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what are they putting in the food

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and water that make's women so Voluptuous?

surely the same hormones are being given to men

am i the only one noticing this?

this is a serious health concern and i'm shocked nobody is talking about this
pls post more titcows
News flash: I'm gay
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I guess I'll share a few from my collection
It's the pills they take anon. Hormone pills against pregnancy.
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Cow meats gets insanely among of hormones,girl 9 to 12 years old get big boob or big ass.

Sexual desire on early age.
couldn't the hormones in food specifically dairy (estrogen) make guys gay?

in canada we have milk ads on TV, not a brand just MILK, it's supposedly to support Canadian farmers, but I think it is trying to tell everyone to drink milk, but a country made up by many ethnicities, many being lactose intolerant, isn't that suspicious?
Nothing. Women are less feminine than they were 100 years ago.
people always talk about it tard but it is not a problem big boobs are good
lol who dressed like that to the grocery store
this is true, birth control does effect a girls body, even if they maintain a healthy lifestyle they have large breasts and thick stomachs after considerable time

exogenus estrogen needs to be talked about
big boobs aren't the issue moron, the food that women consume to attain these breasts is also consumed by males

get that in your thick skull
I was born gay senpai.

I knew I was gay since I was 5

Lanie Morgan
Dairy consumption has gone down for a long time. Stop lying out your ass, leaf.
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stop drinking milk
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I think you mean FAT

Women in america are fat.
Whats in the food that is the problem you ask?

Sugar. Calories.

Stop eating so much you FUCKIGN LARD
Fat content in the diet, as it goes up girls get bigger.

Similar for overall nutrition the more food children get the larger they grow as adults.

This is why the Japanese are getting taller over their grand and great grand parents.
do you live in canada? we have national ads about milk, on our national channel

milk consumption is on the rise
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Nice James...name?
faggot attempts repress!
it fails...
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No it isn't. Stop lying.
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i don't think it's about fat consumption, i'm specifically talking about larger breasts especially over developing, some anon said it was because of BC and i have to agree, but i know girls who aren't on the pill who are built like this... seveeral
Birth Control.
It's also pissed out and introduced into the water supply.
That is why men are more feminine now and why there are more fags and trannies.
so you are a usa native and link me a huffpost article to refute my claims?

maybe kys

this is what i'm talking about

Are you actually retarded?
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Those tits
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There are no measurable amount of hormones in beef or milk. Kids are developing because they're over-fed. That's all it is.

The modern diet is nothing like it used to be just decades ago.

High amounts of fat causes high levels of estrogen, which is partially why fatties have man tits and tiny peckers.
>reads huffpost
>believes huffpost
>calls people retarded

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>Like ten years ago, around 15/16
>At my dad's house, kind of a loner
>Step sister tries introducing me to some girl
>Some little Mexican chick, whatever
>Nice rack, nice plump ass
>My step sister is only like 11, what the fuck, how is she hanging out with this chick
>Girl is super shy but kind of clingy
>Stepmom and dad are like never home
>Some of my first sexual encounters were with this girl
>Ended up getting to steal her panties after a blowjob, that was about the most I got other than just being really hands on with her
>End up finding out she was only like 13/14 or some shit


Made me super wary of girls ages after that day
I ask for ID every time now
I don't care about being bisexual as long as I get to see many big tetas
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this is some primal mating instinct type shit
i wanna FUCK that titcow
is anyone concerned about the massive amount of artificial estrogen that is being pissed out by trannys and going back into our water?

i think it's making men more feminine and gay desu
do pee therapy the normal testosterne of your pee cancels the tranny pee estrogen
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they just eat too much
It's called "added sugar"
Sugar and calories existed two hundred years ago though, why wasn't everyone a fat cow then?

Certain chemicals in plastics, pesticides, and birth control leech into the water supply. Get a reverse osmosis filtration system to start, and learn what to avoid. There's so much to say but I'm tired so do some searching on how to avoid xenoestrogens.
Enjoy your no #gainz4life. /pol/ is on gomad+SS to uncuck itself. Get ripped or die 'mirin.

all kinds of estrogens. its in the drinking water too, from women pissing out their birth control pills. this is why so many men think they're women.
it's just more whorish clothing combined with small incremental changes in breast size over time as men started to weed out the unattractive girls
People went out back then.
Canadian milk farmers cannot use growth hormones in their cows since the early 70's
she'd be unbeatable tier if she didnt have the face of a 12y/o
The main reason you should give up high fructose corn syrup is that it’s a big red flag for very poor quality food. If you see this ingredient on a label, I guarantee you the food is processed junk. So, if high fructose corn syrup is anywhere on the label, put it back on the shelf. You should never eat this food.

