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White Genocide is trending on Twitter due to that Commiefag professor. Get on now with your white genocide/race realism memes and redpoll some normies!
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I fucking hate white genocide!
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It's actually Ciccariello-(((Maher))). No surprise there.
Should this get more replies?
Or is there another thread as well?
I love 2016
You can't stop it!
this is a great opportunity

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>redpill some normies!
yeah gas the kikes race war now. holocaust didnt happen but it will. nigger nigger jew is what we want them to really shitpost on twitter
not defending that faggot but right now /pol/ is the autistic screetching child

His mother cucked his father out of a centuries old birthright by hyphenated name.

Is it trending because normals are making fun of it
Holy shit that's the smuggest referee that has ever been.
I bet they're all in support of it, and half of those are white.
the boy didn't even agree to wrestle her so she won
the plot thickens

"how a nu-male communist cuck was made: the movie" coming to a theater near you
Reports of Twitters allowance of this should be filed to the FCC, ADL and FBI.

The advocacy of genocide violates international law and US law restricting the allowance of hate speech which includes any speech that might incite violence or genocide.

By allowing this to "trend" they are compliant in the advocacy of genocide.
“It is a figment of the racist imagination, it should be mocked, and I’m glad to have mocked it,” he said.
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>White genocide is trending
It's all in support of the idea (mostly from whites and "whites"), or dismissive of it.

This is not a "red pilling" it's just business as usual.

People like diversity, remember.
>He then wroteon Sunday: "To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed."

He is compliant in the advocacy of genocide.
If you check the trending topic or Twitter and order by 'Top' (default tweet sorting) the first tweets is Shaun King saying that huge genocide is a fictional concept, yet he has less retweets and less favorites, that many of the other tweets in the top sorting.

It's so disgusting.
bring on 2017 FAmalam
So is everyone.

Remember: normal white people like diversity
White genocide isn't a thing you retards
>"On Christmas Eve, I sent a satirical tweet about an imaginary concept, 'white genocide,'" he said in an e-mail. 'For those who haven't bothered to do their research, 'white genocide' is an idea invented by white supremacists and used to denounce everything from interracial relationships to multicultural policies (and most recently, against a tweet by State Farm Insurance). It is a figment of the racist imagination, it should be mocked, and I'm glad to have mocked it."

This professor is right, and you know it. When did /pol/ turn into sjws?
>Be a smug self hating commy professor

>Set off events that wake people up to whats happening to their race.
>>Set off events that wake people up to whats happening to their race.

That's not what is happening.

Normal people like diversity and multiculturalism. This is just making them MORE diversity to "fight it".

Or just outright saying that, yes, they want white genocide.
Btw Venezuelan expats and the ones that browse for international news on the country have been waiting for this guy to get fucked for years. I'm so glad this caught attention, he is a fucking piece of shit, I hope finally some justice comes his way, he basically laughed at any claim of Venezuelans suffering and the opposition.

He is an international shill for the Venezuelan government, probably paid by them, yet probably wouldn't last a week here living like a commoner.
>Eternal kraut
of course you would say that
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Only brainwashed retards, not everyone. Once this reaches more mainstream venues normal people will be appalled.

In any case, 8 years of Trump is certain. Maybe they will learn eventually, or maybe they wont and will get genocide'd. Kek
it is though
White people not making enough babies or not making babies at all while we have 4 or 5 children isn't genocide.
could have at least waited
also in this day and age you never know who really is behind the posts
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Do you think he's gonna get fired? Drexel is shitting their pants on their website.
But engineering social, cultural and economic conditions to produce that low birthrate is. Soft genocide is still mass murder
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How is diversity not genocide you dumb idiot?
No. it's redpilling that when a topic like this is trending to then start posting and retweeting (signal boosting) redpilling memes. If it's trending, it will have lots of eyes on it. Get lots of exposure for memes that get the synapses firing.
Bunch a racists!
Why does it take this long to have "kill whitie" finally become problematic?

Kindly drink bleach, friendo.
if he doesnt then you are going to see liberals every where screaming how great white genocide is and label anyone who doesnt like it a white supremacist.

this is a tipping point pol
This is not a fair representation, so I'm calling you out as a demoralization shill.
if you type [random Western country's name] and birthrate into Google you'll see that it started going downhill with the anti-baby pill and feminism, both genders working is just a result of that
>Only brainwashed retards

Nah, it's everyone. If it wasn't why would people support it for so long?
It's not genocide. You could always have kids, but you just choose not to have them. It's suicide.
Nah, it will just be another silly far right prank by neo-Nazis. And people will double down on their beliefs.

You are literally against the media, the government, the police, and 99% of the population.
When high IQ populations, who spend too many resources on foreigners who pump out kids, decide that it is no economical to have kids, that is genocide. This economic terrorism with non-white immigration has created the situation where the inferior reproduces while the superior rationalizes why this situation makes it unwise to reproduce. The end result is genetic conquest.
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Just need to continue pressure. Send links to whatever show that Tucker guy hosts, alex jones, Trumps twitter.

Formal reports of the fact "white genocide" is trending on Twitter should be sent to the FCC, ADL, and FBI as the advocacy of genocide in a manner that may cause actual violence to occur is in violation of international anti-genocide laws and US hate speech laws which are defined as such.

This is just an opportunity to draw attention to the subject and begin the dismantling of this psychotic and hypocritical idealogy the far left lunatics have pushed.

