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Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by

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Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by your parents when you were a little kid? Will you also mutilate your son's dick?

Top dick mutilators:
1. Jews
2. Muslims
3. Americans
4. Africans
5. Australians

>the girls like mutilated dicks!!!!
Feels good
>be australian
>have a beautiful uncut
>Will you also mutilate your son's dick?

No I'm going to let the Rabbi do it
>b-but its clean!

Lmao Americans are retarded
Restoring and making good progress.
I'm getting the snip next month

How does it feel to be living in a country where niggers brag about vacationing at? They all go to portugal probably because people actually believe the bbc meme I bet.
tfw american and don't have a circumcised penis because my parents aren't retards
South Korea would be #3 on that list faggot.
It sucks but I'm restoring
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>MFW American and uncut
Can that be done for real or are you just fucking your dick up?

I'm doing it too and I'm fairly far along, keep it up anon its totally worth it, benefits are greater than you can imagine as youre starting out. Having your inner mucosa in constant contact with the glans is luxurious to say the least
>trannies have a mental disease, who in their right mind chop off their dick?

>proceeds to mutilate toddlers dicks

wouldn't it be faster to just have some ass skin attached to your dick?
what if semi-circumcised?
Pretty good. Uncut dicks look weird, like dog cock.
Why do so many western, 'christian' orientated countries do this? Me and my brothers are the only people I know who weren't circumcised.
Only degenerates sit around whining about how they could have "even more pleasure" from their dick. Mine is already annoying enough.
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>I'm intact and so will my son be.

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Based mother from Lithuania hates Jews.
Didn't want her sons to have jew-dicks.
>Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by your parents when you were a little kid? Will you also mutilate your son's dick?

It feels good.

Yes i will.
It doesn't fuck it up I just stretch existing tissue

I am and oh god what little I have done has made fapping surreal. Not to mention I am getting my natural color back. It makes nofap untenable though.


It's great. My dick looks handsome and I lost longer in the sack. Win-win really.
Is it the same donkey dicked faggot Hernandez from Portugal that keeps shitposting about having an animal's genitals?
>watch a movie with my mother about jews when I was 10
>she says she should've had me and my brother circumcised
What process you using bruh?
I am not quite sure why you have such a condescending attitude about it.

obviously humanity goes on whether circumcised or not. so it isn't that big of a deal.

however I am against routine circumcision because the person could have a perfectly healthy penis but then complications can arise from circumcision.

and if there are complications, whose fault is it? the parents? i think so. i think obviously the doctors are at fault as well. but since the procedure is pointless in the first place, obviously the fault rests with the parents who, knowing the inherent risks with any medical procedure, went forward with it anyway.
This is weird to me most Australian men I know are uncut. It's not rare to be cut either. I frankly don't see the point of getting cut nor will my children be it just fucks up masterbation for em
Why is it always Portugal that makes these threads?

It must be the same poster
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>he can't fap without lube
That sounds fucking awful desu
Same hernandez trying to justify donkey dick
TLC Tugger and method 2. Notable progress after just 2 months.
nope still got mine

>durr its clean and is healthy!!1!
That's not a good fucking reason, just wash it you fuckin neckbeards

also why do people care what my dick looks like so much?
Thats pretty straight
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My mother made sure the doctors shoved those scissors up their own asses. Said "My babe is not a jew." apparently
LOL retards, if you aren't circumcised you literally can't masturbate.
That's cool, been looking at the TLC-X.

I'm going definitely grab the gold kit in January now and go buck wild.

How much skin did you start with?
>you can't far unless a Jew cuts a piece of your dick off
Leaf pls
I do solely manual and gained 1/4 inch in about 3 months is that good. I'm roughly a CI-4
Dicks evolved to be impossible to masturbate to so you seek out a mate, that's why uncut people need lube
How do I fap then
This isn't how it's most commonly done. The usual procedure is to pull the foreskin loose, then stretch it as far as possible, and then cut it with kind of special scissors.
I don't think you understand how foreskin works friend
>been looking at the TLC-X
Do it. It's worth it.

>How much did you start with?
Started off as CI-2 with an abnormal amount of slack on the back. Right now I'm roughly CI-3.
>be me
>be uncut
>get told by a faggot on 4chan that somehow I've been doing the impossible and jacking myself off for nearly a decade now.

Why do I even live?
Ever hear of gliding motion? That's where the penile skin and attached foreskin pulls smoothly back and forth over the shaft and gland of the penis. Gliding is usually associated purely with the the foreskin gliding over the gland during sex AND masturbation.
The foreskin is also self lubricating and supposedly most useful part in healing and maintaining the sensitivity of the gland.

