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Press F to pay respect
Fingers crossed
>Paying respect to the United Scum of America

The more you think about his policies the less sense they make.
We need an electoral college revolution America.
The world will be a worse place without the US in charge.
They have to do this character assassination because Donald getting rid of all the (((bankers))) and lobbyists in Washington

They are losing power everyday and are lashing out against him.

All they can say is that he's inexperienced


So was Regan and he was one of our greatest presidents.
We've weathered greater storms than Trump.
And if he fucks up really badly in the first term, he's probably not coming back.
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Are we making a comeback? Is it finally time for the true heroes of mankind to take back their thrones?
seeing it like that just puts into perspective how pathetic those empires were
No, most likely it'll be China.
>getting rid of all the bankers
>has former goldman sachs banker as chief strategist
>appoints numerous other wall street bankers most of whom worked for goldman sachs

I am just completely amazed by how fucking dumb my people are.
Trump's cabinet is full of bankers and lobbyistes
>They have to do this character assassination because Donald getting rid of all the (((bankers))) and lobbyists in Washington

goldman sachs shares have soared since trump was elected, got any proof for this? All I've seen is his IDEA to put a ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists for several years, which is a good start but nowhere near enough to drain the swamp.
>because Donald getting rid of all the (((bankers))) and lobbyists in Washington
POE or retardation? Have you completely forgotten the fact that Trump is one of those multinational rich corporate figures who are part of the banker and lobbyist collective? They guy is quite literally representative of the sort of people who have actually been running countries like Bugerstan for a long time.
/pol/tards are so fucking stupid.

t. retarded polfag

All of Trumps grandchildren are Jewish.
He has to keep a few on so that they don't riot and so he can control them

Pretty fucking simple
>Donald getting rid of all the (((bankers))) and lobbyists in Washington
the doubling down of logic and the eye of a needle that /pol/tards will go through, I swear
Literally just one
ok you're baiting
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>/pol/ actually believes this
Yeah, and we are going down with them
made me chuckle. Solid little troll.
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That can't be helped, personally I hope it leads to real change, would love to see pictured in Mexico City
Trump is a fucking retard and CIA needs to give him that heart attack causing substance.
Pence would be a much better prez since at least he's not a dumb senile, twitter shitposting cuck and understands America's role in the world.
>US power to collapse

Good! I want to go back to comfy isolationism. Fuck the neocohens.
you want to be invaded by the chinese?
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Looks like Huffington Post
Smells like Huffington Post
Could it be...
Huffington Post?
you dosnt love a bit of chinky
>comfy isolationism
that you havent had for like 200 years, america loves sticking its nose in others' business, and have profited greatly from doing so
You've had one too many mate
No you dumb faggot. Pre-ww1 was pretty good.
Fact: Ivankas biological father is a Jewish man who Trump insisted would father "his" children

Trump is a literal cuckold
Independent. Which is just as clickbaity
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Tapa ittes. HomoTrump on Putinin kätyri joka haluaa liittää Suomen Venäjään.
All that matters is that we win the economic war with China. And that must start with a complete overhaul of our automotive industry.
>getting rid of them by putting an ex goldman sacs fucker in his board
What if she is her secret lover instead of her daughter
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no nyt on aika villit voimafantasiat
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That would explain a lot.
Only the most fucked up people would feel so attracted to their biological daughter as Trump does.
good in what way?

>people who desperately want to see the end of the US at the hands of the globalist establishment complaining that Trump will erode US power
u wot m8
>thinking someone is smart for predicting that communism will fail
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Anglos are 100% ashkenazi jews
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väälatsyt an köen illit on jeinakkü voikin
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No, I want my country to choose it's friends wisely
Which would be?
Mexico has no friends tho
except Australia

Mexico is better than Trumps USA

A Mexican president never said Russia should annex Finland
Just take the subway to downtown or go to any mall's food place and you'll find plenty of chinks already
You're literally better off with the eternal anglo.

