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South Africa’s National Gallery hosts ‘Fuck White People’

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>A small Afrikaner opposition party in the South African parliament, has issued a statement critical of an exhibition in the National Art Gallery which consists of only the offensive words “Fuck White People”.

>The exhibition in the National Art Gallery in Cape Town consists of only the offensive words “Fuck White People”, and was funded by mostly white taxpayers.

>“It would probably be best for political parties like the FF Plus to continue to use platforms such as theirs to create false hope for a white homeland in Africa and stay away from art criticism,” Hutton, who is white, told News24.

>According to Hutton, reverse racism does not exist. “I would like to remind the good doctor [Groenewald] that the reverse of racism is love, and celebration of difference. ‘Reverse Racism’ is a fantasy of white people who are keen to experience the kinds of oppression that they have used against indigenous people of this country,” Hutton said.

>In 2011 a visit to New York changed [Hutton's] life when she decided to become a he. “I knew a community of people of non-binary genders, they identified as queer transexuals. They didn’t feel obliged to choose one of the two options.” She says she discovered her sexual non-identity: “I was so fucking queer.”

>Hutton believes that “gender destruction” is a lofty goal: “Somehow it’s about to make the world become queer without the need of everyone feeling identified with it”.
this is why Trump won.
blimey i thought don estelle was dead
He made the shirt himself and the buttons are still fucking straining
smart move.
who has the death wish?
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I want off this stupid fucking trainwreck of a ride.
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>gets bullied by white people entire life

>now makes it his mission to exterminate the white race
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>South Africa’s National Gallery hosts ‘Fuck White People’ exhibition
South Africa has a legit right to do so at least
Cape Town is the San Francisco of South Africa.
I'm glad I moved from that place
I still miss it though
Filled with fags?
>South Africa has a legit right to do so at least

4,000 white farmers murdered and 80,000+ other whites by blacks .They also completely fucked up the country's infrastructure and economy in only 20 years.

So when can we have a "Fuck Black People" exhibition?
Yeah, probably the biggest concentration of fags in the country.

I used to surf in ZA and it was very nice.

Never again.
Apartheid was the 3rd biggest atrocity done by white people in the 20th century after the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide
>the Armenian genocide
>done by white people
Look at that cheeky german flag m8
What do they think they're accomplishing with this shit? Want to know why all of the "hate crimes" against minorities after Trump won were fake? It's because conservatives aren't autistic enough to give people a reason to hate their cause. I don't like the amount of violence minorities cause and the amount of taxpayer money they burn through, but will I make a sign that says "fuck niggers"? No, because all it demonstrates is that I hate a group of people for no given reason. Instead, I'll use my vote to slowly strip the rights away from these groups until they learn to behave like proper human beings. So please, keep this shit up liberals. It's free advertising for my cause.
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Fuck off kike.

Whites built South Africa before niggers were even there, and Apartheid was way better than what SA is devolving into now.

During the entire apartheid era (1948 - 1992) only 21,000 black people were killed due to political violence (which includes SADF actions in Angola). Of this 21,000 more than 90% of the deaths were black on black violence during the transition period where the ANC and IFP were josling for power.

Now there are more than 18,000 murders a year (50 a day). Most of which is black on black, some of which is anti-white hate crimes (thousands of white famers have been killed).

Go apologize about slaughtering and starving tens of millions of Eastern Europeans in the Soviet Union with your buddies Trotsky, Lenin and the rest of the gang, and then the mess that happened in Palestine.

Niggers, despite making up most of the population, benefit from affirmative action in SA, have slaughtered whites way more than the other way around, and they take most of their money from white taxpayers.
It's b8 m8
They're not wrong saying "reverse racism does not exist", racism goes both ways, racism against white people isn't "reverse" racism, it's just racism.

BUT that's not our fucking point, why are they missing the point so hard ?
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Still worth taking the opportunity to educate people about the situation.

>White South Africans complain affirmative action policy is causing them to face discrimination

>The policy has imposed quotas on government positions to ensure black South Africans are appropriately represented in the public sector.
Really? What atrocity did we commit?
You don't know wtf you are talking about.

