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War with Germany

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Thread replies: 309
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Anyone wish we would go to war with Germany?

Think about it, they've been fucking up the world for over a century. Their expansion through Europe that led to WW1 and WW2, all the white people they got killed. It's their fault that the birth rates are so damn low in the West. Even in the USA, there has been a flood of Germanic people immigrating here for decades, disrupting the Anglo population. Thanks to them anyone that mentions pride in being white gets called a nazi racist, they've made it impossible for whites to do this.

Now they are flooding the West with muslim "refugees" except they aren't really refugees, they are migrants blatantly trying to replace the native populations. I even saw a video of Merkel saying she will "offer cooperation" with Trump, like she is in charge here.

Can we please finish Hans off once and for all? I wish we could team up with the Russians to end the degenerate Kraut rampage.
Without Trump you anglo cucks would be left with guys like Romney.
Why don't you destabilize the middle east and flood them with hostile sleeper cells... oh wait
Trump is one of the only non-cucked Germanic descendants in existence, and even then, he let his daughter get impregnated by a jew.
As far as i know germany didn't start ww1.
They just paid for it... which led to ww2
Shut up Schlomo
I love how this board went from hating jews to thinking it's perfectly normal to blame germany for WW2 because trump openly kisses isreals ass.
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I hate both, and modern Germans are all part jew anyway.
Maybe if someone wouldn't have stopped us from killing this filth you wouldn't have any problems now.
maybe if you would have done it discreetly then there wouldn't be an excuses to stop you

Let's be honest, even if you Germans had a guy like Trump you wouldn't elect him. You would vote for merkel again because Germans are determined to suicide themselves

Ron Paul is half-german.

Pat Buchanan is half-german.

Germans make America great again.
>Ron Paul
accomplished nothing
>Pat Buchanan
accomplished nothing

it is in German blood to talk big, but in the end do nothing, hopefully Trump is different

Like Anglo cucks like McCain or Romney ever accomplished anything.

At least the germans have the guts to care about more than their own money.
modern Germans don't seem to care about anything other than finding the fastest way to destroy their continent
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I don't want to go war with them. I wan't their government to calm down a little bit.
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where have I heard that before...
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I won't shit on any White group but WHY doesn't Germany have a nationalist party to challenge Merkel to office?
future germans
it was you and the allies who played good goyim for jewish globalist interested that fucked the entire western world up, the axis actually tried to prevent that...

And if it wasn't for the usa and oil greed , we would have zero islam problems today and they all would just do their mudshit thing in their own countries.
It's not the Germans anon. It's the Jews that control them.
don't blame America for the shit you started, retard
This D&C shilling is pathetic and it's always coming either from Britain or America.
Stop this shit, the only thing you should be asking is how to save Germany, the only country that ever removed shekel in modernity.
Yes, yes. Good goy. The Germans were in the wrong and you did a good job by stopping them.

Germany does not exist. You would be going to war with yourself Amerikunt.
chill bro,we will finish them
had to for PR reasons

as I said earlier in the thread, if you faggots would have not been so explicit about what you were doing, then nothing would have happened, but you had to gloat, which alerted normies
This, sick of all this talk from yanks and us Brits because we don't want to admit Germans did nothing wrong.
Pathetic that these cunts echo Jewish German scapegoating propaganda, we're all brothers, the UK and US both have a high German percentage DNA wise the answer to white genocide is not to fight amongst ourselves.
>a handful of jew and libfag shitposter and bots reposting the same copy pasta a million times per day represent /pol/
You really don't get it, do you? The Germans were doing the world a favor.
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Present Americans.
No one thinks that. Everyone excepts that Trump's position on Jews is flawed. These are plebbiters who showed up yesterday and are blue-pilled morons.
Nonsense, the "holocaust" and "six million" didn't even enter common vocabulary until well after the war. The "holocaust" was really nothing more than holding some kikes in work camps to be later deported from Europe.
Not me mate, you did nothing wrong.
>Oy vey, the germans are killing the jews, better destroy their country and install a puppet regime
fast forward a couple of years
>Why are the Germans so cucked, wtf is going on?

Are Americans really this stupid?

>implying anyone cares about this shit flag
let them burn it.
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>When the German Empire invaded Belgium in August 1914 in violation of the treaty, the British declared war on 4 August. Informed by the British ambassador that Britain would go to war with Germany over the latter's violation of Belgian neutrality, German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg exclaimed that he could not believe that Britain and Germany would be going to war over a mere "scrap of paper."

