>be a poor moortuguese
>enlist in the navy to escape poverty
>get drafted to suicide mission to the "new world"
>months at sea with other men, disease, etc
>finally discover land
>go have a shit in this new world jungle
>see pic
What would you do?
>be a poor moortuguese
This is now a folk-tuguese music thread:
pop open a bottle of wine and pour concrete
Infect her with my diseases and kill 100 million native americans.
>immediately builds a church and offers them the blood of God
You understand it. Deus Vult brother.
Give her a blanket
>ugh, too much ass
>do a 360 and walk away
rape + keep as fuckslave/wife
I would immediately start Jihad, stone her to death, and try to expand the Ummayad Caliphate.
Betray my race.
I ravageao that popozao
this is the result of race mixing
extinction for both parties
Even Canada and the U.S have more natives than Brazil. Segregation is not a bad thing and never was.
Anti-segregation such as what occurred in a place like Brazil IS horrendous. Look at what it has done.
SO why do we follow this failed doctrine of dismantling segregation?
> all these delicious flavours of exotic girls around the world
> the Left wants to miscegenate everyone together into an indistinguishable homogenised mestizo brown
W-why do they hate diversity ;__;
>You must eat all the eggs.
>too much ass.
where I am i must also rape.jpg
I should learn Portuguese.
He's just an Irishman.
Actually he's A FUCKING LEAF brittbong.
Do you ever think, Ragnar, that maybe, one day, you'll have raped enough?
Impregnate her. I love the Age of Exploration in general but if I was Portuguese or Spanish I would have spread my seed as far and wide as I could've.
I mean if we're there to all out conquer and everything you have to do it in every way possible.
An Irish leaf.
>be a poor moortuguese
>enlist in the navy to escape poverty
>get drafted to suicide mission to the "new world"
>months at sea with other men, disease, etc
>finally discover land
>go have a shit in this new world jungle
>see pic
What would you do?
The question was if you're a conquistador and you see that piece of ass after months at sea, what do?
No one said you couldn't eventually go back to Portugal or import Portuguese chicks once you started actual civilization there to have a legitimate family with.
Tame him and name him Snuggles.
>dat ass
Since when is there such a thing as "too much ass" for a mexican? Seeing that warms my Latino blood.
I would ask for the sauce.
Do what any civilized person would do and ignore what you saw and pray the degenerate momentary feelings away and then go back to work.
would fuck without question
Low test
Nevermind, misread.
always, behind every shitpost, another leaf waits.
>be a poor moortuguese
>enlist in the navy to escape poverty
>get drafted to suicide mission to the "end of africa"
>months at sea with other men, disease, etc
>finally discover land
>go have a shit in this new african jungle
>see pic
What would you do?
>get pegged
I love the Spanish. Without them I would have become one of the Moor boys that my ancestors fought. Shit, even during the Philippine revolution my ancestors were loyal to the Spanish pic related.
>From Iloilo one of the first settlements of the Spanish in the Philippines
>Welcomed the Spanish due to mutual hate towards Moro pirates.
dude after months at sea? I would still fuck it, when I was in jail for only 3 months, it was just guys, I couldn't fucking imagine that for upwards of 2 years in hellish starving conditions, no showers, no nothing, it would be hell. when I got out my dick got hard from a stiff breeze, so I would definitely fuck that. I would hate myself after, but thats a problem for later me to deal with.
Try and score some coke
Seriously, I'd be starving, she'd probably bully me and beat me up and have her way with me
I was going to argue with you, but then i noticed the leaf.
>has a hole/10
Not African mate.
Americans run a 40%+ of not being a white poster hence their posts should be judged as such. There is no other flag that a non white can masquerade as one as much as the American flag. It's a cancer upon the board.
Friend of mine traveled to Brazil during Olympics.
He said that there us a lot of prostitutes who as native girls from rainforests.
But in reality they are just just mulatto, and real rainforests girls never leave their forest.
>be a poor moortuguese
>enlist in the navy to escape poverty
>get drafted to suicide mission to the "end of africa"
>months at sea with other men, disease, etc
>finally discover land
>go have a shit in this new african jungle
>see pic
What would you do?