21,000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid (1948 -1994) - of whom 14,000 people died during the transition process from 1990 to 1994 (black on black violence between IFP and ANC)

The rest of the deaths attributed to the Apartheid government (7,000) includes the war in Angola.

Under Apartheid:

Black infant mortality rate went down from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand.

Life expectancy went up from 40 to 64.

The South African population increased from 11 million to 41 million.

Black population increased from 7 million to more than 30 million.

Black litteracy rates increased from less than 20% to more than 90%.

That's prime quality autism if you're arguing about the political and societal system of a country that's on the other side of the globe
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Daily reminder that not every Juden is a bad Juden!
All this wouldn't have happened without Whites. Be it the death toll, political turmoil or demographics
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>They're not wrong saying "reverse racism does not exist"

Their point when they say that though is that only white people can be racist.

They think "racism" is "power + prejudice". Yet they can't really define what "power" is or quantify, especially in South Africa where niggers have most of the sociopolitical power both at the institutional level, and the population level. It's mental gymnastics that was obviously created for a (((purpose))). Basically they've always wanted the term to be almost exclusively applied to White Europeans.
Dumb fucker

You claimed:

>Apartheid was the 3rd biggest atrocity done by white people in the 20th century after the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide

Yet the black population under white rule increased by 920% in less than 100 years and their quality of life improved beyond that of any other sub-saharan African country.

Under apartheid black people in Soweto (a single black township) owned more cars than everyone in the USSR combined).

Explain to me what this "atrocity" was that we commited.
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Just look at how we genocided the blacks
>(post-)Industrial/Modernist societies are better than tribalist societies
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Niggers ruin everything.
Do black people even like this?
When oh when will we unleash the chatter of machinegun fire on these degenerate hordes?
lmao, even feral niggers wouldn't rape that fuckng blimp of goo.
Yes it is.
It's too late at night for me to tell if you're being serious or not

>Claims Apartheid was the 3rd biggest atrocity done by white people in the 20th century after the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide
>Proven wrong
>Proceeds to shift goalposts completely off of the playing field

You lost, I'm done

what has /pol/ done to lash out at this pig?

lmao this fucking thing doesn't even resemble a human it's like a potato got left out in the sun too long and sprouted a new set of chromosomes

What's the over/under of the timing on the white genocide really kicking off in South Africa? Got a little money to spend.
>You lost, I'm done
Not according to the (you)s I received from you :^)

Stay well, friend. I hope you're not having too hard times in the future. Ever thought about Remigrating to Europe or are you looking forward to an 'Elysium'-type future?

I can't tell if he's trolling or just a regular German. Since German's aren't really known for their jokes, I'm thinking he's serious.

Stay safe, Jack Parow.
Blacks in SA experienced the best standard of living amongst all blacks in African countries during apartheid. SA had the 7th largest economy on earth in 1972.

now it's the rape capital of Africa, and just about the murder capital of the world. But at least blacks got "freedom" (to destroy their own country and turn it into the rest of Africa)
he was proven wrong and trying to "troll" his way out of it
>south africa

Literally who cares
>SA had the 7th largest economy on earth in 1972.
It was also said the GDR was the 10th largest economy in the world which utterly proved to be wrong
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South Africans, for one.

I kind of do. It's pretty instructive as to what happens when you have a white minority Carly outnumbered by shitskins with a grudge.
how's your all-black detroit going? how's it holding up? how about the poorest country in the western hemisphere, Haiti, which is also the blackest country in the western hemisphere? poor because of oppression?

coincidentally, under French colonialism, Haiti was quite nice, in fact very nice, until the Haitian revolution. and the same is true with Africa. this occurred very recently in Rhodesia, and is busy occurring in SA, blatantly, before our eyes.
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I would kill this fat cunt if I had the chance.
perfect strategy though, supposedly white women get raped in SA a lot, so this is a good way to avoid that
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And they STILL get affirmative action.

