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Children harassed on bus last night by two Albanian refugees

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>According to two different sources from the town of Reykjanesbær, a group of children called the police from inside of a bus when two Albanian immigrants began harassing them. They are described to have both kissed and fondled the children.
>Police apprehended the two suspects at 4pm yesterday and let them off with a mere slap on the wrist. However, within an hour the men were back to harassing children on the bus.
>Upon hearing this, the police went to bring the two suspects into custody and subsequent interrogation when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.
>In a later facebook post by one of the children's guardians, it was revealed that the two suspects have been deported and are to leave the country tomorrow.

even when they only make up 0.0001% of my country's population, they still pull shit like this-- and the mainstream media won't even bother to report on it
what can I do to illustrate the threat of ficki ficki to my countrymen before it's too late, /pol/?
>even when they only make up 0.0001% of my country's population, they still pull shit like this

I remember this being the case in Japan too, they took in something like 5 shitskins and one of them raped a Japanese girl.
>when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.

At least they're being deported.
>it was revealed that the two suspects have been deported and are to leave the country tomorrow
m8 be happy your country has the balls to at least do SOMETHING useful
how the fuck did an albanian get to Iceland?

>even Iceland is getting brown'ed

>Albanian refugees

Wow, the Syrian Civil War erupted in Turkey, spread to Greece, and then up to Albania? Wow... makes one ponder...

I hope you throw them out of your country, or in prison and mark them as child molesters
we should have let serbia clean up the balkans
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this isn't even the first time this has happened
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5, still behave as subhumans

I don't see how anyone lets people diddle kids. In America even in prison you are looked at like slime and treated worse.
I thought your country was based. guess I was wrong.
An arab here raped an old women in a church yard.

I've never met an arab here and yet somehow the only one goes and rapes an old women. I hate muslim scum so much.

So I can rape some kids and you will only deport me not put me in prison?
we've only accepted around 50 refugees so we're pretty okay in that regard, but make no mistake-- the country's still infested with feminist nonsense and globalists
Know of any good places to buy guns? I'm not going to let these shitskins lay a hand on my brother without a fight
how do you even become a albanian refugee?
fucking hell yuropeans. Burgerland is far from perfect but those two would have been beaten to a pulp here at least, not protected. kek
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That's your albanian intellectuals for ya.

God i can't wait for NATO to fall so we can slaughter these subhumans.
that's what it seems like. well at least you have good data privacy laws. that is something to be proud of.
>lay a hand on my brother

Is he cute? Post his feet.
they're officially considered refugees or asylum seekers under the law even though they're not fleeing anything
one of the children's parents even comments on this in the article
>Don't confuse these people with the Syrian families that flee war and famine. These are Albanian men-- criminals. These are facts.
>Upon hearing this, the police went to bring the two suspects into custody and subsequent interrogation when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.

What the fuck. There really is a huge difference in mentality between the West and the East. IF the same happened here, the crowd would have fucking lynched those two shitskins
>be little island far away from the european mainland
>beg for refugees
>get refugees
Ammazing. Also if I go to iceland will all the women be wanting to get enriched with the fingol seed to add to your genetic diversity?
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Redpilled Scandinavians have a duty to hone in their Dexter skills.

The law is against what you know is right, but what would piss off liberals and shitskins more than killing them and being able to get away with it?

But why do I even ask? We all know you won't do anything.
hahah they got it coming, nobody messes with Shqiperia, te qifsha pidhin
we can't own or import guns unless they're for hunting, lad
how the hell did they get that far ?
I am hunting
>"Ali and Majeh were later deported from Iceland and sent to neighboring Norway."
I'd say people are pissed that there's ISIS among refugess. And rightfully so.

reminder that this poster is a gaygreek from /int/

>two albanians in the whole country
>they manage to get arrested for harassment twice and deported
>Albanian refugees
>Albanian immigrants
haha if you say so
veiðihúsið is a good place to start

HEY THEY'RE POLITICAL RUFUGEES ALBANIO BONTANA! and I want my political refugee rights like Jimmy Carter said.

Mun veiða fíla innan skamms
if that war happened today instead of in 1996 the world would have let them.
It's an unofficial death sentence.
99% of sexual offenders go into protective custody.
All PCs are flight on sight, regardless of why you're in protective custody.
very few information on the culprits
why is that
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And i thought icelanders were cool.

amerifat with 40 guns wishes you a great bounty on your hunt

Last white bastion my ice
godspeed bróðir
this is the only news outlet I could find that was reporting on this
it's most likely that this matter is being hushed down
Is it one of those cases where you have an old and outdated law that nobody bothers to deactivate. Also was that 30 strong mob also albanians?
Godspeed, iceanon.
>this is the only news outlet I could find that was reporting on this
>matter is being hushed down

yeah a feminist crazy country not talking about kid molesting how believable
At least we deport our """""""refugees""""""""
these turkish refugees that raped a japanese and took $50 off her purse?

