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Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, shot in Ankara

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Thread replies: 410
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Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, shot in Ankara art studio.
who ready for WW3
>More: Gunman who shot Russian ambassador to Turkey in #Ankara reportedly said after the attack: "We're dying in Syria, you should die here
Murricans, why you killed him?
Ankara gunman has been neutralized according to a Turkey source.
I thought Turkey and Russia were on side these days?
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
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Wait for March 2017 for huge habidding

this is nothing for now
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>Be me a blind autist
>WW3 starts and healthy males die
More girls for me .
sounds like they are just buttmad no terror attacks in russia was effective, except for that civ plane
care to share why march?
Yeah I gotta admit thats some CIA type shit.
Trump BTFO
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Moscow have said he's been hospitalised. Turkey sources say he's still in the building.
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Checked. Russbro confirmed for post-WW3 womanizer.
>Turkey shot Russian ambassador.
>Russia declares war on Turkey.
>US of A tries to mediate.
>Russia declares war on US of A.
WW3 please
Remember: WWI started because Austria-Hungary heir got killed

This is the beginning of WWIII and don't worry guys, ten millions of roaches will get killed.
How the hell is he just "wounded" after that? Bullshit.
the CIA did this tbqh
Don't hate all of us Anon. Some of us just want to eat food, work, and sleep.
Looks like your story
out, good going goy, you gonna be swimming in vodka and pussy once Putin exhausts the Russian population, as is tradition every one hundred years
He is kill

>implying trump takes Turkeys side
I hope he dies desu. If he lives then it's hardly a happening.

i bet mossad did this.
attacker shot dead
>US of A tries to mediate.
>US of A also declares war on Turkey
>Islamists got genocided
>A new secular Turkey leaves Middle East be
Wtf I hate the cia now
>Russia declares war on Turkey
>Electors elect Hillary instead of Trump, America goes into civil war.

2017 should be good.
Nobody in the world (except shitty mudslime countries like Qatar or Saudi Arabia) supports Turkey. Turkey is without a reliable ally now
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Yes goyim, fight each other
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suave hitman
The gunman
>muh Aleppo
Well that's obvious. Real jihadi would shout Allhu Akbar and nothing more.
Hope Trump may fix some shit before we all start a fucking war.
Is he dead?

Apparently he's just "wounded", but he seems to be in a very bad way looking at pictures.

If he dies will we see Russian troops on the ground actively fighting in Syria?
what are the odds you guys come out of this as Kurdistan?


Deus Vult.
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UPDATE: Reports in Ankara say the Russian ambassador has died out of his wounds, he was shot 5 times, picture of gunman before shooting
>shot in the head
Well, he is probably dead now.
Maybe, they are already losing big time in Syria so.. it might not even be needed. Maybe more aircrafts and missiles.
Cnn international stream somebody ??

all i can find is fucking usa cnn
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Who here is comfy and listening to old rocknroll records from 50s-70s and ready for war?
>China jumps on US
>Norkies nuke the whales

We Fallout Universe now nigga.
are 2013 sabbath ok too?
international is playing us stream
WW3 imminent? This is not a drill. To the bunkers everyone.
You listening to XIII? That album kicked ass
Our best hacker...

why, murricans, why??
You like it edgy, but its ok. Doesnt give a Fallout vibe too much
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We have a motive
How many false flags today?

> best election cycle ever

fuck yes!
Now thats rare
Somebody who wants distract did this. I would suspect obama as he is a CIA operative.
ISIS did it, so yes
gary johnson must be confused as fuck right now
He'll be fine. Russians shoot themselves in the head for fun.
confirmed the CIA needs to be destroyed
Kek, the CIA is overthinking this. The only thing an Arab "freedom fighter" is capable of saying in moments of excitement is allahu snackbar.
Gary who?
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he doesn't look too bad for a roach
Of course its the swede that knlws
Dimitri please start removing kebab now. Hell I'll join in with you.

Also F
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>screaming aloha ackbar

of course
fucking kekfirmed
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>Bullshit war over aristocratic rivalries
>Post WWII nations have agreed to not resolve conflicts by war but by other means first

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Jesus christ, this old Meme was real....