Just look at Hong Kong.
He literally reminds me of Brazilian politicians SO.
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>A Mexican president never said Russia should annex Finland
M-muh ebil Russia

Finland is Russian clay desu

Australia doesn't have enemies so that doesn't really count.
Mexican presidents have no business commenting on anything outside North America, and no one would give a shit if they did.
I will predict that I'll suck my dick someday
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I will predict I'll put at least a dozen ladders on our side of any wall Trump builds, and will actually work to convince other Mexicans to do the same.

good post
>Australia doesn't have enemies
we have NZ

If I was a Russian I would never get to invade finland. They are crazy, mate.
I can already suck my dick.

I really like this idea.
>[Helms Deep Intensifies}
They have a secret love affair with Germany.
>he named a oil jew for the environment office.

Literally banana republic.

There's a hate campaign against Finland in Russia right now. They make up bullshit like "Finnish NAZI kills 100 Russian babies" and Russians are so fucking stupid that they believe.
They are planning an invasion definitely and it has Trumps seal of approval on it.
Wasn't Reagan a governor of some state before he became POTUS?
>They are planning an invasion definitely
Why would they though?
Why? You're part of the EU. What would they have to gain?
might want to take a look at who he's putting in actually, because you're wrong
Reagan sucked ass. The fucker conjured up the "trickle down" meme that republicans keep trying to force when large corporations just pocket the damn money instead of paying their workers more or creating more jobs.

Because they ultimately want their cultural nemesis Sweden but Finland is inbetween.
Right now the cuckold Trump would never allow Russia to take Sweden but Finland he's willing to allow be invaded as a "good businessman".
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>He attracted controversy in 2000 when he predicted US global power would collapse by 2025.

>But under the Bush administration he revised his forecast for the collapse to 2020. Now, he says that reality that is materialising following election of the bombastic billionaire.


He's using Trump as an excuse for his forecast
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>Trump will never be my president
why live?
>Because they ultimately want their cultural nemesis Sweden but Finland is inbetween.

The last time they went to war was literally 200+ years ago. They don't give a shit about Sweden and only sort of give a shit about Finland.

Russia has much more important things to worry about.
Is it another Mexican warlock predicting this?
Thats how you create jobs dumbass by giving the job creators money so that they can hire more workers.


PLUS he's the one that started the war on drugs and brought down the soviet union.

I really don't understand how liberals can rationalize their hatred for a potus like that. The US wouldn't even be here if liberals were in charge in the 80s.
>let me tell you about your country and how they brainwash you because my media said so
Searching for logic in Russia's foreign policy is an exercise in futility
The Reagan hatred is justified in terms of his foreign policy (see Iran-Contra), but people always seem to forget that the US was in a period of serious stagflation. He's regarded well because he presided over a period of economic stabilization.
lmao, I love seeing how other shit non nations squirm in fear now that the US is out of the picture and won't die for them anymore
>t. world war 2 started in 1941, czechs are fashisty and finland started the winter war
Your irrelevant ass little country doesn't need to exist lmao
But everything Russia under Putin has done has been perfectly logical
Securing Russias only Warm water port in the Black Sea so that rebels don't occupy it.
Helping out a long-time ally of Russia in the region and preventing the spread of Islamism while opposing US foreign policy under Obama that has only created more chaos.
I was marginalizing him as a joke, but the only time trickle down worked was during or just around major wars as we mass produced arms and vehicles for the military.
Corporations have no need to increase the amount of workers, or to choose workers over automation. If it weren't for unions we'd all still be getting paid shit.

Ronald Reagan thought otherwise. He was a real American.
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What the fuck is this EU bot on about?
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Neat quads.

>olen vain tyhmä amis mutta kannatan Trumppia koska build wall on niin ebin xP
bork laser???
>america is fucked
>no country will take me as a refugee because I'm white
We'll take you, Poland will too.
Assuming we still exist at that point of course.

>more yanks in Prague

Good way to ruin a city
Start learning a new language now friendo and have a plan.
The USSR collapsed due to forces out of their control

Americans have chosen their own demise

That's a special kind of dumb
Where would you go? The EU isn't exactly stable rn

I want a white country pls
Move to alaska
What do we as individual Americans have to lose from not getting involved in world affairs? How does protecting Poland from Russia benefit me personally?
Because US isolationism worked so great the last time right
We're about preserving FREEDOM.