This is how redpilling of the unaware masses begins.
Just like racism against whites eh?
Because they're idiots, who believe anything the media feeds them? It's pretty simple to figure out if one actually uses their brain.
You need to get in to the real world a lot more than not at all.
For sure, you are demoralization shill. Probably that Catholic Pajeet who screams about Proddies as well. Fuck off.
fuck off, achmed
>when whites were slaughtered during Haitian revolution, it was a good thing

Yeah, because Haiti is doing so well without whites?
>You are literally against the media, the government, the police, and 99% of the population

How did that work out in the election? Lol
>who believe anything the media feeds them?

Everyone that's not us.
>white guy calls for White Genocide

Why doesn't he start with himself?

We are going to do it.

We will turn the narrative upside down, we will gain the upper hand.

2016 has shown me that there is still hope, we btfo the media, we can reclaim the truth and spread it for all to see.

And we will use their tools, their websites.

We will force (((((((((((them))))))))))) to bend the knee
But Anon, how could he continue his AGENDA?

Do this guys, do god's work.
Lol you are so naive
>How did that work out in the election? Lol

How would it have worked out if they simply never showed Trump on TV a single time? This is what they are doing, and continue to do, with this.

So everyone is going to deny it and, like I said, see it as some far-right Nazi stuff that means they need even more diversity to fight against.

Just letting you know the truth so you don't end up disappointed.
Indeed. This year should prove that anything is possible.
Nope. Old media is dead.

Because he is (((Maher)))
with a hyphenated name
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>shaun kang
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you say a lot more hurtful things on 4chan all the time. how is this different? Why should he be ostracized for that one tweet, while you cheerfully call for murdering African Americans or Jews?

Serious answers pls
People area already saying in the feed that this just shows we need to defend multiculturalism even more.
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can't stump this bump
I hope you're right.
>especially everyone who voted Trump
>California is the only state that matters
Few months ago you we're warning us how 'disappointed' we'd be with our Madame President Hilldawg.

winning so much truly is tiring, but so worth it.
Because he did it in a public manner; pushing his agenda on unsuspecting indoctrinated college kids.
You are naive if you think this will change anything.
>How would it have worked out if they simply never showed Trump on TV a single time?

Cant tell if youre arguing against your own points or not. Thats how it seems.

Reread my post to understand how social change starts with the opening of a dialogue and the exposure of this garbage to people who are neutral or moderate.

Again, this is basically just the media killing itself more if they show support to this at all as it will awake the people who are passive to politics but have good moral values. This is the silent majority, the same thing that got Trump elected.

This isnt rocket science.

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It doesn't matter how many White babies are made--there is 6 billion people who want to move to White countries.
Normal white people don't want white genocide. They see this trending on twitter and start thinking.
Great, now all the normies will be youtubing Jared Taylor, demographic winter, and listening to Stefan Molyneux!

That's the devil's music!
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they are the same age as users of 4chan, presumably as soaked in irony and inoculated against authority. why do you think you are somehow superior, and less susceptible to suggestion?

Why are you better than him?
he has cultural immunity because he's calling for the right kind of genocide.

people naturally hate double standards, and even normies will wonder why he's allowed to say it

this isn't about fairness though. it's about winning. the left can't keep being immune from punishment for vile behavior
No they don't, and no they wont.

People became MORE supportive of multiculturalism after Rotherham broke.

No one is going to wake up. This is just going to be seen as more neo-Nazi stuff like all the pepe memes.

>everyone who voted trump

The poor people who don't control anything, who are a minority and will be even more of a minority once the old people die.
>he fell for the birthrate meme
This is a good thing, no really.

Because you see, this is the end of subterfuge by the people who have always felt this way; the kykes and other assembled garbage. They've been stringing people along saying "hey we want EVERYONE to be happy and equal forever!" but what they really meant was "....without whitey". Now they're admitting it, so you can finally point it out without the "haha you're just a paranoid tinfoil hat RACIST BIGOT" comments because there it is, clear as day. They can't deny it anymore, they fucking said it right to our faces. The rats have been flushed from their holes, and now we can end them.
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leftist media gonna protect those degenerates
we need to drain the swamp
'murica first, then germany pls
I'm better than him because I stand for what is right in this world, and killing all whites is not the right thing. Killing all the inferior races is the correct answer!
You're deluded.
He doesn't want to get genocided.
They do seem to be getting more and more bold with their antiwhite pronouncements.
When people post stuff on an anonymous imageboard, they are more open and extreme i.e. let their mind go free in terms of ideas. Obviously, this leads to more provocative, unrealistic and hateful responses.

Now look at the response of this professor; he did what a lot of people on /pol/ would potentially do on a anonymous imageboard, and actually does it during christmas with a clear identity.

i.e. compare the levels on which these 2 groups operate
You overrate normal white people. Most of them are degenerate enablers.
>White genocide is trending. Sounds pleasant.
>The word genocide has a meaning. Use it correctly or not at all. Immigration & interracial couples are not causing "white genocide".
>reminder that "white genocide" is an imaginary concept invented by racists
>White genocide, reverse racism, and oppressed capitalists: the myths fascists tell themselves.
>Thank god white genocide is happening because Caucasian dumbfuckery needs to be wiped from our genetic pool.

Oh wow guys we're totally waking them up!

