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Thread replies: 308
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I removed soda years ago. I spread the word to everyone I meet. Keep it up fellas, the soda jew is unforgiving.
Sorry, I can't do that. I can't boycott every single thing surrounding me. Oh shit, my breath is shilling for hill, my breath is liberal, guess I better stop breathing now.
waaaaaa muslims are in my country!!!!!!! make them go away mr. president, they're degenerating me
You are weak.
I haven't bought Coca Cola products in fucking years. They have been a cucked company since Clinton.
It's almost like they want us to get healthy again. First Pepsi. Now coke.

This, just drink sparkling water if you must have something carbonated.

bonus: coke is an Atlanta company
Stopped drinking soda outside of the context of a mixed drink years and years ago

Water and coffee only
What companies does Coca-Cola corp own?
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>Current year
>Drinking the fizzy Jew
Well what's positive about this election is finding out exactly who or what not to support.
we'll still drink that trash
Zevia soda is pretty legit desu and its a little more expensive so you know its for white people
check the wiki link it lists everything owned by cocke which is alot desu
Reminder that you cannot call yourself redpilled if you still regularly drink soda
Soda is the worst shit.

Water all day every day.
the last time I bought coke was when i was in india and thats only because i didnt want to drink poo water
Too much.

They own Powerade and I think Mtn. Jew, they are pretty big.
I only drink soda because i hate myself that much
They played that add several years ago. I haven't bought Coke since then. They declare themselves my enemy, I will treat them like my enemy.
I am with you. I am boycotting coke now but they always have been second rate compared to Pepsi anyway. At east pepsi came out and sort of apologized or claimed to not go anti trump.

But their super bowl commercial pissed me off. YEAH BECUASE ALL THOSE LANGUAGES IS WHAT AMERICANS ALWAYS SPEAK...idiots.
mountain dew is pepsi.

You wouldn't hate yourself if you drank less soda. (((they))) want you to feel this way
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Just shorted Coke big. Ez money. I love this idiocy, every time a company decides to virtue signal I make money.

Made 23k on Starbucks alone.
I did the same. Saved money by not purchasing poison.
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If you're over the age of 20 and you drink more than one sugar-jew per month, you need to reconsider your lifestyle choices. Stop consuming the Semetic Diabetic.
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What is that woman doing out without a man?
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Really mak you think
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sparkling water + a bit of lemon is a good homemade soda
Well desu i am a autistic fatty with no future
>drinking the carbonated jew
Only drink water and sugar free tea.
In America WE SPEAK ENGLISH!!! It should be written into law that it is our official language!
Pepsi is best cola anyway.
I boycotted them years ago. I also don't buy products from Mexico anymore.
It wasn't just Coke. The virtue-signaling during the commercial breaks was positively rancid.
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>drinking soda more than the occasional outing or get together
I broke my need for sweet drunks when I was a kid and never looked back.
>implying i touch any of that
maybe have a gatorade once a month but that aint even coke
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>Not wanting to boycott something you should already not be drinking, regardless of politics
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiBDRdZ4f64 [Embed]
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>This triggers the minority
Are you retarded, it says right there that is was sold to Sony in 1987. Sony was responsible for Ghost Busters.

>t. rich white liberal who has never actually interacted with Muslims
>Coca-Cola, the cola of Muslims
>Pepsi-Cola, the cola of jews

I guess we Royal Crown Cola now.
>Drink consumed predominantly in the South
>Southerners hate Muslims
>Air Muslim sympathy ads during the event more Southerners will watch than anything else
Good job, Coca Cola. Good job.
not all of us are glued to our televisions, you fucking degenerate.
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or was it????
Fuck them and their tooth rotting goop. They can BTFO! A useless product, with absolutely nothing nutritionally good for you. Literal, snake oil, created by a snake oil salesman. BTFO Coke!!!!!
They sell their products literally worldwide, it's not a big deal for them if the whole south boycotted
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>implying tap water is better than kikeacola
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Shame it doesn't matter since if you're gonna boycott (((Coca-Cola))) you're gonna boycott (((Pepsi))) too.
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Soda is fucking disgusting anyways and if you drink more than one every month or so you're a fucking manchild.