Excellent! Thank you, will definitely get it now. Was worried about not having enough to get started.
My parents didn't jew my cock and I'm thankful for that
Feels bad. I think imposing such a body modification on a child who has no say in the matter should be outlawed, the only exception being actual medical complications as they arise, not prior. If people wish to do this to their dick, that is fine, but it should be a conscious decision of the individual when they come of age much like with piercings, tattoos, etc.
I'm a DTR guy myself and also the hyper restore direct air, a FRED stainless steel weight, orings and manual also in combo w the orings. I started out CI1 and am finally almost past "the hump" consistent standing coronal coverage cant be too far away now
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>you will never know how having 20k nerve ending specialized for sexual pleasure feels like

I honestly feel bad for the burgers
I can still see the scarring, 31 years later.

I will never have kids of my own... some fucking bitch would probably "change her mind" at the last minute and have my son mutilated

Take your wife to Germany to give birth Circumcision is illegal. Or try to have a home birth you can make up excuses to ensure the boy won't be circumcised
>it's another pathetic turtleneck dick attempts to defend the presence of a useless, wrinkly, unappealing, smelly fold of skin.
you going to defend roastie vaginas as well? patheitic dogdicks
love it
Good job, keep tuggin'

I looked at the DTR and liked it, was gonna get it but got too busy. The TLC also has weights and dual tension too.

What's the air systems like? I know it's worked for some, but it just sounds strange to me.
Christ leafs are the new nips
>circumcision is illegal in a country full of mudslimes
What a weird world we live in.
if you are ok with Male Genital Mutilation

you should also be ok with Female Genital Mutilation

it's literally the same argument
>it's cleaner and looks better

how can circumcision supporters even think this is ok?

you LITERALLY support cutting baby genitals

how can you think it's moral?
female genital mutilation is a deliberate act to destroy the woman's ability to feel pleasure. circumcision is not even remotely the same. it is done to reduce the risk of std transfer, improve general cleanliness and improve sex life. why is that immoral?
It's strange. If you had kids I'd take the wife to a place where they don't circumcise. I'd also restore to basically drive home that the child will look like you since you look uncircumcised

You can get an insane stretch and it is very comfortable. Especially good for growing inner skin. DTR has an air kit too but it wont stay on as well for me as the HyperRestore.
Also, isn't an uncut baby's foreskin fused to the gland? Doesn't that damage the gland coming off?

Thanks, I may try the air system some day. Even if just for the experience.
Except it does none of those things, Circumcision harms both the male and female partner.

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Koreans mutilate dicks too, even more than Americans.
>still believing that the main purpose of circumcision isnt to diminish pleasure by removing the most pleasurable part of the penis
>being this blue pilled

Even arch-Jew Maimonedes admitted the purpose was to reduce pleasure.

I know it hurts to admit we are missing out m8 but at least we can do something about it and restore
It feels great I would be in extreme pain otherwise
>People actually believe this

Normally I just brush Australian posts off as shitposting, but there's been a suspicious amount of pure retardation the last week or so from them.
disgusting crazy shit for people who are to stupid to wash their balls every 2 days.
really...i don't get it into my head...
Feels bad man, just holding out till 2019.

Won't do it to my son though. Learned from parents mistakes.
I will definitely have my sons dick cut. Why would I want him to suffer through life with a slimey, stinky, ugly, degenerate looking dog dick? Can you imagine all the sexual humiliation he will face when he comes of age. Girls will laugh at the site of his cock, and that's not a good thing for a young man developing his own self identity. If he's uncut he will be laughed at until he becomes a sexually suppressed permavirgin sperglord autist who disguises his own self loathing through 'alpha male' posts about his uncut dog dick. I do not want that for my kid. I do not want him to become a permavirgin faggot.
Saged, hidden
I think the problem in the US is that a long generation of people tried to make claims ti would benefit some health issues growing up, because its the US of course it probably got entangled in big interests.

The situation we have now is that the entire health dep in the US would have to CLAIM that they have been mutilating young boys for 100, geez guys sorry.

Their reputation would not be the same for some fucking time.

