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FRANCE HAPPENING - now that the dust has settled Edition

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Thread replies: 347
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Procureur de Paris make a press conference on the current investigation for charge of terrorism against the man who was shot by soldiers near the Louvres.

>egyptian of 29 yo
>attacked two soldiers with machettes
>"allah ackbar"
>studied """Law""" and worked in Dubai
>came in Paris late month
>rent a very expensive flat in Paris before the attack

>be a sandnigger in Paris
>get shot with a FAMAS
He was dual yielding machetes?
Le Pen will win.
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France is a lost cause. Even if you build wall and stop all shitskin immigration, France still will be muslim country in few decades. Every 5th person in France is a muslim and while white person on average have 1, 2 kids, muslims tend to have 5 to 8. It's only matter of time.
This sounds retarded.
>you can oay a flat in paris
>you can't rent a car/truck to crash into people
>proceed to charged armed soldiers while screaming
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Yes apparently, "two machettes"


shill thread
don't let them slide important stuff.
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>France is a lost cause
War Plan Ronces will save us
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>shill thread
Migrant terrorist happening, 80 days before the French elections
>not important

kys Schulz shill
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r i g h t
h e r e
CIA false flag attack
Trump administration just activated one of CIA's numerous Manchurian Candidates to justify Trump's Muslim ban
This is just another US sick intel job
Worst part about this is that if the guy dies, whoever shot him will get fucked up since this won't be considered self-defense.
His name's Abdallah
He won't die, his condition is stable now.
Got very little coverage by our media. They were too busy pushing the "evil racist Trump bans all Muslims" narrative. They must have forgotten, I'm sure it isn't an agenda
The only chance they have is a major shift in the world order, so something that was the norm 40 years ago (like deporting niggers) can happen. With the EU, UN, Unicef and all that crap, forget about it for the moment.
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>CIA false flag attack
even if, I don't care

A world without muslims like you would be a better world
Who is that chick?
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen
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>not knowing Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the Princess of /pol/.
Ok soral, go ckoke on abdullah's dick now you traitor
I want to cum inside marion's fertile wombs.
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isn't that one of the 7 countries on Trumps ban

Europe BTFO.
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Actually I have theorized this :

What if, in the near future, G10 leaders agree that African countries can't control overpopulation, starvation and massive illegal immigration ?
What if they all agree that Africa need help in order to manage their population ?

It would be perceived as a humanitarian mission just like colonialism back in the days, but they will sell out Africa to private company. Those companies would be allowed to exploit natural ressources but they have to take care of the locals.

It would be the cost to won land.

Namibia belongs to major Russian diamond mining companies, Algeria to Total, Lybia to BP and so on... Private contractors would be tasked with police duty.

Just like in CoD Advacnced Warfare with that dude.
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>in 40 years, the French Foreign Legion will have more Frenchmen in it than Paris does
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Tutto quello che vuoi Marion
>studied """Law""" and worked in Dubai
Source for that? Collecting them.

In a lot of ways, that's not too different from how globalism works.

Companies move their manufacturing operations over to shithole countries and mine a natural resource (in this case the labor of its people), bringing their goods back to market. When companies roll into these countries, they take a lot away and make out like bandits, but they inadvertently improve things tremendously for the locals.

Children stitching together your jeans for pennies would be considered exploitation if it happened in a civilized country, but there are plenty of places in the world where the kids are desperate for the work and see their situation in life improved.
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Looks like /ourgirl/ is going to win easily
... he's right. Unless we got a serious fascist governement in less than a decade, we are fucked.
>requiring a global conspiracy to get Muslims to attack Westerners

Uh, if the CIA is behind this, they're working way too hard. You could engineer six Muslim machete attacks just by spending the day walking around Paris handing out machetes.
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[teleports behind you in parkinsons]
US finances and organises terrorism for decades
Poster who points the fact get called Muslim or terrorist
Poster is right, muslims and terrorists will go at him
Go fuck yourselves, traitors
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>tfw you will NEVER lick her feet
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Aloha Snackbar? I think not saracen.
she makes my pee pee tingle like i gotta go potty buy not!
Nice try CIA
>but they inadvertently improve things tremendously for the locals
However in this alternative that I propose, companies will have more control, like a real regalian power structure. They will be in charge of maintaining people inside the country.

If they think that overpopulation is a problem, they will have a right to enforce a 1 child per family policy. Would it be really that bad to distribute water contamined with sterilization hormones ?

There truly seems to be no democratic solution to this. Any such change would simply take so many years that the critical demographics have already changed and voting is moot forever.
Who doesn't??
>> inb4 fags
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what the actual fuck
is france trying to top sweden and germany?
Okay guys, I know you think Marine is your last chance to preserve your beloved "white" race, but it's already over.
Sorry but there is a great chance that your kids or even some of your family members gonna have mixed kids, and a lot of our population is already mixed.
If you let her divide our people, Arabs and black Muslims will keep rejecting French culture and keep making 10 kids by couple.
Be the bigger person.
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Actually if you watched the video, the Procureur fully supprot him and French population is massively pro-Police.

