned. I don't hear it in core bands
are we posting bands we like?

I can only listen to sludge and hardcore these days
bring it back to the mainstream? so all the dumb sluts can trade in their ugg boots for black platforms and pretend they're not powderpuff retards? So normies can go on a shopping spree at hot topic and think they're worth half a god damn? So we can have more bands like static x and totally dillute the only music genre that matters more than it already has been by vegans???
>Daily reminder that the best drummer in the world is from Québec

He's actually from ontario
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Best Gorgoroth album coming through.
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lol i meant it as an insult to electronica but I guess your response dignifies my comment. If everybody is ok with it, it must be the best. Hmm no.
Prog. Rock is the true man's choice.

Exactly. I just wish he didn't. He had a new project called Control Denied and I really wish he stayed longer to see where this was going.
>be a thread about metal
>don't mention Judas Priest, Bathory, Morbid Angel, Entombed, etc, etc

Bunch of faggots in here.

Also threadly reminder that extreme metal is the spiritual successor to classical music, AKA the white man's music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLHj-eekdNU (listen to 0:28-0:34)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQICnj5pPKs (listen to opening riff)

Then listen to all of both of those songs because they're heavy as fuck.
They play locally a bit. They always seem to be on early in the bill and I end up missing them.
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Plz Bubba, le vieux memé...

My nigger

Which they have, they've continued on without him.
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Can't forget Darkthrone and based Uncle Fenriz.
vapormeme is died so long ago, its literally indistinguishable from future funk now. everyone that liked vaporwave in the beginning outgrew it once kids started ruining it with self-inserted late 90s nostalgia.

Awwwww yeaahhh
Ops a fag - I love system of a down but it isn't metal. For all you fags posting prog rock and shit, this band (Soilwork) is metal: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-yK4T5gLXz0
fuck you too, this is a thread about the CURRENT STATE OF METAL
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You're stuck in the past old fag. You're the same type of person who only likes the movie "Goodfellas" or "Scarface" cuz OH THEY DID IT FIRST SO IT'S THE BEST ANYTHING ELSE IS A FARCE COPYCAT. Dude I listen to this shit almost 24/7. Music is my life. You are stuck in the past. Just like movie cinematography progresses with time, so does music. Open up your mind and look past the appearance. I'm not scene at all but I can appreciate the MUSIC aside from the musicians irrelevant clothing style. Bigot.
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Am I a faggot If I enjoy melodic metal?


>tfw a subculture of a video game half your age that you stopped playing years ago heavily influenced your musical tastes
>all this edgier than thou trash

One of the best albums, nice choice sweet leaf
>listens to phil collins
Yeah bro it sucks same as when Quorthon died funny how the godfather of modern black metal and the godfather of death metal both died young.
Yeah but at least they haven't released any new albums that I'm aware of.
I didn't realize SOAD was "current metal", faggot.
It was such a subpar album for them. Worst since Saturday Night Wrist.

nah its relaxing as fuck
keep making excuses that you have ZERO fucking idea what is going on now.
Is rap dying? I concede I don't pay much attention to popular music anymore, but whenever I do it seems to be completely inundated with rap and hip hop.
ok but its still the most relevant rock album of last year
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>Also threadly reminder that extreme metal is the spiritual successor to classical music

Leaf knows his shit.

where the fuck do they get these subgenre names?

not a faggot, can confirm its decent
Kim is a based Texas citizen now

I've had this argument 6 billions times goy, 'tis why I don't follow any of the 'metal' news these days. I don't bother arguing with faggots. I'm right, but I will never convince a faggot otherwise. I have an extremely diverse taste in music, as a semi-professional musician myself. I just no longer associate with metal for this very reason. It's gone to shit.
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Can't go wrong with some quality polish black metal.
you have no idea what youre talking about and if you say music is your life then it must be pretty shit fagget
they're recycling flows / beats too much and i don't think another era of "hip new artists" will help

if not dying then on a gradual decline
check it out faggot, it u https://youtu.be/nBNxMigNNdE
what if...hear me out... people actually bought the music from the artists instead of stealing it?

get the fuck out of here with your subsidy shit
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my body is ready
vaporwave is the future
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I'm being a realist

Sludge metal has been around for a while bro

Why do people say metal is shit? Is it the lyrics?

