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99-million Year Old Preserved Dino Tail Discovered

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 78


Dinos had feathers. What does this imply?
I think it confirms feather theory, but I think some dinos had scales
It means that creationists have once again been thoroughly BTFO!
Do frogs have feathers?
what will John Hammond do with this?

Everyone knows DINOMANS had FEATHERS
you idiot
they were birds all along
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How do we know it's terrestrial?
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We've known that therapod dinosaurs have had feathers for a while now.
>99 million years...

Pft.. Hahahahahaha
Can we Jurassic park now?
B-but steel is heavier than feathers.
We've known dinos had feathers for years now. This isn't news.
prove it wasn't just some bird
What will jurassic park do now that its a lie?
ok, sure. next these 'scientists' will try to tell us that Jesus had feathers
>One of the most important discoveries this year.
>Here's a 23 KB picture of it.
looks fire bro


the earth is only 6 thousand years old tho wtf?

it has been suspected, based on fossil imprints

but preservation of biomass in amber is more compelling
>Found in Burma by a Chink and examined in a Chink unversity

Yeah sure.
Old news


ITT: niggers
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Make terror birds or simply deny it as it isn't scary enough
This is great news. We knew it but it's nice to see it before our eyes. This means many dinosaurs were not only colorful, but cute.
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Because it's on land?
How many hundred more threads are you guys going to need to uncover something?
wtf I'm an atheist now
I think you have this confused for a pizzagate thread
Feather 'theory' has been confirmed for many years.

The importance of this find has to do with the preserved structure of the feathers and how they adhere to the skin. Basically there have been two opposed theories on how feathers evolved, or rather the order in which the aspects of modern feathers evolved. Did they first appear as spines, and then fluff out and become colored later, or did they first appear as colorful cluff, and develop rigidity later? Does their use in display predate their use in flight or vice versa? Evidence from this specimen supports the former.
So what it means in the absolute simplest terms is that dinosaurs were likely very colorful.

Feathered dinosuars are nothing new....
That they were more avian than we thought. So, raptors were probably more like ground hawks than Jurassic Park. They were also a lot more fabulous which is probably why God ovened them all with a giant astroid.

That it was a small, late Jurassic dinosaur. Might have lived in a cooler climate.

Not all dinosaurs had feathers, just the late Jurassic and cretaceous ones.

Reminder that Dinosaurs are not Birds or Reptiles. They are an ancient ancestor of both.
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Those look less like feathers and more like hair.
Yeah right...

You must be from the berenstain, mirror mirror on the wall timeline too.

They've know Raptors had feathers since 1995.
*Adam is 6000 years old.
The same year Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro died? How stupid do you think we are?

I'm an aspie but i'm pretty sure Aussie was being sarcastic.
Anybody with half a brain can see that birds and dinosaurs are the same fucking things
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its a primitive feather. so its gunna look and behave differently, to me it looks like hairy hair.
I don't think I can take t-rexes seriously anymore.
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I always imagined he had a big dick.. I use to draw it
... does this mean he had a cloaca the whole time?
I'm fucking depressed now no more trexdick
It was long ago known that dinos had feathers/hair. If i remember correctly the whole image of naked tough crocodil skin dinos came around because of Jurassic Park, they wanted to make them look more scary.
Just cling to the hope that someone will discover a perfectly preserved trex dick.

Maybe if you look hard enough you will find it and can play with it before selling it for millions.
This is totally not made up. This is totally a T-Rex anal hair.
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So this basically confirms the "fluffy" model of feathered dinosaurs, right?
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>when you're eating a McChicken, you're eating t-rex's babies
Humanity wins again.
Well how else could he fly, dumass
Then where the fuck do beaks come from?
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Do you not know what down is?
It was found on Earth

Aliencucks BTFO
reptiles were around before dinosaurs

>Feathery T-Rex's

twice as spoopy
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I always thought it was silly when people drew these fuckers without any feathers.

Do you think they had feathers or were they bats?
>mirror mirror on the wall
What's the real line?
>Dinos had feathers. What does this imply?

They were giant chickens.
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Magic Mirror on the wall
Pteranodons and related actually didn't have feathers. They're not technically dinosaurs, they're better classified as airborne reptiles, and as such, there's no official proof that they had feathers
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Nigger, feathers and scales are damn similair. Look at a fucking turkey shit looks like a gross lizard

O shit a pterodactyl sighting!