However a lot of courageous people in the US have been fighting against it slowly, by educating the parents.
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>foreskin is self lubricating
It is you stupid fucking burger
You do know the clit is not just the little nub at the top? They can still feel pleasure its just harder to masturbate; same purpose with male genital mutilation. Sure its a little bit more extreme to remove the clit but the whole dickhead and part under it gets dry and much less sensitive from this mutilation. Would you remove your eyelids just to avoid getting eyelid cancer some time in your life?
Americans are incredibly cucked by this religious tradition. Also to say its cleaner to have youre dickhead exposed to your underwear at all times, the foreskin in protective from nasty shit you dumbo

they copied everything American after the war, and I imagine that included circumcision.
I don't use my dick enough to care.
Pretty good, makes me feel even more American.

Love being superior to Europeans, like every American in existence.
>sweat is now 'lubrication'
fucking lmao. i guess my armpits are self-lubricating too. oh and smegma is also 'lube'
> even more than Americans.
This part
Explain this part
>The situation we have now is that the entire health dep in the US would have to CLAIM that they have been mutilating young boys for 100, geez guys sorry.
Honestly at this point they could just admit it was wrong, reverse their position, and allocate funding to stem cell regeneration as a form of reparations without too much trouble. Unfortunately Jewish (and increasingly Muslim) influence prevents this because then their barbaric ritual would likely be banned.
>He thinks precum is sweat.

circumcision rates are gradually declining in America and we also have many immigrants from Latin American cultures where circumcision is less common
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I'm not

How would you know, you don't have one. You do have a fuck ugly scar and a dry shrivelled up bellend.
Quads confirm
You being cut makes you on the same level of inherent foreskin-expertise as a woman.
At the end of the day its not a really big deal, the loss of sensibility actually is not that over the top, unless you start getting trouble getting to climax because of anti depressants and what not.

Its nothing fucking like cutting off the clitoris, now that is vile and evil.
>thrusting your penis inside a vagina only to feel your glans slide against your own dick sleeve
>dickcheeses will defend this
lmaoing at you anteaters.
>muh superior and more natural sexual function
cos heaps of women pleasure themselves with dildos with a turtleneck attached right? fuck off dogdicks
actually, my mistake, women have more expertise since they actually touch them.
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pip pip cheerio brit, if it wasnt for us burgers you'd be speaking german right now
Dildo industry is run by Jews.
Not an argument


>He thinks that the glans never touches the vaginal walls
>He thinks cut glans have much in the way of sensation
On the inside you twit.

The foreskin has a mucosa which is in layman terms a mucous membrane. Just like inside your mouth, nose, eyelids, and anus. Not to mention the auxiliary provided through the urethra known as precum.
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>burgers, Australians and leafs try to defend chopping off baby dick parts

>peeling a potato is the same as chopping it up
Looks nice, and Feels good man, and it does not smell like cheese.I
I have thought about restoring a few years ago, but every woman I have slept with more than once and got to know, always commented that they preferred cut.

Uncut just looks fucking gross, I cant believe I thought about restoring. My cock is great, and woman prefer cut.
I introduced my ex British gf to mutilated cock, she loved it.
It is though because if the germans invaded GBR he would be dead and also have 0 foreskins
I haven't been defending it thank you very much

>Shagging a sheep is the same as shagging a woman.
>the sensation argument
>i know what a cut penis feels like even though i don't have one just look at this source: *insert html document from geocities website here*
Where's the rest of it?
> ex

She loved it so much she decided to fuck off and nible on Jermaine's foreskin instead?
>mfw uncut
>mfw no women complain
>mfw friend just had his baby boy
He was debating on whether or not to cut his kid. Apparently it "hurt" the first time he had sex as an uncut vietnamese man, so he had his kid cut. I told him he better watch the procedure then so he knows what he did to the kid.

At the time of my birth, both of my parents worked in hospitals. Dad told them not to do it after having seen how they did it without anesthetic or anything. Feels good to be unmutilated. I'll carry that on if I end up breeding.
>I know how uncut dicks are even though I dont have one
>Ignores 20,000 nerve endings in the foreskin

Really clonkered my bonkers

This actually made me think. Excellent job.
>Its nothing fucking like cutting off the clitoris, now that is vile and evil.
The foreskin has around twice as many nerve endings as the clitoris. It's very much like cutting it off.
grower not a shower
I don't know, I was a baby I don't remember it.
poor brit is mad that he doesnt have a fat english twat to sit on his anteater dick, but us americans can get pussies on our stumps whenever we want.
Maybe you should think twice and actually demonstrate that instead of showing your shriveled jewdick.
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I had phimosis... was circumsiced by a surgeon when I was 18.

honestly better without foreskin... it doesnt look like an elephant trunk and girls swallow now... before it was only my ex-girlfriend who had ever swallowed
It's usually done shortly after birth.
lol it's not sexual faggot
Forgot the bit about using a probe to break up the membrane between the glans and foreskin.