It makes you wonder if minorities will ever lose AA privileges in the West even as their demographics start to outgrow the native population.
>yfw it's a reverse mind trick in a desperate attempt to subliminally trick whites into fucking other whites instead of blacks

Maybe it's a "WHITE PEOPLE FUCK" exhibit?
>how's your all-black detroit going?
Did we just swap flags?

what does coloured mean in south african context exactly? every person who's not white or black?
No kidding. White backlash has already started, and the only response from the left thus far has been to dig in its heels. 2017's going to be a fun year.
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Mulattos, basically.
this is what fags do to the ones who are most tolerant towards them, they declare fucking war against normal men and women. And ofcourse white people who thought they were doing a good thing by being nice to people of such a sexual persuasion..
so basically just niggers then

shit, feels bad for whites living there
that's just sad. And yes, the picture is actually quite symptomatic, blacks have way too many kids and can barely feed themselves.. And unfortunately the kids that do make it aren't exactly quality material with regards to building and maintaining a society.

Probably not. As long as they keep doing poorly, they'll always need AA to help them.

AA is based on the idea that there's nothing inherent within keeping them down. That they'll flourish if they have opportunities. That's just not true. Even rich blacks who go to great middle and high schools have a difficult time getting into top universities unless the scale is weighted.

Blacks will never achieve proportionate representation without help, so they'll always need help. AA is founded on a flawed premise.
You were at my place then. We were watching TV. I remember.
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For you
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It's still understandable that they want to differentiate between the two.

And yeah, white South Africans have it rough. They built the country, saw it being overrun by niggers, thousands of them get slaughtered, they are a hated minority even though they contribute more to the economy and distribute their wealth more than any other demographic, constantly demonized by the (((media))), despite making up most of the original population, and the future doesn't look brighter. Even the ones who aren't victims of crime have to live among them every week.


AA was always a Jewish Marxist concept to take power away from whites, just like the idea of "white privilege".


Kill me.
>It's still understandable that they want to differentiate between the two.

Meant to quote: >>107597497
If you really look at this person, she hates herself, she subconsciously knows that what she has accepted as reality and ideology has led her down a road of disappointment. Not disappointment from failure but disappointment from never starting anything that she put any personnel effort of value into. Look at her "art" that is nothing. If somebody shot her in the head it would be saving her the money for buying the bullet.
I honestly thought it was a male.
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I am pretty sure that snorlax is "non binary" and goes by xher or some shit.
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It's literally a walking tumblr caricature and identifies xirself as "genderqueer".

It's the kind of thing you think only exists on the internet, until you realize thousands of these freaks are out there.
Once somebody eats them self to the point where they are accumulating fat on their nose and need shoes that are much larger because of how much fat has accumulated on their feet, they have something mentally wrong with them. She is fatter than what a circus fat lady would have been. She has lost her soul a long time ago and has been trying to find peace in stuffing her fat fucking face but all she keeps finding are pieces of pie.
What is good SA food?

Blatjang and Boerewors are my favorite of the ones I've tried.

Maybe /ck/ can help you, I don't know whether that board is still good or not.
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>the reverse of racism is love
this nigger needs a dictionary (and a gastric band).
the saddest tits i have ever seen.

So sad!
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She just states in her art that she wants white people to fuck more.
>Muh niggers are savages

You reap what you sow.

When you treat people like animals expect them to regress to their level.
underrated post
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Retarded cuck.

Niggers are the ones who treat whites (and each other) like animals, which forces us to treat them like that. You're mixing cause and effect. If anything White South Africans were way too kind to them.

>A survey for the period 1990–2000 compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ranked South Africa second for assault and murder (by all means) per capita and first for rapes per capita in a data set of 60 countries.[4] Total crime per capita was 10th out of the 60 countries in the dataset.

They act that way in other African countries where there are practically no white people.
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>ugly fat dyke
Like clockwork.
It all just boils down to psychology: she's using the fashionable thing to hate as a receptacle for her own shame and lack of sexual prowess. That's feminism, social justice, and liberal narcissism in a nutshell. Try to cast all the shitty attributes your parents instilled into you over to someone else.
The white-guilt among these troglodytes continues to be previlent. She might as well off herself for good, atleast that will be the first milestone that can be put on the list of achievements done for this asinine, "cause."
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They treat each other like savages which is why they're still enslaving themselves at a higher rate than any other country. No one is to blame but themselves for that.
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>vivid supporter
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I agree, Cape Town is a cesspool of nu-male hipsters and leftists, I live in the Cape Province but fuck Cape Town.

