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Redditards About Tranny Sex

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Thread replies: 367
Thread images: 118

AskReddit has a thread about what its like to have sex with a tranny. They argue its not a big deal to not disclose status before sex.


Remember goys, if she needs lube before intercourse even starts SHE'S A MAN!
fuck you nigger
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Fucking leafs love black trannies, everyone knows this.
Reddit is sick: " As for the sex, besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female. "
Why do opposite gendered couples switch on each other?: "g the other way (MtF), but it's like... you get a little taste of getting closer to feeling like your body is correct, and it just stops. "
>not gay
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>Except for everything it was the same
>They literally fell for the feminine penis meme
"Their vagina's looked like someone had moulded clay really badly. Just like two half-assed bumps for the labia majora, no minora, their vaginas themselves were just holes, no kind of detailing. Their clit just stuck out like a miniature penis."



hey shitlord, if you don't want to fuck that you are a biggot
if you bang a trap or a tranny, never disclose it to anyone. and never a girlfriend. if you've ever sucked a dick, never tell your girlfriend. it is an instant demotion to the bottom of the league table.
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Titus... We Need More Crosses
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good lord that's the disgusting
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>Taiwanese flag
>talking about fucking a tranny
Yup, this all checks out.
trannyism is a deadly sickness.

I can see why some people want to allow male trans children to take hormones, in order to prevent the development of male sexual characteristics.

because trannys will simply have surgery to change themselves in the future anyway, and then if they run out of money, or the results are no good, they will kill themselves.
Guys I'm getting worried these look to real. What if I've fucked a tranny? I hangout with some really libtarded people.
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If the scrotum wrinkles don't give it away then there's no helping you son
"The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina. Thick, course ones. I asked her about it, and it has something to do with the neo vagina being constructed from testicle skin. There are pictures of this online. Anyway, I could feel the hair through the condom even, and I was worried about these vaginal pubic hairs causing condom breakage. And diseases, Molly was a lolly but she got around. "

No, thosecant be real. Easy solution,wait with your "girl" to see if it has a period first?
>redditor goes down on a square jawed dude in a dress
>lift dick and balls and go straight for the sewer ass
>lick that hairy asshole up and down
Mmm I like eating your pussy Tom this is great having sex with you
>upvotes internally

>male trans children

No such thing. It is the parents pushing them with their own sick ideas. A child has no idea if they really "want" to be the opposite sex.

>they will kill themselves.

Are you going to point out a down side to this?
Its a self correcting problem, trannies dont reproduce and have enormous suicide rates.
Just sit back and laugh at them being miserable, it makes them even angrier.
>le reddit lelelelelelel

Why can't you all just leave? Please, stay at r/thedonald/
Everything about this is b8. At worst, it's fan fiction that some of you disgusting freaks jerk off to, but I refuse to believe any of this actually happened or are genuine opinions.


>linking to >>>reddit

fuck off you faggot

sex with a mtf is terrible

the angle is completely wrong, and there is like....stuff, in the way, when you push in

it doesn't feel similar at all to a vagina

it also looks like shit also, and the texture is all wrong
Id fuck that
>BRB vomiting my coffee

lads if this ever happens to you by some freak chance or getting too drunk, you know what to do...
>Its a self correcting problem, trannies dont reproduce
that means its not genetic. so no, it is not self correcting.

brainwashing happens to anyone
Nothing wrong with sucking your wife's penis
Don't be so insecure

Thailand bringing the bants.

I hope...
The degeneracy has peaked, it can only get better from now on.
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>my girlfriend's penis

Only you dutch think it's acceptable
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>implying trannies ever, and I mean EVER pass

You'd have to have autism to not realize you're talking to a dude. Straight up.
How do trannies even solve the "don't have a deep vagina because you don't have a real vagina" problem?
How do trannies even solve the " (((vagina))) is dry as the sahara because it's not a real vagina so it doesn't self-lubricate" problem?

God trans are so disgusting.
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This level of degeneracy is just downright fucking unbelievable. The fact these people can get kids is disgusting, what a sick society we live in.

I would be so angry if a deluded faggot tricked me into fucking the hole of his amputated penis. I really don't know if I could get a hold of myself.
>user got gold for this post

AHAHAHHA... Best Post.
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day of the rope is coming faggots
"As for the sex, besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female. It was actually a great experience because I was allowed to experiment with a few fantasies while still being turned on by her appearances. I don't consider myself gay and would probably never have sex with a male"
>besides having a penis
>dont consider myself gay

perfectly sums up the reddit faggot mentality right there
>My partner and i both trains. I'm MtF and he's FtM.
Hahahaha what the fuck? I don't even know if that's gay or straight.
I feel you, Argie. I'd probably beat the fag within an inch of his life.
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>needing lube at any point during intercourse
if she isn't sopping wet start to finish you fucked up

pic related, it's you
that's about half of 4chan's mentality as well.
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What if she's not old enough to get wet yet?
>Only you dutch think it's acceptable

I need a source on that, it looks too good
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I remember a time when I believed what went on in the bedroom was nobody's business. I no longer believe in the "rights" of consenting adults, I no longer believe in human rights at all. What can men do in the face of such reckless degeneracy?
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Same. Have a pic that sums up how I (and perhaps you) feel
>used to need lube and/or 20mins of foreplay for sex
>have babby
>now don't even have to kiss her before sliding right in, stIll have no trouble cumming

shit is cash. we have so much more sex now
It's gayer to have sex with a MTF tranny than a man.
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You dont want those big lips on your dick anon?
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This thread

>You dont want those big hands on your dick anon?

Reddit is truly a horrid place, upvotes and names makes me sick.