Is instrumental metal any good?
ready for what? more mainstream than FIVE product placements in the GHOSTBUSTERS REMAKE

you didnt know that did you

yes Nails

Ghostbusters remake
Sorry, I can't hear your over this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whjf6LKmFYQ

Nice, introducing me to some cool shit here bros.

The gym playlist grows.
Kek confirms. Suck it, core faggots
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Synth metal/ metal inspired synthwave anyone?



your music is weak old man
Step one everyone has to admit thrash is trash

Could it be that you are retarded?
Some people genuinely can't enjoy a song if it's not a time signature the Beatles had a hit with
the best album, 10/10
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2.5 years old, you're getting closer

No you degenerate. Music needs to evolve. It's good rap is dying. It ran its course. It went on wayyyy too long for what it offered. Metal has nothing new to offer either.

The future is some hodge podge of genres and I look forward to it.
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Damn straight. Chuck knew something. Would have probably went down as king or metal if he didn't die so soon.

>spritual succesor

Anyone who claims to hate Vivaldi's Winter is a cuck and not a fan of metal

ready for a resurgance of metal in a certian demographic.

your metaphor a shit
I agree, but what music would be best to redpill and improve society?
Good metal:
Cirith ungol
Manilla Road
Eternal champion
Tygers of pan tang
Medieval steel
I'll take that as a no you didnt know that NAILS GOT PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN GHOSTBUSTERS REMAKE

>be me
>post some of the most timeless music ever created
>get told it's weak by some faggot that isn't old enough to drink

Kids are so silly these days.

Here's some more redpilled music for you faggots:


>Millions put to death in the name of God
>Their blood runs red in an eternal flood
>The word has been spread throughout the centuries
>Millions of corpses lying in the cemeteries
>Reek of Christianity
>Dawn of obscuration
>Birth of insanity
>Death of liberation
>Lord of evolution, enslavement emperor
>Root of all evil, it is the Holy Terror
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I wish people saw what I see in music. I am always looking for the next cool thing. Music evolves, it builds upon it's predecessors, never ceasing for contentment.
I wish you all would open your minds and stop mucking up the music brilliance of the future.
If you think "Black Sabbath" is the best, then I tell you, "Jimi Hendrix" was before them. And then the Beetles. And the Monkies, Chopin, and onto Beethovern. What you don't understand is it keeps evolvng, spreading and collapsing. Music is so diverse and amazing. If you think a band of the past is the "best" then your automatically wrong unless they're still producing songs. Each song made becomes more precise, is more attune to it's time.
I'm going to insult you here only so that you will challenge yourself to expand your horizons.
If you think "Black sabbath" is the pinnacle of metal, or anything that was before 2010 i laugh at you hilariously and it's summed up in this brilliant key and peele video. You are being a stubborn bigot and want credit for liking a band instead of accepting that your band wasn't "mainstream" and discontinue hating other non "mainstream" bands. Yes black sabbath was cool, but holy fuck why would you stop there??
That would be like if I said "Die Hard" was the best movie ever and I don't even need to watch another action movie again, because they're the best. Doesn't make sense right? Other movies built upon die hard and in the same way, so many other bands have gone WAY past "black sabbath" lmao.
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Hard to take this seriously. Everyone thinks they are redpilled.

You will not find redpilled music in the mainstream probably for a long long long time. Just shallow stuff. But at least it can be musically interesting. There was a time when popular dance music actually had interesting instruments and beats. It was only like 4 decades or so ago.
i love rock music

cant stand hiphop and rap. they are alll retards

Korn, five finger death punch, avenge sevenfold, disturbed, royal blood, the heavy, the hives, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, AC/DC, Gun and roses, metallica, deftones.
I like Slipknot, I think that's the only metal I listen to

watch if you don't believe me. To be fair though the product placement is simply a concert flier but it is very prominent

Mammoth Grinder even got product placement

and Ozzy even has a cameo role
okay then genius if we could move mainstream music off rap and back to instrumental / band centered - what would think it'd be l ike?

