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What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 118

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Pic related
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gay sex
>urge to seek serbian kebab removal services intensifies
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you mean like this ?
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yes but also this
those are persian stuff, faggots.
Delicious donner kebab and sutlaç
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how about this?
Rage against the Galipoli
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remove turkroach
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sure but you have you considered this?

except they're 100% turkish
Body odor.
What soap opera will they ship to us this month?
>says its 100%
oh ok then
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My apologies sir. Would you be pleased with this?
Hmm, yes, I believe we're getting somewhere
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oh yes! My congratulations for triggering >>106918007
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Anorexic Pacman
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My pleasure! The search for knowledge of these creatures must continue.
kurd removers
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my friend you should then head underground where their people live.
Cherry fruit roll ups
Traffic jam at the Serbian-Hungarian border caused by thousands of cars with german, swiss and dutch plates.

halal dürüm mit schweinefleisch
a ghetto version of the glorious ottoman empire
Is this how roaches looks like in Britain? Roach species in Russia is much differ from this, we call them Prussian.
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it depends where you find them. You can find really big T*rks here as well

My wasted youth

memes country
originator of kek
she is perfect
what do you mean by wasted

what didnt you do that made it wasted
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>pic related

Kind of looks italian to me, everyone from the mediterranean looks like this desu
Leave my country.
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I did nothing. In elementary i went to a public school, since we are a middle class family, with all the retardedness of it and the fucking teachers i managed to get a 480 out of 500 at the exam to get in to high school. In the school i went with that grade we almost had no real teachers. We had an english teacher who knew nothing about english for example. It was more or less like that at the other classes as well. Plus the city i grew up is too conservative. Cigarettes and alcohol is fucking expensive. Medical services are shit. People are shit. Now i live in istanbul and istanbul as a city is shit. We even have suicide bombings now. Also i am 21 years old, and AKP has been in power since 2002.
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if you fuck with niggers you turn up like t*rks
>istanbul as a city is shit

That is because it's should be called Constantinople.
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i don't care. nothing is going to fix this shit hole. name it new york if you want.
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Remove roach kebab
Retake Constantinople
so your complaint is that you cant live like a degenerate for cheap
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A much better country the Balkanic shitholes always butthurt about having been their little bitches for centuries
Istanbul is rightful turkish clay
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>crying to pathetic 4chan autists about your life
just kys

Yeah education is degenerate retard.

t. islamist retard
You think ancient med people were pale with light hair and eyes?

Wyy germanics believe that?

What the fuck is their problem?

Just greeks and roman portraits, you germanics are so stupid and pathetic

You just want to claim their history because yours is being savage and running naked
>t. islamist retard
you sure need to kill yourself fucking degenere faggot, you have failed in your life yet still going deep with your retarded excuses. people lurking here, most of them uneducated, unemployed or underage pathetic autists from all over the world. explaining your miserable life to them do nothing good to you.

beynini siktiğimin embesili seni, hemen islamists retard diye yapıştır, o islamcı mallardan hiç bir farkın yok git kendini köprüden aşağıya at amına kodumun salağı.
education isnt an issue when you have internet
you have internet in turkey

you cry because you cant get drunk on the cheap

alcohol and cigarettes are over rated

trump and putin do not drink or smoke

drinking and smoking are for low base retards

that you may drink a few times a year is not dramatic

if its regular then you have an issue

on top of that cigarettes producers and alcohol producers are greedy jews

especially cigs, full of horrendous chemicals

you wanted to play the rebel with cheap cigs and alcohol but mom and dad wouldnt let you

btw its extremely rare to see a french speak proper english like me, i did not learn at school

same for math and many other fields


Amk salağı senin hayatında göremeyeceğin yerlere geldim, ne tip bi çomarsın sen. Amk milliyetçisi. Tebrikler köprünün ne olduğunu öğrenmişsin. Türkiye'nin ne bok olduğunu yazınca zoruna mı gitti amına koduğumun evladı? Orospu çocuğu seni.

