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Communism general

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Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.



ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.







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Chicago comrade here
Common arguments
>But Venezuela
[YouTube] Why Venezuela is Falling (embed)
>But the USSR/Cuba/East Germany/North korea
All of those country's are a form of state run economy where the state instead of the workers plans the economy.
>But Economic calcualtion problem.
Its a non-issue. Check out this PDF http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/636411/cec18268f5a9f607d6c2fae839457c31566aaf94399d912a2ed2f6e1cf1c697a.pdf
>But the LTV is wrong.
Prove it
Can you prove that human nature both exists and goes against socialism?
>But I don't want to give my income to niggers!!!!!!
You won't have too. In fact you won't have to let your boss skim a portion of your value off the top.
Maryland Comrade here.
Lefty /pol/!
You're alive!
I've missed you!
Not downloading your dodgy pdf

/pol/ requires you explain your point in simple terms
Without prices, how will central planners be able to have knowledge about the opportunity cost of using factors of production?
>Without prices, how will central planners be able to have knowledge about the opportunity cost of using factors of production?

You can have socialism with prices
You don't have to have socialism with central planners.

Heres a less dogdgy version. Basically prices are all ready subjective so basically the central planner just makes up prices for things based on the amount of labor needed to create it.
I don't agree with communism or even most leftist political ideals but I love to read about them or have people who know about them and are passionate explain them to me.
Sure I'll never agree i enjoy the discourse that results from it
And then there's shitposting
(This isn't shippsting tho ;) )

I love when people act civilized instead of shouting nigger and jew like most of the so called right wings here.
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I've been reading Das Kapital after a friend in college told me about it.
Is Marx whole stance on industrialization is that we will outpace supply and resources eventually or that the workers should take control of the means of production to seize the production of useless trivial things?
The book is also waaaay too long lmao
Make /pol/ more diverse I hate communism but it should be on here
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>Communism so great it killed 10 million people before it stopped being real communism

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_communism
>A black market emerged in Russia, despite the threat of martial law against profiteering. The rouble collapsed and barter increasingly replaced money as a medium of exchange[9] and, by 1921, heavy industry output had fallen to 20% of 1913 levels. 90% of wages were paid with goods rather than money. 70% of locomotives were in need of repair, and food requisitioning, combined with the effects of seven years of war and a severe drought, contributed to a famine that caused between 3 and 10 million deaths.[10] Coal production decreased from 27.5 million tons (1913) to 7 million tons (1920), while overall factory production also declined from 10,000 million roubles to 1,000 million roubles. According to the noted historian David Christian, the grain harvest was also slashed from 80.1 million tons (1913) to 46.5 million tons (1920)
I hope communism comes about in our time so all the commies will starve. Then we'll save on helicopter fuel.
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This board is politically incorrect.

Marxism is preached by the media
Marxism is preached in preschools
Marxism is preached in elementary schools
Marxism is preached in highschools
Marxism is preached in colleges and universities
Marxism is practiced by elected officials and unelected bureaucrats in all branches of government at every level.

Marxism is not only politically correct, it is politically incorrect to even question marxism. Anyone who openly defies marxism in the West is harassed, shamed by the media, fired and rendered unemployable, and possibly imprisoned.

Get the fuck off of pol faggots.

A question to all commies, why should the workers that don't have any experience on how to run a business, run the business while laking leadership?

If they can run a business fine, why don't they already?
>when somebody asks what happened to the Ukrainian farmers
>when somebody asks what happened to all the uralic tribes in the northern Russia
>when somebody asks what happened to all people capable of independent thought
Let's larp a commie revolution for a moment.

Where will you useful idiots go when the first communist government is installed and they decide to go after the idealists who thought they were getting some kind of utopia?
Communism has been roundly disproven time and time again, to the cost of hundreds of millions of lives and untold and unimaginable suffering that cannot even come close to the wildest accusation of Hitler's Germany.

To say there is room for Communism anywhere in this world is to say there is room for a broken, inherently flawed ideology that always, ALWAYS leads to vast human death and suffering, and you think that is okay.

Communists are the only people who should never be given a seat at the table. They are by virtue of their ideology insane and dangerous to all that is good and decent in this world, and they deserve only the painful death they would otherwise force upon their own countrymen, and you deserve to hang with them for wanting them here.
Don't read Capital, the book is way too long and goes deeply into details why capitalism is retarded. Just read a summary somewhere. Instead read the manifesto, national identity, Lenin, Trotsky, Che ...
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Communism is the most shit tier political philosophy and has been proven not to work again and again, yet you retards refuse to learn. Kek and the God Emperor, his hand on this plane, will smite you jewish parasites once and for all.

Hopefully to the pit mines.

Like what happened to all the soviet jews when Ceausecu came along.
I really, really like this picture.
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>You don't have to have socialism with central planners.

Then how would you make sure no famine, disease or shortages occur without an entity to coordinate industries and goods?
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vitun kalju kyrpä kalle sossu mamu
>Why does communism always produce extremely tyrannical repressive societies?