If you want to stay healthy, lose weight easily, get rid of chronic disease, and help reduce the obesity epidemic, the single most important thing you can do is eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet and from your children’s diet. Just banish it from your house.
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>that doesnt make it better
thanks guys i was trying to do /noporn/
it's being relabelled as "liquid sugar" now.

I'm not joking.
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This. Need sauce

Honestly it is probably dozens if not hundreds of factors combined, including higher sugar and higher fat diets, plus modern sedentary life style. In terms of hormone disruption, there are hundreds of known endocrine disrupting chemical products used in various things such as medications and plastics, and that is just what we know about. Just like there are hundreds of carcinogens (cancer causing) and other types of toxic effects from modern things, there are lots of endocrine disruptors. So it doesn't matter if the cow has growth hormone, merely drinking cow milk plus all these chemicals means the American male has a 25% chance of growing tits, assuming they aren't very healthy of course. Or rather I should say over 20% of the country has man-boobs.

When it comes to all the younger puberty and larger secondary sex organs you see in women, I would imagine most of that is hormones but it definitely is also diet and perhaps mental factors.

Keep in mind that all men produce estrogen and testosterone, and there are dozens of known genetic defects that effect the balance of hormones. That is one of the reason there are so many transgender people now, between the toxic chemicals and toxic culture, genetically weak males who are low T don't really stand a chance.
Those are implants
The word you're all looking for is xenoestrogens

Read this

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High fructose corn syrup.
It's called
A) Being fat
B) Estrogen and pseudo-estrogenic compounds in the water from the contraceptive pill and plastic leeching
Anyone else here been with a girl on pills?
While it was awesome to be able to not have to use condoms and such, the menstruation had an absolutely rotten stench, and her taking pills felt wrong somewhere deep down.
I would argue yes, but I would also argue that "Vegetable Oil" is just as bad. Vegetable Oil / Canola oil is usually all or mostly GMO Rapeseed Oil. Rapeseed Oil is poisonous so they GE'd it to remove the poison and corner the market on a cheap oil. However, it is TERRIBLE for you. Holy shit, yes it won't kill you like before but it will destroy your body over time on nearly ever level. From fat to arteries down to the DNA level.

There are plenty of examples like this.
yes, they are crazy and ultimately, unlovable
Codi Vore
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Also bump because I'm genuinely interested in this.
Girls just seem to be getting bigger and bigger, and start developing at earlier ages too
Spotted the last white brit
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Thanks and Check'd
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otoni is THICC because she's probably eaten more whale blubber than the average non Icelandic woman. Now post more tiddies!

It's the male equivalent to taking testosterone..almost.

Women get that shit like candy at halloween.
Because if they did they would have lost all their teeth by the age of 3 and died later
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>otoni is THICC because she's probably eaten more whale blubber than the average non Icelandic woman
Alright, but are other Icelandic women that THICC

>Now post more tiddies!
Aye aye
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I live in the Montreal suburbs, when I went downtown recently I was shocked how everyone there was a fucking midget, including the men. At a measly 6ft I was towering almost everyone and the avg height seemed to be 5'7 for men. Something is definitely up, I think the city water has higher concentration of estrogens in the tap water because of tampons.
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I'll just leave this here

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>what are they putting in the food that make's women so Voluptuous?

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>I'm retarded
It's called estrogen
>doesnt even have a basket
not exactly shopping 2bh
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The big change is fitness and exercise, boys are probably going out and playing sports less and girls are doing it more because of feminism, even as society is getting more sedentary. I don't think the titties are getting bigger. Maybe the "beautiful at any size" thing and all the huge titties in media is making people less ashamed about them.
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>out back then
>out back
Nice try, emu
>crazy and ultimately, unlovable
Crazy, yes, they all are, unlovable, not in my case. Just that a moment of disgust'd hit me when a pill was taken in front of me, although I never thought much about it.
Some women start taking it to fix up fucked up menstruation cycles, not because yolo sex.
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>Only boy in my family
>Constantly get told how much of a freak giant I am compared to everyone else
>At 13/14 I completely towered over my mom and was around the same height as my dad
>Get to high school and realize how much of a fucking midget I am

I'm like 5'9" or something like that

I'm a piss poor excuse for the supposed Aryan race
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Alright, gotta get some sleep
American women (or the populace in general) are definitely on something, no European teen looks like Villendorf Venus, yet the amount and quality of food available is roughly the same.
We have the same commercials for milk and pork. Oh, and cotton.
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They're just fatter than ever.

