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Trump is too reckless for the office.

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Thread replies: 311
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Trump is too reckless for the office.
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Reminder to hide and sage these threads.
I wish facebook would allow this gif on that retarded page.
This is kinda hot i mean imagine meeting one of your childhood stars and he suddenly starts beating your trouser snake no homo
Surprised he didnt manage to say he was in an internment camp in that sentence.
How salty can a facebook page get lmfao
Did you know this guy was held in the Japanese internment camps?
What did they pour in your water Hans?
when will this gook faggot be hanged on a tree?
as a finance student, this was painful to read.

the market was never determined on 100% scientific facts, and its still not.

if my opinion on what food to eat matters to lots of people, and i say mcdonalds is shit, mcd is gonna take a hit, not because something changed, but their prospect changed, because i made it change,

no wonder these liberal shits dont have jobs,
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>factually incorrect
George "Those riots are just peaceful protests" Takei does it again!
Since when is fucking George takei an authority on anything? Why is he being shilled all over social media? Do millennials even know who he is?
This was a B list actor on Star Trek why does he have such a large following? Everything he tweets is shit
Maybe Boeing shouldn't have taken taxpayers for a ride with their Airforce One project
post feet
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remember this one when you operate in the markets
>Oy very goyim, only (((we're))) allowed to manipulate the markets!
>pay to build it
>still have to buy it once its built
Has our government been getting Kikestarted like this forever? Thank you, Trump
A tweet is a message. Value is an expression of scarcity and invested time and resources. If a tweet can wipe out value in your universe, then you need to rethink your definition of value.
Is there one cabinet pick he hasn't bitched about?
Also Carson actually grew up in the projects unlike Takei who whines about "muh internment camp" while admitting it wasn't that bad.

>The stock market is full of reactionary babies who see that stocks are down .000000001% and decide the next crash is coming so they sell en masse while more sensible investors take their place by buying the reduced shares

>But Trump is too reckless because he made a comment on Twitter
George Takei used to suck off strangers in Central Park in the 60's. Go fuck yourself.
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>le epic facepalm meme
what is this 2006?

>corporations are evil!
>omg be careful what you say it might cause corporations stock to lower in value!

Fucking leftists
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Whatever you say George.
AM so fucking sick of this fucking attention seeking faggot I really hope he just curls over and dies. He's such a piece of shit with no brain and is trying to brainwash his followers with bullshit. Fucking stupid fucking gook.
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>political opinions
stop giving this guy credit and traffic sissy leaf
Facepalm is a shit meme
>t. Hans
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Thanks for the hot opinion faggook
He was in an internment camp, guys.
remember next time you're at your mother's house to sneak onto her laptop and block George Takei on facebook
what the fuck is wrong with Germany

90% of posts from your country are totally insane

I have come to hate all jokes and zingers when it comes to politics. Give me substantial information or fuck off.
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> Captcha: select all the pizza
What did he mean by this?
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whoe the fuck cares about the sharevalue. the stockmarket is just a casino for people who know how to cheat to screw over those who dont. fuck wallstreet. and now fuck that chink thinking he knows anything. if a mere tweet is enough to damage a company, it only shows the system sucks
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When I need advice about acting, trying to stay relevant or taking a dick, I know who to ask.
When I need advice about policy, the economy or political discourse, I know who to ask.

These are rarely the same people.

For a good long while he was a liberal voice that posted positive things. He posted regularly and had nice things to say.

Something changed. At one point some of his followers were criticizing one of his posts, and he got pissy. Now it's his entire persona.
>Since when is fucking George takei an authority on anything?

He's labeled himself a "professional social activist" now. I guess he's an authority on the subject now because he sucks cock.

It's pathetic.
Why should I give a fuck about what some faggot who acted in a shitty space series that peddled for utopia and globalization thinks?

Also stop posting Takei threads. And occupy democrats, both litterally the most retarded
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it's funny because this would actually work on my wife too
What the fuck
but aren't corporations bad?
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why are democrats so fucking evil?

>the 2020 democrat nominee everybody
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>Trump tweets
>destroys 1 billion dollars worth of "value"

He's becoming more powerful.
George Takei is a piece of shit washed-up actor

Why do people act like his opinion is relevant.
This can't be real. Nobody would be shameless enough to publicly show his face after this
do it
>meeting one of your childhood stars
>he suddenly starts beating your trouser snake
Hansanon... that is not a good thing. That is nightmare fuel.
>Also Carson actually grew up in the projects

He didn't. Also, what happened with his "I'm not experienced to have a cabinet position?" stance? Is he taking flip flop lessons from Trump?