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Alboroaches are trully scum they need to be genocided. Disgusting inbred ugly rapists and criminals
>even when they only make up 0.0001% of my country's population,
So you could solve the problem in an afternoon?
t. Pedo

Go back to /balt/
irelevant procetange fag

Muslim culture is to shame women who are not covered and impragnate them to have muslim chilren and take over

A Muslim isn't a mulism unless he Jihads !
no surprise from an albanian
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>icelandic education
Jump to 4:13

i'm not entirely sure
but i'm pretty sure the mob that arrived to defend them were not albanians-- not enough of them living here to begin with
they are at an impasse my lad
even if they do hate kiddie diddlers, they also don't want to blacken the name of refugees


Seriously? When they pull crap like this, you respond with a no-shit show of force that reminds them who is in charge. You cannot allow them to pull off this kind of crap. Stamp it out now, or deal with a much worse problem later.
multiKULTural enrichment
Jesus christ, they are not white

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Alboroach genocide when?
Wow I didn't know that the Yugoslav wars were still going on
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Don't you know that Iceland is ancient abanian clay , you are trespassing on sacred albanian land those children are offerings , you must vacate their land.You have been warned
Yep, "Europeans" coming in as refugees. Albanians confirmed for Muslim shitskins.

NOW GTFO. Europe and the Anglosphere would be so much better off with only Northern Europeans.

What do you shitskins contribute anyways? We do most of the innovation, most of the breadwinning, most of the everything.
I meant /balk/

Now go back
they were not refugees according to your link
i find it bullshit that there is only one page talking about them with vague information

but then all would be left in greece would be shitskins
>At least we deport our """""""refugees""""""""

Yeah, to Norway lmao
Abania is the only predominantly 'Muslim' country where almost ALL the 'Muslims' don't practice it or give two shits about being Muslim and IN FACT WEAR GOLD CROSSES

>Upon hearing this, the police went to bring the two suspects into custody and subsequent interrogation when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.

>be leftard
>be pro child molestation
>be morally superior
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They are not even human. Here a gang of alboroach criminals murdered an elderly Greek couple


Seriously gas them all
Not our fault the Norwegians want them
ah yes, a classic
>We do most of the innovation, most of the breadwinning, most of the everything.

That would be the asians not whites.
That mob was probably more refugees

how does it feel to be in a state of mob rule?
I wasn't blaming you, I just found it hilarious that they are Norway's problem now
god theyre so visibly disgusting.

do any albanians assimilate?
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>Even Iceland is infested
well where are we gonna move now to get away from all the albos here?
kill yourself fag, we've been around longer than you steppe niggers
Iceland is supposed to be based...

You dealt with the bankruptcy of your entire country in the best way possible.

You actually jailed bankers, and got your country running again, back from the abyss.

And now you allow Albanian shitskins to do this? And people actually protect them?

You inbred cocksuckers.
That's what you get for following nato politics

Usa supported Albania and kosovo and Bosnia

Now enjoy thei rapefugees and Muslim scum rapinf you
this is what albanians in greece are really like

>they were not refugees according to your link
while I don't have any concrete proof (I'd need their credentials for that), most of the people coming here from shitskin countries apply as asylum seekers/refugees here even if they aren't fleeing anything
that way they get enormous amounts of welfare, while to get here on your own terms you're going to need a good education and preferably a job offer
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Not really mainly because they have a very low IQ. Went to high school with many Albos not a single one went to university. Most of them 10 years later either sell weed or are unemployed.
Geia exeis twitter?

what are the christian albanians like? Since they didnt mix with Truks i'd expect them to be basically the same as other Balkans
Albos have some distinct phenotypes but it's a meme that they look particularly different overall. mostly Albanian and Greek nationalists don't like the idea
You can be proud of yourselves now Europe, you stopped us from eradicating them from existence, now enjoy the enrichment.
No they're in my apartment building /house. They speak their disgusting language and act like ghetto
Asians do most of the breadwinning and innovation? Top kek

Is it a coincidence that Asian countries that have adopted WHITE civilization have a much higher innovation and GDP per capita than China or any other traditional Asian country?

Face it, whites are superior in every way. (Except for you southerners). Northern/Middle Italians who can prove the same amounts of nordic ancestry as Fance/Germany are okay, but onyl if they can prove it.
Why do Euro police always let there suspects friends hang around so close to them, they are literally having to push them away. It always looks so bizarre compared to North America
Iceland has finally been DIVERSED!
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Albos are largely atheistic so there isn't much difference

What I mean is they are not shit because of religion they are shit because of their genes
no one in the Balkans mixed with Turks, not even the Muslims. it's a meme. Turks have substantial Central Asian admixture that doesn't show in the Balkans
no tests were made on that you shilling retard
you're only two points above
Flottur handladur afur islendingur!

It absolutely infuriates me a crowd of people tried to stop them from dealing justice to worthless parasites.

I want the day of the rope this fucking instant.
Shitskins are subhuman filth that rape little girls.

They need to be exterminated
You invited them there, deal with it
So have the chinks and Egyptians. What have they accomplished?

