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/islam/ islam general

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Thread replies: 305
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This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world.


http://sunnah.com/ - The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
http://quran.com/ - Read and listen to Qur'an online.
http://www.inter-islam.org/Seerah/ - Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Allah loves everyone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyw13WuGpzU [Embed] [Open]
>What is Islam?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsmYQl3xy_Y [Embed] [Open]
>How to revert?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbmdE3oXlEQ [Embed] [Open]
>From Atheism to Islam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiRsyes_q8o [Embed] [Open]
>Christian to Islam
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHFgcRGIrH0 [Embed] [Open]

>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!
Islam is the cancer of our world and the reason Turkey is failing.
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Yet... I still want to ass fuck the sluts
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Nah. Islam is just another stupid skydaddy religion. Besides, id rather not worship a goatfucking religion that doesn't allow pork or alcohol
Those are top tier sluts.
Where I live the sluts are
A) transvestites
good thread
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Fuck off you disgusting roach.
David Wood has probably done more research on Islam than you.
Hey, OP. Got a serious question here:

Why do you muslims pretend to be monotheistic while you literally worship a space rock hidden in a carpet-clad cube?

What is the siginificance of this rock in islam and what do you call it?
Islam is just another garbage abrahamic religion no thanks. allah is a jew

Oh look, more threads to hide beside the communist ones.

Front page is gonna get slim these days, good.
Islam is an existential threat to western civilization and must be exterminated.
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Islamists are the reason why Turkey is Malaysia tier shithole.
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Circling the kaabah ≠ worshipping it
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This thread is now about Jesus.

Post the Son Of God.
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Jesus is a prophet of Islam.Stone yourself, filthy infidel.
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>stone yourself

no thanks, Muhammad
He's talking about the description of your Jesus not Islam's jesus
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>not posting the original

oh u were talking about the other guy nvm.. but he should still stone himself yeah
So lemme see: one of the five pillars of islam is hajj, traveling to mecca to circle the kaaba and the space rock inside. On top of that, you guys literally need to face this same object (the kaaba, respectively the rock inside it) whn praying.

And yet you claim that neither the kaaba nor the stone have any religious meaning for muslims, nor a status worthy of worship?

Either you're not muslim and know nothing about islam, or islam itself is the greatest combination of non sequiturs in existence.
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Islam + white people is a recipe for world domination
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There is only one savior.

Accept Christ as your Lord.
Same person.
I never claimed that it didn't have religious significance, I only say that it is not an object of worship. Worshipping anything other than god is the greatest sin in Islam and is punishable by death.
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>Islam, the only true religion in the world
Only in your dreams Memet
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Ok, but I asked you about the significance of the stone and it's origins. What is it's relation to god or muhhammad.

I know you may not be ready to face the existence of a blatant internal contradiction in your ideology, but traveling the world to circle a rock is most definitely a form of worship. Moreso, it's literal idolatry and actually means that every hajji ever is nothing more than a pagan.

Now you can prove the impeccability and perfection of your one true religion. Go ahead and just explain what I asked. From a muslim point of view, you have a potential convert asking questions about a religion which in your own words makes perfect sense. If you don't try to convert me, you'll be committing a sin. Think about jahannam; you don't want to spend eternity there, don't you?
>worship a space rock

I refuse to believe that nigger stone is even that cool.
fuck all you cucked religious retards. you fucks need a fucking senseless book to give you morality. these sluts in this picture are not sluts due to lack of religion you fucking niggers, they are just truly retarded.
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My favorite sluts are Muslim.
A white that converted to islam obviously doesn't have any capability of dominating anything.
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nun nbis domne
Islam is the truth desu, not memeing
Left Islam two years ago, havent put the rag back on since. Feels good my dude.
>Turkish women

Nah they're just as bad, in some cases worse.
It is believed that the kaabah was the first house of worship even before Adam, it was only until Abraham who raised it's foundations with the black stone which was sent from heaven, currently the one inside the kaabah is the only piece left that has survived through time.

