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It's all over.

Push F to pay respects.
(((World economic forum)))
A British WW2 veteran, upon his deathbed, published his last statement, "IF I had known the government plan for my country today, I would have fought for the other side".
This won't work.

There is a limit to all of this, especially because the flow will be focused mostly on countries with good welfare like Sweden and Germany.

Do you really think they're insane to the point of accepting a billion niggers?
>Do you really think they're insane to the point of accepting a billion niggers?

RIP EU states, Britain will be fine.
Well what dose the rest of Davos's body think?
Is a timeframe mentioned?

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-18/wef-boss-schwab-warns-commodities-rout-could-spur-more-migration maybe?
If solidarity means closing the borders to anyone without at least a masters level of education in a STEM field then I agree.
Yes it's unsustainable. That's why they are doing it. The point is to destroy those nations.

They did the exact same thing with Zimbabwe and South Africa. Dilute the whites until they no longer have the voting power.

Then the kikes can bring in full Communism
And remember all big european cities are already lost.

Berlin. London. Paris are all below 50% white already.
How many of these are ACTUAL refugees? (People fleeing a warzone dangerously close to where they live?)
This is simply a invasion & genocide, exactly what the goal of globalists: to eradicate the european race, and replace it with afro-muslims.
If the 1 billion number is legitimate, I'd wager about <1% are actual refugees
But who benefits from this.

A country full of muslim niggers is a desolate shithole.

Jew cannot profit without consumers and labourers. Niggers don't consume because they don't have the money to consume. They don't have money because they do no meaningful labour. They only destroy.
>Implying Britain will leave the EU.

Come on m8, we both know that everything is being done to prevent you from leaving.
>Niggers don't consume.

Yeah they do. They piss away all of their money on useless shit.
Why did the Bolshevik Communist Jews take over Russia and murder 40 million people?

Who knows. But they do it. Over and over again. And they seem to love it.
>Own a shitton of houses, buildings and other shit
>Tell refugees to move into those houses
>The government pays you money so that the refugees can stay in those houses
>Refugees start chimping out and burning your property
>Get more money
>War happens
>invest in medical supplies and weapons
>Make even more money
>War is nearly over
>Invest in construction stuff
>Start building shit after the war is over
>Make more money
Someone has to give it to them first though.
Sauce that shit please I wanna see
Why dont we as /pol/, as Trump supporters, have the initiative to rid our countries and the world of this evil known as BLM, hatred towards whites, globalists, sexual violence towards us by our own women and so on and so on?

Its because we dont have cohesion and unity between us, which is what they want. When we are pursuing pleasure, when we have mental security that we fall asleep in, when we have our ambition or egotism and we feel rewarded for being pat on the back by blacks we dont have this kind of cohesion and initiative, which is necessary. Without this initiative and its resulting movement of cohesion and necessary action amongst us we are inevitably fucked. It may be 4 years, it may be 30, but if we dont fuck these people when we have the chance, we are invariably fucked.

We must rid these people. Fuck em, they deserve to die. I think most of us can agree on that.

But when we try to one-up each other, when we are arguing amongst ourselves and vetting each other (for example throwing rednecks under the bus while feeling proud to be pat on the by blacks) we're fucking our whole race. That is not intelligence.

We need to fuck these people and fuck them hard.. We dont have time for cuckservatives.

P.S. Those black people patting you on the back are laughing at you behind your back.. we all know this. Lets stop lying to ourselves and fuck these people hard.
That sounds way better than suppressing Feminism and offering incentives for young native peoples to marry and have children.
>downward spiral in commodities will have an economic and social repercussions

So they aren't refugees at all? They're just poor.

I do not respect the fools. Die in pain, Gayrope.
What about the countries they're coming from?

Are you going to have hundreds of millions of single women left?
you sound like a fucking 50 year old vatnik
Second that.
Lol right.
The fuck are you doing, inviting all of the Middle East to come in?! You've done fucked now! Get armed - save our homelands (and maybe we'll help).
Have you been paying attention to anything on /pol/ about this matter dumbass?

