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Christianbros, what denomination should convert to?

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Protestantism: Muh Homo Women Clergy and Rockband Atmosphere
Catholicism: Black Toe Sucking Cuck Pope and Vatican II
Orthodoxy: Allows remarriage + contraception.

At this point I really dont know anymore.
You should convert to anime and praise weed.
fuck off
How's New Zealand? Is it free?
wow rude.
Do it faggot.
I am a catholic sedevacantist like mel gibson
There's nothing wrong with remarriage and contraception.
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you have much to learn
explain yourself charles.. how does that change the toe sucking pope?
Just Christian. Tell everyone that you believe in the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior, and you just want communion with other Christbros. Why complicate things?
>Protestantism: Muh Homo Women Clergy and Rockband Atmosphere
>Calvinism is the most conservative and most academic denomination
>Catholicism: Cardinals are likely to elect Cardinal Sarah as the pope. The Vatican has pretty much abandoned their European roots.
>Orthodoxy: Miaphyites, 'nuff said.
Without a central authority, you get shit like the prosperity gospel, women clergy and pretty much the entire shitshow of protestantism
Eastern orthodox desu
This is what im learning most towards, however it seems that its not entirely "universal" and more of an ethnic thing... i.e if your serb/greek your automatically assumed to be orthodox.
That's what the New Testament is for.
Protestantcucks are nigger-muslim lovers and globalist shills.
Catholic are literally evil, and pope is a cuck.
Orthodoxs... meme christians.

If you want to believe, do it yourself without having to be inside a church or denomination. Don't be a sheep.
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we don't see the current pope as legit or past pope's since 1956 and we are very rightwing and hate heresy and modernism check it out
Calvanism has only been around for 500 years senpai. Not to mention it has split numerous times everytime someone has a differing opinion.
Yeah but it's the only denomination that makes any logical sense.
>Orthodoxy: Allows remarriage + contraception.

Only if a priest feels that someone's salvation is at stake if they don't. Which is rare.

Remarriage is only allowed in certain circumstances and always requires the bishop's permission.
Oriental Orthodox (Coptic, Syriac, Ethiopian, etc) are Miaphysites, not Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, etc)

This whole "Im the sole authority" meme is why Christianity is so weak and lacking these days. Everyone is their own pope deciding their own rules and what is scriptual.
That's an assumption. In the US at least that isn't true. Nearly half of American Orthodox are Western converts.
I have alien 3 to thank for me finding out about calvanism cause the prisoners were calvanist's
Explain why are they not considered the same james
>God predestines people for hell
>people have no free will
>makes sense

t. Grew up Calvinist, because Orthodox
The Orientals split from the Eastern Orthodox (and most of the rest of Chrisrendom) after the 4th Ecumenical Council because they could not accept the dual natures of Christ.
Maronite catholicism
*became Orthodox
aren't they the Syrian kind
Eastern Catholicism is an example of Catholics literally not giving a shit what you believe, as long as you submit to the Pope.

This attitude is responsible for much of what's wrong in the Catholic Church.
It makes complete sense. Infinite good and free will are memes.
>Protestantism: Muh Homo Women Clergy

Not here.

Our Calvinists and Lutherans are based af
Because it's biblical. Calvinism is not.

there is no other type of Christianity
christ is weak bro all hail lucifer
without free will there is no love
If you are based on the New Testament, you cannot be non-denominational.

Reminder there was no Bible in the 1st century and all teaching was based on apostolic tradition.
im already an orthodox but i was considering joining the masons or some shit, isnt that the actual biggest redpill?
>>God predestines people for hell
You pretty much misunderstood predestination.

>>people have no free will
People do have free will, but not enough power to accept Jesus' sacrifice without faith
The Bible is wrong sometimes.

I don't follow.
I keep saying this ffs

The whole "Im the sole authority" meme is why Christianity is so weak and lacking these days.

Everyone is their own spiritual authority deciding their own rules and what is scriptual. Thats why anyone can interepret the bible the way they want and come up with things like "The bible actually says gay marraige is good!" "The bible encourages smoking weed!" etc. You can't cherry pick verses just to suit yourself.
Joining the masons is forbidden and you will be excommunicated.

Church of England. We don't give a fuck what you do as long as you believe and don't be a dick.

You aren't expected at church. When you come we have hymns but no happy clappy bullshit. There's no false idols or rich gold trapping that show greed.
Protestantism is a revivalist movement. The reformers viewed the church(or in modern terms: Roman Catholic church) as corrupted in both theology and politically, so they tried to restore it.
People like John Calvin noticed the dogma of double predestination in works found in St.Augustine, St.Paul, and Moses.(St.Athanasius, i assume). He believed only God can call His sheep through His will, not our own.

>Not to mention it has split numerous times everytime someone has a differing opinion.
Most of those began by cultural differences. E.G. We can observe it liberalism in Catholicism, likewise that's how denominational divisions in every sect occur. Cultural before theological.
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You're always welcome to become enlightened.
Calvinism teaches that God predestines some to heaven and some to hell, because his authority is supreme. Human will cannot override God's supreme sovereignty.

Calvinism is heresy.
>fag marriage
>female clergy

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Church of England??? CHURCH OF ENGLAND!!?!?!! HAHAHAHA...get the fuck out of here with your married homosexual priests, remarriage at will and abortion.
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He sounds awesome.
Try atheism
Find or start a church that actuallyfollows the bible.

Also, there's nothing about contraception in the bible.
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>Church of England
>Church of England considering plans to drop celibacy question for gay priests
CoE is heresy m8
They teach it there that predestination means that the Lord predestinates everyone who has faith in his only Son and accepts his sacrifice, is predestinated to salvation.
but the masons require you to be of christian religion dont they?
Orthodoxy doesn't allow contraception and there's nothing anti-Christian about remarriage.

Technically Catholics allow remarriage too, they just have to find an excuse to have the marriage annulled.

Orthodoxy is the least pozzed by far, but at the end of the day it's still about being a slave worshiping a dead jew on a stick
Why don't you try and revive Arianism?
If you want hardcore Christianity where just about everything which isn't work or prayer is either expressly prohibited or frowned upon, try Old Believers.

Not sure there are any communities in New Zealand though, and even if there were, they'd be more than reluctant to let an outsider join. Two of my grandparents were Old Believers, and the church folk still viewed me as a sort of mongrel when I expressed interest in the faith.
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mein negers

> t. Muslim level Christians.

You polytheism based cucks need to realise you are no better than

>lul you eat pig.
And since God is love, therefore there is no God?
Convert to only realz, atheism
>> they'd be more than reluctant to let an outsider join. Two of my grandparents were Old Believers, and the church folk still viewed me as a sort of mongrel when I expressed interest in the faith.

This automatically writes it off as heretical. Christ established a church that was universal and open to all. Not just to select ethnicities.
Neg. you must simply believe in a "Higher Power."
Speaking as a Scotsman, that typically means NO DIRTY FUCKING PAPES.
No. Thats not whats being discussed here leaf. BTFO to reddit
Plus a (former) bishop of theirs was a literal heretic who denied pretty much all Christian teachings

John Spong
Which amounts to "God decides if you believe in him or not so it's out of your hands whether you did anything of your own agency to deserve what God gives you".
Without free will it's questionable if there's even a "you" there.
>muh personal interpretation
>jesus said love your neighbor that means it's okay to be gay or trans, get an abortion or do pretty much anything I want
How are those pro-gay women bishops working out there Bruno?
fuck, this. so much this
>Episcopal Church
>Church of England.

Try again.
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Orthodoxy is against both those things you cucked faggot. CONSTANTINOPLE WILL RISE AGAIN NIGGA
As I said, free will is existing, idk who meme'd that it isn't.

>God decides if you believe in him or not so it's out of your hands whether you did anything of your own agency to deserve what God gives you

No. Your belief is not a matter of question.
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>Catholicism: Black Toe Sucking Cuck Pope and Vatican II

Still, you should convert to Catholicism.

