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Syria General /sg/ Ya Hezbollah Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 93

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>Interview with Bashar al-Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Mosul Jan7
>Wadi Barada Jan5
>E Ghouta Jan4
>Idlib Dec24
>Al Bab Dec22
>Aleppo Dec22
>Palmyra Dec18

Developments Jan 11
>SDF surrounded ISIS units north of Raqqa
>Minor advance in north-east Al Bab
>Rebels surrender large part of Wadi Barada
>Negotiations between Government and Rebels will begin on January 23
>SAA managed to seize more than 50 percent of Hazrama in East Ghouta
>Russian airstrike kills Liwa al Haqq's military leader with his companions in Idlib countryside.
>SAA found Saudi-made chemicals that the rebels have left behind them in the old city of Aleppo

Previous Bread: >>106648101
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----What is the endgame of Syrian war?
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>Well prepared turkish soldier on his way to the al-Bab frontline as reinforcement.
Finally the right tools for their job!
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Fresh Mosul offensive footage:

Fresh Eastern Ghouta/Hazrama footage:
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7th for Bulgarian teasing girls.
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http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/22/israels-netanyahu-advises-obama-on-iraq-when-your-enemies-are-fighting-each-other-weaken-both/ Don't fight ISIS in Iraq - Netanyahu

Overthrow Government, cause mayhem and murder in the country as constant disarray between Sunnis and Shias as they try to repair the country as half the population leaves to Europe to never cause problems to Israel again (remember Israel has a bad demographic problem, needs to do something) welfare as incentive, fuck over both Europe and Syria, destroy axis of resistance (Hezbollah, Syria, Iran) so they don't have a front against Israel, long term Syria becomes Saudi wahhabi satellite (just like how Saudi funds Wahhabi mosques all throughout Europe and Qatar disseminates Feminist and Racemixing propaganda via AJ+) or partitioned into zones of influence ala the Oded Yinon plan so the tiny arab states which once made up Syria could never unify and be a threat to Israel

Western plans are literally horrible and serve you in no possible capacity and your leaders are traitors who prefer you getting raped and murdered by refugees than the possibility of an Israeli getting killed
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>he thinks there is an end gae
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If someone still thinks of ISIS as silly goathumpers please compare both videos & make your conclusions.
Anyone interested in adopting this meme?

It is funny that idol worshiping is haram in Islam but there are many photo of great leaders and imam like this floating around.

What did he mean by this?
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arrest them all, and execute them for treason
last one
fuck this meme. back to /b/ with you.
fucking dzjoows
Most people here will accept anyone if they're a decent person and citizen, regardless of ethnicity. If you look more mediterranean than arab that'll probably make it easier to leave a good first impression, especially with more traditional people though.
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what about ukarine?
hmmm these are my thoughts exactly.

I have seen that life is unfair and unforgiving.

Our world is brimming with evil.

I would hate to introduce a new victim to the machine.

The only condition I would ever have kids is when I have a wealth of money and live in a white country. Otherwise, not worth the misery.

If I would get kids, I want them to experience the best the life has to offer.
Our eastern border is calm, thanks for caring.
hello brother
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Thanks for the info. Even tho it's very unlikely for me to get out. But I hope you guys kick out everyone who would harm the hand that feeds them

So true Pham. I get your the Syrian oatposter. How's your midterms going?
Based Pierre
Whether you'd pass as a German depends on your skincolor and what ethnicity you belong to. Dima looks nearly exactly like a german girl from my university for example. She was a good friend of me as well, shame both of us are in a relationship already, really. Your eyecolor also does a lot. If you come to have blue/green eyes like some assyrians, you're much more likely to pass. But either way you got chances of blending in, my dad looks like fucking Kevin Kurányi for example, but is like 100% German, one of his grandfathers even was in the SS, most likely Totenkopf.

That being said, if you speak German fluently, aren't a complete fucking idiot and actually try to be German, most people will treat you as one of us. Of course there will be some people who still don't accept you, but they are a minority, at least in most areas.
The average Turk is so fucking shittier over here, you really can't get below that, except you're from Africa that is. If you're interested I got a little story from my fathers workplace that shows just how retarded some of these people are, although the one I'm thinking of is about croatians, if I'm not mistaken.
i recently read something about the relations of the gini coefficient (basically how large the difference is between poor and rich in a society) and general happiness of the population. Interestingly bhutan is often regarded as the "happiest" country. The people there are materially as poor as you'd expect from a low HDI country, the difference is that almost all of them are equally poor. Yet they seem to be content with their life.

They are an ethnically homogenous society that isn't suffering from war though.

Material wealth alone is a poor indicator of how good a life people in a society can life. Just look at the poor finns, rich first world nation and yet their suicide rates are through the roof.
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t. syrians
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dayum that earth mover vbied. good thing they captured it
>white Syrians are only yazdi or Kurds waaaaa :^( :'^(
What the fuck is wrong with the Syrian poster
What'll Trump do with Syria? Can a Turkey-Russia-US allegiance happen?
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Speaking of Yazidis, what's the current price for a say, 11 year old girl in Raqqa?
Asking for a friend.
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>Dima looks nearly exactly like a german girl
She looks like a mix of a gypsy and a South-american woman
SAA footage from Wadi Barada
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you do this on purpose, right?
Hmm, I hate shitskins. They'll destroy your country. Also most likely to come back after the war ends are westernized Syrians not shitskins and definitely not Africans.

