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Message from your Mod pt.2

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 79

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Minorities and fags will feel harassed if you want them to comply with basic safety requirements, guys.

Stop making /diy/ threads and reporting safety issues!

Telling authorities that someone is braking the law is against the law!

Previous thread

/diy/ on 4pleb
/qa/ is a joke and nothing will fix their board after Election Night
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Don't forget pic related!

Our mod is literally a teen virgin antifa faggot who is
>2 smrt 4 u
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can you dumb fags stop spamming this shit, it was stupid at first and now it's just annoying. find a real hobby.
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go away /qa/, nobody likes you
I'll find a new hobby after you retards stop getting triggered over fucking Fire Codes lmao
so is it benjamin fischbein deleting fire safety threads?
>18-19 years old
nope, mistake

sounds like the only triggered cucks are y'all, mate. no one is spamming threads about how you guys need shut down. stop clogging up the board with this faggy shit.
Safety isn't a hobby. Its serious business.
At the beginning of the year I got banned regularly on /qa/ because I made threads exposing how flags and IDs had been added to /pol/ by joot to suppress discussion. Thing is, I'd always only get banned for 71 hours so I couldn't appeal it -- the hallmark of rogue moddery. Now I am realizing that the same rogue mod shutting down safety threads was most likely banning me too.

Do you need any more evidence that flags and IDs were a deliberate attempt to destroy /pol/?
Holy shit, what a massive faggot. Why are people like him mods?
>Stormfags still think this is their board.
We love watching you squirm and cry.

Fuck this cuckshed
>no one is spamming threads about how you guys need shut down

what is /qa/

>stop clogging up the board with this faggy shit.
>one to two threads is clogging the board

Shouldn't you be off posting more RLLY MAKES U THINK? threads?
>marginalized communities
>state institutions
that "warning" has /r/socialism written all over it. i can smell the antifa stink from here
go to hotwheels and read the old irc leaks if you think this guy is bad, it's like wide eyes shut using 4chan for freedom of speech without reading those logs
Within three weeks we will have normies and their kids actively working to report your death traps I their neighbourhood. There's will be no more organizing.

Nigger, there's an entire board dedicated to getting /pol/ deleted
Oh no a Fire Code thread is being deleted, and not the NatSoc Generals or literally everything else

Please make a Lefty/pol/ general, it's enjoyable to see it draw everyone on here to laugh at you
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Why is it that every time something happens you cripplechan faggots come out of the woodworks? It like autistic Mormons.
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stay safe anon ;)
Do these retarded mods not realise that anyone with 4chanX or similar can still see these posts?

Deleting them doesn't hide your shame you antifa mongoloid.
>no one is spamming threads about how you guys need shut down.
Holy shit, I just gagged a little.
got a better alternative to being modded by antifa?
>yet he posts here
Is that your girlfriend who procures you krokodil?
>4chan mods are all retarded lefties
>this is news
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Posting relevent info

What the mod is doing
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Who he is doing it for

yeah sorry /qa/, the place where you idiots are spamming +5 threads too, on top of /pol/, and no one is posting threads about why these should be deleted, but there are half a dozen crying about mods and Hiro and faggy shit
Stick with the board while the problem gets fixed. Then again you fucks couldn't even handle /pol/ harbor so I can see why you would think others would want to flee at first sign of hardship like your candy ass.
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Fix this shit.
The fire threads are 100x better than that stupid pizza batman conspiracy shit, goddamn that is annoying
Do these retards actually think an Internet raid violates the fucking law?
I hope this faggot mod necks himself.

I bet he's the Fishbane nigger.
fuck off hot pocket gorging faggots
>the person you want to be

fuck sake
I deleted that because some anon posted the same thing a few seconds after me. Two identical images in a row is a massive eyesore.
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>Marginalized minorities
I bet it's the same 1 mod that is butthurt. I doubt that there's more than 1 mod that deletes and bans people that only want to make sure fire safety laws are being followed in their cities.
No doubt it's benny fishbane and getting triggered again
>windows 10
found the problem
lamb roast when its cooked right
>falls right off the bone
Yeah, I saw that earlier and thought they must be fucking retarded.
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>how flags and IDs had been added to /pol/ by joot to suppress discussion
Ironically those two things make spotting shills a lot easier, not to mention the "culture" such bantz generates. It is effectively a form of security now, you dumb kiwi.
4chan needs purge of mods for a long time already. Many of them overstayed their welcome. Day of the Rake incoming. Hiro - do it.
You admit it is a raid.
That may be, but it also ruins any shred of discussion with cancerous /int/ crap
If you don't want to have your furry threads slid by the SS go back to tumblr.