>muh ancient civilization

who the fuck cares? Flat, linear progress as opposed to rockets, neural computer networks, and genetic engineering? GTFO.
White people have become too polite and tolerant.
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really hate to see this disgustig flag on this board.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Albanian refugees
Icelandic gurls trying to protect them poooooooor refugees.

Lmao white women fucking deserve to die fucking disgusting swine
>link with vague information
>/pol/feminazis already full defensive mode
like clockwork
Huh, I had no idea Portufags were that dumb.

This is probably because of the influx of niggers from Angola and Mozambique, and hues from Brazil.
literally subhuman
not worse than a diaspora nigger hiding behind a foreign flag
T. chinaman with a greek proxy.

Fuck Greeks, FUCK CHINA, fuck Albanians, fuck T*rks, J*ws, and fuck everyone else but indigenous hunter-gatherer Europeans turned moon colonizers and aerocraft manufacturers,
kys albanian faggot.

literally the only thing good about your country is that you have a cool flag.
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I should've expected this from the worst fucking country on the planet.
this is debatable.
well, you have the worst reputation in all Europe on par of that of the rapefugees, sure it's not fair to gang up on you like that, but you have to understand that most people in here have had many unpleasant confrontations with your kind before. I have almost daily unpleasant confrontations with your kind as a matter of fact.
wrong. I rather would invite five niggers and five jews to my house than one filthy albanian.
remove yourselves from the balkans you scum.
more sources here
it should be on the front page of these news sites because it was published just last night but I had to go off-trail to actually find these, which leads me to believe that this is in fact being hushed down
I wasn't talking about innovation or anything, you cuckfag. I was talking about you having the nerve to tell us to GTFO. GTFO your stolen lands, faggot and shut the fuck up. your ancestors kept jerking each other off until 500 years ago

Europe belongs to us, steppe asiatic mongrel

that site is completely wrong, Lynn's estimates of Albanian IQ are even lower than Rindermann's and both calculate it in the lower 80s, way lower than any other European country and even Turkey

but that isn't the whole story, anyway. IQ in Albania is very environmentally depressed, Albania even had iodine deficiencies until recently
i trued your statement i guess my debatable post

You are right though. My dad always says that you can't thrust them no matter what. They have being assholes in the blood they are born with it.
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Refugees? But Albania is not at war for fuck sake.
Is every Muslim now refugee?
I know that my country is not based. I didn't claim that. It feels bad that something like this is happening in Iceland.
yeah better believe some shitty news about some northener fishing for replies trying to make his country look like a victim of refugees

kill yourself serbitch
Agree with half of this. 10 niggers, no jews. Actually, no niggers, jews, albanians, greeks, italians, portuguese, spaniards, croatians, slavs, etc. Not-shit-Europe for notshitEuropeans.

Albania for the Albanians. Greece for the Greeks. Northern and Central Europe for Northern and Central Europeans.
>A Muslim isn't a mulism unless he Jihads !
We need more Romanians that are redpilled on Muslims. The invasion is starting now in Romania and the fucking normies watch Turkish soap operas and eat shaorma. We're going to be screwed in 10 years
You should have let us remove them for good. Now your kids get raped in public transport.
Why? What do you expect from liberal feminist country?
>the mainstream media won't even bother to report on it
Really? Do they even have anything else to talk about in a country with 300k inhabitants? I would expect to read even the most insignificant thing
Cant wait for the next war faggot, its been a long time since we had some fun.
>in Iceland

jesus christ
yes swissbro I refered to that filthy one
everyone who met albanians will hate them for the rest of his life. disgusting people
noone wants to invade romania. ur safe vlad.

fukin kek
this is the white icelandic men posting here >>69871010
the USA will be majority Hispanic and East Asian and we'll all be laughing. hide in your closet, gay white boy
What are the chances those two cucks are part of a group that helped bring over refugees.
Technology and science isn't a white achievement. The ancient Chinese and Indian civilisations for example were older and more advanced than European ones.
Even now in the US, asians are the top earners and top achievers and you really can't beat Japan and Korea at tech. Maybe on weapons technology.
No large city in US is even half White anymore.
ur forgetting that a lot of spics are white and sometimes identify with whites more. like the cubans in florida who voted majority trump.
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>most innovation
Never mind, misread the headline.
>serv trying to look tough on the internet
i'm laffin
just like you pussied out when the bulgar called you in a fight

i've seen you a lot to know you're diasporashit
I'm not even talking about this instance.
Albania is a meme-tier country filled with subhuman farmer-grade cocksuckers that like to contaminate the rest of europe with their idiocy and criminality.

What the fuck have albanians ever achieved?
Move to China and India then.
>let them off with a mere slap on the wrist
>a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.

Yep, only a matter of 5-10 years before you get to Sweden cuckoldery level.

This is what (((christianism))) does to you...
They threw out the corrupt bankers, have good data privacy laws, have awesome geothermal heating, and have strong af dudes. I guess in my mind I created a idealistic utopia, and didn't regard the blue-pilled majority that actually lives there.