We are greatest Evolution redpill Evar

Also check these
The only keratinized structures that amphibians have are toad warts I think.
You're the kind of faggot who doesn't believe in radioactive decay
Yeah, they do. Wtf kinda frogs you got in austrailia?
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Nigger youre on drugs
A lot of dinos had scales. Most of the members of the Theropoda group had feathers while Sauropoda were scalies.

Also, how big were these fuckin' trees oozin' out sap enough to swallow all these animals?
Yeah, fuck whatever that thing is.
With years of research on this, I think it confirms the jews theory.
That ant or whatever is such a faggot.
>breaking news trump appoints feather denier as secretary of Dinosaurs
its one or the other nigger its 2 different names for 1 place RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE

He cant keep getting away with this...

How do they know it's a tail of a dinosaur? What the fuck? This is like climate change, it's too soon to make such a consensus.
hearty kek
wtf i hate scientists now
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Goddammit /pol/, how am I supposed to take this film serious now??
Imagine three story chicken running at you
Nobody is answering the important questions about dinosaurs like if they had the ability to be gay or trans and if some of them had white privilege and enslaved some of the black dinosaurs further back in time thus causing the white female dinosaurs to crave the BBDC of the black ones in the future.
It was a baby
>dinos had feathers
>except the flying ones
>the flying ones weren't even dinos

Wow, the past really is opposite day
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Therapods had the same type of feathers than cassowary and emus. Long spikey ones that feels more like fur than feathers.
>find something old in amber

Literally how do they come to that conclusion? How do they know it's a tail and how do they know it's the tail of a dinosaur?

This is some Jewish faggotry going on.
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these fuckers were around before we were around, and they will be around a billion years after we're gone
You're about 20 years out of date.
What if it's one of the 6 gorillion and Hitler just preserved it in amber?

The meteor was a conspiracy by Dino-Kikes to cover up multiple genders in dinosaurs causing their extinction

Read a fucking book
>What does this imply?
It would imply nothing. Now go look up what "imply" logically means, and then kill yourself.
frogs are actually a species of dragon
Dinogenocide is real
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24 foot wingspan

>Dinos had feathers.

Dinos HAVE feathers, they haven't gone extinct. Birds are dinosaurs
How many dicks did dinos have?
looks uncannily like mammalian hair
Million of years ago, some of them decided to grew wings and bigger stingers and became wasps. Fucking ants and wasps.
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You should become a tripfag

I'd love to see more of your posts in the future
I believe it's time we begin making a distinction between the fleet-footed theropods(raptors, rex) and sauropods(tricerotops, brachiosaur). At this point, calling everything "dinosaur" makes about as much sense as lumping crocs into the same category as hippos. Feathers make sense for a raptor but would just be ridiculous on a stegosaur.
Contemplate what he did wrong over some chili and seabass.

We will do it as soon as (((scientists))) admit that there are different species inside "Humanity"
This triggers the australians. They fear large birds of prey
Jokes on you, wasps came first.
>begin making a distinction between the fleet-footed theropods(raptors, rex) and sauropods(tricerotops, brachiosaur)
You mean like calling them theropods and sauropods, distinctively?
>shows the flag of Taiwan

I wasn't sure about that. Thanks to clarify, US bro. So, wasps decided to lose their wings and develop their bitey jaws, because fuck you, that is why.
>Dinos had feathers
Dragons were actually griffons

Genetically clone them, and unleash their vicious wrath upon the Jews
Nothing is older than 200 years old. Nice try jews.

Its the flag of Burma you greasy fucking beaner scum
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Ant bites don't hurt because of the bite
No, I'm pretty sure is the flag of Taiwan
And I'm also pretty sure your country is named Myanmar
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>24 feet
Child's play.
Holy shit ants have hair
Ants were once human get scientists on this

I-I want to get my dick sucked by those dick sucking mandibles

theorizing is one thing, seeing imprints on fossils is another... having a preserved dinosaur tail with feathers on it in amber is an entirely new level of proof.

The next step is to see how well preserved the DNA is and see if we can sequence it and get it to replicate, for the eventuality of cloning our own dinosaur out of extinction like jurassic park.
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Beaner education, go back to muling drugs Pablito

Literally every western country still calls it Burma, due to the Military government

>that secret third eye
ants confirmed for Illuminati
Stupid Christian, we evolved from ants.
>t. faggot ant
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It means you'll be calling dinos birdos before the end of the century.

That's a trap
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Evolution isn't real but devolution is.
I'm still pretty sure that flag isn't Myanmar's
I want to pet
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The wall will not be built fast enough...