What are you, fucking gay?

a dick is just part of the body. are you afraid to show your fingers on the internet?
The difference is that anyone proposing we mutilate female genitalia would get crucified.
>80% of women have trouble reaching orgasms
>80% of men are circumcised

Just putting it out there
all im saying is dont criticize someones dick if you arent willing to throw your own out there
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What kind of odd monster is that? Is it from that movie with Tom Cruise?
I had a medical condition so i had to get it cut.
>reduce risk of STD transfer
Last time I checked, babies weren't having sex.
Why don't you pull out his toenails with pliers so lint doesn't get stuck there? It takes more effort to clean your toenails than it does to wash your penis.
>isn't connected to reducing sensation
Oh yeah that's why it was advocated for centuries as a way of stopping masturbation and cutting away "excess" feeling... Philo of Alexandria and Maimonedes wrote about it. You're full of shit.

You can't cut that many pleasurable nerve endings off and expect to improve sensation. Keratinisation of the glans after circumcision has been well documented. If you can't read a simple website it's probably just as well you don't have a cock to clean. I'm sure your balls and ass smell amazing.
>shagging your woman is the same as Abdul & Jamal shagging your woman

Every day there is a faggot thread about this shit.
I'm american yet Uncut
The irony being that the majority of female circumcisers are female relatives and victims themselves carrying on the tradition claiming it's 'healthier, cleaner, better' etc.

Hmmm where have I heard that before?

Because it's an important issue you fucking idiot. There are American babies having their bodies mutilated for no reason at this very second.

Muslims are uncut.
So the fuck what?

Who the fuck cares? Dad who had it done get it done to their son. Or leave it uncut. It is a stupid thing to obsess about.

Why are you obsessed with baby dicks?
Post hard pic plz
>Cuts are unable to fap
>At least without lube

Where does this stupid myth come from? As a cutfag myself I can fap perfectly fine without any sort of lube. Someone please explain.
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>why do you care about whether or not bad shit happens to your people?

hello chaim.
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How it feels to have Dr Shekelstein chomp your foreskin off like 5 gum, days after you entered the world
>dick gets dry so dry I can barely have enough rough sex to actually get off so jerking it is a very delicate process
>dick head looks like the wrinkles became gashes
>girls think this is fine and how its supposed to look
>tfw no smooth shiny glans
I will smack any kike and kikery away from my kin
Oh no they aren't.
Did you know 177-230 babies die every year to circumcision?

Would you risk your baby boy?
This isn't about penises. This is about human rights. This happens to Western infants and young African tribesmen alike but it's ignored by US media.
99% of these threads are started by uncut dicks.

I don't get it. Why can't you just be at peace with your smelly dog penis?
>Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by your parents when you were a little kid?
No smegma, still feels fine sex is great. Only people who say there is no sensitivity haven't had sex
>Will you also mutilate your son's dick?
Will I circumcise, yes.

human empathy. people with regular, normal, healthy dicks feel bad for people with jewed, semi-functional penises and want to spread the truth about circumcision and its lack of any benefit.
Yes because I am not a nigger and have proper medical insurance. There are a lot more dangerous things to worry shout than baby dicks.

Should we make women stop shaving their legs or getting piercings?

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>Americuts will defend it like the good goyim they are
I masterbate without lube. You guys are seriously stupid if you can't not sure wtf you are doing wrong
You're such a dumb cunt. Nice brain damaged grammar.
So just why did the "cut cock is more aesthetic" meme come from?
Answer - Pornography.

Who were the pornographers during the golden age of porn and after?
Answer - Primarily jews.

Smegma isn't an issue unless you literally never fucking wash yourself. Phimosis is a rare condition.
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>burgers have been taking part in a Jewish/Muslim baby dick mutilating ritual for 200 years and still defend it

You only ever see posts like this from Americans. As >>104544426 pointed out you see the exact same behavior from women who have been mutilated.
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I never understood it till I thought of it this way. People who haven't had sex can to self justify some shit to make themselves feel better.

Honestly why the fuck would someone care if you are cut or not when you're fucking a woman, why would you care about another dudes dick during that.
Functional in what context? Fully working in the way nature intended functional? or; is it functional in bare necessities "kind of just okay" functional.