The plan is wipe out the white race its never been about helping anyone
how to move to Russian taiga ?
I guess we will see WW3 after all.
>1 billion refugees
And where are they all going to come from? The Middle East and North Africa have a population of abour 500 million, and that's a generous approximate. So Europe will take in the entire Middle East and half of Africa's total population? Where do they come up with these ludicrous numbers?
forgot to add:

Can't the EU at least try to use some of it's economic leverage to persuade some other Middle Eastern countries into taking these guys in? Why are they so intent on destroying themselves?

Once they all leave the continent, what is stopping us from Rhodesia 2
Wow this is like the millions of Orks walking from Mordor into Middle Earth.

>Jew cannot profit without consumers and labourers.
The Jew rules over the writhing masses, who needs profit when you own human capital, or did you think debt slavery was anything other than intellectualized bondage?
Gib sauce, Anon.
you don't even deserve a (YOU)
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I think solidarity looks something like pic related.
Only when the last tree is chopped down, the last river poisoned and the last breath of oxegen gone will the Jew realize you cant eat money
>Do you really think they're insane to the point of accepting a billion niggers?

Think? I fucking know it? Merkel will claim it´s immoral and against european values to close the borders or to defend ourselves.
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Stop larping jew and come help us
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Now we are the new Europe :)
They want to break national identities so they could enstablish a single European government.

EU was never meant for European people.
Because the people that actually run the EU aren't real Europeans
They're a rootless international clique that feels no allegiance to their charge and will send Western civilization into turmoil and collapse if they can profit off it
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True that.

Am Jew, maybe I can give you some insight.

We're short term thinkers that are clever but not wise. We do what's needed to make a quick shekel without thinking of the long term consequences.

We'll be bred out and erased from history before white Europeans, and we'll have deserved it. In all honesty, that day can't come quickly enough.
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How is 1 billion even possible? (((They))) sure must work hard to convince the entire middle East and half of Africa to come to Europe.

He is probably referring to this article:

Source NAO!!1!!11.!
>Take in a billion refugees
>half the continent is now refugees
>they refuse to get jobs
>governments can't pay all of them their "we're sympathetic" money because too many refugees
>refugees force a takeover of the governments because the government stopped giving them free money
>europe collapses

We could have prevented this from ever being an idea in anyones head...
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Money is paper. Jews aren't after money, they use money as a way to acquire political power.

In an Europe of "afro-muslims", no one can compete for political power with the Jews, who become themselves the God Emperors of Mankind.
You forgot the epilogue

>europe collapses
>all white europeans flee to the last bastion of the white race
>With our new population we manage to irrigate the desert
>Entirety of Australia now populated with full-blooded Europeans angry about losing their ancestral homelands to a bunch of ungrateful shit stains
>750 million people go full blitzkrieg over Europe
>Europe now empty, Middle East and Africa empty
>Era of New Colonisation, this time without any natives
>Europeans now fully own and occupy 50% of the worlds landmass
>solidarity for western and developing nations
>we're gonna flood Europe with immigrants pepper u r angus bitch boi
goddamnit 1 billion niggers are coming to europe
Does Europe even have a billion people now?
743 million.
Europe YES!

I'll admire you from afar. Maybe Australia will be inspired by your acts and open their ports to the tired huddled masses looking for a better life.
>Say 1billion people could come
>actually "only" 25million
>"Why are you complaining? It's far less than we said."
>save in on grounds of national security or public order
Kek kikes left this hole in, I wonder why no one exploited this shit. We could get rid of them trough this.
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Where I can find him actually saying this?
Sorry mate, you might have missed the memo so I'll retell it for you: "We're fucking full."
So the plan is to over double the population in only a few years? How would that even work?
It wont. But that was never the point.
Don't think Sweden can afford this. Shit.
You are going to, whether you like it or not.

>Don't think Sweden can afford this.

You think they care? You're going to accept them. You're going to let them in.