Share your story pls I'd like to hear it
Erdogan will most likely launch a large scale offensive against ypshits after trump gets the white house.
Putin and trump won't do shit for the pkk turds
she literally looks like an arab.

thats a horrible thing to make a joke of.
I wouldn't know a way for you to make it here either. As far as i understand it the deal with turkey is still in place (which means if you make it to greece you get shipped back), the balkan route is better guarded than last year, countries are building fences. Dublin II is being put in place again (which means you'd have to stay in the first EU country you entered). There are still people getting through, but it's a lot less than last year.

And if you contact the german embassy for asylum the only answer you're likely to get is a "lolno". Which is a shame since most of the people that made it here seem to be illiterate peasants, having them file for asylum probably would've cut their number in half.

If you're pursuing a higher education you could probably come to germany/a western nation on a student visa. Should you finish that staying here wouldn't be a problem but most people with degrees tend to migrate towards the anglosphere since they pay better.
My exams have not started yet. Pretty stressful.

Procrastination is about to bite me in the ass.
trump may support kurds a lot though since they are fighting isis.
Same bantz, same pic. Come up with something new
>Erdogan will most likely launch a large scale offensive against ypshits after trump gets the white house.
Good. Maybe we'll be able to go a few months without terrorism.
we got a lot of mediterraneans in the 70s over here as guestworkers. They integrated better than the turks and are nowadays mostly part of the "normal" german population, not forming subcultures. Really, the only difference is often that they got parents that teach their children italian as second language.
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You need to relax with some good music :
How difficult is it to get a student visa ?

Let's say I graduate with a medicine degree from here. How would I proceed ?

Actually I would not want to live in Germany for ever. Russia or the US would be ideal, but germany would be easier to get into and pursue a medical specialty.
Trump is pro putin, ypshits are a mid-long term problem for putin, erdogan and assad
Hey how are things going over there? I hear Germany is something of a paradise.
This is the second time i see an obvious russian footage which is saying "KURDISTAN INSIDER" in the corner.

First time was on this webm where, bunch of russians in Latakia aiming artillery and speaking russian

What is this "twilight zone"?
3 different Syrians on the same thread
يا عرصات ما عندكن امتحانات
I heard that Germany is tuition free for both Germans and international students.


W-what's wrong?
Trump is not pro-putin
says who ;)
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Don't know if u are him, but there is a Syrian who hates himself here
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Are you homsbro? Or dare I say it. Oatposter studies med too? Or woah oatposter is same as Damascus suburbs bro
Isn't there another med student from damas here?
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good to hear
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There's so many problems with this, and so many exaggerated mistakes. It's mainly having to do with asserting influence trough subversive actions by causing war; in this case the "west/US" expanding towards the middle east and Russia, something that will eventually lead towards blow-back and we having to fight a war for the "elites"/"jews".

روح انت دروس. يا عرصات كلكون بتدرسو طب و انا هون متل منتاك ادب خرا
I am saddened to admit that I am the oat poster.
No idea. The only students from abroad i know are from other EU countries and switching between them is easy since much is standardized.

You generally need to match university entrance qualifications, speak the language the courses will be held in (mostly german, sometimes english), proof that you got enough money to sustain yourself and have health insurance. That's pretty much it.
>I'd be able to pass as a local just like they did.
Maybe two years ago. Now everyone with a darker taint is regarded as a "Syrian", which means they have no education, will not learn/speak German, won't have a passport and every girl/woman will feel unsafe in their presence. Just ask the turks living here how the climate changed - they are really pissed as well.

If you'd learn German, you might be able to join social circles quite well, but on the street everyone will look at you and try to avoid you.

Germany changed a lot in the last two years. Mostly due to north african gangsters and afghan illiterates posing as syrian refugees. Quite sad.
>she literally looks like an arab
She looks like also the wife of El Chapo in a way, but the wife of El Chapo did not have a nose job and does not look like as semitic as Dima indeed
I am Homsbro, although that's one shitty name you people game me. 4th year med school.
عأساس طالعلنا شي من هالفرع الخرا كلو أخرا من بعضو معي 6 مواد أيري بالله
haha don't worry, after you get your literature degree you can specialse in feminist theatre.
kys, fag. iˋm on /sg/ for more than a year

are you requesting my oats?

wahabbi goatfucker detected
think you got me confused with the other guy, i study med too, fucking sand niggers.
have you ever wondered why spics also have arabic features? :^)
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We are the Shia of Ali & will never let the banner of Hussain fall.
Not bad i guess. Just as all your general central european countries.