Plus, medical insurance won't bring your poor baby boy back from the dead... Yet.
That statistic has been proven to be flawed. Try again.
It's not a flawed statistic, that's just 1 in every 77 births in the USA. Not much, and seemingly rare, but that risk is still there.
>defends circumcision
so are you a kike or a mudslime?
Better comparison would be cutting out female breast buds in infancy.
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In America, circumcision is done for the explicit purpose of making masturbation difficult and reducing sexual pleasure. It's not done for religious reasons as in muslim or Jewish societies, but purely to inflict suffering.

i'm not sure which is more barbaric

>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.

a quote from the doctor responsible for introducing circumcision to America
t. cutfag
Google it and you will see that it is flawed. Cant post links here.

Sex feels good and dick shoots enough sperm to impregnate. What other criteria are there for a dick to be "fully functional"?
I feel like everyone became so obsessed with religion that they ended up sinning themselves. Why the fuck do we still do this shit.
1 in 77 is not rare.
1 in 77 is a made up number
Kellogg was not the man who pushed infant circumcision in the US under the pretense of medicalization since he never actually advocated for preforming it on infants and the rate never rose above of ~15% nationwide (mostly in highly religious communities) while he was actively pushing it. That tittle belong to Abraham Wolbarst a Jewish doctor that hated foreskins and falsified evidence claiming that removing them solved all kinds of medical ailments. He was the one who pushed it into the medical mainstream. Kellogg being responsible is a revisionist meme.
Oh shit the dead baby argument!!!

Both my son's are already circumcised.

Does that fact make you cry?

I don't understand SJWs like you are so obsessed with stopping people from having their sons circumcised.

Not everyone wants a smelly dick. I like my woman to get waxed.

I just really wanna know what makes you guys so obsessed with American cock.
I wouldn't know the difference since I was little. However, I will not be doing it to any of my sons.
1 in 77?

Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded.
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>the girls like mutilated dicks!!!!
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>reddit spacing
>defends kike slave shit

I would kill you if you talked like this IRL bitch.
>how does it feel to be circumcised?
Wouldn't know the difference. Can't miss what you've never had, after all.
>will you also have your son circumcised?
Oh look the mutilated dick is mad because he got reminded of the Jew mark indicted upon him

>Abraham Wolbarst, Jewish doctor in New York, urges universal male circumcision as a preventive of syphilis, cancer and masturbation. (Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 62, 1914, pp. 92-7)

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You're that easily triggered?

Niggers will go to jail over some stupid shit.
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fucking off yourself
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Infant circumcision was steadily rising long before Wolbarst wrote his paper claiming that foreskins cause cancer.
Femanon with uncircumcised son. It feels great to have not mutilated my son. Unfortunately it's not as enjoyable as it could be because family disapproves of/scorns my decision.
Fapped without lube before you dumb leaf, what are trying to prove
So glad foreigners are thinks ng about my dick. Even more so than my Greek girlfriend
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>not as enjoyable
when u suck on it?
>because family disapproves of/scorns my decision.
What the fuck
My criteria is one that we are born with, which was taken without permission of the owner. MY body, MY choice.

The pleasure and sensitivity that is lost. Even with restoration the best to hope for is an 8/10 feeling.

Unnecessary risks and later complications such as erectile dysfunction and other such problems.

Pick any of these.

According to doctors that's "rare".

Not really. Do some independent research chappo.

Did you get their permission to circumcise them? It's about a choice none of us had. A mistake my mother and father have apologized for. I myself almost died, and I want to take back what I can of what I lost through restoration. Plus, I'm American, I care about American things, MAGA mother fucker.

Well yeah I think it is a crime against Humanity and will never do it to my son.


You tell me, bernardo barbosa.
Americans got jewed into cutting their babies dicks to prevent baby dick cancer and masturbation, by a Jewish doctor, Hahahahhahahaha

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What disease do you have where you can't get over American dick?
Never use lube

You like to cut baby dicks because a Jewish doctor 100 years ago said it cures cancer, masturbation and syphilies

Just think about that for a minute.
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Bought myself one of these for Christmas.

What am I in for?
Any advice on usage?
My dick is uncut
Its just tradition goym
Why does my American dick trigger you so hard?
Your mutilated genitals don't trigger me, your stupidity however is a great source of laughter.
Is it true that restoration causes the hardened skin on your glans to peel off?
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If Americans want so bad to follow the Jewish tradition of circumcision SO ...
... THEN why Americans don't follow ALL Jewish traditions of Old Testament like:
>Dont' eat Bacon and Pork
>Don't work on Sabbath
>Don't eat Crabs
>Don't eat meat mixed with dairy
>Don't drink Wine made by non-Jews
Pretty sad, but nothing I can do to go back so I'll live with what I've got
>Jew convinces Americans to pay to cut baby dicks
>100 years forward
>Jew is now convincing Americans to pay to "restore" their dicks

>Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by your parents when you were a little kid?