>No one is going to wake up

Proven incorrect in the past election. You are either a defeatist or shill. Its that simple.
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>>everyone who voted trump
>The poor people who don't control anything, who are a minority and will be even more of a minority once the old people die.

You are really out of touch.

Look at the voter statistics, Trump voters make more money than Hillary voters.

> that comment is a good thing
> now the anti whites are exposed
the media protects those people
as long as that's the case, that's a bad thing
instead of being able to point those degenerates out, they will simply increase in numbers, since it's apparently OKAY to wish for white genocide
Read the feed.

>White Genocide: When they take away the McRib and white people think it's just as bad as hundreds of years of oppression
>People who think white genocide is real also think they can tank Star Wars or boycott a musical that's sold out
>P: haha white genocide is a joke bc it doesn't actually exist, it's nazi argumentation against mixed babies liberals: POLPOT MOTHERFUCKER

Wow. So woke.

So? Numbers are what matters. Just you wait and see how many Dem votes change state next cycle.
>Numbers are what matters

Again, you are incredibly dumb. Numbers literally do not matter, Hillary "won" by millions of votes and still lost the election.
lel do /pol/ really not have any decent pictures to post in the hashtag?

zero pictures in this entire thread

yeah we lost
>hatian revolution was good, white genocide is fake, that tweet was dumb, now excuse me while i go jump off a high bridge, into a lake.
>People who believe in white genocide also think Amy Schumer is funny
>White people control just about everything in the US. White supremacists call challenging that 'white genocide.'
>#kaabil #Adhm #Shivaay There Is No Such Thing as “White Genocide” http://ift.tt/2iwLiSI
>@michellle_ech @DrexelUniv Irony? Whites (mostly men but women 2) thru history have always had power & privileges, ergo "white genocide"...?
>White Genocide: the fantasy that minorities will treat you the way you already treat them in real life
>You know why the Drexel White Genocide thing is so ironic? Whites have committed genocide on everyone AND themselves.

Look at all these red pills!

We're so winning.

Once again the pessimists are right and /pol/ are idiots.
Use ur words big boy.
People tend to disregard pictures as mere memes with no sources. What we really need is genuine arguments.
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Guarantee ((they)) shut it down
so he was trolling with his real identity, so what? that makes him more brave, doesnt it?
you are so committed to freedom of expression, but not for your opponents apparently?
Dude, fuck off.
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Dump Merkel and we will see then
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Holy fuck, you guys do good work.

I just came here to make a thread on how it is trending on facebook right fucking now.

Well done. I'm sure the dude who originally posted it on here is proud.
>You could always have kids, but you just choose not to have them. It's suicide.

There is literally nothing wrong with decreasing birthrates in a highly automated world. The problem is Low-IQ breeding machines like you, Doener-Achmed, who leach of the welfare state and will destroy white working mentality, once you have a democratic majority.
Germany will become another middle eastern shithole, not just Germany with more tanned people.
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Why are we always right?
>The funniest thing about the "White Genocide/don't mix races" crowd is that they'd literally procreate with anyone willing to fuck them
>White Genocide ain't real. Full stop.
>black genocide: slavery jewish genocide: holocaust white genocide: people making a conscious decision to have a child with a colored person
>We're only having this convo because a Professor mocked white genocide, a fake problem created by actual Nazis.
>Just so every1 knows - White Genocide isn't the eradication of the White race. It's defined by neo Nazi's afraid of the effects of diversity

More red pills, right?

When will /pol/ admit that people actually LIKE diversity, immigrations and mixed race relationships?
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Though it is too bad there are a bunch of bluepilled faggots running to his rescue.

Pic related. Apparently quoting his tweet word for word is ACKUALLY twisting his words and trolling.
Demographic replacement is a UN definition of genocide if I'm not mistaken
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>When will /pol/ admit that people actually LIKE diversity, immigrations and mixed race relationships?
Why are you here?
I like doing drugs, does that make it right?
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Youre in our thoughts and prayers
Hang on, well be there soon
Oh, youre a shill. Kek. I thought you didnt understand my points but its apparent you are just venting your frustration.
You are in cuckland so you you wont see it firsthand, but enjoy watching your libshits get BTFO here progressively worse and worse.
Because he's such an obnoxious fag the liberals won't talk to him kek.

That's the only reason any liberals are here. /pol/ liberals are pretty much creepy white school shooter tier.
Nah, this is fine. What they don't understand is that their ideology is so far to the left that they are alienating middle America and actually educating them on how extreme the globalist/communist position is.

I showed my white female co-worker an article bemoaning white females for voting for Trump and she laughed and said she was already familiar with the narrative that white females are fucking over "the sisterhood."

If they keep it up it's just a matter of time before the jackboots and mass deportation begins.
Trying to keep /pol/ grounded in reality.

>You guys are wasting time arguing. You should be gearing up for that spoopy white genocide.
>White genocide is not a thing.
>It's so tiresome to raise this point again. We all have African DNA & we all descend for the same ancestor who gave us Apes "White Genocide"
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Chinese master race passing by.
This is normal. Women don't care about politics. They are mainly swayed by the men they find attractive. Thankfully liberals are cucks, so we win.
>>White genocide is not a thing.
it's not white genocide it's caucasian genocide
The feed is entirely people calling you idiots.