>nationalist retard
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i bet you are fucking boring to talk to in real life m8
he is retard, dont mind him. education is pretty good here if you study hard. he is just antisocial insecure kid blaming to country about his miserable life.
eminim öyledir amına kodumun salağı seni. türkiyenin ne bok olduğunu da biliyorum senin gibilerin ne bok olduğunu da. o kadar eziksin ki gelip burda elin mallarına ajitasyon çekiyorsun aq dgsdfgfdgd

>Trump and putin do not smoke or drink

I'm quitting smoke m8

en azından senin gibi gerçek hayatta low lifer değilim lol
>nationalist retard
do you also vote hdp?

fuck progressivist leftist cunts wherever they may be from
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Should be glassed, disgusting sub human race
ICBM test ground.
youre a superficial cunt that much is clear
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rezalet amına koyim, bu siteye girmek için 18 yaş üstü olman lazım biliyon di mi.

he is just pathetic kid

hdp'nin ne olduğunu bildiğine göre sende türksün amk çocuğu
Sounds like someone is not pleased reading from his own shithole and the experience his own people have about it.
im uaing google translate
i read about turk politics a bit when it became talked about here and other places

hdp looks like soft commies

you mad about the truth? denialist
Aww. This post made me feel all fuzzy and warm. When whites come together, we can glass anyone we want. Sand people, dindus and roaches would stand no chance.

i don't vote for hdp. i'm not leftist.

>education is pretty good here

Kill yourself.


Kill your parents too.
hadi siktir git >>>/adv/ burda yaz acınası hayatını belki biri tavsiye verir felan asdasda
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>What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?

Greatest ally.
stop shitposting
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t. Asgari ücretli çalışan
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Rightfull turk clay
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>gay sex

Literally nothing wrong with that.

Some Turks look very cute, especially the non-hairy ones, which are kind of rare though.
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Scum like these.
The vikings traded with byzantiums, you are brahs afaik

Glass kebab, keep ionian coast for more party spots
are they like soft commies or is it worse
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zz 4.jpg
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They are kurdish nationalists pretending to be commies.
should be removed
>ailem orta sınıf, devlet lisesinde okudum
>senin hayatında göremeyeceğin yerlere geldim
>all of these replies
>No kolska baba
I am disappoint /pol/

The roach and the main youtubers commentary of Trumps press conference are Casey Niestat tier ignorant, and the scene where trump calls out CNN as fake news is censored out.

>tfw you hate Trump so much but have no justifiable reason to do so beyond buzzwords the MSM has given you that you immediately jump on to Buzzfeed as absolute truth and continue referencing it for the next 4 years

Zekiyiz vesselam.

They are "like" soft commies, yes. HDP are a democratic socialist party with heavy SJW vibes. They don't obsess over the SJW stuff a lot in K*rdish territories, though, because K*rds aren't into that sort of thing.
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Pic related, from recent demonstration in support of "people of Aleppo" in our capital. Cunts remained silent for x years but when Assad pushed Vahabi/terrorists' shit in our local kebab crawled out of their holes with slogans Save Aleppo, muh children, le ebil Assad :(

They deserve new Srebrenica
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Jebi se

Same here. ISIS in Aleppo, that's totally fine. Assad in Aleppo? Pls save Aleppo
i like bosnian bacon, one of my friend visits his home at bosnia every year and brings me some
FIFA, Bmw, Islam, Shisha, Baklava, Kebab
my kebab removal sense is tingling
god i wish the serbs killed you all
you cant even remove Kosovo, faggot
The Ambassador

Needs a barrell bomb.
>Why is the Muslim flag red, must be fucking communists nuke em for both reasons
>Post pol
Fugging *urg-roages :DDD
Brown people who think they are white and also try to act so but usually fail miserably
yeah we can't when whole fucking world was against it and oppressing us

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>Horse armor
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sexy woman
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Pic also related. Ottomans ruined this place. You would think after 400+ years of occupation that people would despise everything turkish but instead you get this. Stockholm syndrome on the grand scale.

You should've stayed.
Why do those females sport splendid Hitler staches
I wouldn't call the Serbs for that
The Turks cuck'd the Serbs for centuries
They're part Turkish themselves I believe
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So are those just T*rks in Bosnia or Bosniaks?
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tasty kebab and horrible people, and some I assume, are good people
they look like turks, so turks probably
Greece made it brah *wipes tear*
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yeah they definitely look turkish.

Europe's Mexico
have you ever been to greece or romania to call them white
fuck them and all white people either way :DDD
the guys behind them are probably bosniak tho.

Yeah that is why I was asking. Those colorful headscarves scream of T*rkey. I can almost smell the tarhana.
Comet Pizza and Piiiing Poonng
pest control
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I rather have a non country like Ukraine in the EU rather than Turkey... Also if Turkey joins the EU bug spray prices will soar due to the increase in demand by oversized roach infestation.
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Holy shit this this this so much!!

i mean the women mouth gags.
A prisoner, born on a certain day, to certain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn

Also, bugs.
>burger education
these are for sure turkish and few without mouth gags, but bosniaks are convinced that they are turkish too, altough they dont look like turks and have croatian and serbian surnames
This kills the Aussie.
Berlin ?
We have that problem here. Faliure to distinguish religion from ethnicity. Muslim gypsies(and some retarded pomaks) say they are turkish(as in their roach minds it sounds less degenerate probably), but if you ask them to say something in turkish they blue-screen completely.