Pepsi and virtually every other mainstream soda brand is just disgusting bubbly sugar water with syrup in it. The only acceptable time to drink a Coca Cola is with rum, and the only god damned pop a man should ever drink straight is a sarsaparilla

Seriously, all this shit does is make you fat, rot your teeth, stain your teeth, and get you so addicted to carbs that eating non-starchy vegetables and meats at the ratios you're supposed to seems like a "diet" when in reality it's how a normal god damned human being is supposed to eat

Fuck, I fucking hate fatties so much.
That's the same ass commercial from 3 years ago. Lazy fucks.


Holy shit. I cringed. That is some ridiculously sappy, in-your-face virtue signaling.

Good thing I don't have a need for any of their products. Soda is shit anyway. If I want a carbonated beverage that is bad for my health, I'll drink beer.
Coke is poison anyway.

The fact they support the satanic religion of muhammed just another reason to avoid it.

Only fat fucks like boogie drink that shit.
Better than being addicted to the high fructose Jew, Hans.

By the way, that goes for beer too. Drinking a six pack of beer is basically the equivalent of eating three loaves of bread in a row, and then people why how they got fat as fuck during college.
>not drinking dr pepper
It doesn't have fetus flavoring in it yet.
Relax. I drink a can of diet soda a couple times a week and I'm not even remotely close to fat. Quite healthy actually.
Eh, no, he's correct with that assertion. Soda is garbage and should only be consumed on an infrequent basis if health and physical appearance are of any concern. Even the 0 calorie, diet variants are bullshit and haveproven time and again to be as glucogenic as their corn syrup laden counterparts.

Grow the fuck up and stop eating and drinking everything for taste.
Sugar soda drinks are cancer. I stopped drinking them years ago.
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I gave up the Soda Jew a year ago. I feel great I really recommend this. Also give up coffee it makes waking up easier and you don't have to drink it every morning.
If I need something sparkling I drink Perrier or san peligrino.
Fuck off, Coke is delicious.
Try visiting London or Paris you will change your tune very fast.
Muslims are a very entitled people and the young men are angry about everything.
I was with my girlfriend in Amsterdam one night and the way the Muslim men stared at her was disgusting. It was a mix of lust and absolute hatred.
Fuck, even if you guys quit coke, inca cola is still a coke product so I doubt it would matter.
I love it so much and often buy the bottles imported from Mexico!
>diet soda
Enjoy your fucked up insulin response. Ever wonder how land whales can drink nothing but diet soda and still weigh 400 pounds? Diet Coke is part of the problem.

There's nothing wrong with really sweet, sugary things every now and then. But availability is a bad thing for people because we are really shitty at controlling impulses. My dad used to tell me about growing up back in the 50s. A Coca-Cola was something you got as like a treat every now and then, a malt was something you had maybe once a week that you took your date to, and if you were eating ice cream it was probably only in the heat of summer. Fast forward to today and look at how fat everyone is.
Lose weight fatty
reminder you should also be mad about this commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szvxCOoNRmc

Dr. Pepper gets my diabetes money now
>calls himself redpilled
>still drinks the fizzy jew


Remember, what makes a country great isn't it values, it's the people who come to that country and don't even bother to learn the language and customs.
Fuck you, you know damn well you're buying a coke or some other shit they make or own tomorrow you fucktard. Try keeping your worthless "but duh mudslimes" bullshit to yourself. Coke doesn't give a shit and neither does anyone who's not autistic.
>Boycott coke products
I've been boycotting them for 27 years anon
Anyone who legitimately likes them are either brainwashed or their taste buds don't work
At least I have RC cola.
That commercial is so damn old, are you morons really only just now seeing it?
I drink PepsiCo anyways
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>Fast forward to today and look at how fat everyone is.
W-wait, no, rewind it to the part about eating malts with your girlfriend at the 5 and dime again...
Everyone point and laugh, this is what depravity and cowardice look like
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who /mountain dew master race/ here?
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yep guess you better
This is true because the official soda of Dixie is Dr. Pepper and has been for over half a century
Diet coke does not cause weight gain. Rather, the stuff that the land whale consumes behind the scenes is what causes that weight gain. Shitty insulin response leads to diabetes, so you got that correct.
Muslims actually only drink pepsi because of coca cola investing in Israel a long time ago. They basically dont even sell it in gulf countries. The funny thing is the CEO of coca cola is muslim though.

remember Dasani and minute made are owned by Coca Cola

drink lemonade and OJ and juices and Milk instead guys
wtf im i supposed to drink then?

pepsi tastes like shit
Wrong. Drink beer if you must have something carbonated.