Anyway a tale from my YUFF

>Be 22 and /fit/
>go with the lads to thailand
>most nights we're out drinking and walking around with vests on as we lift but obviously insecure
>drinking, lots of drinking
>go into the local bars
>be respectful and get along with the nips there
>eventually they start plying us with girls
>over the next few nights I fuck about 20 different girls
>one night while in a club one is touching MUH DICK I take her back to my place
>she strips off after sucking MUH DICK
>down to her panties
>raises her ass in the air to present to me
>I realise she is actually a he
>proceed to fuck him in the ass
And NEVER let a woman stick her finger up your ass. Never. Did that once while drunk. She never looked at me the same again.
No need for hands when I'll be balls deep in her ass
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>tiny barely 2 inch weiner
>haha it fits perfectly, you jelly bigots?

if your "pussy" can only fit a 2 inch babydick perhaps it's obviously not intended for dicks
fuck niggers
Pretty based, brit.
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>committing fraud isn't a big deal

I don't know if pussy fraud is illegal, but it should be.
>I tell people a generalized version of this for anyone who's online dating. If there's something about you that may turn off some people, fairly or not--like a disability, or being a little too into Star Trek--the natural inclination to hide it is a terrible idea. It WILL come out at some point, and the other person may well feel tricked.
Being a trekkie is the same thing as going to eating hormones and going to Thailand and spending the equivalent of a brand new car to mutilate your reproductive organs and then lying about it to your partner that you love.

t. reddit

I was reading all of that while keeping it all together.

>The pillow talk is more interesting

That really fucking triggered me
kill it and bury in the neighbors yard?
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Yep. This place sure does love traps and other tranny faggot shit, while calling each other faggots for getting off to it.

Its turned into a Tumblr shithole where the only difference is that we call each other niggers a lot.

>The pillow talk is more interesting

that's because you're talking to a man and not a woman
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Oh there was also a thread about a guy who walked in onto his 16yo daughter getting pounded by 2 guys.

Most upvoted comments where how she is discovering her sexuality and he should just buttout and leave her be, an advice which he accepted being open minded cuck of a father that he is, her mother was mad but she accepted that its only natural for a 16yo girl being pounded in the ass, while sucking cock.

Truly an asshole of the internet.
>today I learned you can tuck your sack back and brits will think you're a chick
i imagine all of them were closet homos that thought fucking a dude in a dress didnt sound so bad, and now they're out on the internet to defend their fragile homosex ego.

>sucks to have a dick that smells like shit you queer fuckers
lol tranny with a tiny dick
Just do some fucking foreplay, if she doesn't get wet and needs lube she is either not into you, a man or has some kind of a disease.

Either way the prospects of a long term child bearing relationship with the individual is zero.

Also that looks really good. Is there a high res pic? looks like there might be some scarring on the sides.

I imagine the distance between holes is a good indicator. Women don't have a gooch and they turn the dong inside out so the hole will be alot further up on a post op MtF.
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fuck we both posted the same thing
no its gay its definitely gay
>linking to reddit.

I want these newfags to fucking leave already.
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>i imagine all of them were closet homos that thought fucking a dude in a dress didnt sound so bad, and now they're out on the internet to defend their fragile homosex ego.

Something around 80% of trannys brains are not biologically transexuals, just sexual fetishists.

This is why we must arrest the puberty of children.

Tranny enablers go out of the helicopter.
Every day that goes on, i have an increasing urge to crucify degenerates....
I think there's definitely going to be a time when you're not going to be able to tell because the surgery gets too advanced.

I would assume the best way to tell the difference would be wetness. My wife and I have sex and there's nearly a fucking puddle.
id end up on deathrow for killing the faggot and its family
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>serious replies only
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Have an upvoat anon.
There was a time when any anon would scoff at the idea of Reddit or anything to do with it. Times have really changed. Call me old fashioned but I can't believe many of you browse reddit.
I love my upvotes and r/humor :^)
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Now keep in mind how buttugly the average redditor is... So when they are talking about trannies, you can bet your ass they aren't talking about some petite trap they are talking about absolutely unpassable Chris Chan-tier hons.
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the fuck
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Remember when 4chan was considered to be the most degenerate shithole on the internet
>no its gay its definitely gay
Are you sure? I mean it doesn't matter which side of the fence you're on, its still a man having sex with a woman.

I would say its just degenerate, and its a lot more degenerate then just being gay and having gay sex then with another man.
>its still a man having sex with a woman
It's not, fuckwad. It's a man having sex with another physically deformed man.
Wait...People take the "feminine penis" meme seriously?!

I thought it was just bullshit bants people say online.
I don't know what to make of this world anymore anon, things are just getting so crazy.
Hold me
You guys really dont like her? Shes beautiful tho
what would /pol/ do if they found out afterwards that they had just had sex with a tranny?

>That micro-micropenis

Jesus fucking Christ.
No, its a physically deformed woman having sex with a physically deformed man. Didn't you read the post?
>My partner and I are both trans. I'm MtF and he's FtM

Or are you implying that FtM are men while MtF are still men? That's not very consistent.
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>I have no problem sucking my girlfriend's penis
This is what your grandfathers died for, Anglos.

Some insecure closet homo thought it was seriously a good excuse for why they're not super gay.
>never seen a pussy in my life

You've see too much porn leaf.
Xir here has a cock, its disgusting desu. If you wanna fag around be my guest, but stop pushing you're degeneracy as something normal.
Honestly the amount of Trans people that kill themselves is quite sad. It's even more sad that people encourage these mentally ill people to mutilate their bodies, so they can be the "real them". We should be curing these people of their mental illness not encouraging them..
But she has tits anon

lol it's clearly all just propaganda

>They're exactly like women I couldn't even tell the difference
>We all need to be more tolerant and just fuck men who pretend to be women

Give me a fucking break
These people get praised for their bravery. While normal people who call them degenerates are fired from their jobs and ostracized from society
It would probably end in sodomy or murder, probably both, after the nut is busted and the self loathing kicks in.
>No, its a physically deformed woman having sex with a physically deformed man.
Yes, that's right

>Didn't you read the post?
nah, I can't be bothered reading about drooling autists fucking each other in the ass
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I would rather fuck another man before a tranny. There are attractive qualities to both genders and mutilating or contorting that so much detracts from that.