Shut the fuck up you insufferable fucking faggot.
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>AM so fucking sick of this fucking attention seeking faggot

Said the trump supporter.
The irony is thick today.
>Also, what happened with his "I'm not experienced to have a cabinet position?" stance?
I guess he woke up and saw that was a shitty excuse seeing as he wanted to become President.
>abloo bloo bloo Trump isn't playing by my rules
The left is now against decreasing military funding.

I am not sure WHY, I assume it was for charity, or some kinda game show - but I have seen a GIF/Webm of Takai giving that fat spastic Michael Moore a wank in what appears to be a nightclub - and more of these GIFs have appeared since then, featuring other males being wanked off, I don't watch TV but think the people getting tugged off have to be famous in the US.
I don't particularly care what some washed up cult classic actor has to say about donald trump, if he truely cared he would have ran.
fuck u
But Trump said that 4,00004+4 = 8 therefore he was incorrect.
oh no not boeings stock value that is super important to me for some reason
Seems like fun
I'm here to help finance bro
you are a faggot. NINE days prior there was the SAME "loss" in value, because the WTO/EU said fuck you to the illegal tax subsidies Obama pushed for.

both happened, both are part of business, and best of all - a company so huge sees a billion dollar market fluctuation daily, they all recovered.
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It's the classic "I suddenly give a shit about the economy I was trashing not long ago because I can use it to score points against someone I dislike".

May also include the patented Overnight Economics Degree.

Takei is degenerate so his opinion is void.
>Says he's going to create more jobs for America
>Ooops, I accidentally Boeing stock prices by shitposting

I guess ((((those))))) jobs don't matter as much.
I thought he was trying to be some kind of political commentator in US but after that how can he have any credibility left.

No one loves Mexicans, this is a lie
Why do people take Space Faggot's opinions seriously?
No company loses $1B of its actual worth overnight because of a tweet of a person that is considered to be loudmouth by many. Trump popped a bubble with his tweet, that's all.
I got a good one. It is so cold outside I saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets!
Someone should change that pic to show Mao instead
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For 8+ years now the "Magic Shekel Machine" has been doing great while ordinary Americans have been getting poorer and poorer (and ALL dept everywhere piles up to infinity).

I don't see why Wall Street can't crash and burn while ordinary Americans do great. Call it the "Commutative Property of Bullshitonomics"
Too subtle.
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I'll love you if you're a drug dealing rapist~~
Maybe the real issue is our entire economy being nothing more than a parlour game for billionaires with trading software.

kermit sipping tea meme dot jpeg

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1 day of Obama as President-elect = 486.01 point drop

2 days of Obama as President-elect = 929.49 point drop

7 days of Obama as President-elect = 1342.62 point drop

14 days of Obama as President-elect = 1628 point drop

Obama is inaugurated as President = additional one-day 332.13 point drop

Start Day Before Obama wins Election, to End Day Obama is President = 1667.51 total drop

From President Obama to Obama signs stimulus package = 2018.75 point drop
I just read it to see what it was gonna say to white students :(
I laughed way to hard at this
>wiped a billion off their shared value
Why should I care what this degenerate geriatric nobody says?
>actor who hasn't been relevant in decades gives his opinion on politics

When will this meme end?
So bleeding heart progressive liberals now WANT speculative stock market economy? I thought they hated big international, polluting corporations?
Look at my flag cumstain. Fuck you fucking liberals are so fucking stupid. Go neck yourself parrot.
Damn son.

Who gives a fuck what this typecasted, washed up faggot thinks? I sure as hell don't.

I hope Sulu gets the space AIDS.
I hope he dos more shit like that.

Americans loosing jobs,hundred billion of dollars burnd.

It wont need a crazy man murdering him.

The fucking cia pulls a oswald on him and his famely.

>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
Oh myyy
When a faggot riddled with AIDS says your reckless you probably should reevaluate your decisions.
>Americans loosing jobs,hundred billion of dollars burnd.
No one lost their jobs, and you say that like removing currency doesn't cause deflation.
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Wew lad
hillary did the same thing with biotech companies - twice
Isn't #NotMyPresident the exact same thing the south did with Abraham Lincoln?
Yep. Government contracts are very juicy once you get them, particularly when they're for the miltary. The process of getting them is a colossal pain in the ass, though.
Ooo! Star trek gooky fag be economist now!
>it's fucking nothing.jpg

Time to go home everyone.
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Reminder that George Tekai has a boyfriend secret crush on Donald Trump.
Lol Occupy Democrats is now kissing corporate ass? This is hilarious.
Oh cool, another nobody.