I was in doubt of KEK until now.
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CIA killed him to misdirect public attention while they steal election from Trump

Video inside. What did he mean by this?
Looks pretty suave desu
lol I like how everyone can see through this shit
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As long as mummy is safe idgaf
He's definitely whiter than the ambassador.
Tell us why, Mehmet
it wont even get into most of news
>Trump disbands NATO the second before
>invades turkey with putin
>thanks giving
that maaaay be my favorite track desu. i liked the loner song a lot too even though it was a supplemental jam
Maybe WWIII isn't such a bad idea.
>Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, shot in Ankara art studio.

And to think you lot say contempory art is rubbish
Holy shit...as real as it gets.

Prayers for the ambassador and his family.
Something like this >>103549828
some shit head nobody claimed stuff are going to happen
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And what is Aleppo?
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>ambassador uses foreign guards
We will see what Russia does when an abassador is killed, unlike the USA under Obama and Hillary.
holy shit that was brutal
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If a war breaks out, I'll be hanging a pepe flag from my apartment. If you see something like that know that it is I, your fellow /pol/ack
4 leaf clover
4Chan sounds like Fortune
We memed reality
meme magic confirmed
>Prayers for the ambassador and his family.
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What happened to the shooter?
Suicide, standoff, shootout?
Oke. I will be in MAGA hat.
The ambassador is dead mate.

if you dont get shot through the brain or heart, youve got a 80% chance of surviving if you get operated on within 30-40 minutes
Well he had balls and dressed well, must be that superior albanian or greek janissaires blood.
maybe russia wanted the ambassador dead
Looks like a security guy tbqh
awwwww.....mummy very cute....

We don't like this shit any more than you do Dima. We want to GTFO of these sandy shitholes and never see them again.
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Observe my repetitious digits.
digits confirm. how do shitpost if you cant see the screen tho? questions
Why did they kill him? Would have been better to get him to talk unless you didn't WANT him to talk
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pic of shooter
Where the Fug was his security detail?
What was the event?
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toppest of keks

>thinking the American public actually gives a shit about Aleppo
make sure to start several threads about it so everyone is aware of which window to fire bomb
>tfw no more roach posting

(i joke i joke, i hope everything goes well for you brother and you are never harmed)
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Heil Hitler!
He's a big guy
Kek presence is strong in this thread.
A Russian diplomat dies by the hands of a security employee directly associated with the roachland and all Russia is going to do is express its concern, kek.

Remember, it's ok to kill Russians with no repercussions. You might even get rewarded by the Russians for it like Kadyrov.

Fucking animals.
No blood means he is a robot.
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tfw just shot :(
apparently the gunman was ON his security detail
for the love of god are the ferrero rocher safe?
>can someone say gavrilo princip
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wew lad
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Andrey Karlov I'm CIA
for you
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Oh fug
Press F to pay respects
turkey shot down a russian plane and it was swept under the carpet

why are there tons of retards talking about WW3
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Fuck, don't make me think too much, man. I've already decided Putin = Good, I don't want to have to consider that he's been the jew this whole time
As far as I know he has since been shot and killed

Some Turkish guy said the shooter yelled:
"Allahu Akbar, don't forget Aleppo, only death can take me away from here, you are not safe when we still breathing."
The guy resembles the stereotypical failed office worker who goes nuts when his company goes bust, he loses his wife, job and kids, and has no more money for booze.
>"we die in Aleppo, you die here"

false flag as fuck
>slavs going to war against mudshits
>they wipe each other out

551188 holy shit... this timeline
Is it true that sp's are responsible for this?
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>don't forget Aleppo, you are not going to be safe unless we breath only death can take me from here

Was he American?
Is he ok?
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digits don't lie

CIA through and through


Also, am I a rare flag?
Kebab is removed
Can a roach translate what he was shouting?
Our internet will probably be cut during wartime, but know that there are degenerate polacks among hordes of roaches waiting their demise. I hope Anzu will be fine though.

Also, it's reported that the shooter shouted "We die in Aleppo, you die here" to the russian. After the shot, he also shouted "I won't be leaving here alive". That's a good way to go I guess.
what is this??
>left arm
really makes me think
No because you post here quite a bit.
No you fgt. Neither am i
you will see that Russia does nothing, Putin will saying that it's just a psycho and that's all. All fuckin world against us, of course we must be very carefully
ISIS has more balls than all of Russia put together.