Thank you Germany, who cares about treaties?
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>spicks and niggers
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Germans aren't with us, their latest scheme is to infect Europe with mudslimes so they can push for an EU Army controlled by Germany. Merkel doing what even Hitler failed to do.
Should have kept Germany occupied
>falling for an obvious troll on a image board where people offend others just for a reaction

Are Germans really this stupid?
>implying this isn't the popular opinion among anglos on this board
You would never admit that your interfering in WW2 was the cause of Europes downfall.

Our current flag is a shit. Let them burn it.
I'm not trolling you degenerate, we should bring war to them before they fuck up anything further.
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Those aren't Germans that's the Anglo-American installed Jewish government and "education" programme that has been raping Germany and her people since the end of the war.
Germans are our brothers and sisters and can't be blamed for the actions of their ZOG
Yes, blame everything on the Americans who had to bail you bums out of WW1 and WW2.
Obama is actually Germanic from his whore mothers side believe or not. Yup. Exterminate all the Krauts.
I freely admit this, we ruined everything, we betrayed Europa.

Germany does not exist they are an occupied vassal territory administered by a military corporation of Amerika. Zero civil capitulation, zero treaty, zero sovereign self-determination sans NSverbotgesetz = zero Germany.
Oh, so you get to differentiate? Isn't that just convenient.

...but Winnie Kikeshill got to keep Chartwell!
Mein Kraft
They should have been dismantled after ww2 tbqh. That way Britain could be in charge of the EU and I wouldn't be so damn cucked
that's quite the excuse you thought up to take the blame away from the Germans
I meant Anglo-American as in we did it together why are you looking to argue with other white people?
You didn't bail us out mate you came in for the money which is the only reason Americans go to war at all.

I chuckled.

Found the publicly schooled drooling retardate.
And now I have to walk past fucking halal butchers and kebab shops every day and my sister has had two abortions.
Sad days sad fucking days mate.
Money is the only reason anyone goes to war.

t. chang wang ding bing
Thanks a lot to the fucking Krauts, Krankers, KCucks and Kruegers.

I'm French and my grand-pere was in the 33rd SS div. Charlemagne.
so you are a failed white man who can't get a white gf and instead wants to make little Elliots?
Alright fair enough you got me there but the point still stands that you didn't bail us out, the Soviets did more than you, you came in quite late remember and mainly fought the Japanese.
Based "in what game" poster
We fucked it mate just cop to it Germany did nothing wrong we'd have this world with or without the Reich all they did was try to put up a fight to protect us and we fucking betrayed them
what are we blaming them for?
what I said in the OP and >>104530205

I have 3 children being raised by other financially secure parents I approve of. They are all so white they are faintly blue. My seed is ultra potent and aesthetically/intellectually gifted. Even your imaginary girlfriend would pay me 30k Euro to breed her pussy because you prematurely shoot barren blanks.
Fuck all you Americans on here talking shit on Germany laugh it up you cunts just because you have Trump.
>not even raising your own kids
I thought it couldn't get sadder
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Everyone is fulling aware of this.

I'd like to see euros blame the USSR more though. You faggots love to tip your fedoras and say the Soviets won the war when it's a positive thing (I've even seen Germans do this), but when the war destroyed Europe you only blame the US even though some 80-90% of Europe had fought for its own destruction.
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But they didn't do anything wrong.
The areas controlled by the USSR didn't exhibit self-loathing personality traits like the west did.

The social illness of Europe right now is directly related to liberal-democracy and capitalism, not the USSR.

Marx was a fool and Communism is a poisoned medicine, but don't pretend that the US and NATO aren't the primary cause of this.
This. German society is so cucked, all Germans can do is bitch about America, rather than taking action themselves to fix the shitty situation they're in.
they fucked up everything, if you want to rid the world of shitskins then the way you go about it is important, and quite obviously they screwed it up; and modern Germany is doing everything wrong, period.
We were the ones who fucked up anon. Germany asked for our help and instead we sided with the Jews and the Communists. How is that their fault?
If they did, we would intervene and possibly invade them for the third time.
It's just nu-/pol/, fags that came for the election and stayed.

They'll let go of their petty American exceptionalism memes soon, once they realize how retarded it is.