tons of threads crying about deletions and mods and faggy shit, overwhlmingly more than threads asking for removal, thanks for the validation
does this mean I have to become a janitor next time there are applications?
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>a blunt instrument against marginalized communities

what a fucking kool-aid-drinking, brainwashed fuck

i feel sorry for xer
You're full of shit, faggot. Your "bantz" are reddit-tier and would fit in well on /int/. There's no need to make it easier for phoneposting redditfugees to "spot shills" or anything else -- you are just as bad as a shill and need to fuck off back to /int/.
What is a raid? Raids are against 4chan rules.

>admits it's a raid
>doesn't realize a website can have and enforce any rules it wants regardless of laws to protect itself, as it's a private entity

wow you guys really ARE retarded
What's with the moralfaggotry from the mod? I smell butthurt.
friendly reminder that actively preventing the reporting of unsafe conditions is a crime, and such crime would cause a lot fucking more legal trouble for the site than most of anything else would

My strongest recommendation to the mods would be to toss the Antifa niglet to the hounds before another warehouse goes up in flames from exposed electrical wires and mass extension cables, and the lawman comes knocking to ask why the reporting of such conditions was prevented
You'll notice how /qa/ncer posts
They'll complain about threads taking up valuable space (lol).
Their posts are all of the same make, /v/ tier shitposting.
They'll claim they speak for the silent majority, because they arent from the board and need to justify their claims

They raided /a/ recently, got lots of threads deleted and raised a big fuss. Learn the signs.
Do you seriously believe a mod would be fucking 19? Probably more like 29. Some faggot kid impersonating a mod with no proof on /qa/ doesn't mean shit.
no its an invasion, go to /i/


That's true but those Redditors are so retarded they think it's against US law. As in you can be arrested for it.
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how-to guide on winning
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Less we forget
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf is he smoking. Is this tumblr now?
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disable javascript, the site works just fine without it (24h captcha).
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Congratulations, you went on /qa/ for a minute, and then automatically assume they don't repeat the same crap on a weekly basis
I hope to god this is fake.
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Learn reading comprehension, he's just saying raids aren't against the law. Has nothing to do with whether or not Safety Squad is a raid (it's not). Leftists are incapable of thought.
Hi PrickliestFagtus
Saved for future use
You are a faggot and newfag.
You don't even know /qa/. Of course there are now threads about our sperged out mod, because /qa/ should be the place fot that.

But if you would have ever visited /qa/ when there was no drama on /pol/ with mods, then you would know that there were at least 5 "please delete /pol/" threads every day.
And this all around the year.
only scum gets in the staff
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Come on guy you might trigger a mod with your post
What? I'm using his words, calling the Fire Marshall isn't a raid, but raids to reddit of Neofag whatever aren't illegal regardless. These people, and you, have shit for brains.

I wonder what it's like to be mentally challenged.
/qa/ needs to be closed down, seriously. It was shut down before because of this exact situation. It filled with outsiders, mod/janitor dox & the disenfranchised oldfags who felt bad for torturing 10 year olds on /b/ and wanted to virtue signal their way into better standing. Hiro needs to drain that swamp.
The cancerous /int/ crap was needed to be honest. I hate kikes as much as anyone else, but having the entire board dedicated to finding jewery is overkill. Our world is full of such jewery, so you can essentially find it for the rest of your life if you keep looking.

>kiwi sperging out
Flag checks out
It is illegal by law to use easily accessible and public information toward a goal, but only because it's on the internet.
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You can't use upholding the law to target lawbreakers, you Nazis.
>/qa/ is full of threads agreeing with me
You sad sack of shit
I'm pretty degenerate, does that count?
How the fuck is reporting law violations misusing public resources? Is this faggot serious?
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He looks exactly like you think he would
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So what's going on exactly?

From what I see, a mod is deleting the /diy/ threads because they're literally racist mysoginistic literally disgusting, whatever all those reasons are, and they get deleted and people banned. So someone, likely Australian, figures out who this mod is and it turns out he's just like every mod on the fucking website.

All the other shit has been said already; the mod is a cuck, he's doing his job wrong, etc

I've always wondered this though: How the fuck do these mods keep getting the job? What do they even write on their janitor applications? For instance, that /a/ mod who doesn't even watch anime; what the fuck could he have possibly been qualified for other than bull prepper?