We've got plenty of those.
No. Our government is not getting kikestarted. The people who pay the taxes to fund it are.
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What is he famous for?
Literally this.
I love you California
Robert Kennedy was appointed attorney general with no experience as well.
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when will George Takei finally shut up
Wtf I love takei now
>checks flag

He was in an internment camp goyim.
Dear anon what did you mean by this?
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No one will see this.

im tired of this asian cocksucker and his comments
>jobs having anything at fucking all to do with a < 0.5% blip in stock prices
t. suddenly is an overnight expert, like george takei, on what stock prices mean

What's with you goddamn idiots, seriously. Go look at boeing's stock ticker for the last month, then for the whole year.
Why is this Star Trek faggot somehow the voice for politics now?
You know there is actually no proof or record he was in the interment camps.
When you start looking into his past, a lot of the shit he spouts starts to fall apart
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Because he came out as a faggot... but only after it was trendy and the the beatings stopped.
sucks to be you I already had one
excuse me, but it's 2016.
Is this dude fucking serious? What is his formation?

Share value has no effect what so ever on the company (at least in short term), because the share value is the price of trade between PEOPLE, the company already got paid by said shares during its creation.

That is economy 101.

The price drop is related to the market being made of people, who are mostly insane and prone to panic over nothing. This is well known and anyone in the business know that. If anything, this reinforces how detrimential hillary fearmongering campaing is, as im quite sure there are still some people that still think that just because trump thrown a small criticism at something, when he rises in power we will personally burn the company to the ground.
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Somehow telling people you have a same sex scat fetish and put things in your anus makes your opinion more relevant these days.
>Bernie's face when he realizes he could have won if he sucked a dick on stage.
We really need to start up with the beatings again
The only good bug's a dead bug!
Boeings shares are up since the tweet. It's not even true

I'll never be able to enjoy playing RA3 again, fuck

You're pathetic and lonely cretins.
Then it rebounded within hours lmao
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somebody shoop Trump's head on the guy he's jerking off pls
>every post made by this IP address is satire and/or ironic
go back to getting raped by a kangaroo faggot
>well our internment camp was Asian
What did he mean by this?
"Famous" minority queer from a "science" show popular amongst the new "quirky nerd" left that was about a socialist society. His word is sacrament among lefties.
I'm 27, what movie is this actor famous for? All asian actors are essentially the same person in my eyes, so I need this shit explained.
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How will Boeing ever recover?
We really need to kill the teacher in our schools, school shooters are killing the wrong targets

P.s Fuck you
>only new yorkers and cashier pianists care about this.

nice to know it's nothing then. Everyday the news is blowing up with some new dooms day prediction on trump. Starting to become just white noise because they seem so wrong at every turn. (them being MSM)
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thats rich coming from a leaf
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Calm down dad
Get banned
Oy vey are you really denying the six million Japs?
So now leftists care about corporations and their profits?
this guy is an asshole. Nothing trump does is good.

You know what..fuck you george takei. You asian faggot, turd bugglering, butt blaster.
worst meme fuk u
The BILLION DOLLARS stock market meme liberals always bring up reveals how fucking little they actually understand about finance. When you have a publicly traded company with a market cap of $93b that market cap is going to see a delta of $1b ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Stocks trade at a price determined by speculators gauging a future value and the inherent volatility means daily fluctuations of ~1% should be completely expected and not even reported as significant news.
Link to this please
>Dec 7
>Time to go back, George
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Liberals gotta make sure a multi billion dollar corporation, government contract is upheld.
Really makes you think liberalism is just a Jewish scam for free money from taxpayers'
Why do liberals care? Don't they hate megacorps and wish they'd lose money?
>liberals all agree that military-industrial complex is a bloated behemoth that takes too much tax dollars
>liberals libtard out and begin defending the corporate MIC when Trump is the one doing the cutting

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Helps stupid threads die without anyone having to bother to process this dumb shit.
Something something internment camps
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Explains his fervent support for Democrats.
haven't kekked atta pic 4 a while, thanks magnus
Jimmy Rollins.
Better safe than sorry.
Wont somebody PLEASE think of the huge multinational corporations!
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Takei BTFO for eternity. JUST remind everyone of this everytime he tries to say anything about anyone.
>Hiroshima nuked by Enola Gay B-29 bomber
>B-29 built by Boeing
>Jap faggot shills for Boeing
>Too stupid to be human
wait i need a gf so i can make more white people eventually
Well played

They are getting smarter
roll me in faggot
Oh yeah, god forbid the Donald makes a move to stop the suffering of the Tibetan people!