When I look at a tranny, I feel physically sick. They're entire appearance is a lie, a deception, and one they intend to keep until you get the clothes and facade off.
You're attraction to them would all be based on a lie, a mutilated, hormonally imbalanced, plastic surgery lie.

They gave themselves an unhealthy amount of hormones, plastic surgery, self mutilation. They're physically and mentally sick.

No wonder people get into a rage when they find they're fucking a man they thought was a woman.

I hope we can never fully change someone's gender, to the point of changing someone's biology or chromosomes.

People's gender and the mental and physical experiences and inherent parts are what make both genders attractive, in addition to the physical aspects.
More than anything, I cannot get over the profound sense of "wrongness" I get from reading some of these posts.
These people, who are at least slightly disgusting to the majority of the population settling for someone as deformed as they are. It's like the movie Freaks.
And it seems like these redditors want me to find cuteness or joy or normality in it, when the first reaction I have is a sense of pity for the absurd life these people lead.
>not spreading and indoctrinating normies
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Daily reminder that we are living in the end times
>One that I used to listen to many times, over and over, was Thomas Benyaka. He is a Hopi man. I believe he is still living. He was authorized to speak in English about what was on the stone tablets and he has dedicated his lifetime to doing this. And they began to tell us at these gatherings, they said "In your lifetime you're going to see things happen" It was strange when they said it in the 1950's and 1960's but now it seems very clear.

>But then it was unusual. They said, "You're going to see a time in your life when men are going to become women.
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i can just imagine what the hooker looked like
So its the same as putting your dick inside an open wound
>not knowing about 4chans REEEEcon force
Do you even /pol/
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"All that to say that she had slim hips, a slim bone structure, pretty much nothing pointed to "born male appears female". Her vagina looked like a vagina. There's enough variety in the world that I didn't inspect it vigorously to determine how it came about. She had some small breasts that weren't implants. Basically, I didn't know."

> she
> no clitoris
> clearly has never ever seen a vagina

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I fucking. I fucking just can't anymore.
fuck you faggot!
>nah, I can't be bothered reading about drooling autists fucking each other in the ass
>fucking each other in the ass
>in the ass
t-that's not what they did anon
Because we laughed at shit like this, not because we supported it.
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Why are trannies so fucking gross?

I mean, they seem insistent on making regular people wanting to fuck them.

Gays and Lesbians regardless of what you think of them at least keep to themselves., so why the fuck are trannies even a part of their organizations when they are a completely different thing?
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>these people actually think promoting mental illness is better than treating it just to avoid hurting some snowflake's feelings
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I'm reading Doug Stanhope's book and he admits to banging a Black Tranny.

He says he has had sexual experiences with three black women in his life, and two of them turned out to be men.
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Why do you think MtF is 100x more popular than FtM? It's just gay men who can't get fucked because they're ugly turning themselves into a fetish so they get fucked
No you wouldn't. Don't lie to yourself, closeted homo.
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Meanwhile this thread has been up for hours
>B-but it's only ironic
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Pretty much.
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jesus fucking christ I read it they need to be gassed
So a hairy woman fucks a gelded man with her engorged man-clit.
what the fuck man...
I'm pretty sure if you took one of these faggots that wanted to be a grill and shipped him off to a boot camp where you dose him with a fuck load of steroids the problem could be solved within a week.

Has anyone looked into trying to cure this shit by boosting natural Gender specific hormone levels?
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> her
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Well, they should just fuck each other, keep regular people out of your bullshit.

The fact that now they are claiming that having no interest of fucking a weird looking fag in a dress is somehow "discrimination" is fucking retarded, I mean, aren't they now even making it illegal to disclose their real gender in dating sites, basically just lying to their members?
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My partner and I are both trans. I'm MtF and he's FtM.
Most of it is about as different as sex is with any other partner. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, and you kind of fumble your way around to figuring out what works, and then do some more of that. He's obsessed with my breasts and mauls them at very opportunity, when he nuzzles my neck or kisses me his beard scratches me up. He smells like a man, I smell like a woman. My skin is soft and his is hairy.
There's lots of kissing and groping and laughing and talking and dreaming, and then our pants come off.
His dick is about the size of a pinky finger from the second knuckle. I can give him head just like any other guy, and he love it. His fluids taste like cum and his parts all have a man's smell and they're all covered in hair.
I still have a functioning strapless that gets joyfully ignored. It no longer produces emissions and I have multiple orgasms. I particularly enjoy having things put in my inguinal canal. It's called muffing, and it feels really nice. It hits all of the important nerves and has enough space to fit a thumb. If you have testicles and aren't on HRT, your testicles might get in the way.
Remember my guy's size? Yup. It fits. Perfectly.
So yeah, it's pretty normal, just a little different, and the pillow talk is way more interesting.

> i honestly cant handle this level of degeneracy anymore. what the FUCK is going on
Um, girls have that dude. The fuck you think your sack started as?
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I also think the internet is at stake here. Most of them got brainwashed by it
Thats nothing, one of the most popular threads were about a guy who discovered that his fiance had been lying to him about being the father of her kid, no big deal, but all the comments where about how he should raise it as his own and basically be a literal cuckold.

Reddit is seriously a shithole.

kill it
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Reading that literally made me gag. What the hell is wrong with these fucking animals...
Jesus Christ, thats something out of a fucking horror movie

Tranny can't wet themself right ? That's a good indication right ?
was he the one that talked about the house in the sky? the int space station?
>snake that goes on for miles - petrol/gas pipes?
>some net - telephone lines?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
She doesn't look that bad Jesus anon I have some standards... not a lot but some
No, even suggesting that will yield you the wrath of the entire trans community. You will be flooded with threats on your life and character assassinations and lose your job before you even get a trial going.
I'd just off myself, you can't live with that shit for the rest of your life
what is lube, am i retarded niggas
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Anon. Like two years ago I read that there are more improved surgeries that can come close to self-lubrication. Even that might not be enough to tell.