Even after the Police has protested against the governement last months
it's just that you don't hear any news about France

>tfw in Police State France, the antifa are Police Officers
Not true, the military guy gonna have presidential honor
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>Be the bigger person.

Nice try white flag
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>submit, kaffir
You do realize that overpopulation is a meme right?
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Don't mind Ahmed please

Marine is behind Trump

Tu es une honte
Tell me more about your "important stuff" Mehmet.
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>implying it's not consumerism that's not ruining France right now
Okay whatever you say guys
Important stuff like what ? HWDU cancer ?
Sooo, usual stuff, nah ?
>Marion Maréchal-Le Pen
I'm melting.

Also I had been voting Lega Nord for 15 years. But there's no point in a nationalist Lega Nord. I hate Italy.
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without the media coverage it should have with the muslim ban of Trump
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yea, usual stuff then
Why not get a beurette gf
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Are you jewish or something ?
Why do you ask?
That's fucked up. Tsk tsk.
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shit, by one...

because zoophilia is not permitted in France (it is in Germnay)

You should be thanking us frog.
>no one died
>elevates the hate against islam
West is sodomized by Chinese ans jew. What You can do nothing.
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>Tourism plummets yet again
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There is now way someone who isn't paid by Rotshild or isn't a Jew will support Macron.


The international pro-EU Jew will fall
Presidents, prime ministers seem to be getting sexier and/or younger these days.
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wrong picture
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You didn't see the Marion-Natalia combo yet ?
C'est vous la minorité les mecs va falloir vous réveiller, vous pouvez pas vivre dans le déni le reste de votre vie
Ah ouais toi t'es un sacré specimen. Je poste une image de Macron au hasard, où en plus il a la tête d'un mec sous piaves, et EN PLUS mon post évoque le consumérisme et tu parviens à penser que je le supporte ?


the only solution to all human problems is war
Hnnnng. I remember her. Haven't thought about her in a while.
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>I can die free from all torment
wtf I like egypt and opération sentinelle now


contributing to make that a-who popular is playing the Jew game

this bankster doesn't exist outside journalists wet dreams

stop posting him
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>France is a lost cause.

This, it isn't the France we know from Audrey Hepburn's films when we were a child or from the travel brochures, that is long gone

>Always wanted to see Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame since I was a kid
>Finally save up some money
>See the current state of Paris
>Looks straight out from Fallout
>Use that money on college savings instead

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>wake up
>see these two
what do?
>get shot with a FAMAS
>Not saying FAMASED
fuck you franch people, fuck you for ruining such beautiful country
What the fuck are you even saying? Your sentence doesn't make the least bit of sense.
>wake up for real
Sure i believe you
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go back to sleep and dream of pic related
The guy was listening loud "music" and stopped right behind the prayers: typical provocation well known in France (in the subway, trains, every public place). I'm not a fan of violence but this one is trully deserved.
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I guess, cultural differences I know are different, but the immediate reaction shouldn't be to knock a motherfucker out cold. That's just rude in any culture.

Thats too much boob for a leader

I want to impregnate her now
Time for the camps.
>Opera station on the left
>Porte de Clignancourt on the right
In any case that comparison is retarded.
He was already warned and shoved away for disturbing them. He had fair warnings.
>implying islam is worse than anglo liberal faggot/dyke loving cancer.
photoshop, but a man can dream can't he?
is she married?
>La force de bon seins
Many small cuts, anon.
What's going on here?
Nah given how retarded the comparison is, it certainly is "ironic" and "made on purpose".

Otherwise it's goddamn stupid.
Hands off, Abdul.
i don't think the precise location oof each picture is the point of it, jean-luc
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kek, muhammad detected.

you are a degenerate cuck
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>t. pic related
So, colonialism ?. /pol/, inventing the wheel...
A tous les déscos qui voteront Le Pen, à la première ratonnade, les gens intelligents deviendront très dangereux...
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i dont have to touch her,there's plenty more in line before me
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>implying cancerous Jewish subversion spewing from Hollywood has anything to do with actual Anglo culture

Ahmed pls...
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Them muslims are devious.
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You prefer that ?
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You forgot

>Have your dad tell everyone you're not a terrorist
Transposing colonialism in the information Era is way more difficult than that.