That's a normal reaction from libs when they are confronted with the trueth.
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>Trying to keep /pol/ grounded in reality.
Are you actually so daft that you cant understand how that helps our cause?

Again, refer to our past election. I find it hard to believe you are this naive.
Our opponents need to die.

This is okay for now.
So it's pointless since 99% of the young (who we should actually care about) will just believe in diversity even more.
>everyone ignoring us makes them listen to us more

Are you a leaf on holiday?
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Ah, I didn't know my knowledge and ideology were divinely inspired. That makes it even better!
>haitian revolution

If you define 'good' as having your country collapse into anarchy and crushing poverty then yeah, eradicating whites was completely 'good'
I get amused when black people say shit about evil whitey, but when other white people do it, it makes me cringe. There's really nothing more pathetic.

Imagine two tribes: Red Tribe and Blue Tribe, and half the people in the Blue Tribe start talking shit about their own tribe and letting the Red Tribe rape and kill them out of existence.
It is sortof pointless since people hate to recognise their own faults. They want to be with the winning team.
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Help me and others spread the word about how the MSM is telling us how we "like" the new star wars! I thought I enjoyed it until I watched the reaction of logical thinking people. Disney is the devil, that's why the three sixes are there. This show is complete garbage and I pray you spread this message to everyone. Don't let MSM control you! Please like this video with every account you own, share it and help others. #StarWarsWasNeverGood
It's time to fight back and tell the world we don't even like this garbage!
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Check this lost soul out, he even performs at DIY venues as a musician. If only the right-wing safety squads could in some way safeguard him from any potential hazards at his upcoming gigs.
>>White genocide is not a thing.
The terminology used in conversations of social issues is always an a power play. It exists as much as the concepts the left likes to prattle on about.
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I like to think of it as positive discrimination. But it's the same thing.
>Preventing the birth of a demographic and importing people of other dems
seems to check that list
From 85% white to 50% white
Plenty do, you just wont see them in a twitter feed yet.

What part of 'silent' majority do you not get?
No, we need diverse people with our political views speaking up. Stop encouraging race mixing
There are plenty of people of both different and mixed races that don't in multiculturalism. Blacks were integrating fine into the level of labor with whites prior to the Civil Rights Act but grimy libs had to push their coke dreams for the good of everyone all because retarded racist republicans couldn't spend a couple more shekels for better shitskin facilities.
>white genocide isn't even real why is it trending
>This is white genocide and I approve of it
>Jewish man: I am haunted by Auschwitz Black man: My grandparents were slaves White man: People will look different in 1000 years
>no one is killing, or conspiring to eliminate "whiteness". #whitegenocide is not a thing. Don't u know what "genocide" means??
>Help, it's a #whitegenocide! I'm threatened by, of all things, the color spectrum! Wait until I learn there are different notes in music.

Is this what winning looks like?

Oh, no, this is just more losing.
The whole "us poor whites" will never be anything more than an embarrassing victim fantasy. So keep dreaming, stormweenies.
>mississippi state
>had to block a fg vs fucking miami of ohio to win
jfc baka
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Yeah, hes pretty out of touch with reality. No surprise here, all of these lunatics are. Thankfully thats turning around since they continue to hurt their cause by broadcasting their lunacy.

They are literally creating facists. They keep using the word incorrectly, and its only creating actual facists.
People never really supported it. Most of it has been in the last 30-20 years, after making "racism" the worst taboo in western society then calling anyone who disagrees racist. Why do you think anti-immigration parties are called "populist"?
lol it's legit
Were not victims, were're champions mr. goldsteinberg
murder is never the answer. Doubt you can get support for murder. Or are you going to do it like Himmler and genocide the races without telling the general population?
You wont see them in the twitter feed at all you fucking idiot.



>White genocide is a Nazi concept, comparable to eugenicist "race suicide," the only people who use it are Nazis or ignorant
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It is though. Genocide doesn't mean people are lined up and shot. It can also mean replaced.
America is a multicultural place. I've always said it is up to our indvidual homegenous lands to defend our ancestral DNA.
Why are you here?
Self defense and defense of your people are the very best reasons for murder.
Of course you're not victims since your little ""white genocide"" isn't real. That's why I'm calling it a fantasy.
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You think the African needs you to survive white man? Guess again, bitch.

We need to fuel this and push the overton window hard to the right.
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Only old people don't support it, but they'll be dead soon.

All the young generation are growing up with diverse friends and are race mixing. They see nothing wrong with this.

You're a laughing stock.
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no. the "cide" in genocide is from caedes. that means brutal slaughtering.
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Do you think they will ever learn /pol/? Or just continue to make the same mistake?

Your butthurt is sustaining me. Please keep posting lmao
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>Pizzagate and Twittergate were censored, despite trending at legendary levels
>White Genocide is fine
Typical (((Twitter)))
Can we get it trending #1 so that looks bad for twitter?
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Are you serious? Do you think he would be in trouble, if he posted this on /pol/.

