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So i got drafted into military in Lithuania, haven't been

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So i got drafted into military in Lithuania, haven't been in the country for over 10 years, have no family left back there or no reason to return. Risk 1-3 years in prison if i dodge, what do?
Do they allow gays in the military?

If not, just suck a dick.
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With the ruski scare I don't think they discriminate anymore, might even take me with my fucked up back
Is this bait? They can't just take you out of Ireland lol. Right?
Get Irish citizenship?
I honestly wish it was bait. I hope they can't but if i dodge draft my buddy told me there is a possibllity that they would request the govt to hand me over. Doubt it though.
Proceeding with it this week. I hope it is easier than i expect it to be.
If your back is bad you're not fit for service

You inform yourself what forms are available and confirm said thing with doctor attest.

No sane drafting army would waste resources on drafting an unwilling cuck with back problems so here you go

t. swiss sergeant (That doesn't have to mean though lithuania handles it the same way like we do)
you have to go back swooce
It's okay, when Russia invades, it will be over quickly.
Who/what is Lithuania fighting?
oh fuck lads they're at the door, they found me

>what is European Arrest Warrant
Any EU country can put out an EAW on any EU citizen and the host nation must hand the person over to the country that sent the request out.
There have been cases of students being sent to some shithole prison in a foreign country for years before facing trial or having the charge dropped.

Inside the EU there is no "irish citizenship" there's EU citizenship with an Irish cover on your passport.
you go to the draft and get out of ireland you draft dodging cuck

i would bleed on my flag to keep the st georges cross red if asked
go back and do your duty faggot

oh wait you're probably a fat fuck, in that case neck yourself
Well that sounds rather shit.
I don't want to give up all I have made for myself to go to a country i have barely lived in
>country i have barely lived in
What are you talking about, you just moved to a different part of the EU, there is no individual countries in the EU. Schengen zone countries can barely even be considered states.
just tell them of your crippling depression and get an attest from your psychiatrist. works very well here in austria.

or tell them you are needed at work here and you want to do the military service a few years later when you return to lithuania.

thats also something that is not uncommon here in austria.
Just renounce your Lithuanian citizenship. They can't draft someone who is stateless.
You can't be drafted if you are in Ireland. Just refuse it
Well he'd need to do that in Lithuania since the warrant just forces the host nation to hand the person over, it requires no trial on their end.
If they have such a system in Lithuania he might be okay but it doesn't look like they would.

>what is European Arrest Warrant
Have some dignity mate, you were born there and refuse to come back for a year to do your duty, that desperate for gibs?
If you don't live in the country who fucking cares? It's Lithuania, not the extradition empire of the US. Just never go back.
This reply makes me unbelievably angry, because i know it's true
Fuck the EU.
Dude, you need it for security :^)
How would we have caught the Berlin driver without the European arrest warrant??
>Just refuse it
from a legal point its always better to have an excuse, rather than just shoving it in their faces and thus forcing them to do something. not even the court can help you if you are retarded like that.
Doesn't matter in that case. There are possibilities to avoid getting drafted into miltiary services if you are from another country. Especially if the country you live in is a member of EU.
Military in the Baltics is pretty comfy desu don't be a pussy.
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>being this much OF A TRAITOROUS SCUM

Serve your nation, traitor. Statehood is determined by blood, not citizenship and place of residence.
>Tfw lithuanian

But I'm in a top 15 uni doing electronic and electrical engineering Bsc. T-t-they aren't going to take me, r-r-right?
Plus I'm not here on the basis of free movement EU laws.
Just burn your passport and say you're Syrian dumbass.
Apparently it's literally lottery based, I don't think they care about you being a fucking nerd.
Move to England
Serving in the military is something every capable young man should do for at least six months, preferably at least a year.

