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/sg/ Syria General - Assads Bakeries Edition

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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 74

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Wadi Barada Jan19
>Palmyra Jan19
>Mosul Jan19
>Deir Ezzor jan17
>E Ghouta Jan14
>N Syria/alBab Jan11
>Aleppo Dec22

Developments Jan 20
>Syrian Army makes first push towards Raqqa this year
>9 IS militants sedated and killed in Halta,Dz
>SAA captures Afra in Damascus province
>clashes between AlNusra and Ahrar al-Sham in Idlib as nursa took over their HQ
>SAA resumes east Homs offensive against ISIS
>Tiger Forces enters Souran in East Aleppo
>RU, Turkish AF conduct first joint anti-ISop in albab
>SAA liberates two villages in east Aleppo
>IS counter-offensive in western Palmyra ends in disaster

Donate to SF

Previous: >>107971215
Syria for Assyrians!
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"Kill them all Moses, kill them all.."
Those girls are chubby though

First for /sg/ meetup at ThirstyBro's place

Everything you need to know

https://youtu.be/5_y5B6oOy6s [Embed]

>Newest Interviews with Assad
https://youtu.be/BdphcZh6h_4 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/vn1QNppXsvM [Embed]

>hohol livemap
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Wadi Barada Jan19
>Palmyra Jan19
>Mosul Jan19
>Deir Ezzor jan17
>E Ghouta Jan14
>N Syria/alBab Jan11
>Aleppo Dec22

Developments Jan 20
>Denmark SF to begin patrolling Iraqi-Syria Border w/ ISF
>IS DeZ assault has stalled out
>IS demolishing more of Palmyra
>US bombed JFS/Zinki camp in Idlib killing 110
>SAA football team btfo's Poland
>SAA offensive in Homs continues
>Syria gave Iran the mineral rights to its phosphate mines for 99yrs

Donate to SF
your typical arab i guess.
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Daily reminder that Iphone was white, based and syrian
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Reminder that Burgers are a superior dining choice
You're speaking to the wrong person.

t. Assyrian (we have ~40 000 living here).

In my opinion, Indians and Asians though are good for the economy have ruined Canada.

Asians make everywhere they live expensive slums; they are literally heartless and many don't give a shit about the condition they live in, they just buy everything with foreign Chinese money.

Indians bring everything wrong with India and Indian culture with them.
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God they're so good
It's fine. You just have to call it thicc then it's totally ok.
Previous THREAD

Are we watching white genocide in Canada?

>got in a fight

Religious issues?

There's browns and whites in Syria. We're outnumbered tho

Hearing people shouting ALLAH akbar means this not a secular revo. They could figure this out easily

Fight was over who makes the best tabboulleh
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Fuck Drumpf
Fuck White People
Fuck Men
Fuck Patriarchy
Fuck Christians
Fuck The Church
Fuck Heterosexuals
Fuck Cis Scum
Fuck Heteronormativity
Fuck Hate
Fuck Haters
Fuck Hate Speech
Fuck "Free Speech"
Fuck Bigotry
Fuck Racism
Fuck Sexism
Fuck Homophobia
Fuck Transphobia
Fuck Lgbtphobia
Fuck Colonialism
Fuck Harassment
Fuck Cyberbullying
Fuck Discrimination
Fuck Employment Discrimination
Fuck Housing Discrimination
Fuck White Neighborhoods
Fuck Privilege
Fuck The 1%
Fuck Pence
Fuck Priebus
Fuck Carson
Fuck Cruz
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Corporations
Fuck Big Pharma
Fuck Big Oil
Fuck Monsato
Fuck Haliburton
Fuck Profit
Fuck Capitalism
Fuck The Bourgeoisie
Fuck Exploitation
Fuck Slavery
Fuck Police Shootings
Fuck School Shootings
Fuck Assault Weapons
Fuck Guns
Fuck Hunting
Fuck Meat Eaters
Fuck Destruction Of Natural Resources
Fuck Global Warming
Fuck Voter Id
Fuck Walls
Fuck Fences
Fuck Borders
Fuck Ice
Fuck Nationalism
Fuck America
Fuck /pol/
Fuck Pepe
Fuck Kek
And Fuck You.
Who's thristybro? Don't remember anyone inviting last thread
The Damascus guy.

Or one of them, I forget how many there are.
but ((((your))) people is the 1%!!

Damascus was literally inviting everyone. One drunk swede was actually considering it the madman
Ha! I got a laptop with internet, ha!

Tell me Syrianbros, why don't you come to Poland for vacation if I payed for your flight ticket/ your stay here?
You missed one.

>Fuck Israel
>that flag
checks out.
Wish they weren't so expensive here, would eat everyday
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>Fight was over who makes the best tabboulleh
No wonder the ME is fucked up
يا رفيقي الحمصي
ما رددتش عن ليش ما بدك تروح لللاذقة
شو اصلك يعني؟ سني و مسيحي و شو؟ ما بحاول
هانك بس بدي اعرف
It's me also there's only one in Damascus and that's me


>Me (first to post here with Syrian flag, DamascusBro, Damascus thirsty dude, shitpost a lot)

>Damascus suburbsbro/Oatposter (always serious, no shitposts, studies med)

>homsibro (extremely suicidal, master of hemmorrhoids, studies med)

>Aleppo lad (lives in Aleppo (shocking ik))
Daily reminder that Syrian girls are ugly and that none of the Syrian anons her has a gf. If they had, they wouldn't feel the need to constantly tell every fucking person on this board that they do.
t.butthurt permavirgin
Disgusting just like your country, stay 3rd world there faggot~
Hey fuck you both I was the one with the great hospitality asking everyone to visit, I'm Homsi, and you give all the credit to the capital fags, typical ignorant westerners.
>They could figure this out easily
Yeah they could. But they don't understand that somebody can still be the way those savages are. They probably thought those guys would be like 100% more religious than modern, european christians. They just can't imagine somebody actually still being 10 times more religious, extremist and backwards. It just doesn't compute, because it's the current year and everybody is born the same.
We got a saying in Germany, most likely there's a english version of this as well, but I'm not familiar with that one.
"Es kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf"
>>Aleppo lad (lives in Aleppo (shocking ik))
What's more shocking is that Chechens gave him internet kek
you should start name fagging
Shouldn't Syrian food be god tier though?