>he thinks this is devolution
If something like that happened it would be because the environment rapidly changed and if they didn't change with it they would go extinct. So it's still evolution. But dinosaur has never been so goddamn tasty.

it's only in the last 20 years that we've had any evidence of Dinosaurs having feathers.

When Jurassic Park was written, it was a theory (since the late 1960's) that Birds were direct descendents of Therapod Dinosaurs, but there was no proof. It was only starting in the 1990's AFTER the Jurassic Park movie was made that they discovered raptor bone fossils with quill nubs on them, indicating feathers.

So I mean, feathered dinosaurs is still a relatively new thing, only in the last 20 years. I mean fucking Jurassic Park was made based on the knowledge at the time which suggested scaly dinosaurs!
that's explains why chicken legs and breasts are god-tier.
They still exist in Australia.
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they may very well also have been used for warmth too but given that we now know dinosaurs had feathers they almost certainly were used for display purposes and with all the crazy ways modern birds use them as wells as things having things like combs and wattles, dinosaurs probably varied in the same species of different eras & regions more wildly what we could ever predict.
>dinos had feathers

Well someone's ten years late to the party.
Please leave abos alone
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Imagine You're being chased by a trex you jump off a waterfall land to safety swim out and look up at the trex stuck up top
He then leaps off and starts clapping his wings gliding safely down
Mayne, what does dis have to ta do with da booty? Crazy wypipo
literally flying death giraffes
>Quetzalcoatlus sp.

lool so funny two letters are just like those of a boards url loool what a coincidence
If dinosaurs had feathers, why couldn't they all fly?

Checkmate atheists.
There's actually a part in the Jurassic park book very much like this. Grant and the kids are trying to get to a dock on the central lake of the island to try to row a boat back part of the way, but the t-Rex is sleeping there and they sneak past it. While they're rowing the boat the trex wakes up and starts swimming after them and almost catches them, and they have to jump off a waterfall to escape
If Humans all have nipples, why can't they all lactate?

I sunk your Battleship creationists.
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This is nice and all but when did mammals evolve hair?
Did it appear in the cynodonts? Earlier? Could Permian synapsids have had hair-like structures? We don't know if they had scales either.
The only imprint we have of hair on mammals is from the Jurassic, but hair must have appeared earlier.

what about ur mum
Majority if not all reptiles to this date have no feathers so no dinosaurs did not have feathers.
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>What does this imply?
That dinosaurs are awesome and that we should be learning and investing more into science and natural history instead of dindus.

I want to know more about the glorious oceans before the chinks and japs destroy them completely.
Feathers aren't only for flying. Scientist theorize that they were initially to keep warm.
Penguins, ostriches, and emus all have feathers.
American Education at its finest.
>Dinos had feathers. What does this imply?

That science makes everything gay.
Then why don't fish have feathers if they were always in the cold water?
Other reptiles aren't descended from therapods. Didn't you read any dinosaur books when you were a little boi?
Well it certainly didn't skip on you.

I can't wait to the day when Satan decides to plant a fully grown dinosaur preserved in amber.
Pls stop. You're setting off my autism.
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Because they learned to fly to escape the cold water, duh.
i have feathers too
you guys are so fucking stupid

the jews planted this obviously jesus christ

evolution is fucking dumb.
oh wait im not american
>when you evolve wings to escape the prison of the sea but still need water to breathe
This implies that chickens are the coolest pets.

>free dinosaur eggs for breakfast every day
>implying the world is older than 6000 years
I know what you're saying, but in an autistic sense. science doesn't make shit. Its a system.

People just replace concepts like God or creation with evolution and science and it leads to all sorts of terrible pleb rationalizations. I don't understand how people do that.
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Those eyes piece my very soul
Bony fish could actually breathe both air and water when they first appeared because they had a primordial lung and gills.
Lobe-finned fish have further developed their primordial lung and gave rise to modern lobe-finned fish and all tetrapods (who lost their gills).
Most Ray-finned fish have internalized their primordial lung and transformed it into the air bladder they use for buoyancy. But some ray-finned fish like carp have kept their primordial lung in connection to their mouths and can breathe air when needed.
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Not an argument.
You know, you can still be a faggot Crosskike and deny evolution even if dinosaurs had feathers.
their both a kilogram
Don't most reptiles have cloaca?
Those storks make the spookiest sounds when they clatter their bills.
>we wuz dinos n shit

fucking birds

Under rated
Are humans the first form of intelligent life to appear on earth? The lack of evidence for plastic and glass debris before humans seems to indicate so.
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I bet they know when the very last shit it took was too
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Is that an insect in there too? This is pretty neat.
>he fell for the feathers meme

dinos are lizards with scales. giant birds would look ridiculous.
You're the kind of faggot that believes starting quantities are known not guessed, and who believes there's literally zero exchange of parent/child isotopes with the outside environment.