You're not important faggot. Your country has already promised eternal freedom to Eastern Europe.
>Stable budget, peace, and steady economic growth while Europeans killed each other across the sea
Sounds nice to me desu
Freedom for Exon Mobil more like
Thank god

USA is the root of all degeneracy in this world
the US has its dick so deep into globalism that it is very unlikely a move towards isolationism would be possible.
What does this even mean anymore? It's a cuck-tier buzzword
USA will of course go down while Trump is in power, Not because he's retarded but those satanists will do everything to fuck up the country so their next candidate will look like a savior
Things people didn't do/like 60 years ago.
>How does protecting Poland from Russia benefit me personally?
You're obviously too stupid to understand
>Finland is Russian clay
>he's the one that started the war on drugs

Fucking hell, that's the sole reason why you have so many people in jail and why the drug lords are this powerful.
That was because Europe was a shitshow without a single powerblock to preserve peace. The EU exists now for that purpose.

The world doesn't need America:World Police anymore.

Enlighten men than
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>Putinin kätyri joka haluaa liittää Suomen Venäjään
>he's the one that started the war on drugs
That would be Nixon.
glad I'm not a poor American desu
Which men?
My point still stands: The war on drugs a shit.
No. The more the US is out there projecting its power through numerous means the better. Don't be a cuck.
t. CEO
ofc Americans still have reasonable time to fuck off to greener pastures. Too bad they're brainwashed into thinking they need to stay.
I correctly predicted the fall of ISIS and that Ebola will not take over Europe. I say that Trump will deport every person exept for himself to Mars.
I love my country desu and will never leave, I just meant I am glad I am not economically poor and highly vulnerable to whatever the administration brings

plus, I can just move to a wealthier state that will not change too much
That'd imply that Black people and Mexicans have the agency to act on anything they say they're going to do.
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go away neocohen scum. I want to see Russia tear the EU a new asshole.

>w-why does America keep meddling into other countries business fucking amerifats!
>h-help us America we are going to get fucked by Russia!

Rot in fucking shit EUtards.
1. Don't you agree that having a few elites remain the elites as they were is a small price to pay to ensure that the country you belong to *is* the top dog?
2. Wasn't it that the desire to be part of *the* elite one of the major driving forces that made America great?
Nigger without globalism you wouldn't be enjoying the life you are enjoying right now.
same thing goes for cult members after an end of the world prediction has failed
I'd rather the US keep putting its dick into the boipucci of every other country if that will ensure that the US remains the only superpower.
I apologize, you didn't have to see this
>unironically being an interventionist

Interventionist policies have been a disaster every fucking time

Take a page from Switzerland.

>Interventionist policies have been a disaster every fucking time

You must be born in 1999 or something.
>1. Don't you agree that having a few elites remain the elites as they were is a small price to pay to ensure that the country you belong to *is* the top dog?
No, because I'm not obsessed with having my country be "strong" at the expense of it's people.
>2. Wasn't it that the desire to be part of *the* elite one of the major driving forces that made America great?
Not at all, it was the desire for self determination and making your own way, a desire that's been lost towards making money for your Quadrillionaire boss only to have it outsourced a month later.
>Nigger without globalism you wouldn't be enjoying the life you are enjoying right now.
What makes you think I'm enjoying my life? Or that it's even good?
He's right though. Name one country that was made better by another country interfering in a domestic conflict
nah, Gorbachev just wasn't good at politics at the wrong time, he tried reforms, but a coup attempt from conservative communists sealed the fate of the USSR in 1991

but you have a point of course
I want to go to europe as soon as fucking possible
If the US goes to shit, the EU comes with it. Why do you think they're so terrified of Trump?
not him, but correction:
>domestic conflict
outside the middle east and war on drugs, we are interfering with international conflicts. China vs neighbors, Russia vs neighbors, etc.
Not really a go to shit scenario. More of a personal lifestyle/culture preference reason for me.
Yeah but it does tend to help the one interfering (a.k.a. us).

South Korea
That's not how it works, the US rose to power as Europe became weak. It's us or China, and between you and I, they're in no shape to assume authority
Vietnam was a complete disaster.

Our meddling in Latin America has been a disaster and partly why it's such a corrupt and violent shithole.