When will this shit end?
Diy isn't a raid. Not by any conventional definition.

That drooling idiots though seems to think running a train on SA would be against the law. That's shockingly stupid.
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What are you implying with this picture, racist fuckboy?
good thing theres no law against ppl coming across the border whenever they want. nazis would use that for evil
How the fuck does this site get such a huge faggot as a mod?
>asserts it is a raid
>doesn't realize people are just trying to save lives and make it ironic and scare leftists with "hate symbol" pepe images
Also important to remember the natsoc board lost their natsoc flag when moot forced country flags. This is where a lot of the flag hate comes from, understandably so. The flags were added to kill the board so hate is pretty much expected.

The flag bantz keep /pol/ fresh, though. Shit would be boring without it.
when moot backed off and left staff to assume administrator rolls, they only brought in people that shared their communist bullshit. think obama administration
>How the fuck do these mods keep getting the job?
They're the only ones that actually apply for the job
That's some impressive damage control. Too bad for you Antifa Internet Defense Squads are onto your word play. Consider yourselves warned.
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has anyone zoomed in and checked the pixels, this might be photo shopped, there are lots of photo shopped images like this that I've seen
A lot of boards need to be merged/closed desu, but that isn't happening because of muh safe spaces. 4chan needs to cut the fat.
So what's with this fire Marshall shit? I stopped browsing this board after the pizzatard conspirists took over.
That only furthers the questions, like why do they always say they got a lot of applicants for janitors? Hell, after """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""hiring"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" them there isn't even an influx in threads deleted or anything, I think it's all bullshit
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when will they learn
Outsiders have more interests in influencing 4chan than the channers themself.

It's obvious that people who hate 4chan will try to manipulate 4chan, if you allow something like /qa/.
The memes write themselves.
Diy isn't a raid ffs. That cabbage skulled invalid j thinks raids in general are illegal though.

There is a world they live in where things that's upset them are illegal.
You can smell the welfare they get payed. I mean, they do it for free! They live with their parents or they get welfare. Any individual that has a job doesn't have time to do this for free! They are a drain and parasite to society. And worse than that, they stop people from preventing fire hazards! wtf. They truly want to people to die in flames, even their own "comrades". I guess you cannot expect too much logic from people with this level of cognitive dissonance, like those antifas that are as violent and fascist as "real fascists" or AnCommies(oxymoron).
damn you made me laugh with how much you're willing to stretch things
When the djt got banned I went to /qa/ to complain, every single thread had something spammed along the lines of "you know whos fault this is? /pol/" or "/pol/ needs to be deleted fo [reason] I hate them they are cancer"

I thought it was just butthurt, but it really is a constant obsession with them.
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>the ai girlfriend I've been developing
>the verge
Jesus Christ not clicking your malware. Someone green text this shit up.
Chop chop niglets.
*claps hands*
Bullshit, I've applied for years and written out a few paragraphs, along with references to 4 other websites I've modded on, and never get a reply.

Meanwhile, like >>103468252 said, the shit threads remain while good threads get deleted.
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Flags can help because if you go on here long enough now, you can assume and detect what retard spams an image like pic related, and filter that shit out

Yeah they're pretty much /q/ 2.0

Also they have been utterly ass fractured since Trump won (my god you shouldve been on there to laugh at them, it was glorious). They've upped the ante of obsession to the point they think reporting fucking Fire Code threads will make up 4 years of /pol/ laughing at them
You have to have no investment in the community to know how to judiciously guide that community, of course.
Common sense man?
I'll bet the conversation for the /a/ janitor went a lot like this:
"Rei or Asuka?"
"You're in."
Archive it, not a state.
it's a raid the same way bringing public information of state officials to 4chan is doxing

loosely defined rules being used to shut down threads they don't agree with
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No way this faggot is a mod, its defintely some kid fucking with you guys
I'm calling bullshit.

I don't remember the last time a mod bothered to write anything this specific.
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Lol, dumb Leftists never learn.
>let's sell our rights and freedom to the goverment for power! That's a great idea!
>Oh No! Fascists and Authoritians are using our own system against us! PLS SEND HELP!

No Mercy. You made your bed. Now lie in it.
What's the point?