Pro-tip: He wouldn't. If one of us wrote to exterminate every black person on twitter with our real identity, we would also be at risk.
It could happen. I wonder how this white geocide question will be views later in time. People then will probably have been subverted to think it is the norm. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it could be real, and unless measures are taken to prevent it, than it is surely to happen.
lol oh wow that won't back fire.
Slit your goddamn wrists.
>I may be losing the cultural war
>but that guy sure is butthurt haha
Doesn't matter what you say - the pushback is coming, it will be overwhelming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Honesty the libtards will do that on their own. No need to interrup them at this point, its already in motion.
I'd love to see Jack's face get kicked in. What a piece of shit.
So where's the petition to get him fired?
So you'd be okay with non-whites slaughtering whites in the southwest?
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You fags have an indescribably hilarious definition of "winning". You goys are hilarious
Yeah, because we'll start slaughtering non-whites right back.
Considering all posters on this retarded forum are white maybe this white genocide wouldn't be so bad. Too bad it's just a nu-nazi meme.
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Really stretching it there. As you can see on my pic it is clearly not what the dude who came up with the term had in mind.
Is that little fagget still ratting us out you know the failure at web comics
And Italian, which makes him eggplant.
And yet white nationalism is now a mainstream youth subculture. As long as liberals keep pushing anti-white stuff and Muslims keep committing terror attacks (which they will), white nationalism will continue to grow. Gen Z don't care about being called racist as much as previous generations.
>People then will probably have been subverted to think it is the norm.

They do. Everyone knows that we're all going to turn brown.
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>phew that was close eh pedo goldstein?
>you fool! dat was our other hidden agenda you got trrending!
>no one agrees with me
>that means I'm winning

Look at the feed. It's just people calling this stupid.
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Answer me, niggers.
lol, you're going to die in agony
>((((((((((((((cultural war)))))))))))
Except right wing and ethnocentric beliefs are rising in youth. There's an article every week with you stupid bitches bemoaning this and screaming 'WHY?! WHERE DID WESTERN CULTURE GO SO WRONG?!'

Right around the time your lot started importing rape apes in the millions.
You seem pretty set in your plans schlomo. Tbh, I hope to add another mark onto your peope as to why you should be utterly despised.
>26 posts by this ID

You're pretty emotionally invested aren't you, nigger? kek
>white nationalism is now a mainstream youth subculture

No it isn't.

> Gen Z don't care about being called racist as much as previous generations.

Because all their friends are various races and they're going to be dating in mixed-raced relationships.

Always right
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friendly reminder OP
Look I know your an inbred paki parasiting off of the withered body of a once great empire but listen up.

Genocide by mass immigration and miscegenation is an old tactic.

China does it all the time. Got a region with uppity unique people? Just flood them with hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese, they will be extinct in 2 generations.

Like longshanks said, "if we can't get them out we will breed them out".

This isn't controversial conspiracy theory shit, it's an old old tactic to conquer a people.
False consensus pushed by the (((media))). Most don't actually believe it, but they are led to believe that everyone else does, so the don't stant up, for fear of being singled out.
>Except right wing and ethnocentric beliefs are rising in youth.

Shit posting on the internet isn't a political belief. They're still going to be diversity loving marxists.
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Yes goy! Twitter is what defines what is right and wrong! Let large corporate entities decide your opinions!

You have to stop, ive laughed so hard I have a headache. LOL
Lot of blacks and non whites saying white people deserve it for being conquerors and shit. Very eye opening reading through the hashtag
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I agree with you partly. Because whenever someone is wrong and they start to realize they are wrong, they double down on it, but there is another side to the coin: The more they double down on the illusion the more retarded it gets. And the "undecided" people will see it. Lefties are a lost cause anyway
>they're going to be dating in mixed-raced relationships.

White people are generally a lot better looking than non whites. You know it and I know it and add natural in-group preference that every race leans towards and your fantasy seems very far-fetched. :^)
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28 posts by this triggered fucktard.
pls return to whatever shit tier discussion group you came from.
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Look at his flag. He's either an Achmed or a Pajeet.
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See, even white genocide is ultimately just a tool to oppress people of color.
Well, I guess you views are consistent at least.
And what's wrong with that when 99% of people want diversity and to be turned brown, and live in multicultural societies?

You're arguing for something they want as if they don't want it, which they do.

Or maybe no one outside of lone crackpots?

Nope! I'm sure it's the Jewish conspiracy enacting a plan created on their secret moon base.
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>White Genocide
>Children Of Men
Can't wait for the Tweety-pages to shit itself.
>We would also be at risk.
Understatement of the fucking century.

We would be "at risk" if we wrote that nigger farts smell bad.
Calling for the genocide of a race that isn't white or Asian... we would probably be in jail within the next half hour.
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No, going by how hard it's trying to fit in, it can't be a mudslime.
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You're autistic. They're quoting the usage of "white genocide" as a concept used by white people.
I guess English is not your first language?
>they don't REALLY hate watching white children raped every week by subhuman brown filth like me!
Whatever sings you to sleep Ahmed.
You don't want to fuck the whites my boy. We are the most dangerous people to ever grace the face of this earth.
> Jamaica
> rare
Uncommon at best
>No it isn't
Yes it is. It's online obviously but it's one of the only recognisable youth subcultures around these days.

>Because all their friends are various races and they're going to be dating in mixed-raced relationships.
People don't mix that much. It's nowhere near as common as what you are shown on tv.

Anti-white sentiment is growing
Pro-white sentiment is growing

It's pretty obvious that the future looks more divided. Eventually people will have to choose if they want a white 1st world society or an Afro-Mestizo Muslim 3rd world society.

It's probably the cousin of that Indian poster who screechs about how India is a world power.

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this one is a bit more accurate
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>English is not your first language?
I'm 99% sure it's not yours.