Arming Mudslimes in Afghanistan that later became Al Qaeda and attacked us multiple times was a disaster. Afghanistan at the time had a secular government.

Gulf war was a disaster.

Iraq war was a disaster and the country is more unstable and violent than under Saddamm

Afghanistan was a disaster and again the country became even more unstable and violent after our intervention.

Same with Libya.

Same with Syria.

Anything else Finngolian? All that money we spent that could have been spent on our citizens, all the soldiers we lost in these wars.

The UN exists for a reason. We need to stop playing fucking world police because it has backfired every time.

You EUtards need to learn how to defend your own countries. With your own armies and weapons. We should not have to babysit you incompetent fucks. Same with Japan and Korea.
>at the expense of it's people.
at the expense of the few trash who wont get good. What you do not understand is if your country is *strong* it means you get to keep doing what you're doing the way you want to do it. It's about perpetuity. It means you get to keep
>desire for self determination and making your own way
but for your country and for yourself IF you git gud.
>What makes you think I'm enjoying my life?
because you don't git gud. Apply yourself you lazy cunt
but North Korea only got fucked up because of the long war one could argue
The solution to tripping isn't to cut your legs off
lol you underaged idealistic moron.
Whenever the US """helps""" some other country, it isn't about altruism, it's about furthering its interests FIRST, whatever they may be, and the """help""" is just something to justify intervention.
No, as in the European economy would be in turmoil as the EU isn't centralize enough to assume a state role, let alone a leadership position.
The EU needs the US though, which is the point.
Fuck my legs they're cunts anyway.
The solution is for your countries to grow the fuck up and learn how to defend yourselves. You are like grown men who act like children and need their parents to protect them. Defend your own shit faggot.
hmm... try Argentina then
>All that money we spent that could have been spent on our citizens, all the soldiers we lost in these wars
Your sentiment isn't wrong. But you need to keep in mind that the US has been attacking all these nations to preserve American imperialism, if there is threat of Yankee invasion if you elect a social democrat in South China you won't ever do anything that could upset Yankees

It's not like there is no reason to start all these dumb fucking wars, but its ofc stupid in the long run

this. I believe we are the first superpower in history that tries to coat our imperialism with charity
the EU can defend itself, just dissolve NATO faggot

an EU army will exist within five years
>hey other countries why don't you grow the fuck up and defend yourself
>get your troops, bases, and other assets off of our countries murca we have grown the fuck up
You seriously don't see the benefits of having your military legally stationed in another sovereign which borders (or is near) another sovereign which you have an interest in keeping an eye on?
>muh interests

What interests would that be my neocohen faggot friend? To stop GOMMUNISM? China and Vietnam stopped being comminists and adopted capitalist reforms decades ago. They are state capitalists now.

Russia has not been communist for decades now.

Fuck you and your pointless dick-waving contests that ends up harming our citizens. I have no beef with Russia and neither do many fellow Americans.
Yeah a government shouldn't look out for its citizens welfare

DUDE WEED its cool even though it harms a populations cognitive properties

Crack? Why not amirite

The war on drugs is fine and dandy its the fucking users who are the plague.

Liberals are fucking mentally retarded not to understand this.

But by all means go watch Joe Rogan and Seth Rogen and get your mind expanded DUDE.

US imperialism only benefits fortune 500 companies who'll just fuck over the economy anyway. Average Individuals have benefited exactly fuck all from the Iraq war.
So we need to roll back our imperialism, not fucking expand it, and your union needs to learn how to defend itself without relying on us.
absolutely, American "interest" is actually corporate interests

yup, it will be good for everyone, also it's inevitable
For the EU to have an army even comparable to the US's to assume a leadership position is going to cost tens of billions of YOUR money though. Who's going to pay for that now that the US isn't subsidizing costs?
>what interests
easy access to foreign markets
easy access to foreign talents
easy access to pressure and influence foreign commerce and politics to the benefit of the US
It doesn't matter if you're a CEO or some NEET faggot, you in one way or another benefit from the current arrangement.
US Imperialism =/= the Iraq war