Look at that page. It hasn't been fucking addressed in over a goddamn year.
/leftypol/ is literally a dead board, you dont have enough shitposters to do anything
all of that posted in a matter of 3 days.

is it autism or dedication?
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Only liberal lefty shits would be upset with enforcing laws and ensuring public safety. What if one of these flop houses burn down and take an entire block with it? We need only look at the Great Chicago Fire to know how easy it is for fire to get out of control!

Ah, but here's the sticking point these degenerates cling to: You're just doing this to harass liberals! Of course! They're stupid, and we're educating them about safety! They'll whine, but they'll thank us when they don't burn to death!

Things can be safe, AND fun!

You posted your ip
>you may not appeal it

There's a reason why the bans are always too short to appeal.
IPs are pretty worthless anyhow, he can change his in about 20 seconds.
He still posts about how Japan is shit and whatever the fuck he whines, but I've filtered him out

Apparently he's a Zainichi Korean that was from /int/, and he got laughed at and shat on, and probably banned from there from posting this stuff
what are you gonna do faggot?
ping him?
seems like every questionable ban is always 3 days so it's unappealable and the mod can do whatever the fuck they want without oversight.
Whats the point of the feedback page since we have /qa/?
I actually got banned from /b/ like 2 years ago for inciting twitch raids

I couldn't post for two weeks and they rejected my appeal (which I worked on for a long time).
Thats what i thought, how is reporting a crime a crime infact usually its the exact oppisite like the leaf stated
Why don't we have Mod elections?

This is the politics board after all, and we deserve mods that actually represents what the majority of people on /pol/ think like

When you have tumblr using SJW infiltrators as mods that's a huge problem
Kek they are so retarded
Not me, no.
This isn't about fire safety and you know it.

Thanks for making a second thread, was going to start one if you didnt. The mod situation here needs to get sorted out and soon. This shit is unacceptable.
THIS! Why don't we have small elections for mods? They are huge positions.
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Well that explains why I was randomly banned for a few days for posting a hentai gif, can't remember which it was from, that didn't even have nudity, even though porn gifs and webm's and other shit much crazier and fucked up than I posted is totally fine.
Are there a lot of these places in Costa Rica?
You'll be brought up to code and you'll enjoy working and producing for Americans.
Dead faggots don't produce very much now do they?
What is it about then?
oh fuck off cunt.

you fucking KNOW fire threads are raid threads, don't act all coy and pretend it's out of any noble desire to protect anyone, you want to fuck with lgbt cunts.

don't get me wrong, i think it's funny and a great idea...but you dipshits are on the wrong fucking chan for raids.

lurk moar, this chan has been anti-raid for a long time and you can't blame the mods for doing their fucking job on you summerfags.
We need to send feedback https://www.4chan.org/feedback and contact hiroshimoot on twitter @hiroyuki_ni
It is which is why it is gay. We should want more lefties to burn to death instead of preventing it.
How do you know this? Can you read minds?
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>my god you shouldve been on there to laugh at them, it was glorious
when it became clear that Trump would win I did just that, the whole board was just beautiful violent /pol/ shitposting
It's political and it isnt breaking any rules, get fucked tico
There isnt any raiding going on, what the hell are you smoking? How is there any raids?
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It was hilarious

You shouldve seen before Trump won, they were like the Hillary campaign. Celebrating early and claiming they BTFO /pol/ and made Smug posts

Then when the real results started coming in, all of the shit they posted started to backfire horribly, they were both A) Damage controlling the fuck out and pretending they never cared about politics, and B) Was getting utterly shat on /pol/

Whats even more funnier is that there was an actual attempt of a """""""raid"""""" by /pol/ on but only out of pure joy and celebration, and the mods didnt do jack shit until a week later

/qa/ has never been the same after that, and I don't think them reporting /diy/ threads or really anything will repair the destruction they got for another four years

The collective asshurt that /qa/ has had since Trump won is comparable to the power of a Neutron star
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>Got banned from Diy for telling an anon how to set up a hot wire net to catch the person who was trying to break into his house
>checks flag
nothing to see here
Could you possibly stand out any more as an outsider? Plus, there's no one here doing raids. The fire marshals are the ones inspecting.

