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Lets troll the church of Sweden

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 128

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So, just in time for Christmas the church of Sweden has started an internet petition calling for the overturn of the recent immigration laws. These were promulgated after our social systems almost collapsed as a direct cause of the mass inflow of migrants last fall.

So, let's troll the hell out of these fuckers by signing the petition in the most offensive ways possible.

You can sign here: http://www.juluppropet.se/

If you don't get the Swedish, just use google translate.

Kek wills it!
Why Pepe Kang is ugly, when irl Kang is quite handsome?
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Simple but effective. Thoughts?
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Holy fuck. Bump. This thread cannot just slide under the radar.

Go to the signature page. This shit is comedy gold.

Yes, Sweden is boiling. The left is basically dead and gone, apart from large chunks of the virtue-signalling middle class. Shit is getting serious fast.
let the heretics burn
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>mostly female names
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Maybe some of you guys that are big on twitter can make this a thing there? You could rustle some serious jimmies...
Really hate the Swedish Church. They are the most cucked pro-rapefugees organisation in Sweden.
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Too cryptic?
Wait, overturn? Does that mean get rid of the laws? If so, I don't know if that's good or bad. I would probably be able to tell if I wasn't half awake right now.
Nobody will read the names and you're giving them a higher number to take to the press at the end of it all.

Shit idea.
No they want to overturn the previous laws to make it easier for rapefugees to nig around.
Sweden is already fucked no matter what.
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Took me a minute. I thought you were from /sp/ because Abdul Razak is a footballer.
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Wake up, Nordic man. Semitic religion is not your friend.
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No, because they can't count the obviously fake names. Sweden might be fucked up, but it isn't Somalia.
Fun fact: SÄPO is often behind these lists and conduct nonstop raids and probes into jihadis.

They are basically the swedish STASI
even swedish humor is cucked

Not if you muddy the waters enough.

If there are lots that are fake "RAPEYMCRAPIST" and some that are potentially fake "Muhammad Atta" then it makes things a good deal more difficult when handing over to the government.
skrev under

fuck, someone put Felix Kjellberg there, I missed opportunity

That's just going to help them
Har du navnlisten?
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Well, none of the troll-signatures so far have been ambiguous at all.

But by all means, link some Countercurrents or TRS as well to make it less so. ;)

It would be a real shame if someone used the name list to stalk down and brutally murder these traitors.
They'll probably never hand it over just say, hurr we got these many numbers you undemocratic nazis.
Du skriver under här: http://www.juluppropet.se/

Och hittar underskrifterna här: http://www.juluppropet.se/namnunderskrifter/?o=111

Kul med någon från grannlandet! ;)
He really isn't though

>inb4 someone posting Magrethe/Henrik
Firework salesman Mohammad Jihada reporting in
This, remember when /pol/ botted the UK petition's site asking for a second referendum with thousands of NK and Vatican signatures?
Ah, alright. Gotcha. Thanks for correcting me on my idiocy.
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Got your back, Swedistan.
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Well I've done my part
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i like it
/Pol/ her me out:

Swedes are cucks, they lobby our countries for immigration, constantly act smug and treat non cucks as backwards savages.

We NEED to let them burn for their sins, Sweden has to become a failed state thanks to multiculturalism so we can redpill the rest of the world about the dangers of multiculturalism.

It was Sweden who started this shit, it is Sweden who finances all kinds of leftie and multicultural Institutions around the world.