Most Americans have benefited of US Imperialism and hegemony, fact.
No because again, why should we continue beefing with Russia? There's no point. A detente and improving our relations benefits us both much more.
>pointless dick-waving contests
Grow up kid. It isn't about dick waving, it's about making sure your dick remains the biggest of them all
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>US Imperialism =/= the Iraq war
The Iraq war was a textbook example of imperialistic en-devours.
Ja oma poliittinen tietämyksesi näköjään perustuu johonkin perättömään ryssäfobiaan. Neuvostoliitto oli ja meni jo, voit lopettaa psykoosisi
unifying the armies would save billions, centralized armies are much more effective than 27 small ones
Could you give us at least give us Québec back ?
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>Mexico is better than Trumps USA
These. America is one big corporation. Actually, if any of you armchair economists actually had knowledge of anything, you would know that technically governments ARE classified as corporate entities.
>really makes you think
I meant the Iraq war isn't the be all and end all of US imperialism. It's a small facet of a half century of policies and foreign ventures, and yes it was a failure, doesn't mean you won't have successes in the future.
>why should we continue beefing with Russia
There is no beef with Russia. There is however, a continued assistance to elements which would impede Russia just enough so it doesn't become too powerful to actually be a legitimate and imminent threat. If you do not see this you have to learn more.
Wow really makes me think. When you Mexican intellectuals put your minds together, anything is possible.
>unifying the armies would save billions
Lol what? Maybe in the long term m8, but in the meantime, organizing supply lines, logistics, armaments etc. costs billions upon billions of dollars that, if the US doesn't help cover the costs, is going to have to be payed in full by European countries, which presumably are not going to all pay in equally.

So again, who's going to pay for it?
sometimes, sometimes not

you would need quite a lot of historical analysis to find the answer, I mean when Guatemalan governments are toppled because Chiquita felt like it, how does that help American workers?

I think after the acceleration of neo liberalism from Reagan onwards it is clear that the imperialism has been bad for the American people, I mean the real wages for Americans were lower in 2007 than 1979, Yankees get fucked by corrupt capitalism from 1979 onwards
Nobody's arguimg that those drugs are good for you.

Criminalizing their possession or use is idiotic, though. It's that which is the reason cartels have such power.
>governments ARE classified as corporate entities.
sort of made me ponder actually
however in democracies you at least get to vote, which occassionally can make a difference (long time since last time that happpened in the west tho)
>these are the people discussing international relations on an anonymous homoerotic buttplug curating forum
Stay in school
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Wow. It's like you're implying that the only way to trade with foreign markets is to be a massive interventionist faggot.

You're dumb as fuck. What interests other than wanting to have the biggest schlong in the world should we care about? Pulling our troops out of those countries, bringing them home, stop wasting billions to trillions of dollars on these pointless wars thst can be spent on our citizens instead will not collapse our economy. Quite the contrary.

I have no reason to hate Russia. They haven't done anything to piss me off. I couldn't give a rats ass about hohol trash in crimea. A Russian-America alliance would be able to colonize our universe much faster. The technological and scientific advancements that would result from such an alliance would be amazing.
Governments are both. From dictatorships to democracies, every government has a corporate existence. A government performs both political and corporate functions.
>So again, who's going to pay for it?
m8 you make it seem like it would be impossible for Europeans to finance some armies, we are the best at war, there has been two world war, both fought right here, now if the EU has a unified alliance it won't cost as much, Frenchies have nukes, Poles have people, I have been in cincription army, we will manage you clueless Yankee doodle
>It's like you're implying that the only way to trade with foreign markets is to be a massive interventionist faggot.
No, but it's the best way to make sure that things go your way. Why do an inferior way when you can do it the superior way.
Your arguments are based on ignorance, seeing the trees and not the forest, and feels.
The US was already collapsing. Trump just happens to be in charge when it does
>America has more people in jail than any one else in history
>Stalin who put everyone in Gulag who insulted his moustache still couldn't manage what Yankees have done to every DUDE WEED guy in America
sorta makes you consider things
>he allegedly predicted something once
>that means he can predict the future without flaw
ah yes
>coastal states leave the union
>all angry red states are landlocked now like the third world shitholes they are :^)
that's a pretty neat idea.
Just like an internet meme like dabbing or or bottle flipping, middle class Mexicans will go to their local hardware store, buy made in Mexico ladder and just casually put them in the border wall.
At the very end, is our part of our border, and Mexican government will literally not say a single thing about it.
It's fucking genius, and the trumplets rage tears will be enough to pacify the Aztec gods for another decade.
Who care about this sithole?
what did he mean by this?
Don't forget us and our small but admirable special forces!
With all the costs, instability and ruin it brings to countries we invade and stick our dick in, it isn't worth it.

