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dimitrious gargasoulas

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Thread replies: 127
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is he really greek?
No, he looks more like dirty gypsy.

That's a Turk, Bruce.
he said he was kurdish on his fb
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thats what i thought. strayan media trying to pass this off as "not a terrorist attack".

He stated on his Facebook before it was removed that he was a Kurd. So for all it's worth he was basically a Turkroach.
Why did Nick Kyrgios do it!?
Turk, gypsy... basically the same thing.

Desert dweller. Dune coon. Sand monkey. Whatever.

Same thing in that they're both Muslims that like terrorism
Typical greek. yes
He was a turk-migrant shitskin greek, and a self identified Islamic Kurd.

Also, he was half Tongan.
I dunno, are you really a fag?
He looks like the average Paraguayans stealing and raping in Argentina
>is he really greek?
Greek.. Albanian.. Who even cares anymore?

Greece is a middle eastern country, stop giving it attention.
>Greece is a middle eastern country, stop giving it attention.
You know about this kind of stuff isn't

He claimed to be;


His sister looked like a Turk Wog.

All the Greeks in Sydney are the white type.

I guess Melbourne has a bigger diversity.

Sure did love his meth though.
Yes I do. I also know your languages, watch: Argentina ni fahari nyeupe taifa duniani na mimi nina weupe kuliko wewe. reeeeeeeeeeee

>Police can't stop a guy slowly driving in circles in the heart of our second largest city.

We're well and truly fucking screwed if any actual ISIS faggots launch an attack here.
it's the middle of the CBD there are cars and pedestrians everywhere

It's not Victoria Police's fault, the government brought in a strict police pursuit policy after several deaths over the past couple of years (risk of pursuing vs not pursuing)
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That look Arabic to me... Of course you know it.
Looks like a turk from Istanbul.
No, hes a Kurd, he even says so on his Facebook page

Melbourne is very leftist, so no one should be surprised the Police are covering it up & trying to say hes some White Greek

I don't think hes really Muslim though to be fair, but hes for sure on Ice or something
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His Dad is Greek.

His Mum is an Pacific Islander. (pic related)
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Screenshot this last night. Its gone now haha. They hated him back in 2012.
Why did he yell allu snackbar?

checkmate greens voter
Same reason that spic in Florida airport did
Some mudshit
NSW here

/o/ is defending Melbs decision to not stop him whereas i think he should have been pit maneuvered into a tree.

This is why NSW kept their pursuit policy
Most "Greeks" look like this. Greek is a fake ethnicity that has nothing to do with Ancient Greeks.
Greek name, but most Greeks do not get that dark unless they have been sunbathing for months. Also his eyes are too dark. I guess he could be an Anatolian Greek, but he looks more Gypsy to me.
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yeah also he stopped after he was shot

probably should have been shot on the bolte bridge

think cops in victoria had issues when they killed a bunch of crims a decade or so ago and were deemed to be too aggressive and had to be retrained to not shoot first or some shit

all that would change now.

anyways when he is mercilessly raped in prison every day for the next 20 years hope he enjoys it
The media are trying to call him James 'jimmy' gargasoulas. In all his online profiles and account no one has called him James or Jimmy, google it and see how many articles trying to push it.
gypsy or roach.
Looks pureblood greek, dont listen to these butthurt shitposters

His profile. Says he greek/Tongan
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he was fucking emu
time to remove kebab
Greek or sandnigger?
Souvalaki or kebab?
Honestly I couldn't give a fuck, just as long as the cunt gets raped in jail.
>Inb4 cucktorian courts feel sorry for him and give him no sentence for hurrdurr mental illness and boohoo poor upbringing

hmmm, well, there were Armenians and Kurds that changed their name to something Greek sounding when fleeing Turkey and got passports from our government back in the day.

Don't know if he's one of them.
news says they were chasing him from the suburbs to city and then they backed off .... that was a mistake, as we have seen.

that's his dad? wtf?
Sorry guys I've been living under a rock. Is this an Aussie meme? Who is this dude and why is he being discussed on pol?