>Declare my love for her
>invite her to my improvised house in the brazil coast
>atract spanish fleet
>Tell them to fuck my new wife since they have superior genes and know how to please natives
>Let my wife choose our new bull
>Our bull tells me he owns my butt now since moortugal king died without heir
>he doesn't understand the movement of the dialectic
What you overlooked in your bait was the fact that impregnating her was part of their work. Nice try though guy
I'd fug
Big spanish butts are sexy
i know the Jews put you up to this OP
Yeah the Spanish were based as fuck for a while there. Hands down my favorite part of history to study. And if they saved you from becoming a smaller Indonesia that's even better man
Exchange all our diseases, 100% sure.
Turn my back and continue fapping as the last months, 100% sure.
english translation:
"remove kebab
from slav homeland
remove kebab
from slav homeland"
reminder that if the other European Empires had done their job every country outsideo Europe would be mixed with white admixture, no Islam, no Judaism, no Multiculturalis
what a wonderful world it would have been
Depictions of rape give me diamonds. Got anymore comic nude women?
Wait you bummed.blokes? You a poofta?
Incorrect. As I already stated the natural pro-segregation stance of Germanic peoples is in fact a humanitarian trait which yields the preservation of race- even conquered ones.
This is a trait that should be encouraged and enforced.
The only people I can respect beyond my own are the racist white- specifically the germanic as other whites have shown to be very different and degenerate in comparison- as I want nothing to do with them beyond trading and they should want nothing to do with us either.
It is fortunate that my people had to mostly deal with who we did instead of degenerate south Euro's as their lack of inherent segregational wants lead to a perversion of the natives and Euro...not including the mass rapes that come along with this lack of racism.
here ya go senpai.
I lov how that church was built on ancient ruins, also
obviously bust a massive nut inside of some tight bald amazonian wet pussy. and raise the multitude of bastards I have with her as the new kings of the place.
nice. And do it off her arse.
>someone out there has this level of autism
And that's why you shouldn't inbreed, kids.
Fun fact Jarawas murder halfbreed infants.
>was built on ancient ruins
What are you talking about?
FINALLY! Took way too long for this picture.
Poor fingol's never had the joys of conquering the primitives.
They actually did.
Says a person making multiple posts asking men if they would race mix? Are you jerking off to the thought of others jerking off? This is the only conclusion to draw.
No wonder american families are doing so well
kys degenerate fat trash
>thick brownies
Rape and enslave.
>said the Turk
Will you quit with these threads?
Native south and central Americans were ugly as fuck and in no way ever looked like the romanticised bullshit you rub your cock to at night
Go back and buy some glasses
2edgy4me with all that gore. Too many guys, not enough pussy, too. Good try, though.
>says the turkroach
o hey roach, not fat i actually use turkish steroids (pic related)
also, my gf is part turkish (her father still speaks it) and i call her a worthless sandnigger when i fuck her she loves it
have a nice day roach
Not while there yet remains a drop of pure Anglo blood.
>47% white
Oh mate I am laffin
fuck then kill
No problemo, Hanz
Implying we're any better :(
Nah, I just posted that to kill your boner anon.
God, what I wouldn't give to just bury my face in her ass and pussy.
>he downloads images from knowyourmeme
Raise the cross and teach her about Jesus.
>he doesn't use the world meme database
>im not fat because i use steroids
Good job burger, I'm sure those things are really great for your health
You can keep that mutt whore also, she's defiled the moment she breathed the same air with you anyway
I'd have to abstain, I'm afraid.
The natives are not for breeding with.
>heh you made a point but I see that you have a nationality that is not American
You fat fucks know you have to be 18 to browse this website, right?
Go kill natives and make them do what I want. Rape the women and kill the newborns.
That's because he IS the primitive.
Lay off that steroid shit, seriously.
The greatest secret,
which appears in no religious doctrine
and is found nowhere
in the world's overburdened library
of myths and fables
nor receives the slightest mention
in any philosopher's system
or scientist's speculation...
The greatest secret,
perhaps the only secret,
is that the universe,
all of creation,
owes its existence
to a degenerate little thread.
And if it were possible
to strip away the shitposting that surrounds us,
to pull up the text
of every general,
to rip away the banner
and shove aside tripfags,
to tear from ourselves our own flesh
and delve deep into our bones,
we would find it standing there eternal,
the origin of all things visible
or invisible,
the source of everything that is
or can be,
this degenerate little thread.
And then we would discover
its twisted posts
and tilting pictures,
its decaying mods
and rotting banner.
And with our own eyes
we would see the diseased faces
peeking from grimy windows.
Then we would realize
why it is such a secret.
The greatest and most vile secret.