Again we need to do what the Swiss do. Everybody loves them. Everybody trades with them. They are rich as fuck and their economy is strong. All while remaining neutral.
haven't thought about Brazil since the olympics 2bqh
Brexit, no?
>m8 you make it seem like it would be impossible for Europeans to finance some armies
Not at all, however, it's going to require you to sacrifice spending on a lot of EU economic and infrastructure programs to subsidize this army if you want to make it not a joke. That's no small feat and will probably require most EU countries to at least double their military spending for the next decade at best in order to make sure standardization goes smoothly. And with an EU army, how are you going to use it? What's its purpose going to be, to oppose Russia? China? Because I doubt that the powers that be are going to make an EU army and simply have it sit there not doing anything.
I still want to be friends :(
or before

or during
>eternal anglo
>true heroes
Collapse into what?
>What's its purpose going to be
I'm thinking defend Europe, what you seem to fail to understand is how big an accomplishment it is for Europeans to not be killing each other at the moment, that is absolutely historic, therefore all military spending can be really scaled back from cold war times. Russia acts edgy but actually our sanctions have sort of crippled stuff and made Putin weaker politically. Russia is not a realistic threat long term
;_; I'm sorry, but I think it's over

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>current year
>reading fake news
>therefore all military spending can be really scaled back from cold war times
That defeats the purpose of an EU army though. The only reason the EU has ANY say in Russia affairs, or world affairs in general, is because it's buddies with the US which can come to it's aid if need be and back it up on economic and political matters. If the EU wants to have a voice of it's own, it's going to have to start by showing that it doesn't need the US to defend itself, which means having a military that's at least as capable, if not more so, than the US military.
the time of Yankee-doodle hegemony is over

the future is gonna be multi-latetralism, google it if you don't get it
>correctly predicted the fall of a country with a terrible economic structure, a crumbling international power base and internal political unrest.
What a genius. How did he manage that?
You didn't answer anything I said, how is the EU going to have true self determination and be taken seriously if it doesn't have a strong military base?
>scientists have proved
>people are saying
>this is your brain on American ideology

The EU is alright, despite it's problems
Multilateralism is all well and good, but the thing is is that it still requires force to maintain and... well, enforce. Like you said, basically all of Europe getting along and not trying to kill each other is absolutely historic.

Peaceful multilateralism can't happen, or rather it can't last, without some large military power to keep the peace.
>We don't need a strong military to defend ourselves. Russia will take us seriously if we just send a strongly worded letter.

Wew, whatever you want to believe lad.
Might as well post the prediction of a mexican warlock

How many times are you people going to doubt him?
Fucking sugar harms people when they drink liters of soft drinks and get diabetes or heart attacks because of it, and it would be stupid to criminalize it. Alcohol and the damage it does to the liver, remember when you tried to ban alcohol? That also worked fine and dandy, right? Tobacco causes cancer, why don't you jail all smokers as well?
People have the right to harm themselves if they want as long as they don't harm other people in the process. Criminalization doesn't lead to less consumption, drugs don't magically dissapear if they are illegal, and they aren't hard to get. See Portugal and their stance on drugs.
On the other hand, drugs are the most profitable business in the world, a market of billions of dollars, and guess who is controlling that market: that's right, not private companies that pay taxes and stick to regulations.