They are not my children only products of my seed. They are all tall, fair haired, blue eyed overachieving Ubermensch males.
If it werent for u cucks fucking up the middle east there would not be an migrant crisis in europe
Anglos are a germanic tribe, moron.

Trump ruined /pol/, its now full of alt-right cucks who support democracy and unironically think hitler fucked up anyway other than strategy
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>all this Kraut denial
The German keks fuck up Europe and then expect us to help because they decide to start killing kikes? Haha, no. If you want to kill kikes then go ahead, but don't drag all of Europe and the USA into your shitfest and then expect anything else to happen other than us creaming you, rightfully.
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They didn't drag anyone in the kike puppets Roosevelt and churchhill fucked it all up.

Both of those rats were Jews.
You are a giant cuck who sides with the enemy rather than your own country, if you love Germany so much you should move there, you non-white shit stain.
I would, but then I remember they aren't Israel and then I remember that constantly inflating a tyre with a slow puncture, instead of just buying a new tyre, is a completely wasted exercise. Especially when for less effort and less cost you can fix the problem indefinitely.
Alt right is the biggest meme since thrid wave feminism
Hmm....I'm conflicted I think America is exceptional, but not in the neo-con, cuckservative way. We are the most badass motherfuckers on the planet, generally speaking (at least our whites are). We just have a Jewish-Marxist subversive plot that has been taking hold over the last 80 years. Once we clean out the trash of our society we'll go back to being based.

However, I do think we are capable of mistakes (as any group of humans are) and WWII was definitely one of them.

Trump is a stepping stone. Violent revolt isn't in the cards, so playing the system is what we have. We're shifting the narrative in our direction. It's fine.
But they didn't drag everyone else into it. They tried to ally with us and the UK. They tried to have an NAP with Russia. The Jewish Marxists wouldn't allow it.
>side with your country no matter what even if they're ideaologically wrong.

Do you support U.S. sanctions on Russia
Do you support government controlled media that ships nothing but degeneracy?
Do you support a system which lets fags and shitskins have the same rights as you?

You're the cuck.

We aren't shifting anything in our direction. Trump is just going to keep the same thing we've had. All this is going to do is maintain our shitty systems for a bit longer.
If you want Germany to burn, just let it be and watch.
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>Trump is just going to keep the same thing we've had.
>Trying to insult Germans by posting images of their flag burning

That's a special kind of stupid, given that nationalistic Germans couldn't give less of a shit about that piss-stained recucklic flag if they even tried.
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>side with your country no matter what even if they're ideologically wrong
Yes, and if you don't then you are a traitor kike. Doesn't mean you have to like the policies, fucking idiot, policies can be changed. I support getting rid of shitskins, but also getting rid of treasonous snakes like you.

it's incredible, I make a thread to highlight the fact that the Germans are the cancer of the world, but some of you cucks are so well trained to automatically blame and hate the USA for everything that you don't even take in what I am saying
It might burn, but when it does our side is going to win. AfD supporters are alpha as fuck and will kick the shit out of muzzies and marxists once the government can't use the justice system to stop them.
Individual policy doesn't matter you fucking retard. le reddit man is only going to make the problem worse because the same kike systems are still going to be inplace. I agree with his policies but overall he and these other parties do nothing but keep democracy in place.

you are right, all I did was trigger German sympathizing betas
When will you Democratic Underground cucks stop hiding behind Trump avatars?
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>Germans tried to remove jews therefore we all need to bow down to the Krauts xDD
>everything is america's fault!!!
Germany is not the enemy, the US has been allied with Germany for decades. The war ended 70 years ago.
You want to break treaty and declare war on a NATO nation for... what? Some abstract thing like "destroying Europe"? Policies that the current US adminisration supports?
>Blames germany for everything ignoring basic historical evidence
>stop imblying america is truely at fault

America itself isn't necessarily at fault, its just that it was jewed into doing what it did like it always has.

War and political action are considered policies, so if don't support my country destabilizing middle eastern self determining regimes i'm a traitor cuck? We we're wrong to getting involved in WW2, and if you're willing to say otherwise just because m-muh amergica and freedom then you're a hypercuck.
i genuinely want to. the eternal kraut didnt get fucked enough the first time, we need to deliver the final blow, which is largely for their sake to put them to rest
NZ was fighting to destroy Europe 2 years sooner and the Anglo Empire forced the US into the war.
Show me where in the treaty is Germany given permission to create a continent-wide army.
I wish to join with patriotic Germans and attend some cleansing.
>traitor kike
Why are you being redundant?