I hope this faggot gets correctively raped and necklaced, along with all the cunts that go to this fags (((art))) exibition.
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hello achmed i hope u like rappi rappi white german whore hehehehehe dont forget your bomba manual for suicide inshallah brothard hahaha :D :) :D
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Fuck off we are full

It's not reverse racism, just regular racism.

Also it can't even do up the bottom button on it's shirt.
Batman villain if Ive ever seen one.
All I see is "White People Fuck."
>>According to Hutton, reverse racism does not exist. “I would like to remind the good doctor [Groenewald] that the reverse of racism is love, and celebration of difference. ‘Reverse Racism’ is a fantasy of white people who are keen to experience the kinds of oppression that they have used against indigenous people of this country,” Hutton said.

Yes, it's not like the Boers suffered for South Afrika or anything.

Anti=white racism is really taking horrible forms
this "art" sucks

This is racism.
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Maybe she must identify as a whale and leave humanity behind. I mean that blubber should sustain her in the most fridget arctic oceans.
And whales also don't like white people cause they make them swim in tanks and do tricks for treats.
Why would you even go to a beach that crowded?
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>letting an immigrant run immigration
What could possibly go wrong?
I've heard that South African universities now have a 3.5/10 passing grade to make education more "inclusive".
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I've always wished we would doxx and harass this guy in the spirit of the 4chan of old.
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>tfw about to start a new job where I get to wear a fuckin suit

2017 is the year of kek
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any news yet on the Nigerians bombing that refugee camp?
I just don't get it.. is it male or female? What is this thing between its legs?
yes "reverse racism" is only ever said by anti-white racists as a rhetorical trap
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>Yes... Fire is a great purifier indeed.
I dont understand 'reverse racism'.They say that you can only be racist if you have oppressed another race but that is what is happening to white people in SA
Why do museum pay for this crap`?
A piss tract
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Yes, white man is the devil. Why haven't we chimped out like germans did back in the day yet?
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Are you a boy or girl?
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It is obvious that the based afrikaners will never find peace until they expel these false whites from their lands
meat. we love red meat. most afrikaners eat it 3 times a day.
This.I dont go a day without eating some sort of meat
and we count chicken and fish as vegetables.
can't help how swole he is
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>Bonsmara meat

Pretty fucking good desu senpai.
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Oh it's happening brother, I was the nicest guy in the world and really made an effort to see things from different races perspectives, even was open to maybe dating a non-white, didn't look down on the idea of mixed kids, here in one of the U.S. liberal supercities.

I now hate minorities so much it isn't even funny, I legitimately don't care what happens to mexicans who get deported. When they bring out young ones and expect me to feel bad, I feel nothing but anger. I hope Trump launches them back in a fucking catapult and they can fend for themselves in the hellhole known as Mexico.

Every fat mexican whore with a daughter coming on TV to say that it's going to impact her family, I don't care. Every little girl who is "losing her father" or some shit, I don't care. Send her back with them. My attitude has completely become "None of you should even fucking be here, niggers included, we should have sent every single last one of them to British Guyana work camps after the civil war"

The chimp out probably won't happen overnight or anything, but the lion is waking up and now because of THEIR actions, they will face people like me (once supporters of theirs to a degree) as ARDENT enemies for as long as I live.
Shit like this makes my blood boil, just like those turks cutting dog ears in another thread. Maybe even more.
>small Afrikaner opposition

The Afrikaners are about 4% of the population, the party is actuallu backed by most of them.

>funded by white taxpayers

Whites are 9% of the population, yet we pay the vast majority of the taxes. Do you really think we get to say how our taxes are spent?

Also, South Africa has a govt that is actively oppressing a minority group, yet no one cares because we're white.

Most white people who still live here are cucks.
only the English are cucks
How much time will it take til South Africa is officially a bigger Zimbabwe?

woah dude, you've just described me
You're a cuck kraut. This is why i bear up germans when they try to party in my home town! Fuck Germany, cucked fucko's. Go take a sip from mama merkels tits.
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Someone please get this out on social media.....