Now, go fuck yourself, Cletus Tyrone. And enjoy living in the country with more people in jail than any one else in history, while we pay with our blood and lives for your stupid health problems.
ayy lmaos pls go
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where da flags at?
what the fuck board is this from
stop dumping your trash here you faggot mods
Pretty much everyone living in the USSR correctly predicted the fall of the USSR.
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What's up with the flags?
My eyes
OK fags, from what board this comes from?
Why is your flag unknown
Wtf is happening in this thread??
wew /pol/fags are a bunch of newfriedns, who would have thought.
its from /int/
Most likely from /int/
mods moved the thread from another board
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>ITT newfags dont know what the unknown flag is
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how the fuck does that even happen!?!?
I've thought this as well, it's a last ditch effort to reclaim white america. However, it will probably fail. The white pill in it is that just like Rome we will probably get a traditionalist white country in Dixie, similar to the Holy Roman Empire, that should last a few hundred years.

all this proves is that most of the boards outside /pol/ are a bunch of annoying faggots with no sense of humor or optimism
>guy guessed x correctly, so what he guesses for y must be correct too!!!!!!
>correctly predicting the collapse of a communist country that was going bankrupt and changing policies to be like western democracies

wow who would of seen it coming
>everyone whos not in /pol/ is a faggot because i said so

I came here just to say you're the dumbest nigger on this board.

>all rich people are bad

Communists actually believe this.
There's still a month and five days for something to happen that could render that prediction correct.
>Says man who correctly predicted fall of USSR
That's like me predicting the Sun will rise tomorrow morning.
stop larping brave soldier you fucking retarded burger. you would have nuked us during cold war and ww2 we were on our own.
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ITT: Shills who still believe that the Trump can be stumped.
That's bullshit, we would never nuke Finland.
t. reddit's /r/socialism
>That's like me predicting the Sun will rise tomorrow morning.
To be fair, so is saying the US will lose global power and prominence. The US is politically retarded. Trump becoming President is a failure of this country inherently. It's like how you can survive with a benign issue for a while, but then suddenly a cell reproduces the wrong way and you have full blown cancer. Trump's winning is indicative of systemic cancer. Hillary being pushed forward as a candidate was a sign of decay.

The US doesn't deserve superpower status. It only obtained it via arms dealing, banking against a bankrupted Britain, and being the first to manage the atomic bomb. And now that shit's not good enough. Trumanism isn't going to carry us anymore. Being smug, ignorant pricks to everyone isn't a way forward. The only people our current state would satisfy as a qualification of competency are those who inherently deserve a bullet in the head.

We can do better. We must do better.
pretty sure literally EVERYONE predicted the USSR collapse.
Youre faggots because youre a fucking leaf
Who the FUCK hasn't predicted the fall of the USSR?
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What's with the ? Flags?
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I see you
No one ever became a superpower by being nice or playing fair. In fact I would go so far as to say that being a superpower almost inherently requires being a humongous dick.

Also how often are we actually unironically smug pricks compared to everyone else?
I posted this yesterday

>dow breaks 20,000
>ok keep me posted kiddo
>waah trump sucks he'll never be president
>waah he'll never actually do anything
waaah impeachment!
>..waaah he the economy ..(don't check the stock market though!)
>.t butthurt expert

Face it, dummies. Trump is going to be a great president and there is literally nothing they can do about it.
Looks Jewish
Anyone with a brain could have predicted the fall of the USSR
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>Says man who predicted fall of USSR..

Really..? That's it? That's his qualification? In other words, he's somewhere above down syndrome and was alive during that time period. Congrats I guess.
>Also how often are we actually unironically smug pricks compared to everyone else?

We going back to the entry point of the US's superpower status? At the end of WW2 things did not have to escalate regarding Russia. Truman felt that slavs were too stupid to ever replicate the atomic bombs despite everyone telling him they were already close, and proceeded to antagonize the shit out of them. This laid the foundation for American diplomatic policy for decades, and many fun productive times such as Korea and Vietnam resulted from it.

Zooming forward, we've meddled in dozens of countries and overthrown democratically elected leaders because they wouldn't bow to American supremacy. We're still fucking with Iran to this day, with some people having a real hard-on for it to be our next overseas adventure.

You argue that no one ever became a superpower by being nice or playing fair. I argue I'd rather we just stand with dignity and openly annex areas of interest through economic arrangements and cultural domination. If we're going to be imperialists, let's not be faggots about it. Because as we've seen being faggots only begets faggotry begets faggotry. It leads to deliberately and repeatingly treasonous faggots like Reagan and Bush Sr. being seen as examples of good leadership. Which in turns leads to the political divisions. Which leads to both the modern far right and the modern far left. We are a nation without dignity.