>I heard that Germany is tuition free for both Germans and international students.
Almost. You have to pay about 250€/semester, but thats technically not tuition. Its for the train ticket, library access and other stuff you get.
germany is a shithole i don't know why would anyone like it here

everyone i have talked to from sons of oil rich millionaire saudis to poor chinese girl studying IT to black UK guy studying law to americans everyone hates germs and germo culture

germs are rude assholes with shitty culture
weather is shitty,food is shitty,women are bad

if it weren't for gibsmedat no1 would stay here
Damascus suburbs bro, y-you're a shitposter?

Here's my autistic update for Syrians on /sg/

>Me (first to post here with Syrian flag, DamascusBro, Damascus thirsty dude, shitpost a lot)
>Damascus suburbsbro (always serious, no shitposts, studies med) <<<<.same person..>>>>>>>Oatposting Syrian (extreme shitposter, whenever I ask him what to call him he replies with "master" so I decided to call him oatposter since that's what he's good at)

>And now there's homsbro (extremely suicidal)

We're back to 3 Syrians lads

Give yourself a nickname lad
My gut feeling tells me I will get rekt in europe.. could they make me study another six years, from scratch ..
I don't have a banner faggots.
I don't know what you have so far. If you don't have any internationally recognized coursework for a bachelor degree done you'd probably have to start from scratch, yes.
عمرك شي 50 سنة لحتى عم تقلي lad ما هيك؟
قرد هنتو جماعة الاداب ما في عندكن غير الطياز الحلوة

The Juden and Saudi has subverted your culture.
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I am the oatposter, and I study the Med meme.

Well, I am here to shitpost actually.

I thought I was the first ever to post here.

I started maybe 1.5 years ago.

And no, I am not a homsi. I am from the >master mountains lmao
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3 different Syrians so close to one another :^)
I get this joke is for me

I'll have you know that while you study. I-I go out with my lit colleagues to bars an-and have fun. That'll show you
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>Syrian protestors were peaceful but the army killed them and they had to arm themselves
>The government committed massacres before people were armed
How does /sg/ reply to this with actual sources, the article in pic related is taken down and the video talks about weapons but doesn't say exactly when and could fit the dindus having to resort to arms narrative
most syrian (and other middle eastern) degrees and apprenticeships are more or less worthless in germany (and rest of europe)
sorry famflam
Please go back to Albania, thanks!
He is turkroach, so that applies even more.
خلينا نتخرج بعدين منفكر كيف بدنا نهرب عأوروبا
Master this dick, based homsi here, fucking born in damas, to a lattakian family, what a shitshow my life has been
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>>Syrian protestors were peaceful but the army killed them
>and they had to arm themselves
>killed them
>and they had to
>Naruto-kun typing with hyphens everywhere
قريييد قال يعني طلاب طب ما عندكون طياز شلل

I don't think any Syrians would be accepted tho due to (refugee issues)
Question for you all, have was a Syrian childhood like? Birthdays, the Iraq war, growing up in the war on terror - westerners have grown up in it as well, not a time when my nation wasn't directly involved in the Middle East.

Do you guys study/talk about the Sykes-Picot agreement, what was your history courses like? Syria has millenia of history so I'd imagine it would be a lot.
So so much :^)
صحيح رح يلتغى الاداري ؟
Oh Swiss overlords, if only I was lucky enough to be born amongst you.
Know someone that works with one of the few actual rocket scientists that made it here (has pretty much the equivalent of a BSc in physics). Quite competent guy. Wanted to make his master here but can't get the university to recognize his prior degree, so he has pretty much nothing. Now he's doing basic shit in an engineering firm.
Seems to be impossible to tell who shot first. protesters or army.

Army has blood on their hands, but protesters were quickly overwhelmed by religious lunatics (al-Quaida, ISIS).
even the west is giving up on this nonsense war
at universitys? Without a problem, the people in charge are all bleeding heart liberals, starting bachelor courses would be absolutely no problem as long as language requirements are met and some form of basic education is there.

The problem is getting here and recognized in the first place.
hmm at least in Syria a doctor is respected and relatively, very well paid.


Those are not hyphens anon

نو فاكنغ واي
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>you'll never fight alongside the Syrian Christians and claim ISIS territory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary

why even live
Childhood was amazing, never gave a shit about Iraq, history is "we are the greatest country, west is evil".
That's the short version of my answer.
لا والله يا باشا هون كل وحدة دقنا شبر وبتحلق بجيليت
أي معلم السنة عال4 بتنتاك وبتضل سنة لورا أيري بهالدولة
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> hello, I am here to fill your diversity quota
they are pretty much everywhere. Would certainly suck to start from scratch because of formalities though.
the so called christian nation of america wants to kill christians in syria
يلا لسا في دورتين قدامك.. بس ما طلع القرار, ما شفتو .
that quote is real
assad enemies started killing innocents, and now they are all getting crushed
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>can't into context

yeah that's what I'm looking for, I just need a more thorough timeline with sources, or accept the fact that Bashar is a dindu as well
Basically. There are very few people from that refugee wave that want and/or can start an academic education so universities are happy to take anyone in they can get their hands on. There are no capacity problems after all.
ما شاء الله طالما عم تتفهمن معناتا الأول ع الدفعة
قال وميشتكي أنو ميدرس آداب
الدورة جايتني من هلا.. إجمالي الفصلين مع ال6 مواد الي منتاك وحاملهن 21 مادة
بدي 21 دورة لرفعهن
القرار أكيد مو إشاعات
>hmm at least in Syria a doctor is respected and relatively, very well paid.