Your average girl is walking around with 30% body fat. Also near zero muscle mass.
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>women are starting to get thicker
>population of women is increasing in relation to male population

Amazonian snuu snuu world soon.
cool story anon, any pics of what she looks like now?
I don't want to be that guy but that was a good ten years and five or six cell phones ago, I don't have a trace of her anymore. Not even the panties.

They were like rainbow striped though, if you're curious.
The main reason why humans are getting taller and taller is the fact that taller men are more successful in breeding offsprings (height has no influence on the reproduction success of women, who would've thought).

Consequently, humans reach puberty later and later, as larger mammals need longer to reach sexual maturity, despite our perception of "more and more 12 year old girls have cow tits hurrr". Yes, nutrition plays a role but on a genetic level this has no influence.
Also, girls mature faster the fatter they are while it is the other way around for boys. Fat boys are given more time to mature (and hence grow larger) by their endocrine system, as they have enough resources to fuel a delayed growth spurts. Almost all 6'5"+ men have one thing in common: They hit puberty relatively late.

As for massive tits, it's all genetics. I've been roiding for the past two years and still can't grow a beard. Some women grow giant tits due to elevated amounts of estrogen, some grow giant tits even at low levels, some have tiny tits at elevated levels, anything in between etc. It's much more complicated thsn " substance xyz leads to abc".

t. MSc in biochemistry.
For real dude, this!!!
Apparently lots of stuff nowdays has 'xenoestrogens' that are basically female hormones or chemicals that encourages the body to produce them. Medicines, sugars, preservatives, colorants, etc that are ingested but mostly filtered by the liver; detergents, soaps, shampoos, etc that are directly absorbed by the skin.

It's all hormones. At least on the 14-year-old with tits side...
i have no idea but if that's the result i say add more
"Having large tits while you are fat is the same as having a fast car while falling of a cliff"
oil has a byproduct of estrogen

oil is innate in almost everything if its wrapped or contained in plastic its got extra estrogen in it all the fruits and veg as well are pumped up with it for growing purposes this is why testosterone level of men today are 50% lower than men 100 years ago
I thought there is a very specific hormone that triggers breast growth. Not just estrogen
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then where can I buy some to start slipping it in my girlfriend's tea?
>Saggy flat pancake titties

Idk but it sure isn't helping

Ty and checked too bruh
xenoestrogens. it's everywhere, not just in food.

also part of the reason why man "want to be women". it's not just culture
I think (if im not misleaded) its released during a specific time during puberty. So it correlates with growth and coming of age. Its not just something you can inject in yourself now. You can try injecting your gf with cow growth hormones and breast feeding activators thou
no, it's much more complicated than that.
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that'll be the dream but I dunno if it has to be time specific because I've known lots of girls who had smaller breasts until their late teens to twenties then suddenly grow an additional cup or two for no apparent reason well past puberty.
>I knew I was gay since I was 5
Then how can you say it was from birth and not all the milk you drank from age 2-5?
Mods are doing a shit job today.

How is this clear as day softporn spam still going.


>The main reason why humans are getting taller and taller is the fact that taller men are more successful in breeding offspring
This is generally not true except in niche communities. Average human height has not steadily been increasing overtime but rather has fluctuated wildly depending on many different factors, with the most eminent one being recent industrialization and affordable healthcare; this is the main reason why so many western countries have had a growth spurt in the past 100 years, but now have levelled off.
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don't be like that, we didn't mean to make you feel left out. Here, have something just for (You)
Stop saving gay ant porn leaf
OR are men less masculine than they were 100 years ago?
just imagine he's really far away because his kack is that long and you'll still be able to get off to it, you silly ol' bear.
that`s angry joe girlfriend

>go to target
>see a goth girl with big ass tits
>want to go hit on her
>suddenly her mom shows up
>asks the girl about what clothes she picked up
>girl nearly throws a tantrum asking to go the mall instead
>learn from their argument that she's still in middle school

i'm fucking scared

i'm going to end up in jail at the rate these girls are growing
Don't project your wear Trudeau wet dreams on me leaf
It's the soy, shit is basically estrogen
Education never helps, neither it prevented people from voting Shillary, nor prevented you from believing "it's just evolution!"