Also, countries are traditionally ethnic nations. I do side with the white people of the U.S. I don't care at all about everyone else.

as if the toothless tiger of america even could harm kittens anymore

NOBODY fear the US anymore and you idiots send how many of your soldiers and ressources dieing in Afghanistan and Iraq for fucking nothing?

nobody take the losers of US serious and the best is...you can do NOTHING about it and we will flood not only the EU but even your county sooner or later...i mean whites are minority in your country anyways soon enough ahahahaha

What a self hating cuck. You are the lowest of the low, and it's hilarious that you think you are noble for being a cuck. If you can't understand how it's possible to support your country will also being critical of it's policies and stances, then perhaps you need to think over all of this some more. We were entirely justified in getting involved in WW2 after Japan attacked us, another instance of the Germans not being able to keep their shit in order.
>We we're wrong to getting involved in WW2

Yes, the Japs fucked up and gave ZOG an excuse to enter the war.
>jews ruin europe for the 9000th time
>germany and a bunch of eastern european countrys tries to stop it
>amerakikes and anglo trash are fine with jews controling everything and even help try beat germany back for questioning their jewish overlord
>present day
>amerakies and anglo trash shows pride in being a jewish pupet
>like makeing a le germoney is cucked lmao guys fuck krauts threads like this one
>everybody proceeds rips on germany for being cucked after ameriakikes and anglo shits ruined it again after occupying it for 70 years
everyone in this thread should kill themself
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So then why are you still our colony?

And do Euros not realize that if they are part of NATO, their soldiers and resources are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq as well?
Delusional, you bums have no military power that we don't allow, which is why you are desperately trying to form an EU army
Trump isn't an idiot. He knows who the masters are. There are a few possibilities:

1. He's playing the long con and pretending to care. He's ethnically German don't forget.
2. He used these statements to get elected because you can't get elected in America without supporting Israel.
3. He actually cares about Israel.

Personally I put my money on 1 or 2. Trump is smart (not genius, but intelligent enough) and he has worked with Jews his entire life. I'm certain he has already correctly identified them for their cancerous nature.

What would Trump do about the JQ? He can't just start rounding them up tomorrow. He can't order executions. He can't personally fire them from their corporate positions. All of these things would see him impeached, jailed, or murdered.

He's actually doing the one thing he can do alone: subverting their control of the federal executive branch. Why do you think the media is so against him? There's a reason why the media doesn't like him. Have you ever stopped to consider what that might be?
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>and a bunch of eastern european countrys tries to stop it
Eastern Europe is the primary culprit of destroying Europe
How am i self hating by not supporting a country i have no ethnic ties to and has done absolutely nothing good historically? america is a cancer and was never a good country at any point and this persists to today.

The Japs were justified with american economic aggression.and american involvement in the war was inevitable either way. This is because of Roosevelt aggression, he was already preparing for war before pearl harbor happened.
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Listen Jew. I'm on to you. You don't belong here and you don't belong in America. Israel is that way.
im talking about places like bulgaria, romania and hungary not the kosher union witch you fuckers supprted btw
Germany can't even deploy their army without explicit NATO permission. The EU army is under full NATO control.
Personally I think the EU and its army is a terrible idea and I hope for it to collapse as quick as possible which it will when Britain and Italy and possibly other countries leave.
As for Germany I ultimately hope they have their own nation independent of the EU. They've been "punished" enough, don't you think?
>america is a cancer and was never a good country at any point and this persists to today.
then go back home to mexico, paco

you are not only a cuck, but an ultra-cuck
Germans arent really allowed to have true nationalist parties
If there will be an EU army then only with US approval see >>104535607 pic related
>bulgaria, romania and hungary
All got on their knees for the Jew when the reds showed up

>you fuckers
Are you a proxy or a retard?
>not understanding that if you want to rid the world of shitskins then you have to do it in a specific way
Hitler and the Nazis were absolute failures
Honestly you're a fucking retard dude. At this point i'm pretty sure this is all just bait but i know since the election started you redditfags have been here a significant numbers and unironically believe this.

Hitler did not want to rid the world of shit skins.
Hitler did not start the war
Germany did not start world war one/.