I'm sure there are many more reasons but here's what I've gathered.
>the leaders of the revolution build support by preaching their utopian visions to vulnerable people and create a lot of useful idiots
>the useful idiots help to get the revolutionary leaders into power
>to determine a price for a good or a service is such a complicated process that no government agency will ever be able to do it properly
>thus the utopian vision is never realised
>leaders fear that the useful idiots will turn on them so they have to kill them first
>everyone is forced to pretend that things are going well in this prosperous communist utopia
>those who refuse will be put to labor/extermination camps
>the rest of the people becomes extremely resentful due to the moral burden of constand self deception and as a result of that they are willing to channel their existential suffering to dissents and even fellow party members
Hey, you wanna come to my place? I just bought a new helicopter, wanna take it to a test ride?
>If they can run a buissnes fine, why don't they already ?
Capitalism ...
Read about the self governed socialism in Yugoslavia (or the so called market socialism model). Workers are organized into unions of factories and those factories are run by the workers (and owned by the state). There is no boss any more who can exploit the workers and manipulate the wages, if the workers feel unsatisfied with the management they can just change it (because the factory is not owned by a single person/company, but by workers).
>don't have experience ?
Why should they ? Who said in the first place you need "special skill to manage people" , management is just a job invented by neo liberalism. A factory/company/industry already has all the employees it needs (by that I mean sectors, like marketing, production, ... depends on the industry), they only need a smaller union that will represent the workers in front of a factory. It worked in Yugoslavia pretty good, check it yourself.
The same goes for political figures. Do you really need special skills to be a politician? The only thing you should be is the representative of the people. Idea that a special education is required to run a country is just an idea placed by the political elite to stop the regular people from interfering. A lot of successful communist leaders were simple workers who in free time were intellectuals
torilla tavataan.

mutta joo mikä on sun irc-gallu nimi??
Autism /pol/ detected
God is dead m8
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>pack of antifa losers
>starring leftybeaner
Nobody believes your shit and you'll never be welcome here.

>Capitalism ...

There has been no laws against communes in Capitalist nations. Meaning the reason communes don't exist is because they can't compete.

>Read about the self governed socialism in Yugoslavia (or the so called market socialism model). Workers are organized into unions of factories and those factories are run by the workers (and owned by the state). There is no boss any more who can exploit the workers and manipulate the wages, if the workers feel unsatisfied with the management they can just change it (because the factory is not owned by a single person/company, but by workers).
>No boss
>Owned by the state

There is stupid, then there is EE Commie stupid.

Not to mention even with that system you failed to come close to comparable nations in size like Italy. And you had also help from Capitalist nations.

>Why should they ? Who said in the first place you need "special skill to manage people" , management is just a job invented by neo liberalism. A factory/company/industry already has all the employees it needs (by that I mean sectors, like marketing, production, ... depends on the industry), they only need a smaller union that will represent the workers in front of a factory. It worked in Yugoslavia pretty good, check it yourself.

The job to manage people exist since ancient times when armies had to be commanded, supplied, and trained. That's why not every solider is or can be an officer. BTW this skill is so nuanced even officers differ, since after a company sized unit you will need a different type of officer. As the human brain can only remember 100-200 other human names and personalities.

Same applies to business. You need someone capable of planing ahead, seeing opportunity and being able to manage a group of people.

>The same goes for political figures. Do you really need special skills to be a politician?

That's not the same thing you potato,
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Mitä sä teet Canadassa larppaamassa kommaria?
oon vaihto-oppilas yliopistossa
Go ahead, try to make a workers commune today, you will fail. Not because communes don't work, but because there are already gigantic companies that will make your union not work. Capitalism isn't inherently wrong, it doesn't really state any major rules. The market is free and that is it. But the original idea directly leads to many more flawed ones, read Capital (or at least read a summary) and you'll perhaps understand. I really don't want to go into details now

>Communes will fail
>Because gigantic companies exist


So let me guess by that logic no small business exists either?
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Nooooo.... Communes always fail because your shit tier political ideology always fails and always has and always will.
Tldr you suck
> You dense retard, that's not the point
Read this, here you'll find the answers. You can agree with the points made, you can disagree . But don't scew my words and than make arguments out of that
Marxism is a jewish ideology to destroy the western civilization with its cultures and the Aryan race from within.

We all see it in practice today in modern Europe, where culturalmarxism is the norm and if broken that individual or organisation is "checked" by the controlled mass. Being correct is irrelevant(It might be offensive)

Some states even practice international-communism at the cost of the natives like Sweden and Germany.

Fortunately this is all falling apart. People are waking up from this unnatural way of looking at humans and their differences.

However I do think socialism can be applied to a society if that society is racially homogenic. For example Nationalsocialist Germany and 1930-1960s Scandinavia. I also see a fine line between capitalism and socialism, not one or the other. Immigration is only aloud from racially close peoples and absolutely not from other races. Another thing that is also essential to this matter is that only natives/racially connected to the land are aloud to work in state and finance.
mitä canada on tehny sulle... ;_;
>thinks someone talking about the jews on /pol/ has anything to do with religion
You must be new here
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oy vey
>ITT shit tier ideology

>Reading 500 pages of communist BS

I didn't screw with your words m8 thats what you said. Communes will fail because they can't compete with big business. By that logic small business wouldn't exist.

>Not because communes don't work, but because there are already gigantic companies that will make your union not work.

Unless you mean foul play which is illegal. It all boils down to sucking.

Communism has always been BS and so have all it's fucking proponents and ideologues. Since most never worked in their life let alone ran a business.

And every time communism has been tried, people died do to incompetence of the workers that have seized the means of production.

Not to mention it happened in nations without a lot of heavy industry where the land was the means of production and where already seized by the workers in many ways.
totuudellisesti puhuen en tykkaa kummastakaan (suomesta tai kanadasta). Suomessa ihmiset on liian outoja ja kanadassa on liian paljon sjw:ta. En ma muuten mikaan kommari ole se on enemman kyse hyvista memeista
>implying that people can shit when they have no food

it's more like a Holodomor-tier ideology tbqh
Maybe communes still make less profit than a small business, because they are less efficient at 'exploiting themselves'
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>kike general
No ei kait siinä sitte. Pidä hauskaa Kanadassa ja meemeile kovaa!
>>But the LTV is wrong.
>Prove it

Tell me, friend: is an apple you find on the ground less valuable than one that was picked?
blow it out your ass, commie. I hope the ghost of Pinochet comes for you in your sleep.
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