It is the one true faith.

We survived Rodrigo Borgia, will we survive Jorge Bergoglio.

Good popes will return.
>Thread is full of cucks who don't realise they are just white Muslims.
>Muh holy book says that women need to be kept down.
>Banning abortion is more important than updating with the times!

Old testament is Jewish you know?
I was Baptised Catholic. Did holy communion, confirmation etc etc

Should I be bothered to convert to something else? I don't like Francis.
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come in the arms of the holy roman church brother
OP is a faggot and his gay god crafted him in his own image. Throw yourself down a well and ask him yourself.
The Greek one isn't about ethnicity hence you can find it in most abroad countries.

The Serb one is,it was in fact it was created to crown a KANG to Emperor because the Pope did not want and Byzantine was to butblasted to do it.

The Russian one had a shitload paganism in it before Peter the Great did a crackdown on it,now it's just not the same.

So if you do chose Orthodoxy,chose the Greek one.But don't let the memes fool ya.
>But don't let the memes fool ya.

What does he mean by this?
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>Orthodoxy: Allows remarriage + contraception.
Well yeah, but the circumstances must be right for you to be able to divorce, let alone remarry. It's definitely not taken lightly. And contraception is neither allowed nor banned, as the Church rarely agrees to introduce new banns, so it's still very much up for debate. The main argument for is that sex between husband and wife deepens their bond and allows them to be intimate, even at times when having children might not be possible, for some reason.

You misunderstand how it works, you don't pick and chose which one you belong it, that's heretical. You are Orthodox, nothing more, nothing less, in the context of the Church. In general, you just belong to the Church physically closes to you, but naturally the clergy has understanding for preference in language or tradition.


>The Serb one is,it was in fact it was created to crown a KANG to Emperor because the Pope did not want and Byzantine was to butblasted to do it.
While this is true to some degree, it must also be acknowledged that the concept of autocephaly has existed for long before that, like in how it works/worked with the Pentarchy.

>The Russian one had a shitload paganism in it before Peter the Great did a crackdown on it,now it's just not the same.
The Serbian ones has actually got more Slavic pagan influences than the Russian, just look at our Slava and Badnje veče. And the only thing that Peter did was to replace the (or rather not appoint a new) Patriach for a council of Church bureaucrats.

t. diaspora Serb who regularly goes to Church.

I mean that you have to pay the priests to do shit here,which is why they operate so well.They also dodge taxation here because they are doing divinity.

It is also forbidden to forcefully convert somebody in Orthodoxy,unlike in Catholicsm where it basically tells you to convert everyone.

The whole "based" thing comes because mostly
slavshits do it.

Poland is 98% Catholic,who are now led by a nigger feet kissing pope,and are still "based"

Just because you switch to something does not mean it will become based.In fact if you tell somebody the shit you tell them on /pol/ in your leftist country it does not matter if he is Orthodox or Catholic he will still look at you as a sinner.

Theology wise the only major difference i think of is that in Orthodoxy Jesus is considered just as the Son of God,while in Catholicizm he is the God.A lot of Orthodox branches also follow the Old Calendar as well,but since i recommended the Greek one you don't have to worry they don't.

Last but not least the Patriarch does not hold a candle of power the Pope should hold ,as he is not an image of God on earth.
Orthodoxy or Calvinism.
It has more Paganic influence now,because like i said a crackdown was done.

Also the Slava and those influences are one of the major reasons why i recommended he sticks to the Greek one.
>I mean that you have to pay the priests to do shit here,which is why they operate so well.They also dodge taxation here because they are doing divinity.
Don't Catholics do that as well? Most Christians at least leave money in the Church, but even that is voluntary.

>Theology wise the only major difference i think of is that in Orthodoxy Jesus is considered just as the Son of God,while in Catholicizm he is the God
Mate, Jesus Christ is considered to be God in Orthodox Christianity as well. How do you not know this? He's of three aspect that make up the entirety of God, as in the Father, the SON and the Holy Spirit.

When was last time you partook in a liturgy?

>It has more Paganic influence now,because like i said a crackdown was done.
Are you referring to the internal schism after Patriarch Nikon's reforms, which created the Old Believers? That was long before Peter the Great, and has little to do with pagan influences.

>Also the Slava and those influences are one of the major reasons why i recommended he sticks to the Greek one
But you have to understand that you can't belong to the Greek Church without belonging to the Serbian Church, because they are the same Eastern Orthodox Church. It's just a matter of liturgical language and some differing traditions.

Where I live, we've got two Churches in the radius of between a half hour to an hour long drive, they both formally belong to the Serbian Orthodox Church, because Scandinavia is mostly under our administrations. One of these Churches mostly has the liturgy in Swedish and sometimes other languages such as Greek, this is usually where the Greeks, Georgian, Ethiopians, Syrians and Swedish converts go. The other Church uses Serbian and Church Slavonic, and is mostly populated by Serbs and Russians. But the thing is, people are free to pick and choose as they want, sometimes Slavs go to the first one, sometimes Swedes go to the second one.
Like I said, you should, strictly speaking, go the Church physically closest to you, but the Clergy naturally understands and respects cultural and linguistic preferences.

The whole point is, OP, if you are interested in Orthodox Christianity, you should go to your nearest Church and speak to the people there. If the liturgical language is completely in Slavic or Greek, you can simply ask them where the nearest English-speaking one is. It should also be noted that it's by far more common to have the liturgy in the local language, if there isn't a large diaspora community of some kind in that particular area. There's a lot of Americans who are Orthodox on here, don't feel alienated because you're an Anglo, people (who actually go to Church) are always very nice and welcoming to converts, as these are almost certainly of completely sincere faith.
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Catholic or Orthodox are the only real choices. Given the current Pope I'd probably lean Orthodox. The theology of Orthodoxy is very appealing and the Divine Liturgy is top tier
>Orthodoxy: Allows remarriage + contraception.
Nothing wrong with contraception. Remarriage only if spouse is kill or fucks other people.
Coptic here, no we believe in the unity of both the natural and divinity of Christ. On we say one natural it just refers to the unity. Big misconception that was cleared up in the past.
>>Nothing wrong with contraception

The fact that whites have embraced contraception is exactly why blacks and arabs are outbreeding us at a phenomenal rate.
Contraception has been invented since the egyptians used pig skins as condoms.Stop using the old testament you retard.When you go to heaven you'll be considered as a Jew since Jews use the old testament only.God created men and women as equals.Jesus even said to love the sinner but not the sin.He saved the samaritan woman,even though they were enemies at the time.
what has got to do with anything you autist?
There is nothing biblcally wrong with contraception
onan...inb4 you use your own interpretation to come up with how this story is irrelevant

society is exactly in the way it is now because contraceptives => Free love => Sex Positive => Degeneracy
Nestorian christianity


Christ was an anarchist
I'm a Muslim. I am Hungarian living in the USA with a Turkish wife. I converted in Turkey. I met my wife here at Turkish events. We have been married for four years. It is an awesome religion and Turks are great.

Islam is a religion that meshes wonderfully with human nature. Never before have I felt so natural and free. We have sex a lot, and it's all amazing. It is a superior religion to weak and passive Christianity.

Allow me to tell you all of this, my friends.

Christianity was very, very strong not because of the tenants of the faith advocated strong manhood but because the men of the West kept it strong along the lines of "if you fuck with my religion, you fuck with me" as a sort of "pitbull for Christ" sort of role. But Jesus (pbuh) as shown in the Bible certainly isn't manly, and Muhammad (pbuh) is a wonderful version of a man who had it all and the favor of God as well. Muslims are passionate and manly and wonderful, while the West was once so due to their dogged resistance. But the Bible is weak. Christianity is weak. The entire faith is "turn the other cheek" SJW style cucking while Islam is 80% about righteous warfare, women, and the pleasures of Paradise.