A quick jewgle:


>Yes we have a cowpers gland. it get stimulated from a feeling of love. I get wet lots of times in my dreams. I can also get wet if i have a feeling of connection to someone where i might have a relationship / non sexual with them. I am sure the trigger is different for each person. A person has to feel good about themselves and then have good feelings towards another for this to happen.

Stay safe out there kiddos.
>you are so cool
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>Be born a male but believe you should have been born a female. This dissociation with your own body makes you feel extremely depressed.
>Go through with what you have been told is the solution: have a doctor mutilate your body in order to create a non-functional facsimile of the opposite gender's genitalia.
>Turns out it's incredibly painful and doesn't live up to your naive expectations.
>Your body treats it the same as it would an axe wound, and you have to stick "stretchers" inside of the cavity so that the body doesn't simply seal the hole in an attempt to heal itself. Infection and other issues are inevitable. The trans community and doctors willing to perform these surgeries won't tell you this.
>Now not only are you experiencing mental anguish but also terrible physical pain as well.
>Decide to off yourself, contributing to the extremely high transsexual suicide rate.

These people deserve our sympathy - they need help, I truly believe that.
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>Has anyone looked into trying to cure this shit by boosting natural Gender specific hormone levels?

You should see this too. Your comment hadn't loaded for me yet.

Might as well add a murder to that suicide anon
>russian sleep experiment
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>"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
White ppl

>"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

>"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
Texas longhorn

>"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

>"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
Power lines, telephone lines. I thought it could be contrails but its before roads to probably not

>"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
Roads, see pic related

>"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
BP oil spill etc

>"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

"Pussy Fraud" - this has the ring of a catchphrase, /pol/ needs to promote Pussy Fraud legislation.
That's a fair point
>A person has to feel good about themselves and then have good feelings towards another for this to happen.
Sounds like you have to rape first to be sure.
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>was he the one that talked about the house in the sky? the int space station?
fuck no, less of them means less mental illness being spread, let the retards die, let the faggots die, let them cease to exist
What does gold do? Can you really make money with the feminine penis meme???
they deserve a helicopter ride
What a fucking hideous monster.
Boner alert!
beat me to it >>104858775
>wearing a cross like a good Christian
I refuse to believe that mutilation is the solution.
These people must have had some upbringing or maybe theyre depressed and crave attention.
>Has anyone looked into trying to cure this shit by boosting natural Gender specific hormone levels?
Yeah, they called bigots and then they lose their jobs.

People can't even imply that this is somehow related to frogs and fish changing gender close to water treatment plants.

Its fucking retarded, its like calling me an ableist bigot just because i don't like that thalidomide turns kids into cripples.

It drops Tranny suicide rate from 60% to 40%. There's got to be a better solution.
This thread is seriously making me sick
goy is so good he even got gold
Thanx bro!
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>"You are for real so cool"

Fucking shoot me in the head. End this suffering.

> Dunno, the whole sexuality thing seems pretty clear to me. You're attracted to her because she is a woman. She just happens to have a penis. I don't understand what's so difficult for people to get.

> That's - my - fetish! I find it arousing that there are girls out there with bigger tools than a lot of men. Not sure where the kink came from but it's mine and I'm fine with it!

(i like big dicks, i'm not gay, only large feminine benis?)

> Just a small note - there's no such thing as a "normal vagina." Even cis women have very different looking genitals and this "normalization" of a certain kind of labia or vagina can lead to body dysmorphia in both cis women and trans women.

> MTF here, plus I have a MTF partner. Neither of us have had surgery, though both of us experience significant dysphoria about our genitals. Money is the most significant hurdle to getting an orchiectomy or vaginoplasty.
Sex is difficult. We both are extra sensitive to each other's needs; we have sex drives and enjoy the pleasure of the penis being stimulated while simultaneously getting sort of grossed out with our own body. Recently she was stimulating me, and I started crying, so sex stopped and she comforted me in my dysphoria.

Indeed. Those pictures of men mutilating their organs are vile.
Shit's too risky, you can't trust anyone anymore

These are the times when I think Islam might not be that bad, the west has obviously failed.
>MtF and FtM couple
Holy shit my fucking sides
Just imagine the poor soul who gets tricked into licking that thinking it's going to taste like a real pussy...
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>fucking a post-op tranny

Literally inferior in every way.

At least pre-op trannies have a dick which opens up new possibilities for people who are into that. Post-op is just a shitty imitation of a woman.

Their """vagina""" is just a dry mutilated infertile hole that strays into uncanny valley territory if you ever make direct eye contact with it. On top of it, their body won't be as good as a real woman's on top of being artificial.

Also if somebody isn't upfront with you about this shit, it's a massive red flag no matter what and they're getting dumped immediately. If they hide this, they could easily be hiding other things like STDs and you need to get the fuck out of there.

I believe they're victims of the same SJW's/politics/indoctrination/whatever that /pol/ hates - they're tricked into thinking the surgery is the solution to their problem only to find out about the realities after it's too late.

If we treated it as something to seek a psychiatrist about rather than a plastic surgeon, I think they would have more positive outcomes.

I'm just speculating, though.
I'm thinking natural hormone boosting is the solution, simple because thhe tranny community is so against it.

These people are so convinced they're the opposite gender that they see anything counter to that as hostile.

It sounds like giving someone with gender identity disorder more of their own bodies' hormones would help, since there seems to be such an unwarranted overaction against it.


Islam is not the answer. Islam is more degenerate than Trannys.

Call me a virgin or whatever, but those wrinkles look unusually bad.
You need to read the thread again. Surgery has advanced so fucking much you can't tell them apart from a natural vagina and they also normally lubricate, they even have discharge like normal woman do to keep clean.
Thats because in normal world globalist jews will topple down the order and morality of normal people, a.k.a.
99% of the population. Leaving the 1% of edgy shitlord culture intact. By doing so those 1% would actually become normal relative
to the society and those 1% are the last hope for society to turn back to normal.