Who wants to die for kikes and feminism?
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to be fair, it's not really pleasant to be your "ally" when you constantly try to turn your allies into caliphates
He's dead.
>modi is itching to bomb islamabad so bad that he's willing to meme WWIII into existence

calm down, lad.
this guy doesn't look southern at all
USA job confirmed
He ded.

>no blood
Did they call Tarantino to direct this?
something about being gay
It's actually really enraging because I bet a lot of lefties are going to use this statement as reason to stand behind the shooter. Meanwhile to me this is Jo Cox tier

He's coming....
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I really don't know much about the Syria situation since it seems very hard to find actual reporting. It's mostly propaganda from agencies who aren't even on the ground there.

From what I can gather, specific details aside, it's all over a gas pipeline, right?
>inb4 this starts WW3
helas kan diese video niet worden afgespielt
this. why the fuck was it so laced? where were the tag-along FSB?
Well shit, new Ferdinand confirmed

Just leave our shitty country out of it.
We die in Aleppo, you die here.
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It looks like he was shot directly in the heart. Doesn't look good.
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kek is always right


what did they mean by this?
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I don't see any scenario where this could spark a world conflict.
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>Finland Into military alliance with Russia possible
>Finland wouldn't Be alone on Times of war
Also, not in the article
>Finland has always Been know for its witches and sorcerers
>In viking tales If Finland appears, there Is also some sort of magic tied to the land
>Sorcerers known to raise storms to viking and slavic invade, at some cases also to rival tribes

whats so significant about the pipeline
aren't there shitloads of pipelines
are they really worth this level of war
First kek of the day for me. Bless u with chaos in the wars to come.


putin is going to fucking kill some people
oh god please no ww3 please no ww3
C1A conformed. Many such cases!
Considering his very recent death, I would say yes, it doesn't look good
It wasn't. Russia deployed S400 in the area, with 400km radar range they can now detect all Israeli aircraft maneuvers and can shoot down anyone, plus a missile vessel and consolidated its position over Syria

Russia benefited from a geopolitical point of view and NATO couldn't say jack shit about it
>trigger discipline

At least he's not some random yob?
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So, /pol/, was this the work of a "(((moderate))) (((rebel)))"?

I don't really know, but there appears to be very differing views on what is going on there and what our role should be. And it's not a partisan thing. I got that pic off Twitter which shows liberals who disagree.

It all feels like propaganda to me so idk.
allah akbar
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why would they choose some nobody russian ambassador to roachville to assassinate
This assassin, too organized for sand people.

Definitely had to be western agency behind this.
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>turns out the shooter was american
>russia says that the barack obama was his father
>america denies
>bombs drop
youre such a retard. they dont have "balls" theyre just fucking insane. its not ballsy to halt traffic and pull drivers out to shoot them in the face just for some bullshit.
Not gay spyware shit
odds that we were somehow involved in this?
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Then prayers for the journey of his soul.

God the a Father.
Have mercy on your servant.

God the Son.
Have mercy on your servant.

God the Holy Spirit.
Have mercy on your servant.

Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on your servant.

From all evil, from all sin, from all tribulation,
Good Lord, deliver him.

wow that was quick now who will putin kill considering the cia probably did it on electoral college day. you think the russians hacked the bullets
That might be it.
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he is here
On the day of the electoral vote, yeah...It was definitely our dumbass liberal globalist faggot government. I hate it.

I am sorry Boris I don't want you to die I don't want to kill other whites
Is this, dare I say it, SARAJEVO 2.0?
He's upset about Russians hacking the American elections
/k/ fags, identify that gun.
>mudslime country can't even control their own mudslimes

just pathetic
Posting to tell about it to my grandkids after the ww3
anyone have the full translation of what the shooter said?
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he is here
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This event definitely succeeded
The rest of the security detail were already there. They surely fucked up big time
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>All fuckin world against us, of course we must be very carefully
You'll always have trusty comrades like Kazakhstan and Belarus.
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You know what comes next...
>Finland Into military alliance with Russia possible

We are going to fight against each other then.
>assassin spoke Russian
so is this to set up a russian nuke which is actually fired by israel but the media shills that russia did it then they keep obama in office because the trump russia connection is too much of a threat in light of ww3
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fuck off with your school schooting n shit
It's a Mossad false flag
People don't just start leaking blood everywhere seconds after getting shot, idiot.
The whole point is that hierarchies exist in societies with various degrees of protection associated with it.