Your degree will not be recognized in Germany.
Even if you would get the qualification, you would still be a 'Syrian doctor' - nowadays a running gag for most of the refugees in europe. Sorry, but the hundred thousands who already came here illegally totally destroyed any chance of a good social integration for higher qualified people from the middle east.
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nice language

We're never going out from here
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I could say the same about syrian white wannabees
It's time for syrian baathists to understand that they're not white once and for all
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I'm not responsible for what this country does, mate.

Once I graduate from medical school, I really want to help the Christians over there.
hablo español tambien
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I will leave to the gods, then. For now.

Thanks for the reality check.
en serio??
How come Assad looks so different from these people?
I'm bad at telling stories and greentexting, but I'll try.
So my dad is basically working in a multikulti utopia.
Turks, all kinds of ex-Yugos, Poles and whatnot. While the turks like to brag about having slaughtered Halal last week again and talk about how their Gröfaz is superior, even when telling them that turkish children in germany should learn turkish first, one of the Yugo stories stands out I think.
There are quite some, even some croats that went back during the war to fight for their country. Anyway, all of them are adults, getting along quite well with each other, except for that one poor fucker. Now I don't know what happened to make him the outcast of his comrades, maybe because he's younger than the rest.

So as a rather young male adult during that time does, he decides to grow a beard. I'd have to ask my father about the exact shape he went with, don't remember that part, but it wasn't something retarded, just a beard like people wore during that time.
And as any sane human being would do, his croat mates got mad.
Like really mad
Especially that one guy who would go as far as to say that he's a shame for his country.
A guy who left germany to fight in a war for his country of origin got shamed for growing a fucking beard.

Time passes and at some point he got rid of the beard
My dad asked him where it went
His family told him to get rid of it
My dad was all confused, as his family was in croatia and he has been around all week, so he didn't visit them and back then croatians sure as fuck wouldn't visit Germany just to see their son

Turns out that spaz that went apeshit on him called. his. fucking. parents.
Because an adult grew a beard.

Both of them are still around, beardguy got a like 1/4th yugo-somthing girl preggers and doesn't talk with his family anymore. He's a cool guy overall though, my dad says.

This is the kind of retards we have to deal with on a daily basis, do not be like them and you should be fine.
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We are the shia of Imam Ali (a.s), we know that we will face torture & and pain, but that will never stop us from calling his name.
Does le Assad bomb all the hospitals

I swear I see that headline every month, last hospital/pediatrician/doctor killed in east Aleppo or some other rebel controlled place
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Both you should go to Algeria or Egypt and forget about Europe
شو حالك ولو، ليش حمقان؟
Ever since the other thread. I've told you. You're right, Arabs are not white.

No it's shit
how are you going to help over?
are you willing to risk your life in a war zone
that's not really true though. German bureocracy isn't just a meme, and in this case it's not even completly unjustified. The degrees are standardized and it must be ensured that people meet those standards. If that's impossible because your former university in syria/the ivory coast/khazakstan doesn't abide to the Ba/Ma system and/or can't provide information on exactly what coursework you've complete you're fucked.
>en serio
Si, pero estoy un principiante
it's correct to use estar not ser there right?
Come France poster. We both know you're an Arab :^)
>Myself to the right
Say what francois?
>Changing Syria for Egypt
Egypt also have an ongoing conflict with Isis in Sinai and various areas.
aaaah my ass is prettier than these "women"

umm did you just post your face ..?

Give up those characters that looks like bean sprouts, use the alphabets.
come to UK we give free housing and money.
probably better for syria, if that means anything to you. Braindrain is the last thing the country needs after the war.
>it's correct to use estar not ser there right?
depend on the context
In Germany the universities don't even recognize the degrees from their neighboring states - it's bloody hell if you arrive their with a BA certificate from a different country.
why you germs so dumb

you could have given gastarbeiters h1-b like visa where they'd get fugged out of country if they didn't work

and you can now make exams for professional proficiency just like PE in the US
instead you want to group all syrians as gibsmedat rapists then treat everyone bad :DD
He posted it before. And to same Arab in France poster
they recognize degrees from türkey(even the ones from shitty apartment unis :DD)
ما بعرف.. سيدنا محلولة
لساتا المي مقطوعة عندكن؟
I post it regularly, in order for extremely horny foreign blonde geezers to know I'm good to import.
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>how are you going to help over?

Catholic Relief Services or Doctors Without Borders with a request for that area.