LET THEM BURN to set an example for our countries, people will never be redpilled unless it's with blood.
Sweden must bleed so we can redpill and save our countries.
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yeah.... makes me go hmmmm
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>HVAC engineer
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Also, Sweden didnt actually start anything. Germany and the EU did. The Swedish government is just trying to kiss EU ass and appear like good moral people, with no thought of the citizens and taxpayers.
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I ran out of witty names
Sign at least 10 times to do your duty to your country, swedecucks.
Really makes u think
I don't want a bunch of Swedes moving here. Sweden must be saved.
malmo is supposed to have dots on it you twit
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>available in arabic
and now it backfires and they ignore the fake names
Accelerating the inevitable is also an option sven
Did I do good?
What are you going to do about it Yank?
Shock and Awe me?
We won't have to worry about this stuff for much longer though. After next years church election we (SD) will get loads of more seats; probably majorities in a lot of parishes. In one or two more elections after that, the church will probably be governed entirely by conservative groups.
Sorry, meant to reply to
Post using some sexoffender names and their crime as your job
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I really dont have a good feeling about signing the petition, fake name or not. We all know that the media will only push out the total number of signatures. we are doing these guys a huge favour.

Also fellow Swedebros, I hope that you have all left Svenska Kyrkan?
If not: https://digitaliseringsinitiativet.se/ga-ur-svenska-kyrkan?gclid=CPSAjunY89ACFcjgGAod7nsHKA

Im saving over 5000kr a year since i left, and im not supporting radical islam anymore.
Here is 361 sexoffenders
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good thread
Did one more just for the lulz
>im not supporting radical islam anymore.
hey now let's not be too hasty!
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Done my part guys
90% of the no /pol/ people on the list seems to be teacher and social workers
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OK not as much

also good one pic related
Does anyone know enough about computers to spam this form?

It seems like leaving it with unlimited posts is quite the vulnerability.
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Ohne Titel.png
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What you mean is you're basically handing it over to radical islam. They are voting in leftists in positions that are cutting it up and donating land to build mosques. Leftist activists who doesn't give a damn about the church or the country. The church is one of the wealthiest organizations and biggest land-owner in the country. It's because of un-informed people like you this is allowed to go on. Go back in and vote next year.
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Option 1: a few laughs
Option 2: hurt their cause
Option 3: You're right and we speed up the process to rebellion

Take your pick. It's all good news.
>Hadschi Halef Omar Dschebel Schammar Sheik

also how many damn pensioners and priests are there in sweden anyway?
if you post this on /b/ more shitheads will do this
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never thought about it like that.
But i still dont feel that me being a paying member of the church while not supporting one single action it has taken i the latest 100 years is a good solution either.

There must be more efficient ways to revert the islamization.

but you do have a point.
How does the Swedish Lutheran church work? Do you have to pay a church tax or something if you are a member?
very subtle
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Can't fucking help myself
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you pay an annual tax calculated from your income.
You´re born in to it and have to leave it manually.

How to see the list of subscribers?

Ur welcume
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many good ones

They're not gonna read they names, you're just helping them get the numbers they need.

Way to suck Jewish cock /pol/
sign it, go to the last page and you'll probably see yours there (or the second to last one)
Just like it does here.
Why don't you faggots troll muslims instead of christians?

Pretty much same than here then. Although I didn't born into it since my parents left the church in the 60's. The tax is around 1% of your income.
It's a war. There are no good solutions.

here's your signatures public btw
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I am quite shocked by the amount of cucks who subscribe unironically
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The Church of Sweden is cucked
Ride the tiger motherfuckers
this is the type of church who does not actually believe in god

Thanks, I just found it myself, your word for subscription is pretty similiar to ours, the cuck design of the website just confused me


Did I do well? >>102866519
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Also i dont thinl there's a character limit

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True, he's not as good-looking as his illustrious ancestor, but not really bad looking.

Thats not quite true, you started it in the 70's without good reason.

Do you realize how many times Germans mention Sweden as example and want to become like you?
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How'd I do?

Why is the site doing that, anyone know? With all the weird characters over it
They fake sign in other peoples names and fake names for sure. I've tried looking serveral people up in the cities that they declared but they didn't exsist
You can use red pilling Youtube links as names etc
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can confirm, no limits, buddy
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That's actually a threat, and you can go to prison for that kind of talk, like Krekar did.
Just so you don't say anything like that where somebodty actaully cares.
>Muhamed Svensonson Nice Truck driver
Did my part
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>magnus söderman

its not a threat. Learn syntax.
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fucking kek
I've seen this picture before, and I'm still not 100% sure it is a fake.
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While there is truth to this, we started out small scale and it was mostly labor immigration.
no one realized the dangers involved.
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>check up random names from this list
>find this
>"research scientist"



Cathrin Wasshede
Cathrin Wasshede PhD in sociology and works at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the University of Gothenburg.