America's entire economic and political ideology does nothing but feed the globalist system, this has been persistent since day 1.
Amercia IS a cancer
>started consumerism
>started secularism
>imported niggers to do work for them instead of doing themselves
>occupys europe and i highly doubt that jew controlled trump is gonna fix that
>fucked with europe as a whole
>mastermind behind the ponzi scheme that we call modern ecomomics
>hitler did du niffun
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Why do you care, 56%? You are just as BLACKED as us
great argument bugarroo
You're not fooling me OP
Get off the proxy, it's quite obvious you're the eternal Anglo in disguise
OP is just the antifa shitposter pretending to be a white supremacist, just a maggot
Europe was so much better under Jewish rule. Germans fucking suck at running things. Look how fucked up Europe is, that's ALL because of the German people.
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#1 economy! We won the war baby. Making everyone else pay for it now.

The collective German people, all 80 million citizens, decided to fuck it up! Yes siree. Great analysis.
Yeah, that's it, Jose
Nice passive aggressive comment there champ. That's another great thing Germans are good at, being complete cucks and always in denial.
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Your antifa friends might find out you were racist online, look out
please explain how I am antifa for wanting to curb stomp the krauts before they get everyone else killed, modern germans are all half jew mutts anyway, so why are you upset?
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Good argument! What else are we good at? All 80 million of us. Such a broad generalization. Wouldn't you think it would be better to blame, say, the people who took over after the jews and expelled them? The national socialists. Or are ALL Germans, every single one of them, inept at ruling a country.
t. bjorn steinberg
you are the jew, buddy
>modern germans are all half jew mutts anyway, so why are you upset
most americans are half ape too why not curb stomp them instead? much closer desu desu senpai
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C'mon now you just posted a bunch of pics of the antifa cucks burning German flags
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They're both all American. If they were German they'd be shitposting instead of trying to actually do something.
see >>104534386
All Germans are inept at ruling. They are only good at doing what they are told. That's why Germany was so successful when they were ruled by the Jews. Or even the Anglos.
It doesn't trigger anyone the german nation is just some neo-weimar nation set up by guess who?
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America would be a dump without German heritage
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>Germany does not exist.
I agree, but they are less of a threat right now
We threaten no-one who's wise enough to step out of our way.
I'd rather see Germans and Americans take their country back and unite against the zog.

If ou continue to blame each other for the mistakes of your ancestors you will all lose.
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And the Irish, the Italians, the English, the Scottish, the Chinese, the French, the Red man, the Spanish, or the Jews.
We get it, we didn't originate from this Continent.
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You were the original Mexicans.
>he was already preparing for war before pearl harbor happened.

I'm sure he was, the Japanese just gave him the green light. Remember the majority of Americans are of German descent and at that time the general public consensus was not to get involved in the war.

I can picture that bastard rubbing his paws le mechant style in the oval office upon hearing of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The ZOG did the same exact thing in 2001. They had battle ships already enroute to the Indian ocean before the first plane even hit!
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>be USA
>amass power
>bomb people
>might makes right
>lose power again
>"You krauts are so evil! You stop that independence right now! Do as we say because we say so! Waaaaah nazis"
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Germany might be worth a damn if the people with courage and vision stuck around.
germans are not the threat you fucking mong
their jewish masters that you yanks put their are the problem
these anti german d&c threas get fucking more annoying everytime they pop up
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>the Irish, the Italians, the English, the Scottish, the Chinese, the French, the Red man, the Spanish, or the Jews
>another "the usa is the real villiain!!!1" post
go back to r/politics
Big hello from the biggest fifth column ever
Faggot answer this >>104536436

Why do you keep taking about Americans like you aren't one?
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If you kill your enemies, you win.
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>implying USA isn't the villain

explain why you're losing then
losing what?
nice OC, I hope I get memed into immortality

Modern Germany is the result of your bullshit. The US needs to balkanise
Germany is cool. They are based bros even if we are different on several aspects. You amerifats wouldn't stand a chance against Germany 1v1 in Dust no scar 20
its a proxy yes your shitty nsa and merkels stasi keep censoring evrything over here
>implying your not
This. The dirty fucking Usurious Anglos at the will of the Rosthchilds decided that a powerful Germany was not in their best economic interest. Gassing the kikes and Beady Anglos would be in everyone's interests as i see it.
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Whoa, slow down.