Of course it's a bit hypocritical for me to say so since I didn't get drafted, but everyone I know who was told me that it made them better people.
At worst you'll get killed by Butin bro

At least you can serve in the armed forces

They won't accept my cause they don't need my degree and ain't nobody gonna be a shitty low-level soldier
No one, many European nations just have, or had, drafts.
Your buddy is rusing you. My friend dodged, there are literally no repercussions if you just ignore the letter. There's a slim possibility they send some nerd over to your address, but if you don't open the door they go away and that's that.
No but I'm in education, that's the point I'm making. They can't just randomly grab me away from my degree, that would be rediculous.
What do you do, gaurd the cheese?

Special forces have secret missions to gaurd the ingredients? Known only by one person in Switzerland, codenamed "The Big Cheese"?

Rolling cheesewheels down mountain slopes counts as artillery for you? When the nuclear sirens go off everyone takes the gold and money, puts it in the swiss vault for safekeeping then goes back outside?

Fucking make medpacs that look like your flag, and every single on of you let out a swiss chuckle every time you see one, and point it out to others.

>Smaller than my vacation keep
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We used to be kangz!
Do you know how things work in Lithuania? In Denmark you get your notice when you're 17-18 years old which matches very well with when you finish high school, so if you get drafted it'll be what you do for a year after high school.
Don't dodge it. Put your money where your mouth is and take some military training.
apply for Irish citizenship
I'm 25.
lol whats the point of a draft if they arent even going to be serious about it
but he doesn't live in Lithuania as he said
if he lived there I'd agree
If the draft only applies to Lithuanian citizens and you do not have Lithuanian citizenship, you cannot get drafted.
Go fight you fucking cuck. Ireland doesn't need weaklings.
BTW any br anon can tell me what the difference is between the quadro complementar and the other parts of the navy?
I'm finishing my degree this year, at most i can tell them that and they will delay it by a year.
They don't know where i live and i haven't received a letter. I don't plan on coming back either since there is nothing for me in that country.
I don't know anything about Lithuania, but I'd think you're in the clear.

>if they aren't going to be serious about it
It's a former soviet state, they can't do anything seriously.
If i was drafted by Irish military i'd serve.
how do you even know you were drafted then?
There is a lottery list posted each year with the lucky winners.
TRAITOR, your kind spreads disease, defeatism and desertion, you'll choke to death on 3 pounds of steel MARK MY FUCKIN WORDS CUNT
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If they pay something, go serve. Army is fun.
I know that. You lithuanians are bros but you should still fulfill your obligations. This is about your manhood. You guys are bros but you need blood to be Irish. Don't forget your ancestors.
Where is this list?
well just ignore it then
you didn't receive the letter yourself
he doesn't even live in Lithuania as he said, how is he a traitor?
I didn't think Ireland was in the EU though
When will leaf get rangebanned across /pol/?

Every single one of leaf posts are shit
http://www.15min lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/po-techniniu-klaidu-paskelbti-sauktiniu-sarasai-56-565885

Scroll down a little and there is the surname list
you are a disgrace Ivo

You don't deserve to be Lithuanian
If I was drafted into the Lithuanian military. I would go just for the hell of it.
maybe he has a life and can't abandon everything for 6 months or a year just so he reconnects with his "blood"
You are retarded. That's what you are.

I got drafted too, so what?

If you took ten minutes to do some research you'd realize what's going on, but let me clear this up for you Emmie-boy:

Twice a year a draft happens. Every non-studying man of ages 18-26 is capable of being drafted. That's around 95-100K of them in Lithuania.

24K of them are placed in a draft list. So a 25% chance each draft you'll be listed.

The kicker's here: They only need less than 3500 people each draft. That's less than 15% of the list. And that's including the volunteers.

In fact since the draft began in 2015 (4 draft "seasons" total) nobody was called forcibly from the list.

Depending on your number in the list you can just go and not be taken or just dodge. Statistics show an average of over 40% dodge.

Even if you get punished it's a 40-200 euro fine. The jail sentences are for cheating the medical comission, trying to fraud inabilities and such.