Same happens to me often since I like short women. Can never tell if just well stacked 14 year old or not.
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He has a different girlfriend now but if he ever did date this girl then good on Histrionic Hector
Just the Jews trying to create women that appeal to niggers
They'll get necked on rope day so don't worry about it
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>those feet
At least being in college in my mid-20's I'm somewhat safe because they're at least 18

...I hope, Jesus fuck there was that Chinese girl I had a good two feet on who there is no way she's older than 15
98% of the global population is under 6' you troglodyte. Don't tell me you fell for the manlet meme. Google it.
Nice gets
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>implying you wouldn't make her stomp in a bucket of Vaseline for you because you like the sound it makes when it squishes between her toes
While it is true some sorts of milk and meat have more estrogen and estrogen-like substances, the main issue is that the average person can afford more food and has to do less physical labor than a few decades ago. Let's take a look at the 20s for example, back then things like milk and flour and processed sugar were far more expensive than today, even in the 70s or 80s farms weren't nearly as efficient as they are today. Nowadays there are also many more office jobs or jobs which require only a minimum of manual labor so we usually sit around all day while growing fatter. Another issue is that advertising has a much bigger influence on what we eat plus unhealthy food is easier/faster to cook (very important in our hectic times) and often cheaper than healthy food.
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from behind

Holy fuck this is great bait desu 10/10
All these bitches are just fat.

Girls used to be married with children by 14.
Fuck i would lick that womans asshole all day erryday. In fact i would beg her to shit in my mouth instead of shitting in the toilet
T. Homosex
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please tell me this just some fan made bullshit. I'm sure it is as I can't imagine Disney being on board but never put anything past the jews.
I just google image searched her online handle LovelessLilith. In all honesty though dating girls built like her who post sexy pictures online for attention from random dudes is a fucking nightmare. I speak from experience.
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We live in the age of technology my friend. You remember her name, yes? Its all you need to find her.
I'm not saying I wouldn't fug them, just that the source of their cow tits is fat.

Women's bodies tend to distribute fat to the ass/thighs and breasts, while leaving the face and waist looking relatively thin up to a certain point.

t. Bisex




You mean you've been a degenerate fucking mental case since age 5
>Fat content in the diet, as it goes up girls get bigger.
It's 2017, everybody has internet, 90% of population still thinks eating fat will make you fat...
Make an experiment on yourself if you're a bit overweight. Eat for a weak just bacon, eggs, meat, heavy cream, butter nothing else (as much as you want), than switch to sweets - soft drinks, ice cream, you know the drill (limit it to 4k kCal don't want you to get sick).
What you'll find is exactly what biochemistry teaches:
No fat is stored in your body from fat consumed, all fat goes to building necessary tissue and energy, the rest simply goes out your body in stool (because no biochemical process in human body exists thatmakes possible fat to fat transition).
No fructose (specifically fructose glucose is another story) is used for energy purpuses in your body, every single gram is transformed into fat with rare and insignificant exception of glycogen (because again, no biochemical process in your body permits fructose to energy transition, it must be transformed to your stored fat first).

Woment are getting fat because they stuff their mouths with fructose rich products. Most processed products are fructose rich in your country. It's basically a government program which is based on fraudulent science from couple of decades ago - fat causes heart desease and such, fat lies, so let's change the composition of products so that we have more carbohydrates in them less fat in percentage terms and lets promote this healthy diet. What came out of it? People in genearal eat the same amout of protein and fats (they need to feed their bodies after all) but enriched in additional sugars, fructose being the problem. So the wise state got what it wanted in ratios of carbs to proteins to fats, but the amount of food increased and the quality went face to the pavement.

Lustig, "Bitter truth"
more of this cow slut! give us a name you greedy jew!
My wife has enormous-tier boobs she's thicc but not fat, I don't know what they were putting in the water but corn fed titties are the best.
this is weird because I consume tons of sugar, but have always been ripped
I haven't worked out in like 6 years
>Thinks he's seen the light on excess estrogen
>Discounts fat consumption as a possible reason

Excess fat consumption and excess fat storage causes increased estrogen production in both men and women.