Let me first go back to freedomland and then you can bomb the shit out of the krauttards.
look at the sheepfucker trying to make demands
sorry yank your going down with the ship YOU sank
Jennifer Rubin is one of the first dirty lying kikes that comes to mind with that quote.
maybe you should stop starting wars, subhuman
You guys will never start making friends like this. You really need to learn the German way.
Fucking this

Aryans truly are the master race. If your eye color is anything but blue you are an impure mutt.
>You really need to learn the German way

The sociopathic way.
I should offer him my wife and home?
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>if it's not pro-'MERICA, it's [insert mean word here]
>maybe you should stop starting wars
and maybe you should stay out of them next time
ww1 was going to be a stalemate before you retards entered in at the last second and tried to claim all the glory like a coward
OP sadly might be onto something
they have cute girls and whatnot, decent culture on face value
but do any of you guys realize that Germans are the reason that the hippie/socialist movement came to be in the US?
The Nature boy movement in CA was the result of Germans
no wonder girls like this exist

Germans in WW1 put marxist jew on train to Russia with given instruction to destroy perfectly ok European country

Germans and Jews always collaborated, even with a 6 gorillion myth, only one in Europe who believe this are Germans, a.k.a. destroyers of Europe in last 50 wars
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>perfectly ok European country
there are a few uncucked germans like Trump
but God, it is impossible to go there nowdays and find alpha males who cherish their culture
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Return Germany to is roots to save the continent.
So many triggered germans in this thread.

I think OP hit a nerve. They lash out cause they fear that there is a small element of truth to OPs claim.
>Implying i am anywhere near being wrong with my statement

Seriously, Hitler's failure was this country's demise. Instead of eradicating the jews, you became them.
it was the english who tricked us into it and we were manipulated by jews, just like you. you blame the usa yet the true cancer is the english. it has always been the english. don't forget about the russians too. you ignorantly think these "refugees" are because of the usa, lol. russia is the one allowing assad to flood yurop with them. this massive increase only started happening once russia got involved in syria. why do you think that is?

you need to stop being delusional. there is no good in this game, only different sides and i hate to break it to you, but germany isn't controlled by the usa. you're controlled by multinational gobalists from all over the world
why are all serb posts so based
like serbs are all redpilled but still dumb as fuck
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>mfw Germans get mad at me for suggesting we liberate them from Merkel and stop refugees
We are actually doing what the USA is telling us.
Do we have to remind you fucks that Germany is still an occupied country which has American bases all across the German soil?

If you are pissed at what "we" are doing against our will, you should rather go to war with the US.
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> I like this post
> but it is a Serb posting it
> lets insult him to bring the balance to the force
> I need to go watch that sjw bullshit
> some cock in my ass would be nice as well
> <
> Profit
drumpf is not uncucked you fucking retarded yank
he is a zog shill just like eveyother faggot running for president
no /pol/ safespaces is gonna chance that
and yet your still friends with the english and instead of making a thread about le germans are ruining europe thread despite the fact that merkel gets her orders from washington
sure is easy to blame the USA for all your troubles
>Believing in the: "Murica controls germany" meme

Stop watching conspiracy theories on YT and deal with the fact that germany is broken and you did it yourselves
I sincerely believe it would be best for the entire world if Europe surpassed the USA as a military and trade power. I won't apologize just because you're not used to having your views challenged. There's no reason to believe in the American way, and all the positive influence the USA ever had has been squandered between the 50s and now.
>american education
you have an open election, friend. you choose to elect merkel. the usa doesn't have the control you think it does. for fuck's sake you think if the usa really was all powerful trump would have gotten elected? the reality is germans are demoralized and broken people and instead of being strong you're weak and can only blame others while everything still crumbles around you

the government's greatest strength is making you believe they have more control than they do and when you start believing it, it becomes true
Germany was broken. We reincarnated it, and it's more powerful than ever. That's what makes you so mad, isn't it?

There already is a war with Germany going on, since before WWI. And with all of Europe.
Hes right though
you are ruining yurop because you don't have the balls to stand up
>projecting this hard


About as much as the EU.
>yank occupation soldier telling me who is controlling germany
oh we did you just cut them of because we chimped out at your jewish master

go get him ameribros! ruf ruf
>t. eternal anglo and bootlicker of the juden
no, it's because you were incompetent and couldn't finish the fucking job
>Are Americans really this stupid?

That's all I see on /pol/ regarding amerifarts.

>I-I was just kidding
and you were no fucking help bitching at me for trying to fix a sinking ship something while you attack me is not helping us retard
You amerifarts fucked everything up by giving the eternal kike a shitload of power.
>Cuckman pushing his cuckgenda
Go away cuck
Already said, if you wanted to get rid of jews then you should have just done it quietly, and not made a big show out of it. No one would have interfered.
That's all true but Germans are total cucks and keep on voting for that cuntbag Merkel instead of AFD.