So you are not so intelligent than you think if you don't see how facing SJW propaganda will be difficult.
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I prefer that Achmed
D'accord Ahmed.
Quand avez vous accepté l'islam dans votre vie?
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this triggers ahmed.jpg
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Wallah delete this
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>talking about politics
>involving SJW
real life is not Tumblr
can i ask something?
if one of you far right anti muslim guys were to beat up a muslim for no reason,would you go to jail or would you be able to get away with it like in the states?
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Anyone here that thought people were trying to elect Marine's daughter because /pol/ keeps spamming her and not her mother in relation to the elections?
The immediate reaction should be asking the guy to go elsewhere or stop his music, yes, but in reality this NEVER works, I know it by experience and the angry man seems to know it too. At the end of the story you'll always lose and the provocator will always win because they simply don't react to anything but violence. It's sad but expected.
I doubt people get away with many hate crimes in the US.
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If you were to beat up anyone for no reason you'd get to jail.
And wtf is that comment about the US ?
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Tell me more about how you can make an ethno-centrists policy without triggering pic related and thus the whole MSM Jew ?
Oh mummies..
Delete or I tell the Bogdanovs.
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>beating up anyone for no reason
that's nigger tier bullshit and you'd deserve to go to jail for it
delete this
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This fucking meme brings so much buthurt.
>beat up someone for no reason
That's a muslim behaviour, our prisons are so full of these dudes that a lot of them simply don't get arrested...
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Fook off m8. Lizzy is a cunt
Is this real? What is the fuck?
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top kek but don't compare perfect natalia to daddy's girl marine
Yeah tell all your buddies americans can kill slims and only get a slap on the wrist. We only have to yell he's coming right at me, I am in fear for my life.
Are you two going to fight for 100 years again?
See that's your problem, the world is not binary, you can live with each other without agreeing on everything.
My neighbor can be a Muslim, he doesn't care that I drink alcohol and eat pork, but when he came for dinner, I made him a halal dish, and when I came over at his place, he serve me a bottle of wine.
But some family are very closed, Muslim or Catholics, even atheist, and if you don't come their way, you make it worse.
All I'm saying is that you can't reverse the fact that we have at least 15% Arabs, like 10/15% black people and already like 10% of mixed people in France, and we're all gonna mix one day, but we can keep French culture and be our own way, without converting. Some foreign countries try to implant their own vision of Islam like Qatar and UEA, but for more than 100 years our Republic had Muslims, so we can't turn our back on them like that, and keep our own vision of Islam without rejecting them like Le Pen do.
ptin elle est mignonne n'empêche
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it's not. Some areas of Paris are mostly immigrants origin because they are poor (more were, Paris is so expensive now). But elsewhere, it's mostly white.
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S-She is beautiful..
t. future christian lebanase
Cucks like you get people killed.
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Dude... Perfidious Albion was the Jew of Europe before the Jews, they need to be invaded and have a real democracy
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Vous impliquez qu'avec une petite partie de votre population étant mélangée, votre population entière finira par être mélangée. C'est si mal et défaitiste.
Donc je t'appelle Ahmed
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Kind of looks like Sandra Izbasa.
yeah,some guy shot a muslim taxi driver just for being a muslim.
he got away but suffered bullet wounds
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So much cuckold fantasy ITT
And hainous behavior don't? The "identitaire" movement is all about violence, white or Arabs, when you have that type of speech you are the same for me. If you want to go to war with each other, go to Middle East. We have work to do here.
>flat saggy tits
the worst
If anything you guys will be mixed sooner than the frogs
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This. My parents visited France in the 70s and the pictures they have were fucking beautiful. As far as I know the countryside is still pretty, but the main cities have turned into small muslim countries. I give it two decades until France is complete overrun.
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Why is that defeatist? Because I don't care about my children being "white"? Racialisation of people bring the worst of them, if you keep telling someone he can't be like you because of his genetics is dangerous.
Kill all welfare. Come up with an excuse to cut it, then watch the leave in droves.
>And hainous behavior don't?
It does. Remember Charlie? Bataclan? Nice?
You're saying that if we don't accept to change our country to accomodate foreigners, we are responsible for their violent behaviour.
If you like diversity so much, move to Africa.
Out, le travaille est que vous avez besoin pour fixer votre pays. Si vous pensez que vous avez raison, je vous promets la France va descendre l'enfer.
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>Because I don't care about my children being "white"

You didn't hear about hybrid depression, right ?

Racemixing is wrong and unhealthy, a nation is build on culture, language and race. You can't have a stable country without that. Multiculturalism is a failure, it never worked and it never will.
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Step it up Jap
There's no such thing as Muslim or Black french people. They are citizens of France but they aren't FRENCH.
France is done, moving back to Poland as soon as I graduated. My parents didn't flee communism so I live in an islamomarxist shithole.
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You forget all the people that take their wealth ( literal, education, IQ, all kinds ) and fuck off.
Like me :^)
Paris is still beautiful, it was a choice to bring people between the 50s and the 80s, and contain them in small ghettos, it's very hard to realize great things when you see everyday all the same people doing nothing, when your role model just want to make more money without helping others. You cannot have hope in that kind of areas, and some people just want to bring you down because you are the representation of poverty for them. They don't want to see you, they don't want to have interactions with you.
I want to marry Marion. She's fucking gorgeous. Are there any videos of her speaking English?
Guy had paint bombs with the intention to destroy western heritage. Islam promotes destruction of non Islamic monuments,artpieces and cultural sites.