Back to the commie safe space with you!
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So you don't have screencaps?
Go be a nigger-lover someplace else.

don't fucking play dumb, you know full well you're inciting the authorities to shut these lgbt places down.

it's literally softcore swatting.

it's a fantastic idea but are you faggots literally crying that the mods on here, notorious for being anti-raid are doing what they've always done?

this is not some fucking eventful story, if you want to do fire safety threads go to another fucking chan there's tons of them.

lurk moar.
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i am just posting a few.
Sadly no, but some brave fucker on there has posted them some times. I hope someone makes a collage like they did on here with CTR.
Thats the irony of it huh
95% of the world is a "marginalized minority group"
I had a lot of posts in the final /diy/ thread, including the ebin Electrical Engineer pasta

I am actually and EE too
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>writing one formally made letter to the authorities is raiding
Yeah, no. Piss off you dumb cunt
The places wouldn't be shutting down if there wasn't a fire violation.
Oy Vey, since when is upsetting fags and dykes irl a problem?
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holy shit, /pol/ is finished
Only in Murrica I guess.
/pol/ stomping out leftists' shit and people who don't share their agenda. And when this faggot mod comes along and does the same thing to you, you cry out to the sky in outrage.

You're fucking hypocrites, that's what it is about.
Oh I guess that's the reason they take down NHTs? Yeah, no, they are just cucks.
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there is nothing to lurk you fucking idiot
idc if they are a bunch of leftys retards
They are not complying with the laws
those places are illegal
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The claims are legitimate, the places that get reported have blocked exits, exposed wiring, and other fire hazards

They get shut down tomporarally until the owners bring it up to code, which they should.
fucking moot hahahah
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No, it's not.

It's reporting a fucking crime. Is reporting a murder "softcore swatting"? Is reporting a rape "softcore swatting"?

Have you seen this dumps? They're electrical fires waiting to happen. And no, this isn't just to fuck with lefties. That's just a nice by-product.
/pol/ is trying to make sure the neighborhoods around these death-traps don't suffer damage from art school drop-out ANTIFA queers.

again, you are like fucking children doing something infront of the teacher that the teacher won't like and crying when she fucks you.

you think i don't understand or want these places shut down? i think it's a fucking fantastic idea.

i'm just pointing out how retarded it is for you summerfags to cry about the mods doing shit here. they are not going to be reasoned with, in their eyes you are breaking the 4chan rules.

get it now?

i'm not saying to stop, i'm saying if you want to continue fucking going without mods interfering there are better chans that won't censor you.

but this one will.
Cropped porn doesn't belong here either you maple nigger.
Hiro should just delete /qa/. Theyre ruining 4chan. They fucking raided [s4s] of all boards for fuck's sake. Swaglord handled them gloriously tho
Wow anyone have any idea what kind of salary this guy makes?
What kind of a faggy ban message is that?
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>durr hurr I'm retared
We get it, go back to fapping to hentai now
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That deep and constant butthurt, you can almost feel it, they wanted her to win so badly
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zero dollars per hour my good man

he does it pro bono
If what the mod is doing is above bar then why is he trying to hide it?
fuck off, melbourne.
You didn't answer me. Why are they taking down NHTs?

Fuck I really hope the autists on plebbit turn this into some gamergate-esque fuckfest of attention whoring.
That can't be real can it
>it's literally softcore swatting

>anon says person at house is threatening people
>police in SWAT gear rush over to said address, knock down the door, make everyone get on the ground with guns pointed
>realize nothing is wrong
>everyone gets pissed over waste of resources

>building inspector receives and email at his desktop computer saying a building may not be up to code and should be inspected
>finishes his coffee, puts on his windbreaker, and drives over to said address in shitty chevy tahoe
>knocks on door, tenant opens, inspector informa tenant that there may be potential violations of the code at the building making the place unsafe to operate and a danger to people inside
>finds violations of code
>shuts building down
>everyone happy they didn't have to bury their degenerate children to soon because even bigger degenerates can't follow the fucking law
>((((softcore swatting))))
yeah let stupid ppl die if they want to han out in a fire trap let them do. just inform llovedones andlet god sort them out
spotted the mod in question. so you're 29 huh
Consider suicide kiddo
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Small reminder that we had some based mods too.
>Flop Houses Already Shut Down

Bell Foundry (Baltimore, MD) http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-bros-future-20161214-story.html

Rhinoceropolis (Denver, CO) http://pitchfork.com/news/70344-beloved-denver-diy-venue-rhinoceropolis-shut-down-in-wake-of-oakland-fire/

Glass Menage (Nashville, TN) http://www.nashvillescene.com/news/features/article/20846839/inside-the-diy-closures

Drkmattr (Nashville, TN) http://www.nashvillescene.com/news/features/article/20846839/inside-the-diy-closures

Kitty Castle (San Jose, CA) https://twitter.com/mikehuguenor/status/808033828891553792