Calm, lad. I was just answering who thirstybro was.
Don't blame me, I suggested Idlib.
Do they have dicks like Kurdish women?
>typical ignorant westerners
solidarity with Homsibro, he's literally Asma driving a golf cart right nao while Assad is in his BMW 5
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>Reminder that all muslims are white and based even the black ones
>Daily reminder that just because I cheer for moderate terrorists doesn't mean that I support them or I'm one of them (May allah keep them safe)
>A**** **s* g* n*****.
Nice try. You just want to keep them all for yourself, but I see through it.
gn guys, take care all. had a quite nice time in the previous thread.

To be fair, it's hard to keep tabs on whose who when you're posting on an anonymous Taiwanese basket weaving forum
Thanks man, you should come visit, that would be much easier.
Good update for my resume monsieur
>T*rk had quite a nice time in the last bread
What the fuck did happen to my /sg/ :^(
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I'm out. Enjoy the bread.
If they'd at least get the extra flags addon it would help a little bit.

iyi g*celer, roach
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Why visit Syria when you can visit Assyria?
Sleep is of the weak.
All the god-tier shit is expensive as well
My man

Fare ye well

You've been shit posting on /sg/ since around the same time as me today and I've been at it since 8am
>"Es kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf"

What does it mean?

He always had it in West Aleppo

Nah :^/

>What does it mean?
What your eyes can't see your heart will not be sad about missing
REEEE some madman wants his laptop back bb
What would you eat on a typical day then? Or the average/bad shit?

Tbh Burgers here are one of the cheapest meals to could make, if you limit yourself to just the meat/bun.
(not including spices, oils, etc).
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>What does it mean?
Loosely translated, what is not allowed cannot be. He's referring to the way of thinking a lot of people, especially multiculturalists have, where they think that just because something is forbidden, it cannot exist.
Word for word, it'd be "it can't be, what mustn't be", but that sounds retarded.

Why 3 syrianons and no Iraqi?
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That's deep anon
That's deep
Iraq isn't civilized.
Most of the times I just fill my stomach with bread and sometimes a little cheese. Problem here is we get paid Leras while the market prices are in USD, so even if a burger costs $2 it would still be very fucking expensive if you only get $70 a month, like my father for example.
Iraqi anon who used to visit here got busy with work
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Did someone say burgers
Oh anon. I bought Shawrma today for the first time in a about a month and it tasted so good yet so expensive
The bread there sounds nice at least. But that news and


Makes me sad. Especially something cheap and delicious like a burger or shawarma.
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Why is there no cheese in the meat burgers? Good cheese is intrinsic to a good burger. I thought you Americans understood these things.
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Shit man, there's something about shit food that makes me sad

I like to think that the bread is fresh and the cheese is rich and creamy. It will make me feel better.
You burger. I'm hungry and my fridge is freaking empty

>Religious issues?
Nah, he was talking shit about one the guys that are usually in that friend group so I told him to stop acting like a sharmouta and he started cussing at me, I threatened that I would make him lick the bathroom floor (done that with a different person before) so he left and the others followed him.
Shia nasheeds:

>music video of brave soldiers
>songs have buildup and depth
>distinct and memorable songs

Sunni nasheeds:

>flat and emotionless
>vocals only
>no visuals, just homosex Arabic writing
>all sound the same

are sunnis good at anything?
If there was a way, I'd adopt you m8
It costs 550 lera which means 1$ that's fucking it.
But I literally get like 40$ in the whole month. Which makes it expensive

hitting women and cleaning aks
While for a holiday that sounds wonderful. On that wage I can't imagine how shit it must be though.
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>good at Jihad
Amazing Germans, Their country is full of immigrants yet they invite more.

How sweet of you man
I bet the shawarma is godteir. What do you guys put on it? I worked at an Egyptian restaurant and we put wpinafh, tomatoes and small onions with seasoned chicken/beef/kufta/green falafel. So tasty.
Really shitty anon. I was hoping for homsi lad to explain more but I think he slept

I wouldn't adopt you, but I would share food with you. as many burgs and pizza as you could desire.
What kind of work do you do?
Well to be honest, something below £1 a day for me is considered cheap, but I'm not as efficient at food management as others. The idea of going on $40 for a whole month is quite scary, considering rent and other shit. But a "cheap" food budget to me is like £20-30 a week. How do you even manage?

Or is cost of living down due to the war too?

Inb4 Syrian mossad
are you more optimistic with trump as president now? that's a more important question.
As if country means jackshit anymore in this day and age. Who cares about immigrants, what's important is the set of minds and as far as I can tell, all of /sg/ is much closer to me than for example Merkels sheep, or everything related to antifa. If that was used as a rule of thumb for imigration, we probably wouldn't be full of Syrians.
Same but no tomatoes and falafel

Gimme fooddd

Rent money is what I get

>How do you even manage

We don't. Shawrma was 25 lerra before the war. Now with 22000 lerra per month, that's nothing but now its 550 lera and the 22000 is still the same

All prices went as high as the shawrma just do the comparison

Nah. He'll just do what his Jewish overlords ask him to do
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>Gimme fooddd
I have an idea.