>Her thesis Passionate Politics: If resistance to heteronormative gender is about how young political activists in the extra-parliamentary Left in Gothenburg resisting the dominant norms of gender and sexuality. Questions asked are: What do they resist? What are the options out? What strategies do they have? And - what happens when ideals can not be converted to practice in any simple way? Cathrin Wasshede shows that opposition always takes place within the current schemes and new schemes emerging in resistance cultures. The passionate activists engaged in politics means that the borders shifted and new opportunities emerge.


reminder that education and higher education is a complete joke
Job security
It's an implied threat/encouraging violence, which is good enough for our court system.
-They put Mohammedans in prison for the same sort of implication, just so you know.
its a proffessional grade fake my good neighbour.
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pol in a nutshell.jpg
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Fuck yes I love this shit.
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>Cathrin Wasshedes specific teaching and supervisory skills within the fields of feminist theory, queer theory, resistance and postcolonial theory, but she also teaches courses such as estrangement, alienation and modernity, social psychology and the Teacher Education Program.
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It's always us fucking up...

Gave me a good laugh though.
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>post yfw no one is even slightly surprised.
I thought a lot of it had to do with Jews moving to Sweden post-war and taking over the newspapers to shape public opinion.
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Teachers, Priests, musicians, Librarians, Advisors, psychiatrists, Nurses, Pensioners, Bankers, Principal, someone put "human" as work, artist, Administrative Officers, Actors

These seem to be the most common professions. Very useful list.

Same here but you didnt even got Holohoax guilt nor slavery guilt and still you did it the first.

Its not a cuck contest but this insane push in Germany for self destruction just accelerated in the last 3 years out of nowhere, almost like Merkel gets orders from a (((Certain))) people.


How is he encouraging violence? He said it would be a shame. He is warning of possible violence.
Weapons-grade fake, I think you mean to say.
It's just so.... Him.
how can i do this?
how can i firm multiple times?

I even saw a Professor for Migration from Stockholm signing it
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it is very possible, beyond my knowledge.
>How is he encouraging violence? He said it would be a shame. He is warning of possible violence.

You're not an idiot. Neither are our judges. People go to prison for this sort of thing.
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i havent laughed this hard in ages
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Thanks. I wanted to make sure it wasn't skipped over, so I decided to give it a whole page.

The state attorney had to prove that this was meant ironically and even if it was it he still did not encourage anybody.

And this is impossible. In dubio pro reo
http://www.juluppropet.se/ go onto here and sign then go onto here http://www.juluppropet.se/namnunderskrifter/?o=146 to see your signature, you can sign as many times as you want
Mina svenska vänner, how can Finland save itself from your current state?
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Mike Pence.png
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is there a way to mess up with the previous signs?

kek, who of you did it?
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Pic related.
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lets just agree that we are both pretty fucked unless things start changing around here.. And i agree that you´re getting a lot of shit for Hitler, but so does every white person in Europe at the moment.

What chances does Merkel got in the upcomming election? Her re-elction would definitly be the nail in the coffin for Europe as we know it.
There is a character limit. It couldn't handle 20 000 swastikas...
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>Code Napoleon
Not in Norway, Fritz.
There's some bot signing normal names...

it's posting faster than us
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Okay my sides are offically 404d

Damn. Have you tried 19,999?
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Here is her friend on FB- Lars Gårdfeldt look it up hahaha im dying
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How is this even possible in [current year]?