The fact a man is willing to kill and die destroying artwork shows how dangerous Islam is.
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The Le Pen's, saviours of Europe
went to paris this summer

its worse than even Donald says it is
don't you mean moved back to poland as soon as you graduated?
The French really got revenge in the end. French Revolution led to the American Revolution. And now Trump literally is grabbing Theresa May by the pussy.
They are not foreigner anymore, you don't understand that, and you keep telling French people with foreign parents that they are nothing like you. Terrorism and violent behavior is a result of being rejected all your life.
Dude you don't have to tell me that. I live in fucking Atlanta. I'm trying to get out of this hell hole as soon as I can. If anything this frog should look at my country and see what his future is with his attitude.
C'est dangereux seulement si vous les laissez croître en nombreux. Petite populations ne sont pas une problem. Mais vous allez devenir comme mon pays. Et toute les problems nous avons.
because media don't do shit. You can think jews own them, but it's peanut in front of the real economy. Are you going to compare Hanouna to Carlos Ghosn ? and even between jews, BHL to Serge Dassaut (whose father changed his name from Bloch because of collaboration suspicion after war while he resisted to all germans pression to get them his planes) ? Do you really think jews are the only one to profit from capitalism ? Wake up and understand the real problem...
We don't need an excuse, we have reasons for that. First of all is that it increases the poverty rate.
But actually nobody talks about it, not even the FN if I'm correct.
As soon as I graduate. My mistake.
T'inquiète, MLP va réduire l'immigration de quasi 90% à la limite légale d'environ 10k par an
less accuracy, more attack speed
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Look at this cuck.
This is virtually all our women and a good 60% of our "men".
Not only tolerating, not only accepting, but EMBRACING the subhumanisation of France.

And before you think this is limited to France, goo look at the stats and trends.
Yes, even you USA, especially you.
Stopping immigration in your case is but the first step, unless Trump, this self-proclaimed civil nationalist, don't slaughter your already present subhumans, you are going to lose yourself to the sewers far faster than France.
Yeah and you can say that because you studied that all your life right? Where are your scientific studies please?
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Ah yes, doing irreparable damage to demography in the name of ideology, No, multiculturalism doesn't happen at the expense of the host culture.
No, mass immigration without assimilation is not colonisation.
No, forced diversity is not an obstacle to social cohesion and national unity.
No, Anti freedom, anti equality middle eastern religions are not incompatible with our western democracies and should be respected, celebrated even, especially the most violent, totalitarian ones.
>dual wielding machetes
>shouting allahu akbar
>tries to attack armed soldiers
please tell me there's an autistic screeching edit of this
You're country was constructed on racism, we are nothing like you.
You know who backed the French revolution right?
>American education
French Revolution was after
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>that pic
god i hate liberals and women who allow this to happen
They aren't French people. Don't have so little respect for yourself.

make the call

You have entire cities with majority muslim populations now. How long will lefties cling to the poor downtrodden minority meme?
kek avec tes infos bidons de déscos
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Schulz plz stop drinking and shitposting on 4chin.
Literaly all multiracials countries devolve into civil war, balkanisation and/or ethnic cleansing.
There is not a single one example breaking this rule in all of recorded History.

by opening the borders and our asses to the world to try and evade inter-national wars, you simply imported war inside the borders. Good fucking job.

My urge to GTFO intensify by the day.
>They are not foreigner anymore
They are foreigners in all ways but nationality. As long as they will refuse to assimilate, they will be rejected, rightfully so.
Radicalisation is an insignificant problem compared to the demographic issue, the former is rendered almost completely void if the latter had never began, as would've been ideal, or is subsequently dealt with.
>Racialisation of people bring the worst of them

Then we will racialize them. If you openly recognize that multiculturalism is so fragile that people seeing the wrong things might threaten the social peace, why wouldn't we say the wrong things all the fucking time? It's not as if they weren't racializing themselves anyway. Only idiotic white people believe that non whites do not have any sort of ethnic allegiances, because whites are mostly idiots.

There's not much value in being white, but there is value in having a society that is half cohesive, who does not harbor to many sets of mutually incompatible goals that cannot be realized at the same time.
its their fault really
they should have more kids instead of complain when others do
Yes, like there is anyone except Nyborg and Lynn doing serious work on race and IQ.
You perfectly know this is career-suicide thank to traitors like you, so until you produce a study that is at least as rigorous, go suck on a nigger dick.
Wait no, you'll probably enjoy it.
What is vitamin defficiency in race-mixed people ?