If we're going to be bastards, let's be bastards productively. And let's be bastards. Not faggots. Bastards. Glorious bastards.
> 0 posts by this ID
> Trump "let's put America back to work"

> Left "literally the MOST important crisis is the lack of enough transgender bathrooms"
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>Finland is Russian clay
wtf happened to the flags?
also sage
about 10-15 years ago he said it would collapse around 2030. he moved up the date after bush was in office
>nobody knew the USSR was going to fall
What the fuck with those flags?
Good, fuck the amerifats.
I don't think you even realize the fact that you're making yourself look like a complete newfag
There's a hate campaign against Russia in Europe right now. They make up bullshit like "Russian NAZI kills 100 Russian babies" and Europeans are so fucking stupid that they believe.
They are planning an invasion definitely and it has Trumps seal of approval on it.
now he's moved it up to 2020. only 3 years from now

Oh fuck, I guess you're screwed America. That guy looks like he knows what's up.
Chill, we don't need your. You are our natural border against swedish gay caliphate
why are you guys so mean here? at least people don't make fun of me on reddit :(
Another idiot to get crushed by the Trump effect.
Just because he's Jewish doesn't mean he knows everything
There are problems of connection sometimes and you get those flags. Happens from time to time.
Well I do wish EU wouldn't be so hostile to you with all those trading blocks, it hurts our economy because you are pretty big trading partner
You can annex Sweden all you want

they look like him tho


yes that is Cock Lesbian.
Good. If America comes out of bankruptcy half as well as Trump did we'll be just fine.
What is your flag?
Hahahahahahahahah dude I came here to see if anyone posted this. Talk about hive mind
wtf all flags until this guy say unknown
Gee, really? He predicted the fall of the USSR? That's like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow.

Predicting that communism fill fail is like saying that wind will blow.
the thread got switched over from /int/. Notice all the lefty fags talking shit about Trump.
>says man who correctly predicted fall of USSR
surely no one else could have predicted a socialist state running out of money and collapsing under the weight of its bread lines?
My socks could predict the collapse of the USSR.
I predict it's going to start warming up once Winter's over.

He hasn't been in Sachs for over 16 years.

You probably didn't even read the article, just the headline right?
> (((Independent)))
/int/ seems to be dumbest board on 4chins.
But they were so far along the path toward the real communism that's never been tried.

The state had been destroyed. Isn't that supposed to be the moment when everyone happily works for the needs of others and sings kumbaya together every day?
>I predict it's going to start warming up once Winter's over.
The universe is always getting colder. We're on a long road to the heat death of the universe as energy speeds away never to return.

So you're empirically false. It shall always be getting colder. Until there is no heat left.
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This. Oh you predicted the fall of a vast, racially and culutrally diverse, totalitarian dictatorship that was also bankrupt? What a fucking genius!

I was being sarcastic. Are you ?

this is an interesting point regardless if its from a shill or not.
Yeah but the temperature will be warmer.

Well obviously, yes. Everyone knows Jews know everything.
Announcing your Sage is a ban-able offense. Albeit rarely enforced...
He doesn't want to bone her fucking retard. You can think someone's beautiful without the inherent need to put your dick in them. If you don't think so it's because you watch wayyy to much porn
Weird, I thought IDs were still applicable when threads are moved? That was the best thing about moving threads to boards with IDs, you got to see all the samefags.
Go ahead. You just aren't gonna use those ladders. Go ahead and spray paint "fuck trump" a billion times on your side. At the end of the day, you're stuck in your shitty little village
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Fantastically wrong prediction. Save it to throw it in their constipated -err, *concerned*- faces.
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Thanks for the massive newfaggotry on 4chan, /pol/.
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>saying that a communist country will collapse




well actually i have to admit, it's kind of embarrassing, i didn't know this about the Jews.

It's good to know though, from now on I'll always follow the Jews' advice.
When will you /int/ faggots learn that all politic related thrads will be moved to /pol/?
Not real enough. You need communism being 110% real to achieve that.
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