>are you willing to risk your life in a war zone

If I die, at least it's while helping those Christians.
>but on the street everyone will look at you and try to avoid you.
That has a lot to do with body language. Most of the ""new Gemans"" don't move the same way we do, it's hard to pin down what exactly it is though. Overall it just seems more sluggish and violent.
What you could try is to claim that you want to become christian and fear for your life in Syria, due to the extremist forces that could hide in plain sight.
Also whether your medical degree is worth anything here will probably be judged once you get here. They'll look at what you can and can't. Afaik. hospitals in Syria aren't that bad, so you might be able to start in an equal semester than the one you're in currently.
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how are you contributing ?
its improving since we went for Ba/Ma though.

that was initially done with guestworkers. At some point the pay alone wasn't enough anymore so they were lured in by giving them access to our social programs.
It's just a fucking beard holy shet

Don't worry anon. We're not like dis but also we're not leaving anytime soon

اي كس امون شرموطة. نتاك بلعنا
Fuck off Farage.
Just fucking tell me I'm amazing at Spanish.
The end game is for it to never end, or do you think it's a "pure coincidence" that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, three of Israel's greatest enemies, are all currently tied up in it?
Found the Magrebi
To make it even worse, we are taught medicine in Arabic.

when time is due, I will research the matter thoroughly. Thanks.
I know you're a diehard fan.
Post ass.
صحة.. الدور جاي علينا
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türks are asleep i will do the türkposting

SDF got cucked hard
seems like they will leave west of euphrates willingly :DD
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4chan is not MENAchan
Cyka Blyat?
You'll never get an autographed picture this way.
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cmon, every country got intelligent people with useful degrees, even the shittiest african nations. The only difference is how many there are. If you got few it hurts even more to loose them.

i don't think the vocabulary would be the biggest problem. Isn't most of the terminology in latin anyways, or are you using arabic for that too?
you are fine for an arab
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hope you guys bought the bread from
>pic related
No hand it over
In Syria, translating medical terms was considered a feat.

In practise we actually use both.

Still, I will need to improve my medical terminology knowledge.
>That has a lot to do with body language.

Maybe. But just to give you a recent example what would await you here. End of last year, we had a great manhunt going because an iraqi family father raped two asian students near the campus. The chinese consulate gave every chinese a warnings to keep away from "foreigners" and even handed out pepper spray. When they finally found him, it even made the national news.

It's quite sad, as I know quite a lot of highly skilled/educated people from the middle east who study here, but they are the victims of our open border policy as well as every one else.

Good thing that has finally changed.
Never new there was an Arab version of this cancer, double cancer, no thanks.
Intelligent people are only good for exporting here.
hijo de puta
it's croissant btw, we are very sophisticated.
>implying we'd browse there
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يعني إذا قلنالهم المريض عندو عضلوم بطيزو ما بيقبلو؟
life here has already killed any trace of creative ability god may have equipped me with. Some sanity remains.

ههههه لك اااااخ
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not rly. even if he wanted to, his air wouldnt hit them

pic related is what a bombed hospital looks like (from Mosul ofc)
that's why i never considered medicine, way to much work. Fuck learning the names for all muscle groups, bones and whatnot
>but germany would be easier to get into and pursue a medical specialty.
Are you chewing khat or something? can you imagine madical jargon in german? the usa is a better choice, its easier and the salary is better
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If entrace is possivle, I would seek the US in a heart beat.
Hey. I know what a femur is. Can I be a doctor like you two? :^)
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Because Assad is a true baathist genius and he knows the importance of looking good on pictures for a his propaganda
You are already over qualified.
Good old Hitler trying to keep his fatherland white. How's the weather in Bariloche?
One on the left looks like a Somali or Afar """""Arab""""""
Easier to build a permanent house inside Assad's anus than get to the US from here.
The fuck is a femur?
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>life here has already killed any trace of creative ability god may have equipped me with. Some sanity remains.
Funny how I feel just about the same in Germanistan.

عضمة الفخد
Slow down.
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>The fuck is a femur?
Funny little monkeys
Yep, of course. I actually really feel sorry for the decent folks. Also for people from eastern europe who got here, worked for shit salary and somehow made it, built up a life. They got nothing for free and now we got those retards flocking in, burning down their refugee shelters because there is no nutella and they get more for not working than the eastern europeans got for working.
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What's the history of the Hezbollah?
>Legit answering
Afraid of A L M U K H A B A R A T now are we?
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>Implying I give a shit about your cucked country or your white trash diaspora
Fatherland? more like Mom's husbandland
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imam ali (a.s)
مولاي ابا الفضل احلفك بدموع زينب من طحت على النهر وهملتهن يم جفوفك تنجحني بمعدل وتنجح كل طلاب العراق

Yeah you can change to Cyrillic to if you want.
Now hol up. If I didn't find a way to leave the country by summer. I'm going to be a part of مخااااابرات
>You got me into this mess so,
>You get me out
>And you know it
>Fools rushing in, yeah
Atoms for Peace predicted it.
Anonimity doesn't exist.
I would try to speak similarly online as in real life.

Would you say that a loud ?
Are there really that many immigrants?