Purple 33 (Los Angeles, CA) http://www.laweekly.com/music/after-the-ghost-ship-fire-underground-venues-in-la-are-getting-shut-down-7715893

Big Art Factory (Los Angeles, CA) https://i.sli.mg/I1tmtd.jpg

Church of 3 Cats (Lansing, MI) https://i.sli.mg/kivzog.png

Bridge Art Space (Richmond, VA) https://i.sli.mg/8pWns9.png

JOKER JOKER Gallery (Athens, GA) https://i.sli.mg/zwKpIl.jpg

Experiment Comedy Gallery (Brooklyn, NY) http://brokelyn.com/experiment-comedy-gallery-shut-supporters-fear-alt-right-interference/

Burnt Ramen (Richmond, CA) https://ww2.kqed.org/arts/2016/12/16/burnt-ramen-long-running-underground-venue-in-richmond-shut-down/

Unnamed Bernal Heights Warehouse (San Francisco, CA) http://archive.is/7cspZ

Flux Capacitor (Colorado Springs, CO) https://i.sli.mg/bcKCxY.jpg

Qilombo (Oakland, CA) https://i.sli.mg/9oHENT.png

Peralta Studios (Oakland, CA) https://i.sli.mg/9hthfl.jpg
/qa/ are a bunch of fag libcucks that need to hid on a literally hidden board.
The sit there like its a secret club house and conspire against /pol/ all day long. 90% of ctr shills are actually just /qa/ trying to troll here.

go to the /qa/ catalog and search /pol/
>finishes his coffee, puts on his windbreaker, and drives over to said address in shitty chevy tahoe
sounds comfy af senpai
Dude the /diy/ threads weren't exclusively natsocs nor stormies there were libertarians and liberals participating too. The point is to fuck with hipsters while upholding the law.
Fuck off.
All those poor drug dealing pieces of shit, how will they go on ;_;
What was the one with the weird wiki mentioning that they were a safe den for illegal aliens? i remember seeing that that got shut down
Story? I'll add it to the list. /a/, /pol/, and /s4s/.
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I'm excited for all the kills confirmed we'll have on monday.

Weekends are clearly the slow days were nothing gets done but research.

Benjamin Fischbein?
Just with the small and neglectable difference that swatting means that you report someone based on a lie, while /diy/ is reporting actual illegal activites.

Whats next?
If i see someone is stealing a TV and i report it, do you compare that to swatting too?

Whelp. Fucking great. The piece of shit leftism scum that overran every other corner of the internet are now here to ruin 4chan.

I expect it to become a fully inclusive safe space where many funny pictures of cats can be shared, with the occasional outrageous and controversial photoshop of a celebrity.

We know who the mod is, we know that he brags about ruining 4chan, so why can't Hiroshimoot fire the guy?
because the mods consider it a raid thread.

they are not functioning on what's legal or illegal irl, they work on their own 4chan rules.

and they consider it raid threads.
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Well, you're full of shit and need to be removed because hiro says otherwise.
what happend i thought swog lord was a fgt
>we are on a forum, not the house of commons

I love this guy
Why is this guy a mod? you'd think conspiring against a 4chan board is grounds for removal.
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>enforcing laws is raiding
never go full retard

>literally so triggered by fire codes that you will actively ruin 4chan

You should leave and go back to where you belong.
Nigger hate threads are fucking raid threads?
Holy shit melbourne.
This thread is proof we need to ban the small dicked Aussies and their sheep fucking brothers.
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The comfiest
Where is he now then?
>Flux Capacitor
>"This isn't the end!
Acting like a fucking martyr for making their building not a deathtrap.
I swear to God all our mods are /v/+/lgbt/ types. They probably watch shitty seasonal anime like Yuri on Ice and think Steins;Gate is good.
But triggering faggots is my hobby desu. Remember you don't reproduce . You're nothing but a meme
I think they represent different things to different people. I legit am thrilled that these places are getting closed down, because junkies and their dealers disgust me. They are a fucking plague of the worst kind, always looking for someone vulnerable to prey on and make the people's lives around them a gigantic fucking misery. The harder you make these fucking garbage's lives, the more better off everyone is.
I can't stress enough how shitty these people are. If you've ever been affected by them, or had someone in your life who has, you cannot but despise them to your core.
What is this shit? I am litteraly shakin
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Mods want LGBT to die in buildings that aren't up to code.