If you're a fatass drink Dr. Pepe then
I actually thought that was a really beautiful and touching commercial, what's so bad about it?

Carbonated sugarwater is nigger - tier desu senpai. It's the reason so many nogs are obese.
>Huffington Post

Every time. Fuck these kikes.
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Drink tea my niggas!

It's great.
Everything. Also, most of the worlds water supply.

why are soda profits subsidized with tax dollars?
I guess it's time to quit. I'm spending way too much money on coke right now.
That is my point. Diet soda might not have the calories, but there is no such thing as a free lunch. It fucks with your body's chemistry and your insulin response, making your more prone to diabetes and making your body less efficient with the rate at which is uses of glycogen.

Carbs are not evil, and there's no reason to cut them out entirely. But carbs really are the root of most obesity related health problems. People need to start looking at starches or simple carbs like sugars as something to be had once in a blue moon

>inb4 hurrrr Italians eat tons of pasta and they're skinny

Italians also walk all over the place, fat lazy Americans in their mobility scooters and SUVs do not

Sorry I'm ranting. I just really can't stand how retarded most Americans are about basic nutrition. The human body is not designed to drink carbonated syrup and aspartame on a daily basis
Drinking a six-pack of double bock, maybe.
You're not supposed to drink it. You're supposed to snuff it through a straw.
>Sorry, I can't do that. I can't boycott every single thing surrounding me.
its fucking soda
>guess I better stop breathing now.

Not a bad idea. Faggot.
Are spirits as bad as beer?
and fanta and sprite and stuff, i dont drink soda anymore, was just paraphrasing trump, but back when I used to drink it I loved all of them!
Quit coca cola 4 months ago, literally lost 20 kilograms just by that, it's just suicide in soft drink form
As an amerifat How do I make good tea?
Hello silly goy. Why are you still drinking soda? Goyim should still know that the only thing you should drink is filtered water.
My school taught that carbohydrates and starches were needed for energy, so I can see why most Americans opt for an unhealthy diet with bread. Many Americans do not have proper self control, but education does play a role.
On top of poor insulation response, diet soda (among other sugars) triggers a hunger response that causes over eating. Even further, sugars that are not metabolized synthesize visceral fat cells.
Yes please stop breathing. You will save so much minorities and free up resources for them.
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Don't listen to that fag. Most beer contains 100-150 kcal per 12 oz. I'm not sure where he got the 3 loaves of bread figure from.
>drinking anything other than water ONLY except mjod on celebrations.

The rope cometh.
Throw it into the harbor.
I will boycott too
hail CCU

>still drinking soda

How to stop being fat 101: Don't have sweets everyday. Begin with a cold turkey sweets purge period of maybe six months or so where you rid your body's expectation that it's going to eat sweets. Then, maybe ease up to letting yourself have it once per week. After a few years, managing your "sweets budget" will feel natural.

Now, the question becomes "why would you waste a treat on soda"? You could have cheesecake, chocolate moose, pie, a latte... or a can of coke. Who in their right minds would take the latter? You'll notice that you'll never see a skinny person drinking a coke.

>eternal cold turkey autists who REEEEE at the aspect of anyone ever consuming anything that isn't skinless chicken breasts and water

Sweets won't kill you in moderation. It's when they become staple foods that they become a health hazard.

t. Someone who lost 50 pounds and has kept it off for around five years now. Also a former chronic soda drinker.
Beer is great, just don't be a degenerate alcoholic.
That's Nestle.
>you'll never see a skinny person drinking a coke
But every Coke commercial has skinny people drinking them
Never again.

Commercials are the only place where you'll encounter this mythical beast.
the cans are filled with colored water iirc
I never liked soda, I don't understand why so many people do, it tastes like shit.
Pure Dihydrogen Monoxide is much better for you than Coke~a~Cola!
LOL, Amerifats boycotting sugar.