I'd implore you all to at least consider converting to the winning side. My life has been full of acceptance since I did when I was 17. I am 26 now and life rocks. Muslims are strong and the religion is youthful and energized, while Christianity is more and more full of gays, weaklings, and nasty creatures not even the most desperate would call "women". The Catholic Church especially doubles down on the SJW crap.

I'm open to questions if you all have any. Yeah, I know it's a bit off-putting, but just step back from the hype and actually investigate a conservative non-black supremacist(like NOI)/radical Muslim community and you'll be amazed as to how it is everything you actually wanted in life as a man. Islam even reveals Jesus (pbuh) as a badass. Really. It's cool as fuck.


organized religion is a nothing more than a mean to control people. True spirituality lies within you.
So yet another flavor of special snowflake Protestantism. Got it.
>Fighting degeneracy by embracing degeneracy
Bold move cotton
American Anglicanism is very right wing and antifag
Not sure the reference, but yeah. I mean it. It's awesome. I was a bit more extreme in my conversion but Allah-damn, is everyone super supportive if you're able to be a man's and not a limp wristed bitch like some of these SJW types. If you want to be a man then Islam is the faith for you. If you want me to fuck your wife/daughter as my second or third wife, then stay with the 2x4 fantasy.
tier list:
eastern orthodox
anca anglican/episcopal
everything else
Praise kek bruv
im not converting to your pedofile worshipping cult just because you run over people in trucks when things dont go your way

If you can look back on history and say that Catholicism is good, even with Popes having homosexual orgies and fathering kids among multiple women and poisoning their rivals, then realize that this Pope too shall pass. The Church will always remain.
I thought the pope was infallible though? Lmao get outa here Rodrigo Borgia
catholics: wtf is wrong with our pope
atheists: wow best pope ever even though it's all fairytales haha
Only in very specific circumstances that have almost never been used; only a handful of times in the 2000 year history of the Church.
>I'm a Muslim. I am Hungarian living in the USA with a Turkish wife. I converted in Turkey. I met my wife here at Turkish events. We have been married for four years. It is an awesome religion and Turks are great.
what a cuck
really engages my ganglion
kill yourself, traitor
Not sure why you think that is is a cult anymore than say, Opus Dei or this newfangled pagan stuff. But yeah man whatever it's your choice.

I'd rather be on the side of the Truck of Peace than the cucks desperately apologizing for being in the driver's way and offending him so much.
You should realize that:

1. How many monotheistic beliefs there are in the world, and it's impossible for them to all be true, so you are basically gambling, with belief systems instead of money.
2. The "stories" from holy books are just alleged events that we can't even know for sure happened
3. All "holy books" have undeniably been altered during almost 2000 years of history.
4. A personal God that actually interacts with human beings cannot exist
5. A creator may or may not exist, and living your life according to this creator that may or may not exist devalues your life by definition so it's pointless.
get out of here mudslime
Дa! Дpyг мoй.
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Sedevacantic logic: my mother has brain cancer, so I'll cut off her hand.
Congratulations, the sewn off hand is cancer free. But so what if it's dead and rotten now? As far as I'm aware, first thing sedecs did was dividing into hundreds of sects, with "bishops" denying each other, joining "old Catholic" (post Vaticanum I schism) and nominating their own antipopes.
t. Macar brainwashed by Kezban and her family
Not sure why you feel like I am the traitor when all of Europe is betraying you, and your faith encourages such weakness in men and women.

I come from a religious Christian background, so aside from the tough holdouts of men's men here and there (which will die out in a few generations due to social pressure and being overwhelmed by...well, us), the rest of the Christians I met are like fucking Atheistic Jews in their levels of cuckery.
wtf..how does the pope have select "infallibility". Thats actually the most retarded thing I have ever heard.
You either believe hes falliable or not.
> Cardinal Sarah
At the last elections of Patriarch there was made a site to ask people's opinion on who should be the Patriarch. 2ch forced Japanese Mitropolit to be it, technically, they won, but the people who organized the elections just changed the results manually to the one they wanted to elect.
Kebab is quite resilient.



Macaristan was once a province of the Empire. I am reminded also of our shared pagan faiths, Tengrism, before we settled in the basin and you went into Anatolia. Our people are united again in the genes of the children of my wife and I. I hope that the fratricide of the past stays buried and that the Magyars will see the light that shines for them. I know many that already have, and embrace their friendships, faiths, and find wives at kurultaj.

I know you might be a Kemalist, which is fair, but at the end of the day, Islam is quite strong and the West is quite weak. I wish you the best man. I'm open to chat; the wife's asleep atm.

obvious bait

you guys are retarded
I'm a protestant

No idea what these points you said were, sounds like a meme

Here's the real deal

Protestantism: Sola scriptura, we follow the Bible and only the Bible, it is our only source of religion. When it comes to the right way to interpret the Bible, there is nothing official, but Bible scholars agree that if you sit down and patiently analyze the passages word by word (in the original language) with a bunch of dictionaries and history books by your side, you will at almost all times be able to reach the same conclusions. There are books with like 12 chapters, each chapter with thousands of pages, that contain the Bible interpreted like that, which should be good enough.

Catholicism: They follow the Bible, some other books and some traditions. A lot of it contradicts each other.

There is an official way to interpret the Bible for the Catholics

Orthodoxy: Similarly to the Catholics they have sources other than the Bible at play

No idea if they have an official interpretation of things

Dude I was just trying to keep it light. I was one of them for like the majority of my life. Plz no bully. :(
Because what Papal Infallibility means is a protection for the Church from the Pope, not a super power. All it means is that God will prevent a Pope from promulgating as an integral part of the faith something false.
I understand. Before 9/11, I was Islam-curious because all the churches I went to were either full of cucks or idiots. I wanted people taking religion seriously.

Now, whatever its merits, Islam is the flag of the invader. How can I not stand against it?
>Not sure why you feel like I am the traitor when all of Europe is betraying you, and your faith encourages such weakness in men and women.
radical islam all the way

are you aware that you'll be dead once war against all mudslimes starts?
greek catholic d e s u f a m p a i
so what protestants think of noah and the whale? they all come to the same conclusion ? if they all come from the same conclusion why the need for all the protestant denominations?
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Here is the thing....protestants contradict the early Christians

Bible scholars also agree that the bible doesn't and cannot even say sola scriptura
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Sola scriptura debunked by bible scholar
>There are too many religions therefore none can be right

>The stories are alleged events, we can't know for sure if they happened
When it comes to Christianity and the Bible, many events are also mentioned by other authors in other books, some backed by official Roman documents, so I'd say it is reliable enough.

>All holy books have been altered during almost 2000 years of history
Sure, the Bible has dozens of versions, you can simply do like all of us and find a version that you like. Since we have the original scriptures it is easy to know what is modified and what isn't, some versions are for people like you who prefer it to stick to the original

>A personal God that actually interacts with human beings cannot exist
That's not how a debate works, you just stated your conclusion here but you should state the arguments before that

>A creator may or may nto exist, and living your life according to the creator that may or may not exist devaluates your life by definition
Not quite, being Christian is acquiring freedom.

If you are not a Christian you are a slave of sin, you have literally no reason to avoid temptations and hold self-discipline to refrian from satisfying flesh desires. Christianity gives you the power to overcome that. You are not forced to do it, you are simply able to do it, and you will do it because you know it is the right thing.

It's similar to when Kant said law is what guarantees freedom. It's counter-intuitive, you'd think that law limits freedom when in actuality it is what makes freedom possible.
You have a throne to Lucifer in the Vatican. Face it, the Papacy has fallen completely.
Join the true restored church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

>Protestantism: Sola scriptura, we follow the Bible and only the Bible
Which is self-contradictory bullshit. I grew up southern baptist and that Sola Scriptura cannot be coherently defended is one of the bigger (along with history and most importantly the guidance of the Holy Spirit) reasons I came to the Church.

First, you need a tradition outside of the Bible to tell what the Bible is at all.
Second, the Bible itself says to hold to Tradition whether it is passed by written word or by mouth. The Bible says don't only use the Bible, so you can't both follow the Bible and follow only the Bible.