This degenerate little thread
where everything began
and from whose core of corruption
everything seeps out...
And what point did he make, exactly?
That's you're a degenerate and probably a nigger or some kind of mulatto
From the beginning,
if there was a beginning,
this degenerate little thread
has become ever more degenerate;
its posts more twisted
its pictures more tilting
its mods more decayed
its banner more rotten,
those faces behind ever more grimy computer screens
have become ever more diseased
And in the end...
But there can never be an end
for this degenerate little thread.
No more than an end will ever come
for the worlds that have seeped out of it
for everything we can know
is degenerate from the beginning,
everything becomes more twisted and tilting,
more diseased and decayed
rotting from the very banner.
This is the law of things,
if there can be any law
in a universe that has its source and origin
in a degenerate little thread,
which has been degenerate from the beginning,
if there was a beginning,
and will go on with its degeneration,
its ceaseless twisting and tilting,
its disease and decay,
its infinite shades of rottenness
forever and without end.
We don't have many natives because we never had a lot of them to start with. Brazil before colonisation had 3-4 million natives compared to 100 million in the rest of America, and 95% died to diseases. Most mixing here happened with africans because we didn't have natives to slave.
Anything to escape white women.
This is why european men went in droves to certain death to foreign continents months away on a creaky wooden ship into the wild jungles inhabited by natives ready to kill you in your sleep, to escape the horror that is white women.
there's nothing degenerate about taking a native woman as your fuckslave/wife.
apparently they didn't teach you about La Malinche in your mandatory Leaf Cuck Studies
I bet it'd be great having the sex with this chick.
Marrying her though, I bet she's dumb as eggs.
How unfair of you.
the Cathedral of St. Mary in Lisbon was built on the ruins of a mosque
It is degenerate faggot. By any national socialist standard would it be barred. Let alone any protestant ones on top of this.
Definitely a kek-worthy part of Apocalypto.
Make her the new chica boom boom
Right, not because it was a legal crime punishment at the time.
I would wonder would how I traveled to the future.
>he thinks people were that attractive back then
i'm a faggot for wanting to impregnate brown wombs while you roleplay as a natsoc? wew there lad!
topkek Protestantism is christianity for cucks
In what situation is sex before marriage acceptable or even worse is there an implication that one would cheat on their wife to commit acts of rape? And then we have to take into account that this is also race mixing.
Kill yourself nigger or whatever low breed you are. Fucking americans.
I know this is just an album cover but I really wish there was more of that "set", that woman just drives me crazy. Something about that heavy 60s/70s makeup and droopy fuck-me eyes and bangs...
Realize the ship didn't actually go to Africa but instead took me back home.
> months at sea with other men, disease, etc
Sorry, but you're prolly an impotent or a gay
No other options
Why does this sound like it was written by a severely autistic person?
Because >leaf
small butts best butts no pedo
Promptly release said shit
>steroid script due to aids
Jesus Christ. Now I understand why the church was so intent on spreading the Word of God to all corners of the primitive world. Sign me the fuck up!!!!!!!
Is that plastic on snapchat?
Neither of those are prescribed in america actually, good attempt at humor though faggot
>that belly
get fucked
Probably follow her to her tribe and kill them.
>breed her
Have so many bastards they intermarry and form a new country.
perfect body desu
rape her
I think we actually got more shit from them in terms of STDs. Including Syphilis. And we just gave them airborne shit that they had no resistance for.
Sex with cat
Genghis was pretty pro at that
Fuck The Shit Out Of Kuriminha
Underrated KeK
no police no crime
Sauce please?
>only 3 months
try 27 years as a virgin.
Wud put up with BO for pleasure ride
Not me
Odors kill my boner
Please sauce
More 4 ya. Completely degenerate
>pic related
We're just poor and for whatever reason beta. We wouldn't hate living here or want to escape them if we had any promise.
Although, in a contemporary sense they are pozzed like never before. What you're saying makes sense in a modern setting. I think even if I wasn't a poorfag or crippled I'd want to leave the west to date. I see the absolute worst in ppl now, especially women, especially white women.
>no feminine penis
It's understandable. You're latino.
>be merchant
>jew moortuguese out of his home, sell his wife and child to Moors
>he joins navy
>takes shit, finds sturdy draft animal
>buy it from him for his wife's wedding ring and a lock of her hair
>take it to burgerland, sell it to Virginia plantation interests
>faggot Lincoln frees it
>put it on weekly sketch comedy show
>many shekels
Many such cases!
her twitter is full of naked/ semi naked pics and videos
I got boners for years
Holy fucking shit. Maybe this is my Portuguese side of my family tree talking but I'd do some terrible things to that woman.