Yeah good luck with that one, dumbass.
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>sugar free tea
You mean that shitty yank iced tea? You people are fucked up
I've heard the complete opposite, that jews won't drink coca-cola because it deals with the middle east.
that's okay. I'll keep drinking their garbage.
>tfw all the brands i use are going full on social justice
What the fuck is a man to do? I only going inna woods as the only way of not funding some bullshit internationalist liberal bullshit.
I guess from now on I'm drinking generic Cola from the grocery store then.
You are a cuck
Soda is for cucks
Just drink water
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I'm actually really happy about this. I've been relapsing into drinking soda a lot recently after trying to cut the carbonated jew. This ad has solidified me against Coke.

Thanks Coca Cola.
Do you not know how shorting stock works? If the price of the stock goes down you've made a profit.
Drinking cow milk is degenerate. It literally does nothing for you.
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Same here. After the CEO of Pepsi said some stupid shit, I boycotted all their products, including restaurants like Taco Bell which served them. Now I can let go of the rest of the shit, too. Pretty happy to see it happen, t b h.
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I don't buy anything in this (now partially outdated) image. Buy generic or make it yourself. You don't miss out on anything but Taco Bell.

Dollar voting is the only effective way to vote.
I know.
>tfw the only soda I drink is root beer
>only very rarely drink it
>Coke owns Barq's, the shittiest root beer
Nothing of value was lost.
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I wasn't aware of the Pepsi retardedness, link please?
>top three highest grossing companies of all time
>make them collapse

Godspeed pol
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>Penis leak
Sounds like Kek's digits gave you a UTI or something there, cuckold. Better put down the fizzy Jew, anyway.
>Coca cola makes sure that the rightwing deathsquads stay healthy by boycotting their products
>makes the targets of the deathsquads fat and unable to run or hide
Is coca cola, dare I say /ourguys/?
IBC>Mug>A&W (From the restaraunts)>Barqs>A&W (Bottled)
At least from my experience.
Waah ppl have diffrent views then my close minded backwards ass! why do things have to change!
Some of it. Of course, the moment Trump offered her a job, all her phony ass convictions went right out the window.
>Women in charge
>Yahoo link
Not coincidence.
How do you people can waste money on useless shit like soded pop ?
Don't you have this innate urge to not spend unless absolutely necessary, too ?
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>Make politically charged ad immediately after an election cycle that polarized a lot of people
Here's your (You) for being retarded.
I was a Pepsi guy until today, buying a few cases of Coke tomorrow.

I'm a lawyer fresh out of law school and make 90k a year starting at my firm, so I have plenty of disposable income.

Hell, I think I'll buy some Coke fridge magnets and a few shirts.
I ask for a cup for water and get soda.
>I cannot live without Coca-Cola.

What a great infographic to know who to support with my disposable income.

I'll make sure those get my money. Thanks, Anon!
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looks like your not boycotting salt, that's for sure
Fuck you i own coca cola stock
Fuck Audi, Budweiser, Coca Cola, Lady Gaga, and everyone else that tried to fuck with Trump. I guarantee tomorrow that VW's stock will drop as well as Anheiser-Busch's, and Coca-Cola
It's hard to boycott salt with the waterfalls to drink from every time I open a web browser.
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Fuck you d00d I haven't had an Oreo in a year and a half and I loved those little faggots
Audi fucked with trump??

I was going to lease an Audi A4 Quattro and buy the rs3 in 2 years...

Are you kidding me?? Sigh...

I don't want Mercedes jaguar and BMW is average to me...
>show picture of a rag headed dune coon cunt
>liberals worship you
>trump supporters boycott but hey there's six gorillion fewer of them than there are liberals so fuck it.
>acquire shekels
>drinking soda

Heh heh good goyim

>Not drinking mug

haha paper yeah
Aruba, Jamaica, ouuuuuu I wanna take ya to Key largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
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>Not buying your soda locally

its like you want the juice to win
'Member when in Winter Coca Cola
would broadcast ads that feature Santa, a consumerism proxy for christian chrismas, and largely starred white people?
I miss that
that's a slippery slope, shill.
i drink maybe 2 or 3 cokes a year, but coca-cola is a decent investment over your working lifetime. $1.20 annual dividend for a $40 stock. they always pay a dividend. stock will rise better than inflation over the next 30 years.

boycotts only work if people know about them. 100 people from pol not drinking coke won't have any effect
Pepsi master race

Drinking milk is literally the most Aryan thing you can do you dumb motherfucker.