How long until Ivan are going to influence the petition by
>dropping this table
>with no survivors
Stay strong, hold the borders, dont give the leftists one inch. and use Sweden and Germany as an example at all time.
Is there a bigger version of this pic desu?
>TINYBLOB, TINYTEXT L + 1 bytes, where L < 2^8 (255 Bytes)
>BLOB, TEXT L + 2 bytes, where L < 2^16 (64 Kibibytes)
>MEDIUMBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT L + 3 bytes, where L < 2^24 (16 Mebibytes)
>LONGBLOB, LONGTEXT L + 4 bytes, where L < 2^32 (4 Gibibytes)

They were most likely using the TEXT format with fuck all validation.

Too bad they weren't using LONGTEXT, or you could've given them 4 GB of swastikas.
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Gods work anon

Of course we are, that is why I want to accelerate the fire. Only violence can rescue us.

Well then we are pretty much dead. The only alternative to her is (((Martin Schulz))).

And her party is too cucked and consists of yes men they will never dethrone her


cant believe it
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poor normies.jpg
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cuck church raid 1.jpg
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Has anyone signed Barbara Spectre yet? Sign it with her name as "culture destroyer/nation wrecker" as profession.
Yeah he is a goofy bastard so it fits him so well. He'd prolly laff his ass of if he saw it.
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for newfags who don't know old friend barbara:

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cuck church raid 2.jpg
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>no 4GB of swastikas
Sweden can't handle this this level of freedom
How do you get to the list of names?

>Ben Garrison
>Zyklon B Dealer

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>inb4 they will bring this up in the news, saying right wing extremists are hacking the petition.
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cuck church raid 3.jpg
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So no AfD win in sight?
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>london bomber
>city planner

Why do Jews do this? Why do they want to destroy us? Why do they always promote race mixing?(serious question).
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> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Sweden#Radical_preachers_invited_to_Sweden
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-n9vaeBx6Y
Show them their current fate



They will gain for the first time seats in the Bundestag but they dont have a chance to be in the government because every cuck party would join together and build a coalition against them
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Someone try if you can embed HTML/CSS into the fields to XSS the guys checking it?
It's either some butthurt old lady or a script is bugged
Blood and iron
The Ruskies are at it again
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>Fucking Britt-Marie
sv-se facebook com/brittmarie.dahlen

oh shit
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Screenshot 2016-12-14 23.27.18.png
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Maybe this will hurt?
I come bearing gifts:

Also, here:

If the ascii art is too big, just make the image 100x100 in paint/gimp/ps before uploading it

what a disgusting whore
I Like it, hard to ignore. Well done!
What's wrong with pensioners in Sweden, a lot of pensioners here are redpilled and woke af
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signature list page is dying to load
>Ann Lickander, Web-dev
The first post is the one who made this petition so fucking shit, she character limit and the fact that you can spam sign by just refreshing.
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<script>console.log("wew lads");</script>

give that a spin and check the console for output.

report back plz
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Fucking top kek

Glad that the Commander finally got internet access in his prison cell, everything else would be grossly inhumane
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have they disabled occupation or something? only seeing names now
I did the remove kebab one. Where do you see the name list?
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Haven't laughed this hard in a while. Face hurts.

This guy managed to knock the other fields right off the page. Well done.
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page is crashing
That PS2 won't last him forever.
We done goofed and broke it.

Or they're desperately trying to SHUT IT DOWN
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top kek
Still works. We have over 9000 now
i did the deus vult one. I've never been so proud
>Western churches are trying to stay relevant by bending over to cultural relativism
Really sad desu

That was literally torture by the norwegian government, I even bet that they only gave him Tony Hawk or some shit. I thought those dark times were over, at least in Europe. :(
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nicely done
Fucking brutal
Well done.
yup, page is crashing now
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>Town Rapist

You missed a golden opportunity.
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May Sweden find redemption
that face looks like vladimir putin
As my ID says, please, have respect for god.
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Now i can say i participated in a raid
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Here you go. 70,000 signatures from the Swedish people. I think you'll find that everything is in order.
Next step write a script to load it up with tens of thousands of entries until it runs out of disk space.