Sometimes I genuinely forget that Sweden and Germany are real places. It just feels like I'm speaking about some far off imaginary place where things that really matter don't matter at all and everyone is super okay with it. It's absolutely bizarre.
Yes they are
>3.7 billion mexicans will immigrate to the US in the next 5 months
You just don't get it. The world is moving into a post-scarcity automated economy. The kikes are busy killing off the races that are smart enough to run the robots and computers that will make this happen. Soon they'll be the only uncucked race with the IQ to build an automated economy. Once they're done using the shitskins to wipe us out they'll kill off the niggers and they will be on their own, the only race left alive.
This is over decades I'm guessing. So basically as the populations on this continents get to big to feed themselves they will ship the excess people to the west to bolster socialist party voting blocks
Fucking heartbreaking.
>The world is moving into a post-scarcity

Nope. Never going to happen as much as imbeciles wish.
Who says they will be allowed in.
And with statements like that its funny that people ask why border walls. We dont have the infrastructure for even 1/8th of that in europe. Just look at us which is struggling to accommodate what is it 380m with decent living standards because of illegals. Fuck off were full. Plus these people dont even like us here just want the higher standard of living at our expense which migration destroys. They could have that in their own nations if they got off their butt aswell as most importantly not had that many kids which they just pretend is now someone elses responsibility.
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Not just any excess population, excess men. More men coming to Europe.
It's already happened, nearly everything is 3D printed or made on a CNC cell system. Instead of having an army of laborers you have a small crew of engineers and maintenance guys, maybe 4 or 5 people total, doing the work that 1,000 or more used to do. Just wait till cars, trucks, and planes are driverless. The only thing preventing economic collapse at this point is gibs and the service industry. Dark times we live in.
this nigga knows
So, the entirety of Africa.

Guess the kikes aren't satisfied with just calling Israel theirs eh
>coming directly from a territory where their life or freedom was threatened.
Doesn't that mean that refugees who come to the UK from France shouldn't be admitted? Their life and freedom isn't threatened in France.
Imagine living here then man. When I was small I was always so happy that I was born in Sweden, such a good place. Now... not so much.
This is srs. Anyone know how I can go about bringing a German cutey back to the states with me? I can't stand the shitskins getting to them first.
Also, need to move to America or some place, and build a Scandinavian comfy village where I can grow old.
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Why, in the name of all the hells combined if there is such thing as Dante spoke about, haven't every single European in the EU not yet bought a ticket and entered that fucking parliament mid-reunion and killed every single one of those kikes and put someone who isn't actually a puppet in their place?
Go and barge that shit all together, leave some people behind to protect your women and fuck their shit up.
Be proud Swede bro. Your country has a proud and glorious history. You are from good stock and you will be great once more, you're already great enough that everybody wants to move to your country. Your people just need a good smack in the face to get them out of this daze.

Despite the failings of Sweden and Norway, I'd genuinely prefer to live there than Australia.
>Do you really think they're insane to the point of accepting a billion niggers?

after fighting against their own interests, against Hitler ......yes , yes annnnd yes
I swear to God if Europeans don't start protesting this shit before it happens we deserve extinction. European white males better take the streets and finish what Hitler started
No you dont get it. The problem is that half of the world expects the other half to take care of them. The automation is minimal and only in very advanced smaller societies that can afford it. This has nothing to do with mass migration which is people who have 4x as many kids can barely feed themselves in the first place do very little for themselves and thus combined have low standard of living and want to migrate for higher living standard and fuck others shit up instead of acting responsible on their own clay and using it properly. Fuck off were full. I dont want the higher living standards here that my ancestors worked their butt off and acted responsibly to procure compromized by a bunch of jackasses that could not keep their genitals in their pants.they are the cause of their own problems and while i have sympathy with them it only goes so far when their intention is to go here and fuck up my situation too.

You want post scarcity situation in the future? Tell these morons to sort out their own clay for once.
Oi loik et m8
Daily reminder that this is planned, it's part of the Barcelona Declaration.

>Doesn't that mean that refugees who come to the UK from France shouldn't be admitted?
In theory because we have a hard border and the Dublin treaty says they have to reside in the first safe country but the EU likes to piss around with that and change the rules constantly to suit them, then tell us we cant pick and chose what we want. It's all very corrupt if you ask me, they need to be bombed I think.. You agree with me and understand the need to nuke all these shit holes from orbit. I mean we'd be doing a service to God to wipe them all out. They must die so that we can be free!