Feed him to his own kind.

Pic Related.
>not only is racism against white people "reverse racism" but also it isn't real.
>reverse racism is love
>reverse racism doesn't exist

nice one, but you forget the chair's feet
You should add that this thing is from South Africa.
Everyone will automatically assume it is true, because everyone knows white south africans are the most racist of all.
That tub of lard is a woman
south africa is still a thing
thought Mugabe already killed everything
This is enraging. Leftists are blind and it makes me desperate how many "normal" people can't see the problem in this.

But this is wrong. blacks being treated as second class citizens in their own ancestral lands is not acceptable, even if they can't manage the state as competently (according to your information)

Smart whites should leave, anyway.
it is not ancestral land of blacks.White people were in the cape before blacks made it that far south
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10/10 would fuck
The White race
I can't even scroll /pol/ now, because of how depressing the shit here is.
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Dumb monkey
someone should doxx this fat fuck
Nothing yet
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But >>107646503 is not Moldova...

Fuck thats depressing man, its the death of a good country.

This is gonna be the whole world in another 100 years too.
You tell him Moldova
Coloured refers to the mixed race people created when some of the Dutch colonialists of the early Cape colony had sex with the Malagasy/Malay slaves as well as some Khoi-San women.

So coloureds are a mixture of these groups and many identify more with the Afrikaner as they helped shape and adopted the culture.
put it down

The one on the far left.

Look at the lustful, animalistic desperation in his nigger eyes to get a view of the ugly dyke's saggy white tits. She might as well be a 10 to this atavistic monkey.

Look at the intense stare in his eyes, the eager craning of the neck to get a better view, and his hand pushing the other man out of the way, all happening on a subconscious, reflexive level.

Niggers are animals.
Is this lardplanet asking people to fuck it because it can't get laid otherwise?

yeah, 48K dead over 42 years that included a 26 year long border war that culminated with the largest battle in Africa since WWII (Cuito Cuanvale and a resounding ZA victory).

new ZA beats that number every two years.
Is South Africa proof that whites won't wake up as the minority?
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Nieuw-Boere-Republiek when?
Im depressed now.
That fat fuck is why Hillary Clinton lost the election.
Its not that we are not waking up.We cant do anything because we are a minority and everybody hates white people.We are afraid that if we do anything we will be genocided or the goverment will take away what we have left
I hate white people because the only people that are like this whale are white people.
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White in South Africa means something else, than "White" elsewhere...
90% of "white" property owners in South Africa are jews...

Kom naar Nederland broeders
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What?Maybe the English but Afrikaners are not jews
I honestly thought this fat fuck was a guy.

There's a presumption that when everything goes to shit, white people will stop accepting it and things will turn around.

South Africa seems to show that even when blacks have ruined everything, within living memory, and whites are violently killed, there are still groups in the country which say whites are the problem and there's still only a token opposition party to give political representation.
This picture perfectly resembles what going on in her fucked mind.
Your pic is not right and I see it pretty often here.
The Bolsheviks were surely on the forefront on spreading the word and the whole idea behind it, but it was this guy who introduced it
>Pratt is associated with the first recorded use of the word "racism", which he used in 1902 to criticize against racial segregation, as well as the phrase "kill the Indian... and save the man" in reference to the efforts to educate Native Americans
We also have a fucking liberal problem.Its all the rich english white millenials that live in Cape Town.
Stop whining and take action.

Enemies are for killing. Debate is irrelevant. Purge the disease within the body politic.

You can't talk the enemy to death, kid.
Those damned white people
With their language
And their clothing
And their architecture
We wuz kangs
Beauty, glamour; we all want to attain it, but some of us are fucked from the get-go. Must turn you into this.
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>coutrie kicks out white people

>within 3 years drought comes

>nogs beg for white man to comeback

This could be the USA. Nigs are the scourge of our time.
Why not kill white people?
american liberals are just so cringeworthy and awkward for the rest of the world.

Who will pay your bennies, Mehmet, if not the white people?
What the hell is his flag then? It says unknown
> http://www.google.com/search?q=south+africa+property+owners+jewish

The (((fact checkers))) just claim, that the numbers cannot be verified, because statistics do not include religion...