So yes, this kind of actually a big deal.
:/// Too Bad, eestiveli
so how long do we have before the atomic funeral
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Probably a FAMAS or a deagle brand deagle.

You are one stupid fucking nigger

Trump & Obama are both on the same side: kikes
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a bigger bullet
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>tfw you were crying about moderate rebels only two days ago

>tfw when one of them murders a diplomat

Obongo is his own worst enemy
Totally not a CIA hit.
Significance of him using his left hand to make the 1 finger gesture?
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>50k USD just got banked into family's account
When the attacker is someone that you are already at war with, there isn't much that will change.
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my wifes son thinks its an AR-47 (Assault rifle)
If this guy isn't dead after 9 shots I don't know what could kill him
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ISIS confirmed for devil
Holy shit

nah thats just an exhibit
>Jews want to simultaneously import millions of Mexicans, while also deporting millions more and building a secure southern border, at the same time making America more isolationist and renegotiating trade deals.
if singles their won't be a war
its the cia false flagging as a mossad false flag
they are trying to roast trump
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No offense but turks try so hard being european even when they commit terrorist attacks they dress in suits like euros and won't even shout that all of snackbar copypasta. Sad!
Also praise kek that Obongo attacks russians for rigging the death of their own ambassador and making it about Aleppo and syrian gehnuceid. (pic related)
This is the AWP gun from violen 'COUNTER STRIKEN' game, the attacker was a game all along.
what the frig
He's holding the gun in the other hand, but also wants to do the Muslim index finger thing.
Thats a semi automatic you idiot, don't you know the difference??
he was tool. they must kill him
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CIA and Al-Qaeda are "on the same side" at least in Syria. so it does add up.
he literally yelled aloha snackbar
>the spring coming out of the assault clip
rip o7 :^(
>the paw prints on the bottom right
Ruger P Series
cia did it no doubt
He looks so...turkish?
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looks like bannerlord isn't coming out any soon
If a war breaks out between Russia and Turkey, who will the USA side with? Who will the EU side with? Who will the middle eastern countries side with?
so this... this is how 2016 and the world ends.

we memed too hard guys!
its ww3 us will side with turkey
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look at that he has trigger discipline!!
I bet this is Turkey intel agent! sending msg to russia
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don't try to talk guns, leaf
I vote for not Turkey, and to glass the middle east as a whole for good measure.
Im ready for ww3
ISIS is losing the fight so they are trying to summon Satan to defeat Assad
Turkey is NATO. Russia can't go to war with them or everyone comes to Turkey's defense. Their response will be in Syria, Syrian battlefields are the new international forum.
By your holy Incarnation, by your Cross and Passion, by your precious Death and Burial,
Good Lord, deliver him.

By your glorious Resurrection and Ascension, and by the Coming of the Holy Spirit,
Good Lord, deliver him.

We sinners beseech you to hear us Lord Christ: That it may please you to deliver the soul of your servant from the power of evil, and from eternal death,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.

that is the whole point why we even have problems with them. because they cannot behave, no matter where they are
Bullets. But I might be wrong. Maybe baguettes?
so the aliens are landing right
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>tfw Gavrilo Princip 2.0
.45 hollow point
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No pls
Thats haram
fucking turks always starting world wars
this is why we cant have nice things
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>Americans don't know that we have guns
weird to think this video is going to be extremely famous and a part of human history forever, and we're seeing it for the first time on 4chan chatting about it on /pol/
We're siding with Russia, i'll take my fellow racist homophobes over shitskins anyday
russia, just nuke this fucking shithole for all and once!

(but evacuate first bannerlord team)
Clearly M1 Abrams.
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Didn't he make a faggy monologue like some tarantino movie anti hero though ?
hahahaha i know this will probably lead to another million deaths, dam allah is good at killing
kek has come to reap the memers

How the fuck did he get behind the ambassador like that? Was there no security? You don't let random people wander around behind a diplomat who is about to speak publicly.
i will personally kill you, you filthy brit

t. chicano
Nothing will happen, cockroaches shot down Ivan's jet earlier and even that didn't start war. Russia is weak and will be overrun by chinks.
Turkey has enough internal shit to deal with, with ISIS, PKK and TAK all launching regular attacks. They're not stupid enough to risk war with the defenders of Christendom
Probably with Russia

>Middle east
Probably with Turkey
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It's... Beautiful...
omg trump will condem it and the left will yet again attack. the ultimate distraction as the electors vote
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are you saying a bigger bullet wouldn't make a bigger hole?
you gotta go back
Wasn't totally swept under the carpet. I remember it on the news. But now Turkey has poked Russia a second time. Will there be a third?
ya and it started with allahu ackbar
>Implying the Eternal Celt didn't have anything to do with this.
its fuckin austrai hungary all over again
I heard he was the designated bodyguard. The local security forces are supposed to supply foreign diplomats with bodyguards. Guess Turkey fucked up the vetting process.