If it is you should kys.
Help /pol/! I have been shoahed by twitter and I can't create a new acc without it getting autoshoahed. How to create a new acc without it being locked out as automatic behaviour?
Nah mate, my parents are part of the PC generation. My generation is unironically using the word nigger like our grandparents. In my province, at least.
I guess you don't go outside much eh Kraut.
Well, I'm proficient enough to know that's not how you use question marks.
>dude who came up with the term.
stop being so apologetic you cuck.
Maher is an irish/arabic name. You know Bill Maher is a jew so you just assumed his surname was jewish, you silly man.
But people don't want it. Brexit and Trump proved that. Take away the votes of the people who don't even belong in those countries and deserve no vote the margin would be huge.

You gotta go back Achmed. Hope no one in the Balkans murders you and feeds you to their hogs on your walk back.
>so he was trolling with his real identity, so what? that makes him more brave, doesnt it?
No, that makes him an asshole. When you write something with your real name, people take that message more serious. /pol/ is by nature a satirical forum, you can't compare that to public statements from a university professor.
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If you think they are done you are delusional, they are already defending the guy saying that white genocide is a fictional concept, and of course the rest are following this statement. Even if it is fictitious, it's fucking low to joke about genocide, these people have been brainwashed to a point where it's okay to joke about this. So their next step is already clear, the will normalize saying white genocide.
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I can't wait for the next white genocide. These oppressors deserve to be put back in their place.
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This is why intelligence life doesn't visit us anymore.
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but the holocaust didn't happen

jews definitely perished in concentration/internment camps, though
This nigger has been doing this in other threads, replying autistically to anyone who give him attention. He made a post about his whittle mommy dying of cancer, and when people staged it he went nuts. Has no life outside this "vengeance" so will neve log off. With every post of salt our power level goes up. And his mother gets a bit more decomposed.
Who fucking cares? What makes any professor from Drexel relevant? It's fucking Drexel. Jesus.
I love whites my boy. I just think no one should fuck with anyone. Ethnic homelands for all.
>confronted by a definition that he wasn't aware of
>lemme change the title of this random pic to "mental gymnastics mastery," that'll show em.
Fucking kek.
>you are literally against the media, the government, the police, and 99% of the population.
And you still lost both at Brexit and US elections, fuck off you globalist shill.
>Trending on Nwigger

They are probably mocking it or talking about how they wish it happened soon, Twitter is a fucking joke
White genocide makes my cunt dry. Victim hood isn't attractive
Really Ahmed? You're literally in the midst of white genocide in krautland.
The black population of america is projected to remain stable for the next 50 years.
Please read this is what they will be doing.

They will push to normalize saying white genocide. It's already happening in Twitter.
>it didn't happen but it did

Only on /pol/.
Straight up :)
Why democrat when they dont support democracy?
Talcum X strikes again.

One day Mr Jackson will have a gun pointed on him by his peers and he'll be screaming' NAH NIGGA WE FAMM BLACK LIVES MATTER NOMSAYIN" But Tyrone doesn't care about any of that. Tyrone just wants to create havoc.
The government, the media, and the police allow it and defend it. Whether they love it or hate it doesn't matter any more. They'll just have to learn to live with it.

>It's online obviously but it's one of the only recognisable youth subcultures around these days.

Then it's just shitposting.
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>Leftists actually think their shit is going to fly in Trump's America
If he said "black genocide" instead he would be instantly fired, without any "meetings"
KEK 99% of people don't want that though, not even close

I do find it amusing that lefties keep claiming that Donald Trump and Brexit won because of racism and hostility towards multiculturalism, then turn around and act like everyone wants multiculturalism. No, they don't, which is why right-wing populism has experienced a sharp upturn in recent years. Try to keep up.
wtf I like hate speech nao
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>academia is why supremacy emobided
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>Brexit and Trump proved that

Neither of them were about race.
What you want doesn't matter. It never has. If it didn't it wouldn't have happened.
>gets a meeting
>not a text saying you are fired
If people are against multiculturalism why are European cities minority white?
>Reports of Twitters allowance of this should be filed to the FCC, ADL and FBI.
>The advocacy of genocide violates international law and US law

None of that applies to white people until Jan 20. C'mon, you know that
if you say the holocaust happened then you are giving credence to the people who shout MUH 39 GORILLION WERE GASSED AND CREMATED

which didn't happen
Use any shit-tier VPN you can find (twitter filters none), use a new browser or clear cookies and history of your current one, register with any e mail you want (don't need to verify to use Twitter).
Because ostracizing him helps our agenda, you retard. You're trying to apply the golden rule to a culture war.
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>Thinks there's a child under 12, in current year, that doesn't know what "genocide" means
>Someone tries redefining the word through mental gymnastics and classic misinformation by posting some old faggots face to make it seem more official
>I'm the retard
Fugin gek
They won't fire him because they agree with him and any normal white person who is reading what nonwhites are saying in that hashtag are going to be pissed.

death by a thousand cuts.
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>why are European cities minority white?
that isn't even true I live in germanys 2nd biggest town and less than 15% have migrant backround tho
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>Do you think they will ever learn /pol/? Or just continue to make the same mistake?

They ARE making the same mistake. /pol/ is virtually a mainstream outlet now, with thousands of posts a minute, and they're still rabidly shitposting anti-white anti-capitalism.