Please no bully, I've just got home from camping in the middle of nowhere with no wifi for the last five days.
Google in Google.gr the name. There is not a single hit about any other person with that name except the news
If you watch the clip she's even more disgusting (she's missing about 5 front teeth)

Whole family has been hitting the ice pipe it seems
When was he in the suburbs? He stabbed his brother in Windsor then the chase started
damn you straya, damn you up the ass for corrupting our youth with your ice pipes
Looks like a shrunken cranium.
>Greece is a middle eastern country

It's been invaded but no.
christ all these fucking greeks look alike
this guy, kyrgios, faggot at the pub, faggot at the gym, faggot at the bottle shop, faggot at the milk bar, wannabe-hunter faggot and faggot from that orange spray show
Obviously a personal attack amplified by drugs and insanity.
I know that Pauline Hanson desperately wants this to be a terrorist attack, but it really wasn't. He wasn't even yelling out aloha snackbar, even though many of you fuckers wanted that to be the case. He was just a crazy wog.
The voice of reason, knowledge, and experience.
so, a greek then?

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It's a terrorist attack you fucking cockstain

Pic related is from his Facebook, he identified as an Islamic Kurdish

also, there was eye witness accounts of him screaming Allahu Akbar

Fuck sake, the Tweet isn't there anymore
I also heard he was anti-faggot
and his mother disowned it

This guy was a fucking drug abusing nutcase with a goldfish IQ and of mixed ethnicity,plus it's not mentioned anywhere he grew up in Greece(?) let alone even speaks the fucking language,just like saying keanu reeves is chinese kek,any correlation is null you fucking autist OP.
He was a fucking Greek wog who went off his head on drugs and started identifying with just about every religion and ethnicity available. He obviously just felt paranoid and persecuted. There's no history of him practicing any of these new religions he identified with either. He was just out of his fucking skull.

I've watched a lot of video of him doing his lame donuts and can't hear any aloha snackbar. I think that's just wishful thinking. He was being filmed by hundreds of people and it would be news headlines if there was clear footage. But there's not and he's not a Muslim in any meaningful way. He's just a fucktard. You desperately want him to be an Islamic terrorist, though. Why?
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>dear diary today a literally shitskin 3rd worlder called me a middle eastern
Time to cleanse Melbourne and send them all back to Athens.

Honestly have they ever contributed anything except pain and despair?
He was a Muslim Greek.
No.He said he is a kurd/turkroach
>Get's presented evidence
>Denies it

You're a big fuck up mate
Your proposal is the unlikely scenario here retard

>Eye witness account of him screaming Allahu Akbar
>Actual shit you can still see of him saying he's Islamic Kurd

"H-He's just high off his head guys! I'm a terrorist sympathizer that sucks roo dick slurp slurp"

Fuck off dickhead
Is there actual fucking evidence that he was fucked off his head on drugs? Did they test him? Exactly
misery and chaos! cats and dogs living together! mass hysteriA!
No prior history of being a Muslim, though. He was Greek-Polynesian Australian wog with drug, mental health and violence problems. He was meant to go to court that day and probably to gaol again, but instead was more mad than a cut snake and went beserk. No proper evidence of Muslim anything.

And anyway, is there such a thing as a Muslim Greek?
his pato looks like the average moroccans in israel
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fgt pic
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Boxxy is a Muslim Greek.
no fucking way she's muslim, I refuse to believe that
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yes nice source you got there
Look at what he said and you quoted.
Yazidism is not Islam. It's a whole other syncretic religion. This dude is making shit up. He was posting high, incoherent stuff and you're trying to extract sense from it.

There's also no recording of the alleged aloha snackbar, which makes it clear that some people are hearing what they want to hear and not what the cameras and phones record. Dozens of them. Some sick cunts in Melbourne really want a terrorist attack. This was a different beast. The guy is fucked in the head.
why don't you put your crack pipe down and use your hands to google it?
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So is lord mootles, I hear. Prince Charles is looking to convert too.
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look at it this way, this even brought us closer
we'll look back at this event and call it the doughnut event.
that is what i heard from people who watch the news and brief quick check on the nets, might be wrong. but if i am not, makes no diff anyways, they should of contained him earlier.
>No proper evidence of Muslim anything.
it's a state of mind
well fella it can be difficult to tell the difference between a greek and a nigger but I'm pretty sure that's a greek
Well he did shout Allahu Akbar death to whites while running over them.
>Yazidism is linked to ancient Mesopotamian religions and combines aspects of Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism


>This dude is making shit up. He was posting high, incoherent stuff and you're trying to extract sense from it.