What the fuck is wrong with this retard?
Pretty good pic
>implying it matters even if I reply
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Damn, that's one high-quality shitpost, you got me.
W-why. . .
He's very open about his love of cock.
Shouldn't he be Republican, then? The internment camps were built during a Democratic administration.
Damn you got me good
Who the fuck is this?

That's a cost-plus contract.

A cost-plus contract is one where in the government is willing to pay for the cost developing and building new hardware and then purchasing it at a profit once completed. So the reason the cost keeps going up is because Boeing keeps thinking of new cool things put on the plane and the government says "yeah, we will pay for that".

Then when it's all said and done they will buy the Boeing plane at about a 9 to 15% markup.

t. Raytheon employee going for his PMP
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All of them?
Might be worth a ban of your troll account.
Takei is too reckless for the internet.
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>this happened
Fuck it. I'm done. Don't think Shatner can help now.
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oh my, that's not what NYSE says
>Trump doesn't want to waste taxpayers' money on a plane inferior to his own
Truly appalling.
Who's the guy in the photo?
What are these numbers and what are they from?
This could be a funny meme to spam around. Takei with a beard spouting glowing compliments of Trump. It would piss him off too.

Can't stump won't stump
that guy doesn't look like he's enjoying a handy from Takei.
Australian, i Should've known!
So basically, this chink is saying the stock went down because they got exposed.

Here's a better idea... people shouldn't worry so much about the kike speculation market so much.

If companies had ACTUAL value, they wouldn't go down just because someone said something about them. Fucking speculation market is just so kikes don't have to docany work and leech off everyone else like they always do.
He needs to go back to leaving joke reviews on amazon and let go of this politics stuff.
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For you.

>I don't see why Wall Street can't crash and burn while ordinary Americans do great.

(((They))) have made that impossible. By forcing you to invest your retirement into a game that you have almost no chance of winning, the powers-that-be have made it so that companies are forced to be cruel to their employees in order to save the retirement accounts of those who already have them.

Want to know why wages have stagnated? My insurance is getting worse? Why layoffs are occurring in record numbers? Hiring freezes? It all has to do with making sure the stock price stays high so that people who are in retirement don't flee to another commodity.

Meanwhile, the little people who have their retirement accounts are forced to keep their money in the market until they are about to retire, the truly wealthy people can move their money in and out at any time (to be fair, so can you, but not with the same tax incentives as a retirement account, and without the amazing hedge fund opportunities of a truly wealthy person) Imagine you are at a casino, wouldn't you love to go play at the poker table where no matter how poorly someone's doing they have to stay there?

Tying our retiremen's to comporate performance was the best move (((they))) ever pulled because it forces us to accept lower wages and conditions in order to keep the profit engine going.
Tweet that to Takei
kill yourself
do this
The value of a company depends on human psychology bro.

Although there are obvious parallels between Star Treks society, and socialism The Federation is in fact NOT socialist. If you think they are you aren't a true Trekky, don't understand socialism, or both.
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you are scum
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>trump won and there is absolutely NOTHING this chink faggot can do about it except whine on twitter over his actions
The irony is sweet. The page that batches about the richest people in the country saying they only care about profits complain that a company they bitch about lost money. Also small changes happen each day, Jesus Christ stocks don't always go up, there's up and downs, also is spread throughout their entire volume of shares, people that have that stock in a 401k or Ira probably saw a total of $.50
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y is scotti still relevant?
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>our god emperor elect can shitpost so hard it wipes a billion dollars of value from a company
>he's not even in office yet

has meme magic gone too far?
>Liberals are suddenly deeply concerned about the prosperity of an international weapon manufacturer
but I already have a girlfriend
Kek. Leaf btfo
I think he's talking about Albania in the original
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Fuck you George Takei
Fuck you Leonardo di Caprio
Fuck you Amy Schweiner
Fuck every single one of these arrogant, self-righteous cum stains. Fuck outta politics. Go back to pretending and let others get involved, faggots.

Fuck you, your opinions should matter as much as the influence of middle-eastern agriculture on Burundi.

Fucking lynch them all. Do-nothing fucking assholes.
Perhaps someone will find a use for this...
He is a faggot in 2016, this is polite behavior for them.