Maybe it's a campaign to CREATE Nazis, not... wait what the fuck are they accomplishing anyway
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Control your power level in public moron.

Lets see what hitler thinks of Larpers
Switched from firefox to Opera, switched from gmail to proton mail, clear browser, logged out of internet service, waited an hour, logged back, supposed to be static, but still have the same problem.
>white genocide
>Children of Men
Sweet shit I don't know where I am but I'm fine with this timeline
Sooo..../pol/ infographic shitstorm on twitter?
>supposed to be static
That might be the problem then. You'd need a dynamic IP.
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>white genocide is trending on twitter
So its white women in support of white people disappearing?

The jews died in mass being used as slave labor. The numbers were a clear lie, they were even forced to roll back their original made up numbers.
>What is London, Paris, Stockholm. Brussels

Fuck off Germany. You need to be dissolved, your immigration policies are on the verge of cause a third European civil war in 100 years

The only thing that binds your country together is Nazi guilt
sorry that is what I meant, dynamic, the one that supposed to change if you don't use it
>Texting "you are fired"
That is not a good idea. Of course the professor should be given the chance to explain himself before they decide to let him go. And I understand if the leaders at that university prefer to enjoy the rest of the holidays before dealing with this matter.
>xes account was hacked

you should know better
It's the official definition by the UN.

(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Stockholm isnt doesnt have a brown majority lol.

Malmö maybe but I doubt it.
White women """raped""" by negroes, yeah right
You have no ability to argue so you post porn.
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immediately think of pic related when I saw her face
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Nice job boyos, I didnt even think this would reach actual MSM. This is YUGE. Public opinion will continue to shift right.

>b-but its not about race!

Because larger cities are liberal and more pro-multiculturalism than the rest of the country?

Is the fact that Nebraska is 90% white proof that we don't want multiculturalism, then? The demographics of one area don't do anything to prove your claim. You'd have to cite actual evidence, such as polls.

Brexit and Trump are relevant to your claim, because both entail harsher immigration policies, which means less multiculturalism and less browning of our nations, with both campaigns being smeared as racist by the Left for this reason.

Yet people voted for them anyway, showing that they are, at best, apathetic towards multiculturalism. "Everyone wants it" my ass. The political landscape is changing due to negative effects of mass migration and the refugee crisis.
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That quote has nothing to do with me, and /pol/ is hardly the public.

>more supportive
london didn't even got any refugees and paris has been africa for atleast 16 years now you tard that has nothing to do with the eu or germany
also this>>104520496
The math is what it is...Stockholm will be a majority non European in a decade

European birth rates are in a natural decline because of population density and immigration is out of control
he's not trolling though, he's simply expressing an extremist view, and willingly pushing in onto impressionable people. Sure we say stupid shit on 4 chan, but that's because you're not supposed to say stupid shit in public, saying stupid shit in public is just stupid.
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Learn the definition of genocide you faggot. Most people laugh at the idea of the term because it comes right out of stormfront. That is no secret. People don't want to associate with stormfaggots.
The difference that in this case democratic governments do it to their own people.
>Get on now with your white genocide/race realism memes and redpoll some normies!
You'll do more good by creating pro-White Genocide support. If you point out that they're for White Genocide, they'll deny it and hide. But if you create safety space to admit their desires, they'll join you.
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All you do is further our cause
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Yes read the UN definition moron. If you know how to read.
Everyone who wanted Brexit wanted more immigration from the third world (former colonies).
Yes, it does.
Because he said it on twitter and I said it on 4chan. He was stupid and arrogant enough to have a name associated with his post.
>eternal kraut
Verdammt, every time with you
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I love when the inbreds lose, they lash out like the passive aggressive emasculated faggots they are.
"Most people" have never even heard of Stormfront.
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>/pol/ hates the UN and mocks it along with Trump
>/pol/ cherrypicks things the UN invented which suits their agenda
Seriously faggot?

See >>104520400 you confused chuckle-fuck.
Amen, brother.
Can you shits stop spamming this damn thread on other boards?

No you fuck off Jamal.
"we" have no obligation to be intellectually consistent
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Your entire country is 40% white and shrinking.
Immigrants are very segregated here and will fuck off when the welfare collapses.

You're stuck with your niggers forever, tyrone.
The UN is dead.

Its funding is gone
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I'm scared. :(

No it is not. At this point it is not white genocide it is white suicide. If it continues after white people become a minority, then and only then it becomes white genocide.

Indeed he is right, genocide is racial/cultural destruction + power, and as whites have power, they cannot be genocided.
>He means white genocide in haiti is a good thing

Wow he dug his own grave even deeper
>how is this different?
For one thing, we are not getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to educate young people. You cock-sucking faggot.
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I am white and I fap to BBC with white girls. There is nothing wrong with that.

Majority of people on /pol/ have jerked off to interracial porn at least once anyways. Get over yourself.
Who cares. Regardless it is pointless and should not be taken seriously. Genocide means people are being killed or displaced. There are more whites now than every before in the past. Whites are not going to go extinct like stormfags like believe to scare people in joining their cause.
We aren't professors in charge of presumably white students. Students are incredibly impressionable. They vote the way their professors vote 8 out of 10 times. Those professors have a lot of power and influence over their kids.