Whole milk makes for strong intelligent children. Formula makes for numale beta cucks.
Oy vey 100 btards represent 100 million consumers!
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Fuck, that's a great idea.
Please anons.. for the love of god... memes aside, stay away from the sugar-jew.
If you had some predictive software, that identified corporations most likely to offend based stock holders, by a trending virtue signal, you could make a mint.
>That list
>No Sundrop
>No A&W
I'll be good.
I ONLY drink from my alexapure water filter you nigger
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>Literally fucking terrible for you
>I can't do that

This is why they call us Amerifats
>have to boycott Coke
>and Pepsi
This is getting annoying.
>what is the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
I bet you think youre redpilled. Open a book retard lol
>Made 23k on Starbucks alone.
Impressive, but how much money did you speculate to get that return?
I drink la croix, it's like soda but without the calories and kidney stones.
Good luck with that fuckboi. It's one thing to go after a dying website(gawker), against a huge multinational corporation you are less than nothing.
This video shows what happens when you boil coke. You get a disgusting tar-like paste...

spread this so normies boycott it too ->
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drink Clear American ice instead. It is like soda, but it is better for you.
That's a staged event. You're literally falling for the bait. I still don't want muslims though regardless.

Whole bunch of companies are going to be whining in the next month about how the economy sucks because their businesses are failing.

Being fat is a choice anon.
>implying you can make a huge worldwide brand collapse just because you don't like their opinions
How naive are you?
Okay Im boycotting Starbucks, Coca-cola, and budweizer. Any other shitty liberal companies I should boycott?
Every company on this planet, starve yourself to death because you don't like their opinions.
Pepsi. I guess Facebook.
Good thing I can always drink Jarritos.
How do I boycott something I don't buy?

Should I get fat and cavities just so I can give it up?

That infographic has nothing to do with politics, it just shows the parent companies of various brands.

It's also older than the internet

It's got a 2% chance of happening.

That said; Ask Pepsi about political boycotts.
tell your normie friends to boycott it, and do it in a subtle manner like telling them to watch their health or something
Starbucks has been varying by ~2% recently. They were probably worht $53 per share before, which means OP would have needed $600,000 in shares
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>have to boycott pepsi and coke
fuck my life
Remember that time Ukraine boycotted Coca Cola because they recognised Russian Crimea?
Wasn't Dr.Pepper vilified by feminists a few years back because one of their ads said women couldn't drink it?
I was going to buy an Audi A4 Quattro...

After seeing that commercial what other cars should I keep in mind?

Sadly the a4 seems like the best in its class...
I don't remember where the exact link is, but the CEO of Coca Cola worked heavily with the DNC, taking about a month off to help work on her branding and campaign strategy early on in the election.
Thanks for that calculation. I guess he's bullshitting.
Good thing I kicked the caffeine jew two years ago.
>still drinking the sugar water jew

That means the whole thing is a lie perpetuated by pepsi so nobody would drink coke.
Haven't drank the carbonated jew in years, not planning on starting now.
Welp, time to sell my stocks in coca cola

any ideas what I should reinvest the funds into?
This. I hope this is what it takes to finally get you faggots to drink water.
>wanting to remove terrorists, rapists, and inbred ugly sandniggers who beat women is bad

fuck off and travel more bigot

>>that fucking aftertaste

That shit is one of the most disgusting products I've ever tried.
>want to boycott coke
>haven't drank any of their shit since.... can't even remember
Milk is the true whitemans drink. My wife and I drink a gallon a day.
fuck m8 talk about defeatism

guarantee this is a shill faggot trying to seed these depressing nihilist thoughts in our minds

FUCK that
they changed their name in Ww2 so they could sell soda to the nazis lol
Also I learned to bake crackers to give up Cheese Its. You fucking junk food niggers are DONE. Hear me?
I already stopped drinking Pepsi, and now coke. So what the fuck am i supposed to drink then?
Besides water obviously, what can I drink bros?