>Octagenarian Gay-Japanese actor best known for having a minor role in a 60s Sci Fi show and for being a moderately witty bitchy gay online voices a political opinion.
>Morons take it seriously.

Takei is a hack and one of the elite group of superficially clever morons so beloved by SJWs - along with NdT, Bill Nye, John Oliver, Jon Stewart etc.

Seriously, if you reach that age without having any children or grandchildren to worry about you shouldn't be allowed to voice any fucking political opinion.

Scum like Takei have absolutely NO skin in the game and their only concern is whether or not the government will continue to validate the fact their identity is based on what they do with their, or other people's, rectum.
Who George Takeout some Chinese restaurant guy?
Confucius say: Jew fear Samurai, but Muslim fear Gay Samurai more"
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>Goyim no! That reckless man is crashing the multinationals!
I might be weird in today's word but I find nothing hot about dirty old faggot touching penises.
he's a childhood hero until you find out he's a homo

You numpty! He deliberately did that in order to push them for the wrong-headed and partisan remarks that Boesng's CEO made about Trump's trade intentions towards China. Do your fucking homework.

Trump is going to do great things. No longer will the White House kow-tow to Corporate America.
more like fagkei
<--- Proof there are muslims in Sweden
wtf i love multinational corporations now
I don't get it, it's not like we're giving up. The buthurt level here is such a letdown.
>implying i want one
>Sulu's idea of beaming someone up.

Don't you know? The most liberal thing to do nowadays is to advocate for war with Russia and American dominance of international affairs.
i think this is rape. is this not rape?

You cheeky bastard.

>liberals suddenly care about the well-being of corporations
He's a faggot cuck, his whole thing is being "tolerant and nice" to everything and everyone, he stands for nothing and claims to be a contrarian.

He's the fucking worst "celebrity" on social media.
>leftists must defend multi trillion dollar military contractors

i love this universe
>In this classroom there are no walls.
Must get awfully drafty in there. Do they onld hold class during days with nice weather? How do they prevent the desks from being stolen?

a-anon... why do you have this saved on your harddrive?

homo species?


- George Takei
He doesn't care about the corporation. He cares that Trump's random tweet can have such consequences and such a large effect in reality.
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It's funny because pundits this morning was saying that Trump was right. The only people who disagree is Boeing.
Ummmm... I didn't consent to your love???
I actually liked when he came out against the pandering in the new star trek. He got annoyed they made his character in the movie a fag, and said that wasn't the writers envision for him.
Damn it
I think the gif from above if from the Howard stren show. Tekkai didnt beleive jason ellis has a 12 inch wang so he whipped it out.
"OOOHH My, Jason! This is a beautiful penis"
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As long as there's a chance
>be Donald Trump
>say good things about all American companies
>share value increases

Maybe George Takei could help Donald Trump making all Americans Billionares
Did you ever wonder why a moonbase was never built?
NASA was locked into contracts from the 70s to design stuff that only people from the 70s would want.
they're still locked into those contracts today
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fukken saved
no, the problem was everyone caring right after apollo 11 and then not caring about any mission past apollo 13. NASA prepared for a full blown actual space shuttle, a space station, etc and asked for funding... then everything except the space shuttle was shot down, but the space shuttle was only going to be funded by congress to a certain point.

then the USAF stepped in, said "hey dude we'll give you shit if you change the design for us", and the space shuttle was born. an anemic non reusable (the first design was going to be amazing, google it) LEO pile of shit space truck that singlehandedly killed 14 people due to it's complete lack of escape systems and the fact that you can't abort the bloody thing after takeoff without pulling maneuvers that would make Hartmann shit himself pile of shit absolute clusterfuck cunt ass bitch motherfucker tits GOD I'M STILL MAD AT CONGRESS.

so basically the problem wasn't NASA, or the people, it was the fact that congress wanted to spend more money on other shit after armstrong and aldrin got their few months of fame.
Are you serious? Sure, I see the comparison between arguing over states rights and arguing over the electoral college, but Lincoln had nothing to do with why the south seceded.
Alternate universe Takei saved for future use.

Keking at the possibly of getting nercoable, rolling.
you are on a very low level of NASA memes and understanding, that probably explains your anger
They ALL KNEW that 15 psi pure oxygen was retarded, but gus was gonna tell the world
Really makes you think
Lol good stuff
Day of the Roo when?
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fucking kek'd
Grabs em' by the dick, doesn't even wait.
Can't you read?
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Jonah falcon actually tweeted at me one sec
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Fuck you.
wtf I hate trump now
Aw hell naw
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such edge

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