Fair enough question, man. But look at it like this: is your country really yours? Was it ever? Look at Islam when pushed to the wall: tough, even if technologically backward countries, and refuses to submit. What does The West do when the literal dregs of Islam show up at the door? Some of them raping and killing? Cuck faster than you can blink an eye and the Pope sucks their toes.

How can you stand for the country you are? I am not an invader. I am a Muslim convert. You can be one too, and enjoy being a man again with a society that embraces the dog-eat-dog outlook. My suggestion is to get on the winning side while they are still interested in having you.

Genuine question: how will this war start? Who will fight it? Your own people will kill you first to avoid "racism" (which, lol,,Islam isn't a race).

Which rite are you brother?
Don't pick a good denomination. Pick a good church. Every denomination has its bad ones.

The good churches actually read and have sermons on passages from all over the Bible. Read it for yourself too so you're not fooled by misquotes. Watch out for people who claim to be Christian but then say they believe in equality.

>Allows remarriage and contraception

Well what are widdows supposed to do?
And why should the chuch ban condoms?
Once you take history into account, you are already contradicting sola scriptura since there is now another factor at play in determining what scripture say

This is why sola scriptura means that the bible is clear and easy to read, to those enlightened by the holy spirit

But which protestant is right?

Copts are no longer Miaphysites, in the last decades the Orthodox and Coptic churches came back together only differing now in the structure of each church. Modern day Coptic churches are known as Orthdox Copts.
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>Adversus Judeaos - St. John Chrysostom's homilies against the Jews

>Fr. Seraphim Rose - Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age

>Patriarch Kirill: Multiculturalism puts Europe at risk

>Greek Orthodox Metropolitan: So-called refugees are in reality occupants and criminals. Get up off your couches! In a few years we will be foreigners in our own country!

>Patriarch Kirill urges holy war against terrorism

>Bulgarian Orthodox Church - Do not let Muslim refugees in

>Bloomberg - The Orthodox Church Stays in the Dark Ages

>ADL urges Orthodox Church to remove anti-Semitic liturgy (they didn't)

>Fr. Peter Heers - Phyletism

>Why Orthodox Men Love Church

>How Orthodox Christianity Became the Spiritual Home of White Nationalism

>Russian Orthodox Church supports softening domestic violence law
>Allows remarriage

Which is not forbade in the bible If the common people want to fuck for fun, let them. God wouldn't want a child brought up in an unstable household in times like this, where family values are slowly dying. Contraception has always been a thing throughout most of human history (lunar calendar stuff which is fairly effective, pagan use of the menstrual cycle as a calendar, and so on), and it's hardly an abomination.

The point is, God's word is eternal, and he knew of the horrid spiritual and developmental challenges a child faces in this world which wants to snuff God and the family out. God made us love to fornicate, and he knew that producing children is not always a good idea.

God doesn't want to make your life a huge burden full of constricting regulation. The path of God is a sweet one.
Protestants don't always reach the same conclusion even though I really think we should and we are able to if we try hard enough. Most protestants will disagree with each other in a church. You don't expect everyone to read 12 books of thousands of pages.

>this reasoning
Yeah the guy has a point and I can see why someone would think that but it's not debunked in any way

>Being a literal traitor denomination that came up because otherwise the Habsburgs wouldn't let you own propriety or exist as a chruch.
lol i'm guessing your episcopal. you stand for everything, you stand for nothing. God sets a high bar for all of us. but he also offers forgiveness for all sins. artificial contraceptive is rightly banned
>Big misconception that was cleared up in the past.
Yes, the ancient beliefs of the Oriental Orthodox Churches has been upheld as orthodox by the rest of the Church.
That's treason: the religion.
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It is because the Bible's own practice and writings show that the authors derived what they got from existing tradition. But sola scriptura says....scripture is the authority and THE only one as any other must submit to it

The fact that the early Christians way before Constantine came along and shit actually denying sola scriptura by the fact that they believe you need antiquity and apostolic lineage to be valid destroys sola scriptura as there is also other criterion to determine whether the church is true. The standard isn't scripture alone

Here again from the OXFORD Handbook of Early Christianity further proves my point
religions are cancer you faggot

Westboro Baptist for the bants
Either Orthodoxy or you try to find a non-crazy Protestant church near your.
>how will this war start? Who will fight it? Your own people will kill you first to avoid "racism" (which, lol,,Islam isn't a race).
everyone vs islamists. nobody would ever kill anyone who isn't muslim because of some "racism" or whatever, once they realize what's the real threat
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What the fuck are you talking about.

You want to tell me when the Habsburgs were ruling in Antioch, friend.
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This is what the Reformers believe in
Whatever makes you sleep at night. Kemalism doesn't mean anti-Islam, it means pro-freedom in beliefs. Which means tolerating others, which is something that muslims in Turkey can't understand.

>find a version that you like
This isn't grocery. It's religion. You haven't refuted my argument that HOLY BOOKS AREN'T "WORD OF GOD". They are HUMAN made, HUMAN edited. End of story.

If you're basing your beliefs on what someone told you, rather than reading about ALL religions, studying and researching philosophy, and deciding for yourself, you are not a christian. You're a brainwashed monkey.
>Rightly banned
By a God awful church. Catholicism dies with it's pope, and I'm not sure when, but the pope died.

>lol i'm guessing your episcopal
I've been to bust to "pick" a church, what with my studies and all. But once I can afford to, I want to delve as far into everything as I possibly can to remove all doubts from my mind. I think the one thing that hold us back from divinity and righteousness is our doubt. I don't believe that people of "faith" would act so lowly all of the time, especially within the Catholic church, if they were truly believers in God. Who would dare copulate with a child if they truly believed the presence of God was with them?

Which brings me to a question. Is the Catholic church filled with faithless heretics, or a mix of satanists and atheists?
>rockband atmosphere
that is but one denomination of protestant church known as non-denominational, plenty of other denominations use a traditional atmosphere and old ways.
Not sure what world you are living in. But the page has already been turned. The birthrate is terrible, SJW ideals are only becoming more and more entrenched, and the EU is about to become the Western Caliphate-in-waiting. This "war" is already over.
>god-tier 8 inch dick friendly canadian gives advice for a desperate sheep shagger
>"fuck off"

wow fuck you too
latin bru
But the humans were inspired by God, therefore it is the word of God.

>What the fuck are you talking about.
>He doesn't know how Greek Catholics came to be

The Habsburg empire in the 17th and 18th centuries conquered a lot of Orthdox land, and they tried to convert people and it failed horribly. So they said, accept the pope and we will leave you in peace. And some traitor churches did, still the minority though being less numerous than Protestants, Orthodox or Western Catholics in those regions.

>You want to tell me when the Habsburgs were ruling in Antioch, friend.
>Sand city in the middle of nowhere that the Crussaders lost in 1 century
Notice how time and time again the Orthodox Church is whittled away, and it's power begins to recede. And yet we know that it's teachings hold ture.

Could it be that God Is cutting the chaff?
>latin bru
But, that says you're Slavonic Byzantine?
Whatever makes me sleep? I sleep great after going balls deep in my hot Turkish wife each night. Side note, I firmly belive Muslims have more sex. Really. Anyway, I sleep great after Ramadan. I sleep great knowing my children are going to grow up strong and not become simp apologists like those of the West.

Muslim fashion: comfortable, manly.

Western fashion: homosexual, twink-inspired lala crap for the actual dregs to fetishize over.
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Your "Man Prophet" Married a 6 year old and created a religion that has left a part of the world forced into a monolith.

While Christianity is at the core of the pussies here because muh tolerance, I don't need pedophiles and monoliths here.

leaf plox
don't give high hopes on that, with trump and any alt-right leaders taking the governments and eventually disbanding EU's dreams, there's a chance that game will turn over
Then you can pretty much believe any religion, even the ones being invented today. Which is my point.