Really, senpai, I got drafted, googled, and went on my way.

(prolly just fed a troll tbqh)
Fucking traitor, kill yourself
This helps a lot, haven't been there and don't have many connections so I don't have much info about it. Aciu
You probably don't even know how many countries are in the EU do you?
Look man. you fucked up. If you were that worried about military service you shoulda been on top of changing citizenship to another country.

Instead, harden the fuck up, secure your assets, and go back with your head high. See if you can make something of it and get some certifications or education for free while you are in as an additional duty.

Like Hazmat shipping cert, that pays over 100k a year. Dont be a miserable bitch. Your ancestors sure as fuck weren't.
Do you at least get paid for that shit?
I'm an engineer with a higher degree here.
It would pay me 300/month and here i can earn about 6x that.
EU military :^)
>Serving in the military is something every capable young man should do for at least six months, preferably at least a year.
most of the "service" is just sitting around and playing with your smartphone. its useless and cost me a year in uni.

if they actually had brains they would make military training on weekends and in the evening so that you can still go to work or to uni while being "in the army".
it exceeds blood. It is about duty and obligation, giving back, even if you dont want to.

Not being an asshole, but if work out of obligation is an alien concept to you, well, what the fuck ever. Fucking Montenegro everyone, its in the name.
He dodges the draft, says he'd serve for the fucking Irish and doesn't even have the decency to spell his own language's words correctly. Sad!
pay the fine you lazy shirker
ur in fucking ireland

what do you give a shit about shituania?


NO fuck them

fuck them all

let russian slaughter all shituanians

do not go, they cant do anything to you
At this point my duty and obligation falls on Ireland not on Lithuania
are you retarded? he clearly said he isn't living there, doesn't visit and doesn't plan to
what the fuck does he owe to Lithuania?
he has no moral obligation to serve
if he lived there I'd agree
then i wouldn't leave if i were you
too bad im too autistic to leave this shithole myself
>Tfw not on the list.
In times of peace there are three uses for drafting the young men:
1. To teach them dicipline trough hardship
2. To teach them respect through example
3. To have a pool of poorly trained manpower should times change
you know very well that our military is a joke and not worth the time. as is our "nation".
oh c'mon neither Lithuania nor Poland are that bad
no piss on shituania and never go back

you have a new life and owe those pissheads absolutely NOTHING!
listen to my trips!!!

they are good advice
break your leg
They are, in comparison to living standards of countries such as Ireland.
some of you lithuanians are alright
Previous LT here, I feel the need to explain that I am dodging the draft because being cannon fodder until (maybe) NATO arrives is not my thing and literally the only thing we could do in case of a real invasion is guerilla warfare.
Poland is pretty cheap though
it's kinda like prices here, only you earn a lot more
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you still need training for gorilla warfare
Probably the same day the Islamic republic of France joins the EU Muslim League
>cannon fodder
Implying you will even be in a war with Trump as president. Just do your duty.
Finding a good job is a lot harder though.
only 9 months and you are dragged in winter so its not so bad
Like 10 rite?
it's same everywhere
I wouldn't know though since I landed a comfy government job and my gf is the daughter of a high-ranked politician (ex-commie thief)
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Men choose, Slaves Obey

You have a moral obligation to refuse slavery. However it may be easier for you to passive aggressively serve as lazily if you can't avoid the chain and collar.

Fight hard, do what you can, give nothing back
I too built my way up from a poor pleb family, now they are asking me to waste a year of my life for a country i barely know a thing about.
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> my gf is the daughter of a high-ranked politician

you stuck your dick in crazy

bad move
is that zangetsu?
I get it an I agree with you
she's okay, she's just rich as fuck while I'm a lower middle-class pleb
dont forget,

the sins of her family will curse your offspring

dont think with your dick
Do you have citizenship in another country?
If so, you can renounce your original citizenship.
That's the plan now. Since i am not charged with anything they don't have a warrant for my arrest so i assume i can get away with it without them going into extradition.
On the other hand an anon above stated that extradition is only for the ones who falsify medical records.
she's not her father m8
besides, it's Balkans, sins of your predecessors don't get punished, it means your progeny lives like kings
people here have awfully short memory
ok kool then

nigger mountain
oh wow. your ideology comes from a video game character to a silent protagonist about a mind controlled clone.