Now I have snapped backed to reality at what the average citizens are capable of nowadays.
You say that as if it's a problem exclusive to the US.
Actually not only the balkans, leave the planet while you're at it, NO ONE likes you, even here everyone hates your ass and that should tell you something.
>They are described to have both kissed and fondled the children.

what the fuck? whats wrong with these people?
Uh, no, Northern and Central Europeans have the most indigenous hunter-gatherer DNA from old Europa, the ice age populations.

You know what - keep Southern Europe. I don't give a flying fuck. You guys can have Southern Europe. Stay the fuck out of the Anglosphere

>inb4 but but the Spanish/Ports helped conquer the New World!

you think I give a fuck? It was Northern Europeans who settled North America and Australia, we built it from nothing into a superpower and one of the highest HDI countries in the world, respectively.

The Southern Euros had Latin America - look how well it is doing now!

Hitler lost because he was caught up helping you incompetent clowns fight in Africa. You guys lost to FUCKING ETHIOPIANS - let that sink in. It wasn't just one battle in the Anglo-Zulu War - you guys lost an ENTIRE WAR.

You guys have a history of losing to sand niggers. Occasionally, an Alexander or Leonidas might pop up. But Alexander had blond hair anyways. The Spartans are also debatable.

Useless fuckers, FUCK YOU. A blemish on our race.
You know, I've never heard of an Albanian who wasn't criminal garbage.
there are criminals but for the most part people are okay

>What the fuck have albanians ever achieved?
mother theresa
some actors and singers
monarch who tried to secularize egypt
an astronaut
even 'white' Cubans have a decent percentage of non-white admixture and those are just a minority of all Hispanics in the USA. when US Hispanics become a majority, they'll vote for Rebublicans more since they're generally more conservative. but whites will still get BTFO

look at % increase, South Korea and China are on the up and up
Still better than cukmany, where we can't deport because of missing or forged documents... or if their home country just doesn't want them back, so they can continue to culturally enrich us.
There is more Italians in US then English today.
dua lipa
rita ora
both in uk
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>most innovation

China has a lot catching up to do. They have more pop. than europe and the US combined.
Who,British?British and Irish originally came from Iberian pennisula in north-east Spain from Iberian Celts.
proof that icelanders are the most cucked nordic people, only their geographic situation prevents them from having more shitskins
The only thing Albania deserves is a nuclear holocaust.
You are clearly a chink with a gr*ek proxy.

Fuck both of your countries. muh "thousands of years of civilization!"

Who cares? What have you accomplished in that time period?

China - a shitty "rocket" made from fucking bamboo and some underwater "mines".

Gre*ce - a mirror-arson tool, a hot air "engine".
only reason you don't get shit flinged is because people are retarded enough to fall for the kabab memes while all you did was kill unarmed civilians and get fucked by ottomans
>scientific paper trail
>all of my country's researchers are native

Glad many people in my country aren't sjws. People like these would be killed over here.
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Alright, thanks for those trash outlets.

The males, though. They're all scum, at least when they're away from Albania.
Literally been happening since 2013
shut the fuck up, trolling meme boy. much of the hunter-gatherer in Northern Europe is from Anatolia's non-farmer part and from the hunter-gatherer component of the Indo-Europeans and gets read as 'native'. your brothers are the shitskin steppe descendants in India

Australia is ours. my cousin is already banging a hot Aussie blonde

damn, those wopshit Italians did ok. I have some disagreements with Murray's metholody though, it underrates East Asia and the medieval Muslim world but it's overall ok. it's true that East Asians historically contributed way less than they should have with their high IQ. it's either something else or there was relatively recent selection for high IQ there
All Germanic countries are Cucked and will be first to get destroyed demographically.
t. 4% muzzie
China no. Too much pollution. Kinda like industrial revolution era Britain.
Haha don't be silly, mob killings are only for white paedos.
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Binland is the best :D:D:D
Mayor of London is Muslim Pakistani

yes - I have no problem with Iberians. Especially not the Basque peoples.

After the Moors invaded - they fucked niggered up the gene pool of Spain and Portugal. Also, many nigger slaves were freed and bred w/ local population.
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nowhere is safe
not entirely anyway
Icelandic women are some of the biggest whores out there
I've met several and from what I gather when they all go abroad(most do so) they try and fuck as many foreigners as they possibly can
It's disgusting
Iceland what the fuck, I thought you were based, you're even worse than us.
Nop,those people were Arabs who,and there was strong seggration between Muslims and Christians before Muslims were expelled.
Dumb shitskins destroy every country they live in. Why is anyone surprised? It doesn't require more than 10-15 to destroy an entire community. Iceland will wall and has partially fallen just like the rest of Europe. I say that as someone who lived in Iceland for 3 years and love the country and the people.
Albanian fuck you british fags up and take your women

eat it nigger

Those poor Albanians having to go back to a country at war...

Oh wait a sec.
kek mother theresa, a money-laundering subhuman ape who reveled in the suffering of her subjects.