I think he means there are people from both ethnicities.
If you think Russians will gib bak Crimea be prepared for bug spray air raids.
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Even Japs knows it
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It's funny because the dominant phenotype in Turkey is still hittite so it counts as mediterranean
T...Thats persian
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I would actually prefer gypsies over the*rks
eternal misery. and wounds that will not heal.
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t*rkolar ne göt yaktı beeee
>burned down turkish flag
>turkish people
Are you really this retarded?

prepare for butthurt nationalist spam
Please take them all before you brexit :D
You can think of them as pakis for all I care.
>anamı siken herkes milliyetçi

Here they come
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Retake Constantinople
ajskidhfjliashdjofajsok dfjoaksdjfoi a
Genocide, and faggotry online.
The geometry is all wrong.
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Are you saying there is an oppressed majority in Turkey? We need to accelerate our plans. Hold on a bit longer, Anzu.

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traitors to everyone
>turkey is the best country
>all the accomplishments are conquering and raping
>all the educated people turks are migrating to first world countries
>no technological high-tech export
Go and masturbate to conquest videos, ç*mar
She prolly gonna be uberraped if t*rkey get invaded
Would do.
No you dumbfuck I'm saying anatolian turks are as white as greeks or southern Italians
If you consider them as white, then we are white too
Bu tiradda fikrimi hiçbir şekilde belirtmedim bile, neden kendi düşünce kalıplarına uymayan herkesi aynı sınıfa dahil etme eğilimindesin?
>ask anzu how much she costs to fuck
>get blocked

what the fuck, doesnt she want business?

Bug spray.
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anzu is a faggot

nationalist spam yazdım cevap verdin, sonra /ekşi/ yazdın, ne yapayım sana ben çommy? Yaranamıyoruzda amk
>all the educated people turks are migrating to first world countries
absolutely nothing fucking there

he does a good job looking like a girl tho
Muslim scum
Turks... Persians... Same shit. Different name.
seedy rape from stinky bombers, man i hate muslims to the very core of my soul
>cyprus isn't red
seriously kys
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Please stop with this faggotry.
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Gerizekalı bir ergen olduğu için.
sorry germany is taking all the rapefugees including villager, uneducated T*rks.
But if you look at Canada, US, Australia and Japan nearly all the Turks are well educated.
>define wrong

This is pretty much what is wrong with the world, honestly. Reason is based on individual principal, and acting like that is bad is directly being Anti-Human. (As being gay is mostly based on Anti-Human-Culture ideologies which never work for any certain people.)
I think
think this way because they hate the idea of fathering children, or working in general. They are selfish in the weirdest of ways, it's like the same way satanism uses the Christian bible. Just for the love of God pray for forgiveness in the end and be fair. And don't fuck kids, faggot.
And their prayers, why is it so noisy? Why do they have to broadcast it? I hate them so much.
lmao what a load of drivel
you seem to be pretty based
Diese sind Gastarbeiter. Sogar die Türken in der Türkei hassen sie.
Officially as a prayer alarm.
Unofficially to tell you that they're in charge of that area.
it's actually the janissaries in the most cases who enriched turks with their white genes
rightful land
More like this
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Çomar spam durmuyor hocam. Gerçekleri yazınca küfür yiyoruz.
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aged roaches copulating.webm
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t*rko her yerde t*rko kardeşim kodumun /pol/unda bile milliyetçi çomlarla mücadele veriyoruz ne lanet bu ülkedir bu ya
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Murdering and thieving. Genocide too.
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trump and his owner.jpg
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And Trump is yours lmao
Ben ananı sikmeden ekşine geri dön beyinsiz orospu çocuğu
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Fucking saved.
one fourth of a moon tryin' ta swallow a star
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Allahu Akbar.jpg
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>What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?

Top kek.

>Be çomar
>Get angry when you get confronted to facts.

>The eternal T*rk

t. kurdish or çomar living in UK
This. Turks are giant fags
Komar means mosquito in our language. Well you are actualy blood sucking parasites.