Mine comes from over two centuries of a working formula.

Its easy to tell people the thing they want to hear, and its easy to send them down a road that will fuck them, so long as they feel like a victim fighting for a cause.

Its a lot harder to accept reality as it is, and see that sometimes you are being a fuck up, and need to man up.
Id say it'll only be an issue if you ever return.

Can't see the guards rounding you up and deporting you for a draft.
Get yourself a lawyer. What I know (because them shitskins always bitching about it), turks can get out of it if they pay a fine. Lithuania, might have something similiar to that, too (maybe even only asking for it now, as a cash-grab of sorts)
morality is not legality. He has an obligation to return to Lithuania because he never changed his citizenry to irish or any other country. He grew up knowing there was a draft.

Emotions do not override reality. I lived in england for 4 years for my work. Just because i had a life there, does not mean I was not subject to my home country, because , I was in fact, an American citizen living in England.

Unless OP is an Irish citizen, he is still a CITIZEN OF LITHUANIA, and obligated to that country.

Your next post, respond with a factual statement. please.
Americans serve 4 years when they enlist in our armed services. Risking 1-3 years to dodge a cause you don't believe in is good math. However, it does make you a coward. I know it's a little rude and I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to tell the truth.
What this guy said. If OP is an engineer making decent cash, just pay the fine too and walk away.
coward pussy

fuck off and die

fuck you kikeberg

>Men choose, Slaves Obey


listen to this anon instead

I received a draft in my younger years

I walked into that building and told them my family serves no kike or communist government.

And I walked out of there in one piece.
Seems like there is 20-200 euro fine, but who knows.
Buddy who lives there got charged with selling drugs for passing a joint.
I wouldn't feel safe on the same continent. Immigrate to america or straya.
>bitch about lefties all day
You should jump off a cliff instead
>it does make you a coward
Excuse me, have YOU ever been drafted to the military?
Honestly - it makes no sense to fight for Lithuania. The country is so small Russia will single handedly smash it
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haha good luck, u gonna get stabbed

Dignity and honor, son. Do your time.
>Do your time.

you owe your time to no one

How long is the potential prison sentence for dodging the draft in Lithuania? Apparently, if citizeninformation.ie is correct it has to be in excess of three years for Irish police to arrest you and for you to face extradition. We don't have the draft here, so it's not a crime, In the case the offence in the home country must warrant a sentence of at least three years to face extradition.
Fucking traitor and scum.
From what an anon said above you are only eligible for prison if you falsify medical documents, but i'm not sure about that. I'll probably go to a solicitor to find out about that.
Are you saying the EU or Ireland would let them take you to Lithuania by force in order to try then imprison you for that?