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>mfw they have to print all of it because the old clergy can't into computers
Gotta start quoting Main Kampf, I guess.
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Kek. I got two Twitter account bans, while campaigning for Trump. Enjoy this moment. We would like you to enter the memekorps, 77th division.
none of my signatures are going through

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We just broke 10k guys
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Looks like I got quads
>i made a echo in my echo chamber
twittard is all but dead for normies its just a bunch of fake sjws and fake anti sjws like you now
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10000 names now
Have you markt "yes, i want to show my signature publicly"?
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The first four chapters of Mein Kampf by Adolfina Hitlerina.
keking hard
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Do you guys think they sanitize their input?
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>"We will hand over all the names to the government in February 2017"

who's that cuck holding trump?
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I'm just posting the entirety of movie scripts x 4
Some people were geniunely scared with the "Draft our Daughters" thing. I think we actually turned some votes for Trump. Or at least not for Hillary.
>wow we made it to 10,000
>lets take this to the government
>don't you want to check the signatures?
>have a little faith will you?
How do you see the names signed up?
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Thanks for your cooperation polski, we owe you one.
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Did someone just post the whole fucking script of a batman movie ?
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Sweden yes
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>God king emperor of Sweden
I can't get the page up!
Newfag: https://youtu.be/-Li998pZxwU
This meme was five years old on Monday
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my sides
this is literally why governments wanted to know how we did our leeth4x
You´re a big guy.
fucking kek'd
Please someone document this
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> http://www.juluppropet.se/namnunderskrifter/
emperor of what?
cant you read swedish?
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meny then underskrifter
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>The Empire Of Swedistan?
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>tfw no suomi
>not to mention farsi, urdu, somali, kurdish...

Thinking the same thing.
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too soon.jpg
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Make a new thread when the time comes goys.
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>Raheem childlover
>Nursery Teacher

>Schlomo Bergblattestein

>Akbar Svensson
>Professional rapist
> LotR Screenplay
top kek

No characterlimit?
Those cucks are begging for it
Reminder for any Swedes:
Could have gone with lamp shade.
>Jacob Rothschild
>Get out of the church
>into the mosque
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so many fucking scripts
Does Jew Jew Abrams appear on the list? Keks assured.
everyone should sign as rapefugees with ficki ficki occupation or jews with asylentreprenör occupation
Fuck you guys!
I haven't watched "Reservoir Dogs" yet, but this fucking petition spoiled me
>MR. ORANGE I'm a cop.
I cannot believe this shit
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jew jew.jpg
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Isn't it illegal to publish full versions of copyrighted books?
Someone should inform the authorities.
This is why we need the TTIP and TPP so that we can establish a penal structure for unintentional copyright violations.

I'm the one who posted the Reservoir Dogs Script

I'm not sure if the entirety of War and Peace actually showed up though
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It was discussed earlier in the thread, perhaps leaving isnt the best way. even though i have done it. Staying and changing it might be better.

Hey, might as well join ISIS then to transform them into something better.
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Annudash Hoah.png
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Nice job team
>not joined ISIS yet
>ummm racist much?
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I love you sweden.
this is fucking disgusting. I hate that the spics around here speak spanish but fuck atleast its a god damn European language
god bless you OP. thanks for the keks, im off to bed

Fucking hell my sides
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they speak shit spanish
Bump for amazing thread.
What is this?
Leaving church
You have to check the square or it won't be published.
Toading In epic pond
A little source for than Iranbro?

>>102872271 →NEW THREAD

>>102872271 →NEW THREAD

>>102872271 →NEW THREAD

>>102872271 →NEW THREAD

>>102872271 →NEW THREAD
I remember cumming just as he fires the shotgun in the girls bum. Feels bad man.
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Almost forgot that, thanks hans
>Unironically calling for TTP and TTIP to deal with copyright related criminal issues

Get the fuck out of my board you mongoloid
Signed it as "Ahmed-Cum Taste-Gud", and his profession is "Cuckold".
>mostly female names

I always wanted a swedish wife, why they are so coalburnish
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this is mine
Thread posts: 314
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