Yes travelling the world to circle the kaabah is a form of worship, a worship to god not the kaabah. This is because he commanded the Muslims to do it , Al-Haj:29, Al-Baqara:125. It is not idolatry because it is not the object of worship but it is a command ordered by God and God knows best.
Remember Bulgaria, muslims unironically believe that a meteorite was sent from the heavens, just as Mohammed flew to heaven on a Pegassus. They believe that heaven is in the sky rather than something immaterial. Also, the world is carries through the celestial plane on the back of a bif whale.
Islam was predicted by ancient religions as another way To divide true belief.
Three is Magic number.
Induism use trinity god. Vishnou brahma n shiva.
Christianity, judaism and islam is your trinity.
You inherit from abrahamic religion.
How does it feels To be israel brother, Ismael ?
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Day of the stake soon, heretic.
btw, if anyone wants to talk to an ex-muslim for the horror stories, just ask.
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Desperta Ferro!
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>a turk roach
Get out, mudshit.
So why not draw Mohammed then?
It's not idolization, it's just representation of Prophet.
As Bulgarian said, it doesn't make any sense. Not to mention 90% of these little things don't even originate from Quran but from hadiths, some of whom were written centuries after the death of Mohammad.
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>apply bandage
why is islam so based?
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As per sharia, the drawing of prophets is haram because it is a way to block vices of associating partners with God.
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When I left Islam, I ate a prosciutto pizza, so fucking good.
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>this triggers the raghead
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Inshaallah brothers, we will conquer the filthy kuffar
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Look brothers, this is how the European thinks he will defend himself against us. By posting pictures of kuffar food.

He doesn't realise this is why he has already lost.
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well said brother. we will take europe not with guns and bombs but with our seeds alhamdulillah
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>roach wanting pork

every time
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and yet you live in the fucking country that is bombed weekly.. fucking roaches... only thing to survive a nuclear holocaust..
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You change opinion pretty fast, Ahmed.
No wonder people like you fall for the autism meme (aka islam).
thats not me

smelly dumb kafir scum
Merhaba meiner Müslümaner abilerim! Ben am obvıously İngiliz Müslüman convert! Not from West Asıa and I do not even know what the Mıddle East is! Fully whıte! Haha!

heil benim babam erdoğan inşallah

As the Brıtısh sayıng goes "How happy is one who says he is descendant of Muslim Ottomans and is British in modern-day society."
No one gives a shit if someone is a white convert. A convert/revert doesn't have a higher status and there is no rank given because of race.
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there is NOTHING wrong with having your own loli wife
ı am sımply statıng ı am a fully whıte İngiliz Müslüman convert ŞDDDDDDD ıt ıs de relıgıon of the future also pls do not cuss orospu ıs very bad for god-poınts amk

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>Roaches only food that anyone knows was stolen from the jews and greeks

Cant make this shit up.
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Honest question to Muslim bros. Why the hell do Muslims consistently vote Democrat? Most Muslims in the U.S. are middle class + so it's not like they're doing it for welfare. Aside from a tiny minority of Neocon Jews in the Republican party who have hardon for middle eastern wars, Muslims seem like the perfect Republican voters:

Why do they choose to team up with trannys, faggots, atheists, and other degenerates over their supposed "people of the book" friends
>saying that while posting a pictures 100% composed of rejects
enjoy your down syndrome kids
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you're what's wrong with country
>implying polygamy is bad
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Not mudslim but it's because democrats are leftists, that will ease the demands of establishing sharia states.
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Reminder to you mudshits.
Islam? On /pol/? Fat chance!
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Satanism is the only true religion, now fuck off
Are you saying /pol/ has a tiny world-view/is narrow minded?
First of all, voting as a part of any government system other than a islamic shura Majlis (used to elect a khalifa) is haram. And secondly people of the book are not Muslims friends they are kuffar.
Literally give a single reason to justify that shit other than some edge lord "fuck women" shit.
>cağ kebabı
>jews or greeks
it's from fucking Caucasus you dunce, at least call it Armenian to piss us off.
i wonder why do you keep these pictures
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Great LARP, my friend.
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>He doesnt realize that it is a pontic greek invention
"""""""""Turkish""""""""" yoghurt, am I right?

Are you just LARPing as a Muslim?

The Quran itself says "you will find the best of people to say 'we are christian' " and goes on to say jews will fight them at every turn.
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>pig isn't male
done wrong
Tell stories desu
where is feature length version?
Im very sorry if i offended any pigs reading this thread. I know youre more intelligent animals than mudslimes.
It's funny how most guys who call girls sluts are the ones who those sluts do not want to have sex with. Muslims are frustrated cause they don't get laid enough.
Gods not real
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kill yourself
Where's the picture where it shows him raping a small boy and then beating his wife because she said hello to the male mailman?
mama mia
I was raised in a Salafi family (saying the word Wahhabism is a big trigger for them btw, so use that term), so I have a lot to tell, what do you want to know specifically?
>voting as a part of any government system other than a islamic shura Majlis (used to elect a khalifa) is haram
Not true at all.
Wrong, it says that about the Christians that converted to Islam, also see:
Al-Maaidah:51 and 73
To name a few...
where's the link in your OP to destructive device production out of commonplace household items, the integral part of your shit cult?

at least put up a rape and pederasty etiquette for christ's sake

Ben seni sikteem bajana sikeem

t. hairy armenian

j/k <3
No it doesn't mean it about Christians who converted at all, because those are just Christians. Stop making shit up.
male/female?+related story
Female, I was born in the very south of Iraq (Basra), my family left because based Sadam was cracking down on religious fanatics. I've lived in the US since I was two, trying to get citizenship currently, and am slowly losing my grasp of the arabic language, luckily.