When saving west civilization happens 1% will return to their comfort zone, being edgy shitlords on the internet.
>The last point is important for people who are unfamiliar with trans culture to see. Google image search: clitty, ladydick, girldick, and let's not forget SISSY HYPNO Yes, google "sissy hypno" and see how men with penises sexualize being a woman and being violated by BIG BLACK COCKS, and then being turned into women, against their will. Then go research how many tranwomen who still like to fuck women with their penises (OH I mean "clittties") get into trans through sissy hypno.
>See, I know. Having close trans friends and wanting to be understanding of them is how I learned all this. Until they insisted that my refusing to let them FUCK ME WITH THEIR PENISES despite wanting to identify as women and be treated as a women, and come into lesbian spaces and get their cocks hard by looking at lesbians, that is. Now I just want to live my life in peace, with other lesbians and any cool people with penises who understand that I don't want to be fucked with a penis.

I'm afraid to google search this stuff.
Only if they visit Mike's Electric Emporium and get shocked into normalice
What bugs me is that they say MALE to FEMALE or FEMALE to MALE.
Aren't they aware that while they may call themselves women or men, they can not be the opposite sex?
Someone explains it to me please, if they believe gender is a social construct, I hope they know that sex isn't? Or is it that in their minds sex also is a social construct..?
But they can't have children.
And I hope will never be able to.
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>Yes, I am a bi guy. I hooked up with a MtF, I just liked her style. She had had a lot of surgery, including a neo vagina. I wanted to try it. I'll call her Molly, cuz that's what she liked to do. ;) I met her at a fetish club. She was hot, and she didn't pass. There's something that turns me on about non-passing MtF's, it's hard to explain. But the point is: I din't expect her to pass, and she wsn't trying to fool me. The neo vagina didn't pass either, but it sure did feel good. I would be down to do it again, if Molly hadn't been so into drug culture, I would have. The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina. Thick, course ones. I asked her about it, and it has something to do with the neo vagina being constructed from testicle skin. There are pictures of this online. Anyway, I could feel the hair through the condom even, and I was worried about these vaginal pubic hairs causing condom breakage. And diseases, Molly was a lolly but she got around.

wonder if they ever experienced normal sex before they frankenstein'd themselves?

Probably not, they have no idea what they're missing. Even shitty normal sex beats this gaytanic fagcraft
It still is, but that's because we're here saying 'don't give children radical hormone therapy' and 'a husband and wife should be faithful to each other'
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> Just a small note - there's no such thing as a "normal vagina." Even cis women have very different looking genitals and this "normalization" of a certain kind of labia or vagina can lead to body dysmorphia in both cis women and trans women.

So because women all have different looking vaginas, that means the gaping wound where your dick used to be can be called a vagina as well. Degenerates and their twisted logic, lel.
I consider myself redpilled and I know /pol/ hates trannies, but if you give them a chance, I know in my heart that they'll do everything they can to make you happy.

My current gf is trans, extremely beautiful and easily passes for a girl. She did hormone treatments before puberty and you could never tell she was assigned male at birth. She is by far the most loving girl I've ever been with and the most clingy (a good thing imo). She always cooks for me, she gives me a long passionate kiss before I go to work at 5 in the morning, she drives half an hour to visit me at my workplace during lunch every day, she plays vidya with me at night, and she cuddles with me every spare minute that we're together. No other woman I've been with even comes close to being this great.

trans girls know what guys want and it makes them far better partners than regular girls
>going to reddit for parenting advice
No wonder their daughter is a degenerate whore desu
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>Used to be trans male to female. Now done with the transition, so just female.

what the fuck i want off this ride
>Beginning in the mid-1980s, however, transsexual individuals were officially recognized by the government and allowed to undergo sex reassignment surgery. As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except for Thailand. The government provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance, and a sex change is recognised on the birth certificate.[1]
Damn, that's pretty damn progressive.
And this folks, is why Im not taking hormones/getting surgery
This happens regularly. It's called trans-panic and California banned using it as a legal defense for murder because apparently killing a tranny who raped you (false pretense of being a chick and all) isn't a valid defense in communist states.

Could probably argue you were "being raped" because you didn't know they were trans and the sex was under false pretenses so you defended yourself and get off with self-defense. Stupid fucking Californians...
>pedophilia is a fetish
FUCK THESE PEOPLE kiddie diddlers need to be crucified and took down, then lowered into a vat of molten steel
https://www.pleb it.com/gold/about/

It's all stuff you can do normally unless you're a fucking retard.
Jesus Christ I open the link and the first text after the title is
>Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child.

Is this satire?
>My current bf is trans, extremely beautiful and easily passes for a girl. He did hormone treatments before puberty and you could never tell he was assigned male at birth. He is by far the most loving boy I've ever been with and the most clingy (a good thing imo). He always cooks for me, he gives me a long passionate kiss before I go to work at 5 in the morning, he drives half an hour to visit me at my workplace during lunch every day, he plays vidya with me at night, and he cuddles with me every spare minute that we're together. No other man I've been with even comes close to being this great.
fixed that for you
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>My ex is a pre bottom surgery trans man.

>As the top commenter said, it's basically like being with a cis dude with a very small dick. He has been on hormones for 8 years so his growth down there was pretty developed. We were able to have penetrative sex (I'm a woman, btw).

>his growth down there was pretty developed
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I am a straight male
What the fuck do they put in the water to make me look like this
You can tell because the clit has no hood

This is an excellent job though, politics and opinions aside the surgeon should be proud of himself.

Trans "girls" know what guys want because they are men.