Again where is the proofs? you're making assumptions here that was just fucked,
i know weird cunts on my facebook who type just the way he fucking does.

>There's also no recording of the alleged aloha snackbar

Doesn't seem to be much recording of the whole damn thing AT ALL,
c'mon, when an attack takes place,
nobody's gonna have the record button just whipped out instantly ready.
They'll be getting the fuck outta there and screaming

Which means that now eye witnesses are the next best source of information, which we have!
Except with none of the dozens of cameras recording this supposed event. Why could that be? Were they all fucking rigged?
well , alright maybe I made up the kill all whites part but he did say allah akbar which is pretty much the same thing
>Doesn't seem to be much recording of the whole damn thing AT ALL,
Dozens and dozens of people were recording him by fed square and flinders st station. None of them record Islamic slogans. I've listened to a lot of them because I want to find the evidence. But I've got to be strict and honest and say that when it's not there, it's not there. So do you, m8.
Oh a fellow monkeydonian
You have to go back.

Also, remove kebab, that's why.
I said
>The WHOLE damn thing

Also, gimme the ((((recordings)))), i wanna listen

now now let's not insult the poor monkeys
it was meant to be when he was at fed square that he yelled the slogans. Some retards yesterday here kept saying they could hear it on the tapes. I definitely couldn't. I think that some delusional anons are claiming to hear what they want to be the case when the empirical evidence doesn't support them.
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Had a gf who worked as a mental health nurse in nsw, most of the patients wherein there due to ice.
Pretty fucked up drug.
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Got a link for me senpai?
You are right im sorry
He decided to take a drive down a busy pedestrian street in Melbourne the other day.
It doesn't matter. He was an ice addict - that was his driving force. This state is infested with them.
Greeks are Turks. So, yes.

Went to high school with a half Greek/half Turk who became a Muslim.

Punched his mother when he told her he was converting.

/pol/ was right all along. It's more than religion that's the problem - it's race.
His half greek, his mother is Tongan and he stabbed his brother in the face on Friday because his brother is a fag. His mum was on 7 news saying how he wanted to kill all fags, lesbo's etc. BTW, his current girlfriend is Sudanese.
>went to school with a half Greek/half Turk

What is the difference between those two halves?
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>people who don't know what greeks look like

take a good fucking look at pic related
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I'm Greek on my fathers side, he is 100% so I am more genetically Greek than this guy and I don't look a thing like that. This guy is not Greek. He looks Indian if anything. I have no idea where this myth that Greek people look like fucking Arabs comes from.
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>being THAT butthurt
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my god.gif
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I'm half greek half slav and look white but you must be an idiot not to notice a lot of dark Italians and Greeks here especially with the sun in Australia
Underrated post.
i learned today that one of the victims was a work collegue of my sister and that she was about to visit us in a few weeks to see my sisters new born and we were kinda talking as well very nice girl as well so much hate wtf do i do with this feels.
>being so assblasted that you start posting your pic on /pol/

you're probably a slav rape baby. this is what a real greek looks like
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>another butthurt balkan diaspora galore thread

Does that Turk fucking look Greek?
I do daily, what's your excuse hmmm
Found this video. Civilian journalist interviews key witness "Stefano Pavan". Confirms arabic music was playing in car and shouts of "allah snackbar".
Media cover up. They even interviewed Stefano. See here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/witnesses-describe-chaos-amid-bourke-st-mall-rampage/news-story/156665c93cada4e3add6f2b16deae83a
Literally Koksal Baba tier head. I'm so sick of fucking turks.
He really let himself go
Greeks are good boys they dindu nuffin
>Showing Communists As Greeks.
Fuck off.
We need mo money fo dem austerity programs dawg
Screen shot this - I guarantee you this week, Melbourne Police will announce they have performed Counter terrorism raids in relation to Fridays assault car
>Greek.. Albanian.. Who even cares anymore?
>Greece is a middle eastern country, stop giving it attention.

So we're Swedes now?
Nah, thats a real dirty lookin half cast greek. A Cypriot Turk mutt or somthing.
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>Greece is a middle eastern country

So is Sweden
They started the chase by leading him up Swanston street INTO the fucking cbd..maybe would have been better to go away from the city.
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kebab removal when?
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