My parents are pretty nuts, my mom especially. My mom actually threatened to kill me recently, as a result of my not coming back to Islam. So there's that.
>[parent] threatened to kill me for not coming back to Islam.
well that I knew already, you said you were salafi.
gross tits
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Islam only exists as a way to supervivence, ex:

"Chickens have several advantages over pigs. First, they are a more efficient source of protein than pigs; chickens require 3,500 litres of water to produce one kilo of meat, pigs require 6,000"

Sorry, but it does if you read the verse after it is an indication of those that converted.

Check tafseer al-imam al-baghawi of this verse and also Sheikh's Al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah commentary on this verse.
I would have voted for republicans I think but you have to keep in mind, that republicans see muslims as their enemies. That makes it hard for us you know
How does dressing your women up like ET make them conservative?
mudslims are everyone's enemy.
I mean, it's pretty much 50/50 whether a Salafi ends up a murderer of some sort. My half-brother still talks to them (he is secretly an athiest also), and my mom wont even say my name when referring to me.

They didnt force me to wear a niqab growing up, but I wasnt allowed to leave the house unless my parents were with me. Needless to say, I snuck out a lot, and they would beat me if I was caught.
>Rage comic
All anyone needs to know about islam is everyone who isn’t a muslim hates muslims and doesn’t want them in their country. Anyone who is a muslim hates anyone who isn’t and wants them dead, their crazy book (koran) demands it, for it is the word of god himself (or so they believe) and anyone who does not obey is not a muslim.

There is no moderate islam like the liberal western media like to portray, there is just islam, and islam is hatred and demands the death of non-believers, it even spells out the ways they should be killed, so says god himself. This is why whenever there is a terrorist attack in a western country there is a stone cold silence from muslims living there, because in reality they support for the terrorists but try to hide it. Every muslim I have ever met has that arrogant air of superiority, he thinks he is one of the chosen ones and everyone else is dirty kaffur. They think they hide their disdain for non-believers but it’s blatantly obvious. Islam does not belong in the west. It needs to be contained or eradicated.
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i would like to say that things to me when you sitting on my face and farting
Medina is where he is supposedly buried, not Mecca. What a bad muslim you must be.
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Some non-exhaustive verses
Al-Maaidah:48, 44, 45, 47
Al-Nisaa:65, 105, 140
You could literally just google that one, my dude. His tomb is kept behind a screen in a mosque in Medina. I've been to it.
are all those islamic sects basically the same religion but with different laws ?
Oi what's the source on this masterpiece ?
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>there are over a billion people in the world who live by the rules a genocidal pedophile goatfucker from the desert set 1400 years ago
David wood is a sociopathic egomaniac
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Gee , look at the time !!!!
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Stay mad roach
Why are you quoting the verses as a response? I already know what they say.
Interpretations and commentary are just that, nothing that matters, just opinions. Ergo, they don't matter.
If Islam is so great why all Muslims nations are shitholes?
The UK isn't a shithole, how dare you
than what are sunni and shii fighting over, except some 1000 year old family issue ?
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Sage goes in the options field folks
Nope, they are not opinions. If you actually read it you would see that he uses context to describe this verse as I said before. Also do you even know who ibn-Taymiyyah is and significance of his title: Sheikh of Islam.
>starting off thread with a picture of half naked girls
Muslims shouldn't use such tactics for attention. Please keep those things separated, you might inspire someone to fap instead.
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I don't quite understand Westerners who manage to be mad at Islam and at the same time want submissive qt wife material.

I'm a Russian and I live in a region that was historically populated by muslims (muslims in central Russia are actually civilized and quite decent people by the way, just like Ahmeds in those retarded liberal cartoons) and I can't help but to admit that if I ever going to have a wife and have a traditional family, the muslim girl is basically my best bet because their religion and their patriarchal and family-oriented social system actually manages to keep some of the girls in check. Sure there is plenty of muslim/native whores around but there is also somewhat considerate amount of cute, traditional and submissive girls, and the absolute majority of them are muslim/non-Russian. To be fair, jusging from the stuff you guys post here, Russian girls are not as whorish as their western counterparts but still most of them lack that basic femininity that makes a women gf/wife material. And that's really sad.