I'm hearing from legitimate sources that native Germans will be a minority in ~50 years.
بكيتني يا خال. ذكرتني بنور شيت سيارت و بحطو اغاني شيعة. بس يلا بركي بينجحو طلاب عراق
lol, BLM on /sg/
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I always forgot about that one. That was funny.
If it stays a one time event it won't be that bad. The problem is that the influx needs to be stopped. If they're allowed to stay and bring their families in (easily multiply the 1.5 million we got by 4) we're fucked, especially since most of them are way below 30 and breed like rabbits.

Our indigenous population is aging and shrinking. I'd prefer it to stay that way. We're overpopulated anyways, and automatization is going to cost a lot of jobs.
average age of germany is 46.8 inkl immigrants
we can easily say half germs are over 50
people in their 30s get treated like they are young :DD cashiers are over 40 in most places

rips in pieces germshits no one will miss u
Hey Europe once worked for you.
Learn where to stop copying from.
Only know you guys exist because of DOTA
I say it almost daily mate.
I have very close ties with A L M U K H A B A R A T
اللهم نجح طلاب العراق
>no nutella

Fucking hell. All native Germans get out from Germany. Nuke these niggers and kick roaches out cause they'll survive the nuke.
What do you mean? I'm European.
> I heard that Germany is tuition free for both Germans and international students.
Also Iceland :)
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babby of peace
They originaly were formed up during Lebanon-Israel war, their main objective is to remove jews.
War ended. Hezbollah remained.
I see :^)

Open your borders pls
اللهم اسمع منك
Is this wimpy generation what father Adolf what for?
Haven't tasted Nutella in 7 years
Thought you were a trueborn masterrace argie
eu plans say paris to amsterdam will be one big city
they didn't consult with me
fuck them, and fuck eu, and fuck migrants
This. They are anti-semitic and anti-sunni, but not as rabidly anti-western as groups like Al-Nusra.
I'd kill this little shit tbqh
I dream of living somewhere with pure natural landscapes, and the population is mostly middle aged whites, with abosolutely no arabs ( but me ) or k*rds.
I get high bp watching these, anyone can confirm if it's a rekt webm before I open it?
>Olympian swimmer syrian refugee backstrokes his way to iceland in the middle of winter.
Your sides will be.
>Only know you guys exist because of DOTA

I only know average civilians Middle East have internet connection when I browse /pol/

Nah. There's Sunnis in their ranks
>I'm hearing from legitimate sources that native Germans will be a minority in ~50 years.
Depends how you calculate. Germany has 30% of people with "immigration background". But to get to this number, you count the east germans, the ones who got kicked out of poland, and the poles who were kicked out by russia before, and then you count europeans living in germany, then turks and arabs. Coming from an industrial hot spot of Germany, you really see a lot of arabs everywhere, but that is only local in the public transport in big cities. If you drive through smaller towns you will not see a single one. Pretty much what I saw in California/Nevada when I visited the US.

Some school districts are really bad and Germans are in the minority right now, but overall you shouldn't worry too much about us.
its from the recent isis vid with the kids killing people. it is only 2 seconds long
Hey isn't this
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Yeah, I can't say I'll miss you guys.
إدارة المخابرات العامة reporting in
Is there some way to send care packages to syria?
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that's why ((they)) are fucking mass importing migrants
Yes. How can I help you?
how bad is the refugee crime statistic? from the outside it is percieved as pretty bad. czechs are really freakin out about what germany is doing
Pol and FiFA. Everysecond online player in Fifa is either from Saudi arabia, Bahrain or Kuwait. And their ping is skyrocketing. Idk why they like it so much.
it is 3am and you are shitposting.

You are gonna wake up at 7am and study, right ?
Im just another upper class euro-argie

TIL - I dislike that they wish to kill ex-muslims, but my already not-horrible opinion of them has risen.
Living in a good country and Australia's appendix and still making fun of poor sand niggers with weak hearts.
Based Suheil is that you?
If you ever find one, don't, they don't distribute it, high ranking officers split it all up and then it's sold in the market for not-that-low of a price.
>mfw syrians are also in the Moscow timebelt.
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took a break from lurking /sg/ to find this gem
For 2016: 200k new refugees and 200k crimes commited by refugees. Most of them are totally fine, but there are gangs from Tunisia/Morocco who game the system quite well.
moruq i am türko
my grandparents worked here for 20 years (60s-80s) and he liked germs back then he was total assburger too. went back to turkey immediately after earning retirement.

my father also came to germany(in 79) but stayed a year because same year iranian revolution happened and he didn't like germany that much because he was living with my grandfather in turk neighbourhood he said he'd rather live alone back in türkey but he liked it too he was in pub every day drinking beer and eating fries(got heart attack in the end :DD)

now its been 38 years since my father was here he always told me positive stuff.
but when i came here all i saw was shitty copy of USA + people with horrible manners + absolutely insane laws/bureaucracy. when i talked to old first generation türkos (who are in their 70s) they told me germany went shit after reunification and has been going down ever since.

they turned a nice state with amazing future into welfare commie shithole with horrible policies :DD
and this time it wasn't jews or anything this was all germs doing.they fucked up their country :-DD

germans are aging horribly and there is not enough workers + educated people to support growth of germany. thats why they took so many shitholes into EU in hopes of getting workers but even that isn't enough. germany needs more people immediately to sustain growth and they are taking refugees but ignoring the fact that they will never assimilate or work.

germs failed to assimilate türkos they will absolutely fail with arabs and north africans
also EU is collapsing and trump will pull out US support. i expect a crisis in germany in upcoming years


You misunderstood both of you
The message was more like, you're definitely not welcome at all in Europe and don't even think to come here in Europe ever
You better go to another arab baathist country like yours such as Algeria or Egypt for example
I hope it's clear this time
Then we can bring it when we go there for a trip.