What does jewkipedia say about that:

> In 2013 ANC Western Cape leader Marius Fransman claimed ninety-eight percent of land and property owners in Cape Town are “white” and “Jewish”. The accusation turned out to be false.[8]

> 8^ Allison, Simon (2013-10-16). "Africa Check: No evidence to support ANC leader's claim that 98% of property owners in Cape Town are 'white' and 'Jewish'". Daily Maverick. Retrieved 2014-02-18.

Does "Turned false" mean "No evidence is maintained" ?
I am registered at the nhs and nin, i can move back to southall.

And I've forgot link here: >>107658905
Cape town is the liberal capital of Africa
I think one of her killers later went and killed another person.
damn is this what happens when you worship Satan?
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Andorra maybe.
>New Zealand
Fight fire with fire.
Create a fuck black people exhibit.
What is the cure for such disorders? Beatings.

>get killed
sheep have evolved and they are able to file rape accusations
When you're so fat that you start to look androgynous
>a visit to New York
found the problem. USA post the 1950s was a mistake
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>tfw my waifu lives in SA.
I'm going to get murderer aren't I

Just download her to you're hard drive.
I like it better when they were spraying paint out there posterior.
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Like you say though, it only started being used widely when Trotsky popularized it and when Communists gained more power in the 30s though. He wasn't the first to use it, but it's how it gained greater adoption.


Even (((Wikipedia))) acknowledged that before that it was hardly used and the meaning wasn't as set in stone.

>An entry in the Oxford English Dictionary (2008) defines racialism simply as "An earlier term than racism, but now largely superseded by it," and cites it in a 1902 quote.[13] The revised Oxford English Dictionary cites the shortened term "racism" in a quote from the following year, 1903.[14][15][16] It was first defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race", which gives 1936 as the first recorded use. Additionally, the Oxford English Dictionary records racism as a synonym of racialism: "belief in the superiority of a particular race". By the end of World War II, racism had acquired the same supremacist connotations formerly associated with racialism: racism now implied racial discrimination, racial supremacism and a harmful intent. (The term "race hatred" had also been used by sociologist Frederick Hertz in the late 1920s.)

>As its history indicates, popular use of the word racism is relatively recent. The word came into widespread usage in the Western world in the 1930s, when it was used to describe the social and political ideology of Nazism, which saw "race" as a naturally given political unit.[17] It is commonly agreed that racism existed before the coinage of the word, but there is not a wide agreement on a single definition of what racism is and what it is not.
>This file is too large to transfer to your hard drive please try again or cancel.
How is Joburg? My Southie girl lives there and she comes to the US for 9 months out of the year for work. She hates blacks with a passion. For the first month of our relationship I had to explain to her that saying Nigger in America is basically the same as saying cuffer (how ever you spell that shit). And she would always be upset when we went out and there were Niggers at the same places we went to

Even worse than cape town.
Joburg is a hellhole
The East Rand is fine though
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An exhibition about mental illness?
What is the best way to convince one of your women to leave your shithole country? She has some family there

Prospects of a good and secure life with similar assets of current home. Seeing that Europe is full of mud and America sissified, few countries are a good substitute. Why would you want her to leave anyway, come here and join the fun.
Where in the states can you find women who more often than not hate niggers?

It could be a word of warning. "Fuck white people because if you fuck niggers you turn out like me."
To steal.
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You mean Holohoax? Lying kike.


The only time South Africa was ever a decent place

>Armenian genocide

Committed by Arabs

Fuck outta here you kike rat.
I want to believe this. Really I do.
I just don't.
Not really anywhere anymore. Your best bet is rural towns. But even then they have access to todays main stream media so if they dont have niggers to show their true colors then its likely they will fall for the melanin jew. I would say Southern states like Georgia, Alabama, Tennesse etc. As their cities have high crime rates due to niggers so the smaller towns are generally redpilled. Stay away from cities. Theyre filthy and full of faggots
I would if i could defend myself. But apparently you have to prove someone was trying to kill you if you shoot them. And I also want to make more money than $4.75 a day
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Armenian genocide wasn't commited by Arabs but Turks you dumb fuck
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here's a redpill you haven't taken yet: Mexicans aren't that bad, they only cause problems in this country because they adapt nigger culture. many Mexicans are very Catholic, and many adult Mexican males are the hardest working motherfuckers around.