This guy knows what's up.

Don't forget Mercyful Fate though you fucking faggot.
nvm, found it myself.

well cant say I hate them from making a buck of that shitshow, I might have done the same.

doesn't invalidate their music, still sucks though
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Just look at Tuomas Saukkonen's bands(same as Black Sun Aeon), almost all of them are worth listening too even if they are mostly discontinued for his recent project

Also on the off chance you've never heard them, Amorphis is the fucking best, like many Finnish bands

Melodic as fuck, kinda like fruity alcohol I suppose
>still sucks though
Fuck you, Sabbath are the best.
Shit. Forgot them. Melissa is one of the best metal albums I've ever heard
Published on Jan 13, 2017
noise jazz worse jazz
scandinavia is proof metal correlates with faggotry
reminds me industrial and of these faggots

Published on Feb 3, 2016
Bring back Nazi Punk instead
what do you think of it? do they lose all merit for their affiliation with the leftest regime?
we literally used all the riffs up.

even good metal sounds like ass these days
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the fuck am i listening to?
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Something girls can dance to, metal has always alienated (most) girls. I would rate electronic beats with positive messages, layered with classical instruments.

No Cathedral...the fuck
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the audacity of this shitposter
indeed, but perhaps he has a point. I consider metal to be basically dead, at least the label used to describe a form of music. It has changed, I do not personally like what it has changed into, and have stopped listening to what is current. In the end, there was no 'metal' to begin with, ultimately. There was something, and you can trace its lineage from Sabbath and other pioneers, but it has mutated and become something other than what it was. It is a meme, all things are. But the metal meme is basically dead, symbolically upon Dio's death. Black Sabbath at this point are like a living ghost. You can call it whatever, but metal is dead, goys
The last ultimate redpill is psychedelic trance

i get it that this might have been good back in the day but the quality doesn't age well at all and your head is buried in the sand if you're ignoring all the achievements in metal that over shadow all this old stuff. Im also probably older than you, i just keep my mind open and dont let nostalgic bias sway my judgement. Its elitists like you who bash others that make the metal scene gay
korn - insane , Album - The Serenity Of Suffering

heaviest album for over decade

you lost me at classical intsruments, unless it's like disorted bass or something. You'd definitely have to play around with it
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>And that failed pretty bad
Is metal the white mans genre?
>not listening to Japanese Judas Priest

well it certainly proves that metal is very far from dead if fucking Nails and Mammoth Grinder get product placement in the Ghostbusters remake of all things
Xxxtentacion is the answer
from the master of church burning grab a gallon of gas and revolt against the abrahamic religions


yes. without a doubt
For the most part.
>mfw you write all this pretentious shit just to post some absolute trash music at the end

I'm honestly embarrassed for you.
>Judas Priest
>Doesn't age well

LMAO kill yourself.
>rap is dying

Hip-hop is bigger than ever. Underground as well as mainstream.
>metal has always alienated (most) girls

Uneducated post

Literally every person who listens to atmospheric black metal is female. Fact

Thanks for this.
System of a Down...metal?
same fag here. meant to embed this video also
'i took a white bitch to starbucks

that little bitch got her throat fucked'

nah, I don't like artist who make songs about dem wyte wimmen getting blacked, thanks
I think you're on to something. except for the classical instruments. those would probably be synth. I still want disorted guitar in there. no thrash, but groove. gotta make music you could fuck to
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Yes and no. Varg once called metal a nigger genre because it was inspired by rock which was created by blacks in the South.

Guess Varg is a nigger then, or maybe he took it back.