Say how hard is crossing the border from Lebanon and getting to, I don't know, let's say, Damascus?
Have you guys ever tried plumpy doz ?

I will oost pictures of it one days, the ultimate food.

It was invented by some intenational agency for malnourished africans.

It is zold in the markets nowas peanut butter.

Lucky nigger, bet you buy the expensive bread.
No Gerbachov, Moscow is in OUR timebelt.

اليوم سلخت morning glory قبل ما اطلع على الامتحان. لك مراقبة كتبتلي رقمي من كتر ما كانت سالخ. بس اي اذا الله راض. بدي ادرس :^$

Oh well. They're better than isis
See, we have to endure those guys.
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its 4am, which means it is time to shitpost with music
post some music from your cunt /sg/
no one will come to shitty irrelevant czech state
people in middle east dont even know what czech is
even ottomans didn't invade czech because it was irrelevant.
they are only interested in welfare states

syrians in türkey are exploited heavily (türkos buy their second and third wives from syrian fathers for like 1000€ :DD and they buy child brides :D)
anyway syrians who have it bad in türkey want to go away
some türks show up and list the EU welfare states
take all their savings and put them on a boat and send them to turkey

as long as your country doesn't start giving free shit to people no one will come

its pretty bad in germany. crime rates are more than double of what i ha ve in turkey :DD

regards türk with czech girlfriend
even syrians like to use the n-word
Is it yellow?
ummm what's morning glory ?
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لا مش رير, ليرك مور يا إير
ممكن تعطينا فكرة عامة عن طيز المراقبة؟
the orange one has disappeared.

I see only yellow which tastes worse
>Expensive bread
Outside America no one really cares about it, thats a strict US meme.
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You should go there
It's too much haram for you to stay on 4chan
Think he meant explosive bread
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that's edgy >>106698630
moruq post 80s german population is fucked in head :DD

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N I G G E R بليز
>and the population is mostly middle aged whites, with abosolutely no arabs ( but me ) or k*rds.
Willkommen in Germanistan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yGvUjiMNjc

And this was before the """""""""refugee"""""""""" crisis!
Syrian rock



حلوة بس كس اختا ركت طيزا عل شوفاج و ما عاد طسينا شي

Nah man it taste pretty gud. I mean it's sold for cheap.

Holy shit. I forgot your (You)
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whats your diet like?
بديني طيبة هي ولو
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Ah that sucks. Would've sent all you fuckers a family jar of Nutella, kind of as a late christmas present.
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Genuine question: is anyone here a practicing Muslim? Is it mostly a meme among young Arabs?
>Germans invite refugees even in /pol/
Whats wrong with you niggers
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you better start to memorize my vita
That's a rare Sam Hyde.
Why are Germans so nice? Fuck I hate Syrian shitskins. Im sorry again
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What are you talking about?
thats how many crimes czechs do annualy and theres 10 mil of us, heh

I know all of that. Thats why the refugee quotas wont ever work - the refugees that we are given to us are constantly trying to get to Germany or further west (some of them even went back to Iraq when they failed to get the germoneys).
I am :^)
germans are not nice
they need the population
they are so desperate they are letting animals in top kek :DD
rape babies are still better than no babies :D
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You can also have free hugs and kisses in Germany
اه تذكرتك أنت هاد الأردني المبعوص
أنو لو طنشتك هلا يا أيري ما كنت تحس أديش أنت مخلوق تافه
أنتو حرام تتسكر طيزكن بديني
It's only edgy in Americastan you stupid mujer
حتى طياز حارمينكن منها يا قلبي أنتو
لك سكوت هي العلبة صرلا عندي شهر كس اختا لقمتين بتشبعك عن أسبوع بتحس فيها خرا محلى ومكثف
Some Germans are really nice. Thanks German guy.
Yes my lord.
Fuck you I'm good looking.
neat :D

Do you agree with fundamentalism and what Daesh does?
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Typical Turk scum.

Fuck off, Maghrebi
That's like calling Haitians french, my dude.
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Music you say?