Dude. Not fair! Not fair at all.
Would you, /pol/?
that leaf is hiding a really tiny penis , isn't it ?
>that leaf is hiding a really tiny penis , isn't it ?
Every leaf is.
The self deprecation bantz. The toppest of keks.
he said Portugal, not Irish
Well played
Kek'd. Now check.
ebin thread
Not bad leaf
> moortuguese
>heh you made a point but I see that you have a
nationality that is not American
I think their point was that Turkroaches raped Serbian and other slavic ppl turning them to shitskins like turks when they conquered them so him calling a white guy sick for wanting to do the same to latinos is hypocritical.
>do a 360 and walk away
wot? If you did a 360 you'd be facing the same position you were initially
The bitch in ops pic is in fact a mulatta prostitute with hair extensions. Google india ayara.
Most indias are ugly as fuck and look like filipinas.
>being this new
/pol/ is just as bad as niggers they talk shit about, they are willing to rape random women while also talking about how niggers are bad because they rape random women.
Convert her to islam
>Dominoes on pizza
tie her up, take a shit behind a tree, come back and fug until nuts bust. is there any other option?
Convert it to islam
>tie her up
"Excuse how do I reach Stockholm?"
>A living african albino
How long after the photo was she murdered?
>Make a sound and you die
>From a simple wrist lock
FFFFFPPPBBBBBBBB - the sound it makes when she squeezes her legs together
I wish. It's literally "the salted cod needs garlic" they're fucking hobbits who never don't think about food.
I also want to see this child killed, he's insufferable.
Wait just saw >>104531001 this poor faggot has to be actually retarded. And not growing out of looking like that appears to have turned him homosexual.
>He said that there us a lot of prostitutes who as native girls from rainforests.
This reminds me about that screencap of that one anon that travelled to brazil to fuck little girls and explained the process in which it could be achieved, as well as sordid details.
i bet that feels good...
I think its his fucked up mouth...and teeth
Fucking Kek, good one Leaf.
So...lets say if anyone wanted moar of dat jungle booty,what do you have to search for to get good material?
Whats it called?
"traveco piru grande" google images
drown in brown mestizo pussy.
Fuck off.
Sure, but you have this vivid moving colored light grid that's 1920 lights wide and 1080 lights high that can display sexual content of all styles from around the world at your choosing with the flick of your wrist. What did they fucking have? Rats mating?
Nice map. Thanks.
Holy shit maybe this is the American side of my family talking but you need to go back.
Silveira De Souza here
would marry and procreate
can't really blame my Portuguese ancestors
>Silveira De Souza here
So a Marrano. Nice.
Holy shit my sides. You English teachers are great
There are quite a few blonds here, though when it comes to hair lightness, a light brown is more common.
But I agree leaf, blond isn't really the appropriate hair for the common Portuguese
>There are quite a few blonds here,
If you consider 2-10% of the population "quite a lot," sure.
>marrano in Uruguay
I feel for how bad your family must have had it before independence lel
Learn to read leaf, I said "few" not lot.
Come on.
oy gevalt
stop being antisemites guys, i thought /pol/ was a board of peace
It's ok, at least your family escaped being literally thrown in the mediterranean by the Spaniards.
Why don't you look up the definition of "quite a few". Semantics, yes, but still.
werent anglo saxons an early danish tribe?
>not using the designated shitting tree
Saxons were Frisians, Anglos were Jutlandic..
We are talking upwards of 10 million people here, "2-10%" is "a fairly large number", come on, why are you being so anal with semantics as you are with other sordid aspects of your life?
>We are talking upwards of 10 million people here, "2-10%" is "a fairly large number"
Proportionally? Absolutely not.
>why are you being so anal with semantics as you are with other sordid aspects of your life?
Sorry? What do you know about me apart from nothing at all?
I like you
>Proportionally? Absolutely not.
Semantics :^)
>Sorry? What do you know about me apart from nothing at all?
You see leaf, as I can see this is going nowhere, and it even began with me agreeing with you, I now took the liberty to, how you say? Shitpost?