but Mexicans, especially young Mexicans, just like young Native Americans, are assimilating, but not into white Western culture, but into degenerate nigger culture. they even call each other "nigga" and shit like that.

remove the blacks that aren't contributing to society (most of them, numbers-wise), and send them back to Africa where they've evolved to happily thrive. use taxpayer money to support them somewhat, but only at arm's length. notions of "we should just kill all of [x] race" are fucking stupid, edgelord "solutions" to the world's problems/

all sub-races of the human race have their own positive qualities and negative qualities, but the degenerate nigger culture that's become so pervasive in the West in recent decades is covering all of that up with a massive smear of shit.

I genuinely feel bad for all races that aren't white or Asian or Indian, because degenerate nigger culture is preventing them from realizing their true potential and integrating their unique racial qualities into the greater white Western society.

even the most "white pride"-ful among us can no longer afford to ignore this, because now the degeneracy is spreading to whites at an alarming pace (see: OP). this is mostly due to the viral nature of the Internet, and the white man's ingrained nature of self-flagellation and self-punishment. only a few decades ago, we were almost entirely Christian, which is a faith that puts these values to use, making use better people for it. now the memes of atheism, nihilism, ""science"", ""climate change"", etc. have driven the white man away from the very thing that both united and grounded us as a society.
He's a big guy
>slaves in poland
What? Where do i get one?
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I'm not without hope, though. I was genuinely shocked that white women overwhelmingly voted for Trump, which proves that I still have much to learn about the beautiful nature of our society (that could have only been given to us by a divine and wonderful God).

seriously, think about it. what drove white women to choose to vote for Trump over Clinton? on paper, they "should've" voted for Clinton, because identity is one of the most powerful persuaders, especially in today's society. was it because women, especially white women, are innately competitive with each other, and are secretly jealous of Hillary's fame and power? was it because Trump exudes "alpha male" leader-ness from every pore in his body, 24/7, and no matter what women SAY, THIS is what they actually want, to be led by a powerful man?

there are probably many other additional factors that I haven't even considered, but either way: white women undoubtedly played a major role in saving this country from certain doom just a scant few months ago, even though I've been taking redpills left and right about how uselessly overemotional and illogical women are.

when you step back and look at the bigger picture, you can't help but be in awe of how wonderful and mysterious our world truly is. it's easy to fall into the trap of "we're all gonna die", "this is the end of Western civilization", "white are done for", etc., but I believe our world is more complex and beautiful than that.

despite overwhelming odds, Trump won the election. even if he turns out to be the worst President ever, the fact that he got elected in spite of all the modern progressive bullshit throw at him gives me insane amounts of hope for the future of my species.

our society has been corrupted, but it can and will be saved.
Met a SA girl here once. Liberia is a shithole but she still said she liked it better here than down there. Then again the shithole is always greener if Africa. Everyone always thinks their life will get better in some other dumpster country.
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>here's a redpill you haven't taken yet: Mexicans aren't that bad, they only cause problems in this country because they adapt nigger culture. many Mexicans are very Catholic, and many adult Mexican males are the hardest working motherfuckers around.

If that were true, Mexico would be in much better shape than it is now. But as it is, it's crime-ridden, rife with poverty and misery, and run by Cartels, has been for a long time. When they bring crime and that culture to the US, it's not just because of niggers, it's because it's how it is in their country.

While Mexicans aren't quite as bad as niggers, they pose a bigger existential threat to the US in the long run because of their birth rate, and the rate at which they come to the US, whether it's legally or illegally. Unless something major happens in Africa to justify something like the influx of Muslim refugees in Europe, black demographics should mostly stabilize in the US for the foreseeable future, as they have for decades before that. Other demographics, not so much. Also they vote for Democrats in 70-80% of cases, so it will make it impossible for Americans to protect their interests just because of demographic realities.