Every mexican I've ever known would get down to 90's metal.
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good counter argument dumbass. Im not talking about classical music. Im talking about judas priest, entombed, and morbid angel (probably the only metal bands you listen to)

They've aged like shit

Metal went to shit when after glam metal
Who? Where?
Who /neofolk/ here?
I've never heard trance that I liked, even having been to goa

I like techno and sampled shit mostly

fuck off, underage
I want to add something. I don't follow what is current, rather, I search for relatable genius. Artists that stand out to me, regardless of genre. Townes Van Zandt is perhaps my sentimental favorite artist for that reason. I may look back on today's music in 15 years and pick out something that strikes me as genius, but I have no time for it when there is so much back catalog to discover. I'm not concerned with the next big thing or what is trending as far as music goes. If that makes me uncool, then so be it.
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Is redpilled folk a thing?


Anyone have moar?
Varg is a talentless faggot who is only famous because he murdered someone like the common nigger he despises so much
actually I thought the newest judas priest album was very well received and even had some striking asmr stuff going

No, it's not
Nailed it
props for liking deftones (one of my favorite bands of all time) who STILL actually make music.
anyone listened to rammstein?

i got a mad fetish for the chick in this video


well neofolk martial
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ALL armenians are sjw enablers
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>implying communists are people

wew I'm glad he killed that faggot. Anyone who says Filosofem isn't god tier is just butthurt Euronymous got BTFO.
Except they're literally still the heaviest bands that ever existed? Go back to your Slipknot, kiddo.

Here's some more music that you probably think hasn't aged well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1NA_n_p4Aw&t=2221s
try reading the thread

however if we're talking about rock then yes rock is literally at its lowest point in history. Even the most relevant rock album of 2016 still pushes the boundaries towards metal but I think it still qualifies

>all the entry level shit posted ITT
I thought /pol/ being underaged was a meme?
I'm cringing
what was your metal aoty 2016

whats your metal aotysf

released January 13, 2017
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>tfw one of your favorite metal bands turns into fucking Foo Fighters
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wildfire by deströyer 666
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Sabbath couldn't even play half the current metal. Fucking ignorant wanna be. Half u don't even keep up with the current metal scene. If you don't know who Amon Amarth is YOU AREN'T relevant. Seriously.
^^^^ black sabbath guitarist couldn't even play that LMFAO and it sounds SOO much better then Duuueeenn duuuuuueen.
"eyye aim iron man" hahaha what a joke. srsly. stop proclaiming to be into metal.
oh and I haven't listened to any new album this year yet, i need to catch up with some 2016 releases
low quality improv recording of something I used to be a part of daily. Just poured out of us
>KoRn is underage

Nigger, I was 14 when Freak on a Leash came out. Best angsty years ever.
i like it! :(
not one bad album.
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Faggot. A 30+ year old band lead by a chubby jew has more balls than those fags.
>dissing Sabbath over fucking Amon Amarth
It's like I'm on YouTube
fuck the current scene and fuck every scene. Technical virtuosity does not make something metal, if you think this you don't understand what metal was ever about and are part of the reason the metal meme is dead/mutated into shit. that thing you posted sounds like ass
are you still 14 then?

Black/death metal is the autistic shrieking of the metal scene. It's complete fucking trash listened to by complete fucking trash.

If you ever want to see a collection of truly pathetic and disgusting people, go see one of these bands live.
this sounds like shit you stupid pussy. it sounds like all this other trash metal that has been released in the past decade and a half
It was very upsetting.
Am i faggot for liking this:
Classical was probably the wrong word, just touches of 'organic' sounds here and there to make it rough around the edges with a solid groove/beat to fuck on
Are you ready for King to drop his THIRD ALBUM IN ONE YEAR? As I recall it comes out this month, Crystal Fairy

Is their literally anything this man can't do?
Published on June 2, 2014
Just curious what your age is. if you're 40+ then I can see how you'd think that. But otherwise you couldn't be more wrong. I just flat out disagree. Metal has gone way above and beyond what you ever heard. I'm so fucking sick of arguing with these light metal associaters. Put yourself in my shoes, I'm soaked in the metal scene for the past 12 years and live and breathe it and you have the utter ignorancy to make a claim like that? Perhaps you gave up on metal after Dio passed, that's your decision, but the sound continued on and got better, and more precise. Fucking cuck. Seriously you are a fucking cuck and I'm going to embed the video to show you what a fucking cuck you are. If you think metal is dead, you never knew metal to begin with.
How long has Avenged Sevenfold been redpilled?