Well, """luxury""" foods aside, like takeaway and street foods, is surviving possible enough, at least to an extent where you don't feel like shit all day.
I agree.

/pol/and when?
fuck i was thinking the same when i started to see his cabinet picks, but he is better than hillary. you've put up a good fight against (((them))) at the end of the day, much better than most have. good luck.
Not to forget Africans, Pakis, Afghans

Also most of the Westernized white Syrians I know who lives in Germany wants to come back after the war while most of the shitskins consider themselves German now.

I was talking to one shitskin and he asked an obvious question that all Syrians know and then I told him that he knows the answer then he said Nope we Germans are far more advanced than you Arabs
Anytime buddy.
That's Onur, I've invited him already & said I'd pay for his ticket and stay but he disagreed :^(
Do you know whether Paysafecards are worth jackshit in syria? You'd need to resell them, dunno whether there is a market.
Wew That helped

Yeah. We get shit tier food, life is pretty shitty lad. Last time I felt happy must been back in 2011. That's why I drink a lot too. There's nothing more relieving than drinking your problems away
Poland I know we had a hard time back then when you attacked us but you are right. Remove Burgers
HI HEIL Hortler
Nope. There's no such thing here

Thanks bro
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Seriously? What the fuck.

Reminds me of Pakistanis here, the poor ultra-religious ones insist on being "British" despite hating our culture, while the better off ones are fine with being Pakistani yet integrate better.

We had the best border for 600 years between 1200 & 1800, no wars, nothing...
When Bismarck came tough, well, you know.
Our relation is Shadenfreude :(
If you're not familiar with it, it's basically a "card" or just "bon" with a code on it. Depending on the card you bought, the code is worth 10/25/50/100€ and this code can be used to buy some western services, like filehoster, some server stuff, steamgames and similar.
It'd probably be the easiest way to send you fags a bit of cash without the BND breaching my door within an hour.
Yeah. I just don't get why their mindset is basically full of shit. Even some of our Christians are being extremely dumb by most of them immigrating to Netherlands and doing nothing but smoking weed all day long while not wanting to contribute to the society in anyway nor do they want to learn Dutch
>Even some of our Christians are being extremely dumb by most of them immigrating to Netherlands and doing nothing but smoking weed all day long
It looks like you've described /sg/ with one post lad!

Wow. Thanks man but there's no use for it here since we're a third world county
Btw is that you Homsi?
You provide some good info so I'd like to ask a few questions~

Fuck I wish I could download all the Syrian Anons for a night and we could hang out at the pub getting hammered and chatting shit bout based qts and neckbeard takfiris getting btfo

We'd feast on mediteranian delights and have all the hummous, khibz, and shawarma we wanted.

Then shisha and chill until the stroke of midnight and the inevitable teleport back to your respective cities
I hoped for some rich kids maybe wanting some stuff off steam, then it could've been worth something.
Maybe you can ask around university, but that might be risky, no idea. If that doesn't work either, I'm out of ideas, sorry Syriabros, really wanted to keep you well fed. It's a shame your morons get enough money to live a good life and you have to wait months for some shawarma
Nope he went to sleep


My head is heavy as fuck LAD
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How many people do you know that have left for the West? How much of a difference is there between countryside shitskins and civlilzed city people? What is urban life like?

I really appreciate the perspective guys, this semester I have a Foreign Policy course and I intend to redpill the entire class on the nuances of the war.

And how did you English get so good?
Anyways serious questions for Syrianbros:
Why do you think Syria became a shithole after the French left? Was it incompetence & corruption of your own people or were you "gifted" these and unable to reform your administration?
How true is it that you literally have more homosexual girls than western countries?
Why none of you joined Mukhabarat? Is it impossible without connections or just dangerous job/didnt want to?
Send them some occulus rifts, there are social apps for that shit that do exactly this.
Scary times are ahead...
This would be really nice, if true. But it probably isn't.

It's not the same, you can't experience the smoky, peaty, rich taste of a 14 year old single malt Auchentoshan through a rift
>Why do you think Syria became a shithole after the French left? Was it incompetence & corruption of your own people or were you "gifted" these and unable to reform your administration?

Syria isn't a shithole, corruption/incompetence/etc because of Assad regime, bashar isn't the first assad who ruled Syria, he's the third.

>How true is it that you literally have more homosexual girls than western countries?

he is shitposting, but true that there are a lot of degenerate deviants in some alawite neighborhoods of Damascus and the coast.
The alawites are known for being more "corrupted by some degeneracies" than christians, sunnis, or druzes.

>Why none of you joined Mukhabarat? Is it impossible without connections or just dangerous job/didnt want to?

>syrian mukhabarat
kek, with no doubts the worse and incompetent mukhabarat of all the middle east countries
Man I wish ALL the terrorist and hired-rebels would just fucking give up already and let Syria be united so that the reconstruction can begin.

Oh yeah, and that the fuckwits of Israel to start paying reparations for bombing Syria time and time again without provocation. Fucking cowards, I hope Israel gets bombed to the fucking ground.
>absolutely not biased and corrupted source
wew lad, what did you expect?
seriously, of course it's fake
Well, the Syrianons could substitute the taste with the smoky, peaty, rich taste of a 14 year old yazidi girl.
It's probably cheaper then the single malt as well
rich kids here are living just like any other European lad

I know a rich kid who bought like 4 games and some mods of steam including GTA V and it cost him like 230$ and that's like fucking a lot in Syria but they're rich so they don't care kek

>How many people do you know that have left for the West?
in every 10 persons 4 left, 4 died and two stayed here. Work on that

>How much of a difference is there between countryside shitskins and civlilzed city people? What is urban life like?