While I'm not saying we don't get exposed to excess estrogen in our day to day (we do), milk consumption is probably the least of your worries.
Most modern synthetics, from plastic soda bottles to clothing, releases pollutants that the human body responds to as though it's estrogen. Birth control also has a more far reaching effect than just the girl who takes it. The estrogen is released through urine and eventually makes it back to our water supply.

Stop looking for an easy scapegoat and take the redpill. Everything about this modern life emasculates you.
so in conclusion
>don't eat
>don't wash
>don't use anything
and perfect, you avoid all xenoestrogens.
also you're dead.
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it's probably a mix of hormones man
progesterone + growth hormone + estrogen. Oxytocin and prolactin deal with milk production and ejection but idk about actual growth itself

all that surging while girls with vastly different genes and different environments hit adolescence
You gain then you loose, that's how your body works, you may consider yourself lucky. I'm talking about people that have weight problems there. Also you might have a fatty liver - you should check it.
Have you counted calories?
>Also you might have a fatty liver - you should check it.
No idea; I always figured I just had a fast metabolism.
>Have you counted calories?
No, but I'm sure it's 2k or less a day, so there's that.
KEK wtf
Whatever it is I don't like it.

I'm a guy and I used to be a fat fuck but after a lot of proper diet and exercise I'm at a normal weight but now I've got fucking womanly hips.

What is this garbage? I'd rather be a fat fuck than a guy with an hourglass figure.
Damn angry joe lost this? what's that other lame bitch she playing with, purrluna? She doesn't even look good for a Swedish girl
>I'd rather be a fat fuck than a guy with an hourglass figure.
More cushion for the pushin' m8 ;-]
God has picked you to become a trap. I'm so sorry. pls fuck me
I'm too tall and hairy for that
I think the ingredient is called

"sitting on the couch all day"
Time to wax and be a glorious amazonian trap
Just go to Brazil if you want that. I'm going to go eat a tub of icecream and sit in a bathtub full of butter.

> The estrogen is released through urine and eventually makes it back to our water supply.

This, belgian bro dropping the redpill.

This shit is known for like 10 years but nobody dare to talk about it. Funny enough the only time I heard about the bad effect of the pills or xenoestrogen in general was because

- fish where getting anormaly all female and this was harming reproduction

- Girl develop tits or their menstruation way earlier and sometimes they can be sad or bullied

100% true, all of wich was on belgium tv and or radio.

They don't fucking care about the effect on young male. (((They))) however fear the effect on little girls psyche

Fuck this jew ass earth
Now I know why you're such a womanly bitch

You do have fast metabolism, fructose is transformed into fat in liver in very similar process alcohol is. So this organ may be strained in your case, may be fat infested, just do blood test on it, should cost pennies.
2k is subsistence level, so like I said - you gain few grams and you lose it between meals.and while sleeping.
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Maybe if I get something sharp enough I can just carve the fat off my hips...

It worked for getting rid of those tattoos on my leg...
>t. MSc in biochemistry.
>I've been roiding
pick 1 you flaming faggot
you do filter your water right anon?
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It's a combination of diet and hormones.
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Fat chick arms..

Jesus fuck anon I can't FAP to cows, I grill and eat cows.. and it's 420am anon. I can't grille yet. Reeeeee
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i need a high test gf right now
I'm confused. that is clearly not the dairy section.
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we're reaching levels of THICCness that shouldn't be possible
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>tfw I realize this is actually part their agenda to normalize pedophilia

Heart says WRONG
Dick says BIG TITS
>surely the same hormones are being given to men

checks out
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give in anon
ooga booga my man
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found the vegan nu-male cunt
muaaaahahahaaaa, huffingpest as sauce. Go eat some tofu and watch "your" girlfriend get spit-roasted by niggers

what are us guys supposed to do with that black widow thing

why isnt it a hole of some kind
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God my benis used to regularly assplode for ibwf
Same thing turning men into beta cucks