You are gay.
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>The only issue was, she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina.
> she had pubic hair growing inside of her vagina.
> pubic hair.
> growing inside of her vagina.
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>Pinky finger from the knuckle up
>Fluids taste like cum
>I particularly enjoy having things put in my inguinal canal

These people are a fucking meme. They're absolutely haram.
This is a hoax, dumbass. Why do people insist on believing everything they read, without actually looking for a source.
It's a deformed sloth face.
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Have there actually been studies regarding transsexuals, regarding their validity?

I mean, its fucking bizarre how they are trying to force people to go along with this bullshit, when it is very likely just some mental disorder, especially considering their insane suicide rates.

Hell, I don't see how it is not considered child abuse when parents insist that their kid is a tranny and start giving them hormones and shit, even when they are basically toddlers.

So yeah, where the fuck is your proof.

This whole thing is enraging.
>no other WOMAN I've been with
Found a problem for you mate
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jesus fucking christ

this shit makes me want to turn to fascism and fucking shoot everyone
This kills the redditfag.
>Now done with the transition, so just female
>has never had periods
>will never give birth
>biologically a male
He is a man, you share your bed with a man you fucking sodomite, I hope you don't think otherwise.
>No other woman I've been with even comes close to being this great.
It's because it's a man.
Is he going to give you butt babies too? You fag.
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>she was hot
>and she didn't pass
>mommy can I play with Barbie
>OK lol you're a girl let's chop your dick off and pump you with estrogens
>Kids hangs itself
>omg why did this happen? :(
It's not gay.
It's Satanic.
It's a Satanic ritual in living flesh, the deliberate inversion and mockery of the life giving reproductive act enacted in honor of the prince of darkness.
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My parents literally never brought up the concept of trans or gender. I never heard about it in schools. There was zero outside pressure or influence, but I still wanted(want) to be the opposite sex.

I had plenty of toys for my gender too, but from age 5 onwards I wanted to be the opposite. Id seek out friends of the gender I wanted to be, Id get angry anytime someone referred to me as being like what I was, yet Id be very happy any time someone said I was like what I wanted to be. I acted like the stereotypical child of the gender I wanted to be.

I know I cant be that, I dont try, but it definitely wasnt nurture that caused this. Whether its genetic or something in the womb I dont know.
>bottom of the league
Perfect for plebbit
what the fuck
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what site is this
Here you go. Only media is pushing this, also saying that professional doctors are agreeing with them
when they don't.

Guys cmon
>I'm a mtf
>Orgasms are similar but slightly different in tempo after where as male orgasms are a "PEW PEW Pew Pew pew... pew" feeling Female orgasms are a "wuwUBwuwBuwWUWHAHA...clench...eeeeeee." Kinda like a sneeze I guess but much better. neither is necessarily more intense than the other IMO although I don't have a uterus obviously.

These parents are awful and deserve the death penalty.
I grew up playing with boy's games because I was the only daugher and I'm not a tranny, I don't get how they come to this conclusion, it's sad
Threads like these make me feel like I'm making the transition from libertarian/atheist to traditionalist.

Im not even religious, and I think this shit is just starting to get out of hand.

My libertarian beliefs are being challenged. I want to go back to more "traditional" family values.

It feels like the political left are trying to turn the world into a real life version of "Second Life".
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We've reached peak virtue-signal.
Any kind of woman dominating is literally more gay than fucking another man in the ass.

100% serious opinion.
Funny how about 50% of these stories involve fetish clubs and the like

>Funny isn't it

I was under the impression that these degenerate faggots weren't defined by their sexual antics. I was under the impression these repugnant fuckwits were born in the wrong body and needed fixing.

But it turns out they're all just taking their fetish too far. Like I originally believed.
Star Trek is for pedophiles, trannies and commies, so yes.
>There's something that turns me on about non-passing MtF's, it's hard to explain.
You mean I have a chance?
Fuck that, if a man fucks or sucks another man because someone told him it's not gay, he's a self-hating closet homo and that's the end of it.
You just have a dude who is cool that you fuck every so often
Mate, this is what your fucking mess of an ideology is totally fine with.

Fucking hell

muh liberty to be a disgusting abomination and shove that down everyone's throats and sexually pervert the younger generations so they no longer even know what fucking gender of person they're supposed to screw in their relationships
>I've been seeing a guy(FTM) for over a year now. I am a bi guy(CIS).
>He very much looks and smells like a guy. Very muscular as well.
>So sex wise for me, everything has been better. I have never been with a woman with such vaginal strength. Would be scary if it wasn't such an awesome feeling. His natural lube does seem to be different. The same, but with a little more stickiness, then the few women I've had un-condomed sex with. Not that I've had enough to know how they all are.
>I like to think the sex has been great because we are clicking well, not because of our genders. Kissing has been the biggest deal. I just love holding him and kissing him.
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whats going on here goys?

I see you are a bit disgusted by what's happening here.

Get used to it. It's the new normal.

You bigots better change or your lives are only getting more miserable.

This is just the beggining.
This too. It's fine to let her play act like she's being dominant (teasing) but if you let her dominate you, you are fucked, she will see you as an inferior male from that point onward.
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I've fucking told you that Islam is the cure for this degeneracy. Your kids will be hanging out with those sick mentally ill pervs kids, and you gonna deal that ordeal right in the future, but only worse and more dangerous. Time to submit Islam bitches.
Yes, I know. I'm admitting that my libertarian views may have been a mistake.
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Not sure tho

I had a lot of soy when I was young because of an allergy to dairy (eczema) so I'm surprised I came out like this to be honest.
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Look, there are three genders, male, female and tentacles

after reading this brainwashed bullshit I want to die
>it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female.
who, except gay people and freaks, talk like that?
Its fucking amazing seeing these people trying to delude themselves into accepting this shit.
Im libertarian

I think its disgusting and if anyone brings it up Ill tell them that
I dont think it should be illegal

They can be as fucked up and degenerate as theyd like, because it only affects me/my life if I decide to waste my time being upset on it.