Fruit juice has very high amounts of sugar too...
Support your local breweries.
People still drink the Jew drink?

Why are companies stupid enough to advertise and use wedge issues?

For fuck sake coca cola... You need to fire the person in charge of your advertising.

Here I got a commercial ideas for you.

Show a heterosexual of the same race couple out on a date. They are in their 20s or 30s, and having a good time enjoying a coca cola together. That's it... put "Buy coke" at the end, or maybe put a fucking joke in there.

If that is "extreme" or "conservative" for you how about this coke.

Just use a wide angle lens, and show video of various baby animals playing for 30 seconds. Get clothes made for them, and put the coke logo on it. At the corner of the screen is a watermark with a coca cola logo. During the video play a soothing song like elevator music that occasionally says coca cola.

Okay... that one makes your company look like a bunch of hippie faggots, and you don't like it, probably sell tons of coke...

Alright neither of those ideas, how about this. Just do it like a beer commercial circa 1990s at a bar with some hot bitches. Only instead of beer, you have coke in there.
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I'm a Pepsi man now
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Dr. Pepper is independent
oh wow coke is finished
nah just joshin' ya. you dumb
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Weren't Coca Cola one of the companies that actively sold to Nazis during WW2?
if you want something with sugar drink real, %100 orange juice

>other options: water, tea/ coffee, what anon said: >>111323707
btw if you wanted to fuck with them you'd have been generating infographs about diabetes, tooth decay, and obesity
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>tfw sitting around tons of empty Diet cans
>drink 3-5 cans per day
Sorry f.ams I am too addicted to this trash

it was spun off from cadbury in 2008.
yall see the nintendo switch commercial

damn I'm not a gamer but I might have to get one of those
Drink beer you fucking faggot what are you 12?
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>Drinking a daily 546 and a quarter fluid ounce big gulp of soda with 783 footpounds of energy is as natural as breathing to the amerihaes
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>Why are companies stupid enough to advertise and use wedge issues?
Good point actually. When a lefty sees this ad they're not going to run out and buy some Coke just because they agree with them.
All it does is alienate a chunk of your audience.
Not sure about the rest of the world but in Ireland coke cola contains E150(Sulphite Ammonia) commonly called "caramel coloring".

Which is known to contain a carcinogen, weaken the immune system, cause vitamin b deficiency, intestinal problems and many other side effects.

And that is literally just give it the brown color and to act as an emulsifier. It does not need to be brown and there are many other choices of emulsifier.
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>drinking anything other than water and occasionally alcohol

ell oh ell
I really like soda and apparently we are boycotting Coca-Cola AND Pepsi. What should I drink then?
>tfw quit the soda jew months ago
>start lifting

Every white male should do both desu
Do you not have water in mexico?
Cocacola did the exact same thing last year.
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>drinking anything other than water and raw milk
There are many other legitimate reasons to boycott them regardless of your political standing.
Already on it. Started a few months ago.
Take the tea pill. It's good iced or hot, and it's inexpensive even if you use fancy tea.
>Drink coca cola all my life
>bocotted Pepsi when I found out they were liberal faggots
>Now find out Coca-cola is pushing this bullshit
>Now I'm going to stop drinking all soda together
Holy shit ever since Trump won things are actually getting better for me.
instead of boycotting Coca Cola, why not just make your own brand and sell it in retaliation?
>selling unhealthy drinks
Why not just kill people with a gun?
Why not just take the CRISPR/CAS9 pill?
Wanna get high?
your thing sucks
those cockroaches are in amsterdam too!? fuck i was planning to go there this year.
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Protip for caffeine/coca cola addicts out there: do not go cold turkey. You'll thank me later.

Not worth the feeling of being bludgeoned down the forehead every minute with a blunt axe.

The caffeinated jew needs slow removal
I had to unblock your flag to read who replied to me. Good thing. 4chan X is the shit.
>leafs also shitpost the stockmarkets

How do they keep getting away with it?
>instead of boycotting Coca Cola, why not just make your own brand and sell it in retaliation?

Prohibitive cost of entry and monopolistic practices that discourage competition.