There's so much fucking difference it's like it's a different country. Comparing people from Damascus to people from Ghouta is like comparing people from Europe with Somalis
Westernization hit the youth in cities here fast. That everything that you do in a Western country you can do here. (Not same sex marriage tho)

>how did you English get so good?

Books, Movies, Music
Please keep in mind that homoSuheil is the head of إدارة المخابرات الجوية so it can't be incompetent now.
Also from what I saw Alawites are the most degenerate, yes, but still they look like the only hope for this sunni-infested country.
why didn't you leave?
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You're day-dreaming Shrek, take care of your own swamp.

You're based, know it.

Fuck those rich kids. What Hans was trying to say (and it's a decent point) is instead of sending cash whichever would have us instantly blacklisted, we could give you steam codes for vidya which you could sell to the rich kids for a discounted price thus earning yourself some extra ca$h
>sunni-infested country
Syria was, is and will be sunni majority country.
This country won't be ruled by the assad anymore.

>إدارة المخابرات
do you speak arabic?
>put some mukhabarat word here and there so people think you have mossad tier intelligence agencies

the airforce intelligence services have never be as useless as today.
they literally do nothing.
I didn't want to. I was so taken away by the fact that I'm teaching a girl how to produce Psychedelic Trance and I was meeting so many girls back in 2014/2015 Till the borders closed and I realized how stupid I were for not leaving
are you in Damascus?
If you could spare a card or two I know a way and I have something I want to use them for, a present for my younger sister for her birthday, haven't been able to afford one for a while.
While hoholmaps are generally questionable, they usually don't post this kind of stuff, if it could damage the reputation/cohesion of the FSA and given that there are hardliners like al zenki in Turkeys FSA branche, the idea that Turkey made a deal after all that bloodshed would probably offend a lot of them.
So I don't know. It's very unlikely, but nothing is impossible in this war.
>rich kids here are living just like any other European lad
Exactly. That's why I thought people could send you a 10$/€ Paysafecard and you can just sell it for 5$/€ to a rich kid. The kid gets more gaymes and you get food, if at a shit exchange rate.
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Do you think he'll do anything different in Syria at all? My bet is CJTF-OIR will continue aa normal and he'll claim credit for it.
>and will be sunni majority country.
Lol no, not on my watch.
>do you speak arabic?
I've told you a few times already.
>the airforce intelligence services have never be as useless as today.
Well they've been able to plan offensives on Qaryatain/Khannaser/Palmyra/North-east Aleppo so they're not completely useless.
Why do you think Suheil accepted the promotion?
He could've said "fuck you I'm staying with my boipuccis" as far as I'm concerned.
Finland why are u always ruining this thread?
Go suck Putin
never think with your cock bro. aren't there smugglers that can get you to turkey at least, and if yes how much would that cost?
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I will smug pepe you to Turkey
you already have millions of refugees tho, won't hurt to have couple more, right??
Wow. West Aleppo is now competing with us I see


Based Europeans but I don't think it can work on these little shits

Yeah lad, We've talked before a lot

mfw I would rather be VBIED'd than have to to live in Otto-Türk
hoholmap has been trying to appear as less rebel friendly than before because of the critics so it started pasting shit tier SAA propagandists' tweets

>I've told you a few times already.
i don't remember

>Well they've been able to plan offensives on Qaryatain/Khannaser/Palmyra/North-east Aleppo so they're not completely useless.
Why do you think Suheil accepted the promotion?
He could've said "fuck you I'm staying with my boipuccis" as far as I'm concerned.

fighting wasn't the objective of the airforce intelligence agency.
But the SAA is fucked as fuck so they started sending every "military" wing to the battlefield
Nope everything closed

Turkey wants visa now unless you cross the border by land. Which means going to Turkey thru Kurds or ISIS goatfuckers
I know but since you don't have a name ID I have to double check
Why not joining army?
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who are these THICC ladies?
I guess you're not here anymore, well thanks for your generosity anyway. It's very rare that someone is so nice.

>Turkey wants visa now unless you cross the border by land

Literally no one cares man just walk all the way to the Berlinistan and marry a qt
Hey Homsi, that should be possible. Although to be honest I'd prefer the money being spent on food, but I couldn't stop you if I wanted anyway.
Tell me how much you'd need, I'll see to what's possible, I might have to wait till next month though, I'm kinda on the tight end right now as well.
May I ask what you want to get her?
Still around, just trying to write non-shit english, which isn't that easy at 2 AM
I can't namefag, I'll get doxxed

Bro died serving. Became alone child but I'm thinking of joining the 5th division in the summer cause I can't live like this anymore, I want to die
Wow I never thought it can be this easy
>Still around, just trying to write non-shit english, which isn't that easy at 2 AM
Ich verstehe genau, was Sie Bruder bedeuten :^)
>inb4 Rheinlander
>I'm thinking of joining the 5th division
They have the same equipment & command methods as the Russian army so you should be ok, but still I offer traveling to Poland & living with me on my cost kek
>Finland why are u always ruining this thread?
I don't know, why are you always getting bombed?
You are smart enough to find 4chan.
You will probably become Major before 30th birthday.
Just don'd do stupid shit.
Btw, did your bro know about 4chan?
How reliable is southfront? Also, does anyone know where I can buy a Syrian flag?