>some actors and singers
literally every country has this

>monarch who tried to secularized egypt
tried and failed

>an astronaut
affirmative action

try again, Jetmir
Not British. I'm in Ireland it's just because 4chan is retarded and makes me English for some reason.
Fucking wogs out of bjorkland reeeeee
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>they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.
I'm so tired
>it underrates East Asia and the medieval Muslim world but it's overall ok

thats a criticism of the result, not of the methodology.

Also check our exports. Even with china we almost have an even export/import balance because we sell so much production machinery to them (2014: 80 billion imports/75 billion exports).
I've never seen an albanian in the wild. Truly they're stealing all our women.
Says the country that's 20% Muslim and allowing the Chinese to try and match that demographic
Refugee? But Albania is not at war.

This is the scum you help over Serbia really shame.
notice how for ALL our neighbouring countries the percentage is much higher, so obviously we're putting in a lot of effort to keep them away from here

the story OP tells supports my theory. 30 icelanders (like 10 % of your population) showed up to defend 2 albanian child rapists who are not even refugees
>the police went to bring the two suspects into custody and subsequent interrogation when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.
Find these 30 people and assassinate them all.

They want the destruction of your country.
No. Subhuman trash. Serbia should've removed them long ago

>t. my country is infested with them
Just do your patriotic duty and go out and kill the scum migrants
One of the few things that i can agree with my greekfags.
Ireland is just as cuckd
Unless you're in based northern Ireland in which case I concede to your homogeneous basedness
Like i said. Europeans had their time in the spotlight now Asia is rising again. That's how things are.
Falklands seem to be without Muslims actually
You don't know much about Russia.
i'm still waiting for the the info

for some reason crazy feminazis choose to excuse children molesters when even here they are beaten and killed in jail
the highest % of sub-Saharan ancestry in Iberia is like 3%, autist and some of it has been around since the Bronze Age. see haplogroup L in Bell Beaker

>thats a criticism of the result, not of the methodology.

yeah but the problem IS the metholody. checking names off a few encyclopedias and seeing how often they're repeated. of course you'll have a western bias even if the west were pre-eminent
Its because they havn't got the best looks. Therefore
>omg more men?? BETTER FOR ME! YAY
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>I remember this being the case in Japan too, they took in something like 5 shitskins and one of them raped a Japanese girl.
Ever even been to Ireland? Northern Ireland is the cuckiest of them all.
>there was strong seggration between Muslims and Christians before Muslims were expelled.
Oh you are funny Ivan
Segregation my ass, the kebab raped legions of Spanish women then sent them back to their cuck husband's to raise the children
>a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the rapefugees

Are your people so cucked/(((influenced))) or were they just your average leftist retards? At least you deport the scum like you should
serbia is literally known for raping underage kids with facts
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>notice how for ALL our neighbouring countries the percentage is much higher
>At least we're not as bad as Sweden

Lad you're the second most cucked Nordic country
>it's either something else or

probably shitty conformity and consensus driven culture. and no appreciation of abstraction, logic and proof.

>there was relatively recent selection for high IQ there

no evidence for this. seems unlikly desu. you need quite strong selection effects to get 1/3 sd increase in a few hundred years.

today china is dysgenic like pretty much every country.


> The ancient Chinese and Indian civilisations for example were older and more advanced than European ones.

In what way, Giannis?
Kung Fu?
Fried rice spices?
I know plenty
And you are at least(probably more) 20% muslim
Ffs legitimate estimates(sic: not government propaganda) places you at only 97-113 million Ethnic Russians
You're a fucking joke
Why would their husbands raised foreign children? Ever heard of abortion?
And yes, segregations between different groups were very present in past even if Multiculti America.
Yeah - you guys consider yourselves superior - but resort to muh cock as an argument.

Your idea of "hot" and my standards are totally different.

This is what niggers, Gre*ks, chinks, etc do.

German: We have accomplished a lot of innovations in science, technology, and exponential progress in mathematics.

Greek: OH YEAH???WELL AT LEAST OUR COUNTRIES AREN'T cucked (implying any shitskin would want to go to a worse shithole than they left) and LOOK: Euclid drew some shapes!

Italian: SPQR pride, 2000 years of civilization, muh cock.

Nigger: BLACKED/muh cock/whites are a minority lol

Chink: muh gunpowder, muh "seismograph", muh paper and movable part, muh compass, "rocket", and muh 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years of uninterrupted "civilization"!

German: We contribute a lot more than you to the European economy.