I have shit experience with Germans on a personal level and no fan of you guys. You make the worst lovers on whole wide world, with your selfishness and cold hearts.

Vote better and start making Germany a hostile territory for the mudslimes and niggers maybe you will redeem yourselves then, until then you are well on your way to replace the Sweden YES meme.
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you mean the english. you fucking yuropoors are going to keep on repeating the same fucking mistakes over and over again if you don't start addressing the real issue WHICH IS THE FUCKING ENGLISH. WE'RE PAWNS JUST LIKE YOU
>if you wanted to get rid of jews

but they didn't want to get rid of jews... they only wanted free workforce, like you used niggers, if they wanted to kill jews they would kill them on spot, not transport them in work camp until americans and russians liberate them
>t. Shlomo Cutletberg
then why are you arguing with him and not the stupid american who made this awful thread
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>I have shit experience with Germans on a personal level and no fan of you guys. You make the worst lovers on whole wide world, with your selfishness and cold hearts.
>if Europe surpassed the USA as a military and trade power
Not in it's current state.
>you're not used to having your views challenged
Oh, look, at least you care to admit that your argument are weak.
>Germany was broken
>We reincarnated it
>and it's more powerful than ever
It's economy is good. Everything else belongs in the trash.
>That's what makes you so mad, isn't it?
What makes you think i am? You just became worse and worse over the years and tbqh, i'm pretty dissapointed.
In the last 10 years, your people just became overall unable to be competent.
how do you know he's an american, because of his flag? you're not an american, you said so yourself, you're using a proxy. americans love truly love germany, it's the largest ethnic group in the usa. this could be some kike trying to divide and conquer or kremlin shills trying to do the same as the often do on this board
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It is, because the USA is the cause for all our troubles.

It's not a meme when it's true though.

The "open election" is an illusion of choice, since expect two (who are coincidentally pariahs), all the parties are backed and support the American occupation.

Merkel is a good servant to Obama and Clinton and is now literally panicking, since she doesn't know what role she will play in Trump's grand scheme.

If we go by size, then Mexicans are our most loved ethnic group.
>It is, because the USA is the cause for all our troubles.
if the usa is the cause of all your troubles then the usa is also the cause of all your successes
They did all the propaganda about the Jewish bankers enslaving the German folk, then they let all the big fat Jewish bankers flee to America and then they slaughtered the harmless poorfag Jews, making a big show of it and giving the eyernal ammo to the world Jewry to oppress the nationalists. They royally fucked it up, if they just rounded up the kike bankers and rid the world of the cancer, they'd be heroes. But no, they gassed the cripples and Jewish grannies and weak poor and working class Jews.
Even a retarded nigger couldn't have botched it worse.
mexicans aren't americans
>enjoying the privilege of growing up and living in Germany
>steal posters and flags
>cucks not even having the balls to show their faces
>all while being a wage slave or a burden on the public, but still fueling capitalism
Bunch of retards. Why don't they fuck off to some third world shit hole if Germany is so fucking horrible?
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Couldn't go more wrong than that Hans
Try better.
You guys suck in every way except for the based East Germans who vote right wing.

Obama/Clinton said otherwise... stop excluding people based on color!
...Sure they are
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>it's the largest ethnic group in the usa
and yet you fell for an anglo trick and entered ww1
and yet when ww2 came along you did nothing but attack us even before the war declaration came along
and yet you entered ww2 and ruined it along with the tricky anglo you now are friends with
and yet after the war you used us a meat shield and ruined our culture and occupied us for 70+ years
and yet despite the fact that you know that the lie that stared it all is a lie you still have done nothing to correct it
Yes, a lot of US successes are actually German successes, but you can steal it shamelessly from us, since you run our country.
German people BUILT this country. Fuck Anglo cucks.
Also replace "German" in your post with Jews and you've been redpilled.
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>demoralized former socialist East Germans with no jobs, no savings, and no actual public order

You're dumb enough to make me wanna sympathize with the Americans ITT.
A bunch of the leftists are planning to march to Aleppo for 'peace', so some of them are literaly going to a 3rd wotld shithole already.