>Hispanics are also divided over how much of a common identity they share with other Americans. About half (47%) say they consider themselves to be very different from the typical American. And just one-in-five (21%) say they use the term “American” most often to describe their identity. On these two measures, U.S.-born Hispanics (who now make up 48% of Hispanic adults in the country) express a stronger sense of affinity with other Americans and America than do immigrant Hispanics.
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This is true. You can say "fuck white people" all you want and liberals will congratulate you. People are even using the term "white male" as an insult and seem to think it's ok.

These same idiots are acting shocked and disgusted as the rise of white nationalism, as if it's coming out of nowhere. I really hope liberals keep this up, it's going to reach a breaking point and they will not be on the winning end. Seriously, fuck the left.
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>While Mexicans aren't quite as bad as niggers, they pose a bigger existential threat to the US in the long run because of their birth rate, and the rate at which they come to the US, whether it's legally or illegally.

sure, but at least the adult males are largely the hardest-working physical laborers around, compared to the base, degenerate nigger. the unaffected-by-niggerdom Mexican knows how to work hard, take pride in his work, feel satisfaction in having done work, and provide for his family. these concepts are wholly lost on most people of African ancestry.
how has he not been ravaged by baboons?
>blacks being treated as second class citizens in their own ancestral lands is not acceptable

Why is that not acceptable? The lighter skinned races have a god-given destiny to rule and steward the planet, full stop.

Second-class people are treated like second class citizens, as we do with the severely disabled.
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>who are keen to experience the kinds of oppression that they have used against indigenous people of this country

I thought the blacks from South Africa weren't natives of that region, didn't they moved there after the european arrival?
Yes,whites were in the cape before blacks
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We DO like to fuck white people, what's his point?
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If you haven't noticed, history is always rewritten to make whites look bad.

When people bring up American slavery to talk about racism, they almost never talk about the fact that black Africans enslaved themselves first, before selling their own black slaves to Jews who then sold them to Americans and brought them to the US on the boats they owned. They'll never bring up that the amount of white Americans who owned slaves was relatively small and that even free blacks and Jews owned slaves in the US. They'll amost never bring up the Arab slave trade, or the fact that most slaves weren't shipped to America. Or the fact that black Africans have more black slaves right now than Americans ever did at any point in time in the US.

Similarly, they will always try to hide the fact that whites built South Africa and had the land before black Africans started claiming it as their own.

Nah, it looks more like he's viewing a train wreck
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I come from a very "privileged" background and home, but I was taught a very important lesson by my father at a young age: "If he's brown, shoot him down".
Shoot first, think later. I'm white, therefore rich, I can always get a good lawyer afterwards.
But Botswana was independent since 1966
Super Cellulite Bros
I keep telling you goys, fat dykes hate white men the most, moreso than kikes.
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prep the tyres
we spit roasting a pig tonight

I live in Cape Town

These people are fucking insane. They are the most delusional liberals in the world.
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what the fuck
>fat ugly mantits

this faggot needs to lose some serious weight before making modern "art"
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>tfw a Jew did a live-saving operation on me in Israel
I guess I'm a Zionist now

Another liberals ignoring black on white statistics in order to appear progressive.
Why are there still white people in South Africa?

I thought they would have been raped to death or run off by now
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Independence is what led to unrestrained population growth and them being hit the hardest by the AIDS pandemic. Although Botswana is one of the few countries that somewhat recovered because they didn't go full retard with revolutions.
Aids is what happened to them.
I kind of thought so
Thanks guys
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>mfw it has a bigger dick than me
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Do you think it realizes the googles are laughing at it?

Not all Nazis gassed jews
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This guy to save the world.
>funded by mostly white taxpayers
I would like to make something like this with FUCK BLACK PEOPLE
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Not much different from how we or European countries use our tax dollars to fund shit like this.

Where does the conquista is in your narrative, cuck?
all those nogs shitting up the beach...
Whales probably prefer us to the Japanese
>funded mostly by black taxpayers
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musselmemes are my favorite
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Don't worry, it's not even a penis.
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c'mon how else is the average hamplanet supposed to garner attention for their "art" ?
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Absolutely rare
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>this ain't even my final form.jpg
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