MLP=Marine Le Pen, oui?
Le cuck français dans cet fil ne va pas voter pour elle, je penserais.
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Get out.
Le Pen won't pass, this bitch is good for stopping immigration but she'll fuck up economy
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>tfw no French Putsch-Chan
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>CTR moved its operations to Paris
Blocking immigration is also a correct response.
pretty sure the biggest country are multiracial just by their size... oooooh you didn't mean ethnies ? Like real races ? By their white/black tone ? I see...
>All immigrants getting naturalized
>They won't left
>We better integrate them
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Here this situation is called "Le Grand Suicide", but I am glad that some of my french brothers are aware that we need a change against all muslimfags and lefties
Ironically I'm from Asia and not even native european, but even I can see west-Europe is at the brink of destruction.

I'm not interested in being deported or lynched, but you guys need to protect your countries better.
The muslims are no good.
A question for Frenchfags:

We both know that Le Pen will make it to the second round. And that it will be "everyone against Le Pen" just like when the old guy Le Pen got there.

Who will she be running against? I've heard Fillon is in trouble and may resign.

I've seen (((polls))) that Marcon is very popular (supposedly)

Can She win round 2? Will it be against Marcon? Can you end up with Marcon as prez?

pls reply


Ok I forgot it was so hard to have a real discussion with you, I try as hard as I can to go toward you, I think all of you can participate in the debate, but you keep marginalizing yourself with your biased science, and your "truth" about multiculturalism. What's your example? United States? They are nothing like Europe. Nothing like France. We have a really complex history, and you can't do anything about the fact that a lot of people came from all over the world in our country. It's our force. We have to take the best out of this situation, and we can't just reject people because they are not white. Even Portuguese-linked people, who are "white" and Catholics have a hard life here because some people keep telling them that they are not French.
I hope one day you can have real relationship with Muslims and Black people, because it's gonna be harder and harder for you. It's not being a "cuck", it's being a patriotic men who want the best for his country.
Dude if you honestly think the USA is an example of multiculturalism working, I don't know what to tell you. It is only a matter of time before something horrible happens here, especially with the declining white birth rates and exploding latina population.
As I was saying, this is your future you brainwashed cuck. Please do not let France become my hellhole of a country.
>Insane crime rates, insane everything, hiv infested shithole, literally India
Mmm, really made me think.
So get the fuck out, travel, meet people around the world. You will come back and appreciate what you have.

>shitty presidential candidates
>lack of common sense in the population
>complete degeneracy in the cities
>the native population isn't getting mixed, but outright replaced by literal African colonization
This is going too far lads, we definitely have to do something about France (and Western Europe in general) before we hit 2020. Otherwise we'll be the last white generation to actually live in Europe.
can I know in what field you work ?
Learn English, Pierre, you're making us all look bad.
Does Le penis stand a chance of EM has this in the bag?
He is a centrist who orbitates towards the left in social issues and towards the right in economic policy, I think he represents the majority of frogs
China, and its 90% Han pop which have a intracolonialist doctrine ?
Russia, and its rising tensions with its muslims ( which rise in number as quickly as in the west, this makes russian 100% europeans in my book, they're right in the cuck club ), and its only period of stability when dictators keeping peace through strength, like in others multicultural subhuman-infested shitholes ?
Usa, and how it was 90+ european for almost literally all its History, with the 10% blacks slaves and so an irrelevant pop in terms on politics, with the current multiracialism being just 50 years old and already they are showing sign of a brewing civil war ?

J'espère qu't'es une putain de pouffiasse, si t'as an chomozome Y COUPE TES COUILLES SALE PD
100% true
There is a shit ton of Muslims and blacks in France that are getting along with French culture. We're not like the butthurts americans, we don't have the same history. 4chan is cancer anyway we know that these people starts shitting their pants everytime they see blacks or arabs
Every economy needs to be fucked. World economics have been corrupt beyond reparation and complete collapse is perhaps necessary for any hope of a nation to regain it's senses and see what is of value once again.
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>It's our force.
Literally is not. Mostly brought insecurity, social tensions, massive unemployment and a complete collapse of our education.
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Who do you think i am, some kind of retarded cunt who travel "to find themselves" ?
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Le Pen's gonna win
There's also a shit ton that are not.
Whoever gets elected along Le Pen for the second round will win, because every party will call their people to vote against FN. This already happened and I have no idea why /pol/ thinks Le Pen will ever win

Oh shit!
>usa not having the same problem with multuculturalism as we do
>China not a Han hegemonous State (inb4 Tibet)
>Poo in loo as an example

Also, Russia and all other country where just a small portion of the population can contribute to society are just like France colonial Empire. There was no problem as long as mudshit were confined in Algerian desert.

And you didn't name a single place thriving under multiculturalism. But I bet you will talk about New York or any other big american cities built by european descendant and now ravaged by niggers.
>You will come back and appreciate what you have.
*proceeds to ruin it by importing trash en masse*
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You know who backed the American Revolution?
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Depends where you go. Japan and S. Korea are wealthy and homogenous. Visiting Warsaw Budapest or Prague and comparing it with diverse Paris may also reinforce your idea to leave France (I know two frenchmen living in Warsaw making less than in Tours, where they are from and enjoying the complete lack of niggers and arabs though their city isn't Paris-tier.)