In addition, does anyone have resources on the White Helmets and the claimed chemical attack? Prepping for class and need to able to rebut them

What the fuck is wrong with you, don't let sand monkeys into Poland you idiot.

There are easier and less harmful ways to get a brown cock in your ass if that's what you crave.
>Poland bro keeps suggesting leaving to Europe every time I mention dying.

You're a true bro :( but death is something I ravish more than going to Europe

No he didn't. but what if God is real? and the moment I die I get sent to see my bro? how awesome that would be?
Their domain name is registered at .ru and they made some videos about russophobia.

That being said the actual facts aren't lies, usually.
I can spend it on food for myself, but I'd be much happier if I could buy her a present, we haven't been a good family to her, little girl having to move from city to city so she can't make any friends and then you give her this shit family and war, very bad childhood to live. Anything would do, 5 euros, anything you anything spare no matter how little it might look it you it's still a great help. One of the people I know in uni is a very condescending cunt who spends on vidya more than I spend on food in a year, he'd pay for stuff like this. I'm planning on getting her a dress I have had my eye on coming back home from uni everyday, she doesn't have any and I think she'd be pretty happy to have it.

>but death is something I ravish more than going to Europe

Lol, fuckin based Arab for once. Truly you are an exception amongst your subhuman race of thieves and opportunists.
الفيلق الخامس اقتحااااااااااااااااااام
>They have the same equipment & command methods as the Russian army
I'm not entirely sure if that's a positive.
>How reliable is southfront?

al m*sdar tier propaganda "news"

>Also, does anyone know where I can buy a Syrian flag?

just seach "buy free syria flag" on google

>In addition, does anyone have resources on the White Helmets and the claimed chemical attack? Prepping for class and need to able to rebut them

all the reports and studies are on internet, Assad regime used CW several times against civilians
No, 1 post by this ID, I'm not concerned about getting "brown cock in my ass".
Don't seek death, if it's what She wants - she'll find you.
I still don't get it why wouldn't you want to chill in Poland for a few years before becoming independent on your own.
Unclog a toilet you rat.
careful on that edge
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Welp they've got 32 T90s, Ratnik equipment (including the new ~20km range ATGM's) & Russian implemented chain of command so that's really good considering middle east.

>No, 1 post by this ID, I'm not concerned about getting "brown cock in my ass".

What other motivations exist for inviting rapefugees into your own country?

Are you some kind of /pol/ Jew stereotype that wants to see Poland turned into another Sweden?
I can understand his feelings, war grows on you, especially after 6 years, you reach a point where you know for sure that you can never be happy again, not if you move to Europe, not if you become a billionaire, especially if you've lost a loved one.
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careful leaf, 98% of /sg/ posters are arabs and turks
>Russian implemented chain of command
Considering the Russian military's performance in its past wars, we really, really don't know if it's good or not. Czechnyan wars were a catastrophy and Georgian only succeeded because they're even worse.
>and the moment I die I get sent to see my bro?
I think you should save that for suicide mission.

Also Hungary border is closed and they aren't letting people thru Bosina and Croatia.
You would probably be in some Serbian center for migrants for who knows how long.

It's just too bad that so many of your kinsmen are human filth who are hypocritical enough to run to our countries with their tails between their legs and then try to implement the exact systems of governance (Sharia and barbarity) that they escaped from.

Not to mention gibs and rape.

It's nice to see an Arab who isn't a piece of shit. Good on you and may God be with you.
God fucking damnit the feels bro. Have you heard of Venmo?
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Curious, where do,you get your news?
رواتب عالية لك خال

Because. I don't think I'd be jubilant even if I moved, for real. I'm not saying it's a bad idea. But the next thing I want to see in my life is death. Being dead. If there's a God, He'd know I have suffered and most likely let me go hang with my bro. IF not, then no feelings, overthinking, no depression, no nothing

that would be great
(real) arab sources agencies.
i follow 2-3 accounts for every region
Aren't you a student? Don't try to get yourself killed m8. The country will need you at some point. I can't even begin to imagine how shitty your life has to be right now, but endure it, you still have a lot of years ahead of you. Times will get better. You're most likely "just depressed" right now, rightfully so, but don't do something you'd regret. If you're at your lowest, it can only get better, so stay safe, think of those 3 little shits you'll have in 10 years+ and try to do your best.
There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

If you really don't know what to do with your life, just say fuck it and try your luck with the /pol/ack. Even if he makes you his sexslave, it'll still be better than death. Trust me on this one, there'll be a time, when you'll think back to this time in life and be so happy that you didn't go for death.

Did you really fall asleep now again?
apparently not.
"anything" really isn't an answer. How much?
Never heard of it, website says it's some sort of online financial thing, like paypal right?
He's an eternally bootyblasted jihadinigger.

Be pretty sweet but it's not a certainty. What is certain is that life and living is real. That truth comes with all the good and all the bad that we see in the world. Sometimes it takes some really shit times to appreciate when things are going good. And if things really are as bad as you say then you may as well just hang in there Because they can only get better eventually and if they do you can use the opportunity to travel and see some of the world and appreciate all the little things that most people take for granted. And have a crazy story to tell about what you went through. Honestly it'll make you stronger. Character is formed through adversity. And if things don't get better, if the worst happens. . Well you'll find out answer to your question about whether god exists, we all will. Because everybody gets to die. Thats another certainty.

A fucking leaf

Fuck,i wish i had something for you man.Godspeed you glorious bastard,you've made this far enough.Im sure you can go on
Its an app for smartphones that allows for friends to send money for foos/whatever, wondering if it will work
Why would I want to do that? are you new? This is a goatfucker free zone if you're implying I'm one.