Pitas: At least we can REMOVE KEBAB! Your women crave our dicks!
>>Police apprehended the two suspects at 4pm yesterday and let them off with a mere slap on the wrist. However, within an hour the men were back to harassing children on the bus.
>>Upon hearing this, the police went to bring the two suspects into custody and subsequent interrogation when they were stopped in their tracks by a mob of 30 people who had gathered to protect the two refugees.
The fuck is wrong with Nordic countries. The viking wars removed all testosterone from your gene pool

That mob should have lynched those two faggots
Most popular name for babies in Germany and Sweden is Muhammad lol
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>refugees in iceland
What are you talking about? Every Icelandic woman I've ever seen as been no less than a 7.5(clearly I am talking below the age of 30)
In fact I've never even met or seen an Irish SJW not even on the internet. I've only known 1 feminist who was Irish but that's all.
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blame it on feminism that recently obtained a stranglehold on Icelandic society
we now have annual slutwalks and "free the nipple" days and other such garbage
i've already given you more sources that confirm the same thing and you still seem to underestimate the cognitive dissonance feminists are willing to go through to defend refugees, even if it means allowing them go unpunished for diddling kids
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>HAHAHA cucks!

Oh? And our countries deported them now did they?

Nordic countries take everything to the extreme - that is why.
G.E.R. Lloydd and Richard Nisbett have written some interesting things on the potential differences of "West" and "(far) East"

I don't resort to muh dik as a serious argument, just want to prey on the sexual insecurities of white cucks. anyway, stop trolling and accept that China is gonna take over diz bitch
>the other people on the bus don't take them out and make them bite a curb

Shipping, astronomy, metallurgy etc. Let's not forget about Egypt and Mesopotamia too.
>Northern Ireland is the cuckiest of them all.
You're joking right?
Literally the only people in all of Europe who unanimously say no to kebab and attack/berate them until they leave
You sound like a jealous cunt, I hate the northern Irish myself but there is no way in hell I'm going to deny the only place besides Burma that days no to the moon nigger scourge
Are you stupid?
And that has exactly what to do with what I said? Don't avoid truth little cuck
>Literally the only people in all of Europe who unanimously say no to kebab and attack/berate them until they leave
They are faggots. You must be normie as fuck to think that they are any kind of based.

Funnyyou should say that: earlier today, I was thinking that a mere 10 generations ago our ancestors would have simply killed these people before breakfast.

the contract we made with the state when we gave up our rights to protect ourselves has been broken.
Use your present major outlets that a majority of icelanders use or become one and regularly report on shitskins being shitskins.
Oh I know mate
>we now have annual slutwalks and "free the nipple" days and other such garbage
This I did not know, serves you right for choosing Bongistan to get your media/entertainment from. Should have just stayed isolated fambalamb
Sorry for your loss
one says two men, the other says several men
other is a copy pasta of the other

where is the info on culprits?

Not trolling. I have to go to work.

Anyways, China and Gre*ce will never rise again. China's paper tiger economy will crash soon enough. Either that or Trump will nuke them into oblivion. Or some white nationalist leader will somewhere down the line.

REAL Europeans will always stay strong. Our genes will live on until the end of time. We will colonize the universe. We will become the figures of legend. Blond hair and blue eyes shall never die out. Alien civilizations will speak of us in legends.

Hail EUROPA. Hail victory. Hail the Nordics, especially Hallstatt Nordics.
ive read nisbetts book on this topic. interesting but i hate that he always discounts the possibility of genetic differences with weak as fuck arguments.
No but you are stupid and Anglo countires in general are world leaders in promoting Multiculturalism.
US Canada Australia Britain heck you don't even know who is who anymore.
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>even when they only make up 0.0001% of my country's population, they still pull shit like this


No, I was just ill-informed. See >>106948330
they should be deported along with the rapefugees
how come there were old people in a children's bus with the driver not noticing?
The list goes on and on but I'm not here to spoon-feed your ignorant ass, learn to educate yourself
>Hallstatt Nordics

Indo-nig detected. PURE CRO-MAGNON HERE

this is why i hate albos
And you think us Irish wouldn't want to get them out???
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This is Icelendic singer Bjork LOL
"nokkrir menn" refers to "couple of men" though I don't fault google translate for not picking up on the context
in any case, when news outlets tried to wring more info from the police, they were simply told that the event had taken place and had already been taken care of
in this case I'm guessing the police didn't see any reason to crucify the two suspects by leaking all of their personal information and wanted this to blow over without anyone knowing who they were-- again, supporting the fact that this is being hushed down
And then who will give birth to Icelandic men?

Stop dividing Northern Europe. The Jew's ultimate goal is to destroy the Nordic ubermensch. Stop giving in. Stop dividing the REAL Europeans.

All Nordic and Scandinavian countries, along with Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and the UK - we must unite and conquer. We have no other choice. Our genes shall spread throughout the universe and live on until the end of time.
I call bullshit on this because sources say different things and >>106951376
>threw out corrupt bankers
when you're literally related to everyone in your country. It's not hard to get rid of people that are shit.

>data priv laws

>geothermal heating
it's just their location.