Or you can go to a relatively poor/ downright poor country (most of the planet really) and appreciate you live in Western Europe despite its problems
>that these people starts shitting their pants everytime they see blacks or arabs
Try living in an area that is 60% black then get back to me about how high and mighty you are, frog.
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>No deaths

Pick one, frog.
France = not USA.
>There is a shit ton of Muslims and blacks in France that are getting along with French culture
And plenty who are not, with more 'moderates' revealing their true colours the stronger their demographic becomes.
The most violent and dirty shitholes in the "first world", on their way to destruction. Just like us...
Hmmm....the only logical move here is to increase immigration from Muslim countries

Ok, see for yourself what this faggot >>111003633
typed and tell me I wasn't right.
>contributing to make that a-who popular is playing the Jew game
Ok so it's supposed to mean something. Right
Yeah the fucking monarchy dumbass. French revolution happened after in part because the crown was broke as fuck.
It already happened in LA in 92. And before that with segregation. Do you understand that capitalism is the root problem. The multiculturalism doesn't work anymore because some are too rich. There is no more competition for the poorest. Are you going to ask a poor guy to build a automated factory on its own ? Especially when your universities are so expensive ? Bernie was the right choice and Hillary blew up. The rightists tend to confound psychology and sociology. You can't ask an impossible task and blame them on their willingness.
Spot on m8, though Skorea will probably be nuked sooner than later for a reason or another.
Japon, from its policies and xenophobic people and natural water frontiers and relatively hard langauge will probably stay a human nation for the next five hundreds years.

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me they're going to be the only human country by 2150.
>declining white birth rates

This is really only the case amongst white liberals. White conservatives are still producing at above replacement rate. However, hispanic, black, and muzzie birth rates are way above white conservative birth rates.
Don't worry, we'll get there.
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>Do you understand that capitalism is the root problem. The multiculturalism doesn't work anymore because some are too rich.
Oh, okay.
I thought we were actually having a nice discussion in this thread. Turns out you're just retarded.
Keep voting for the socialists Pierre. I'm sure things will get better for you that way.
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>A question for Frenchfags:
>We both know that Le Pen will make it to the second round. And that it will be "everyone against Le Pen" just like when the old guy Le Pen got there.
Indeed, no doubts
>Who will she be running against? I've heard Fillon is in trouble and may resign.
As the things are : Fillon, Macron or Hamon. Fillon has built an image of 'untouchable' but he actually hired his wife and kids so they could get paid thousands doing nothing.
>I've seen (((polls))) that Marcon is very popular (supposedly)
Macron is a former Rotshild bank employee, he left with 2,5 millions euros and has the support of good Rotshild's friend like the CEO of a big internet provider and owner of Le Monde (our biggest paper news)
>Can She win round 2? Will it be against Marcon? Can you end up with Marcon as prez?
Probably against Macron, but everything can happen (terror attack, Trump support, PVV winning...) However FN will win the parliament election in a landslide since Macron doesn't have a party, and he will be forced to name a PM from the (FN) majority.

There are also rumors they might report the election date because of Fillon.

Love (and pls stay white and awesome),

They will disappear, they don't make childrens anymore.
Yeah and all of that things have NOTHING to do with our economic situation. It's too convenient for you FN-voters.
Couille molle.
The best the French can do now is leave the EU to at least kill it. The country might be fucked right now, but you can at least set things on the right path.
IQ is inversely proportional with fertility.
And as Rhodesia demonstrated, europeans can sustain ten times their numbers in subhumans really easily.
And as Rhodesia demonstrated, the subhumans won't care and still genocide you once their numbers are enough.

TL;DR we're fucked unless genocidal fascism rise, and no european nation go against the work they'd be doing ( unlikely due to ZOGs )
The multiculturalism does not work because leading, enlightened culture is replaced by degenerate shit and slave religion.

Do you get it now?
No, the French colonists backed the American colonists in support of revolution against the British monarchy. These ideas were beginning long before they actually took place. There's a reason why the British still have a monarchy and France doesn't. The French had a lot to do with it.
Macron is the best chance for Le pen (Hamon would be a better chance but I really doubt he can reach the second round). In both case if she doesn't win it's over for us, not because she's essential but because the others are really, really, bad.
>France = not USA.
I believe this.
There was a documentary I saw the other day about certain areas in France where women are too scared to wear short sun dresses and lipsticks and reveal too much arm, because it was an area subtly controlled by muslims.

America would have revolted against that. They're not like Europe at all.
That doesn't stop the usual suspects from trying. Even on youtube there are tons of videos with titles like "Dating in Japan as a Black Man". And then people, mostly niggers get butthurt and cry racsim when they find out the average Japanese woman wants nothing to do with them.