You know I'm right.
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don't see anything wrong with it
y'all eurocücks deserve it
good thing Britain pulled out in time
I'm not even advocating a post-scarcity economy, I'm warning you guys that this is the kike's endgame. Play the other races off of each other while they rebuild Israel as a completely automated ethno-socialist state. They will be the last "very advanced smaller society that can afford it." The mass migration/shitskin plague is for them a means to an end. They can wipe out huge numbers of niggers easier than they can wipe out small numbers of whites.
The WEF are, literally, everything /pol/ accuses them to be and are proud of it. They openly pour disdain on already people and view nations and people in them to be nothing more than tools. They're already planning to manipulate cities into ignoring the national government.


An interesting passage on wikipedia.

""Davos Man"

"Davos Man" is a neologism referring to the global elite of wealthy (predominantly) men, whose members view themselves as completely "international". It is similar to the term Masters of the Universe, applied to influential financiers on Wall Street.

Davos men supposedly see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. According to political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, who is credited with inventing the phrase "Davos Man",[65] they are people who "have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite's global operations". In his 2004 article "Dead Souls: The Denationalization of the American Elite", Huntington argues that this international perspective is a minority elitist position not shared by the nationalist majority of the people.[66]

John Fonte of the Hudson Institute has suggested that the transnational ideology of Davos Man represents a major challenge to Francis Fukuyama's assertion that liberal democracy represents the fulfillment of The End of History and the Last Man.[67]"

These people are fucking sick and should be hung.
fair dinkum aye mate, shits tops now lets go get us some durries at the servo this arvo then pop to the bottlo for some goon and get on the piss but don't go aggro on me cunt 'wise I'll fucking drop ya, probs have to chuck a sickie tomorrow.
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Schwab Family History. German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): regional name for someone from Swabia (German Schwaben), from Middle High German Swap, German Schwabe 'Swabian'.


No shit sweden but your infrastucture cant either. Thats what weve been trying to tell you. High standard of living is only achievable with not that many people.

What do you think these migrants will vote for? To let more in till swedes are a minority and swedish economy collapses and it turns into looking like a shithole in africa or middle east. This is why these places are the way they are. Because these people are irresponsible shitheads. You better start figuring that out fast before you yourself start living in one. There is a reason why distrust of foreigners is healthy.
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>mfw we are living in The Camp of the Saints
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They want you to feel defeated. Do you feel it? Do you feel powerless? If yes, then they won.
lots of Americans would want to help you, if for no other reason than to avoid the city dwelling scum. Could be a business opportunity.
Pathological altruism was just a Randian delusion they said.
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This is retarded, nonsensical fear-mongering.

Germany accepted more refugees than any other country in europe and they accepted only 800,000
Its either the end of europe or the end of the eu beaureaucracry forcing us down this path against our will. This is sadly becoming increasingly obvious.
agree but it could also mean
that the powers that be are actually prepared to completely destroy europe as a sacrifice given to foreign hordes to plunder
although I have doubts such a mad plan will actually succeed
>trusting a Jew

No you're extremely long term thinking when it comes to destroying nations. You are clever and and arrogant. You think dumb goyim will never catch on to your schemes and subversion.

They always do and you always pay the fucking price.
Just shut the fuck up for once israel. There were many migrants in germany already and coupled with difference in birthrated germans are in risk of becoming minority in their own nation something that would have never been possible had the world not done anything else but talk about jews and holochaust for the last 50 years eventhough other massacres during war or otherwise have been much greater.
((( )))
TPTB pretty much control the means of production. It has never been easier to torture an entire continent. Think about it. You rely on so many things to survive. The mad plan can actually succeed.
By design. Jews wasn't even shoah'd. Just internment camp'd.
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I will repeat myself just because you told me to stop.

>>105895881 (OP)
This is retarded, nonsensical fear-mongering.