The only way I'd like to go to Europe is by studying, not a refugee cause God knows how much I hate the shitskins who are refugees
10 euros will do me great help, I'm in your debt.
But still, I can't comprehend why he has reached the point of "never being happy again" and still posts smug frogs everyday on our little shitposting taiwanese board.
Is it really that hard to have a normal life after being through all this shit?
I mean come on, I have the means to and I really want to save at least one soul :(
Fuck you
Well, the whole Ratnik program seems to be really working, I'm not into details about 5th Corpse but they seem to be well-trained and using the same methods as Russian military.
How regional do you go? And how did you arrive at the conclusion you should support the rebels? I understand Assad is not the best and has killed his own, but would a rebel victory be the best for,syria?
>I mean come on, I have the means to and I really want to save at least one soul :(

Jesus christ you're such a faggot, buy me a plane ticket and I'll come over and wreck your asshole myself.


>ISIS-friendly """"""""radical"""""" muslim
they're cool man, relax. #notallbrownpeople
5 posts and all of them are cringeworthy. kys leaf
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the /sg/ syrians should start a patreon or gofundme and gib pics of syrian qts in exchange.
I'm implying you shouldn't think that way till the end of your time.
Look out from the window fuckface
Is it possible for you to send me a mail, I'll answer you with something and you post what I wrote you, so I know it's actually you?
Throwaway is [email protected]
I'll have to send the code on the same way. If you'd prefer to receive the code on a different way because of mukhabarat or something, we can figure something out I guess
Who knows anon.

atm it's the only answer

wise anon. But I'm currently in a state of mind where I don't want any of that. Every time I think about life and the life the life we're living. I just say fuck it, why not be just another number in the death roll in Syria and be completely at peace finally?
Sweden is arab
I'm debased since 2011 lad.
I want my end of time now pls?

Hows the wall comin up bud?
Umm, no? The rapefugees congregate in the ghettos, Only white people where i live.
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Everyone will have to die sometime anon, I really like your for staying strong & being here with us so I feel powerless (is it even a word?) being unable to help you, when I have literally everything I could dream of and not being able to share it with you while I'd be really happy if I could.
We know that you get your news from ISIS sleeper cells in yurop al magrebi
Fuck you, fucking faggot, kill yourself, look in the mirror and find a single reason to not kill yourself.
What? You cant?
Do it faggot, I bet you won't because you're such a loser.
Motherfucking cocksucker.
NO, cant has!!1
Unfortunately it seems it's some sort of PayPal company, PayPal blocked Syrian users since 2012
Thanks man, I appreciate it
Okay, I'm sending you an email right now
if something happen i will report it here, i live in border town
Anon. By you even replying to me is actually helping me. Talking to other people helps

Low test cucks detected
Fuckin lol bringing the bantz to the leaf
S-sauce pls
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Why are u even alive Jap? God USA should've wrecked your entire (((((empire)))))

I hate japs more than i hate k*rds.Kys useless rapist fuck
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Syrian refugee flees ISIS terrorists to become PORN STAR and now faces daily death threats

mad, white bois?
how can whitecucks even compete?

wish his brown cock was inside my wife right now btw
Komşu,do you even trying?
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I want more gains
More dead salafis

The fact that you're here Pepe-posting on my Cantonese origami imageboard means something

Even if youre hopeless, the fact you exist gives hope to others. I'm sure there are people who need you or will do in future

>why not become another statistic

Because despite what a leaf may think, when your enemies kill you, they win

Seriously, I've no idea what it's like to be you but 2bh the world isn't all haribo and handjobs. Some people have to deal with some shit. Your story is different but your struggle isn't unrivalled. Life sucks for a lot of people but you seem very intelligent so you're in better stead than many others.

My point is, you have your whole life to die and claim your eternal rest. And there might not be any memes on the other side so stay here on /sg/ and get you ready daily reminder about who is white and who is based
I may know a shrink that might be willing to talk to you. Would you be willing to talk to her? Maybe she can help you, if only a little.
Don't seek death, there's no glory or rest in it, just pain and unrest for your family and friends.
Never said that it was a bad thing. But the OP image is just wrong.
checked and replied.
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>Because despite what a leaf may think, when your enemies kill you, they win
Alright, Hi Homsi.
Hope your sister will like the dress!

Side note: I'm tearing up a bit and it's really hard not to, but I'm not going to be a little bitch, thank you for being so kind, you are a truly wonderful person.
If posting is what brings you joy, then do it. Do you have any books to read? /sg/ always here for you brother
Oh, so he's a turkman jihadist?
;__; moments like this make me happy. Live for your habibi sister and make sure she is able to have the future she deserves. We should write/make an eCard lol
>Do you have any books to read?
De Heretico Comburendo protocol has been engaged and all books were burned to fuel the hatred machine of Mukhabarat.
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>why not be just another number in the death roll in Syria and be completely at peace finally?
Because killing your enemies is better. Joining up to die is not a good idea. Joining up to fight until you die on the other hand is.

I'm waiting for who might be white/based in next thread. Thanks bro

You can help me by being here for me :)
And by visiting me if I ever got to go to Europe via studying visa
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>Joining up to fight until you die on the other hand is.