These people act as if it's inherently wrong for a country and it's people to want to stay homogenous.
Fuck man I wanted to bet my trump winning on Le pen but looks like there is no way she can survive a second vote.
There's also a shit ton of muslims who don't, how come liberals always justify destruction of society by saying some muslims are good?

When you have neighbourhoods that are completely controlled by wahabbi muslims, who spit on white french people and rape your women, areas that you can't walk in safely as a non-muslim, how do you justify this? Because some muslims are good? How fucking retarded is that?

You are a fucking disgrace to France and Europe and don't give a damn about all the people who get hurt because of muslim invasion, you are coward who bends your knee because you are afraid of what muslims are capable of doing, that's all there is to it, you are afraid.
Capitalism is the root cause of cultural and ethnic suicide, yes.
Her niece, Oskar.
>The planet is overpopulated, stop breeding
>The population is reducing, open the borders !
Besides, the birth rates are alrady picking up, and the borders stay closed, and the artifiicial womb is almost at hand.

Even a Japon with half its population, at 60millions, could easily take out the 8billions subhumans out of the country thanks to the awesome force multiplier of technological civilisation ( that subhumans won't be able to maintain, much less expand ).
I'll put my money where my mouth is, the future will tell who made the good bet. I'm not worried though ;^)
No, Japs will not go anywhere.
They wil shrink their population and live happily with robots doing the dirty work.

Because you enjoy your slave armies because of muh power freak does not mean it is the right path.
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She can, but it would require a major happening.

i kekd hard
You literally said the French revolution led to the American revolution. Just admit you fucked up dude.
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Polls are runs by MSM who oversampled big cities population (mainly leftist and niggers) and there is this Trump effect you know.

People are afraid to say they vote for Le Pen, it's even worse than saying you would vote for Trump. Some people here, unironically think you are a nazis if you vote Le Pen.
>There is a shit ton of Muslims and blacks in France that are getting along with French culture.
Yeah, 10%.
I used to work in a prison, this was your multiculti wet dream...
They're 120 million.
Poorest areas are white and rural. Tell me leftist, how do reconcile massive immigration and massive unemployment? How do you reconcile women's rights, gay rights and acceptance of islam in the same country?
Especially when nanoswarms are short decades away.
Even NOW the time of big armies is over, so what when the meatending tech grow exponentially more effective ?
je parle d'ailleurs d'ethnies, pas de culture mon connaud.
Promis je me coupe les couilles mais pour l'instant je te teabag alors ça risque de durer un petit moment.
>implying prisons are multicultural when it's 99% sandniggers
Are you retarded or just ignorant. All you have to do is Google the dates of the two events.
It is not capitalism that is doing this.
It is crony socialism - the social democrats. Vile and greedy cunts with 2 brain cells.
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She is so so fucking 'ow you say' magnifiqué ... Beautiful...
When their number get big enough they won't feel the necessity to "get along French culture" just like they do in every ghetto in which they become majority they will live life just the way they did in their home countries.
Go to any majority Arab neighbourhood in Paris and tell me they get along with French culture.
You're a ridiculous cunt who has no real life experience and you deserve everything that's coming to you.
Ok prison excellent sample of people, thank you for your participation dude.
In my entourage is up to 80%, and some white are as bad as some minorities. It means nothing.
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Have a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esUeZOZkqrQ
It's just 10 minutes.

It's an American Policeman who has never seen peace in his life before.

He visits a Homogenous Norway where the locals look similar, the locals trust each other.
There is no danger.
There is no violence.
The american policeman had one hell of a culture shock.

This is what France could have been. But I think it's too late.
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>admit defeat
>somehow manage to say he was trolling

HAPPENING used to result in a ban for shit like this

Based Chang
>whoever shot him will get fucked up since this won't be considered self-defense
You know nothing of the law but still pretend you do.
That's a tool of global capitalism manipulating populations in to a docile state.
Your prisons are filled with blacks and arabs, it's a perfect representation of society as a whole, they are the criminals, they have it in their blood and culture.
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>These people act as if it's inherently wrong for a country and it's people to want to stay homogenous.

In case you haven't noticed tat's the current globalist ideology. Of course it applies to wealthy countries only. Because if the wealth created by generations of Japanese people is for the Japanese to enjoy now then it means people arent """"equal""". And """ineuqality""" is in 2017 like worshipping the Devil was in the middle ages. Plus its inequality based on race. Literally Hitler.
>Hmmm....the only logical move here is to increase immigration from Muslim countries
sarcastic binary get cheked
It's not like we have a magical formula to made all people accept each other, but include people is better than telling them they have nothing to do here, even if they are born and raised in our country, going to our French school, making kids with other Frebxh people!
And I know some leftist which are less open-minded that some Muslims, right wing people... It means nothing once again.
The nigger had been pissing them off for a while.
He had it coming.