In conclusion, I personally come to agreement with an idea that western (including Russian) men have this simple choice: either they will demolish concept of women's rights themselves or they'll see it demolished by foreign muslim hordes (in Europe case) or expanding native population (in Russia's case, which might actually not be as bad as Europe's because we managed to live peacefully with one another for centuries without interfering too much into each others culture).

Just my two cents.
I just said it is in the Quran and that Quranic context was used to explain the verse...
Oh, and some of them *literally* look like the girl on the image in my previous post.

Are the Torah/Gospel God's word?
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t. taqiyya practitioner
Too bad you can't report threads like these anymore without getting banned.
>they would beat me if I was caught.
>Falling for the "benign to kuffars" peaceful muslim-meme.
Just gtfo.
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As a matter of fact we were the ones who invaded their lands (and yours, kek) back in the day. And once we managed to establish a government here, local population didn't give Moscow too much problems over the course of centuries (again, just like Finland).

Come to think of it, there are many similarities between native muslim nations and Finns in terms of how Moscow didn't interfere in their local affairs and traditions while keeping the control over the lands.
Allah and "Christian" god is same according to muslims. So basically every abrahamic religion is jewish
>falling for the taqiya spam
No you gtfo
I come here to discuss a grave issue that is going to kill our civilization in the next 100 years if left unaddressed and you fuckers label me as a "spam" and refuse to acknowledge the problem. You know what? Maybe some of you gayropean fuckers completely deserve to have your country, your culture and your identity destroyed by the unwashed hordes from the middle east.

FN Herstal is ok tho, hopefully it gets evacuated into Russia/EE during the last weeks of Western Europe.
what did mohammed mean when he said "be harsh against nonbelievers and merciful amongst yourselves"
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That reply wasn't for you. Islam is undoubtedly the truth.
There is only one God but this fact doesn't make Islam or Christianity a Jewish religion you dumb Turk.

That is my roman o the east. Now change that moon in a fucking eagle and we will be back in business.
Oh, sorry then, I'm not really familiar with all those tricky arabic words.
islam sucks
Kekd & checkd
Religion? Rather a cult of fanatics.
So they can play the race card. Muslim immigrants are shit tier muslims. If they dont like the western society or want sheria law they should fuck off to their country where they can do it. Dont get me wrong i am muslim and not a western fan boy but it's your fault for letting them chimp out with your Sjw culture. Get all the immigrants and isis supporters then exterminate them thb
Everything you snakes do is for the Quran and spreading its disease.
Oh and autonomic states aren't "interference free". Stop rewriting history.
Stop raping Belgium Ahmed.

Still a classic damning indictment of the state of Islamic 'civilisation' in the world today.
God-tier cucina italiana.
Thanks Giovanni, now I'm hungry.
Pretty shameful state of humanity isn't it? Made worse that they are breeding too much as well - going to be such a drag on potential and progress of humanity.
But you are also bumping and replying, so i'll report you, but by posting this i'll be reported as well, oh man
>Everything you snakes do is for the Quran and spreading its disease.
I'm Russian you reatrd. The only place where I hear verses from Quaran is ISIS propaganda videos.

>Oh and autonomic states aren't "interference free"
Or course, otherwise there is no point in capturing the lands. But the fact that you're a) exist; b) talk in your own language; c) have your own country; d) have your own culture and traditions after a century of Russian occupation kinda proves my point, don't you think?
To you your beliefs and to me mine.
go murder some cartoonists, ahmed
Titles given by nobodies are just that. Titles.
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omg, i need to kill this guy, he makes fun of pbuh
It means a lot of you actually knew what it implies, this title was given to him by a large number of prolific Islamic scholars not a bunch of 'nobodys'...
Stop being silly, Jasper. There's a good reason why Muslims and the rest of humanity shouldn't make drawings of God and his prophets.
there isn't, so thank 666 for anonymous posting, I would be so dead in your muslim hellhole.
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>potential progress
There have been a notable decline for decades. The amount of geniuses/inventors doesn't seem to thin, but (((something))) holds back what their inventions could do to advance humanity as a whole.
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1) Kill anyone who insults Islam or Mohammad. (Koran.33;57-61).

2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).

3) Koran can't be doubted. (Koran.2;1).

4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).

5) Muslims must fight (jihad) infidels, even if they don't want to. (Koran 3.151/8,12/2;216).

6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).

7) Muslims cannot be friends with Infidels. (Koran.5;51).

8) We the Infidels are sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).

9) Infidels can be raped as sex slaves. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).

10) Infidels the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).

11) Muslims must terrorize us (Infidels). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).

12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).

13) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (Infidels). Koran.8;12/47;4).

14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (Infidels) (Koran.47;4).

15) Muslims are guaranteed heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).

16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).

17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).

18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).

19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).

20) Muslims must lie to us (Infidels) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
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you guys in deep shit
lol, fuck google
Maybe you should ask Allah for inner peace so you stop falling from edgyness into anxiousness like a dummy. He is the Most Forgiving.
Fuck isl*m and fuck br*wn people
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A religion of hatred and conquest that needs to be eradicated down to the last elder, woman and child.


>This honor-shame dynamic explains much of the Arab and Muslim hostility to Israel, as well as to the West. Israel, a state of free Jews (i.e., non-dhimmi infidels), living inside the historic Dar al-Islam (realm of submission), constitutes a living blasphemy; and Israel's ability to survive repeated Arab efforts to destroy it constitutes a permanent state of Arab shame before the entire global community.[13] This in turn makes triumphalist Muslim hostility to Israel a particularly severe case of a much broader hostility toward infidels and "moderate" Muslims.
I'm on my 5 th duvel, way beyond being even remotely capable of decapitating some infidel, don't worry, silly muslim guy.
Now, all of this only matters if the god of the Quran is otherwise not true.

Otherwise all you have cited is a list of the way things are or should be.

What you want to be looking for doctrinal contradictions that would otherwise fundamentally compromise the integrity of the religion.
We didn't have our own country before the Russian bolshevik revolution 1917, it was a Russian state that had some benefit for geopolitical location or because the Tsar for some reason liked place as it was, and unsurprisingly had several wars right after commie revolution because we wanted to be sovereign instead of slaves to communists. Both russian and swedish were official languages and native language was discouraged.
So, it's in no thanks to russia, you or CCCP that we have our culture, it's our own doing. Stop drinking vodka in and reading commie history books.
Finnish culture and language has existed over a millenia, we've gone through a lot than say, Irish culture and language which has essentially ceased to exist.
I also got this impression.
Half way through one of his lectures he pulls out his phone and starts recording himself and ranting about comments on his videos and how he is ready to meet all challengers and death threats.

Quite unhinged to be honest. He seems obsessed with the drama and conflict, and can start ranting about himself at any moment. There is something amiss here.
why is alcohol so expensive in your country ?
do you think it would be worthwhile to distill it yourself ?
fuck muhammad and fuck muslims
they are sitting on oil, duh
This desu
nah, we can get along fine
Abuse isnt a joke, famalam, my brother and I still have a fuck ton of scars.

As a white person who doesn't give a damn about keeping my childeren completely white. I can guarantee you that white men have more succes with mulat/black women than blacks and mudslimes with white women.

There's a difference between being friendly towards another and wanting to suck dick. The only reason why your women aren't completely sucking white dick is because you're chaining and hitting them as hard as you can.

>Hurr durr we will conquer your countries with our babies
>Mudslimes need to import their women from sharia law countries
>Mudslime women in our countries don't take your bullshit anymore
>Mudslime men get frustrated
>Physical violence
>You push your own women away even further
>"Nice to meet you, miss"
>Flash gold
>Scarf in the streets, goddess in the sheets

Yes most of my ex's were brown, black and the majority was muslim. And I fucking loved every single one of them.

>They cook
>They clean
>Nasty as hell in bed
>Have respect for other religions (yep, the VAST majority would even get married in a church; they don't care as long as it's for god)

You silly fucks; their women are fine in general. We need to kick out mudslime men and fuck their women as much as possible. If muhammed the dad acts physical violence on his daughter; spam call the police up until a point where he goes to jail if they catch him once more. He'll back down; his western lifestyle is too precious.
hillary ? you fucked up
ok, opportunists,making it a little less a joke, opportunists, you fucked up
>You silly fucks; their women are fine in general
It's alright to have shit taste, I won't judge you as long as you don't impose them.
Learn to speak english, take your tongue out of your nephew's mouth.
taxation on alcohol here is high because muh health

You don't know what's boiling over here; even in this super cucked country. When this part of the world lashes out the entire world will burn. The shit's that going down in the middle-east is nothing compared to what's coming.
communism = true finns
fucking get out of middle east, stupid american, with your hegemonistic world view, poisining every single idiot euorpeajn joke of a politican.

I'm actually quite conservative; not racist. Thanks for the comment.


I'm not imposing anything. Sorry let me rephrase: to me most muslim women I've met and fucked were decent people.

And now reopen Calais; fucking apes are running rampant here since a few weeks.
basically, I run the fucking army, so who cares, ami I world hegemon ???
someone else might have fucking army, how you are going to deal with him ?
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