They literally spend their entire lives trying to get moderator privileges for all online communities so they can suppress dissent.

It's quite literally in their text book.

They are unable to compete in the free exchange of ideas, so they resort to fascist state suppression, and then call it Anti-Fascism.
Mod span only last 6 months. This site hires mods every six months
keep crying, /pol/fags
you don't get to support authoritarianism and then whine about mods being authoritarian
btw, if you don't like it,
Steins is better than the overrated shit /a/ thinks is good.
>a thinks monster is better than steins
they are pedophiles (many such cases) who spread their faggotry to kids
>a list of establishments temporarily shut down until a sympathetic person donates
T-thanks for the free publicity /pol/!
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That's a fine point anon. If one of these tinder boxes we are researching goes up and we can't make a call because of obfuscation we could report it to the local authorities.

I think they would be interested in someone preventing the reporting of dangerous or illegal spaces.

>Reporting safety hazards is raiding

You need to go back.
Kisses to you too, antifa!

Hope you are up to fire code :)
>a list of establishments temporarily shut down until a sympathetic person donates
Santa doesn't exist, anon, and none of the faggots that run these disease holes have enough money.
fucking pathetic
You cucks are just as bad as white suburbanites. You do absolutely nothing until it's too late then you bitch about the results.

How many of you applied for a janitor spot? None. I guarantee none of you cucks bothered... now you're triggered that anti-/pol/ faggots are abusing their mod / janitor privileges.
Wow I actually didnt know about this at all
>/pol/ is one person

There are Libertarians and Catholic Traditionalists here, faggot
go back to /leftypol/
You have shit taste.
I did, along with a lot of others. Sorry, but your projection of "I'm a lazy fuck" doesn't hold true for all of us.

The mod is anti everything that is subversive against the establishment and not forwarding of Marxist dogma.

He's said it himself.
On paper the jury sounds good but when you get the wrong people for it it's going to be flawed

Are you faggots surprised that this place has cucked mods?

You morons have short memories.

>Reporting criminals is a crime

Hiro needs to sack this sack of shit now.

These infographics reek of kikechan.

You fags are doing another recruitment drive, aren't you? Fuck off.
Its simple. Got to the irc and complain in person.
But getting irc to work is a pain in the ass.
Don't insult me. I have nothing to do with those brainless commies. I'm a classical liberal.

yeah no shit, I'm one of them. i'm obviously addressing the authoritarians, not /pol/ as a whole
/pol/ Harbour was in December 2014, this was the second time when moot let the SJWs take over (the first time was the deletion of /new/).
I don't think that some based pro-/pol/ mod survived that.
It is though
we need to strike /left/ back twice as hard.
i am russled desu
Some of us have lives and jobs faggot
It's a fag from kikechan lefty/pol/ falseflagging as a mod because they are trying to recruit more /pol/tards for their dying website. They do this several times a year.
butthurt leftist detected

why do you want your friends to burn anon?
Dammit, they should be keeping the good ones!
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Also one thing Hiro and company need to understand is not only are the /diy/ threads 100% legal but our local fire departments here in the states REALLY appreciate hazard reports because every time one of those junk heaps burns down with 50+ deaths the fire departments always get shit on for not preventing it since they have to by law and are funded to curb fire risks.
>popular young guy

lol microcosms
They are attacking our MEMES boys!
Nah I applied to be a Janitor a few times years back, never heard back at all.
>wanting buildings that have insulated wiring is authoritarianism.

Boy, my neurons are really going.
You can find the infrographics by looking up the faggot mod, which brings us to archived threads on /r9k/.
>he likes bad anime that is also long as sin
This thread will die soon and take your horrible opinions back to that shithole a.
They just ban anyone asking or complaining in IRC. They claim it's just one person who is upset, the rest are sockpuppet accounts.
More like classical retard lmao
no, that's not authoritarianism. but when the same people who make threads called "right wing safety squads" then complain about mods being authoritarian, that's pretty kek
>implying 4chan hasnt always had shitty mods
>implying we dont ignore them or make fun of them depending on the mood
>implying they dont hate their job while getting triggered all day