And if someone mentions it to me/my kid Ill be honest, because I can be.
>submitting to shitskin

Beta as fuck. You do realise they won't let white people live, right? You will snigger in your MRA cave as they rape your women
If they're the wrong gender they wouldn't need pumping full of hormones. If pumping a faggot full of estrogen can make it grow tits, shrink its cock and make it sound like a bitch then obviously natural hormones would work too.

But they lack the brainpower for this. And a man being a man is just sooooooooooo boring bro. How would you get the attention you so desparately crave if you don't have your dick and balls turned inside out and wear a shit wig?
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Oh wow this changes everything. I'm going to go out and fuck one now that they have mystery goo and blood in there too.

It doesn't even matter since lube would fix that problem anyway. The issue is that post-ops are infertile and unnatural. They are a poor mockery of the female form because the operations we have now are far from perfect. They mutilate themselves not to actually become female, but to become an imitation of one.

Post-ops are straight up inferior to real women and they lose their niche appeal they had as a pre-ops all because they couldn't even wait for the field to advance and had to chop their cocks off right now.

FtMs aren't any better either. Some of the fake cocks these surgeons make are disgusting bulging flesh tubes covered in hair.

Internal pubic hair like that is probably way worse though. They can't even properly shave that shit so it'll just keep growing.
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She looks like a girl, she speaks like a girl, she dresses like a girl, she smells like a girl, she's beautiful like a girl. She's a girl in my eyes.


At this point, I don't even care if this is considered gay. She loves me on a very deep level that I've never experienced with any girl. We've been together for 2 years and I honestly feel like we're soulmates. During the holiday season last year, we were slow dancing to classical music in my living room when I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She told me "You're everything I ever wanted. Promise you'll never leave me." This was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me. I was never the most social person in high school, I was bullied often, and I never thought I'd be with anyone this special. My girlfriend before her literally asked me for a $5,000 handbag for Christmas and dumped me because I didn't get it for her.
The longer I live the more I think liberalism really is a mental disorder. Reddit has lost touch with reality.
I know I didn't hear those words in the same sentence until "dicks are neither masculine nor feminine you nig nog" in a thread on /h/

But the idea was still out there. There was a large number of upset people who didn't like how Yahtzee said they were fags if they sucked off transexuals. (Of course that site has more of those than actual female users)
The inguinal canal is supposed to attach the scrotum to the peritoneal cavity. Enjoy your abdominal infection you fucking faggot.
> Hold on, let me take the tube out from my vagina before we have sex

>there exists lot of genres
>the rest of the genre/trans wants to fuck only with straights

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From /b/ a while back.

Look at pic related at your own peril, I was in the thread and I still don't sleep right
America is the vehicle through which Satan enters the world.
I would of been so happy if they succeeded, we could of slaughtered the commies while liberating it
You're gonna need something bigger
You went out with horrible women so you turned gay, is that what you mean?
I think I'm a tranny
Feet. The bones never lie. Surgery gets better in appearance. And there are red-filled gelatin capsules on the market that trannies can stuff up their wounds to pretend to bleed.

But bones never lie. The average woman's size shoe is a 7.5. THAT IS A size 6 in mens- the last size of boys shoes and the -first- size of men's shoes. If her feet are bigger than the very first size of men's shoes, pay attention.
If her feet are a LOT bigger, if they are the same size as your feet, save yourself the trouble.

If you can wear her shoes, then you two should make tranny porn together.
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Wow 4chan succeeds in another psi op. We are making men who consider themselves straight, suck dick.
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Islam and homoxesuality are inseparable connected to each other, even Isis kill gays.

Afghanistan has a tradition to fuck boys.

It is occasions like these that require the judicious use of a sword.

But seriously what degeneracy is this? It is common in your country? Don't you motherfuckers dare spread this in our countries.
Most lolbertarians unfortunately confuse liberty with libertinism. Become a traditionalist, m8, time tested conventions are clearly superior to this bullshit.
man that screen brings memories..
>gf can never be dominant
>will crush your fragile masculinity
what happened to just seeing each other as equals?
I'm a female(one that can give birth) and a woman size 12, kys faggot.
>Basically putting your Dick into a fleshwound

I just don't knows anymore. This thread has made my dinner cold.
It's rampant in your country as well, paki.
sent ;)
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Not even that, dude, fingertips lets you know right away.

Also, bellybutton placement.
tits or btfo
>the long, straggly coarse hair growing from inside the axe wound
>mfw I cant stop thinking of those tumors that grow hair and teeth

my fault, I didn't LISTEN
lol fucking faggot
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Its you, from the future.
Islam is not a race you dumb thick britbong fuck. Anyone can be Muslim.
Posts tits.

Upload post op vag tranny
At least she doesn't have a real penis so it'd be a little better i guess
wow an exception to the rule! that has literally never happened before and will never happen again wow

Did you not see the Iran and Transsexualism link Ahmed?

Stay safe out there.
you're fucking a dude, dude
This has got to be a troll post. It's just got to be...
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It's a Jew's world...

Iran in shiite, pakistan is sunni.

And even then, it's considered super degenerate by 99% of people
>The room was dark, and she had kind of a strong chin, but I didn't really think about it

I don't know why that detail made me laugh so much
I'm tired.
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I'm just a male with a girly face

The Jews did this
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>kek, you can see where the outside was made from his wrinkly sac
you are living a lie
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Yo just fucked a man with a fake pussy bro

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I'm sure it is considered super degenerate. Hard to tell when your women look like this.
Sage goes in all fields
Yeah the distance was a dead give away, the vagina and asshole are right next to each other with membrane separating them on a mtf the tant is between them
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Don't worry Hans, when our time will come, and we finally conquer your land, we gonna fuck your blonde kraut bitches, and if faggots like you don't submit, we gonna use your thick skull as a soccer ball.

At this point its starting to look win win. We either genocide the muslims and restore other outselves or you do it for us.
This thread made me vomit.