>protip: if there are DNA fragments in that or any other sample, then those dinosaurs did not live/die millions of years ago
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let me know when they find the other "tail"
They got a whole dinosaur.
I don't know why everything is a dinosaur if it's a bird.
The ant is overlooked so it must be something huge.
lmao smoothskin theorists



Almost certainly, we would see a layer of rock and sediment containing those 'modern' materials

Of course unless there was a race of dolphin people or something, however unlikely, that used an almost entirely biological form of technology
how will jebus ever recover
DNA is too delicate and won't last 99 million years even encased in amber
>falling for the thunder lizard jew meme
Yeah... It would be fucking awesome though...
>inb4 things go horribly wrong.
things going horribly wrong would be the best thing ever
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Come on, now, Guillermo.
The dinosaurs in jurrasic park were genetically modified to not have any feathers.

There your world view is restored.

But that's were you're wrong anon
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>chili and sea bass
>Chilean sea bass
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>not knowing the dankest /tv/ memes
We have fossil evidence of scales and feathers, sometimes even on the same creature. Hell, look at bird feet.
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>leave a clump of feathers in some amber
>scientists think its a dinosaur tail

You cant make this shit up
Play ARK survival then.

It's a survivor game, you get to tame almost all of the dinos, pet them, feed them, fly and kill with them, etc

>go back 65 million years
>get chased by giant fluffy chickens with teeth

Isn't it just Patagonian tooth fish anyway?
this foo hasnt seen JP
>those giant ass insects
>What does this imply?

It implies some dinosaurs had feathers. Whoopdee fucking doo.
WoW spoofed that by having the raptors be just smart enough to wear feathers as tribal clothing.
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>Dinos had feathers. What does this imply?
b-b-but muh cave paintings of humans living with dinosaurs

Also known as the Wolverine frog"

The hairy frog is also notable in possessing retractable "claws" (though unlike true claws, they are made of bone, not keratin), which it may project through the skin, apparently by intentionally breaking the bones of the toe.[1] In addition, the researchers found a small bony nodule nestled in the tissue just beyond the frog's fingertip. When sheathed, each claw is anchored to the nodule with tough strands of collagen, but, as Gerald Durrell[4] discovered firsthand, when the frog is grabbed or attacked, the frog breaks the nodule connection and forces its sharpened bones through the skin.
australians punching t-rexes when
these ugly ass fucks are what dinosaurs really looked like

man they were so much cooler when they were lizards

Bird branch separated before there were birds.
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It's only able to detect light and dark, it's a really simple eye

You should check out jumping spiders

they have the equivalent visual acuity of humans, but not the depth or field of view and they can't really look around, they have to move their entire body. Half of their cephalothorax is literally eye tubes.
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Just wait until they drill into it to get a specimen for testing.

If we're unlucky, the dinosaur in question was infected with a 99-million year old virus.
We've had 99 million years of other viruses evolving to push our shit in. I bet our immune systems could eat that unevolved virus for fuckin breakfast.
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How will one and only God ever recover?
And our bodies evolved to deal with these viruses along the way. Viruses were able to hide from our immune systems, but our immune system produces cytotoxic T cells which searches out the cells which contain only a fragment of the proteins made by the virus, and kills the cell.

Introduce a whole new strain that our bodies have never dealt with before, and it could end very, very badly.
i am wondering why someone would kill a dinosaur before throwing it in amber
Pterosaurs were never dinosaurs you dumbshit.
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Fuck your heretical timeline

Mirror Mirror master race
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Lalalalalalah can't hear you. Dinos have no feathers.
>might get to eat a mc dino burger in my life time
>its gonna taste like chicken
Holy shit that's cool as fuck
intelligence is a much larger spectrum than just human. Our interpretation of intelligence is biased to us. Elephants and dolphins are probably just as smart as we are, they just never got the lucky dice roll that primate traits offer. We could still be dumb shit stinking apes to them, hell most humans still are dumb shit stinking apes.
was getting caught in amber part of its plan?
why not 100?
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I'm sure there's some solid science behind it but I find it hard to believe they can actually tell exactly how old something like this is. It seems conceited to confidently say that it's 99 million years old.
so how can we keep finding these things when earth is only 4000 years old?
radio carbon dating probably put it at something like 98,600,000 years old so they rounded up to the nearest million
do you know the og source of this image? it is giving me intense nostalgia.
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raptors replace dogs when?
Read this post
They look cute as fuck too

you know the bible has dinosaurs in it right?