Since God doesn't directly intervene with our world, you can't prove that your belief/sub-belief/whatever is the true one.

Maybe Zeus is real and we are all going to hell?

> Is the Catholic church filled with faithless heretics, or a mix of satanists and atheists?

The Catholic church since it's inception has been nothing more than a mafia. They started out with forgery for fucks sake.

There are a lot of good people in it that trully belive in god and nothing else, but that's the monks and small churches. The higher up you go the less of a fuck people give. And considering that the top seat is infailable by the powers of God, it's like a corrupt persons wet dream, a seat where you are no questioned for your actions.
fucc i meant byzantine rite
my english is not that good
Oh yeah, Syriac here.
drop christian garbage, adopt gnostic christianity and be your own master

recommended reading:
kurt rudolph a history of gnosticism
the kybalion
the mastery of being
God does directly intervene with our world, miracles are real and happen to this very day, demon possessions are real and are still happening, pacts with the devil can still grant you all sort of riches and power (and I urge any anon reading this not to try it it's way too stupid, you get stuff for Earth but then you die and spend an eternity in damnation, think on the long term)
And yet protestants contradict the Church fathers

>He doesn't know that not all Eastern Catholic Rites come from Europe
>He didn't understand my gentle prodding with the question about Antioch.
Protestants believe in the Bible and the Bible only

Church fathers are human

Bible is the word of God, written by people that were inspired by God while they were writing it

It could be God cutting the chaf, it could also be how luck would have it in a way.

The remamants of the greatest empire of Europe crumbled, then rose again only to get rekt a century later. And now all that is left of it's faith is carried mostly by the people who invaded the empire or avioded it. It's more the power of irony if anything.
I agree with you on quite a lot here, actually. However you seem to think that the true righteousness that we are talking about resides only in monks and people in "small churches.

With monks, sure, I agree. However, what small churches do you speak of?

And I'm not sure what you say applies entirely to the Orthodox church. Is a patriarch really infallible? Or are they just men? And does the church even consider them infallible? I'm not sure such a church, fragmented as it is, is a hotbed for corruption. They seem to me, at least, to be more zealous than the others. Here are some examples I haven't even heard of before.

Whether they are right in these actions is a discussion that can be had, but they they aren't anyone's puppet, or so it seems.
>miracles are real
>demon possessions are real
>pacts with the devil can still grant you all sort of riches and power

Hahahaha okay you're either a brainwashed naive catholic idiot (which is likely considering your flag) or you're a troll.

Either way, please fuck off.
It doesn't matter. I'm Methodist, we have potlucks twice a year after church where old church grannys make their best recipes.
I don't really believe, but I like to dress nice and get out of the house while not wearing my wage cuck uniform once a week. Plus it makes my wife happy. So it's whatever.
>truly alt right

Hah. The man is an opportunist. He'd make a great Muslim. Anyway, how's that Orthodox Jew dude that's dicking down his hot Orthodox Jew convert daughter? Anyway, the EU is certainly on shaky legs, but I doubt that the leaders will do anything. Sweden is a prime example, like Germany, where the "alt right" position is basically "c-can we please have less Muslims, p-please"? Oh fuck man, do I honestly feel for those cucks who want to hold out. But they've been abandoned. Join up with the winning team man. It's really awesome. Guess what? they also don't hate white people like your own government/women do. Many even see themselves as "white".

You go know there are Syriac Orthodox as well as Syriac Catholics.

And I am pretty sure Orthodox outnumber the Catholics.
I'm a baptist protestant
Possibly. This seems reasonable.

However, you've got to wonder.

Are the divine ever punished?

Could a truly Christian church be broken?

If no to the first and second, then perhaps there is a trial by fire going on. Who knows.

It's worthless to speculate, but it's an indulgence I'm happy to partake in.
I'm non denominational Christian

Labeling ourselves differently divides us.
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Do you not believe in fractions?
Please prove to me that

>miracles are real
>demon possessions are real
>pacts with the devil can still grant you all sort of riches and power
Whatever, man. Nobody can really say how old the girl was, and even then, he's the damn Prophet (pbuh), the true ubermensch.

Glad you can recognize that Christianity's root is "plz tread on me bby ;)" in order to be more like the false version of Jesus (pbuh), but people are fucking dumb as sheep and need leadership. They'll seek it out anywhere, even if it means overthrowing their "freedom" to get it. Enter Islam. The pic you posted, while hilarious, proves my point. I don't condone radicalism or that sort of mentality but damn if the response of the west to it isn't "plx sir cani haz more ;)" with their fucking out of date memes and all. Hilarious.

Also Muslim girls are hot and make amazing wives and are dtf like wild after marriage. The fathers are manly too and are not above making sure you treat their daughters right and keep them in the fold. It's awesome. Manly guidance, teaching my kids to be winners, and all while watching the west burn itself down. It's like a true grass-is-greener scenario and you're really missing out, man.
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If there is a tittle of, let say, X, and then other being to call themselves "XY", "XS", "XR" and so on, can we blame X for being divisive?

Or are the others to blame?

If there is a true church, you are irresponsible and wrong to bind it with the rest.

Non denominational is just a label after all.

You've got to find the right one, or make one, but you'll probably make a game out of it like protestants do.

There's nothing wrong with contraception if it's used in marriage, between people who have or at least plan to have children. But the availability of contraception encourages sex between immature kids and, God forbid, one night stands or whatever the fuck they're called.

As for remarriage, I pretty much agree. It's mostly justified.

But not sure why you brought this up for Orthodoxy, given that both Catholics and Protestants do both of these two.
I don't think I can give any evidence that you would acknowledge and accept

If it worked like that it wouldn't require faith anyway

Thing is, you can chase the evidence yourself if you really want, but you probably don't

>However you seem to think that the true righteousness that we are talking about resides only in monks and people in "small churches.

The less a person has to deal with politics, monetary problems and other malarchy the less likely they are to be corrupt, it's a game of numbers.

>However, what small churches do you speak of?

Remote villages or small villages or just small congregations in general. Though they do have the problem of having a higer chance of heresy sproutting and other general messy things.

>Is a patriarch really infallible?

He isn't. He is but a man. A high man in the Chruch, but still a man.
Not beliving in the supenatural means you'r ignorant and/or irrational. There are many witnesses of supernatural events, even contemporary ones. These come from all over the globe and are not just tied to christianity. There are even atheists or people of different religions who admit to have witnessed supernatural events related to buddhism or witch doctors for example.

>pacts with the devil can still grant you all sort of riches and power

turk roach is watching to much movies
There are a bunch of protestant groups. You really can't group them together like that
Of course I know that a Schismatic branch still exists. I was pointing out to you that some reunions weren't even remotely related to the Habsburgs or Europe at all.

>Are the divine ever punished?

Divine are never punished, but trialed.

I would say considering our brothers in a worse situation, like the Syriac Orthodox or the Copts from egypt, if they can survive the mess they have been in and according to the evidence we have found spread out as far as China.

It does at least show that if this is a trial or a challenge is a tough one but doable.
The path of God isn't paved with egos and pride. Who's pride is worth a life?

The path of God would seem weak, but instead, it is tangential to the planar view of strength and weakness.

Would a man concerned with the divine overt his eyes to the chaff that would distract him?

I can tell that even if you didn't follow a barbarian concerned with land and spoils you wouldn't be zealous, because even in vouching for your religion you speak in terms of prides, egos, and pleasures of the flesh.

And you think your barbarian nonsense is on the same level? Where are Muslim monks who give up the pleasures of the flesh entirely? Nowhere? Well maybe that's because Islam offers you comfort. But is it free? Perhaps your comfort in life comes at the price of your immortal soul?

But what do you care? You have cute brown waifus! Surely they'll accompany you to hell!

Can't wait to read your next shitpost and feel a pit in my stomach as another one bites the dust.

If we go by that there have been and still are some Western Rite Orthodox.