Others say he was a cop.
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>Observe my repetitious digits.
Mr. Ambassador, I'm ISIS
>turks conform that he was a policeman, not just 'a man ho had a policeman's documents'

Why the fuck would you hire an islamist?
Top kek.
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this is the real pic of the shooter, ignore the fake media
Russia just called it a terrorist act, not an act of war.

Most likely nothing will change.
Looks like HK USP but USP dont have chromed barrel.
ha putin will hunt the deadliest of all prey turkish leader
He was the security.
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kill yourself.
It's Turkey, they're all Islamists
Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş
Ankara Riot police
Born 1994
Graduate from Izmir police school
Why does he wear the mask?
Do we have video?
© MMXVI CIA productions

>dat zoom out
>only armed guy in the room
That it may please you mercifully to pardon his sins,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please you to grant him a place of refreshment and everlasting blessedness,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.

That it may please you to give him joy and gladness in your kingdom, with your saints in light,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.

Jesus, Lamb of God:
Have mercy on him.

Jesus, bearer of our sins,
Have mercy on him.

Jesus, redeemer of the world:
Give him your peace.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Irishbro is right.
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>Implying not all meslims from teacher to actor arn't just sleeping mode islamists
who is this and has she been blacked?
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Uhoh, the shooter was a cop
And if they aren't their children, or they grandchildren.
Amy Adams and no, she is pure.
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Canik TP9

By roaches, for roaches.
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Trust nobody- not even yourself
100 russian bydlos died today
30 in a drunken fight
30 drank methanol
39 died in car crashes
1 shot in turkey
RT must have it.
>not sam hyde
>you had one job
That roach was young and handsome not like average roaches.

Young always idealists...
mate, kek already has the soul.
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download (1).jpg
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>mfw all this is actually true
>mfw kek wills our death
They have values and a cause to die for.

Go fight for Israel while some roastie cunt cucks you at the home front.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

estonian news say that he died
All I have so far is that the shooter was a cop, and part of the ambassador's security detail
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Why do you hide the truth?
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
that spread-eagle position means dome-shot.
Yeah. He's dead.

Ministry of foreign affairs of Russland already confirmed it.

Estonians being slow as usual...

This just made me think anon. I'm 22 and I've done nothing with my life while mevlut has accomplished things.
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>30 drank methanol
Literally subhuman tier
hey at least you have a lifetime left
There's always time nigga, go to nearest russian embassy RIGHT MEOW!
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Fucking mudslime shot a pupper !!!

And his life is already over.
Is that a surprise for you?
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Well you won't say that in 200 years when only methanol will be available on earth with all the water gone to Mars and ruskies would have gained a natural immunity to it.
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putin mad
putin destroy

better quality and follow me if you want
Deliver your servant Andrey Karlov, O Sovereign Lord Christ, from all evil, and set him free from every bond; that he may rest with all your saints in the eternal habitations; where with the Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, one God, forever and ever. Amem.

There will be no human history after a nuclear holocaust
is there a video?

CNN the best news source
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU VODKA SIPPING CYKA !!! There was one and only holocaust !!! Never forget about the 6 million !!!
The shot obviously came from that german nazi cannon on the background. He waz a gud boi, he did army, he did study, he dressed well and wuz well manerd.
The assassin's family. The Russians have a history of targeting family members of terrorists.
>9 posts above you
What happened in Zurich?
>posts on 4chan
yeah sure
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Shooter was part of Ankara Police's Special Operations.
Depart, O Christian soul, out of this World;
In the Name of God the Father Almighty who created you;
In the Name of Jesus Christ who redeemed you;
In the name of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you.
May you rest this day in peace,
And your dwelling place in the Paradise of God.

o shit wad up boi
It's just temporary blindness due to methanol drinking. He'll be fine soon.
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