Have you listened to thier newest song. It sounds like QOTSA but with no balls.
We have Trump in office. If I've learned one thing as a metalhead, the best metal happens when the White House is red.
You call that edgy?

I was forced to listen to parkway when i had a certain group of friends. Grew to tolerate it, its great for what it is
ikr. these are fucking bigoted out of date oldfags. They never knew metal to begin with. I'm done with arguing, if they don't want to recognize the new metal scene then I got better things to do. Obsolete.
>amon amarth

Kek. Entry tier garbage
>unironically posting nu-metal
fucking nu-males, what's next? melodic death?
>Is their literally anything this man can't do?

He can't seem to make good music.
metal is music of the gods
New Iced Earth coming out. Sabaton is about to headline a big NA tour. Anthrax and Metallica just released albums. New Demon Hunter is a fun listen. Hell, even GWAR is touring.(i think; i skipped that article.)
they suck although i did like when i think their singer did austrian death machine


i don't normally like this kind of shit, but i liked this album
Their album last year was perfectly fine. Maybe "entry" but it was far from garbage.
>Black/death metal is the autistic shrieking of the metal scene

All metal is autistic shreiking, Its meant for the young. If you're over 30 and you go to a metal concert then you might as well an hero your life is beyond pathetic.
Clearly you're a faggot.
in my 20's. I was also heavily into the metal scene. I gave up on it because of the amount of pretentious faggots and posers arguing that their shit is the true metal and hating on the roots of the genre. And you sound like one of them. KYS
I'm just fucking with you. I just could never get into anything with that viking aesthetic.
Not redpilled and not metal, but yes, I listened to it 10 years ago.
Avenged Sevenfold was always clearly always slightly right wing. Although I don't really like them I will always have a soft spot for Critical Acclaim.
none of those bands are good
>implying metal isn't about seeing how much of a purity spiraling faggot you can be

wew, /mu/ would probably commit collective suicide without being able to circlejerk over trve kvlt

Best death metal since Chuck died imo.
>If you're over 30 and you go to a metal concert then you might as well an hero your life is beyond pathetic.
what concerts should I be going to then?
>listening to metal in 2017
top kek
posting superior music
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Anyone here listen to Cobalts new album? Is it any good? I kinda don't wanna give them any support after they kicked out the singer for calling a bunch of faggots exactly what they are.
It's a big letdown
Nu-metal was HUGE! It started getting faggy and Korn started getting shit, but c'mon, we had loads of fun with Papa Roach and Slipknot (Corey Taylor supported Hillary Clinton, therefore: fag). Every man and his dog knows popular rap is bullshit designed to help niggers get uppity. It's time for metal to return. Let's just keep fags* out this time.

*Not gays just annoying beta men. Fags.
>first metal thread in a while that hasn't been 404'd
If a band isn't willing to make a couple of great songs with great music videos to get lots of mainstream recognition and air play then metal will never be big again. Music videos in the top 10 count down list is how to get famous and popular and spread a message.
Can you not listen to it yourself? I definitely wouldnt blind buy it and I actually wouldnt buy it at all. An 8 page booklet with zero lyrics just a bunch of rorschachs of questionable worth.
yeah welcome to reality.
welcome to 2016 fucking autist.
being the "first" does't make you the "best".
world record are broken constantly.
same goes with music austist.
arguments over what is considered 'heavy' did my fucking head in. Being heavy does not imply blast beats, breakdowns, down tuning, death growls, technical proficiency or lyrics about raping aborted fetuses. These things may be tools, but they are not heavy in and of themselves. It's about the riff, the groove and the feels. This is why i don't bother anymore, no one gets it. Also, doom ala electric wizard is hands down 'heavier' than any of the core shit with their breakdowns and reeeeeeees
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They dropped the tribal as fuck drums didn't they? I can't imagine the new vocalist sounds anywhere near as pissed as McSorly did.
KoRn is redpilled though
Jonathan Davis was on infowars kek
Rap IS dying as wel.
Nearly all "rap" on the charts is getting more RnB
Now this is metal. Also Vol. 4 is equally G.O.A.T.
>You call that edgy?
Not really, they're just a sort of a guilty pleasure for me.