If you manage to get on your feet despite this you will be actively hampered by existing powerplayers like Coca Cola, or - if possible, just bought out (willingly or aggressively) and incorporated, thus bubbling the monopoly even more.

Coca Cola has for instance for many years tried to destroy the swedish Julmust tradition, an xmas drink that cuts into their profits by 30% for several months a year. The backstory on how much they've tried to fuck it up for the local breweries is long and sordid. They also attempted to buy them up, but they resisted. Now Coca Cola instead owns their own knockoff Julmust brand they sell here.

Monopolies are the death of all the positive aspects of capitalism.

It really is the fucking Matrix. All this shit pissed me off, so I stopped TV, fast food, junk food. Now I read, exercise, eat right, build stuff and everyone I hate is poisoned, stupid, and useless.

This timeline best timeline.
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Coke is shit.
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I'm with trump on this one
Who owns coke and what else do they own?
Here's the only viable plan to hurt them

1. Boycot
2. Prop up competing brands
3. Push the dangers of soda on social media
4. Create an urban myth that damages their credibility

Coke is one of the most powerful brands in the world. This ad is receiving tons of praise. You've got your work cut out for you.
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>Create an urban myth that damages their credibility
You literally don't need to do this.
Coke is like acid to your teeth and is pure diabetes in a bottle.


boycott coca cola.
>so evil

If you just boil sugar, you'll get the same effect

>not drinking coke zero
>he doesn't kompot, tea and pure liquor
its the master race
But what about the water filters?
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coke a shit


>milk has sugar in it
you can't trick me, juden
I don't drink coke you faggot. I make my own drinks including beer and mead because shits expensive here.
Maybe in Sweden but not here, here we have tons of local soda companies
Why do they always push female mooslims on us instead of showing some sand nigger with a huge shitty beard
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Sorry I don't speak elvish. I don't know what kompot is.

Emu semen has sugar in it.
>Inca Cola

FUck that shit is so dank

I am so glad I'm half peruvian
>it's a fizzy drink
>i know lets make an advert about diversity and internationalism

wtf? i smell jews
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I want to see muslim midgets
if this is not shopped that is a good way to fuck that kids hearing for life
>fucking hearing of anything
what is that british food there
It's a Dumpy Scrumpy, a folded calf's stomach with a butter mustard cheese sauce.
that kid's hella cute. shame he's gonna be bombed to bits some day.
hahahahah wouldn't fuckin doubt it
>Young kid in a terrorist organisation, in a war zone, on film killing people.

Pretty sure his hearing is the least of his worries.
>what are derivatives
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I stopped drinking and eating sweets after my milk teeth started to rot, when I was 13. Now I'm 21, my teeth are healthy and my only daily sugar intake is the brown sugar in my daily coffee. Sweets are making me disgusted at this point, it's hard to believe I used to drink and eat this shit daily.
A week ago, I ate at McDonalds (for nostalgia) and accidentally ordered Coca-Cola. Holy shit it was disgusting. The unnatural taste from my mouth and that sticky feeling on my teeth only went away after two chewing gums. It's hard to believe that some people enjoy this.
I feel sorry for all the faggots who can't say no to the sugar jew.
Sort of but not really. The coke plant in Germany was cut off from receiving the materials needed to make coke during the war. So they invented Fanta with the ingredients they had available.
Well I only drink local beer anyway. Fuck water.
Boycott everything you stupid fucking right wingers.
We're curb-stomping your ideology and race
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>Drinking black, high sugar toxin
Its like you want to be cucked.
>lame companies selling poisoned drinks lose money
>the same companies that promote SJWism
>somehow this means right wingers and white people btfo
wow you showed us
Maybe if you love gyno
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You should buy twice as much to show how much you love them
t. Abduhl al-Adolfson
do it for your teeth, if you drink it non-stop like I used to you'll have holes in all your teeth.

srs, after 7 years of drinking it everyday I went to a dentist and they told me 20 of my teeth needed fillings or root canals.
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>Sorry, I can't do that. I can't boycott every single thing surrounding me. Oh shit, my breath is shilling for hill, my breath is liberal, guess I better stop breathing now.
Maybe in Sweden, because you have low population and nobody would buy anything anyway. In Poland we have Hoop Cola, PoloCockta and several others
>assuming he'll be living for long
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