>strong af
fisherman but they also have nu-males.
ocтaј ги кoј ги eбe
>Anglo countires
We were never an Anglo country, even at the height of their power in the mid 1700's they still weren't anything more than a minority group like everyone else.
Learn more about America before you post
Germanic Europe is the most pro faggot, pro liberal pro-feminist pro-migrant part LOL
Oh wow - some Icelanders have some Native American DNA. That means Northern Europeans should just say FUCK IT to purity and import trillions and zillions of niggers, chinks, wops, Gre*ks, and kikes to breed with us. Hey - why not?
I know plenty
You guys are cucks to the extreme and shit all over the hard work the IRA put in to make you a sovereign nation again.
I am talking about English speaking countries.
>Trump will nuke them into oblivion.
You know the Chinese can take huge losses right? Can you? No. They can also launch nukes at your meme cunt. Trump will do shit. He's just a cuck loudmouth. That's how low white countries have fallen.

By the way - this post was SARCASM. We should definitely not do this at all.
>>106946960 mi xathume

>Germanic Europe
Bongs are not Germanic at all, they are dirty mutts of their own breed just like russia
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Why would you put Greeks and Niggers in same sentance? You really are delusional. Your country alsready has every race on earth.

Let's not forget about the Malians with their universities too,
and them Khmer - they get fully upgraded arbalests.
Then say that
English speaking countries =/= Anglo
America kind of ruins that as a possibility
Hell around croatia they are proud of their albanian "brothers" bunch of communist cunts here.
>Trump will do shit for Greece and let them burn themselves to the ground like the laughable mongrels they are
200 nukes vs 7,000 nukes? No second-strike capability via submarine vs nuclear triad? Very few anti-missile technology vs our Patriot Dome knocking down most of their nukes?

How can the chinks compete?

Trump has never, ever been stumped. They named his ancestors Trumpf because they have an aura of unstumpable victory surrounding them. Trumpf means trump card.

They cannot be beaten. Their descendants shall live on the guardians of the white race forever and ever.
Even fucking Turks hate you.
You do know you are talking to Chinese person and not Greek one right?
Some Greeks are Nordics - and these guys are the reason why Greece hasn't completely fallen apart. The REAL Hellas - all those with black hair must BTFO. Greece belongs to the Hellenic blonds living there. OUR PROPERTY.
Like you know shit about the IRA. Nobody I know here even fucking wants refugees here.
Also we don't even have many refugees.
either go ALL THE WAY with Astral Nordics like the other Ameridude, who is pretty funny, or stop
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>last bastion of white race
The world of man has fallen.
Compared to the barbarism that was going on in Europe at the time, yes they were at a higher level.
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>Get an Iceland buddy to chat with, turns out to be some chick
>Talk for a couple weeks
>Hear news of Iceland taking in rapefugees
>She's no longer on
She was taken wasn't she?
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they don't
they're trying to keep good relations with balkan countries
I used to think that - but then I remembered - Golden Dawn would kill any Chinaman living in Greece, and WHY THE FUCK would anybody use a Greek proxy?

Also - Chinese aren't this stupid - they only come pretty close.
>Albanian refugees

Did the Balkans start another war or something?

>native women are protecting the shitskins
>they try to chimp out

erry time

Albanians are possibly the biggest filth ever to pollute our world.
If I had to choose between eradicating niggers and albanians, I would choose albanians every time.
There has never been any historical group called nordic.That term was invented in 19th century by some anthropologists.
There were north Germanic tribes like Norse but they were bunch of primitive barbarians before they accepted Christianity.
Never knew Iceland was cucked
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how could this happen?


for the fucking newcomers who don't bother to read
Sssh 54%er whites are talking.

Go get kidnapped and tortured by dindus you fat autist.
They can't just kill random people or else they would go to prison.
mfw my first Greek gf was pure Nordic and I mongrelized her with my Turkish cum

it's OVER for the Nordic race
The beauty of Albanians is you can spot them from miles away since they always have their flag plastered all over them. At least in the states.
>"Race is just a social construct"

>"outdated anthropologists!"

STFU. WHY are they so intent on discrediting the idea of a Nordic homeland? Why doesn't anybody say there are no such things as Slavs, Greeks, etc? Why only Nordics?

Clearly, the Jew fears the Viking.
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aww maaann

Iceland get your shit together!


for the fucking newcomers who don't bother to read
because some leftie politicians got a law passed under the cloak of night during the last month of their administration, we'll be taking in 500 more over the course of 2017, much to my dismay
i don't believe it says anywhere that the albanians were old, in all likelihood they were likely around fighting age as is customary for all the shitskin refugees that come to europe
as for the bus driver not doing anything, I've got nothing; either unaware or afraid to take action

Yeah - just wait Turkroach. You and your Gre*k gf, and everybody else but Northern Europeans - .................................................................................................

We will rise from our knees again.

Why don't the PEOPLE rise up?
Really huh? That's why China has almost kicked out of SE Pacific. What did you do? Nothing. What will you do? Nothing. Americans believe that Trump will beat China production wise. Laughable.
I'm sorry that BBC or other FOREIGN mainstream media is not covering this for you, but I would not expect us to be so popular out there anyways.

You have been provided sources to that. The first one is raw and is not afraid of being called out for being so direct. However, since over 9 years ago, OUR mainstream media has stopped calling out nationalities of suspects and criminals due to the fear of creating a social stygma towards one ethnic group or another.