But the vast ammount of Greek Catholics are from that period.
Do you think Luther wanted lesbian bishops?
That Calvin wanted women priests?
That the great Southern Baptist preachers wanted race mixing?
That Saint Leo wanted Saracens within the walls of Rome?
The best religion is whichever type of Christian your ancestor was.
Find out how they practiced it, and take back your religion.
Well I mean there was some imam in either Iran or Pakistan who said that theologically (and therefor legally) you can marry at any age but only consummate at 9, so yeah she could have been younger.

All the things you describe, waiting for marriage, strong fathers, are all just indicative of a strong family based in human nature, which was widespread and the rule in all of Christendom, not the exception.

The problem with Christianity is just that the secularists took it over. It will happen to islam if you let a reform happen.
The less a person has to deal with politics, monetary problems and other malarchy the less likely they are to be corrupt, it's a game of numbers.

But are they right? Does their virtue mean anything if they aren't right?

I wonder what happens to the virtuous pagan. To those who die without the book.

I agree that smaller communities may well remain unviolated, but to keep a taint unviolated is to save nothing, is it not?

I wonder if it is heresy to wonder just how little any man of faith really knows. I wonder if it is heresy to question. I wonder if the creator of the universe cares what some old man thinks is heresy.
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try not being and adult with an imaginary friend ;^)
>tfw grew up Seventh-day Adventist
>Most conservative church of all the ones I knew of. Find the current state of most Christian churches triggering
>Haven't been to church in 2 years, but am still Christian.
I'd say as long as you follow the Bible to the best of your ability and are right with God it really doesn't matter what church you go to.
Protestantism isn't just one sect of ideas. There are numerous sects that are good.
That's real touching and all man, and it sounds like you put some thought into it, but at the end of the day there's gonna be Islam on top and Christianity on the bottom.

There are no monks in Islam because Islam does not believe in monastic life because it is taught that is goes against human nature and how we were designed. The biggest issue amongst so many priests is sex. If they could fuck, there'd be much better times for them. If they could fight, they'd be heroes and the weak SJW's will grumble as they are treated as heroes rather than "racists".

My brown waifu is pretty damn cute and Allah willing, she'll accompany me to Jannah (where I'll also get two beautiful heavenly brides fro sex and pleasure for all time in the Gardens of Paradise).

Glad the shitposts are entertaining. Gotta do something for the fellas still looking for some outlet and a way to be real men. One word:

>zombie jew meme
>making logical sense
really activates your synapses
Would God let his true church fall into heresy?

Honest question.
pasta bait
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>If it worked like that it wouldn't require faith anyway
Sick argument.

I can tell you I believe in Dragons, and say the exact same thing.

>What is reading comprehension
Read my posts and his posts, the favela guy is the one claiming that. I'm saying he sounds like an idiot.

Evangelical protestant.

It's the only pure Christianity.
Except I am educated in science, unlike you macaquito :^)
Orthodox. Been strongly considering doing so myself. Former atheist
If Islam gets reformed, there will always be another faith to take its place as it falls into degeneracy. But trust me, that's not going to happen in our lifetimes. It won't happen in my children's lifetimes. It might not ever happen, given the rate of the spread and how Islam meshes well with human nature while everything about Christianity fights it.

I can tell you are interested in it. You might piss off a few family (I did, but they got over it more or less progressively as they see how happy I am and my loving family and Turkish background). But that is a small price for a man's life. It's fucking awesome, man. Great friends, great food, great women, and we always get benefits just for being Muslim. I look like a white guy I'd say but I've been asked by more than one black chick if I was an Arab before lmao. It's really easy to pass.
>hurr durr my church is the only true church
>why? bc I said that
Perhaps, the difference here is that if you claim you believe in dragons you would be lying to yourself and you know it

I am not lying, the billions of Christians are not lying, we know what we believe, we know the miracles we witnessed personally, they were real
I just typed this right now, bruv.

nice pasta b8 b8.

>I wonder if it is heresy to wonder just how little any man of faith really knows. I wonder if it is heresy to question. I wonder if the creator of the universe cares what some old man thinks is heresy.

Religion is about faith in the end, and we may never know the answer until we kick the bucket, and even then who knows.

For Christianity, the thing not based on faith is that the profecy that the jews would lose their temple and be casted out into the world came true.
The answer is yes. God gives free will to man, and it has resulted in quite a lot of evil in this world.

However, free will is the only way man can truly attain salvation.
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>Would God let his true church fall into heresy?
If Revelation is anything to go by, then I'd suggest He would.

Actually, in the OT the Israelites would constantly be in the cycle of either falling into heresy or coming back to God. It seems to be a trend that if people en masse turn away from God, God lets a foreign nation invade them. In the book of Isaiah, the foreign nation in question was literally the Assyrians.
Are children who's eyes are eaten from their heads by insects divine?

God be with the brothers facing the most obvious face of evil of our time. Maybe they'll have some insight after their trial, if that's what it is.

I wonder what free will is, and if God can punish his faithful with the actions of the unfaithful. Or does he leave it in our hands? Does he pulled the strings, or are we people as we understand the term? Who bloody well knows.

A good nap is what I need right now.
Orthodox is the best. The rest of the christian denominations have hardly any otherworldly mysticism left. The belief in Theosis and the studying of the Philokalia leads to enlightenment.
Look up sedevacantism
Protestantism is best.
Abandon Abrahamic religions and create a better system for moral guidelines
I'm convinced that Catholic pre-schismic beliefs are true.
But hell every catholic church should be burned to the ground as it serves no purpose beside protecting pedophiles and being a workplace for atheistic clerics.
Niggers agree
The church I go to since I was a kid is Evangelical, I guess. They're a bit literal for me but they draw the line at any degeneracy. No homos, women preachers, trannies, etc.
>Orthodoxy: Allows remarriage + contraception.

Wait seriously
>Allows remarriage + contraception.
There is nothing wrong with allowing contraception (except abortion) as it prevents the spread of STD's, as for your second concern see:
No, Dragons are as real as Jesus. There is nothing to know or lie about. I never said you were a liar, just that you are incredibly NAIVE. Being decieved isn't the same thing as lying.

>we know the miracles we witnessed personally

When I read sentences like this, I really pity you.
No. Stay true to your church because you were born of the true faith.

>Are children who's eyes are eaten from their heads by insects divine?

Nope, God has nothing to do with it. Trying to pin the fact that nature is cruel, on god is wrong. The whole reason we are facing the cruel world is because we dissobyed god and now we must deal with it.

>I wonder what free will is, and if God can punish his faithful with the actions of the unfaithful. Or does he leave it in our hands? Does he pulled the strings, or are we people as we understand the term? Who bloody well knows.

If you want to hear my take, God planted us on the world, gave us an instruction book as to how to get saved and basically said deal with it.

I think that God ever since Jesus left had done nothing on this world and will not do until the day of judgment.

If we are to belive that we are the sons of god and he is our father. Then at one point the child must leave the nest and survive on his own if he is to become a true person.
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You're starting to take a redpill
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>Denying that Jesus ever existed
>Turkey flag
Every fucking time.
Cyкa блять
I'd fuck that hentai chick.

There needs to be more stuff of her getting railed. So anyway, do you find that odd that she is used as a type of meme for Christian boards but in reality she's sort of a cocktease for her faith?
Holy shit dude, you should take that stuff seriously. I have a bunch of stories about people that fucked with stuff they shouldn't have and other poor bastards that got fucked with because they were oblivious to the War.

You want to have a read of St Faustina's account of Hell. It sends shivers up my spine knowing what's waiting for the unprepared.

Here's how it starts, read the last line. Twice:

>I, Sister Faustina Kowalska, by the order of God, have visited the Abysses of Hell so that I might tell souls about it and testify to its existence...the devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God, What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: That most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell. (Diary 741)
Truly this is all bereft of any wisdom.

Which faith will come out on top is up to God. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how "strong" your religion is, it won't matter in the slightest. We both believe God has a plan and desires order. He isn't putting us into a slug fest. He prefers one of us.