Çomar: Shepherds dog.
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incompetent "workers" / "employees" , lousy results at school , low IQ ; typical gibmoney niggers , Untermenschen .
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how they call the blue mosque the epitome of turkish design and engineering....
when in reality its just a copy of Hagia Sofia...
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Trump? a Jew?

>Our Greatest Ally
>Germans are going to go extinct
>Literally begging for another Hitler
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>/pol/a gel
>milliyetçilikle karşılaş
Bulabileceğinin en iyisi tb.h
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>çomar ol
>"millyetçiyim hajum"

senin adın çomar arslanım kendini niye kaptırdın? almancı mısın yoksa?
Brits can't get much uglier, and Germans can't get much dumber.
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>Brits can't get much uglier, and Germans can't get much dumber.

Correct on both counts.
Their currency's dropping even harder than rouble.
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Anyone here was Greece said about Cyprus today?
Aklında bir boogeyman yaratmışsın ona saldırıp duruyorsun anon milliyetçilik nereden çıktı?
Çomar görmek istiyorsan al buraya bak bunların sabah akşam a haber izleyip izlediği her şeye inanan türkoçomarlardan farkı yok
>i saw it on the news so it must be true
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green beer with anzu.jpg
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i want to impregnate her a dozen times
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>Literally insulting your country (t*rkey) and religion by wishing me the same
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tell her that and see if she blocks you
maybe she will be more open to it since its a compliment
those are gypsies. Turks i know are whiter.

Beep Boop. Warning ! Crescent moon ! Warning ! Islam !

Must Eliminate. Must Exterminate. Must Destroy. Must Disassemble.

Beep. Boop.
janissaries weren't even turkish. They were local boys indoctrinated from young age. Also it's kinda our fault bosniaks think they're kebab.
sad but true my bulgarbro
Bangladesh made me laugh :D
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turkish agent.jpg
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i called her cute once and she said thanks
Janissaries weren't allowed to marry you niggers
Why is it so hard for you to understand that anatolians are actually white unlike other muslim people
Red rectangle, white crescent and a star.
My brother's first wife's parents were both warrant officers in the airforce (like master sergeants in the army). They said that they hired help would wipe their ass with sponges. This is what I think.
>Janissaries weren't allowed to marry you niggers
is this what they tell you in schools? the most of your famous pashas were actually serbs and albanians ffs
Stop being more like the Jews about religious law and we'll talk. Islam is the rejewing of a heretical Christian sect. In surveys you guys think you're both closer on theology.
>They began as an elite corps of slaves made up of conscripted young Christian boys, and became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries. Forbidden to marry or engage in trade, their complete loyalty to the Sultan was expected.
this is true also
-all the islands between egypt turkey greece and west side islands of the greece
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>Implying Turks don't use Jewish tacktics already
kendini övenler gerizekalı oluyor, deminki acitasyonu yapan sensen sen baya salaksın haberin olsun
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t*rko piçlri ne yanmış beeeeee
Disgust. Mainly ugly people who simply are full of themselves/ full of shit.
Take back Constantinopolis NOW!
persian stuff was advanced.
What does it mean?
Great ancap stimulator
butthurt pkk kürt
say hi to your friends, you ll end up at same place with them soon
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>götümü yakan herkes kürt
axx be t*rko
>depict pooh as an average looking armenian
>armenian genocide never happened
My sides
you either neonazi faggot, pkk supporter, kürt or disgusting human being.
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Body hair.
you're dodging the point. from where albanian and serb pashas came, and in which way?
>götümü yakan herkes bir gruptan
ax be t*rko ekşine geri dön :DD
Had a good realationship during/before WW1. Since then it gradually became worse and worse. Although I respect and acknowledge what Erdogan has done for the country I think he may overstretch things this time.
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Ekran Alıntısı.jpg
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36 boys u bilir misin orospu çocugu ?
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all muslims are disgusting subhuman apes

t. fag
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Yes, it says "Fuck kurds" on the picture already though. You know, you can edit the pic, if you think he forgot a meme about the eternal turk, but this was already there.
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I do not understand your pictures.
Why are you bumping an anti-T*rkey thread?
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why are you posting shitpostbot kemal
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nereye gittin :DDDDD
kabenin içinde ş*hİT kızı siktikten sonra yukarıya çıkıp tavaf eden müslülerin kafalarına boşalmayı+sonrada kızı ŞANLI KÜRDİSTAN'ın başkenti AMED'de KÜRDlere pazarlamayı+gelen parayıda dolara çevirip gerillaya yollamayı seviyorum mOruQ
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