I don't know because I'm not a slave
You act like we had the sentient thought as babies to tell our parents otherwise
>tfw american and uncircumsized
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OPs missus after giving him head (artist interpretation)
>mfw got circumcision when i was 20 due to phimosis
>mfw lost about 75% sensitivity
I'd like to see the source on this.
Oh man I'm just heartbroken. A NEET in a third world country is mad about my dick bring clean and smooth.

>clean and smooth

You mean scarred and deformed with less 20000 nerve endings?
feels bad man
i'll also add that now i can basically last forever without cumming during sex, it's actually difficult to cum unless im fucking the girl really hard from behind.

obviously i find it easier to cum with new partners because the sex is more exciting.

imo circumcision basically leads to a higher likelihood of men wanting lots of different sexual partners just to achieve sexual highs non-circumcised men get from regular sex with the same long term partner. it essentially promotes degeneracy.
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But that's wrong you leafnigger. If you aren't circumcised you literally can masturbate naturally and more comfortably. If you are, you need to spit on your dick or burn your shit off like a golly jew.

I fucking hate Canada
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>>you will never know how having 20k nerve ending specialized for sexual pleasure feels like

rare flag with a rare bant

You could use the webbing from your feet
Reminder that if you're cut or a woman, you don't get to have a say in this. We know what it feels like to have foreskin and we say cutting it off would be mutilation. You shouldn't be allowed to do it to babies. End of story.
Do you even have a frame of reference?
also orgasms are not nearly as intense. and sexual pleasure in the earlier stages of stimulation is often non-existent. if you read up about the different phases of sexual pleasure from stimulation you'll find out that loss of foreskin takes away a lot of non-orgasmic sexual pleasure, so it goes from virtually no real sexual pleasure to the phase just before orgasm.

dont get me wrong, sex is still good, but is very different (and inferior) to how it was before.
>obvious b8
Why do we mock the Jew dicks though? Most of them had no say in whether they were circumcised or not, we should pity them, not taunt them.

The circumcision defenders, on the other hand, should be memed to death accordingly.
Ah, another retard that feels superior because he has a circumcision fetish. Dude, grow the fuck up!
I would not circumcise my children.
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A fetish for... NOT cutting up your dick? How is that a fetish? That's like saying people who are against public breast feeding have a sexual fetish for not breastfeeding.

Did you and your brothers grow up in Caulfield or Balaclava?
Why do I not feel jealous?

Should I?
Yes, that Fetish actually exists. Read a book.
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>Why do we mock the Jew dicks though?

we mock them so the bitterness that they feel over the unfairness of this imposition that has been forced upon them gives them resolve to make sure that it never happens to their sons.

also for dem bantz.

Wow, your mum is a flaky bitch. You owe whoever was in her ear at your birth for not being jewchopped.
"Mutilated" Lolwut, get off here cuck.
Hope that you conform to the girth that the maker has otherwise you will be in pain after a few hours of use, I can only wear mine for about 2 hours before having to take mine off unfortunately
Are these people constantly aroused by not being currently circumcised? Please educate me.
protip, if you don't wash your circumcised dick "residue" can build up in the bit between the corona and shaft.

circumcised or not, wash your dick.
>tfw males in my dads side of the family have too tight and big foreskins
>literally piss stuck in foreskin tier


>his dick is both literally and figuratively owned by the jews and he tries to call others cuck in a jew dick thread

l m a o

looks like triggered is back on the menu, boys

/pol/ is so obsessed with dicks. Dudes, we all have dicks. Who cares.
What was the medical condition?
Your anonymous here, nobody IRL will ever know.
You can stretch it out. Don't be a pussy.
Dont smell dick cheese anymore. I got mutilated in grade school.
Phismosis = it wont budge = no proper boners
because mass circumcision for no medical reason is fucked up
Oh yes all males have dicks, but 90% American males have mutilated dicks

Hi cutfag, do you miss those 20,000 nerve endings your parents cut off?
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feels breddy gud since I'm uncut. but I'm a shitskin so it actually feels bad no matter what.
Eh... make that ‘You're’.
Inb4 silly English orthography.
Hi virgin,