The absolute last thing someone truly concerned with the will of God thinks about is how nice he thinks his religion looks.

As for monks, they dedicate their lives to further understanding. We know so little about anything, and so some strive to find out. They want to know. All faiths have Gurus and monks. All faith concerned with the divine, that is. Islam is young and weak. The barbarian hordes have outnumbered the people of God before, and it's happening again.

Call yourselves the Mongols, the Huns, the Goths, or the Muslims. All of these groups have the same advantages you speak about, all of these groups "beat" the people of Christ. But it never, ever mattered.

So tell me, how are you ANY different to Barbarians of the past? Because it seems to me that if we were on 4chan while you were riding with the Khan, you'd be making this exact same post, but with a different deities name.

I wonder if the grass fears to locusts, for through it all, we still have grass.
I'm not a muslim. I'm an agnostic. Muhammad is as imaginary as Jesus.

I could make up a person named Michael that was from the middle east and founded a religion called Sheaheaebleagh. And that his god is the true one.

You wouldn't be able to refute me.
There's one final Jewish lie that a good chunk of this board has not rejected. Discard it I dont care if you have to start unironically worshipping kek. Fact is though that although you should keep open to the possibility of some higher power existing the idea that "humans have a spiritual need to worship something" is 100% a bunch of Jew bullshit
Unless you're being sarcastic:

Ah yes, the good old "Boo scared you with Hell. Now you either do what I say, or suffer ETERNALLY."

I'm sorry, the god that I'm willing to believe in doesn't make his followers scare his other creations with eternal damnation into doing personal favors.
all moral guidelines come from the church

so were early century scientists. feel so sorry people conned by new age entertainers who say religion and science can't mix
Luther, calvin and protestants contradict the church fathers

So we mustn't look to God's creation for Gods inspiration? Does the flesh burrowing insect have a different origin to the gazelle or the whale?

Maybe. Your answer was good though. You're right. I get it.

I especially like\d the second part.

However does that mean our prayers are unanswered? Are their miracles?

And yeah, I'm happy to hear your take on any of these questions. You're input is just as valuable as mine or anyone's.
But it contradict the early christians
but historically those people existed you retard
Don't many Asian religions have the concept of "warrior monks" who spend lots of their life becoming skilled in fighting?
God literally intervened in those instances
LOL. I like your points, m8.

Allah, God, etc, etc. We can debate the books until we are blue, but we both know who has the better strategy. Islam will conquer (or pretty much, has already conquered) the west. It's pretty fun being on top and not having to apologize, while the whites in the USA are the scum of the earth that always need to apologize for things they had no responsibility for. Oh well. Hope all that prayer helps "absolve" you of your guilt amongst your peers. But honestly man, I'd worry less about what we're doing and more about what your own side is doing to you. Your fellow "whites" are gonna lynch you for saying mean things to Muslims.

Anyway, being Hungarian, I appreciate the steppe references. The Turks were also steppe people as well as the Kazakhs, etc etc, who we shared much glory with on the plains before settling down and being the whipping boy of the Catholic Church and other Empires. Well, at least my Hun-Turk children will live a better life. Look into a Turkish waifu. They're fucking awesome. Especially the religious ones.

>I wonder if the grass fears to locusts, for through it all, we still have grass.

Truly, the perfect Christian cuck sentence. Can you kinda see it, at least? If not, I wish you much satisfaction in your masochism, my friend. Being the locust sounds pretty good if you are really comparing it to grass lolol.
>God literally intervened in those instances
In cases where they were repentant and turned back to God, yes. In cases where they weren't and didn't? Israelites were conquered and driven from their lands, exiled, sold into slavery, and so on. Then they'd turn back to God and get their comeuppance later.

>So we mustn't look to God's creation for Gods inspiration? Does the flesh burrowing insect have a different origin to the gazelle or the whale?

Remember in heaven animals didn't fight and eat each other.

>However does that mean our prayers are unanswered? Are their miracles?

Prayers are more useful for ones self at the moment than God giving you anything. Because besides the saying careful what you with for. A moment of sulitude in which you trully think of what you want is invaluable. As for miracles, I don't know. I live in a place which belived in Miracles as long as we can go back yet I allways taught that faith was the purest if it need not see God directly, alternatively evil is worst when there is no devil involved.

There probably have been some miracles at the start of Christianity as there had to be a good reason for people to give up their previous creeds.
Well, I hope God can enlighten you on this, I mean, you do have the interest, but it's mixed with fear which can be seen in how passive aggressive you are towards religious people
Yeah but not many of them are chaste and they are small in number and generally easily conquered and/or subverted like the west was. Why do you think that so much of Asia all the way to Uyghur China is so Muslim? It is a better faith for winners. I'd suggest heading out and getting your woman on the winning team before it is too late. As a young man yourself, I'm sure you too still have lots of fucking in you. I can offer tips for getting with M-E girls, but it all depends on how you look and if you are able toa dapt to the culture.
just red bibble and dont worry :^^^^DDD
And the proof is where exactly? It could be a "legend" for all we know.
chill people trying hard to do good in the world
very liberal, but mostly the same way Jesus was.
You'll make friends, and nobody is super hellfire and brimstone
And yet all the early Christians are going to hell according to PRODDIE logic

Because they all contradict them
Jesus appears on the roman census, so does his disciples, they also appear on books written by other people

Any respectable atheist scholar acknowledges their existence, they simply deny their mystic nature
Why do you think all Protestants are the same? There are some very orthodox and proper denominations too.
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And yet those disciples are anti protestant

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Religion is a coping mechanism.

Coping with death, specifically. It used to be about coping with not knowing how nature worked, but then when science evolved, so did religion.

If you believe you'll be with god in the heavens when you die, be my guest.

This is why I dislike atheism. And don't promote my own belief( agnosticism).

People should be able to die peacefully. And if religion helps with that, I don't care what you believe in. But don't you dare justify it or try to rationalize it.

It's brain's mechanism, for coping with death.
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>all the early Christians are going to hell according to PRODDIE logic
Not any 'proddie logic' I know of.
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You know which religion lad...
Did you see Paul's letters
I dont want to fucking mongrelize though do t want my kids to be mutant shit
It doesn't matter what my peers do, it doesn't matter what God does.

God will decide the winner.

Perhaps if you had more affluent and dedicated scholars as the ancient Christian faith has always had, you'd understand these sorts of things.

And still you brag about what you experience in the flesh. Hence why your people have until recently resided in mud huts while they weren't possing as yet another barbarian horese.

>Being the locust sounds pretty good if you are really comparing it to grass lolol.

I think you've missed the point.

I think you're an idiot.

I don't think you are a Muslim

I don't think you are worth my time

I don't think I'll be responding to you.

When you're spiritually adept, letting go is very easy. It almost feels good. I won't lie. I take a little satisfaction in the suffering that you'll continue to accrue with every post.

It's very subtle, and I know it well.

But of course, you think I'm an idiot, so It's keep growing.

I wonder if the good king fears what the loathsome jester might say of him?
But that's because you're a bit of a tool who is going to find out the hard way that it's not about "God doing stuff to men". Hell doesn't exist to scare you into doing anything. It's exists to amplify the mercy of God. But hey, you keep rockin the pig headedness - that will sure show God.

The doctrine of Hell, though it is disconcerting and sad to us, does not contradict the merciful love of God. God will not force people to repent, and thereby open up their hearts to Him that they may be filled with his love, and saved from eternal self-destruction. He does not want puppets on a string, or robots; the only repentance and love relationship worth having must be freely chosen.

But what about those people who will not freely choose it? Like yourself who knows better than apparently all scripture and dogma. Ever.