Meanwhile, (no one here thinks all niggers should be killed) even if we said to hang all the niggers, nobody would care. And if some normie outsider saw it, they would be appalled. But for commies, to wish for white genocide is not just acceptable, it is celebrated. Look at Time Wise. Look at Noel Ignatiev. These people are out there and have been getting away with it forever. They're wicked, and must be stopped.

TL;DR this cuck should have his life destroyed.

P.S. Why didn't the Germans use poison gas in the 2nd World War? Because the Allies used it in the 1st. If we want the SJWs to stop ruining lives over political disagreements, the only way to force them to do that is to ruin their lives twice as hard. Then they'll come into a state of mutually assured destruction with us.
The way you just got triggered is the way normies get triggered in the hashtag.

Its why /pol/ wins... faggots like this>>104520819 cannot help themselves
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>I am white and I fap to BBC with white girls. There is nothing wrong with that.
you're literally a cuckhold
>Majority of people on /pol/ have jerked off to interracial porn at least once anyways
speak for yourself faggot
>killed or displaced.

yeah...Displaced. which is clearly happening and its why the entire western political landscape has done a complete 180
wow she is qt, its shame
Not only that. Sweden and other European nations got the first refugees 40 years ago. USA have had Africans, Mexicans, and Asians for more than 200 years.
>meritocratic areas of academia are racist
Sorry you're bad at math and have no abstract reasoning skills, at least you can still get that AFAM/WGS degree!
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Most likely a troll, but just for the sake of levity...
One other thing for you faggots claiming "white genocide" isn't real.
Whether or not it has happened in the past is irrelevant (and believe me, you have absolutely no fucking clue whether it has historically happened or not).

It still exists as a concept.
For example, me claiming I want you killed for Christmas is illegal - even though it isn't "real" in the same sort of way you claim white genocide isn't "real."

You are intellectually dishonest and hypocritical cunts.
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This is the kind of guy who hates on our new Alt Right chicks for having more balls then him. What a fag, he loves the black cock.
It happens fast if the left is allowed to use the immigration system like a weapon. We were 85% in the 90's now we are 60%

This is not a conversation about nigger dicks...We are talking about immigration
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Report this account, literally calling for genocide

No..They are our greatest weapon. Let them redpill normies
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chris is reduced to doing his show in a hotel room with shitty wifi,what have you faggots done to the radical agenda?
this is the kind of thing that forces the cucks to come out of the woodwork. You have to cop to it before you can be labelled
Le epic trollz xD
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>you're literally a cuckhold
Do you even know what that word means? Cuckold means you get sexually aroused by your girlfriend/wife having sex with other men. me fapping to white sluts getting fucked by BBC does not make me a cuck.

Learn the definition instead of making it a pointless buzzword. It lost its true meaning years ago after it become a buzzword insult.
>speak for yourself faggot
Go on pornhub then. A lot of the times the most popular videos in the U.S are interracial videos. Get over yourself as everyone has their own taste in porn.
>stop liking what I don't like
You're a literal child.
White people are not being displaced though. inb4 you bring up white flights and urban ghettos. White people own majority of land in the U.S. Minorities are stuck in urban shitholes and basically will stay there.
>alt right chicks
Ugly women who are forced into a ideology by their loser boyfriends?
I have noticed you didn't provided any reasoning for your argument.
The word is war
You are not white, nigger.
>Majority of people on /pol/ have jerked off to interracial porn at least once anyways. Get over yourself.
Nope. Fuck off you absolute pussy. Your degenerate and self-degrading interests are not the norm. Most of us on /pol/ are how we are BECAUSE we have the mental fortitude to think for ourselves, resist the fully entrenched cultural marxism, and take an objective view of the world. This logically comes to this conclusion:\
1. That evolution exists and acted on humans in different isolated climates.
2. That whites and east asians are the most capable races of maintaining first world civilization, and diluting the populations of these nations with people from the rest of the world will lead to a slow but steady decline of the first world nations.
3. That this is inevitable because white and east asian birthrates are abysmal compared to ethnicities from the rest of the world because caution and planning ahead were crucial traits necessary for survival in wintery climates.

>removing the descriptive

>alright guys we need a plan to have people stop describing themselves by the color of their skin.
>We need a good slogan, something that really gets our point across
>oh I know

Fucking lunatics.
Nope, that's exactly what needs to be seen
>White people are not being displaced though. inb4 you bring up white flights and urban ghettos. White people own majority of land in the U.S. Minorities are stuck in urban shitholes and basically will stay there

The only future in a minority white country for whites is to give up democracy. They will vote to take what you have when they are the majority.
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>me fapping to white sluts getting fucked by BBC does not make me a cuck.
lol yes it does you're white and you want to see your women getting fucked by niggers while your jerking off

you are a C U C K literally
Your cunt is a shithole. Who cares.

Like anyone gives a fuck what a liberal whore who doesn't breed thinks
It happens fast, but you can not mix the people in 20 years.

Recently some old former refugee was expelled from Norway for lying about his country of origin decades ago. He and his entire family, including his grandchildren was forcefully transported out of the country.

That is why this matter. Most of the migrants have dual citizenship, including their children, even if they are born here.

The official policy of some of what the media used to call the "extreme right", but now only call "right wing," European political parties is to withdraw migrants citizenship and start removing them from our continent.

Now I hope you understand the difference.
Because of white flight. No one wants to live alongside your sort.

The only ones who stay are the ones with enough money to make sure neither them or their kids ever have to associate with people like you
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