I've never had a problem feeling sensitivity during sex and all my previous girlfriends have loved my 7.5 x 6 juicy cut cock.
Hahahahhahahaha stupid mutilated leaf dick, how do you know if you have a sensitivity problem if you don't even have your entire dick a Hahhahaha, if you go back on the thread there's a Brit posting about how he had circ. at 20 for medical reasons and lost a bunch of sensitivity

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Actually, it doesn't. All your nerves have been cut off.
with all due respect, you have no frame of reference of sex with AND without foreskin...

im telling you straight up, there was a significant loss of sensitivity after i was cut.
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emotional implosions like these make the shitposting all worth it.
>that's why uncut people need lube

Not all of us

I get my dick wet whenever I want and it feels fucking fantastic.
I still have amazing orgasms. Telling me they'd be even better would be like telling me I'm missing out by not seeing ultraviolet.
How do I convince my husband to not circumcise our baby if we have a boy? He was circumcised and doesn't want his son to be different from him, but I feel like it's wrong to have a cosmetic procedure done on an infant. What do?
Except that post is obviously a shitpost itself.
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I'm cut, but I would not do this to any son. Growing up I felt like my dick could not be any more sensitive, and even if I can outlast a lot of uncut dudes and it is easier to clean or whatever, it is not natural.
Ask if if he had lost his arm would he also want his kid to be like him.
the girls like it bro
It feels terrible, stop making fun of us for it you asshole.
I do
>Hurr durr circumsized dicks cant fap
>tons of porn with fapping cutfags.
What..... If it stopped pleasure wed stop doing it.
Fuck extra nervs wtf. im not losing anything in that tight ass pussy
Your orgasms don't happen in or on your dick. They come from your prostate contracting.

I'm talking about the actual pleasure of direct physical contact on yo dick. The penetration and thrusting.
Don't. Until the rate of circumcision in the US drops below 50%, cutfags will be the majority and will be more attractive to girls. Of all the people in my life who are into dicks, girls and a couple guys, none of them like foreskin.
getting your dick cut so girls will like it more but reducing your sensitivity in the process. beta much?
Though I miss anti depressants taking away my orgasms more.
our son will be born in late january and we have the circumcision planned already. uncut dicks are gross and unappealing.
Baka. Phimosis is curable with stretching >96% of the time. Sue your doctor if he didn't tell you that. And It's only going to get worse btw, keratinization is a very long, slow process.
>Fuck extra nervs wtf. im not losing anything in that tight ass pussy

You are, actually. I'm sorry your parents fell for a Jewish scheme. I'm guessing that Schlomo Shekelstein never explained to them what nerves are?
But shouldn't that be my son's decision to make on his own once he's actually old enough to have sex? It doesn't feel right making that big of a decision for him
I was not given the choice.
> Will you also mutilate your son's dick?
Probably not.
Why do you watch porn of people jerking off?
I fit into no. 5


I'd rather my son having health probems.
It makes jerking off worse too though.
I feel bad my boyfriend is cut. If I have a son I wouldn't get him circumcised.
My dick still has a frenulum which feels great when someone's tongue is rubbing up and down it. Nearly all people circumcised in the US retain this part. Moreover, the head itself is still sensitive.

What you folks never seem to comprehend is that feelings in the dick and nerve endings aren't a 1 to 1 ratio. More nerve endings doesn't mean better feeling, just more feeling. The front of your hands for instance have millions more nerve endings than the back of your hands. That doesn't mean the front of your hands are more pleasurable than the back of your hands. It just means they're more sensitive.

The truth is that you're pushing this idea that cutfags walk around life without any sexual pleasure, that their dick is just a lifeless hunk of meat that can't feel anything good. This is empirically untrue. My sex life is normal. My dick does it's job and does it well.

So again, telling me that it would be even better would be like telling me that infrared looks beautiful. It's a statement that has no real bearing on my life.
Go fucking nuclear if you have to. Threaten divorce, murder him, whatever it takes.
>Hey burgers, how does it feel to have your dick mutilated by your parents when you were a little kid?

It sucks, but I also don't blame my parents for it personally since they are both the sort who do what's "normal" in American society.

>Will you also mutilate your son's dick?

Fuck no.
Do whatever you want. The reality is that it's not a big deal either way and people who amount it to some giant human rights issue are hyperbolic.
why are you planning on staring at your kids dick you sicko
ITT: goyim in denial
No they don't.