Youre a newfag, cripplechan is calling you. Now please go.
Hiro isnt doing shit, he doesn't know or understand anything

its moots cucked men still stuck here like boogers on a wall
Nice divide attempt kike.
The fact still stands that the post count doesn't correlate with any 4chan board. It is some faggot falseflagging on 8ch.
>it's raiding to report crimes
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The one from /tv/ definitely misses his foreskin.
> be commie
> want the government to control and regulate everything
> somehow not able to comply with basic fire prevention regulations like "hav a fire extinguisher" and "have proper insulated wires" and "the door shoud open to the outside"
that thread ended up being delete pol if Hillary wins and delete qa if Trump wins
>they were sure Hillary would win
Ok ESL newfag, you don't even know how to type out a board name.
Go back to your shitty dying Reddit wannabe chan.
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>Implying implications
Go divide and conquer somewhere else kike.
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Why would I crosslink that cesspool here bull prepper. Disgusting.
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>moot was the jew
Go back to /qa/ and circlejerk about shutting down /pol/, antifa faggot.
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I never said that the posts there and >>103467063 weren't from 8ch, I'm saying you can find the infographs by looking up the faggot mod on archived threads from /r9k/ earlier this year.
I hate that short length no appeal bullshit. I liked telling them to fuck off in the appeal and calling my ISP to change my IP.
I cannot read this?
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Do you guys also sometimes accidently shitpost on /po/ instead of /pol/?
Oh shit. Look at all that safety.
Is there a list I can look at to bask in all the safety?
>Adventurous, Ambitious
He's literally too lazy to look at the link in the infographic, it's probably a /qa/ faggot.
What?! is this right?!
Wasn't it 20?
no, I can generally contain my autism to specific boards
this but needs to be updated: >>103471291

up to yesterday yes, 17 total since the /diy/ started.

not yet.
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Someone explain to me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

Wow it's fucking nothing. Some random sperg posted the same email address on /r9k/ and 8ch. Fucking kill yourself. I wish I was a mod so I can fucking permaban you and the tell the partyvan you posted CP for the lulz.
so reporting unsafe dwellings in your community is somehow racist? wouldn't these so called marginalized groups want to live in a safe environment so what happened in Oakland isn't repeated?

what exactly isn't racist anymore. I feel like these POCs and Antifas just want me to die, I'm literally shaking over here. I just wanted to help and now my help is somehow racist? why is being white such a crime.
What a joke.
This is why we can't have nice things.

But seriously what kind of person would want to become a mod in the first place.
>I love 4chan but I also love enforcing rules XDD
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say goodbye to nigger hate threads too
Haha, get rekt lefty/pol/.

Your kike tricks don't work on us.
mass migration to 2×4/pol/
Literally nothing.

Some faggot posted this http://4archive.org/board/r9k/thread/28164041#p28170749 on /r9k/ and made those posts on kikechan's leftypol board. They claiming it was a mod with no evidence because they're trying to recruit more people to their dying website.
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we've tried, we keep coming back
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>t. leftypol
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That needs to happen more often. Roll threads are fucking cancer especially outside of /b/.
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Just check pic related. Kikes at 8ch are controlling one of our mods and /qa/ is helping.

We literally have an antifa faggot as a mod.

Ignore this faggot, check it out for yourself and decide. Somewhere there are also pictures of the mod, he's about as cringy looking as you would imagine.
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Look at the post numbers he made, you tard. No board on 4chan is that fucking slow not even /ck/ or /qa/. Those posts were made on kikechan.


Was some random shitty post that includes the same email made on /r9k/. How in the fuck does this prove that he was a mod on 4chan in anyway? Only a newfag could fall for this shitty bait because you niggers do these falseflag recruitment drives every few months like clockwork.
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no flag?
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>Look at the post numbers he made, you tard. No board on 4chan is that fucking slow not even /ck/ or /qa/. Those posts were made on kikechan.

No shit, which is literally what I said.

Congrats on your reading comprehension faggot. You managed to turn
>Kikes at 8ch are controlling our mods


>lol plz visit 8ch!!
I posted a thread
Time to get b&
Post some fucking proofs or get the fuck out. Those infographics are retarded and nonsensical. They're intentionally crafted to mislead someone into believing those posts were made on 4chan.
>19 years old for life
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Keep denying it faggot, we've found your home.
>lol is nonsensical! plz no believe
>It's intentionally crafted to mislead!!

what a sound logical sjw argument. claims to only be enforcing the rules while letting other rules be broken with the many /pol/ shitposts continue. ie: coffee, redpill me, prove me wrong
>one faggot on 4chan claims they a re Obama
>the same faggot crossposts to 8ch and claims they are Obama
>no proofs they are actually Obama

Guess I'm king nigger now.
Thread posts: 343
Thread images: 79

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