I prefer my music to be more like this:



TFW nu-metal was 20 years ago. We're just too fucking old for this shit.
HAHAHAH You think that's "trash metal" LOLOLOLOLOLL
omg. plz dude next time when someone asks you if you're into metal just tell them no you like justin bieber.
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>going to concerts at all

Nigger if you're not too busy raising as many children as you afford to keep at this age and participating in the economy then you've fucked up somewhere.

THEY should be the ones going to concerts, not you. Daily reminder that the 14 words weren't ironic.
thrash. fuck yes.
I can't separate the first 4 albums
sure but amon amarth is WE WUZ VIKANGS N SHIET garbage. if you're gonna diss Sabbath at least pick a decent band, tard.
weak goal post shift

going to shows doesnt support the economy? you can stop posting now.
Kek. That was the point you autistic fail.
Read the full message in context, gay boi lover.
Black metal is pretty fuckin horrendous. Like, listening to much of black metal is just being a contrarian edgelord
who here /meshuggah/?

you mad, faggot? sounds like shit, but i'm sure you enjoy rocking out to it with your fedora and mlp plushies
Without mainstream success most people will never know a single song by any new band. Their music and message will never be known or heard if their music such so much it can't break the top 10 music charts
being first does not AUTOMATICALLY make you best, but in the case of Sabbath, its close to being true. They are unarguably pioneers, and its fucking amazing even today. They are the best in that particular niche
kek a7x is the ultimate buttmetal band
they were in Black Ops 2, at an end of campaign mode you were treated to a cringy af music video where all the characters have a dance party.
Meanwhile Rhianna and Byounce make millions from their music sales. It's all about mainstream success from radio play music videos
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We have about a year to help them get a Grammy nomination for packaging
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>weak goal post shift
>goal post shift
>he thinks me explaining myself is shifting the goal posts

Nigger I was implying that at some point you're too old to go to concerts.

>support the economy

Spending you neetbux at the local metal concert =/= supporting the economy

Your children should be doing that you contrarian fuckwit. Face it, you failed at life and missed out on having kids.

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I just pulled up one of the songs and holy fuck it's apparent that McSorly was the guy giving the band it's identity.
yeah this weak bait can 404 now
I thought that was a singer of As I Lay Dying, not the Avenged Sevenfold.
There's a couple good ones hiding in there so maybe you can redeem them a little. Its a long album.
>he's gone into denial

Holy shit if you unironically think its fine being over 30 and showing up to metal concerts then its time to unironically neck yourself

You're getting old, fuck off and do something productive like have white children.
Metal disappeared when the music being released turned to shit. It's like when people blame Nirvana for killing metal/guitar solos. Nirvana didn't kill metal, metal killed its self by turning to shit.
Metal actually helps people to calm down. Studies prove it but I cba to find links. Sorry.
I think he's still angry about the Armenian Genocide. A bit obsessed, if you ask me.
>over 30 and showing up to metal concerts
now you're literally talking in circles you dumb fuck
Best drummer in the world is fucking Ringo Starr
have children grow up and dont look like a wannabe douche bag you austist
well he did actually invent punk

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dark is the future
quick post more metal before we 404

Just like Kurt Cobain saying punk rock is dead... then just a few years later Green Day, Offspring and Blink 182 and a bunch of others had great mainstream success, become very well know and popular
30 is way too old fuck off oldfag start a family or something and lurkmoar on this site about white genocide
Copyright: Osmose Productions / 20 Buck Spin 2017
Punk died with GG

rip king of punk, you were the most degenerate there ever was.
Published on Jan 8, 2016
Published on Aug 28, 2016
>going to metal concerts over the age of 20 years old
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