That's what I want to do

At least killing 3~5 goatfuckers before I die
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Jammeh has fallen. I feel sad, if Assad is ever taken down I'll get depressed.
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>If Assad is ever taken down I'll get depressed.

kek, your memes always make me laugh
yes it seems he doesn't speak a single word of english except "hi" and "hello"
If you had a choice between dying & taking some 3-5 goatfuckers with you or living a peaceful life in a Catholic country which one would you chose?
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Also fuck you al maghrebi for deleting your posts so I have to delete mein.
Is that a throwaway, or actual E-Mail? Because if you're interested (and the guy at your university) I'd send you a little monthly.
Does the guy have a little more money than you? Because then I'd limit myself to 10€ cards, as 25€ would probably be unaffordable.
I'm happy to help you out a little m8, if there's anything else I can do for you at some point, I'll try that.
You'll have to wait a little though (when does your sister have birthday?) I'll buy them local, not on the web, since I don't want the transaction to be logged. I hope it isn't too late till then...

The guy at my university that helped some refugees was ill lately, once he's back I'll ask him whether he knows of a way to get people out, if that's of interest to any of you syriabros

Hell I don't know. Phone won't be possible, so mail, whatsapp or telegram maybe? I can't promise anything as of now, but she's a very kind hearted, young. Maybe I'll have to be her bitchboy for some time, e.g. cook like every day for her, but if it helps you out, I'm willing to do that. So if you're interested, please let me know.
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Go for it then. If you've truly accepted your mortality, then you can do very well in combat. Naturally depending on the unit. Service in some shitty rear guard is not going to be anything special.

>Donate to SF

Lel. Those two words are more than enough in his industry
i don't want to get banned again for shitposting.
some bastards here (like the """""swedish"""" or even you) are reporting my posts
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r.i.p king nigger of aidsremoval, you will be sorely missed for the brief two days we learned about your duck penis shaped nation.
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Yeah, some fuckers here are desperately need safe spaces. Even tried to report me to FSB. Pathetic cucks.

>Calling anyone a penis shaped nation
my grandfather bro died fighting kikes, if my grandfather died too instead of living on and having children I won't be here. I think you should live on to tell the tale, I don't know your bro but I know he'd want you to live on, you'll meet him if you die after 5 minutes or 50 years
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Kek I only report leafs & unitedstatians so you're safe.
Did I miss something??
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>reporting my posts
I've never done such a thing which should be evident seeing as i shitpost myself.
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Is she your roommate or something?

Thanks lad. That's the kind of push I need


That's a tough one tbqh. Do you guys have brown people?
HAHAHAHAHA wow what the actual fuck I'm all in for the FinnoSwede Union now
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kek, Turkey now says Assad can stay, rumors of calling of Al Bab operation and/or handing it to the SAA to take.

>we wuz NATO
Stay comfy jammeh
>tfw Obama must go
I'll try as hard as I can, do deliver
No that's my actual e-mail. You've been so kind already, I don't want to overstep and I know nobody is made of money, this help you've provided me with is something I never thought was actually possible. As for that motherfucker, he's made of money, but please do not send anything, you've been more than wonderful to me, anything more and I'd feel like I'm taking advantage of your kindness. I am very sorry that I only have words to offer as a sign of my gratitude I but even words are failing me, I don't know what to say.. You are not helping me out a little, this is huge.. Her birthday is February 10th.. And once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
>Do you guys have brown people?
Well.. We do. In circus.
But you & Homsi are basically white, I can't post your pics because I'm on stolen laptop (managed to download & post some asuka and assad because the actual owner of the laptop is dead on the floor from too much weed and alcohol kek)
>implying the FSB isn't sending you here
My neighbour and a very well regarded shrink, although she's still pretty young, she has been invited to international meet-ups (what's the word in english, congresses?) abroud.
So you're interested?
I would rather being sent into your daughter room, tbqh famalam.
Why the fuck are you cheering for ISIS gainz?
It's obvious that you're a muslim but your country is in a military alliance with syrian arab republic, it's illegal dude, hohol reported you to FSB, take care.
Where are you bro? And why do you have the laptop

Yes. But if it's any trouble to you then no. I don't want demolish your life cause of her
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>the actual owner of the laptop is dead on the floor from too much weed and alcohol kek)
>weed and alcohol

oh so you're this kind of subhuman trash
how the fuck did you marry your wife?
would bang the right one btw
>Why the fuck are you cheering for ISIS gainz?
`cos islam is the only cure against western degeneracy since NS is forbidden and practically lost as an option.
>your country is in a military alliance
I dont care about Antirussian Federation. Ethnic russians are second rate people here compare to minorities. Its no my country though i born and live here.
I had my phone but it died and than I asked for a laptop from a random guy, he gave it to me but asked to take it back, I gave it back, he drunk some more, smoked a bong and now all the guys are dead and I took the laptop without asking kek
>Where are you bro?
If I threw a stone really hard it would land in Germany.
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>`cos islam is the only cure against western degeneracy
Don't you think that Catholic faith (like deep, deep faith) is the cure for the western degeneracy?
We go to church everyday here.
>I dont care about Antirussian Federation.
Fifth collumn with Medvedev against Putin I see.
Well, fuck you, the Russian Federacy wil prevail and the commies will die in their own shit.
Kekekekekek I love these kind of stories

If anything new happens. Update me pls
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>sharia pusher discovers he's on a chinese pedo cartoon porn forum
you're not welcome here, get out faggot.
we're all anti assad/pkk here
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Who here /smokes/?

I do smoke from time to time. Anyone else?
i don't
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It's 4 in the morning.
Why did you assume I'm degenerate too?
Just because I should >>>/lgbt/ ?
You're degenerate for thinking like this.
Sure, but now all that we're concerned about is making foooooood.
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I should be able to get my hands on one till tuesday, is that still soon enough to get the dress in time? Otherwise I'll have to get one today. Maybe ask the guy in the meantime, whether he's interested.
Just know that if you're a larping proxyfag, you're a horrible person for exploiting my kindness.
If you're not, then you're not taking advantage of me. People here like to donate to the good cause and what's a better cause than helping a blue eyed syrian aspiring doctor, to get through a civil war?