Literal estrogen and estrogen mimicers
It's called being fat you mongoloid. Women the size of your pic are bordering on obese.
It's called genetics conspiritard
You mean that's angry Pedros ex
Is there any way to what product has which amount of estrogen?
Codi Vore
I will ensure that in the future all women will have big tits
t. Adolf Titler
she'd just have to get in shape and she'd be a top 10 rich as fuck pornstar
never mind i looked up her vids and she's fat as fatass, not what i had in mind based on the pic
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>all these fat women with stretched tits
Less then 18 year olds can attend tons of colleges ya jackasses, especially for AP classes.
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>tfw the dairy companies are putting estrogen and growth hormones in milk so that the lactose-tolerant whites are bred to be feminised while the minorities are unaffected producing white women with cowtits for Abdul and Tyrone to play with while white men are turned into literal actual cuckholds
"liquid sugar" ? That's how I call the coca-cola.
big tits aren't "stretched" it's just a reality of big tits, as long as the nipple's above the equator and they're not flat it's all good
post pix fgt
Stop it, you're making too much sense for a /pol/ post
How does the pisswater transform into drinking water?
t. own water from the well
tits aren't supposed to sit that high and push-up bras are going out of fashion
in the US it goes
piss > septic tank > ground water/water table > municipal water treatment plant > water company > customer

where the estrogen is apparently never filtered out
Will estrogen in water do to the west what silver did to rome?

Main cause is just weight.

Changes in Humans happen once we start reaching certain weights. For girls if they weigh a lot when they are younger they will hit puberty faster.
Cut out dairy.
fat with saggy tits.

Bad genes.
no get fucked cunt gomad makes me feel powerful like a big man and I grow stronger every day
>I knew I was gay since I was 5
Is that what you tell yourself you pathetic faggit?
>mother's side of the family has girls with large breasts + father's side of the family has girls with large breasts
Great point, retard
>why do people live longer?
>AAAHHhh it doesn't matter, it's good
found the virgin
Everyone's fucking gay when they're five.
Remember cooties and shit like that?
Can i be part of ur family?
Wtf are vegans actually redpilled?

But there are alternatives listed you illiterate Germcuck (shill)
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beep beep

You don't seem very bright though, less testosterone would INCREASE height you fucknut, castrati were taller than average due to no testosterone production. Testosterone fuses the growth plates.
Its called, FAT.

Stupid fucking leaf.
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It literally happens in the blink of an eye. These fucking hormones they put in the food are insane. My sister in the span of like two or three weeks went from a fucking bird chest to C's.
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>the nose

get zapped fag
Isnt it disgusting how humans are treated like cattle?
Take some hormones so you will get more horny and become a degenerate slut.
When will we bring companies like Unilever (swamp jew company) to court?
Kellogs has already been boycotted by trump supporters anyway, time to boycot these other kikes too
Clearly must be the jews.
Kellog's Corn Flakes was designed specifically to reduce people's sex drive.
yeh because there no hormones in corn flakes.
Vegetarians are mostly whites, reduce their sex drive and they will be submissive and cucks.
Carnivores are mostly niggers and spics, the hormones will turn them into rabid rapists
They putting to the food my loveseadick949
but my gf has literally no boobs

t. flat expert
Sauce is Codi Vore
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>Codi Vore
Why does Thor have a dog dick?
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Has science gone too far?
>several factors implying harm to testosterone levels
>so one doesn't matter
It's like saying peeing on your pants doesn't matter if there's already shit down there.
nope, I would bust a nut in her every morning then go hold her hand in public.
its a huge dissapointment when she stands up.
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Actually I might be even more impressed.
*non organic milk.
>Lipedema is an incurable, chronic disorder of adipose tissue and lymphatic vessel dysfunction that almost exclusively occurs in women. People with lipedema experience a disproportionate increase of subcutaneous fat tissue in the legs, buttocks and hips.

This is not "THICC" at this point.
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still would and feel zero guilt about her medical condition getting my rocks off
A shame that women would rather take in a million refugees than give up the pill.
>real life slimegirls
w-what are you doing dick

She was born at just the right time. What used to be a carnival sideshow is now desirable.
I unfortunately was born at the wrong time, THICC girls to my liking that would have been easy to get with now have thousands of thirsty niggers inflating their egos all the time.
She looks like shit
Now THAT is T H I C C
Try being 5'9 while living in Scandinavia, I see children that are taller than me.
bovine growth hormone

What happens if you max out height by 15 or so but your height is 6'2?
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This goy knows what's up.

My digits proofs it.
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Step up
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