Its no bully, instrumental. Have these tits as proof

read on this for daesh. they are basically secondcoming of this and all of them must be executed according to sharia

t. islam pro

moruk i am stating truth if truth hurts then keep watching ZDF paid with your gez top qeq
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Dude, seriously, you look like Sam Hyde. Just even more Jewish. KEK

But seriously: surprised how white some of you guys are. White caucasian with some semitic admixture, I guess.
Pic related keep France from being like Germany
disappointed in you Muaaz
interesting, but a little too vanilla
here is some anatolian rock, foreigners also call it turkish psychedelic rock
بتعود عندي شي اسبوع انا من الفقر. و على عيبي احيانا بخلطا بلبنة


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Fucking France is way more down the curve. Reality is you retarded burgers get your education from /pol/ memes, spouted by Roaches like this guy here >>106700044

And from ALL the fucking countries, YOU are the ones talking. It's RIDICULOUS!
no shit hans americans are ignorant because they dont have to know the stuff on other side of the globe
thats understandable
but you germs fail at the most basics of life. you cant even fucking breed top kek even bacteria can breed even viruses who are not even considered living organisms can breed but you can't :DD

you are lower than afrikan niggers you despise
Why can't you be more like your brother for once? He wants to send us Nutella, you keep calling us jews.
Only the masterraces here are white, rest is typical sand nigger.
لك الفقر ما عيب العيب أنو نحنا فقراء ببلد خرا مو مقدرنا ولا شايل طيزنا من أرضا ولسه بدو يانا نموت كرمالو
تغير الاي دي لأنو قطعت الكهربا وفصل الراوتر
Atmospheric noooice

That vocal. Holy psychedelic
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Real and authentic syrian music :
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في تلات اربع سورية هون و بس واحد منهم بحكي كأنه عمره 12 و نازل مص للأجانب عشان يتقبلوه, مش رح أضل أخمن كل ما أرد عواحد بس يبدو إنه طلعت انت
برضو ليرك مور يا حمار, قال أيسلاند رير قال
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why are my fellow germans always triggered that easy?
لك عقبال ما ننقلع من هوون

Again. This is eargasm. Thanks for sharing
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Whatever you say Ahmed

شو خال نمت؟ كمل كاستك دود
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mosul tactical bakeries.jpg
2MB, 2000x2367px
how sadly are you suffering from assad regime ?
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You're the one to talk, your people fail to accomplish their only task as humans (reproduce).
فيك تحددلي وين شايف حدا عم يمص غيرك هون يا زبزوبي؟ بجوز متعودين ع هالشغلة كتير بالأردن بس هون قليلة للأسف
دير بالك الماما تنتبه أنك عم تقول عالعالم ولاد صغار وأنت آخد اللابتوب معك ع التواليت أوكي بيبي؟
The fuck there's like a million Syrians on this board today
broebeldy borblryel
Call me again when your nation rises above double digit IQs - which will be NEVER. The time will come when we REMOVE all of you dirty kebab from this country! And it will be glorious. And the (((USA))) won't be there anymore to force us to take in more of your criminals and underclass. Because THAT was the only reason you got into this country in the first place.

Nobody WANTED you, nobody NEEDED you! The only reason, the ONLY reason was the Eternal burger forcing your stinking ass on this country as a bio weapon! So FUCK YOU and your disgusting people!

May terror attacks and Kurds find you soon! And if you have kids, I hope they die in a car fire.
خود بقا. مين انت؟
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Please do tell me everything you know about that, Tyrone Mendosa.
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If you're Belgian and you're actually wasting your time here then apparently not suffering as much as you are.
Would you guys be interested in helping us doing damage to ISIS? Theres a thread going on right now where we are planning strategies to be as authentic as possible
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Reminder that real syrians are ALMOST white and based. Numbers confirm.
ريلاكس مان
Only good party around.
اوووه نايس. ام ريلاكسد. سرسلي انت كمان قطع نت عندك و تبدلك id شيتك؟
I'm high on church ( sorry, meant beer) fuck off, Assad stays, professional capitalist pig victim.
Absolutely. Syria is a white nation
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درجة منخفضة جداً من البانتز, راجع حالك
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kek triggered much :DD
tick tock tick tock hans :D your nation is old and dying and youngsters are >50% immigrants

your people couldn't properly exterminate jews who didn't even fight back. you touch a turk and you'd have 4 million+ guerillas in your country who are willing to fight :D

also US had nothing to do with turks getting to germany apart from a minor influence. you are the ones who fucked it up .D
Holy SH!t


Nah I just came in
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Future German Flag.jpg
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You're not offending me, I'm not even from America.

You sound a little salty. Too bad most of your under 30 population is Turks and other Arabs.

Might as well start prepping your daughters now. :)
Why would I want to play in a fantasy war league when I can watch the game live from my window.
أنو كلو هون صحاب ومزبطين بعض إلا أنا متل الكلب السلوقي
ثانكس يا دنيا
Don't you have waffles to make?
Can't wait
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WHO are you then?
له ماي فولو وايت مان. انت و اوتبوستر بتسردو بطب سااوا
>delusions of grandeur

Typical Turkshit, yes. And please do chimp out. We will have ALL of Europe behind us. 500 million Europeans, try it! You will get BTFO like at the gates of Vienna yet again! Islam will die in Europe and so will you! But do you know the best thing? We don't even have to lift a finger! The Kurds will outbreed YOU by 2040 and field more soldiers. You are nothing but the last shitstain on the map of history. A mongol rapebaby, trapped in anatolia that was failed to remove! Your time is up and you will be driven back to the black sea where you belong!
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