>Circumcision was associated [...] with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfillment.
Ok, but if you were born with the ability to see in infrared, and found out that your parents gouged that part of your eye out because "its cleaner that way" or "God likes it better that way" or something, wouldn't you be a little pissed? especially after finding out that infrared is beautiful?
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>be American
>have intact dick

Best of both worlds over here
Same, only due to my polish mother, where are your parents from?
Is there actually anything good about being circumcised though?
>Americans pay to have their babies dick mutilated

Your ranking is wrong.
>Top dick mutilators:
1. Niggers
2. Jews
3. Musilms
4. Americans
Same thing as people who live in shitty countries.

Just because I gross $140k and am 28 doesn't mean that guy won't be happy.
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tried stretching it. however i wasn't aware of the loss of sensation that would occur from getting cut. if i could go back in time i wouldn't get it done.


first its true that nerves are not a 1 to 1 ratio. however, the foreskin nerves still provide lots of sexual pleasure. and don't forget that the head desensitizes because it is not protected by the foreskin during everyday life.

for several weeks after i was cut, after it had healed, it was uncomfortably sensitive when moving around as it had no protection for the first time, and eventually it just desensitized.

this is where you're wrong. it a big deal. its a person's dick for fucks sake. nobody has the right to make that choice except the person themselves.
It isn't the best but at least my children aren't getting jew'd
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Previous girlfriends? You mean you were unable to keep a girlfriend because they were unsatisfied by your mutilated cock?
Considering the social implications that colorblind people deal with, not being able to pick out matching clothes, etc. Sure. It would be annoying.

Not having a foreskin only makes me more socially acceptable in my personal life. It's only helped me get laid. I've never almost had sex and had them go "You're cut??? Ewww!" But have been told over and over again how they don't like uncut dicks.

There are plenty of other reasons why that analogy doesn't stand up but I'll just use the social one and go to bed.
>this is where you're wrong
That's fine. But us on the wrong side are the ones who have legal authority to cut the tips off our babies dicks.

I never really thought I'd circumcise my kids. But I might do it just knowing that it upsets /pol/ so much .

Dats rite, Goy, justify having a mutilated penis.
Women love my uncut shlong skin stimulating parts of their vagina they didn't even know could be stimulated.
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They can't keep getting away with it!
There's a lot more to life than just the social. Masturbation is an entirely un-social activity but it can still be really pleasurable. Same with sitting alone and watching a sunset or something, in the infrared hypothetical.

Also, it was your analogy.
fucking leafs
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I'm uncut and I never use lube, I don't feel any pain or any burning sensation when I masturbate so fuck off leaf.
As always a leaf shitposting.
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>tfw you were born too early to regenerate your foreskin
>Caring about what people's dicks look like this much

I swear, this board is full of dick-sucking faggots.
It severely degrades functionality and pleasure, it's not just aesthetic. If anyone cares what dicks look like too much, it's the parents chopping up their sons.
Well you can tell that most of them don't have children yet.

They obviously spend a lot of time jerking off to videos with a lot of cut dicks. That is the only reason I can think of why you care about other men's cocks.
agreed. it seems to be a meme in the US that women prefer the way a cut dick looks and so want their own sons dicks to look pretty too. and possibly additional motivation is to make sure their son won't be a social outcast by being uncut. not to mention making sure they (the mother) won't receive disapproval from friends and family but not getting it done to their child. bit of a crazy meme right?

seriously, so what if it looks better, women should respect that that is not a good enough reason to cut their sons foreskins off.
Great. Just don't do it to your kid.

Myself and every other cut guy (everyone I know) were told that our parents chose to have us cut for "hygienic purposes"
You sound like a woman saying men should love smelly hairy women because they're natural.
yes. such a bullshit reason. you can clean foreskin and inside of foreskin (even with phimosis, when flaccid).

why not remove a childs hair follicles on their head after birth so they won't have to wash their hair, because they won't grow hair at all!
How do you clean that shit? How far does it stretch? Do you get cum and piss stuck in there? If you fuck a girl in the ass does shit get stuck in there? I heard they get more stds. What happens if you don't clean it? Does it just smell fucking gross?
all human beings, whether men or women, should wash their genitals. whether they have hair or not, or foreskin or not, makes no difference to the fact of washing being a requirement.
>I never really thought I'd circumcise my kids. But I might do it just knowing that it upsets /pol/ so much .

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>tfw cutfags will NEVER know what having a foreskin feels like
you're asking me what happens if you don't clean your genitals?! good stuff burger.
The level of absolute shock I felt when I found out my mom decided to have me cut because it would be cleaner (despite a lack of cock washing experience) was unbelievable
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