Don't ask serious stuff here, you'll have a one sided answer based on some far right-wing opinions you usually find on /pol/.
It's filled with poor people.
don't speak bread, what they sayin

just because there isnt a person on every square inch of land, doesnt mean we arent overpopulated.

the issue is fresh water and arable land, fucktard.
But arabs/blacks muslims or not have nothing to do here, in France.
That's not your country, you are just invaders.
You have no right to be here.
You'll be kicked out in less than a decade.
So you are telling me that socialism is capitalism?

Seriously, fuck off.
Nah it was like 50% mohamed and 20% mamadou (and some gypsies).

>It means nothing.
See above... It must be due to judicial harassment...
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I wasn't just talking about the actual warfare of the revolutions. The ideas that it eventually led to it were happening long before, in France. Enlightenment was the beginning of the revolutions. This did happen first in France, then later to America. America just went to war first, because the French were backing the American colonists. Hence how the French eventually got revenge on England by proxy. France was on the forefront of all of this compared to the others.
Fuck niggers man.
People who came here are not all the same, they have to get along because French culture is their common denominator.

You know the "Father of the Enlightenment" was British right? You know France reverted back to a monarchy after Napoleon right?
Asians are usually way more okay than other ethnicities. It's utterly idiotic how all immigrant get thrown into the same bag because the left refuses to differentiate between human groups, so that in the end the only thing we can actually sort of talk about is immigration generally, when in fact there is no such thing as a general immigrant, no more that there is such a thing as a general human.
No shit, anon. Who told you this?

Are you telling me that being poor is an excuse to be criminal? In a 1st world welfare state?

Nigger, seriously, KYS.
China/Russia/India are utter shitholes, and US is on the brink of civial unrest thanks to migration and demographic change. What the hell is your point?

You obviously know nothing about the world, step outside your apartment often? Or it's possible you have never seen what a homogeneous white society looks like and how utterly peaceful and utopian it is compared to literally almost everything else.
>implying the enlightenment doesn't have an autocratic branch in which progress is imposed from above by en enlightened elite

The enlightenment is many things.
Were they born from the ethnic people of France?
No, then they're not french.
At best, they are french citizen which means shit.
T. Future truck driver
>Police officers get attacked by muslims
>They have no right to respond
>Enough is enough
>They protest in the street
>marching toward the Presidential Palace
>Government send in the army (les 'Gendarmes') to contain them because they are armed
>"Les Gendarmes avec nous" ("The Army is with us")
>"Holland demission"
>They protest on Les Champs-Élysées because they can't approach Holland house
>It's not like we have a magical formula to made all people accept each other,
We do, it's called assimilation.
demography & ethnic identity > economy.
Inject less MSM fake news directly into your brain information storage area. Let it trough thinking process first.
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Birth rate only rising in the West due to muslims. Still on a steady decline for whites
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>Terrorism and violent behavior is a result of being rejected all your life

Yeah Bin Laden was so rejected being a pampered dson of a millionaire. There are a lot of reasons people become terrorists. A lot of them are actually well educated muslims who get "radicalized" because they are looking for a deep meaning in life. And the West and its culture provide no such thing.
"Ethnic people of France" Tell me more about it! You know Guadeloupean are French? Tahitians? Basque? Corsicans?




>North Dakota


>South Dakota




>You know Guadeloupean are French? Tahitians? Basque? Corsicans?
You mean French national?
national =/= ethnic
And how does that argue against my point? You are basically just proving it, blacks and arabs are poor for a reason, they can't function in a western society, it's their genes and culture holding them back once again, they will never rise up to the standards of whites because they are simply not capable of it.

Besides being poor doesn't result in crime, it's the other way around, inherently having features that results in criminality makes you poor. White people that are poor are still not criminals anywhere near the ratio of blacks/arabs. It's racial genetics and nothing you ever say can refute it because it's stunningly obvious, it's time for you to wake up.

The few blacks/arabs that do make it are the ones in the upper percentage.
expect niggers
The mistake you're making is viewing things nationally, not globally. They're on a another level to you. Globalism is driven by wealthy capitalists who through said wealth elevated themselves beyond national interests yet retained, and continue to acquire, undue influence over nations and their rulers - for obvious reasons.

You can obviously link back to the ends of monarchism. A national tyrant is better than international tyrants who indiscriminately ravages nations and their people because their interests lie nowhere in particular.
Ok I feel like a lot of poster with French flag are proxyfags, because you don't seem to know a lot about our Politics and economy, and nothing about our society or history. Or a lot of you are underage.
Socialists have promised 700 euros per month to everybody and also legal weed. It's over, next president will be a leftist who loves islam and put white to sleep with welfare and drugs.
I'm not gonna argue with you dude, keep learning and come back with facts.
You do not get it, Achmed.
Our habitat currently needs space for Earth biodiversity too. It is this diversity that made human life possible. And it still makes it possible.
So what's ethnic French please?
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