I took 4 years of German in highschool... I think this qualifies me as both American and German.

therefore, I am entitled to equal claim towards Germany contribution to the world (excluding all of the bad shit like genocide and countless millions killed in world wars).
actually you are just a jew peice of shit and i will stand with whites always over you faggot.
you are the jew here, hans
Wrong again.
I'm a White Nationalist who is pissed off at the cucked behavior of Germans.
The picture describes the communist German asshole whose shitty attitude I have to put up with everyday
You are doing it anyway and there is no force in the world who can stop you.

You don't even need to take 4 years of German in highschool like most Americans.
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>I'm a White Nationalist
>germans are demoralized and broken people and instead of being strong you're weak and can only blame others while everything still crumbles around you

80 years of americlap sponsored, kike indoctrination (not wanting to insult you, just telling how it is) will do that to everyone.
It's probably hard for you to imagine yourself in the position of a person who grew up in a literally 1984-style government his whole life. (((They))) sucked all the fucking energy out of us.
Then they get raped, taken hostage and Germany pays the fucking ransom, afterwards they get taken back by plane, conveniently paid by Germany, too.
Two weeks later they're at it again, shouting "death to Germany" etc. and destroy property of the people whose taxes were used to pay their "rescue."
WE need round 3
WE will be better this Time promise
Truth is...

Most of the 'americans' on /pol/ are degenerate losers who haven't even contributed in a meaningful way towards furthering this nation. All you probably do is jack off to porn and talk shit on video games while bitching at your white trash mom because she over cooked your hotpockets.
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East Germany is based. Pic related: map of mosques and islamic centers in Germany
Already. Forget it. I am reporting and saging more garbage, bait, troll and d&c threads to the point it becomes pointless. A thread like this with 300 replies is the best indication, all these assholes have won to destroy this board.

Good job.
get over it and stop crying you fucking faggot. the past is the past. the future is now. get rid of merkel and stop acting like a subhuman slavic rape babby

stop being retarded. if you blame every problem in germany on the usa, if you admit we have that much control then we also are responsible for every single success after we rebuilt your country. the whole fucking reason you can afford all those nice social services is because we are your military. this is the longest era of peace your country has ever experienced because of us yet you spit in our faces
Looks like WE need a crusade
this is your own fault for sitting around while your politicians flood Europe with mudslimes
They won't survive. Rape will be the least of their concerns in that hell hole.
i agree more swastika
why would that trigger you? you're Brazilian? Globalism helps you and hurts me. I assume because you hail from a 2nd world country you would see the world not through the eyes of a conservative. I assume i am wrong but I find it interesting. Assuming you're redpilled you give hope
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>tfw in Berlin

Jihad my shit up senpai
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>get rid of merkel
you know very well we wont
would've been nice chaps got rid of this awful party system from the weimar republic era.
if you chaps i mean
Except romney is also part german
What's worse in Berlin, mudslimes or the hipsters?
most people dont believe this shit.

a fucking jew troll started this thread. that is why i hate these assholes.
pays debts
Mudslimes of course, though I wouldn't mind some Hipsters getting "enriched".
We don't have a (functioning) military, because you don't want us to have one. German nationalism and stuff.

Other countries have better social services and they are not occupied. Whatever free money comes from not investing in military clearly goes somewhere else.

So yes you can fuck off forever. You won't do it though, why would maggots voluntarily leave the rotting bacon?
our country was compromised at the same time the weimer republic was established. we both got fucked and have been fucked for that long
yes, wanting to destroy the krauts for flooding Europe with mudslimes makes me a jew troll

have you made your pilgrimage, yet, mohammad?
Why do you live in such a 3rd world untermensch occupied shithole and not move to a non-degenerate town?
lel the usa has actually urged germany to build up their military for years now yet you fucking refuse. you have no idea how your own country works. it occurred to me that they want to make you think the usa controls everything so they can get away with fucking you
Are people forgetting that Germany declared war on the US first?
It's not all the Krauts but Merkel. I highly doubt the majority of them still want to flood Europe with the subhuman dune coons after all those mass rape attacks, rape-murders and Christmas market terrorist.
russia with the help of assad are likely the ones flooding yurop
>it's the russians
my sides
was it Putin who made Merkel accept 1,000,000+ "refugees"?
i don't know what merkel is doing or what her game is. it is very likely that russia is responsible for the flood of "refugees" since they started pouring in once russia entered syria
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>come to our hood motherfucker
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>you wanna bomb innocent children again Merrica?
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