Visit your closest Citizens advice Bureau.
Contact your local MP if you're financially mobile move to the UK proper and write a large number of MPs.
There are solicitors in the UK that may be interested in taking this on human rights grounds, they won't care about winning but the case will probably still be going on after the EU collapses.
Apply for citizenship in Ireland. I'm almost certain once you get citizenship there you'll be extremely hard to extradite. Write to solicitors, visit your local MPs surgery speak to them in person.
The European arrest warrant is a thing but Ireland is extremely unlikely to hand you over if you're actively involved in legally contesting it, they love that shit.
And is this not the point of the EU. What age did you leave Lithuania?
I know for a fact UK citizens with European draft orders are basically immune although they're kind of exiled.
>>106644123Check the citizeninformation.ie page on extradition, it's pretty concise about this kind of thing. Solicitor is probably the best bet, but Ive never heard of someone being extradited from Ireland because they were drafted back home, and I know a few Eastern Europeans, Baltic ppl etc
whats your number ? if its in the something 20k they wont pick you, trust me.
Thanks for the advice i'll save it.
I left the country when i was 9 and haven't been back.
>Už karo prievolininko pareigų nevykdymą gali būti paskirta administracinė bauda nuo 28 iki 289 eurų, už karo prievolininkų neatvykimą į privalomąją pradinę karo tarnybą be pateisinamos priežasties iki dviejų parų, gali būti paskirta nuo 144 iki 289 eurų administracinė bauda, o už vengimą atlikti privalomąją pradinę karo tarnybą – gali būti taikoma baudžiamoji atsakomybė ir gali būti skiriama bauda, areštas arba laisvės atėmimas iki 3 metų.
>Baudos sumokėjimas nuo karo prievolės neatleidžia.

lol look at all these yuropean pussies

they want highly qualified cheap labor, but they are not willing to stick up for their right

what a whore house the EU is.


this is why I wipe my ass on the EU flag
i'm at 800
Do it. Nothing wrong with giving back to your country.
Well, that sucks.

This guy has it right.
>what do?
Give bribes. Get out. Dont think it would be expensive there.
For extradition there needs to be a European arrest warrant. Secondly, it has to be a crime in both countries, if not, the offence in the home country must incur a sentence of at least three years.
You're in the UK see my earlier post. The UK gives no shits about helping other European armies.

stupid much?

fuck your shit old country - you're a goblin now
privet andrey
not literally 800.
Come be an illegal immigrant in America. Wait, never mind, you're likely a pasty ginger that wouldn't last 30 minutes in the fields picking tomatoes.
Accept the draft, you'll likely have to go through medical and physical. If you fail, you'll probably be thanked for your time and sent back anyway. Say you do get accepted and do meet the qualifications - could be fun. Not like you're going to see any action since this whole Russian boogeyman thing isn't real anyway
Militaristic east European fags love the draft for fear the Russians or Germans might March straight through them again.

Stay in Ireland man. Live in peace on our quaint little island. You know the craic here, fuck the outside world, it's full of sperging autists.
Go back and serve in the military, OP. It will do you good in the long run. Learn a trade while you're in there. Perhaps become a mechanic or something.
No. We voluntarily walk into it.
>7 years of service.
This is why America stop being a confederacy.
Sakyciau varyk i savanorius, galesi pasirinkt kuriam daliny but. Nes jeigu ~800 eiles nr tai garantija kad paims.
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>this whole fuckign thread

>best shit on the internets right now
I don't see the problem here OP, either you get some active duty under your belt / to add to your resume that has little to no chance of seeing actual combat; or you get to visit your homeland again just to fail the medical.
Good man anon, I volunteered but was rejected for medical reasons
Just become an Irish citizen instead.
>add to your resume

implying it matters anything

all matters is for how low youre willing to work, bitch
That's my plan, to live and prosper.
I'm an engineer, it will just anchor what i do for a year.
I have nothing to visit in there. No relatives no nothing its practically going to serve a foreign nation to me.
fuck this shit halfassed nip website

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Pathetic emigrant scum. Go serve your homeland.
>Schengen zone countries
Ireland has never been in schengen
Most places look fondly upon military service, implies the individual has discipline

It's still your homeland though man, the place that birthed you. Don't you feel anything for it?
>So i got drafted into military in Lithuania, haven't been in the country for over 10 years, have no family left back there or no reason to return. Risk 1-3 years in prison if i dodge, what do?

Lithuania and Ireland are in the nordic battle groups

Irish men in Irish combat units are supposed to be there for your nation while you squat here draft dodging?

fuck you you worthless vermin

t. combat veteran
Fucking lol.

"Manning up" is never to give up your Own mind and spirit while grunting yessur or nossir in between mindless obedience.