The one from mbl (Morgunblaðið) is regarded as one of the biggest news outlets in Iceland. It is even rare for them to admit that suspects are "foreign" at all.

If you are going to call bullshit on Icelandic media reporting on what is happening within its own country, on its own soil, be my guest. I am sure you have quite a lot of knowledge about what is happening here.
Fucking how?

It's still too much
oh now I see what you're on about, you've got the wrong impression
we don't have school buses in Iceland, students use the public ones employed by "straeto.is"
the general public is more cucked than you think
>unknown grown ups can easily enter children buses and no one notices
Because I don't believe in some made up theories created people to feel better about themselves.But there are north Germanic languages.
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Probably come trough here from Swedistan, half the somalis i meet in Oslo speak with a swedish-paki accent, and they have lots of family there. Probably getting welfare in both countries
Shitskin's gonna shitskin
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>Jew fears Viking

LOL you are biggest Cucks in the world,specially Sweden


for the fucking newcomers who don't bother to read
Trump just has to nuke those filthy chinks. our patriot missiles can knock down all of the nukes that our left after our first strike destroys 90% of their nukes.

They have no marine-based retaliation - even if they did, no match for our anti-missile technology.

A war w/ the filthy Sl*vs in Russia would be devastating. Not so with China.

If Trump nukes the chinks, it will be all over for them.

We have 7,000 while the chinks have 200.

The TRUMP family shall guard against the kikes. They are the White Race's TRUMP CARD. Hail Trump!
GTFO annoying copypasta
basic education begins from the age of 6, and most people allow their children to travel by bus by that age or a few years later
i would know, a couple of years ago when I had to take buses home from college I'd meet my brother's 8-9 year old classmates
Yea Trump is going to start Nuclar war that is very realistic.
Dude get a grip.
Children can be students as well. We are not talking about the Student degree in College
I'm a Nordic Greek and those shitskins are oppressing me. when are our Northern Brothers, the Nordic Americans going to save us already?

why have you left us alone like the white South Africans?
I thought it was 10 or 12 and 2 of them got arrest for sexual assault after 2 weeks
>Implying Albanians know what basic education is



WE HAVE PATRIOT MISSILES, THAADS, etc that can knock down all of their nukes.


LOGICAL ANSWERS, no muh feels.
student def - a person who is studying at a university or other place of higher education



for the fucking newcomers who don't bother to read
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Sweden Yes!
Sorry Hellas, just wait until we rise up. Your Germanic brothers shall save you from the Southern Euro subhumans.

All blond and blue Greeks that can pass a DNA test shall be welcome in our kingdom.
Because it's not going to happen? Heck Trump first has to stop all SJW's and Liberals in US before he deals with China.
okay mister semantics; let's call them schoolchildren then
still doesn't change the fact that they take buses with the rest of the population and aren't grouped into school-funded buses
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As blonde as Hitler and Goebbels
fuck, I dunno about passing a DNA test. we're all the same genetically, some of us just have blue eyes and blond hair
>I'm right you're wrong all those kids are lying
>Albanian intellect
>The TRUMP family shall guard against the kikes.
You know his daughter is married to a Jew? Grea meming. I'll give you that.
I said no feels. Only reals.

TRUMP will listen to SJW's?????


Thanks you filthy Slavshit. You gave me a good laugh subhuman.
Wow dude,you should visit mental hospitalmbut I don't think you are serious.

>Same Genotype
>Different Phenotype

That is not how it works.

Some of you may have more nigger DNA than others.

In any case - only those on par with France will be accepted.
Only for showmanship.
France literally has the most Niggers in Europe.
Again, if you are studying in a school, you are a student. We are not talking about the people who study in College and get a degree known as "Student".

Our word for it would be "Nemandi". If google translate is telling you it means somebody who is in university, it is only telling half of the meaning of the word. To us, student is somebody who is studying in school, whether it is middle school, high school, college or university
This is why I am proud to be a Dutch American. We operate based on feels, not reals like you filthy Slavs.
>and aren't grouped into school-funded buses
then why no one who is older helped them
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>All blond and blue Greeks that can pass a DNA test shall be welcome in our kingdom.

She's blonde and blue but not Greek. Can she pass?
On you are Dutch?? I visited Amsterdam and Rotterdam and over half of population was not Dutch.
Oh it's the filthy Dutch turd
we're talking about kids taking buses
why did no one stand up if they saw children being molested in a bus?
fuck man, none of us are as northern in DNA as the French. we're pretty all much less negro though, does that count? are we in?
And for having a jewish dick in her white vagina ofcourse
ETHNIC FRENCH you filthy slav, can you not read?

How could she not? Smurfs are honorary Aryans. /s
Can she pass for what? Holland has open border policy,everyone can pass lol.
i don't know, it's quite possible that there was no one else in the bus except the children
our buses aren't exactly as packed as they are out in say, the states, and most of the proletarians work 9-5 so it's entirely possible that no adults were using the bus at the time
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