C.S. Lewis summed it up best in his book, The Problem of Pain:
In the long run, the answer to all those who object to the doctrine of hell, is itself a question: 'What are you asking God to do?' To wipe out their past sins, and at all costs, to give them a fresh start, smoothing over every difficulty and offering every miraculous help? But He has done so, on Calvary. To forgive them? They will not be forgiven. To leave them alone? Alas, I am afraid that is what He does.
This. I guess secular turks do exist
What's stopping you from creating your own denomination?
Notice how they turn from a threat to a font of disgust.
I'm cool with there being no God if I die. It's better to pick a religion that is better and hedge bets though. I agree that most of it is the brain coping with death but whatever. Muslims are strong, and offer a wonderful life. Yeah in the USA it kinda sucks but I go here and there in Europe and Hungarians are actually quite popular in Turkey (at least I was very well received and even met some Grey Wolves) and Turkish people are welcome in Hungary as good people so my wife fits in. Our kids will probably be raised internationally to avoid succumbing to western degeneracy. I already talked it over with the Turksih senpai and we'll be spending plenty of time around lovely Anatolia.

.....fucking. Lots of hot, deep Kebab-in-meat fucking. Lol. I recommend Turks and Hungarians become closer as a people to everyone I meet.
Explain why all the early church fathers contradict sola fide

He also says you are moron
>people wanting to become christians so /pol/ will think they're cool

>Remember in heaven animals didn't fight and eat each other.
Then what does the flesh burrowing insect, who's body and every facet exists to eat flesh?

I don't believe this. I am a faithful person who fears, God, but I am also a learned man of science.

As for you second part, that's very comforting, a rings of wisdom. Perhaps it is the meditative property of prayer that helps us most. Perhaps that is why the Buddhists are so righteous in deed, because they use this same outlet.
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>Explain why all the early church fathers contradict sola fide
It's 'saved by faith alone' because if you really have faith you'll be doing the works anyway. At least that's how I understand it based on the book of James.
>I am a catholic sedevacantist like mel gibson
I thought I was the only one here.
I have no idea what you are talking about, but the only ones issuing "threats" here are the "believers". With their eternal hells, which they ALL seem to have, so it's really hard to decide which one to go to. :)

>I'm cool with there being no God if I die

Forming a sentence like that means you're not a believer.

I'm almost certainly sure you are a troll at this point.
God we need to crusade these faggots again

Theres bound to be a few of those types.
You can be any of those, but you'll just be a traditionalist Protestant, Catholic, etc. But if you want mainline then Orthodox is your best bet. I myself am a Lutheran but the nearest Lutheran church to me is a fucking disgrace.
>Hungarians and Turks

Eh. Dude, I have seen whiter Iranians than Euro natives at times. I swear. Besides, the women are amazing. What do you think, a Euro and an someone browner is gonna make a kid that looks like an African? What, are you silly?

Cool man. Glad you're at peace on your knees praying while the world your cucked brethren made burns around you. Sort of like a reverse Nero playing the viola as Rome burned, eh?

Anyway, fucking raw in mud huts? Still better than wearing a Christian chastity belt and having your natives gt dicked down by some other people.

I can honestly say I am a Muslim. Hell, I probably follow the rules better than the others. I don't drink or eat pork and I actually fast for Ramadan lol. It's pretty fun though and I was never an alcohol fan anyway. Makes sex ugly.

Kings and Jesters thing is cool and all but I guess your comparisons are still silly as ever. Like I said, if you are a masochist then have fun bro.

Unitarian Universalist, practice what works: meditate on Buddha and Jesus, follow the Noble Eightfold Way, read Huxley's 'Perennial Philosophy'
That of course is so vague that anyone can accept it

Fortunately we know that sola fide means a passive reception of a thing rather than any action on the individual's part

That of course contradict the bible and the church fathers

ALL who deny sola fide
Be a traditional catholic, it's totally different from the feel good bullshit "catholicism"
Fuck no.
It's practically a third world country.
The right wing is globalist kikes and the left wing is globalist useful idiots that don't know what they want.
There's a bajillion immigrants in all the major cities.
The people here are all massive faggots like you wouldn't believe.
In short it's completely crap. Nice to visit for the scenery, have some NZ food and leave before the locals drive you insane.
>hurr I need to belong to the right church or the God won't listen to me
Just kill yourself.
>With their eternal hells, which they ALL seem to have, so it's really hard to decide which one to go to. :)
Up, good luck with that one.
>Fortunately we know that sola fide means a passive reception of a thing rather than any action on the individual's part
Protestantism is centered around sola scriptura. In the Bible Jesus explains that those who have faith in him will follow him. The book of James is also clear when it explains that those who have faith do works.

If you have faith in Jesus, you'd be doing works anyway.
Oh I believe. I just subscribe to the idea that if there is no God, what do I lose? Islam is a winner's way of life today, so the religion (being a lifestyle and closer to human nature than Christianity) is bound to win out in the end. If my children and descendants cannot adapt if the world changes, then they too will be cucked by a superior people. Islam is a manual for men, while Christianity in all forms is a manual for cucks.

This is mostly to get people interested in at least looking into it. Never hid that fact. Even causal poking around Muslim boards shows how superior the people's lives are as far as men are concerned. Islam solves all problems. If I need to pray 5 a day to an awesome man's man to maintain that life, then so be it. My peers, my inlaws, are all wonderful. Women are hot. Turkey, though pretty unstable with the PKK shit, is a great country and I am proud my children have Turkish in them.


lololol might want to start in your own lands, bro. I just chill and pop out more Muzzies for your daughters. Just think about what it's like if you just converted and could feel the same things. It's fucking amazing. But if you look really white it might be harder to find someone just because some mosques might think you are a hipster. I know a lot about Turkey and other Muslim Central Asian countries so I fit in well. I also feel like I look like a light skinned Turk so all's well haha. Then again, I've seen some Aryan-looking converts pull some fucking hot wives so whatever works for you I guess. Like I said, community is very supportive so long as you can walk the walk.
try coptics or armenian or apostolics

I feel bad for you, bro. I had the experience of living in Canada and even though the country was nice, the people were extremely gay that was what pissed me the most.
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You seem to not understand.

You are not a muslim.

I used to be a muslim, so I know. If you do not, unconditionally, believe that Allah exists, you aren't a real muslim. "I believe, because if I die and Allah actually exists, I win!" kind of thinking is basically being a utilitarian theist. You think Allah won't punish those who only believed in him just so that they could "go to heaven in case they believe in him"?

If Allah truly does exist, you'll be put in the same place atheists are put in.
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Again not addressing the argument. What you say is so vague that practically nobody have problem with it. This is why I bring up the official meaning of sola fide as formulated by the reformers

It is of NOTHING of the believer. Faith is nothing more than God making you believe rather than you believing of your own accord and hence acting in accordance to them, for such in itself entails works as expressing faith and requiring effort

Sola fide rejects effort and makes it so clear that God acts on the person and nothing they do factor into salvation since God is steering the person

This contradicts James as his address on faith is one that is against any notion that doing nothing alone is sufficient so long as there is belief. Hence james say he will show faith by works. A statement that means James will act in such to show his faith, not something PUSHING him ala sola fide
Nah, I believe. I am saying that if he DOES NOT exist, then I am only dead. I wouldn't do this all if I didn't believe, I'd just be an atheist and find some other way to justify my behavior. I really like Islam and feel like it has been wonderful for me. It makes me happy to see my children bow their heads to Allah (they are really young though). But w/e. I get it. I still think all the things I've told you. Especially things about Hungarians, Turkish turks, and how I fucking love my Muslim Turkish wife lol.
Okay you're certainly a troll, forget all the replies I made to you please.
Ok man.

Have a good one.
Yeah good luck next thread. Don't be so obvious next time.
>not addressing the argument
I'm not arguing what you want me to argue. You're looking to butt heads when there isn't an argument between us specifically.

sola scriptura > sola fide

If you go back to >>110250039 I'm not answering the question you asked, because I think they're in fact not acting in contradiction to the teachings of the Bible (your picture is not from the Bible), and I think that as someone who would rather identify as a protestant than as a catholic.
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