By using a double entendre of the word "anal" I not only implied you are obtuse but also, taking your flag into consideration, I implied you greatly enjoy anal, you prancing la-la homo man.
implying that kills my boner
i have masturbated to that picture a thousand times
>too much ass
You're being quite liberal with what you consider a shitpost, evidently. We're discussing the facts of the average Portuguese phenotype, which is most certainly not tending towards blondism and blond is most certainly not represented in "quite a few" Portuguese. Yes, the discussion wound down the path of semantics but semantics is a valid field of study as any linguist will tell you.
Now, as to making personal attacks which I have in no wise stooped to, unlike you, there is really no grounds whatever for you making any assumptions about what sort of person I am save for the fact that I have disagreed with your [demonstrably incorrect] use of words - which, by the way, have meanings that are not arbitrary. I suggest perhaps not reacting like a child whenever you encounter someone who takes issue with what you said.
I didn't know Africans had fishing net technology.
remove my pistol and sabre from their holsters and prepare to battle this new beast to the death while squatting over some poisonous animal taking a runny shit from all the fucking shit tier food we have been eating for the past 3 months
same thing my ancestors did, put the native men to work, and get my self a harem of injun qts to breed with.
there was no issue taken.
see >>104560539
>But I agree leaf, blond isn't really the appropriate hair for the common Portuguese.
It was then that we fell to semantics in an "argument" I was never intending to start or was into.
As we've already reached common ground from the first two posts, and seeing as we'd just be going in circles over the most inane shit, which is the hair color of a population, I decided to just imply you are gay, the "argument" was already over so the "personal attack" was just a lip service, my dude.
And maybe you aren't gay, canuck, I don't care either way, we've already agreed Portuguese aren't a people to have many blonds so what else is there to discuss? The Canadian danger that is flying hockey pucks?
there is perpetual internal conflict in a white man's mind over what to do with any given woman. that conflict reaches a ubiquitous stalemated equilibrium which always manifests as civilized behavior no matter where the white man goes.
niggers do not have any such internal conflict, they have rape and violence instincts with no counterbalance. that's the difference.
you know about this distinction, yet pretend to be unaware of it merely so you can highlight an imaginary hypocrisy, and you intend to use that lie to pivot into telling ever greater lies. strange you posture as a paragon of christianity while spreading such falsehoods.
you are a lover of lies
But Mosque are cool :^P
put it to the sword and then run around coughing on things
You think Finns come from Finland? Sami got BTFO
>it's a traaaaaaap
I wouldn't have pieced it together but now that you mention it yeah it looks alot like her. Doesn't she have some shitty little tattoo though?
>Be poor anon NEET
>enlist in le 9fag army
>Get drafted into suicide mission to take down new world order
>Years of virginity, rejection by globalist minion females
>discover traps
>see pic
What would you do?
Native population in Brazil was small to begin with like Brazil bro said BUT he is wrong to say that mixing is mostly Africa, you guys do have native blood as well, depending on where you are at there is more of it. I am a customs Agent and we are seeing a lot of people from Brazil coming in, all the people coming from Amazonia state or province of Brazil whatever it is, all look Native or Mexican. Some look 100% pure Native, brown, mongoloid eyes and long black hair. They dont identify as Natives though, you have to understand that in Latin America many people see race more as a class or cultural thing. The Native population is higher than what we think in Latin America but many dont identify as indians, mostly because they are middle class and being indian is seen as part of the lower class. Another example of this is Mexico, many indians identify as Mestizos because they are now middle class and speak only spanish.
Turns out that's not what your ancestors did, this isn't south america. Unless you're a spic american which you probably are
I like your style. You shall be spared.
Central and South American * natives * were culturally poisoned badly by south euros in which the difference between them and north natives is so great that the southern natives have no quarrel with this modern materialistic society of racial degeneracy while the northern ones - albeit at a cost of loss of relevance in the greater national society- still rejects completely assimilating to this type of society.
And this is not the type of society one wants to assimilate into. All peoples who naturally oppose this degeneracy for whatever reason will be the only peoples seen as honorary.
If one is to consider a perpetual state of racial preservation/segregation being necessary to national socialism then a similar situation to a libertarians * N.A.P * is required except in regards to enforcing the previously mentioned values. As such only the races proven naturally gravitating towards such values can be looked upon as worthy to a continued existence.
While those who have shown themselves as natural race mixers and degenerates simply have to be removed to guard the preservation and strength and diversity of the human race.
>ITT: /pol/ thinks with it's dick
You are no better than niggers