Germany accepted more refugees than any other country in europe and they accepted only 800,000
How many refugees and migrants have you taken israel. How many. I wonder why. Same reason why europeans dont want to either.
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>Just shut the fuck up for once israel. There were many migrants in germany already and coupled with difference in birthrated germans are in risk of becoming minority in their own nation something that would have never been possible had the world not done anything else but talk about jews and holochaust for the last 50 years eventhough other massacres during war or otherwise have been much greater.

Explique le plan au kike, Sven...
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La France(Europe) du futur


Arabs and niggers are completely useless, once whites are destroyed they will be easily domesticated.
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Thank goodness for Brexit. :)

Yes apparently jews cant shut up even in business that does not concern them. What else is new. The us 1965 immigration reform is ruining the us similar way and now decades after high migration to both eu and us spearheaded by jews in many cases to the point when the situation has become so dire. In comes a jew and tells us to shut up for discussing it.
My own family's veterans said that too. I think most sane people in Europe are thinking that way now.
Mindless consumers who save nothing, invest nothing. Only spend.

> caught completely by surprise

You could have 10 niggers fuck them up the ass and they would still be surprised rape was increasing in Sweden.
>Do you really think they're insane to the point of accepting a billion niggers?
Yes....Even though it's unsustainable.And the white race will accept it. Because white men are more concerned about being called "racist" than saving the future of their own children or defending their own interests.
>afraid of being racist

This is the biggest problem. We have to shed this fear. It's a communist term anyways used to do exactly what it does-shut down opposition.
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Écoute ceci au complet, dégoutant...

This will be the trigger for a mass uprising against all countries that try to allow this. The White Europeans are almost on the tipping point of a mass swing to the far right. There will be civil war before any where near that amount arrive. Putin is not going to want civil war in Europe so I can see him stepping in too. Then..? Perhaps our old LARPer anon5 was correct in his warning.
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Why did kike puppet obongo turn against Israel?

I plan on doing exactly this
Hurry up Europeans, start another world war so I can get money
He's a Muslim sympathizer.

They'll never stop coming until we make them stop.

Especially once their economies collapse under overpopulation and the loss of foreign aid (we'll need all the money to take care of the refugees in Europe, which costs 100x more).
So are you suggesting that muslims have more influence on him than the Jews? If so, this doesn't sound very likely.

With family reunification 800k turns into 10 million in a couple of decades.
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I can see how there would be 1 billion just africans alone willing to come to europe.
Europe is dead. The best course of action is to support the PRC, which is the only polity that has the power to stop (((them))).
Thank you for giving proper credit to the author of these timeless masterpieces.

They lost control over him, at this point telling the truth about his husband and other things would hurt the kikes far more than him.

As for the Iran deal and the green line shit, he simply thinks he's doing what's right IMO.
Nigger, there are just 1.2 billion in Africa.
they will all be once food cant be produced anymore
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sometimes it's hard to believe hitler was real

when I consider what was lost.. damn, I used to feel something, now I'm just empty inside. I want to fight or die
Samuel Huntington got a lot of shit correct, this and the clash of civilisations. Red-pilled as fuck.
>implying kikes need more money
They want to destroy Europe these people practically admit this and should be hung from buildings end of story.
the only way that amount of people would migrate is through the end of a barrel of a gun
>there will be more refugees than people in Europe


>6.12 minutes

>lots of Americans would want to help you
Really? You think such an idea would be accepted by Americans?
just be ready and fight for the right side this time :^)

there will be riots or a extreme national movement in one of the important western countries anytime and we better use the chance

they are building a shitload of "container apartments" in germanyfor billions which are basically worth ~10-15% of the money spent
Article is from jan 2016 why you post stale coffee ?

I always hope on of our boys chimps and drops these kikes behind their hotel walls
Well he is a muslim himself.
Not more power but he just cares about muds more than kikes. As a lame duck it doesn't really matter who has the power over him, it's about who he cares about more.
oy vey the goyim are learning our tricks. we must pass laws where they are shut out of our game.
What are you doing exactly about tyrone and jamal?
I'm sure Germany would be willing to accommodate them, open arms and all that.
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