Fuck your formula or some shit and fuck your autistic focus on the fact I quoted a piece of fiction.

It's fucking stupid some government shithead can boss this OP faggot around from a thousand miles away. It's bullshit. He doesn't owe them shit.
I was too little to develop any feelings for it when i left and only bad things coming out of capital of suicide does not reinforce any positive feelings.
>my buddy told me

You need to speak to Citizens Advice or phone Amnesty International, a Lawyer etc.

Don't rely on your fucking buddy to tell you the law, you need to get a professional opinion.
The last 2 years the quota has been filled in by volunteers, and especially if you have health problems they wont take you, even having flat feet is enough to skip military. So in the worst case you'd have to go back get examined and told to fuck off cuz ur not fit.
Convert to judaism or islam.
Become a macrobiotic vegan.
Publicly support Putin.
Wait for rejection.
>The last 2 years the quota has been filled in by volunteers

op is a coward.

get out of my nation.
Go to slavland they'll give you asylum
>combat veteran.

Where did you see combat exactly? Limerick?

The only active military forces that Ireland has, that are placed in areas where there are hostilities, are on U.N. peace keeping missions.

Outside of that the only current missions I can think of are naval ones in the med, and they're humanitarian.
>Where did you see combat exactly? Limerick?
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Man up, you little bitch.
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>What are you talking about, you just moved to a different part of the EU

>European Superstate
>Merkel talking about bringing back the military draft
>Tensions with Russia

Sorry Ireland, you're going to go fight Crazy Ivan either now or later. Don't worry, be happy, you are doing Mother Merkels good work.
Let me fucking serve here and i'll do it. My problem is not the service but the fact that i have to go to a nation that i have no ties to.
Get out of our Potato fields.
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the only war Lithuanian Soldiers could fight would be "cannonfodderish" futile one - just don't listen to these idiots and either acquit yourself for not being fit for cannonfodder or
some other ploy to avoid ...
How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

>a nation that i have no ties to.
Do you think you stop being a Lithuanian if you bury your head in the sand?

Fair enough.

But let me ask you this, given what we're here talking about, would like to see a draft in Ireland? We currently don't, so isn't it a bit unfare to impose that shit on OP.
What is European arrest warrant?

You are gone one way or the other.

"Under traditional international extradition procedure, a state can refuse to extradite a national for trial in another state for a matter that would not result in a criminal conviction domestically. This is called Double Criminality. But this vital protection has been abolished under the EAW. And the EAW also dispenses with the important matter of providing evidence to support the charge."
Yeah, but there's a stipulation though, that the penalty for the offence has to exceed three years imprisonment.
>But let me ask you this, given what we're here talking about, would like to see a draft in Ireland?

No problem with it but *only* if such troops are under a chain of command composed of Irish officers.
Serve your time, be a man for the Lithuanian people!
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What about you? Why are you posting on /pol/ instead of defending yours?
You fucking Pussy, you go to the god damned military.

PyzdĹžiau tu blet
That's about the number of net contributors, so you're almost right.
Man, it'll never happen, sure there's a moratorium on recruitment for the last few years. Our armed forces are well trained, and well equipped to a certain extent, but they'll never be funded to the point where a draft will be possible.

I don't agree with the lottery aspects of a draft anyway, it's either a few years military and civic service (paramedic, fire fighter etc) for everyone, or nothing at all.

And sure all those things are jobs for the boys here anyway.
>What about you? Why are you posting on /pol/ instead of defending yours?
Didn't meet passing requirements, because of shitty health. And you?
Because all the drafts previously were filled with volunteers.

They literally don't give a fuck if you don't care.
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>Publicly support Putin.

That would actually work.
>capital of suicide
There is a lot of that in the west these days, you're supposed to use bad news as motivation to make things better though. That's what the whole Trump movement was about, finding some way to try and get the ball rolling to make things better
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