It means people will still never read the bible faggots BTFO!

Did I do good?

Does this mean there is DNA inside that?

Jurassic ants will be true on our lifetime
>mfw we eventually discover dinosaurs were nothing but big birds with teeth for chewing grass and weren't anywhere near as dangerous or imposing as we've always thought

Fuck you science
but then who was there to write the bible? the dinosaurs probably didn't know English at that time.
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dinosaur kills snake.webm
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>[creationists autistic screeching intensifies]
Fake news alert!!
There's an ant in the amber. Jesus those little fuckers don't die even in a fucking extinction level event.
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Just how fucking big was the tree that leaked out all that sap?
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Also the atmosphere had more CO2 (more food for trees) and less O2 (probably less wildfires to clean forests up)
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T. rex a cute!
a cute!

I get a little bit pissed off when I see old photos of trucks carrying trees that dwarf the truck, old timey people had no idea the beauty they were cutting down.
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I hope they don't. I don't want to delete my Pepe folders due to being scientifically inaccurate.
You only need to look at the Cassowary, special forces division of the Emu scum to realise that Dinosaurs had feathers.

Warm blooded
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wuz t-rex n shit
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>dinosaurs were fluffy
Atheists BTFO
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Why would dinos have feathers? Wouldn't big dinos oveheat?
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Perhaps the big ones didn't, or had just a thin layer of feathers like what happens with the seals.
Just look at the Cassowaries today.
Spooky as fuck.
They look like wet feathers
We already knew dinos had feathers. The really cool part about this, that amber MAY have preserved DNA in it.

You know what that means bitches.
fucking leaf geese
>question carbon-dating's accuracy; it is known in the scientific community to be flawed
>herp derp u don't believe in decay
you sound like you lack confidence in the thing you are defending.
Didn't they find out that this isn't possible?
I watched a duck try to do this to my great dane.
It was dead in like half a second. I ended up boiling the thing and letting my dog eat it.
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>Being this retarded
Go be amerishart elsewhere
Why do people on here assume that evolution = no God
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>this isn't possible
some birds have dicks, so maybe trex did have one, too.
>Dinos had feathers. What does this imply?

It means that the Reptilians also have feathers.

Noone assumes that they're just roleplaying and pretending to be retarded, joke's on you for getting aggravated
No. Some amateur scientist recently pioneered a technique to extract the DNA (if its there) from a solid bone. Since bones are a composite of collagen and minerals, she used an acid bath to wash away the minerals and leave the collagen. She actually found DNA, they just haven't been able to sequence it yet.

I'm trying to find it, I saw it on a PBS documentary. But if DNA can be preserved in that case, it's certainly possible in the case of amber.
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Dinos were around for 100's of millions of years its possible that early dinos had scales and later ones had feathers

they ARE dinosaurs.
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>fight a scientific concept militantly for centuries
>eventually BTFO by hard evidence

Cant we have a moment of peace to funpost roosters and fluffy dinosaurs you pathetic christcucks?
Interesting, lad.
How much would I have to pay to eat it?
Chickens are fucking mean ass motherfuckers

It all makes sense
Found it


This was pretty groundbreaking stuff because soft tissue is not supposed to survive that long, only 1 million years at best.

>Importantly, Schweitzer and her colleagues have figured out how to remove the iron from their samples, which enables them to analyze the original proteins. They've even found chemicals consistent with being DNA, though Schweitzer is quick to note that she hasn't proven they really are DNA.
>t. person who hasnt fought an angry rooster
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From the height of your 3ft it must have been a traumatizing experience
Oh god imagine the droppings
silly, Jurassic park didn't use real dinosaurs. They used dino dna mixed with contemporary creature's dna.
> Birds are old dinosaurs.
> remembers Duck penis.

jesus fucking christ.
Jurassic Park is still possible

They just haven't proven it's DNA yet but they found proteins in a 68 million year old T-Rex bone.
Most birds don't have dicks, lad
Thats like trying to play puzzle with a shredded binary code
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Imagin this fucker 40 foot tall
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