One yearns for simpler times when degenerates like these were thrown to lions.
If she could compare being kicked in the balls to childbirth, that's a good one too

Im a woman (kids and grandkids) and have size 8. KYS you fucking french giant trap. You have feet even bigger than burgers-our women's sizes off the rack only go to size 12. Since that's rare here, it has to be impossible in France, land of svelte and petite.

US women's size 12 is 43 women's Euro and men's size 10.5 US.

You're a trap, admit it. Or a deformity. or you didn't use the Eu-USA conversion charts right.
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Im the better man
This is the future the left wants everyone, always keep that in mind.
>It feels like the political left are trying to turn the world into a real life version of "Second Life".

This is second life by the way:

I'm also 5'11 you stupid manlet
If you're equal to any woman you're truly pathetic
pics or gtfo
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giving this a +1 good karma
>Anyone can be Muslim

Yeah, but it's usually the retards who convert, see >>104863148
Irish folks are cool. They are hard as fuck, and made guinness, so we gonna team up with them and destroy that old cunt's Queen land.
At the time finland is ready to conquer germany, there is already nothing left but hairy refugee asses.

And if these creatures get that there is a lend that is not fucked left, they will come to it like some disgusting fluid.
Total ben garrison moment.
>In 1963, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini wrote a book in which he stated that there was no religious restriction on corrective surgery for intersex individuals, though this did not apply to those without physical ambiguity in sex organs.

This is for people that are hermaphrodites. Plus if you look at Malaysia for example, they have a shariah police that cracks down on transsexuals. However this only applies to Muslims, and they aren't allowed to enter homes. So there are brothels of trannies and if they catch them outside they punish them unless they are non Muslim because these specific courts don't apply to them. Of course transexuals are a pre Islamic practice here as it's common in SE Asia generally
Are you a grill?
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Did any of you guys read the "Something Awful" articles where they would make Star Trek avatars and travel the world of Second Life?"Showing everyone all the degenerate crap people would indulge in
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Are there any transphobic talking points that can actually stand up to scrutiny?

>muh chromosomes
Your chromosomes don't even necessarily determine your sex, much less your gender.

Because it's like yeah, genetics is always 100% binary. That's why there are XY females, XX males, XXY, XXXY, XYY... that's why there are people with indistinct sexual organs, male and female gonads simultaneously...

The chromosome argument of transphobia is not compatible with human biology.

>If you get a sex change you should be required to tell your potential partners.
Trans people have been murdered for telling someone about their irrelevant medical past. But y'know, the risk of sleeping with someone who doesn't have a biological vagina is just so impossibly and unimaginably bad compared to being killed in the eyes of /pol/.

>Trans women can't have children. Therefore they shouldn't count as female.
Being infertile doesn't revoke womanhood. Some cis women are infertile and yet they are still universally accepted as female.

>You have breast implants and surgically constructed vaginas, you're not female
There are cis women with breast implants and vaginoplasty, and yet they are still considered fully female. In any case, not even all cis women have breasts. For example, many cis women have had their breasts due to cancer.

>B-but no surgery will fix big hands/wide shoulders/deep voice
Irrelevant. There are cis women with big hands, wide shoulders, and deep voice.

>they mislead cishet men and make them question their sexuality
Look, if you're attracted to a woman and you fall in love or whatever, you were attracted to her. That's a valid sexual attraction. If you like women and you end up with a trans woman, shes still a woman. that would mean you are still a straight male.

Are there any transphobic arguments with actual merit? I've been here since /new/ and I've never seen any.
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This thread pleases Slaanesh.
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Start with my house
Would plow/10
What are you women doing on /pol/
Without names and upvotes, virtue signaling would be impossible.
That's why there are XY females, XX males, XXY, XXXY, XYY... that's why there are people with indistinct sexual organs, male and female gonads simultaneously...

Yeah, and that is an incredibly small part of the population, and the majority of trannies are NOT this.

Fuck off you degenerate kike apologist.


Fuck off with your leftist drivel bullshit terminology.

phobia implies fear, i do not fear trannies, i am repulsed, disgusted by them.

If you have a penis, you are a man

If you have a vagina you are a woman

Is is so fucking hard to get through your fucking small and thick leafnigger skull?
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That face it's making is downright sinister
Textbook evil grin
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that post gave me cancer.jpg
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>all those heavy jawed look-alikes

make strong children with me pls[/spoiler]
Oh yeah Conor Mctap. Nate is gonna get him again. But then again you dont bring bullet fight into fucking fist, you turd potato eating son Britbong slaves. Go slave out yourself to you old cunt Queen
M8 I'm male I look like a fucking dyke with short hair and have a tiny head

Fuck my life and fuck the Jews for estroginising me.
>Your chromosomes don't even necessarily determine your sex, much less your gender.
>If I cover my eyes it maybe doesnt exist.

Fuck off with your 0.0000001% nuclear chromosome mutation freaks, nobody is retarded enough to think this is actually an argument.
>thinking I'm female or even a tranny
Don't do some shit like that, would probably leave a bad taste in their mouths.
be ready Hans, your cuck nation is already anal fucked by Ottoman offsprings
You, are a faggot. I bet you've never had a real gf.
>leaf flag
there goes your (you)
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Wtf I'm not asian
yeah whatever mohammed, the only thing you will conquer is black cocks with your anus.
>Because it's like yeah, genetics is always 100% binary. That's why there are XY females, XX males, XXY, XXXY, XYY... that's why there are people with indistinct sexual organs, male and female gonads simultaneously...

Only one will function properly meaning that they still have a proper biological sex. Prove me wrong otherwise.

>There are no documented cases in which both types of gonadal tissue function.
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>besides having a penis, it was surprisingly similar to sex with a cis female
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>tfw repressing tranny

These threads sustain me. You have no idea of the evil that lurks inside me. Every day is a battle.
Have you transitioned? Are you suicidal or depressed? I've wondered if there's a difference between someone who is "genuinely" trans and someone who has dysphoria because of other types of mental illness.
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