Then I'll ask her for you. How would you want to get into contact with her? E-Mail? Then just send a mail to my throwaway as well >>108133508 . Here's some proof I'm actually German and not your mukhabarat trying to get your info
What time is it? Why eat when you can drink?
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Snus masterrace
in your case that is justified, cuz you could die on any fucking moment
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what's the brand? how much is the pack nowadays?

t. chainsmoker
Then try the military, and be brotherly to those you fight beside, because the bonds of fighting a war together can only be understood when one does it.

You might find purpose and meaning there. You may die, be wounded, or perhaps you'll see victory.

One never knows what you might discover. When you no longer cling to life you become free to live it. The Buddhists got that right.
During first chechen campain my farher was captured and beheaded by local "freedom fighters" because we were poor and couldnt payed the ransom. All people who did it are safe and sound now. They are happily living under Kadyrov`s rule. Nobody was punished. Putin dont care. Fifth column? Yeah, i would gladly destroy this cursed country. And all of you who thinks that Putin is a russian nationalist are simly retarded.
medvedev shill
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No. Thats haram.
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Smokers unite
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Here is one Serbian classic to cheer us up
>Why did you assume I'm degenerate too?
>in the middle of some crackhead gang
>not degenerate
what would a non degenerate person do with this kind of people?

>Just because I should >>>/lgbt/ ?
are you really a lesbian? i thought you were the married polandbro and just jocking.
how many polacks are here???
fuck, if so, i don't even know who i was talking to all this time.
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Because drinking can be disgusting when there's guys around, even asleep :^)
Sorry, I'm not so much into Russian politics, some harm was done, I feel sad about that, but you should understand that it's either Putin (Tzar) or a commie faglord wanting to restore the USSR.
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Considering all the Americans that are on at this time, fuck no.
Well, your father shouldn't have been a poor bydlo then.
Besides, ISIS are doing the same damn thing you're whining about.
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There's me obviously, I'm just mostly shitposting and circlejerking, there are 2 trolls one from Kraków other from Silesia (forces the tutsi meme) and there's this 50+ Blackwater mercenary who posted pics of his rifle and Dima.
Any day before February 10th would be good, I will send him a message as soon as the sun rises, I'm 99% sure he won't hesitate for a second, as he always brags about paying massive amounts of money to get through the lack of financial services in the country so he can get games from steam and from abroad. If you would like to, I can send you a picture of myself holding my Syrian ID, just so you can make sure I'm not a proxyfag. Thank you so much for this, it means the world to me.
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Power's out and I can't accesse my email on phone. Is there any other way pls?
Also can you inform her that I'm not a shitskin? Thanks

Pic related is what I'm smoking atm. I had this pack since Halloween. I forgot it in my custom and i just found it.

Riiite on my man
wut about latakia
i thought that the tutsi troll who said i was sudanese was the french speaker

I can relate
War n shet
Tbqh I'm not concerned about wannabe niggers forcing the Poland is 99% black meme, I'm much more concerned about this merc guy because I think he's from the same city as me.
No bro, I use snus.
I don't want you to get into trouble and trust you to some degree, so for now no need.
If I ever get Hemorrhoids I'll get back to you.

Either write down the mail (it's throwaway, but permanent until it gets spammed by somebody fucking with it), or something of your choice? I don't know m8
i'm kicking a 15 year habit. 2 months only snus now.
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>tfw ill never try snus
Did Trump have authority to command US CJTF air assets to strike JAF in Syria before he was elected president? Or was that just Obama saving face because he wasn't able to say he ever attacked Al-Qaeda in Syria
Fresh bread baked on stolen bakery Assad style

>mexican intellectual
Medvedev is one of the best Putin`s friends. It is not a secret in Russia.
I see that you are not because what are talking about is bullshit. Its Putin who pushes soviet nostalgia here. Many people started to associate him with Stalin. "From plough to nukes" and etc.

>poor bydlo
There are still better than western faggot like you.

My username is Xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd
How's the polish weed?
What's the reaction to trump over there?
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you bastard just want to troll, you are not lgbt, you're the married bro who speaks french and is secretly tutsi.
>goes to church every week

sure m8.

i'm going to sleep and you'll stop your tricks
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Too bad you can't get mail, I'd ship you a log of general mint.
Seek last line

Doubt is the natural reaction to anyone you meet here, so if you ever want any proof, please immediately ask for, it does not hurt me and whatever happens will happen, I want to be worth your help in any little way I can provide. And if you Hemorrhoids should ever knock your door, I am your man.
Kek get your shit together al magrebi, we'll continue our discussion when I'm on my PC so I can overwhelm you with my frog archives.
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cheers boyos
Never say never.

>there are still better than western faggot like you
You wish you'd be living my life, you eternally butthurt гopный кoзeл. Go blow yourself up.
I'll ask her what her prefered way of contact would be and if she got a Telegram and if not, whether she would get one.
You're oats aren't you? Just stay around and I'll contact you once I know more. Try to stay alive till then, ok?
>гopный кoзeл
I am pure russian.
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Just tell her to come on here.
I'm Damascus lad not oats
So why are you acting like a goatfucker? Go become a hermit in siberia or do some krokodil.
She's not used to internet culture at all, she doesn't really use anything that isn't normie tier.
Also she'd be pretty busy on /pol/ I think.
Ok, then I'll ask for you in one of the following threads and tell you what she said. I hope for the best. Don't do anything stupid in the meantime.
gn lads
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